
River 1 Upstream, a drone footage of the river crossed by Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon 

Romain C
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Recorded in july 2021 (low rainy season).
Video Downstream : • River 1 Downstream, a ...



16 дек 2022




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@larvin6910 Год назад
People say it's impossible to get lost but by the looks of this I could very easily get lost here
@parapoliticos52 Год назад
They mean on the trails.
@brendamagic2223 Год назад
I think it's obvious that you can get lost but they didn't get lost they were killed
@aequivalent9761 4 месяца назад
​@@parapoliticos52Many people who went past El Mirador say that its easy to lose track).. Hell there is even a sign on El Mirador who says exactly that towards the tourists!
@aequivalent9761 4 месяца назад
​@@brendamagic2223A lot of people on youtube believe that. On reddit people do more research and come to the same conclusions in the end, as the investigators on that case. But youtube is youtube ;)
@videosdeecologia7468 Год назад
If a drone search had been carried out in 2014 the girls could have been found.
@NJC2874 Год назад
No way they could be found with a drone, for they were abducted on the same day of their hike, on 1st April around 4:30 pm, and were taken to a remote place. I am still surprised how many people still think "they were lost in the jungle". The jungle never cut bodies into 33 small pieces, and scatter them far away from each other. And nobody said there were huge ferocious animals like bears or tigers to attack humans. So the only logical theory is abduction, abuse, then killing, then cutting into dozens of pieces to hide the crime, with zero DNA evidence.
@collectingmemories7098 Год назад
They didn't know at all where to search. They searched many other trails too, because they didn't know where they got lost. You can even with drones not search all the jungle if you don't know where in a huge area. And, as you can see in Romain's videos, you can also see a little bit only at rivers, paths or paddocks, and even with that you can easily miss something at these places. Certainly, it would always be extremely helpful to accompany a ground search with drones and thus also have an eye on the areas next to the trails - at least when the trees opens up.
@brendamagic2223 Год назад
@@NJC2874 I agree they were killed !!!
@wassupMannn Год назад
​@@NJC2874Why would you think murderer would just scatter their body parts like that? Wouldn't it be better to bury them somewhere far from the trail? Also the camera... why would somebody leave it there? Makes absolutely no sense.
@aequivalent9761 4 месяца назад
​@@wassupMannnAbsolutely agree. The camera was not even broken! Lisannes phone wasnt broken. Kris phone as far i know had a crack (all of that was found in the backpack which was halfly submerged in the river la culebra). Also other belongings were in quiet good condition. Not burned, not ripped. No blood stains, etc.. Even the sunglasses of the girls had not a single crack or blood on it. For a murderer who want to hide his traces it would much more make sense to bury the backpack or burn it. But not throwing the backpack in the most famous river of Boquete (La Culebra). Even 86 Dollar of money was in the backpack. There is no reason why a killer shouldnt take the money, or at least: most of it. The 86 Dollars absolutely fit how much money the girls had on that they: because they got to the beginning of the Pianista trail with a taxi. So they probably also needed around 10-15 dollars back. They probably also thought to go eating in a restaurant on afternoon etc. So 86 Dollars for both girls for that day is absolutely believable. Btw the back pack only contained things the girls would put in the backpack. For instance there were no trousers in the backpack (because they wore it). Also no tshirt (because they wore it) . But they was their bras in the backpack. Women wrote about this: that on a hike, espescially when its warm adlnd exhausting: women often take their bras off (but leave their tshirts on).. All of that fits perfectly how women behave in such conditions.
@collectingmemories7098 Год назад
Always great work, Romain!
@user-dg2xn5ib5w 3 месяца назад
As tecnologias de drone não estavam tão acessiveis em 2014(época do desaparecimento)como estão agora.Se estivesse com certeza teriam sido achadas com vida.Mesmo se estivessem perdidas e seguindo uma trilha acho muito dificil não encontrarem ninguém no caminho.
@carlossanabria3289 Год назад
!Lo máximo!
@Peaach Год назад
Cette histoire est dingue je me suis beaucoup documentée à ce sujet pendant mes nuits d’insomnie et vraiment je suis tellement triste que nous n’ayons pas plus d’informations. J’avais regardé attentivement vos vidéos du parcours d’El pianista et du parcours après le mirador et cette forêt dense et étouffante est terriblement angoissante. Mêlée à l’obscurité totale de la nuit, aux bruits ambiant de la jungle elles ont du avoir si peur et se voir mourir.. Merci de continuer de creuser pour découvrir la vérité et ne pas laisser tomber ces jeunes femmes dans l’oubli. Toutes mes pensées envers leur famille
@timespaice Год назад
Jsuis d'accord mais c'est quand mm bizarre, t'as des cours d'eau un peu partout d'eau potable, de la bouffe (plein d'insecte partout mm si c'est pas ouf gustativement), des fruits, 2 bouteilles d'eau, il fait pas froid franchement tu te construis un abris je dirais pas que c'est du luxe mais tu peux survivre plusieurs mois sans problème dans cet environnement mm sans aucune expérience à moins d’être blessé.
@Peaach Год назад
@@timespaice tu penses du coup plutôt à une théorie criminelle ?
@philippeattackman763 Год назад
Génial !...on se croirait la bas....Pas très rassurant !..comment penser que des recherches en hélicoptère auraient pu les sauver,vu le couvert !!....
@Leading23 Год назад
Дроны с ночным видением нашли бы девчонок в первый же день. Но насколько же джунгли непроходимые. Сплошные заросли.
@user-dg2xn5ib5w 3 месяца назад
Romain C vc foi até o ponto da ultima foto de Kris as fotos 507 e 508.A trilha é fácil?Existe a possibilidade de se perder na trilha,ela tem muitas bifurcações?
@mutabormutabor3405 Год назад
Отличное исследование, пожалуйста продолжайте. Может случиться чудо и вы найдете останки или место гибели девушек, это поможет разгадать тайну их гибели. Не забудьте про ветку дерева в форме "Y", которая часто видна на ночных фотографиях. Я думаю их родители будут очень благодарны за ваш труд!
@eliaslima5506 Год назад
Em oito anos, a vegetação muda muito e aquele galho provavelmente não está mais lá ou mudou totalmente sua aparência. Têm que focar em todas as pedras que aparecem naquelas fotos, mesmo daqui a mil anos, aquelas pedras muito provavelmente ainda estarão lá. Era por isso que as civilizações antigas grafavam as leis em pedra, eles sabiam que as pedras duravam muito tempo e permaneciam imutáveis por muitos séculos.
@Romain_C Год назад
Thank you ! I really hope the place will be found. It would change everything.
@yolandadavalos4184 Год назад
@@eliaslima5506 yo tengo una inquietud en ese tiempo ya existían los dioses yel avance de la tecnología cómo para hacer fotoshows?
@eliaslima5506 Год назад
@@yolandadavalos4184 O que penso sobre o conhecimento científico dos antigos, é muito distante de qualquer opinião moderada, muito distante do politicamente correto e muito distante da história tida como oficial. O referencial que utilizo é de fundamentação essencialmente espiritual e bíblica, o que leva o entendimento do passado para uma outra direção. A realidade é mais assustadora do que a ficção, e tudo o que existe hoje, certamente já foi vívido no passado.
@milenaterry7017 Год назад
да, согласна, огромная работа! и очень интересно!!! а по поводу родителей, складывается впечатление, что им заплатили, при чем крупную сумму, или же угрожали, дело замяли быстро. от них вестей никаких, добиваться правды особо не стали. очень все странно, более чем, не верю в несчастный случай.
@parapoliticos52 Год назад
Is the water there drinkable? What did the guides say?
@Romain_C Год назад
You can drink it without issues. I have spent many times in thoses rivers. Used the water to drink, to cook and to bath, and I never had any issues.
@valerioviti6630 9 месяцев назад
There are chances they did a mistake there. they might think that they can go back to the start of the trail by following the almost dry riverbed, without having to climb back up to the Mirador. I dont know if this river upstream was searched on the ground by rescue team the next days. to have a better understanding it would be crucial to see that El pianista trail leaflet they were looking at in the Spanish School. i havent found anything about it, you can just see it shattered around in the sos singnal night photo.
@karllindsayFilms Год назад
Hi romain I'm doing a documentary on kris kremers and lisanne froon would I be able to use some of your footage il give you the credits obviously I'm not monetized yet let me know please many thanks karl 😊
@Romain_C Год назад
Yes, feel free to use them ;)
@karllindsayFilms Год назад
@@Romain_C thanks romain I will put your video links on them you will get full credits and exposure thanks my friend.
@carlosbrizuela6521 Год назад
Les digo algo: nadie en su sano juicio solo por diversión o curiosidad se pone a recorrer durante horas una quebrada (y este es el nombre apropiado porque dicha corriente NO es un rio) estrecha, resbalosa y con ramas de arboles alrededor, dado el caso exploraria unos minutos antes de devolverse. Entonces cuanto puede alejarse del sendero? Insisto en lo extraño que no existan fotos en la corriente 3, que es un poco más amplia, 2 horas y 43 minutos sin actividad alguna en ambos telefonos y camara, estando no muy lejos del mirador en un sendero unico en ocasiones demarcado por carcavas, archivo 509 totalmente desaparecido! Rarezas y casualidades juntas cuidado si aplicas mal la navaja de Ockham...
@videosdeecologia7468 Год назад
Looking at this video came to me an idea that perhaps no one has commented on. What if Kris climbed a tree to see if she could see a way out of the forest and fell and hurt himself? Or if the two climbed a tree to escape some wild boar and fell, hurting themselves?
@yohanyordano Год назад
It is possible, but they were not prepared to climb!! Too bad they didn't bring a lighter, if they were made a campfire, they would be found!
@TOM28 Год назад
Hello, charco la cascada- caldera img 542
@rainbowriverclarkbrown Год назад
The girls where not dressed for such a challenge, it was most inappropriate to go that far Why do so? Top of that Mirador and back was quite enough, dressed as such, no one could ever be sure of what happened.
@rnies6849 7 месяцев назад
the dressing was irresponsible and naive. Firstly because this is not how to enter a rainforest, especially not in shorts. Secondly because in Latin America it is nowhere a good idea to walk in shorts. This is always enticing men and asking for trouble.
@parapoliticos52 Год назад
SUGGESTION Some one should create a go fund me campaign so money can be raised to hire a local with a 360 degrees camera to walk along those creeks/rivers adjusted to the pianista all the way to Alto Romero. Average income there is like 5-10,000$/year. It's probably few dozens of Km long(all together), but a months job for a yearly salary.
@LK-ij7kc 6 месяцев назад
Why search was not done during night time?? Flash lights would defenetly seen. Shame on local police
@user-dg2xn5ib5w 3 месяца назад
Aí ao invés de duas teriam dezenas de pessoas perdidas.Impossivel procurar alguém na selva a noite
@eliaslima5506 Год назад
In my humble opinion, there is a 99% chance that there are no medium and large cats around these mountains. These mountain folds isolate this place from the presence of larger predators, and the dense vegetation prevents easy locomotion for a feline. Forget the wild predator attack narrative! They are completely inappropriate for the area we are seeing in the video.
@Romain_C Год назад
I do agree that a large cat is probably not the cause of what happened, however there large cats living in the area. It's very rare to see one, because they tend to be active at night and avoid human activity.
@Ack359 Год назад
Also birds of prey such as vultures may have picked up bones etc and moved them distances
@eliaslima5506 Год назад
@@Ack359 Um osso solto, pequeno e com restos de carne, até que faz sentido ter sido levado por um abutre, mas um osso pélvico grande, preso por ligamentos nervosos muito fortes e totalmente limpos e sem marcas do bico da ave carniceira, é impossível!
@rnies6849 7 месяцев назад
your opinion is really humble. This is the living place of Jaguars. They can easily handle dense forests. But usually they do not attact humans, let alone when they are two.
@josearvizu3098 Год назад
The paddocks, a quick fly over the area (Drone footage)
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