
Phone conversation with Jehovah's witness Bethel Elder 

Prodigal Ali
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Hi! What a busy week! Somebody wrote on my FB that I should try to appeal the elders decision that I#disassociated myself as a #JehovahsWitness and either call a circuit overseer or #Bethel .
So I made the call. I was surprised the conversation lasted as long as it did. I was completely honest with the "brother" (isn't it weird that they never give their names?) and honestly it was difficult to talk to him because he kept interrupting me and deflecting my questions.
But as you listen to this conversation it will become very crystal clear that this organization doesn't understand what "being Christian" even means.
Being Christian...or being a believer isn't about a religion...it's about a relationship. Even if you are not a believer, this conversation shows that the #JW organization does not respect human rights or religious freedom...something they want for themselves...especially in countries like Russia.
If you have a youtube channel...please feel free to mirror this or duplicate it for yourself. I'm personally not interested in investing much more time into this channel...I'm actually getting ready to take a bit of a hiatus. I'm free now and this conversation was the final reminder that truly proved to me that there's NO LOVE....no natural affection, no grace, and no concern for people...this organization is a corporation that seems to only care about their "organizational accomplishments," rules, and their image. This is not the religion I grew up in...I don't even recognize it anymore.
This religion is a #CULT. It still makes me a little sad to say that...but "if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck...it's a DUCK."



8 сен 2024




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@carolynharris81 5 лет назад
You have given a witness Ali, don't forget 'to shake the dust off your feet'. Best to you Ali !
@prodigalAli 5 лет назад
@naufrage0 5 лет назад
Love the image. Especially since JWs arent allowed to do activities such as skydive. Everything about this video shows a brave woman breaking free.
@joytoyouandme4593 5 лет назад
The stacking dolls reminds us of how many layers there are to peel back once we’ve left to find our true selves!
@naufrage0 5 лет назад
@@joytoyouandme4593 Preach! 🙏
@becca1673 5 лет назад
Oh, they are not allowed to skydive?
@naufrage0 5 лет назад
@@becca1673 Pretty much anything that takes courage is not allowed.
@becca1673 5 лет назад
@@naufrage0 Anything that takes courage, that does not involve the Watchtower Corporation, is not allowed. I doubt they would hold us back from preaching in Russia.
@RiaCottingham 5 лет назад
Oh wow!!! He is a barefaced liar!!! I’m getting sick of their lying to everyone all the time. They clearly come from their father, the devil. I’m seeing this more and more recently!! Their unwillingness to see that the bible says one thing and their ridiculous doctrines say another is so blatant! They, elders and above, have so much to answer for, and so much blood on their hands it’s unreal!! Great job though, u got to say so much, and at the end he couldn’t handle your honestly, so cut the conversation short.
@watchtowerexamination 5 лет назад
Thank you. You said it. As clear as day. What they teach does NOT reconcile with what the Bible teaches. And he told so many lies on Jesus. Jesus said you must not eat with someone who commits fornication. WHERE????? She mentioned Matthew 18 where Jesus gave the instructions for church discipline, and when she was telling him what Jesus ACTUALLY said, he didn't even realize, because what Jesus said, for him, is what the lying, satanic organization told him that Jesus said.
@RiaCottingham 5 лет назад
Watchtower Examination so spot on, Winston. I loved ur video where u mirrored Jimmy with the elder and CO. It’s funny, when I watched the original I thought you’d enjoy that. What u said was spot on, they constantly deflect any questions and they’re all basically winging it
@watchtowerexamination 5 лет назад
@@RiaCottingham thank you, Maria.
@RiaCottingham 5 лет назад
@prodigalAli 5 лет назад
@@watchtowerexamination if you want to mirror any of my conversations, please be my guest
@marigracia395 5 лет назад
I hear anger in his voice and in his "answers". It might be just me. May God continue blessings upon you, your husband, and family. ♡
@jwsuicides8095 5 лет назад
Yes. Shouting over her.
@marthasheperd3206 5 лет назад
I heard it too, they get outraged when anyone actually dares to question anything they say or do.
@thrivingexjw2061 5 лет назад
Great job again Ali!! Keep pushing forward! It’s people like YOU who are going to make a difference! I love you for what you’re doing ❣️‼️
@888AshLi 5 лет назад
They are such cowards! If they feel being in the narrow corner they are ending the call or conversation... - Well done dear Ali's Big TOE! :)
@gailpickle8808 5 лет назад
There is something that feels underhanded and certainly unloving that they won't give you their name. All important is God's name ... yet they won't give their far less important name! They have you give your name. Dies this seem odd to anyone else?
@fitcwebb 5 лет назад
It's for the same reason that they never list the writers names for any of their publications. Makes it nearly impossible for anyone to hold them accountable
@naufrage0 5 лет назад
Nah not weird. Business as usual.
@fromwhencecomewars 5 лет назад
Unfriendly and unsettling, but not surprising. Secrecy is very much part of Watchtower culture, as is deception. The Watchtower Organization is rooted in occultic Romanism, a Masonic mind-control cult. False prophets and false teachers, who's only interest in people is to exploit them, or "make merchandise" of them. (See 2 Peter 2)
@iamblessed3539 5 лет назад
Yes, I also picked up on that..I think once he realized the direction the conversation was headed he wouldn't give his name.
@aboundinggrace8763 5 лет назад
It's shady. It's NOT a "brotherhood" if you can't share your name. It's secretive. It's cult~y. It's rude. It's unloving. It's a CULT.
@DeniseHedberg66 5 лет назад
May your free journey be blessed! Thank you for sharing your path to freedom from this cult. Bravo! Everyone should live their lives without WT riding on their back! It's been a pleasure listening to your videos and how you showed their true side!! Hugs from Oklahoma!
@johnluke6122 5 лет назад
You are one of a kind in the Ex jw community. I can sense the sincerity and inner inherent strength in your voice in addition to your other videos in finding the meaning of life. You are trying so hard. I believe you will not be cast aside for trying so hard. Only God knows us as individuals. I cannot even describe what i feel about people climbing out of that hole and finding their own individual purposes according to a higher power. I grew up a JW from birth and stopped going to the KH at 15. This religion has done both good and bad things to me in a emotional mental and spiritual sense. Its all a learning experience. All of it.
@grannypucket5463 5 лет назад
Very well said! I guess what doesn't kill you makes you stronger ...
@clivebanks6593 5 лет назад
Leave it in Jehovah's hands. What a cop out.
@lancemilliken9078 5 лет назад
That is their way of saying "we have no idea what to say next because we can't think of a lie quick enough to counter the logic that you are throwing at me"
@pauletteforman 5 лет назад
Yeah, that's their usual scripted response whenever they don't have a valid comeback for thought-provoking questions. Ali did an excellent job refuting WT policies using the Bible and their own literature! Talk about embarrassing!
@jwsuicides8095 5 лет назад
I wonder why they're going to court to try and retain clergy privilege, rather than leaving it in Jehovah's hands?
@pauletteforman 5 лет назад
@@jwsuicides8095 👍🏾😄💝 EXACTLY! What's the point? JEHOVAH is more powerful than the Courts are, yet they won't go to the authorities when a child is abused. They'll go to the legal department instead.🙄. They're so contradictory, a blind person can see right through them!🤨
@saracarlson-kringle 5 лет назад
@@pauletteforman Yes, and having come from their ranks, they know that you know and won't be bamboozled easily anymore, hence their 'itchy butt' syndrome. [squirming around in their seats]
@Theoriginalgreenring 5 лет назад
He can't make it anymore clear that his savior is the org. I DIED when you said your return visit baptized you. I smiled the whole way to work! You handed this man his ass. Well done sister, you're FREE! Huge hugs from TN!
@prodigalAli 5 лет назад
Hi beautiful lady!! Thank you!!!
@crashingkite 5 лет назад
Oh man! When I hear your story and this telephone conversation, it strikes me again - I cannot fathom that I was myself in this org for nearly 20 years! The Watchtower is a messed up place, and has become the big self-perpetuating monster, rolling its big evil wheels of self- concocted legalism and corporative procedures over anyone asking questions of ethics. This organisation is doomed to fall!
@gbnomore3918 5 лет назад
Oh wow...Now I understand all that fast moving chariot crap their always blabbing about. What else but blab, would 7, no uhh 8 now, paid, career, jdub meatheads do with their time? Well, I mean, besides travel around the world on zombie funds ranting about tightpants, and covering up child sex abuse?
@Reindeer911 5 лет назад
When a person goes to prison, it is because they broke the law beyond any reasonable doubt. In your case you were following a standard the Bible lays out, and you get punished for it even when the WT "claims" to follow said Bible. The levels of hypocrisy and narcissistic authoritarianism with these people is unreal. SHaring your experiences is important for both your well-being and for anyone else who might be contemplating becoming a JW in that it could save them from a great deal of misery. However I agree with the other poster(s) suggesting that you're wasting your time trying to deal with these people. They obviously had their minds made up long before you ever set foot in that meeting, and the reason they are punishing you is to basically tell you and the rest of the congregation that THEY are in charge, and you better do what you are told or they will throw you to the curb.
@greatdayn4651 5 лет назад
YOU WERE AMAZING!!!!!!! You spoke using words and phrases he could accept and exposed the non-biblicalness of these principles/doctrines/policies. Is a lawsuit something you're considering. People promoting family alienation is a crime. The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union in America) would have a field-day with this one.
@jdstep97 5 лет назад
Great Dayn- So right, the ACLU would love this. It's probably only a matter of time before some ex-JW somewhere gets that group involved, especially with ex-JWs getting involved with advocacy and some even becoming lawyers.
@grannypucket5463 5 лет назад
I'm glad she has it recorded! Definitely helps in a lawsuit!
@4Given2Serve1God 5 лет назад
This is GOLD!
@matilda4406 5 лет назад
Another check mate..... another vasectomy.... you're getting through them pretty quick. He can't un-hear what you said
@NeatoboyAus 5 лет назад
Well done Ali. You know and understand the Bible 1000 times better than this "Elder". As someone who has never been a JW and who isn't religious, I commend you for standing up for yourself and your beliefs. You are exposing these fools who are judgemental and loveless. I'm sure your videos will make people think twice about joining this Cult and bring freedom to those who are currently in.
@exjwcareerhelp7493 5 лет назад
Amazing how totally ignorant somebody on the service desk can be. Replace "driving out demons" with "baptizing" in MARK 9:38 “Teacher,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us.” 39“Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, 40for whoever is not against us is for us. 41Truly I tell you, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to the Messiah will certainly not lose their reward. I am so glad I found the real truth 20 years ago. From Cult to Christ. Need to put that on a T shirt. Thanks Ali
@grannypucket5463 5 лет назад
From cult to Christ. Definitely needs to be a t-shirt or at least a coffee mug!
@lorrainejakins6509 5 лет назад
EX JW Career Help I don't think that Philip and the Eunuch were at a convention when Philip baptised him.
@3freefromwatchtowersaved543 5 лет назад
@@lorrainejakins6509 Exactly! There were no large conventions or formality as such. Baptism is a personal decision between the believer (in Christ) and our heavenly father.
@johnricardo5935 5 лет назад
Thank you for sharing this I'm not or ever have been a JW. It just proves they dont ollow the Bible, their rules over ride the bible and it isn't a religious organisation at all. If only the average JW could what you have recorded. I pray the Lord will heal the hurts they have done. Be strong Sister Jesus loves you and welcomes you into His flock. Thank you again. x
@joytoyouandme4593 5 лет назад
Ali- They will never admit that shunning is a violation of human rights. When he states the military does this, it is meant as a form of torture, not an act to cause repentance. Many individuals only return to get their family back. My nephew is an example, he had’nt attended meetings for several years, but got caught smoking, and was disfellowshipped. He then went through the steps of attending just enough meetings to get reinstated so his parents would speak to him again. Then he stopped going to meetings. I visited his house, as he smoked and celebrated his wife’s birthday. Pretty firm evidence that reinstatement doesn’t mean they have changed their actions. Also I take issue with their thinking that a JW brother who is working in the baptism pool has authority to baptize. How do they know he hasn’t committed a sin and hidden it? If this is discovered, do they then go back to all those whom he baptized and give them a do over? There is absolutely no way to have full knowledge of whether someone is sinless. If in fact that is their reasoning. I think it is beautiful that you found a fellow believer and asked them to baptize you. I wrestle with whether I should get baptized again, although I was immersed before they removed the Holy Spirit in the early 80’s. I was still a minor but do believe I had the right heart condition. I am believing that for peace of mind I would like to get baptized again by a fellow believer and not through a member of a cult.
@thinkingman2020 5 лет назад
I've struggled with the same thing. I was baptized in 1983 at 17.
@grannypucket5463 5 лет назад
I love your point that there is no way to know if the Elder baptizing is committing sins that are hidden. I wonder if any of the pedophile elders took part in baptizing others. I was also baptized before the Holy Spirit got kicked out of the equation. I might get baptized again someday. I had no real understanding of scripture when I got baptized as a JW. Armageddon was coming the following year and I just wanted to make sure I was there. So dumb😭😭😭😭
@zip6404 3 года назад
amen sister i got re baptise by fellow christian and then i re baptise them ,according to matt 28:19,20, believe it or not we was both a part of this cult,how ever like you said as long as you have the right heart condition .because it good to know that these ROBOTS are not our judges.
@shawnjaillet568 5 лет назад
Believe Watchtower...or Believe God’s Word. This absolutely shows they are NOT Christian. Epic, Ali!!! God Bless you.
@helentruechristian4728 5 лет назад
They are antichrist!!
@reneesmith6544 5 лет назад
I and others will never shun you dear sister. God bless you.
@adab9959 5 лет назад
You are so brave and well spoken. You did a good job! He said ‘people do things everyday that they must deal with the consequences’....so that also applies to the Governing Body....THEY shall reap what they sow as well.
@DeniseHedberg66 5 лет назад
You're right. It doesn't sound very Christian as he explains it. They are prejudiced against other Christians that are part of Christ's body. Choosing for themselves who to judge. We are not supposed to judge the ones Christ calls. That's not man's place. The bible says not to judge another's servants. WT's "rules" are not scriptural.
@grannypucket5463 5 лет назад
@joytoyouandme4593 5 лет назад
Totally! Also we are never told what type of person this is baptizing us at a JW convention. Praise God she knew the heart of her fellow believer that baptized her in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
@saracarlson-kringle 5 лет назад
Totally! Treating the g.b. with kid gloves and looking the other way in gross sin [according to their dogma], and roughly throwing the sheep around - sometimes killing them outright - for tiny [in contrast to the g.b.'s BS] infractions. Hmmm...there's some loving discipline for you - and they DARE equate this with God!
@DeniseHedberg66 5 лет назад
@@saracarlson-kringle People really treat the GB like they are special when they are not supposed to be any different than anyone else. They dance for them, ask for autographs, you name it! They are just Men!!! Oh yeah, they have a song about them also!! Did anyone else have a song made about them?
@StormBoltersRock 5 лет назад
People haven't dubbed them jw.borg for nothing......resistance is futile etc......love your vids btw and all the best!
@joycefinney2735 5 лет назад
You turned the tables on him by asking his name and changed the subject just like they do.Good job!! I am loving this right now,and now back to the video.
@laurieschmitz3897 5 лет назад
I never personally heard ANYONE say that getting disfellowshipped was the best thing that ever happened to them. This conversation just shows how fake their love is. There was no normal response to your friend’s suicide by this brother or by the elders at your meeting. There was no normal response to your feelings of suicide. Thanks for recording again so everyone can see the lack of love by the leaders in this congregation.
@bryanbond3886 5 лет назад
They don't like to be called out that's for sure
@badassociation8750 5 лет назад
Girl! You rocked that conversation! I will pray pray pray that this man thinks about the things you said until it drives him to reconsider what he is involved in!
@marthasheperd3206 5 лет назад
me too
@nomoresecrets3065 5 лет назад
LoL. Oh god that song makes me want to get maracas! Ali you are amazing. It makes me happy to see how you are handling this whole situation. Talk about turning lemons into lemonade! ☺️
@sherylalismom285 5 лет назад
Yes! Maracas!
@prodigalAli 5 лет назад
@nomoresecrets3065 5 лет назад
Ali's Big TOE shakeshakeshakeshakeshake
@Lisa-vr3em 5 лет назад
We don't give our names??? What Christian church would ever respond like that??? Wow! What's he hiding?
@tanyabrown9839 5 лет назад
Never trust anyone who wont put their name to what they are saying.
@zip6404 3 года назад
@@tanyabrown9839 amen
@innerding 5 лет назад
OMG! I am blown away by this conversation. I’m very fortunate I was not raised in a religion, however I do consider myself spiritual and have my own private relationship with God, and it’s no ones business. Even though this is not in my experience I feel such empathy for those who are raised in a religion that dictates their beliefs from day 1. From the tone of this call and the meeting you had with your elders it’s futile, their minds are fixed and there is no rationalizing your actions with them. I am so sorry for the impact it will have on your connection to your friends and family, the shunning practice is mentally and some might argue even physically abusive. I would suggest you reach out to others via social media who are going through similar experiences and start building a network of support, it’s out there. I often wonder how these control groups can continue to thrive in the 21st century, there is so much information on the internet exposing the lies and deceit that goes on within these orgs. It may be wishful thinking but, my hope is that over time membership in religions like this will plummet until they’re extinct. Stay strong and know there are people out there who will love and support you. Take Care, I’ll keep you in my prayers.
@andreabergin3959 5 лет назад
I'm so glad you shared your personal experience of disfellowshipping, Ali. It was a look behind the curtain of silence. Well done.
@pattiedortch8296 5 лет назад
They can't stand up to these arguments! This guy clearly didn't have the answers. Good job Ali!
@joycefinney2735 5 лет назад
He was not happy that you have The Shepherd of the flock book,and what you said about the ARC and Geoffrey Jackson finished him off.
@brianfrisk8881 5 лет назад
It's funny about shunning, because there was a time when the jws were giving the Catholics a hard time saying that shunning had pagan origins. Then the jws turned around and ended up doing the same thing a few years later.
@southernbawselady7092 5 лет назад
He could not handle the ♨️ heat Ali brought to the table! 😜 Ali you are my S-hero! 👠💃💃
@MJ-ej5ok 5 лет назад
Towards the end he was shocked and revealing more then he thought.... just wow
@beautyobssessed29 5 лет назад
My heart breaks for you, Ali. You are such a strong and intelligent woman. Exactly what I want in a friend but not exactly what the JWs are looking for in Sisters. But what makes them reject you is what will help you get through the trauma of being ostracised. You have the courage I am striving to 💖
@prodigalAli 5 лет назад
Thank you for your kind words. Honestly I'm doing really great. I rebuilt my community and I have my mom and dad. I'm hopeful for everybody else
@christinelamphier1728 5 лет назад
Well Ali you ran circles around another elder. Once again it is clear that you have been reading the bible and they have been reading the Watchtower. Since all wisdom comes from above it's obvious why you are so smart and they are so stupid. I'm happy to read that you are taking a break. You deserve. it. Dealing with such stubborn and unpleasant (sometimes evil) people is stressful. It hurts you in so many ways. It's time to get better. I love that you have been documenting your progress. You are an amazing, beautiful and strong woman. I believe that some day you will get to see just how many people you have helped by all the time and work that you have done. Some day you will see all the lives you have blessed. But for now Ali, I hope you can take a break from this BS. I'm praying for you and your family. ❤
@prodigalAli 5 лет назад
@lovermanski2 3 года назад
Well said 💯💯💯👏🏽👏🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
@andracadicecrawford4256 5 лет назад
Credentials! The ELDERS do not have any, its funny how you are quoting scriptures and he never quoted any. Every time you quoted a scripture he would stutter!
@lovermanski2 3 года назад
@FirsteMann1929 5 лет назад
When I call any help or customer service line the 1st thing they do is give thier name. I suppose this organization is exempt from that as well
@lovermanski2 3 года назад
@miat8264 5 лет назад
Finally figured out what the bug is in your window (picture frame). HAHAHAHA
@miat8264 5 лет назад
@seeker of knowledge and then I was like, "Is that a piece of a windshield wiper?"
@RanchingMama 4 месяца назад
Love this! My husband called the service desk during his waking up period and wow! The nameless "brother", I gotta say, I think I'll add him to the list of all the other "brothers" who actually helped fully wake my husband up, because without their unloving spirit, lack of true scriptural knowledge, and hiding, (constantly hiding), he might not have woken up! And that would have been awful. For many reasons, including my hubby had a huge share in waking me up! So glad you recorded this for all to hear! This seems typical, unfortunately. Yet, I think I might have to send out some thank you cards! 😂😂😂😂
@grannypucket5463 5 лет назад
Wow! All I can say is wow! How far removed this organization/ Corporation is from scripture and love.
@yanfoo 5 лет назад
I'm not a Jehovah's Witness, and I have to say... this man was quite condescending.
@rodrigocarino8179 5 лет назад
Your videos are getting better and better every time. You show no fear and this jdubs dont understand the real gospel. At the end of the line you are dealing with a monster corporation.
@joyful8779 5 лет назад
Where is this guys heart?
@pinkgorilla99 4 года назад
You handled that like a BOSS!! So impressed with your self control and thoroughness of your facts. Drop the mike!! 👏👏👏👏👏
@rosiej.1473 4 года назад
I don't know how you did it, I had to log off at 24 minutes. You are so STRONG!
@jwsuicides8095 5 лет назад
I like the idea of someone in the New Testament being called 'Ted'.
@prodigalAli 5 лет назад
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😍😍😍. Lololol. I'm glad you caught that!! I thought he was asking the name of the man who baptized me! Lol.
@Lyfesdance 5 лет назад
As I listen to this again, I will say the way you handled this was awesome. you questioned with confidence displaying sincerity......the brother was hooked on policies from the jump...which is why when you shared the Shepard of flock and royal commission info...he realized all his fake wisdom was deflated and he probably felt he was on PUNKED’. Which in reality that’s how ex-JW May feel cauz I sure do. 🙅🏾‍♀️. They are all starting to look like cartoon characters to me...at some point you just have to laugh at it all to keep your sanity. Peace N Love Sis, keep rocking. 🙏🏾🥰
@prodigalAli 5 лет назад
Yep...I feel that way too.
@Lyfesdance 5 лет назад
Wow....no type of compassion...
@augiemusky 5 лет назад
You are so bold! I love it!
@komikmischif 5 лет назад
Btw “calling the authorities” as regards to child sex abuse is loaded language because as far as the elders are concerned, the legal department IS the authority so they do everything right. That watchtower article was printed for exactly what this man did, to refer all questions and concerns to IT to further absolve themselves and give them a “safe house” to run to when people start asking questions. These men make me sick, they can’t possibly believe God and Jesus are real either that or they are COMPLETELY diluted to think they are cool with this disgusting organization they created. The Father and The Son see ALL do they really think they are safe? The Harlot on the back of that beast thinks she will never see ruin, and the leaders of the Watchtower also have a nice comfy seat right next to her and they are JUST as drunk on the blood of the holy ones as she is!
@Shutterbuggy. 3 года назад
THIS WAS A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! You schooled him so hard that he bailed out! LOL! One of the BEST videos EVER! Well done!! 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
@nickkladky8396 5 лет назад
Paul (not Jesus) said not to eat with an antichrist. If he said not to eat with a fornicator, I have yet to find it.
@lulubellers 5 лет назад
Yes, and Jesus never used the name Jehovah either.
@iamblessed3539 5 лет назад
That was very sneaky of the elders to invite you to a Judicial committee....to lure you there, only to inform you that it was not a Judicial committee, but that you had disassciated yourself. They lied to you, plain and simple. When I went through my Judicial committee, the elders prayed at the opening...but after they called me back in to tell me they had decided to disfellowship me, they would not pray for me..they were cold and basically dismissed me from the meeting. I once confided in an elder, that I was suicidal due to an abusive marriage I was in and I felt like life was not worth living his answer is if I did that I was putting myself in line for no resurrection at all. Very cold reaction like this elder....wowsa!!! I guess he had nothing to say after you brought up the royal commission and stuff...nice job!!😊😊😊
@VictoriaOz 4 года назад
This was an incredible phone call and interaction Ali.. I am listening to it for the second time .. you made amazing points .. and covered so much information with this elder .. I loved the way you used so much WT information that could not be refuted .. “you seem to know everything” were the final words of their telephone frontman .. 😂
@Marie.b 5 лет назад
You can't change it from within. You know by now they do not follow jesus so hard as it is you should just wipe the dust of your feet and pray that God will open the eyes of your loved ones. It will be hard but that doesn't mean they have won. You have! You cannot make them see. They are blind. The organisation comes first to them and the bible second. Go live your life full of the joy of the lord and be a witness to them in how when gods sets you free you are free indeed! Dont let them ignore you when they see you. Don't change your ways. Say hi and say Jesus loves you!
@catienewman12 4 года назад
I wanna be best friends with you oh my gosh thank you for every video, thank you for every word you’ve spoken or written. Challenging this cult is quite the task and I truly think you’ve made this elder realize a thing or two. You eased into it so perfectly. If anything, it’s made me feel reassured in my seek to live this life unrestrained. Thank you!
@aiercooledengine 5 лет назад
Ali, The ridiculouseness of this service department mench must be underscored by the image in the window or picture frame you were sitting in front of...is the image displayed the "angel flying in midheaven" directing the congregation? They obviously are not being directed by any one of Jehovah's angelic host.
@sherylalismom285 5 лет назад
Ha, ha. That's Ali skydiving!
@goforit321 4 года назад
That Elder must’ve never experienced disfellowship. When I met someone who was “expulsado” I felt so bad for him, that was the first and only time I saw him, head down, broken, and on the verge of tears. I didn’t like how they ignored him, if it hurt me, I can only imagine the damage and pain he went through.
@CarolineJoyAmico 3 года назад
18 months. Wow. That’s so extreme. I did something wrong about a year ago, and confessed to my priest. I’m Eastern Orthodox now. I was given a MONTH of not taking communion. I could still go to church. I could still have coffee hour with them. They all smiled at me. Hugged me. Of course, only the priest was privy to what I told him, but the point is, HE DIDNT ANNOUNCE IT. And he still smiled at me, and ate with me. He was so loving! I honestly felt like it wasn’t enough of a punishment. But it was nice to know it wasn’t SO HEAVY that I couldn’t bear the results. My heart BREAKS for JWs.
@purplefireweed 5 лет назад
Bye Felicia. Handled like a pro. Loved that you established that the first Christians were 'believers', not JWs. And that he kept returning to the false statement that only JWs can be true Christians. You had him from the first moment. In the end all he could do was compare you to felons and resort to personal denigration. I listened to this several days after your final exit. You done good, and I'm glad you're reveling in relief and peace. Sharing your story here here has helped me find a couple more pieces of what happened to me after I left more than three decades ago. Am certain it will help so many more even as you move on. Happy trails!
@michaeljfelkerapologetics 5 лет назад
Ali, i'm so sorry for what you have gone through and will continue to go through. I'm so impressed with your approach (how you handled this call) and your knowledge. If there's anything I can do to help you in your journey, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.
@prodigalAli 5 лет назад
Thank you. I'm doing really well. God is good!!
@Gail_ 5 лет назад
WOW! This conversation made me so sad to hear how narrow and closed-minded they are. NO LOVE. But, you handled this whole week so well. There is no doubt that seeds were planted among these Pharisees. Get some rest Ali and I'll be praying for you. We are in this together. Cheers, G P.S. "Where sin increases, grace abounds much more exceedingly."-Romans 5:20.
@susanemmett9456 5 лет назад
Ali....I too just made the decision to be baptized in the exact same way....fellow Christian, NO religion, NO other denomination....just baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, Father, Son and Holy Spirit...just me and God. I needed that and it was absolutely wonderful. Now I feel spiritually complete. Baptized the way the Bible tells us to. So happy for you. If you would like to talk I would be happy to share experiences with all this. Ive been out for 31 years and shunned. You are free and open to receive Christ truly and his spirit. Please celebrate Jesus at passover with wine and unleavened bread and partake. Such a moving experience.
@estherpeterson8943 5 лет назад
Glad the Holy spirit fed you scriptural answers for these men who don't know their bible
@lumaimubanga9253 5 лет назад
This Ali is a hero. I admire u
@iamtruthseeker444 5 лет назад
He ended with: "You seem to know everything." Really dude??? The real problem was that HE didn't know anything about what you were presenting nor did he know how to answer back, and witnesses, especially elders, HATE not being the know-it-all. Great job sis!
@megan4190 4 года назад
That man went speechless!!!!!!! At the end!!!!! When you told him what you read.
@scottgates5894 5 лет назад
You just keep getting better! This guy had no chance with you. You know you have him stumped when he ends with...”leave it in Jehovah’s hands”.
@miat8264 5 лет назад
It just dawned on me, that by Jehovah's Witnesses changing "grace" to "undeserved kindness" they can dangle the promise and remove it anytime, as they do for example with disfellowshipped people, telling them they are now dead to Jehovah or that everyone who isn't in their religion will die at Armageddon.
DF doesn't teach you anything, it's all about blackmailing.
@mercurydime8152 5 лет назад
Thank you for going to your non-judicial mtg & recording it & also the call to Bethel! You care about the greater good & exposing the harm of shunning. I agree this doesn't seem like the organization we grew up in! SAD but TRUE.
@TheVelvetteButterfly 5 лет назад
I applaud your efforts in reaching out in the hope of getting some support. Unfortunately this is a large corporation, asking someone at bethel to help your situation is like calling Apple headquarters and asking for help because the manager at the Apple store refused to honor your warranty on your MacBook. Watchtower has rules that can’t be challenged. I would like to know how they can get away with having someone sign a verbal contract (baptism) without them EVER seeing any of the terms. A 15 year old like yourself would never be able to enter into a lifelong legally binding contract so why is it ok for Watchtower? Oh.... wait a minute, it’s because it’s a religion. That’s why!!! The freedom of religion!!! People should have the freedom to choose their religion and practice it in the way they’re comfortable. However, when they no longer want to practice it they should be able to leave without consequences. Watchtower does indeed say “Someone can leave anytime they wish” but they neglect to say what happens to their lives if they do. It’s like an abusive controlling partner telling their victim “I’m not holding you here, if you want to leave... go ahead”. Do you really believe they’ll be allowed to leave without any consequences? After you told this “no name” elder you read the Shepherd if the flock book the conversation took a 180 degree turn and you were shut down!! He was threatened by someone who knew way more than they should. Any major changes in our lives take time to adjust. You know you made the right decision to leave the JW’s but it still takes time. Thank you for sharing your life and allowing us to join you on your journey!!!
@lovermanski2 3 года назад
When you brought up the shepherd and the flock book & the Royal commission. You SHUT his @#$ DOWN💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽💯💯💯
@defiance1790 5 лет назад
If Jehovah Witnesses are Christian then they would call themselves Christians, not Jehovah Witnesses... Christians look to the Word of God; Jehovah Witnesses look to the Watchtower
@CarolineJoyAmico 4 года назад
This!!! ^^^
@sclass21 5 лет назад
I was born into the jw cult and faded out when i was 22, I'm 37 now and I've never once found it necessary to believe in anything or subscribe to any other religions. I'm a very happy atheists now.
@davidwicklin9943 5 лет назад
Ever watch the '80s show ALF? It would be awesome if you had an ALF doll in the photo backdrop while listening to this bethel elder. Every time he recoiled a typical JW elder high control puppeteer answer you pull the chord on ALF to laugh for the sake of levity and sanity.
@jonpass7341 4 года назад
Unbelievable. Ali, God Bless you!
@simonf7367 Год назад
This is incredible.
@johnnychrysostomou8105 4 года назад
@JasonJason-ju2cx 5 лет назад
I've been following your story for a while now. All I can say is.... Stay true to yourself.
@TheChewally6 5 лет назад
Ali, you need to let it go and move on and live your truth!!! They still have you in bondage!!!
@need2knowanonymous857 5 лет назад
They don’t give out names .... so different to Jehovah huh!
@need2knowanonymous857 5 лет назад
It’s so frustrating talking to elders. It’s like banging your head against the wall. They are only faithful to the org. Jehovah and Jesus have no place in the JW org. It’s all about the club and ladies have no place in it either. It’s an earthly men club where only the GB and a few of their closest butt kissers get to have a good life on the backs of all the “donations” and the selling of the KH the congregation members purchased. None of it is used to actually help anyone such as charitable organisations do. Can’t wait till they lose their charitable status and have to pay tax.
@joycefinney2735 5 лет назад
Need2Know Anonymous The club the GB and the like are in is satanic.There are at the top of the tree with the Rothchilds and the other 12 families that rule the world with their colossal wealth.All ready to bring in the New World Order.
@fromwhencecomewars 5 лет назад
@@joycefinney2735 New World Order Translation.
@joycefinney2735 5 лет назад
fromwhencecomewars One government,one religion.
@jackhui2812 5 лет назад
They honestly think, because of the rules imposed by the governing body, they are saving your life by having you shunned. That action will MAKE your conscience goad you into coming back through shame. Also, the whole protecting the "flock" bologna. They will stick to those rules imposed inside that bubble by men no matter what, because they are ALSO afraid of the personal consequences of shunning. You are so bold Ali! Applause!!
@lancemilliken9078 5 лет назад
You are better off now. I promise
@prodigalAli 5 лет назад
I am. Yes!
@Esther-1914 5 лет назад
Ali, would you mind sharing where that Watchtower account is where they condemned some other religion for shunning??? Thanks!
@miat8264 5 лет назад
In the original "Truth" book published in 1968, they encouraged people to "examine your religion". The reality is that it's OK to examine every other one but theirs.
@Esther-1914 5 лет назад
@@miat8264 Thanks for this information. I wish I had one of those books in my library. Or a pdf would be great, too. Great reference material! 👍😉
@Esther-1914 5 лет назад
Joy, I don't see your comment anymore, but I have an RU-vid notification in which you mention the 2009 Awake. Thanks so much. 🌷
@crowsandravens8998 5 лет назад
Amazing how they can't give their names out yet they want to know whoever calls with an issue their full name, city and congregation they go to.
@debrawilson333 5 лет назад
He got off the phone because you called out the organization and he didn't like it.
@teer3377 5 лет назад
I have a question for the Elders and GB.... Who left u judge and jury and the right to absolute dedication????
@jwsuicides8095 5 лет назад
Well done for sharing and speaking out about your own experiences of depression and suicide ideation. :'( Feeling suicidal is not "a miserable time", as he calls it. If it were just that then no one would die by suicide. Not only that, but someone can be mentally ill due to genetic inheritance, chemicals, brain damage, abusive relationships, religious abuse, ISOLATION, etc.
@damianauksorius 3 года назад
Once you mentioned the shepherd the flock of god book , the conversation seemed to end real quick 😅.
@brownknightr2208 5 лет назад
Ok ,you can be briget from a to z , great work .
@eddytheman1384 5 лет назад
good job as always Ali "this and these" presumptuous and self righteous guys are so scared of someone who can connect the dots that they have to quickly end up conversation otherwise they will fall to the troubles and maybe got fired by higher management ...so have good day mom"...:-) fear factor in effect
@MinecraftEnderStone1 4 года назад
"Jesus said that?" Priceless!
@debrawilson333 5 лет назад
He mentioned that everyone will see you getting baptized without the JW's approval and people may leave. That was the key...no more income for the organization or slaves.
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