
El Pianista (Entrance - Mirador) Part 4/4 

Romain C
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11 янв 2022




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@victoriaiskorki6515 2 года назад
Спасибо большое за ваши видео! Очень было любопытно пройти этот путь с вами! Я представляла себе эту тропу совершенно по-другому. Все думают, что это широкая живописная тропа, в конце которой есть большая смотровая площадка. А на самом деле это тропа больше похожа на узкую траншею. Идти сложно, повсюду камни. Со всех сторон тебя окружают то скалы, то растительность. Очень неприятно находиться там. Если кого-нибудь там встретишь с недобрыми намерениями, то точно далеко не убежишь. В одиночку конечно там ходить нельзя, особенно девушкам в шортах и майках. И вообще что там делать?.. Там нет ничего интересного. Кажется очень странным, что девушки, проделав такой путь, решили пойти дальше от Мирадора. И шли ещё в течение целого часа до первого ручья. Что они хотели там увидеть? Тем более нужно было ещё возвращаться назад, а на это нужно было минимум три часа. Связи не было. Очень странное решение. Честно говоря, эта тропа вообще не стоит того, чтобы туда идти. Я сама любитель пеших прогулок и походов, но туда бы точно не пошла. Если за девушками кто-то следил, то они несомненно попались в ловушку. Сама эта тропа уже и есть ловушка. Вы сами что чувствовали, когда шли там в одиночестве? Наверняка не очень вам было комфортно..
@Romain_C 2 года назад
(I used DeepL for the translation) Мне лично нравится этот путь. Я нахожу его очень красивым. Конечно, с учетом того, что произошло в 2014 году, это не просто еще одна тропа. Мой первый раз на этой тропе был довольно трогательным в 2019 году. На другой стороне горы я оставался весьма осторожным и настороженным. Теперь я хорошо знаю эту тропу и уверенно иду по ней, но в этом месте всегда будет особая аура.
@user-ec6rc2iz1j 2 года назад
Согласна с Вами. Много смотрела об этих девушках и вот сейчас,глядя это видео,не понимаю где и как там можно заблудиться,если не сходить с этой тропы? Если ч правильно понимаю,то дойдя до вершины горы,девушки не вернулись назад а пошли спускаться на другую сторону этой горы? Есть их фотографии возле какого-то водопада,но здесь на пути не видно никаких водопадов,кроме этой узкой каменистой тропы. Странно ,конечно,все это. Допустим,даже если одна подвернула ногу на этой тропе,то что мешало остаться на месте,а второй девушке быстренько спуститься вниз за помощью.Версий много разных,правду никто ,наверное,так и не узнает.Жаль наивных девушек,выросших ,по всей видимости,в тепличных условиях и не представляющих себе ,какую опасность могут таить джунгли в далекой ,чужой стране. Еще раз. Глядя этот ролик,ну никаких же нет трещин,ущелий,пропастей,куда можно свалиться .Ну ,как же так? Поневоле приходит на ум ,что без третьих лиц это не обошлось. Или действительно ушли с тропы куда-то не туда или стали жертвами "добрых" людей.
@brendamagic2223 2 года назад
He says his not walking alone his with at least 2 other people I agree with what you said!!!!
@user-ec6rc2iz1j 2 года назад
@@alisek4441 ,да,согласна.
@user-cg9tn1nn2q Год назад
@@user-ec6rc2iz1j 2.🤔
@stevenmcghee6649 2 года назад
I had believed, rather naively as it turns out, that, being a 'tourist trail', there would be the occasional signpost pointing people in the right direction. But nothing. Another reason these videos have been such an eye-opener.
@n1ense 2 года назад
Yeah, there were multiple splits where it was impossible to know the right way. They could have easily get lost, especially on the way back.
@stevenmcghee6649 2 года назад
@@n1ense The girls' parents took this very trail (with a guide, obviously) just to see for themselves what their daughters had faced. That must have been a horrible day for them doing that. It also struck me how there was barely a hint of any wildlife at any point in any of these 4 videos. Perhaps they're nocturnal in the Panamanian jungle.
@user-pq9jg5wz6j Год назад
Эта тропа не входит в официальный маршрут для туристов... Если б это было , то девушки остались в живых...
@blabla20202 2 месяца назад
definitly! You can't compare this paths not all to european paths, they are are super safe and signs everywhere. That path here doesn't look at all where 2 foreign tourist girls should talk a walk! They walking for 2 or 3 hours in the middle of the jungle and no civilisation is near it. For sure you can get lost!
@semyarudenko Год назад
Вот досматриваю 4 часть уже 2023 год и для меня это супер экстремальная тропа ,а какая она была в 2014 кто его знает .Я думала там просторная тропа и на смотровую площадку можно быстро поднятся .Могу поверить что девушки дошли ,а когда спускались было уже темно и они попрасту заблудились .Там такие камни можно не только ногу сломать !
@user-vl5sh8ni4r Год назад
Голышом в такое путешествие в густой непроходимый лес со змеями и всякой другой живностью. Это безумие. Ещё такое длительное путешествие, не понятное : тропа или туда, или сюда. Каменистый путь. Ладно в сухую погоду и днём. А если дождь, да ещё ночью. Ну кто сказал, что нельзя заблудиться. Вся тропа непонятная и опасная. Каменистая, порой узкая между скал. Никого на всем пути, никого. А девочки могли повстречать недоброжелателя или злая стихия встала на их пути
@alexsac7840 Год назад
Там ещё обезьяны прыгают по джунглям и змеи ползуют
@lourdesgonzalez315 2 года назад
Gracias por mostrar el recorrido del sendero del pianista, a quien se le ocurriría pasearse por estos lugares inóspito sin haber investigado sobre la zona y que irresponsables las personas que estuvieron cerca de ellas por no advertir sobre el peligro inminente en el bosque
@user-fr6kb8yc9q Месяц назад
May they rest in peace ✝️
@oleggalinsky5173 2 года назад
Спасибо автору! Подъем сложный, много камней хотя и не мокрых. В уссурийской тайте также невероятно опасно. Даже вдоль дороги! Тигры, медведи, змеи, осы. Жаль девушек.
@v.b.1544 5 месяцев назад
Romain C, how do you estimate the probability from 0 to 100 that the girls went further along the trail, thinking that they were going back along the trail? I mean, when they finally got to the observation deck, they lost concentration from emotion and exhaustion. After taking a photo, they decided to return, but they got confused and continued along the path. Thank you for the work done! Almost the only person who methodically obtains facts, and does not make ridiculous guesses for the sake of attracting attention.
@Romain_C 5 месяцев назад
Thank you ! "I mean, when they finally got to the observation deck, they lost concentration from emotion and exhaustion. After taking a photo, they decided to return, but they got confused and continued along the path." I would say 0. If it was a day with a lot of mist, it would have been a good explanation but here it's not the case.
@regineuhe6657 2 года назад
Great videos, thank you for sharing!
@ivanm4488 2 года назад
35:35 rest in peace...
@specialoperationsservices3696 2 года назад
Roman thank You so much for this video
@user-me2ul8wx4k 2 года назад
Боже, какая страшная, жуткая тропа ! Как фильм ужасов.
@Sr.DeathKnight Год назад
What I see, is that "El Pianista" is not really a "trail", but a set of waterways, hence the shape (steps) and the name, because that's the bed of a temporarily dry waterway. If I was in a "trail" like that in a national park in Costa Rica, I would now that I am already lost (out of the tourist trails). Lo que veo es que "El Pianista" realmente no es un trillo, sino un conjunto de bajantes de agua, y de ahí el nombre y la forma de las "gradas". Si yo llegara a caminar por una vía así en un parque nacional de Costa Rica, sabría que estoy técnicamente perdido, fuera del trillo oficial.
@JakNekon Год назад
thank you for posting
@nancycecchinelli5377 Год назад
Mette i brividi solo a vedere il sentiero figuriamoci queste povere ragazze a pensare che paura e sofferenza che anno avuto !!!! Dovevano cercare subito la notte stessa a cercare le ragazze non aspettare il tempo è prezzioso e dentro a una foresta così c'è da' aspettarsi di tutto!!! Ricerche fatte a male modo a parere mio !!! 🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤
@juliailly5322 2 года назад
La verdad ese bosque se ve peligroso ay no los caminos parecen cuevas sin salida
@philippeattackman763 2 года назад
Qu’elles reposent en paix....
@nancycoronel3491 2 года назад
Se siente algo raro,como dicen en mí país(mala vibra) yo no iría a ese lugar.Creo que si las chicas fueron no fueron solas.Eso es una trampa.Saludos desde Argentina.
@alexsac7840 Год назад
😢да... Их завели, там живёт племя в горах...
@michelleschandorff7238 Год назад
@Romain C, where did the girls supposedly go once they reached the Mirador? Is the path they took in the ending of your video?
@seoul_mate 2 года назад
Coucou Romain. Je te suis sur le blog de Camille et je te félicite pour la qualité de ton travail et ton investissement. Il est très intéressant de voir à quoi ressemble ce sentier dont on a tant parlé.
@Romain_C 2 года назад
Merci beaucoup ! Je vais aussi publier des vidéos montrant le sentier au-delà du sommet.
@jurgitasosnovskaja3400 2 года назад
@@Romain_C 35:35min..the cross for kriss and lisanne?
@Romain_C 2 года назад
Yes, that's the cross.
@mari_mari007 2 года назад
@@Romain_C Да! Я тоже посмотрю🤗
@irmasanchez8721 2 года назад
Excelente trabajo queria conocer el recorrido de kris y lisanne realmente fue una trampa mortal para esos dos angelitos .la verdad se tiene que saber ..
@baruense 2 года назад
Je suis panaméen et je suis né précisément dans cette province là mais j'oserais d'y aller tout seul.. 😨
@alexsac7840 Год назад
Are there a tribe live in the mountain?
@stevenmcghee6649 2 года назад
It may be we'll never get an answer to this mystery but I'd love to know what a top-of-the-range behavioural psychologist made of it as I think the mindset of the 2 girls is perhaps the key to this. A possible take - they made it as far as Mirador but it was a LOT tougher than they expected. Relieved to get there, numerous happy photos are taken. There's then a 30 minute gap between those and the final 2 photos being taken. Those don't appear too cheery. It's possible that, during that gap, these 2 girls realised that getting down was going to be as tough, if not tougher, than the climb they've just undertaken. Kris had twisted an ankle and was wanting to rest a while before starting back. Hence Lisanne wandering off and being photographed from a distance by Kris. By now, both are both nervous about the trail back and both regretting coming in the first place. It may be that they argue, each blaming the other. But they're putting off the hike back though knowing perfectly well that they'll have to undertake it. So, eventually, off they go. And it all goes wrong. I had believed in foul play as the answer but these 4 videos showing just how dangerous this trail is have made me re-think. As for the backpack evidence and the state of the remains, I dunno. Jungle ecosystems have laws of their own and strange things can, and do, happen. I'm certain, though, that they didn't go any further than the end of this particular trail. Going further into the jungle makes no sense at all.
Going further into the jungle makes no sense at all, I agree with. After taking an already difficult trail and the girls not being experienced hikers I think (especially not in this environment), it wouldn't make sense to go further. They would also have been tired to some degree by then I would think. Also, it would take them so much longer into the trip and they were expected to be back for dinner at the place they were staying. Some people say the few remains that were found were bleached and did not look like natural decay for being out in the nature that long. I don't believe that. In central/south America there are cartels chopping bodies up with machetes and such but I don't believe they would go through the effort of using bleach and what not. Though it's always possible I guess, especially if there was a murderer not used to doing this and wanted to erase any evidence and go through the effort. What does strike me as odd is how their items and even remains were so displaced. Especially since there is no logical explanation to me why they would have gone so far/deep. For me it would seem only possible when it is being carried by a river/stream. But I did not see any big river or stream in these videos throughout the path (except maybe in the beginning close to the village). Another way would be by a large animal dragging their body but that seems unlikely in such terrain and I'm not even sure if there are large & dangerous animals in that area? Or if it was a murderer, he displaced all the parts. But why go through such effort? I doesn't seem easy to carry around a body or lots of items in such an environment just to get rid of them. But what doesn't make sense to me is that their backpack was found, perfectly intact and dry, with some of their clothing neatly folded. How do you explain that? Unless that information was incorrect. I've watched quite a few videos and many things suggest it was an accident but then other things suggest there was foul play (such as the dry backpack). I'm more inclined to believe it was an accident but some things just don't seem to support that. It is such a mystery what happened!
@VK-qe7if Год назад
It was 100% most definitely foul play. Abduction, Abuse, Murder, and dismemberment.
@ericaeva4408 Год назад
@@VK-qe7if that’s just your opinion though, not facts
@VK-qe7if Год назад
@@ericaeva4408 It's a fact. And anyone with half a brain can see that it was no accident, and that it was foul play.
​@@jazpes.u5875 To me that's what it sounded like or what people seem to be implying but I could be wrong of course. If it's not natural decay as they say but bleached, what does that mean exactly then?
@nataliapena2395 Год назад
Después de ver muchos videos observo que el camino es lindo (como aventura) y seguro, he visto muchos youtubers grabar y a ninguno se le cruzo siquiera una araña, lo que les sucedió no está relacionado con la naturaleza ni el camino si no con gente que planeo hacerles algo, eran demasiado bonitas e iban solas, en mi teoría esta implicado el guia.
@nrenee7229 2 года назад
Is this the same path Lisanne & Kris took? This looks extremely dangerous! Especially with the drop offs in part 3. Thanks for sharing.
@WienGolf 2 года назад
I would say, this is the path they want us believe Kris and Lisanne took it.
@sophieabcde839 2 года назад
@@WienGolf their photos show that they took this path
@CristinaNakamura Год назад
Says someone who probably never went hiking ever. This is an easy-medium level hiking.
@jaja-cg9yd Год назад
@@CristinaNakamura Kris and Lisanne weren't expert hikers.
@SimpleLifeAlways81 Год назад
Someone photoshopped so it would look like the girls went that way
@delsileneoliveira1005 27 дней назад
Sempre vejo qualquer video ou documentario referente a este caso intrigante, fico pensando no que pode ter acontecido, queria muito fazer essa trilha, claro que acompanhada de varias pessoas e de um guia
@mr.b.3633 2 года назад
wow really scary path in my opionion easy game for murders to encounter victims in such a quite place where nobody see anything...
@ih8brusselssprouts 2 года назад
Oh come now. It’s not like there are murderers and rapists hiding amongst the trees. It is the middle of a jungle.
@DaGooDBaDnUgLy 2 года назад
@@ih8brusselssprouts , two girls were abducted and most likely murdered on this trail a few years ago. They found their bodies a few months later.
@ih8brusselssprouts 2 года назад
@@DaGooDBaDnUgLy Who and when please.
@DaGooDBaDnUgLy 2 года назад
@@ih8brusselssprouts Actually I'm not sure this was the exact trail as it starts I believe at the Café Princesa Janca Restaurant in Boquete, Panama. The trail the two girls went on was not too far away though and went to the top of Volcán Barú, also in Boquete, Panama. It doesn't sound too safe in that area anyway unless you are in a group or with known familiar locals.
@DaGooDBaDnUgLy 2 года назад
@@ih8brusselssprouts It looks like Romain C is deleting my comments. Maybe he doesn't like the truth.
@juliannfloress3490 Год назад
osea que las chicas..(.por lo q tengo entendido ) llegaron hacia el lugar el mirador , que es esa cima..pero despues siguieron? de ahi en adelante son las fotos donde kris se la ve sola ? con las dos botellas de agua? no tiene sentido..que hagan todo ese viaje pero que en lugar de volver , decidan seguir, sabiendo q no tenian mucha comida, ni agua..no tiene sentido
@user-qc5cs9jc2k 5 месяцев назад
У памятника есть сотовая связь? В каком месте пропадает связь? Если она есть то скорее всего девушки пошли дальше. Много изменилось за это время новые сотовые вышки и так далее,но все же интересно
@corienenederstigt4965 Год назад
Thanks for that video. It seems especially strange to me that "both" would have died in an accident.
@tinat5484 Год назад
Seems like it could be a reasonable assumption that one could get twisted around on the trails
@AnkiVestibulares 6 месяцев назад
for 40 days children were lost here in Brazil in the Amazon, a dense and closed forest but they were children who survived, I can't believe that adults with experience on trails would make mistakes that would lead to death, I would say that the probability of them dying in the forest was 10 %, the evidence that it was a crime points to 90%, there are no coincidences, it is clear that there is a third person, but you cannot control two young women alone, so there was more than one killer.
@blabla20202 2 месяца назад
then imagine you are on that path in the middle of the night and try to find your way back and not get lost. good luck! I say there is zero chance!
@danielliccien1954 2 года назад
Te puedo hacer una pregunta por este mamino pasan inmigrantes? O pasan por otro destino? Please
@carlosbrizuela6521 2 года назад
Se que no me lo preguntas a mi pero te respondo: No. El lugar donde transitan inmigrantes es el tapón/selva del Darien, frontera de Panama con Colombia, sitio bastante peligroso, por grupos armados irregulares, carteles de narcotrafico ... Ademas es una selva muy densa y aqui si hay felinos como jaguares; creo que por esto algunas personas confunden un tanto la flora y fauna del Darien con la de Boquete que esta mas fronteriza con Costa Rica.
@danielliccien1954 2 года назад
@@carlosbrizuela6521 Gracias.. Me refería si cuando cruzas para costa rica pasan por boquete
@josevicenteramirez2456 Год назад
No, no tiene sentido un emigrante recorrer Panamá de Oriente a Occidente, lo haría de sur a norte con dirección a costa rica.estos senderos por lo que veo sobre el terreno en los vídeos son senderos que fácilmente pueden tener más de 100 años, primero utilizados sólo por indios ; y luego por colonos y un que otro traqueto.
@aleydaescobar6274 Год назад
Ese lugar está solitario. Como se les ocurrió ir para allá un país que no conocían sin guía ni nada. Es aterrador.
@gabrielarivero1338 Год назад
Fueron ingenuas y confiadas, pero por todos los videos que ví, entiendo también que ellas querían conocer el sendero pianista, y luego regresar.Fueron vestidas y practicamente sin provisiones, para pasar unas horas y registrar fotos de los paisajes.Chicas inteligentes pero sin conocimiento del lugar, entonces cómo ingresarían solas al bosque, sabiendo que llegada la tardecita noche, iban a correr peligro? Me queda claro que fueron obligadas y el horror de lo que susedió....no tiene nombre!!
@hayleyrees6250 2 года назад
Did you go further on once at the top?
@Romain_C 2 года назад
Yes, even further than Alto Romero.
@hayleyrees6250 2 года назад
@@Romain_C how long were you out there for in total? Did you take a guide with you? I have such admiration.
@Romain_C 2 года назад
Thanks ! In the area after the Mirador, I spent 5 days (with a french military man and a friend from US) + 3 days to go to Chiriqui Grande (it's another province on the caribbean side) with 3 guides.
@David-kn7kl 2 года назад
@@Romain_C and is it possible to get lost easily? Thanks for your video's!
@marinaorlova4065 10 месяцев назад
Здесь клещи есть ???
@user-qc5cs9jc2k 5 месяцев назад
🤣 Змеи точно есть)
@marinaorlova4065 5 месяцев назад
@@user-qc5cs9jc2k даже не сомневаюсь.
@B0sTonCeltics20534 2 года назад
that 4 second bird chirping loop....
@Ack359 Год назад
imagine having to listen to it for 11 days...
@goonerash Год назад
@@Ack359 😳😳
@ceciliaquesada5708 Год назад
Ese canto de esta ave del video es triste verdad?
@lukec3069 10 месяцев назад
Where is river 508?
@powerpixie2965 2 года назад
Hi Romain, thanks for sharing all the videos of your trip so far. I'm guessing this is your second time hiking this trail, so you are quite familiar with the route? Did you redo this trail a third time or is this it? Also did you record the iPhone and Samsung phone connections to get an idea of how they perform in your backpack while you went on this trail? Any reason why Matt didn't go with you guys? His work on the case is amazing as well as yours and Chris's. Good job. And I look forward to seeing more of your experiences from this trip. Cheers!
@Romain_C 2 года назад
Thank you very much! Actually, on that video, it was my third time. 2 in 2019: the first one being a failure because I ended up going the wrong way by taking the wrong direction at the split before the first river crossing (you can see it on El Pianista Part 2) : the second one, I went further than the Mirador. In 2021, I think I went like 7 times in total (including the 2 expeditions, but also several day trip to do some additional explorations). For the phone, it's only work until you are a bit into the forest area. Then it works again when you arrive at the Mirador. Matt couldn't come because he didn't have the occasion to come because of his job. Chris had the occasion to take some holidays, so he had the opportunity to come. And me, being a student, I had the summer to go.
@powerpixie2965 2 года назад
@@Romain_C Wow! So you've hiked the trail 7 times! You're probably qualified to take over from Feliciano as the new guide of the Mountain! 🙂 Thanks for the rest of the information. I look forward to seeing more of your experiences and learning from this last trip. Thanks Romain!
@georgeholloway3981 2 года назад
Did you feel it would be possible to get lost coming down? You mention you hiked the wrong way on the way up, some I'm wondering if there are any moments coming down where the path splits or it's unclear which way to go.
@Downy22 2 года назад
@@georgeholloway3981 Good Question.
@@georgeholloway3981 I'm wondering this as well. It looks like on the way up there are a few occasions where you can take the wrong path but coming down, not so much I think? I think this because when a path splits up (on the way up), it splits in V shape so when you're coming down that would mean you're going in a backwards direction which no one would take unless deliberately.
@user-nt4zw2mb5y 3 месяца назад
Не могу понять где Крис и Лиссан делали здесь фото?
@mari_mari007 2 года назад
А ведь там свежие цветы. Значит кто-то туда приходит... 🤔
@fudzifitzgerald9619 2 года назад
Это искусственные. В России также на могилы носят искусственные пластиковые цветы
@alexsac7840 7 месяцев назад
Gansales 😢
@usablemarker1173 Год назад
I feel like this is where the night photos were taken, do any one else agree?
@angelikablume3163 2 месяца назад
I thought that at minute 9:40
@gabrielarivero1338 Год назад
Cada vez que miro los videos, tengo la sensación, que las chicas no decidieron lo hicieron por ellas.Eran formadas e inteligentes, como irían así vestidas con remeras y shorts, a escalar estos senderos pudiéndose lastimar con espinas piedras o caerse ? sin provisiones sin alimentos, sabiendo que pronto caería la tardecita noche.Parecían ingenuas y confiadas, pero no eran tontas.Todo parece indicar que fueron arrebatadas y/o extorsionadas, sus celulares y camara de fotos, fueron manipulados, porque es muy raro lo que se puede ver.Y aún sabiendo que no hay señal para comunicarse, es todo un montaje de este o estos asesinos...
@lilianamontero230 Год назад
Por todas esas partes hay gente porque hay vacas
@zulaybecerra2339 19 дней назад
Da miedo ir ahy Muchos Caníbales humanos y salvajes Animales Carnívoros esas muchachas que Dios las tenga en la gloria y el descanso Solo Dios sabe que les pasó que dios las lleve descansar las albertencias son importantes más cuando no conoces lugares peligrosos le faltó más orientación pero Nadien está por. NADIEN solo las maldades el peligro 🇻🇪
@larvin6910 2 года назад
So this is the path after the first path when they recommend turning around
@goonerash Год назад
No, this is the first path to the 'summit' before you should turn back.
@larvin6910 Год назад
@@goonerash okay what video will I find the path that is not recommended
@goonerash Год назад
@@larvin6910 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-UHy92eZ6Xqc.html
@philippeattackman763 2 года назад
Salut Romain ! Je sais que ce n’est pas vraiment le lieu pour discuter des circonstances de la disparition de kris et lysanne mais j’ai une théorie qui me trotte dans la tête depuis un certain temps, concernant la photo du crâne de Kris prise de nuit......en essayant de me mettre à leur place, je me suis demandé si une (rare car dangereuse...) recherche de nuit par hélicoptère avait été effectuée dans le creneau horaire de la prise de la photo....car moi, dans leur situation, en m’imaginant à leur place, j’aurais flashé la chevelure rousse de Kris, pour faire comme une balise orangée plus facilement décelable de l’hélicoptère....parfois la solution la plus simple est la bonne, non ??.....
@Romain_C 2 года назад
Salut ! Honnêtement, je ne pense pas du tout. Kris s'est peut-être juste tenue devant la caméra par hasard. Pour les hélicoptères, on m'a confirmé que ceux-ci n'étaient pas utilisés de nuit.
@JC-ne3fw Год назад
Les cheveux semblent anormalement propres... de plus sur les photos on voir qu il pleut énormément et les cheveux sont secs ?
@RonyBlueSS 2 года назад
nice place, but no security for foreigners, due to what happened to young Lisanne and Kris.
@luisvelazquez942 Год назад
Yo me aseguro q si yo hubiera estado para el tiempo q se desapareció al mismo día fueran encontrada , no habría ninguna duda , eso era bueno tener unas bocinas grande y perro y si no habría perro en el momento , con q la bocina se escuchara duro ,!fuera suficiente porque si ella la escuchaba iban a ir hacia el sonido , esa niña están muerta porque Panama le falló las fiscal hizo un libro y no creo q ella sea la persona para adecuada para eso
@vanilleorchidee6626 2 года назад
The two girls didn't have an accident, they didn't get lost either! It was cold blood murder! I don't want to know who's in on it! In any case, the fact is that they were killed, the only question is why!!! The climb is very difficult and dangerous, the girls should never have done it alone! Correct video, thanks for uploading! 👍 (sorry for my bad english, i speak this Language not so good)! 🙈 R.I.P. Kris and Lisanne 🙏🕯🕊
@alexsac7840 7 месяцев назад
Do u think they can be eaten by canibals?
@user-pq9jg5wz6j Год назад
Ну и маршрут... Точно костей не соберешь...
@ljch8a 2 года назад
porque nadie hace un video largo mas allá del mirador, solo una persona se adentro mas allá de donde esta la cruz de las chicas, llego a la quebrada pero camino un poco mas y no se adentro mas. todos los videos son muy repetitivos del mismo ascenso hasta el mirador y las chicas tuvieron los problemas mas allá de la quebrada que fue donde se tomaron la ultima foto visible. alguien debería grabar mas allá de la quebrada. creo todos queremos entender que fue lo que les sucedió a Kris y Lisanne pobrecitas ellas un día de caminata bonito se convirtió en pesadilla.
@edgarjuniordelacruz3984 2 года назад
porque no vas tu y lo haces, si tanto quieres saber
@Romain_C 2 года назад
He filmado hasta el primer puente de los monos.... Todavía no he publicado todo, pero ya hay vídeos hasta las barreras. Solo tienes que hacer clic en el canal de youtube....
@franciscoarce8224 Год назад
Porque es muy peligroso
@josysouzah Год назад
@@edgarjuniordelacruz3984 cállate nosotros queremos mirar lo que tiene adilante
@user-vl5sh8ni4r Год назад
Мне этот путь не показался прекрасной прогулкой. Тернист и опасен
@dinamozagrebworldvicechamp2324 2 года назад
this is not a jungle.you have many open places here .you have paths,the chose is on you how you gonna reacted in this circumstances .this is a forest.
@gloriaacevedo7777 Год назад
No me canso de pensar como estas chicas tomaron esa edición de ir solas a un lugar tan solitario pobres chicas
@alexstar5182 10 месяцев назад
Dude this trail is creepy and you can get lost easily. You go off the trail to pee and you can fall or take some wrong turn. I don't know why their parents said it was an easy trail. Maybe because they wanted to justify the poor decision of their daughters
@Motshidi 7 месяцев назад
I agree with you! Despite what some people say, it looks like it's very easy to get lost, and those "quebradas" look like real traps to me. You could easily get ambushed😳😢
@alexsac7840 Год назад
In the mountains there lived canibal tribe.. Little black people, mix African and Latin. On each pic of girls I saw a lot of skulls. Girls were eaten
@alexsac7840 2 месяца назад
@@alisek4441 I saw them on their pictures
El Pianista (Entrance - Mirador) Part 1/4
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Did Kris Kremers or Lisanne Froon fall of the trail?
El Pianista (Entrance - Mirador) Part 3/4
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KRIS & LISANNE (2019): The Complete Panama Pictures
El Pianista, the path after the Mirador - Part 4
El Pianista (Entrance - Mirador) Part 2/4
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El Pianista, the path after the Mirador - Part 1