
MY JOURNEY#7:ME VS. JEFF DURBIN: TRINITY? TRUE OR FALSE? Slanderous Attacks on the Church, answered! 

David Alexander
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This video is from early March 2003, when I found myself compelled to DEFEND the Restoration from slanderous RU-vid attacks...even though I had not yet completely come to faith myself...and had yet to be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints...faith came to me about 2 weeks after this video was made and posted.
This is #7 Of a A new/reposted series of videos: "My Journey."..reposting the very best videos of my Lifetime Journey through my Catholic upbringing, and then my conversion to Evangelical Christianity at the age of 21...and the following 47 years of trying to make sense of it all...and my finally having my eyes opened starting December 23rd, 2022...to the incredible Glory of the Restoration of the True Church...which IS the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!
I do this for the benefit of those who have not seen my early videos...and those that have a hard time "finding" the early videos now that I have hundreds up on my channel. Much love, David.



16 ноя 2023




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@parker_chess 7 месяцев назад
I was having a conversation with some reformed protestants. It went nowhere they eventually removed me from the group. I was defending our belief in Heavenly Mother. I brought up the passage of 'let us make men in our image' our is plural. And also brought up the fact Christ refers to God as our Father. And can there be a Father without a Mother? Anyways evangelical Christianity made me an atheist because of how cringe and unserious it was with accepting Jesus into your heart. Glad I finally found the Gospel and know a God who has flesh and bones.
@artietate2348 7 месяцев назад
With all due respect, I don’t think the highly speculative doctrine of a heavenly mother is the hill to die on when talking to other Christians. And it is highly speculative and not all LDS believe in that.
@lindamartinez7006 7 месяцев назад
Yes we all do believe we have a heavenly mother . It is doctrine but we do not have a lot revealed . We do not pray to heavenly mother or worship her . But yes we do k ow we have heavenly parents . Just go to the garden of Eden . Adam and Eve were to leave their father and mother and cleave to each other . And have children . Since Adam and Eve were the very first parents on this earth what father and mother are they leaving and cleaving ? We also have a beautiful song we sing oh my father . Father mother may I great you in your royal courts on high . Yes we do believe we have heavenly parents . We also believe we can be sealed as husband and wife for eternity in Gods temple . We also have a song about that . What we don’t believe is trying to worship Heavenly Mother . If more is revealed. Great . Right now that is all that is revealed . That we have heavenly parents . That is doctrine . And that has a body of flesh and bone and so does his Son Jesus Christ . Jesus showed that after his resurrection . Why is it so hard to believe in a Godhead . Meaning three separate . Jesus baptism clearly shows that and Jesus prayers and many other scriptures .
@artietate2348 7 месяцев назад
@@lindamartinez7006 I am a Latter-day Saint and do not believe in a heavenly mother nor is there any evidence the Prophet Joseph believed or taught it. It is completely unrevealed, and a product of cultural overbelief, under later leadership and sans revelation. You’re making very definitive statements about things we do not know. But what we do know of revelation given through Joseph Smith doesn’t leave room for it, sorry. Read Blake Ostler for more.
@parker_chess 7 месяцев назад
@@artietate2348 Heavenly Mother is doctrine of the church. You may not believe it but the majority of us do.
@godsoffspring4195 7 месяцев назад
@@artietate2348 .... Wrong, Artie. Linda is correct. Heavenly Mother was known of since ancient times. Some even got into trouble worshipping Her instead of the Father because they found no fault in it but it angered the LORD because we are to worship His name. Not other Gods. Real Gods nor unreal gods. :>) Jeremiah 7 17 Seest thou not what they do in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? 18 The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger. 19 Do they provoke me to anger? saith the LORD: do they not provoke themselves to the confusion of their own faces? Jeremiah 44 15 Then all the men which knew that their wives had burned incense unto other gods, and all the women that stood by, a great multitude, even all the people that dwelt in the land of Egypt, in Pathros, answered Jeremiah, saying, 16 As for the word that thou hast spoken unto us in the name of the LORD, we will not hearken unto thee. 17 But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: for then had we plenty of victuals, and were well, and saw no evil. 18 But since we left off to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, we have wanted all things, and have been consumed by the sword and by the famine. 19 And when we burned incense to the queen of heaven, and poured out drink offerings unto her, did we make her cakes to worship her, and pour out drink offerings unto her, without our men?
@dgt8467 7 месяцев назад
Hello again David, Thanks for speaking the truth in love!! I loved the excellent explanation of the apostasy that occurred in the 4+ centuries after the authority and the gospel as taught by the Apostles was taken from the earth. Speaking of authority, I am sure you know this passage very well - John 20:23 Whose soever sins ye remit, the are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained. Imagine that, men who were given Christ's priesthood authority had the power to forgive and retain sins!! This is part of sincere repentance, or lack thereof, of course. Also, as you mentioned in this video, another way our sins are remitted is through repentant baptism. Both are further proof that the sinners prayer accomplishes nothing helpful toward salvation. In fact it is an end around of what Heavenly Father actually prevented in the Garden of Eden -- doing something very quick and simple and being able to life forever in one's sins. Adam and Eve weren't allowed to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Life, but the false doctrine of asking Jesus into your heart tries to do the same thing. Devils also know and believe that Jesus is the Christ, they just oppose his work w bad fruit (works). Another fatal flaw in the doctrine of the Trinity is John 17:18-21. After Christ makes it clear that just as the Father had sent Him into the world, He was sending the Apostles, who are separate from Him, out into the world. That they, the Apostles AND them also which shall believe on Him through their word may ALL be one as the Father and the Son are one. So any true believer in the man-made doctrine of the Trinity must also believe that it includes the original 12 Apostles and everyone who believes on their word. Of one essence falsely includes millions and millions & not just 3. The restored gospel of Jesus Christ in these latter days is blessed with clear and pure doctrine that the Father and the Son are one in heart, might, mind and purpose as all who become true followers of His Son should strive to be also. In more recent videos, you have correctly cited the oneness that exists within the senior leadership of this Church today, and their wives, as being another proof of the fruits of the restoration. It has been very refreshing to see your defense of this Church even before your own baptism. Happy 1 year anniversary early next year. Thanks for all you do.
@lindagracecox4265 7 месяцев назад
I am soooo glad you’ve embraced the LDS church! The knowledge you have of the history of Christianity now through the lens of the TRUTH is so educational and enjoyable to listen to!
@Superpropertymanager 7 месяцев назад
Really enjoy your podcast and testimony of the restored gospel. Interesting how our Christian neighbors (Evangelicals) deny the great apostasy, yet they themselves apostatized from the universal church. Funny thing is that the Catholic Church states they never gave the apostates priesthood authority, so by who’s authority are they acting under?
@laloifilealofi9628 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing God's truths 🙏 ❤, always pray for you, and inspire ministry, Thank you so much, Jesus Christ, for my brother David Alexander ❤️ and prayers
@aaronmcdonald9469 7 месяцев назад
I’m so grateful for your experience with this! You are a wonderful dude!
@Jo145330 7 месяцев назад
Yes! This life isn't for a judgement but to learn and grow until the judgement... which comes later. Hurrah for truth!
@germanslice 7 месяцев назад
Alexander gives a masterful discourse, he is is right. None of the new testament Saints had the Nicean Creed to teach them the Trinity. Because the Trinity teaching didn't exist in New Testament Times of Jesus and his Apostles. So if Jeff says if you don't believe the one man trinity then you are not saved, then neither are all the new testament saints saved either since they didn't even have that trinity teaching....That teaching of a three inside of one tangible person was put there as a result of the apostasy... What Jesus did teach is that the oneness of God is collective oneness. He said he and the Father were one with each other in their relationship of unity. The Lord invites his disciples to also join in that same oneness and unity that he and the Father have, to become one also like them in that same unity. There's no mention of just one single man in that prayer. That is why we teach that the Godhead consists of three separate tangible beings who are one in unity with each other.
@Steelblaidd 7 месяцев назад
One of the great ironys is that Athanasius was so vigorous in advocating for athe Son being of the same substance as the Father because that was the only way he could see that made his main concern "God became man so that aman could become God" work metaphysicaly.
@HelamansArmy 6 месяцев назад
Anathasius was quite interesting. I read some of the letters he wrote where he's defending the decision in the Nicene creed. Not one time in the letters does he use the word "trinity". The word he uses to describe what he's discussing is... Godhead.
@kobidoggy7575 7 месяцев назад
Brother David thanks for expressing the truth, truly you are a great social media missionary who is spreading the word of God through out the world. Proud and happy for you 🙏♥️
@daveoutdoors9664 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for explaining the history of the Trinity. I have always believed that it was strange, and puts Jesus in different places at the same time. Like with His baptism and when he prayed in the Garden as examples.
@godsoffspring4195 7 месяцев назад
Superstitious Christianity is a dead end. It is missing the realities of God and how He and we relate with eternity. The great missing link of Evangelical gospel(s)
@nonrepublicrat 7 месяцев назад
The idea of the bizarre "trinitarian' creature would be a great idea for a science fiction movie. But first you would need to figure out what a "1 being, 3 person" alien might look like. No wonder God told joseph Smith that these doctrines of men were an abomination to Him. Thank you. Brother David!!
@Nikkiotero 7 месяцев назад
@nonrepublicrat Amen!!!
@lindamartinez7006 7 месяцев назад
It may look like the three headed dragons pagans believed in . That is where they got it from .
@bumpercoach 7 месяцев назад
If Grace is really ALL that matters then why would anyone need to EARN salvation by way of a particular belief about the Father Son and Holy Ghost?
@godsoffspring4195 7 месяцев назад
I sometimes wonder what's worse. Dishonest Christians or honest atheists. Both refuse to believe in the existence of real heavenly Beings existing throughout the cosmos, who are GOD.
@Tahimate 7 месяцев назад
Right on David
@skylerreddy5436 7 месяцев назад
Denouncing deception is the way to go these days. I thank Father for living prophets and apostles.
@derwinshelley8292 7 месяцев назад
I loved your video and subscribed. What a wonderful perspective you bring to the gospel. I admire your biblical and Christian history knowledge and you inspire me to be the same. God Bless you from one faithful Saint to another.
@reasonablebb1724 7 месяцев назад
David you’re a blessing. May our Loving Father continue to bless and prosper and protect. I do believe like you God is in control and there will be a great reveal from the documents and records kept under the Vatican confirming the plain and precious truths that were held back found in the restored gospel. I know the restored gospel is God’s only true and living church upon the earth, and as Alma to his son Shiblon, I don’t profess to know these things of myself but by the grace of God and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit which has spoken truth to my spirit. For me I need no such reveal of those documents, but it wouldn’t surprise me, to combat the deception that has happened by holding back plain and precious truths that the Lord exposes this great stumbling block which has caused generations to be kept from the truth. This beautiful Plan, the Great Plan of Salvation, wasn’t put in place to only save a few of Gods great family, Gods work and glory is to bring to pass the Immortality and Eternal life of man, not a few, but most of His children. That’s the reason it makes sense that God would provide a fair opportunity for ALL His children to hear the gospel message and then be free to choose. That is the beauty of this Glorious Plan. Agency is central to this plan working. Not one soul will be forced where they would be out of place.
@josephinerogers79 7 месяцев назад
This is a great repost David of you before you were baptized into the church. You shared some of the most beautiful aspects of the gospel and they really do speak to how true this church is and that this is the gospel of Jesus Christ. That we don't believe most of humanity is going to hell, that we don't baptize infants, that we perform baptisms for the dead, that all will have the opportunity to learn and accept Jesus Christ and His gospel in the spirit world, and more. It really is the good news and there is none greater on the Earth. One thing though is I think Constantine was actually converted to Christianity, even though he did get a lot of things wrong with the doctrine. But the worst part, as you mentioned, was when he and the clergy then enforced their decided doctrines on the Christians and other people in the cruelest ways unto death if they didn't conform. And that it continued for many centuries, even in other Christian churches that broke away. That kind of treatment would convince almost anyone of any doctrine because of the terrible fear it instills. This method even continued as they inflicted cruel persecutions onto members of our church in the early years simply because our beliefs didn't conform to theirs, just as before. And then they turn around and tell us our church is satanic. It's ironic.
@lindamartinez7006 7 месяцев назад
Murders are not Christian’s . Not ever . Constantine was never a Christian . His wanting the Trinity taught was more political . His murdering to enforce the false teaching was to keep control over Christian’s . Yes supposedly Constantine on his death bed converted . Is that a good laugh on his death bed a murder and cruel torturer believes on his death bed . Ok
@sarahbean6170 7 месяцев назад
This video is one of my absolute Favorites! So much helpful info here.
@jefflancaster2442 7 месяцев назад
Thanks again David. I love the Evangelicals. I love the people and listening to their Pastors and Teachers. My hearts breaks though at the fact that they have installed, as one of their articles of faith, that the "Mormons" are all wrong. Whole ministries make a living "proving" we're are all wrong and we're all headed for that dreaded lake of fire and brimstone. So sad. Thank you for coming around to the fullness of the Gospel, David, and sharing your testimony. It help us who have been in the Church our whole lives as well (I hope) to bring in those outside of our faith.
@elainekoeppel7250 7 месяцев назад
David I really love how you have grown in your knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In these Latter Days
@elainekoeppel7250 7 месяцев назад
Prevail means to win. But it also means not to give up until you win
@MsEva9470 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for speaking up 😊
@DS-dq5zb 7 месяцев назад
The Elders are taught to not argue with anyone. They probably know the answer to the Trinity question, but arguing brings the evil spirit and no one receives light and truth during an argument. I think you could have done a better job explaining where the Trinity came from. It was a little disorganized scattered and not logical. Love all you do David. So proud you stand up for God our Father and his Son Jesus Christ.
@trustGodsOnly 7 месяцев назад
He’s not arguing he’s just speaking the truth there’s different
@tgray747 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for this David! Excellent! (From your Cedar City boutique friend😊)
@Icanonlyimagn7891 7 месяцев назад
Awesome post! 🙏🏻☀️❤️
@harmagician1 7 месяцев назад
Lucid and eloquent. Thanks brother David.
@peterkennedy8011 7 месяцев назад
And the war they fought to enforce this doctrine of the trinity no sustaining vote in those days the victor won the debate
@jwbrown9240 7 месяцев назад
Brother David, can you explain how these evangelical people reconcile james and his entire chapter concerning needing BOTH faith and works because faith without works is dead.
@davidmalvinalexander 7 месяцев назад
There is no way to explain it, other than they are under a spirit of deception from Satan, the Liar and Father of Lies, that Satan foisted on the world through Martin Luther. Luther brought 3 main things into the world...and they are ALL incredibly destructive...so destructive and deceiving that I will have to do three videos about Luther's 3 great deceptions...Much love, David
@JoyInFreedom 7 месяцев назад
They believe that when you accept the Holy Spirit to fill you, one will want to do good works from a changed heart. I am feeling a little stuck. I am in the Baptist Church but the Latter-Day Saint church has been interesting to me and I visited once. A friend gave me the Book of Mormon but all the Christians I talk to say that it is lies. Wanting to hear more from LDS members before I dive into it.
@KAMIKOMAI 7 месяцев назад
I offer a simple thought for you to consider when those you know call something all lies and evil. Jesus himself spent his time around those who were liars and considered evil by everyone around them. Why did he do this because those people were the ones who were willing to listen. If Jesus felt that it was fine to be around those considered bad and evil in order to both listen to what they had to say and teach them. It should not hurt you to read the book of Mormon weather it's evil or good because Jesus himself and his apostles spent there time around the kinds of people that most Christian church would declare evil and dammed to hell. if the book is evil you will know by reading and carefully listening and studying it. If it's good you will know in the same vain regardless of what you do you will be fine because if Jesus and his apostles were fine being around people possessed by devils and prostitutes you will be fine reading the book of Mormon regardless of if it's evil or good. At the end of the day no matter how many lds people or non-lds people you talk to. You will never find a conclusion from a second hand account on if you should read it or not. You must metaphorically go among the prostitutes and the publicans and listen to what they say and see for yourself what is true and what is not. In this case that is read the book of Mormon and study it carefully and if you have questions ask those who are active in that faith. Just as I would hope you would want people to ask you about the Baptist faith over asking someone in the Protestant faith about your faith. But before you can even do that you need to read the book of Mormon and see if its evil or good just like Jesus and his apostles went among the so called evil to see what they needed which could only be done by first listening to them express the need they had weather it was healing or learning or a miracle. So read the book of Mormon and then you will know weather or not the book of Mormon has anything good for you or not. @@JoyInFreedom
@JoyInFreedom 7 месяцев назад
@@KAMIKOMAI definitely some food for thought.
@godsoffspring4195 7 месяцев назад
@@JoyInFreedom ... You cannot know for sure if the fruit is sweet unless you take a bite of it yourself. 90% of those telling you the BoM is lies have never eaten because they listened to the other 10% are the liars. When you accept the Holy Spirit to fill you, you will know that Jesus not only came to the people of Eurasia... but He came to the Americas as well. Jesus Himself said He had other sheep not of the fold He was speaking to in the Bible. Who were those sheep... where were they and where are the records of that happening?? The Book of Mormon. :>)
@Hamann9631 6 месяцев назад
Great video! I don't think I realized that the Trinity is from Emperor Constantine. The more I think about it the more I realize your analysis is correct.
@godsoffspring4195 7 месяцев назад
Had the true gospel of Jesus Christ, priesthood authority and proper biblical comprehension not been restored... then the dark side would have prevailed. :>)
@kareemhetaraka-brown1259 7 месяцев назад
Jeff is a goose. Thanks for this
@michaelgailroberts 7 месяцев назад
Thank you brother for standing up as a witness through ‘long-suffering and persuasion’ of the scriptures and the Holy Spirit testifying of the true gifts available from our Savior. If the adversary can keep our brothers and sisters from accepting the gift of baptism by one holding the proper priesthood of our Heavenly Father and receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost he has already been able to keep them from promised strength and blessings.
@777johbro 7 месяцев назад
@chaseheiner5300 7 месяцев назад
Hi David. I liked listening to you discuss the history of the church following the desth of the apostles. Are there any books or resources you would suggest to learn more about the history of the church and its descent into apostacy? How did you learn about these things?
@l.chrisjones7775 7 месяцев назад
I think infant baptism is a corruption of the infant blessing or dedication. The Christ child was presented and dedicated at the temple as an infant. And we now bless our infants and give them a name and a blessing in the church which puts them on the church records. But that is not the same thing as a baptism.
@l.chrisjones7775 7 месяцев назад
I think the Father the son and the holy Ghost are one in the same way that a married couple should be one. Also the same way that the first presidency or the quorum of The twelve apostles should act as and work together as one. Each member of the godhead has their own Divine and unique role and purpose. But they work together to fulfill the same goal for the salvation of our Heavenly Father's children.
@trailrvs 7 месяцев назад
Acts 2:39
@trustGodsOnly 7 месяцев назад
you cannot baptised a baby cause babies don’t have sins, Baptism is the Only Ridual to clean your sins and you can entre Heaven all These Information is in the New Testament, Jesus said you cannot entre the Kingdom of God if you doesn’t baptised by water and receive the Holy Spirit by people who have the Authority Jesus gave His Apostles.
@deannbawden9305 7 месяцев назад
​@trailrvs In Acts 2:36, Peter lays the blame for the Savior's crucifixion directly upon the Jews of that day, rather than the Roman's. In verse 38 and 39, he is telling them that repentance and forgiveness are extended to them if they repent and are baptized. This is not about baptizing infants, who are innocent.
@lindamartinez7006 7 месяцев назад
Jesus had little children brought to him and he blessed them . He did not baptize them . He brought a little child and said unless you become as a little child you can’t enter into Heaven . Meaning being humble and teachable and have child like faith . That seems pretty clear that infants and little children are without sin . Some teach they are born with sin on their heads . But it says they are born into a world that has sin . I always wonder how anyone could hold a new born baby and believe that ? How ? My twin daughter Penny who has wanted to be a mother forever could not get pregnant for almost nine years . Her heart was broken . She felt God did not love her . She tried everything . Nothing worked for her . Finally she did get her wish . She had twin girls one month ago . Oct. 19 . We are all in awe of them . They came at eight months tiny but healthy and so beautiful . Straight from heaven. The sweetest most beautiful thing anyone could ever want on this earth is precious babies . How could anyone not see their innocence and the precious Mira Jen they are . The privilege we have to be mothers . There is truly is no greater blessing God can give to us bring co partners with him . What a privilege . I will always be in awe of this blessing .
@BRODOBAGG1NS 7 месяцев назад
I just love your videos and your songs
@willowoneal4084 7 месяцев назад
I saw that same video I remember getting irritated by the end of it.? Yep,,no one achieved anything. Missionaries were so gracious.
@ScrivenArt 7 месяцев назад
Jeff D is not kind. He reminds me of the movie, ‘Three Men and a Baby.’ When they read a book to the baby about fixing a car they said it doesn’t matter what you read as long as it sounds nice. His nice tone and demeanor don’t fool anyone.
@nonrepublicrat 7 месяцев назад
And he looks like Fidel Castro.
@ruckin3 7 месяцев назад
Durbin loves to pick on average members who are unprepared for his specific questions. He wont take on real scholars like Daniel Peterson who would crush him
@jamesfleming5112 7 месяцев назад
Very well done commentary. I cannot understand why people think that Jesus would confuse us. I pray to the Father but HaHa it's really me. Seriously! Anyway, thank you.
@bartonbagnes4605 7 месяцев назад
The first known use of the word Trinity in about 150A.D. is connected to a Greek Pagan Gnostic/Christian hybrid, spoken by Theophilus. This is how he describes the Trinity; God the Father, and his Word (Logos), and his Wisdom (Sophia). Sophia is a feminine being, while without fail the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit is always described as male in the New Testament. But the Gnostic Gospels written about the same time have similar ideas. If the Trinity is true, then why does the first description of the Trinity look almost nothing like the Trinity that they teach now? So it's no wonder a Pagan king would have no problem accepting something based on Paganism.
@giftedtheos 7 месяцев назад
This comment is embarrassingly cringe. There are hundreds of sophisticated terms used to describe doctrines in the New Testament that aren't in the New Testament. It doesn't follow that the substance of the doctrine isn't there. You need to read some scholarship
@bartonbagnes4605 7 месяцев назад
@@giftedtheos I will take the word of Jesus Christ himself, who said that he and the Father are two separate men, fulfilling a law that Jesus Christ said required two separate men to fulfill. John 8: 17-18. Unless you are saying that Jesus Christ is lying or that the words of Jesus Christ have been corrupted, so nothing attributed in the Bible to Jesus Christ or anyone less important can be trusted. But that would destroy the Bible with the Trinity, instead of just the Trinity, if Jesus Christ is telling the truth. No matter what though the Trinity is destroyed by these two verses. Oh and by the way, the Bible was written for the common man, no doctorate in religion needed to get correct interpretations or to understand doctrines. Any elaborate explanations that have to be added to get "correct" interpretations, proves them false.
@TrentsPolitical 7 месяцев назад
God in Old Testament told Abraham (I believe it was him I might be wrong I haven’t read that verse in a while) to say that “I am” has sent him Jesus calls himself “I am” in New Testament. I do agree about your point on baptism also I don’t view the Catholic Church as the church God made
@michaelee5897 6 месяцев назад
I find it embarrassing, the abject poverty of thought humans suffer with. We are so much more than we know. As the literal offspring of Eternal Beings creating and ruling the heavans above, we stand to inherit a mighty legacy when our mortal probation and testing is fulfilled. Just think of that for a minute.
@rconger24 7 месяцев назад
Ward Radio = "Burger King" :D
@grayman7208 7 месяцев назад
14:35 macarthur did not take some of his men and flea, he abandoned his men and fled. they suffered the baton death march.
@TylerDaSaint 7 месяцев назад
He also goes by Burger King dude
@jeffreyturner4252 7 месяцев назад
Ive seen alot of Jeffs videos. They always show him and James White only with members or missionaries they have ambushed, less knowledgeable in the Bible or how to defend the faith. They have practiced their arguments and good debaters. Reminds me of Paul. Symbolically they are stoning the saints. They never would look so good in a honest debate with our scholars or a well versed member.,
@Tahimate 7 месяцев назад
Why are missionaries falls into that trap? Either naive lack of experience being nice or not listening to the HG,
@ruckin3 7 месяцев назад
That's really asking a lot of an 18 yr old. I went on my mission and honestly didnt really know that much but I did gain a powerful spiritual testimony but later on acquired more knowledge so that I could express much better what I believed by the spirit but I dont think the spirit or God puts words in your mouth without us first putting in the effort to learn . I could easily debate an 18 yr old missionary and blow them away same as a member with 20 years of study could have done to me at 18
@GarySaint-xm6tr 7 месяцев назад
The restoration defines direct Revelation from God through the Holy Ghost to Pater, who was immediately given the keys to the kingdom after his declaration that Christ is the Messiah, is the rock. As long as someone has those keys of revelation from God that Christ is the Messiah is on the earth the gates of hell will not prevail. Matthew 16:17-19 English Standard Version 17 And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. 18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock[a] I will build my church, and the gates of hell[b] shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed[c] in heaven.” Christ saw that His Father chose Peter tho be His prophet by that answer out of the 12
@bodyer2120 7 месяцев назад
The truth of the concept that God is a 'trinity' was not taught by the Apostles that Jesus chose, in fact if you read the New Testament it is unmistakably evident that God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are 3 seperate entities with 3 different roles but united in purpose. The problem with Christianity is the same problem that the early saints had with a better educated class of people, like the Greek philosophers, who came into the Church but were bereft of the Holy Ghost, yet they interpreted the meaning of the available scriptures with their worldly mind. Its like those who try to understand the scriptures today, like this Jeff fellow and like his namesake, but they do not understand said scriptures because they don't have the Holy Ghost to teach them. It wasn't very long after the death of Peter and Paul around AD 80 that all sorts of heresies entered into the Church. You can see the warnings of this in virtually all the letters to the Church and the Epistles of the likes of Peter. It would be accurate to state that the Church, by the turn of the Century, had fallen into apostasy. The Priesthood was suspended, baptism had become corrupted by the baptism of babies,, the Church began to schism, and heresies abounded. However, at that time there was no mention of the nature of God or concepts of the 'trinity'. It was around the mid 2nd century that 'christianity' began dealing with the notion of separating itself from the polytheism of paganism. This is when the few Biblical verses that state the Jesus and the Father are one, despite over 200 verses alone in the 4 Gospels attesting to the contrary, began to receive prominence. The very first recorded mention of the idea of the 'trinity' was written in a letter from a philosopher called Tertullian to a friend of his around 160AD. As things moved on the concept was developed but never with agreement. This caused further schisming. By the time that Constantine usurped the Church and wedded it to the State, there was still no agreement. In 325AD Constantine told the Council of Nicaea to close the doors and don't come out until they have agreed on a definition of the 'trinity'. They did, but it still caused division and the Catholic Church was still arguing over it 300 years later. There isn't a definition of the 'trinity'. It has tried to be explained in countless ways without success because there is nothing in creation analogous with the doctrine. It is unintelligible, it is self contradictory, it cannot seem to be possible. My Father once told me that if something doesn't make sense, then it is more than likely a lie. That made sense to me. After 70 years, I haven't met anyone who can explain it, simply, that another could understand it. I've had people try to explain it to me and when I said, to one in particular, that I still can't get my head around it, they had the temerity to say I must be stupid. I know, however, they just claimed to understand it because they wanted to appear clever when they blatantly and obviously were not. These 'apologists' just give you a nonsense definition and then look at you as if you must be stupid.
@crisantocabrerajr.3508 7 месяцев назад
I wonder whats on David mind as he watch Pres Jeffrey Holland during Pres Balllards funeral seevices.
@davidmalvinalexander 7 месяцев назад
@davidmalvinalexander • 20 minutes ago I am SO ENCOURAGED BY THIS EULOGY...ESPECIALLY by how WONDERFUL Elder Holland is looking, sounding, his strength of Spirit and heart and power....is RIGHT THERE!....after so many months of near death condition...and losing his sweet wife! It is SUCH AN ANSWER TO EVERYONE"S PRAYERS...and proof that united, believing fervent prayer....really can work miracles! Our heart's cry is that WE NEED THIS MAN STILL...PLEASE, Heavenly Father....keep him here with us longer...and He did so! Hoorah for Elder Holland, for His deep friendship with President Ballard, and Hoorah for Israel! Much love, David
@NLANDXP 7 месяцев назад
"And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." READ THIS VERY carefully. What is being explained and what is the example? Christ is talking about: THE SALVATION OF THE DEAD He says so right there. He is talking about the "keys" of the kingdom. The keys of the priesthood. The power to bind and loose in Heaven and Hell and on earth. This is why the "gates of Hell" will not prevail. Or to say withstand. Gates being the thing that holds people in hell. So, through the power to exercise this power the people in hell will be able to receive the gospel and they won't STAY there anymore. Think about it. You have to understand what HELL is. Hell is not the kingdom of the devil or a place where demons are. It was created by God himself. It is a place were people go to await the final judgement. Paradise and Hell. Are waiting places. NOT final destinations. Hell is not in conflict with God's plan it's PART of the plan. BUT it is also an obstacle that MUST be overcome if someone is to be saved. Christ overcame HELL for us. So he has the power to let us free. So, when Christ says Hell, There is no way that Hell is fighting his kingdom on earth. It is actually the place were people are bound in the next life. The "gates" of Hell will not even Previl against the priesthood. Search all of the Bible. Christ has the KEYS of death and Hell. He has total control over the place. He is not talking about a thing overcoming the church in that scripture at all, he is talking about how the keys will destroy the "gates of hell" his kingdom will go even to them!
@grayman7208 7 месяцев назад
some protestants don't think you need to be baptized in water ... it is just the spirit.
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