
What Shocking Incident Happened In Your School ? 

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What Shocking Incident Happened In Your School ?
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@19nmiller1 2 месяца назад
I went to high school with the girl who ate her own used tampon and posted it on RU-vid. Going to class the day after it was posted was very interesting. It was our freshman year of high school when she made it and swiftly was taken out to be homeschooled. She actually returned for our senior year and graduated alongside us. Weird times.
@labyrinthgirl17 2 месяца назад
My school incidents: - Fellow classmate was tackled by the math teacher when he ran from the room, after getting caught spitting his tobacco chew out the window. - Cops, with K-9 units, inspecting all of the lockers for drugs. At most, a handful of kids got busted for having weed in their lockers. - School went into lockdown for an hour and a half when live ammo was found in a classroom. It was a shotgun shell that fell out of someone's backpack, because they had used the same backpack to go hunting over the weekend. - Too many fights to recall anything specific, just that those involved usually ended up bloody and bruised.
@zander4425 2 месяца назад
My school incident: I was/am a junior, and at the first football game (I am in band so had to attend),a gang fight occurred. One person was shot, and chaos broke out. I didn’t even know what was going on until after the entire thing happened lol
@HallowIsSmol 2 месяца назад
i WAS the incident. ive told this story before, but i was on an antibiotic that put me into a state of psychosis and traumatized my fellow second graders.
@mariewraight4969 2 месяца назад
My husband is two years younger than me, so i wasnt witness to this, but his whole year group was suspended onthe day before his final day of school because it was the worst behaved group in the schools history and the staff were rightfully concerned about last day pranks 😂
@awrsish 2 месяца назад
I'm addicted to reddit videos but only from this channel and under sparked.
@adinkottwitz-3106 2 месяца назад
Mainly facts is a good one too. I mainly watch this channel and mainly facts
@stinky-smelly 2 месяца назад
Rufus read it is also pretty good!
@howdelydoo 2 месяца назад
My childhood friend switched schools in elementary to the school in the next town over. I left our original school to her school in HS. When I got there I was talking with a group of my classmates and a JH coach walks up. They all greet him excitedly and give him a hug. They talk, introduce me, then the coach asked if I "knew the crazy drama childhood friend started?" They all said no and he told me when friend was in JH aged 13 she told people he had picked her up outside of school and taken her to the park. They kissed. He told her he loved her. He then laughed and said she was crazy and the other girls said "yeah shes just an attention seeker, she'll say anything to have focus on her." I was like wtf. One, why is HE telling me? I just saw it as him trying to get his defense in before I knew. So I went and asked friend. She just looked really sad and said "it doesnt matter anymore. After all he's a good Christian man with a family" nobody believed her. I did. And I told her so. His vibe felt weird to me and I just found it so weird he would tell a 15 year old about the story right after introducing himself. She smiled and said thank you. Never talked about it again. She ended up passing away our senior year. It broke me. Fast forward 15 years later and guess who pops up on the news after an FBI sting caught him? The coach, now principal of the school. Dude hid a USB camera in the visiting girls locker room. Some visiting girls found it after mistaking it for one of theirs and taking it home with them 🙃 he was arrested, everyone in my class got a call from a detective. All I could do was cry and tell her they finally got him. I even called out everyone on social media who refused to believe her. Because "He would never! He has daughters himself. He goes to church every Sunday." Dude paid his bond and blew his brains out the same night. Even in the end he was a coward who couldnt face consequences. I LAUGHED so hard. I feel terrible for his family but I'm happy he went out the way he did.
@EscapingValhalla 2 месяца назад
When i was in middle school, I had an art teacher who was a very talented painter and an established artist outside his teaching career. One day he just stopped coming to class and we suddenly had substitute teacher with no reason given to his absence. A little while later it came out that he was accused and later convicted of making forgeries of famous artists' paintings (ex. Picasso's) which he sold to collectors. He apparently also had ties to organized crime and money laundering schemes. He died a few years later apparently from falling down an escalator, there were rumors that someone pushed him.
@ExSharkV 2 месяца назад
When I was in 12th grade 2 kids each brought in gallon jugs that had been filled to the brim with glitter and dumped both out in the two busiest stairwells in the school in between classes almost simultaneously. The school shutdown the stairwells for the rest of the day but the "damage" had already been done. The students who have been caught in the glitter carpet bombings managed to track the glitter all across the school.
@richardherndon451 2 месяца назад
As I was listening to this my dad (a high school computer technician) texted me and my mom and told us that someone lit his school on fire. Again.
@emnorfolk5559 2 месяца назад
My school had a "trend" of drawing a line down other people's back with chalk (leaving a white line down their jumper or blazer). I told my cousin (who lives 150 miles away) within 3 weeks, it had progressed at her school to running a razor blade down other kids backs! (Leaving a slit in their blazer or a bloody slit in their shirt)!!! 💔
@SkinnerNoah 2 месяца назад
When i was in eleventh grade, a girl recorded herself using a popsicle as a d*ldo. There was an assembly where the principal and police said anyone with the video would be arrested and expelled. The weird thing is that the girl was proud of the video and almost got charged for production of cp because she kept sharing it with people
@selenalulamoon1167 2 месяца назад
??? That's weird. Was she atleast sharing it with her age group?
@selenalulamoon1167 2 месяца назад
And not you know... teachers and adults.
@SkinnerNoah 2 месяца назад
@@selenalulamoon1167 idk exactly how it got leaked, but it was meant for her boyfriend
@strawberry_boba_milk_tea8195 2 месяца назад
My youngest brother, who was a freshman at the time, I was a senior, was apart of the reason we had a school assembly . He was caught trading knives for weed/vapes. This was one month into the school year. I never saw him around school so I had no idea this was happening until he didn’t come to the buses after school. I Called my dad to let him know and not long after my dad got a call from the school.
@goodbyeseeyalater 2 месяца назад
Elementary school. This one beloved teacher had cancer. I was late to school. I came to class and everyone was crying. I hanged up my coat and bookbag. My teacher and another broke the news. I just sat down and wasn't really in shock. That teacher and I weren't that close. This was 2007 or 2008.
@esecretlangel9130 2 месяца назад
I mentioned this before but some people have asked me to clarify something in 2008 my principal and at least on of the administrators started embezzling for the school. They were both arrested in 2015. It involved the ‘banker school’ in Australia. The vice principal to over and made it a STEM school.
@SapphireExile 2 месяца назад
Story 15 got me thinking about that time Spongebob was trying to blow out a fire. Did the chuckle-head also throw the fire extinguisher at the grill?
@goodbyeseeyalater 2 месяца назад
Gym class. Elementary school. This kid in my class got hit in the face by a flying bat during softball. Relax. The victim wasnt a stand up guy. He ended up getting stitches.
@fancydeer 2 месяца назад
The school that gave parenting classes to the pregnant girls was really cool actually.
@JordiAran 2 месяца назад
Multiple, but let's set the scene Fancy Florida private school in the mid-late 2010s. K-12, divided into K-6 (lower school) and 7-12 (upper school). >kid caught choking his chicken in the second row during Spanish class causing teacher to cry. Expelled. > kids caught hotboxing in the Publix parking lot barely a block away, still in uniform. Expelled and one of their mom's, who worked at the school, got fired. >Seniors host a cupcake fight when the Dean of the upper school is coming by with a tour group. Not sure what happened but icing was on the bushes for 2 days. >Seniors graffiti one of the major courtyards with spray paint with slurs against a female teacher. Expelled, no more senior prank week (same week as cupcake war), and that courtyard was shut down for like a week for clean up, much to the grief of the several hundred students stuck waiting for pick up with way fewer benches. >Decapitated ducklings were found on one of the football bleachers (canal ran through the property and ducks lived at the place), found by one of the teachers I think. Kid was caught and expelled, don't know what else since I didn't know that guy
@kyototomokui6676 2 месяца назад
When I was in college, my English professor turned out to be gay and he married a senior. They’ve been married 8 years now and still going strong, and I’m still friends with them to this day.
@stinky-smelly 2 месяца назад
At least it was a college senior not a freshman
@kyototomokui6676 2 месяца назад
@@stinky-smelly Very true.
@selenalulamoon1167 2 месяца назад
I mean college students are adults. Was the professor also young?
@360entertainment2 Месяц назад
From the school district I spent the majority of my school years in: a handwritten bomb threat was found in the hallway of our high school and every school in our district was evacuated. We ended up outside for pretty much half of the day until they were able to identify the student who left the note based on the handwriting. The next year when I was a freshman I met the kid and he pretty much looked exactly how I pictured him looking! From my second school district: a senior from my first high school had started dating a freshman and would hang out at the second high school during lunch. One day during one of these lunches the girlfriend said something to the senior and he hit her hard enough to make her fall to the ground and then began bragging about needing to beat his women to keep them in line. A sophomore was having his lunch in the same area and got in the dude’s face and challenged him to a fight after school which the senior accepted. When everyone got to the “designated fight area” the sophomore was already there and the senior rolled up in his car with a bunch of dudes with him. The senior kept his left hand in his pocket and tried extending his right hand out to shake and claimed “I only want peace”, the sophomore cold cocked him hard enough to send him falling to the ground and then got on top of him to deliver a glorious ground and pound. Somewhere in the scuffle the senior’s hand came out of his pocket and either some brass knuckles or a thing of pepper spray came fell out with it and got grabbed up by one of the folks watching the fight. The sophomore then picked the senior up and I assume was trying to throw him through the back passenger window but missed it completely and he went flying into the door, the sophomore then picked him back up and shoved him through the window while screaming at the dude’s in the back to get the hell out of his town. The sophomore initially got brought up on charges but the senior ended up getting jumped at Walmart by the Sophomore’s big brother and afterwards ran off to Florida!
@grumpygato99 2 месяца назад
I recently went back to my old high school and found that one of my classmates (id say we were freiends tho we havent talked since graduation) is still famous. The time he ate a black widow and the time his backpack was full of maggots were the big ones and I was so cool because theyd just heard stories but i was there for all this and it was in fact all true. Was not as funny at the time. Well, the maggot one was kinda funny tbh. I wonder how that guys doing, i always said hed end up either famous or in jail (maybe both) so i ought to check which path hes on.
@sairus3239 Месяц назад
The biggest incident in my school was when i think 7th or 8th grade. Group of students (same grade as me, different class. As study group. Not the social class) went to hang out on the building site (no idea how they got there in the first place) and one of the guys fell from the third floor on the metal bars prepared for the enforced concrete. The guy died on the spot. School tried to be quiet about that but things like that are hard to keep hidden. Teachers said nothing about the incident as if it didn't exist since it was one of the "low class" students with low grades in "main" subjects that "elite" school with focus on math and physics was kinda treating like they were an NPCs in the story of "better" students.
@funkymonkey41784 2 месяца назад
I have a story that is dark, it involves blackmail, bad videos about kids and a suicide. Not going to wright it all down unless asked
@CollectiveMindFilms 2 месяца назад
More like confusing, than shocking-but a bunch of people tried to have me unalived. I have no idea what was going on and couldn’t get anyone to tell me anything, was actually just trying to write to the school and find out. They were really awful about taking care of students, though
@spongedog0013 2 месяца назад
My school had 2 Student Teacher relationship incidents However some sexism was involved. The male teacher was quickly fired at the end of the year but the school still tried to keep it quite however the female teacher that was sleeping a student was never fired and the school attempted to fully cover it up and even after the students found out she still kept her job. Rual Arkansas High schools have a lot of that stuff going on.
@erickathedhampir1 2 месяца назад
Oh man the only incident I ever think of is the Valentine's Day back in elementary school of course having a Valentine's party in my class and some snacks where buy by parents also my mom brought some chocolate and vanilla cupcakes and punch when one of the girls take a bite of the chocolate instant her face is swelling up and in up in the nurses office and also apparently the girl in my class have a worst peanut allergy at least she was okay afterwards and apparently one of the students parents just brought the chocolates in didn't bother to ask for food allergens thank goodness my mom called the teacher ahead of time to ask if there's any food allergies because she used to babysit and taking care of foster kids
@emnorfolk5559 2 месяца назад
I can't count the teachers who (a) had affairs with each other, (b) went to the pub and got drunk at lunch and (c) sa'd kids... Oh actually, my year alone... (a) 4, 1 got pregnant, (b) at least 20 and (c) 2!!!
@goodbyeseeyalater 2 месяца назад
My class used to rebel against this one teacher who should've picked a different career a long time ago. Twice. This first time was when my class all banged on the tables at the same time. The second was when she had us and someone threw pen, pencil or paper(I cant recall what was thrown) at her and she went into the main office, crying. That teacher was the worst person ever. No idea where she is at or if she is alive.
@CurlyB987 2 месяца назад
Student managed to get the administrative login for the website used for Spanish homework and assignments and used it to upload cp to every course. Not sure who did it or what came of it, but I have never been more glad to have been a terrible Spanish student.
@marmot418 2 месяца назад
For the comment on story 30, the people who upload the corn to places like "The Hub"
@MORONIC_official 2 месяца назад
Isn't this a reupload I remember the Spielbergs nephew story
@TheCinnaCat 2 месяца назад
Gosh I remember when I was a school
@baliyae 2 месяца назад
I’d hate to say this, but we didn’t an incident at any of the schools I attended. Yeah, it was pretty boring. We didn’t even have a *pregnancy* when I was in high school.
@Noor_Jacobs03 2 месяца назад
8 @8:26 Zidane is pronounced "Zi-done", liek the word 'done', not "dane".
@bayleecook9268 Месяц назад
Not one incident. But my high school has/had the highest teen pregnancy rate in the entire state of kansas.
@mr.banana7593 2 месяца назад
Nah story 14 is literally a plotline in the order of the phoenix
@MRCOOLMAN12345 2 месяца назад
@TheRuneTail 2 месяца назад
Its so funny of the hypocrisy. "When she returned she was greeted with cheers" When you know damn well if it was a male teacher hed be met with handcuffs
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