Mostly Facts
Mostly Facts
Mostly Facts
we tell stories
What's Something You Wish You Knew Sooner?
7 часов назад
What's Your "Let That Sink In" Fun Fact?
12 часов назад
@itsdorianrae 2 часа назад
i don't know anyone who's vagueposted since ninth grade on AOL. anyone who does it after 14 years old probably didn't grow up much after that
@ApostateAbdul 2 часа назад
Background game?
@Mia-dt3gl 31 минуту назад
Left 4 Dead 2.
@TheRuneTail 5 часов назад
Many of these Ops made the worse choices possible Mom gets used and robbed then the sister she kicked out AT 15 YEARS OLD takes her in and upu say "that was nice" no the term you meant to say was incompetent. Those two had years of experience of mom treating them so bad and just let her get away with it
@savannahdohn6002 6 часов назад
@jakecole9872 6 часов назад
@amirilan4435 17 часов назад
Sort of the opposite story: I dated this girl on and off for about 6 months. We were at my place and had a massive fight. She wanted to leave so i ordered her a taxi. She blocked me on facebook and whatsapp the same day. Half a year after, she calls me at 1 am, I answer because i already erased her contact. "Why did you not run after me?" "Excuse me?! You blocked me on every platform" " I didn't block your number, you could've called" Good lord 😅
@asl4life443 18 часов назад
Two stories; one mine, one my good friend who told me as an adult. Moved into my childhood home at 8. Neighbor across the street was a RN at the local elder care center with 2 kids. They used to have a fence around their front yard, and the gate was tricky for me to open. I was timid, so I'd call before I needed something, and they'd meet me. They removed the fence when I was about 10 or so, and they still only ever opened the door a crack when anyone knocked. I went inside once when I was sick and mom had work at a school. It seemed cluttered but okay. Fast forward to like 1998 or whatever, and as the youngest is now 18, the mortgage isn't being paid by dad, and they go into foreclosure, eventually sellig to a flipper. I get a job cutting the lawn for summer money. The garage was never use before and despite moving to an apartment, they left a lot behind inside. I was asked to help clean out the house for more money, and when they opened the garage, it was full of garbage of all kinds (old soaked newspapers, eggs, plastics, TONS of fast food wrappers, meat, clothes, etc) and soooo many maggots that my gloves were soaked through at the second layer. Turns out, while the city was currently (and still is) in charge of picking their trash people and getting you cans and you just pay the city your $10 a month, you used to have to hire a private trash person and they'd pick up all the trash from the street the same day each week, and bill you separately. I remember there were issues with them accepting some of our cans when we first moved in, so it's probably one of the reasons they switched to managed services. Well, instead of paying for a private company, in order to save money, they threw trash in their garage instead and left it there for over a DECADE in the TRIPLE DIGIT WESTERN US SUMMERS! Once you got down to the bottom later in the pile, it looked like there might have been baby albums or other things that were being stored in the garage but got burried by the trash pile and eaten by the bugs and rodents. Sad! 😥 She had a row of small picture windows in the garage door, and the trash was so high you could see it through the bottom of the windows. When questioned, she said it was "just debris" and moved on. On the inside, she was a horder (adult eyes as I was an adult before I realized my dad is too), and had barely cleaned up enough for my mom to leave me when sick as she had an entire room where she'd litterally throw things when anyone came by, including cops or church or whoever. Boxes of crap she thrifted, piles of papers that weren't newspaper, and the cereal boxes and other trash that wasn't tossed into the garage was left on the floor to be stomped into the ground and pee/pooed on by her dogs before tossing. Her dogs also had their own room in the basement where they'd pee and poop and puke and "spray" (before she got them fixed) all day while she was at work and her kids at school. Finally fixed the dogs and cleaned the room up ONLY after the county threatened not only to take them, but to charge her with something that wouldn't allow her to renew her RN license. Well timed as I heard her complain to my mom that she has to submit the paperwork that month in time for the renewal (pre internet). As a kid, I still respected them as their oldest (who was prob 6 to 8 years older) babysat a lot and was super inclusive of me. The mom, too (son was a loaner so I saw little of him). Becoming an adult can really change your perspective. And the guy who flipped the house never paid me for the garage as it would have been "hazardous child labor," and he couldn't have that on his paperwork. 🙄 Story 2 is a comment on this post due to length.
@asl4life443 17 часов назад
TRIGGER WARNING (Child and adult S abuse) A friend of mine move in down the road from me when we were in junior high or so. We were already friends from school and I loved her being closer to me. Friend's mom and dad had a biker friend named Bear (real nickname, but it IS a nickname) that'd come around for over a year. One day, I see Bear riding away from their house (remember it vividly) and think nothing of it at the time. Later that week, friend tells me that she came home early (my mom gave her a ride that day vs walking so she was about 20+ mins earlier and we usually hung out at school after the bell, so even earlier than typical), and saw Bear had cornered her mom in the kitchen and had stuck his hands down her pants. She reports you could tell her mom didn't want it and was trying yo get him off her. Even after all that, it took about an hour for Bear to actually leave when the dad came home early from work and dragged him out of the house, threatening him with a sharp beer bottle. She told me at the time that she recently had a dream where an actual bear was threatening her family but her dad hunted it and they ended up eating Bear during the camping trip ahe wa on in the dream. She and I both believe she is a prolific dreamer. About... 12 ish years ago or so, she asks to stop by as she needs to wait for something at the store to be ready and she lived to far away to justify leaving and coming back. Hubby has never met her so while her kids and mine were playing in another room we talk all about our teenage faux pas. I get to the day I see Bear drive away on his bike for the last time and she tells me there is more to that story. She checked that the kids couldn't hear and then proceeds to tell me something... just sick. *BAD TRIGGER, NEXT PARAGRAPH* A few years after wed graduated high school, (like 7 or so years after the original dream), she had the same bear dream again. BUT, this time, instead of her dad hunting it, the bear big-spoon cuddles with a bear cub and "rocks" slowly with it. She was convinced it wasn't actual "rocking," so she called an acquaintance of her brother's that was a PI. Coincidently, his wife a social worker with APS (adult protective services), which will be important later. Long story short, PI finds Bear and she says "it's a good thing wife worked for APS or else [PI] would have done serious damage to him" upfront. He'd got into the house with some ruse and while the wrestling chatting, a 6 to 8 year old girl comes in the living room and kneels beside Bear to play. IDR if he said who she was to him, but his granddaughter or granddaughter of a friend or whoever that he was watching is what my brain always remembers. After being done with her toy or whatever a few minutes after coming into the room, she turns to Bear and begins 🌬 him. In front of company! Like it was normal!!! Bear is just sitting there all casually for a while and then asks PI friend and says "you want some of this?" as he motions to the girl, still bobbing away. PI was freaked the royal F out, make an excuse, and ran home, exceeding the speed limit by double digits the entire way. He was so messed up by this, he just manically rambals the entire thing to his wife (thankfully she was home and alone at the time) the second he walked in the door at home. She's a mandatory reporter, so she calls her old boss, who's now the head of the state CPS office as it was different counties and different jurisdictions and reports the entire thing! They did an "emanate danger" removal of all minors in the home within like an hour. I could be getting this mixed up with someone else, but my memory says the niece was running a home daycare during the week in the other half of his duplex/twin house. No idea if anything happened there, but she'd been running it for over a year and the yard was a fenced in space that both sides had access to. I know the PI had to go to court a few times to testify, but it never went to full trial. IDR why and due to my own past, I don't know if I even asked. My hope is that Bear got shanked in jail while awaiting trial and bled out slowly, on the floor, while the prisoners and guards watched and high-fived each other.
@DaisyAnimeluvr День назад
There was this one little shit of a kid who went to my middle school. He was always making fun of my weight, the way I dressed, and he was one of those people who thought being poor was a choice. Just an overall belligerent little shit. Anyway, I’m poor. I grew up poor, but my Nana had bought a condo way back in the 80s that was located in a pretty affluent neighborhood, so the public schools were really well funded. This, however, meant I went to school with a lot of rich kids. Nothing against kids who have all their needs met, but you could tell that a lot of those kids were really spoiled. So one afternoon my mom came to pick me up in our old 1991 Isuzu Trooper. Very old very banged up. Guess who couldn’t keep his privileged mouth shut? Belligerent kid. As I put on my seatbelt, he yelled from the sidewalk “get a new car!” Without missing a beat, my mom replied “ your daddy gonna buy it for me?” It was the best moment of my life to see that outraged look on his face. He kept his stupid opinions to himself after that.
@recycledapathy7411 День назад
That thing about having separate blankets. I stumbled on to that one a while back. We had to evacuate because of a storm, and stay in a Red Cross shelter for a few days, and those cots were the opposite of comfortable, so we bought some sleeping bags to pad it out. When we got home, I started sleeping inside the sleeping bag on cold days, and eventually it just became a habit to burrito myself in a blanket or a sheet or whatever. My husband was at first annoyed by this, but he's the type who will steal the blanket, and then kick it off the bed when he gets hot in his sleep, so I told him, "Separate covers, or separate rooms, your choice." We've been sleeping with two sets of covers for about 15 years now. And I still burrito myself in mine, because why not? He still kicks his onto the floor. :P
@emilsecker7881 День назад
If you refuse to react, don’t read it out lol 13:58
@frimchi День назад
The cat one messed me up a bit
@wmdkitty День назад
Same. Had to go hug my cat.
@frimchi Час назад
@wmdkitty me too.... I'm hugging your cat too, I'm hugging all the cats 😢
@TheGuracao День назад
I like that you are reading the stories yourself, instead of just using AI voices, but you should check the captions in your videos before uploading.
@dragonfliesnh4204 День назад
Story 2 regarding the woman with disabilities. I totally relate regarding needing the door locked when being home alone because I also have disabilities and have no way to protect myself. However, everything else was over the top, unreasonable and she sounds like she may also have mental problems to go along with all that. Yikes! My ex-roommate refused to lock the door or let me know when he was leaving so I could lock it, no matter how many times I've asked and told him that it was for my safety and peace of mind. The reason why he didn't want to let me know is because he didn't want to "report to me" on where he was going. I didn't need to know where, just so I can make sure the door is locked. He would lock it if his kids were going to be home alone or he left the house when no one was there. There were many, many other issues with him, but this is related to that specific story...
@karlsmith2570 День назад
3:21 "Were They Well-Behaved Before The Parents On Their Night Out?, DidThe Parents Deal With This Kind Of Behavior And The Kids Did This After They'd Left Because They Could Do This Kind Of Behavior That The Parents Wouldn't Put Up With?" That's what it sounds like to me
@noahhammon1400 День назад
Story 3: interoception, the sensation of your body communicating within itself. Your stomach tells you youre hungry, your bladder when you need to pee, for when your blood has too much CO2 in it, pain, cold, heartbeat, etc. It's the sense that ensures those travel to the brain. Being autistic, that all gets messed up and super strong or super soft. Like taste or texture is much stronger sense than normal people, sound and touch as well, light can be overwhelming, you don't get hungry for days, you can have arrhythmia. It's insane
@itscs1175 День назад
I wrote the titanic comment in story 3 of the original ask, one of my favorite fun facts.
@grandshadowseal 2 дня назад
Ever think of doing any livestreams and playing some games?
@user-fl9te5ur2n 2 дня назад
I’ve worked with sheep and cows before and there’s a saying that is absolutely truce and it’s the moment a sheep gets up in the morning it’s first thought is what trouble can I get into today and calf’s will chew and eat anything they can get into there mouth strings, wire and anything else
@Some-Dude-Named-Anthony 2 дня назад
How to abuse Microsoft Access and PowerPoint. My fifth grade projects would've gone much better. Thank god my highschool has computer studies classes where we learn these things.
@jenniferbates2811 2 дня назад
That I'm not broken, the system I was born into, is broken.
@RhiFoxx 3 дня назад
Story 11🥺🖤
@Richardblue1963 3 дня назад
@yemu8045 3 дня назад
I wish I would've realized how horrible of a human I was both Physically, mentally, and socially sooner. It was like gaining consciousness
@valentinagiovanardi6080 3 дня назад
I have a history of back issues with a severe scoliosis since I was a child and signs of mild rickets. When I turned 26, I started having leg pain often and I became partially incontinent out of nowhere. I saw multiple doctors, including 2 orthopedists and a few neurologists. Every time I suggested it could have something to do with my back issues, their reaction was like “No way! You’re so young!”. They talked to me as if I was oversensitive and playing victim, and insisted that I didn’t need any exam. Someone even prescribed antidepressants lying to me about the real purpose of the drug (he said it was to cure muscle tissues, after in my blood test I had levels indicating overexertion, while I was doing no physical activity at all because in that period leg pain was very bad). I also visited a gynecologist, since I gave birth few years before the incontinence started, I wanted to make sure it wasn’t maybe a prolapse or something like that. He said I was fat, it was normal for a woman that fat not to control the bladder (I am indeed overweight, but at the time I wasn’t like severely obese, I only waighted 80 kg, I’ve never heard of someone suffering from incontinence just for a weight issue at a similar weight.) At 29 I went to the E.R. for the worst back pain in my life. They made a physical exam and said it could be a hernia, but they couldn’t give me imaging because it was not an emergency, so for the imaging I needed the prescription from family doctor (I’m from Italy, almost everything needs to pass from family doctor). I went to my doctor (one that I barely knew, because my previous doctor just retired) with the papers from the E.R. and she laughed in my face saying I was faking for attention. I immediately changed doctor (it wasn’t the first time she totally dismissed me, that was enough!) Having the new doctor, convince him I was not exagerating, and the waiting list for the MRI, it took more than 2 years. They were right! (sarcasm) I don’t have a hernia. I have 5 of them. And arthrosis.🥳 But, don’t worry! When you are “too young for a condition” you are totally immune to it! 🙄🤦
@targaryenxmandi 3 дня назад
The guy I am with? Me and him started off best friends since 2008. Our friendship soon blossomed into a romantic relationship fall 2020. He loves me for me and even helped me embrace my inner dorkiness. It's long distance and we do talk daily also. Talked on the phone a few times too whenever we both have a chance. But my boyfriend now has been there for me and my rock. He got me into Elder Scrolls games too. He's also Indigenous American too and I learned he is of the bloodline of Sacagawea from his mother's side. All I can say is my life felt boring until 2008 and I feel lucky to have him in my life. I love him so much.
@radeakins 3 дня назад
This subject is just boring me. All beyond my experience because I've never met a woman who was interested in me. The other direction: any woman I'm intesrested in, they wouldn't be intetested in me anyway.
@aceospades6570 3 дня назад
There was an exchange student from Mexico in my grade 9 class who, although he was cool at the start, began picking on this one odd but quiet kid (John; not his real name). He would say things like "I love everyone in this class except John". He had also faked out punches towards John's head numerous times but, one time, actually smacked the shit out of the top of John's head. One day, John was asked to answer a math question at the front of the classroom and when he went up there, the dude yells out "John sucks!". John, in front of the whole class - including the teacher - replies "and you swallow". The whole class starts laughing and one other dude starts going "OH SHOTS FIRED!". The teacher did tell him it was inappropriate but, to him, it was totally worth it; despite the Mexican fella not even knowing what the response even meant. I was John
@petertran9416 4 дня назад
SpongeBob is an example, because in modern days it’s becoming a husk of its former self.
@melon-melon71 4 дня назад
When he tries to cheer you up with corny jokes
@gapgamer0954 4 дня назад
@gia.marie2002 4 дня назад
As someone who’s only had horrible and cruel landlords, it makes me so sad when people take advantage of nice and helpful landlords. ☹️
@alanphipps 4 дня назад
I cant remember 20 minutes ago not knowing a few years ago
@adamb89 4 дня назад
It is medically beneficial to eat your own shit. I mean you already ate it once, and your body only got about 70% of the nutrients in the first pass anyway.
@WendyDarling1974 4 дня назад
I started having headaches around 11 or 12. They were really bad. Mom was against me taking aspirin or anything because 1) kids “don’t get headaches” and 2) it’s wrong to rely on medicines like that. So headaches became just a regular thing. I snuck aspirin, though it didn’t particularly work. As an adult I’d brush off my crushing headaches because nobody likes a whiner. Took me until I was 40 to realize I’d been having migraines since childhood. And I realized because my sister who DID listen to her child, my nephew, found out he had severe migraines which became disabling. As she described his symptoms and how migraines work, I realized what I had wasn’t just normal. She got me to go to a neurologist. After a few years of treatment I was much better and these days I don’t even take anything. Still have them but only once or twice a month. If your kid persistently says they hurt, like over weeks or months or years, it’s not a phase or a cry for attention.
@onionbubs386 4 дня назад
Is the hot summer sidewalk comment an American Dad reference lol
@emilsecker7881 4 дня назад
Story one, you can’t sell a house that quickly lol
@user-rn1lz6lt8r 4 дня назад
@plattepuss66 4 дня назад
This is unfortunately hilarious and relatable at the same time.
@FormulaOneLeclerc 5 дней назад
@yeetusfetus6268 5 дней назад
It feels illegal to be this early
@emilsecker7881 День назад
At least you stopped people saying first 🤣
@CGL_Gamesnstuff 5 дней назад
Skate 3!?!?
@MissLeigh232 5 дней назад
Any form of penetration with any body part or object is considered SA, at least second degree, and first degree could be argued due to the penetration part. Touching someone inappropriately is ALSO SA, even if we take the penetration half out of it. It just is going to be a lower degree in that case. Edit: This also feels very trickle-truth, the way he's is admitting to bits but "I never did that!" type. Gross.
@ttheresa1023 5 дней назад
Not really a secret room, but I did have an unexpected discovery. My mother told me when my grandparents built our house, there was a laundry chute put in, but they had it sealed up because they would never use it. During a renovation of the bathroom and hallway area, I found the laundry chute and ripped off the wallpaper covering it. I opened it up and there was an envelope with a couple hundred dollar bills taped inside the door. My grandparents were teenagers through the great depression and always kept cash close. When they moved to senior living, they complained that there was money they left but couldn't remember where it was hidden. That money was very helpful for paying for the renovation and I am looking forward to more updates to see if anything else was forgotten.
@bills1967 5 дней назад
the food one does not makes sense lol
@kayc1591 6 дней назад
Welcome back! I hope all is well with you
@NoxicIsgod 6 дней назад
Woo! Daddy Facts
@robhiggins3287 6 дней назад
To this day I can not remember what he was actually meant to be teaching. It was a class spread between multiple teachers each focusing on sonething important for adult life. Career ambitions, job interviews, cvs/ resumes, you got a 2 week internship in your then dream job, National Insurance/ Social Security numbers etc (well those are the other things I do remember but there were more.) Most of his lessons focused on conspiracy theories. And he was a big believer on the moon landing being faked. I'd leave it up to interpretation as to whether this counts. And no he didn't focus on conspiracy theories, only can remember him finding a way to cover Aids and LGBT community (early 2000s.) But it wasn't until the last few classes we had him for
@robhiggins3287 6 дней назад
I went to school in the UK where separation of church and state is not a thing and alot of schools taught Christianity as fact/ in the same way they taught history. It boils down to what you do or don't believe or what religion (if any) you practice. Personally, as an atheist, while I don't want to suggest religions are not taught. I am behind the practice of separation of church and state in schools. My high school was non denominational and religion, outside the subject Religious Education which itself was teaching about all religions for the most part, had a minimal presence at best. All I probably should say on the subject.
@nanoglitch6693 6 дней назад
@wmdkitty 7 дней назад
Huh. Mine just screams at me when I don't eat, poops in a box, and expects me to meet her every need. But she's a cat, so I don't mind.
@RhinoBarbarian 7 дней назад
Story 3: The nerves for hot and the nerves for cold are two different sets of nerves. That alone proves you have more than five senses.