
Why I Joined the Mormon Church 

Zelph On the Shelf
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I was baptized into the Mormon church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) when I was 17. Here’s why!
Twitter: @ZelphOnTheShelf
Instagram: @TheSamspo / @Tanner_Gilliland
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27 июл 2018




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@waderobins07 6 лет назад
No matter your reasons... There will always be a Mormon who thinks you were deceived by Satan or you were lazy or wanted to sin or anything but your actual reason.
@jumpropestairs6129 6 лет назад
good point goes both ways... What religion were the Brady Bunch, they were happy and loving...
@doesntmatter26 4 года назад
Well, what else would you think if you believe your religion to be 100% true? Obviously you disagree that someone thinks it's wrong! Lol
@ZulcanPrime 3 года назад
I am sure even Satan wouldn't join the Mormon church. The members would scare the hell out of him.
@geoffreypalmer2661 2 года назад
@@ZulcanPrime ha ha ha
@karlaadame8840 Год назад
You're right!
@kentthalman4459 6 лет назад
It's clear from her cat's disinterest that it has never been Mormon.
@richardholmes7199 5 лет назад
A cat would never be anti-Mormon.
@richardholmes7199 5 лет назад
Here's where we're at. The EGYPTOLOGISTS have been DEBUNKED. As one has to just simply Google ''Book of Abraham pt 1 (Why Egyptologists are wrong) youtube'' to see all of that EGYPTOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT crap that the ANTI-MORMONS were obviously GULLIBLE enough to have bought into being DEBUNKED, debunked in a mere 7:43.
@larrywatson9400 4 года назад
Richard Holmes - I Ne. 9:6 tells us the LDS god WILL do whatever he tells his people. Yet, when the Jackson temple couldn’t be built- bc of those pesky ‘created’ little non-Mormon ‘men’ the LDS god failed I Nephi and issued excuses. The LDS god is neither ALL-knowing nor is he ALL-powerful if he can’t stop mere mortal men that ‘he’ created. How do you explain your god’s lies, failed and false prophecies?
@BTLFAEN 3 года назад
My cats LIKE Mormons
@Lucifersfursona 3 года назад
Your cats like being loved and cared for they don’t know what the fuck a Mormon is I’m not sure pets would be doing super well under the practice of conditional love and not cultivating empathy for living things (there is an episode of Provo bachelor that involves gruesomely casual descriptions of animal mutilation. Nobody brought it up two people just dumped that out of their mouths like it was normallllllllll)
@beccabonham8137 3 года назад
I’m in the middle of leaving the church right now and I just want to say that your channel has really helped me survive this period of my life! Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your experience- it’s made me feel less alone and less trapped while I’ve been quarantined with my entirely Mormon family
@someonewhobitthedust9124 6 лет назад
I used to be so anxious when hearing these stories because I was afraid of Mormonism not being true because it was my safety net. Now I know the truth and hearing people share their stories of freedom is so wonderful.
@toulla7477 Год назад
Not for me. I feel freedom now going into the church ⛪️ I am so happy to get away from this so called Christian world and get treated like dust. I am happy to be part of the Church of Jesus Christ's and latter day saints 😊
@toulla7477 Год назад
I feel the opposite. I thank the Lord each day for sending me to this wonderful church :)
@dekutree1105 6 лет назад
My brain hurts. I just started reading the CES Letter because I was having serious doubts and I now not only am I doubting more but feel super guilty. I don't who or what to trust, and I have no idea what to do. I'm not even supposed to watch this channel, being a "good Mormon girl". I'm frickin terrified.
@ZelphOntheShelf 6 лет назад
DM me so we can chat! I’m @TheSamspo on Twitter and Instagram. 💜
@dekutree1105 6 лет назад
Zelph On the Shelf, thank you so much but I don't have any social media.
@ZelphOntheShelf 6 лет назад
Email me at samantha_shelley@hotmail.co.uk - I know I’m just a stranger but hopefully I can provide some sort of help, if only by being someone who can listen to you and understand how you’re feeling right now. (No pressure. But I’m happy to chat and answer questions/provide comfort where I can. That terrified feeling is awful.)
@acronen 6 лет назад
Be patient with yourself. Whatever conclusions or decisions you come to, just be patient with yourself and try to let the guilt go. There is nothing to feel guilty about for wanting to learn new things, see new perspectives, or broaden your view of both life, and other people. Even if those views are challenging. You'll be alright. Many of us have had that terrified feeling before. The good news is it goes away before too long, and after that it is kind of replaced by this really freeing feeling of... for lack of a better word, adventure. Everything becomes like a wide open world of adventure, waiting for you to explore and learn about. It's almost like stepping outside of a tiny box that from the inside you felt was really huge, but once you are outside of it, you turn back and see how small it really was. Your mind is free, trust it. Follow it past the fear, and realize you are stronger than you ever thought.
Don't trust religious organizations created by man. Trust in God and God alone. Don't feel bad for researching things out. The Bible says to test all things and hold fast to what is true (1 Thessalonians 5:21). God wants you to find truth. When God opened my eyes last year to the falsehood of the LDS chruch it was hard cuz I never thought it was a false church but I knew I had to stand with God even if I stood alone. When my husband found out he threatened me with divorce and I told him if he wants to throw away our marriage on a false religion then go right ahead. He of course didn't divorce me we're still married and doing fine but we still have our arguments but he realizes that I'm not turning back to being a Mormon. We have to fear God more than fear people and stand strong. God is with you. Submit to your will and surrender your life to him and he will open your eye to all the deception of this world and he will give you a perfect Joy you can't find anywhere else in this world. God bless you!
@caleballen4721 6 лет назад
You articulate so well the shift in mentality after your worldview has been uprooted. You understand how flawed you can be as a human, what the logical fallacies you can fall into are, and it gives you the ability to empathize so much more clearly with people you don’t agree with. Love the vid as always
@jasminereesby3808 5 лет назад
I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness, I was born in and have left now at the age of 34, what struck me about your story is the similarities, like not feeling a need to dig deeper into the history of the religion,and when I finally did, found out a mother load of disturbing things.also I can relate to the feelings of being lost and sad because you really wanted it to be the truth. but after a while what amazing freedom you feel when you learn critical thinking skills and begin to love humans for just being humans and appreciate the beautiful paradise earth we live on right now, instead of waiting for some utopia just around the corner. Keep up the good work the world needs more apostates.
@itsmickeyrip2284 3 года назад
I too was raised JW and just recently this past year started diving into the info after having faded when I was around 13 still believing the basis of doctrine was true. It really is a liberating feeling not being bound by the ideas of a strict religious organization. "The truth will set you free"
@garthdyer6166 5 лет назад
Great video. You have almost the exact same story to mine: intellectual teenager raised by single mom as a kid, impressed by the word of wisdom after a habit of binge drinking in high school and then kept investigating. Joined at 17, went on a mission, got home, and just couldn't reconcile the things I learned about the churches history. Got tired of mental gymnastics and went on my way.
@ZelphOntheShelf 5 лет назад
I wouldn’t say it was a “habit of binge drinking”, just a couple of times haha. But yes, sounds like our stories are extremely similar!!! Glad you left. :)
@dcarts5616 3 года назад
Have you left religion altogether now? Or are you doing “mental gymnastics” in another religion now? Just curious.
@alyssia7708 5 лет назад
Thank you so much for putting yourself out there and having this channel and your experiences there for me when I started understanding and accepting very hard details about the church's history and teachings. I really appreciate you and tanner both going out of your way to do this. I think you both and John Dehlin have hearts of gold for creating a sense of community and helping people like me heal.
@ZelphOntheShelf 6 лет назад
HEY! If you find this video valuable in any way, please consider supporting us on Patreon! It’s a fun time! ✨ www.patreon.com/zelphontheshelf
@garymarshstein8992 6 лет назад
I hope you and Tanner will expand more on what you described in the last part about how your critical thinking skills have evolved out of having your world view upended. As someone interested in psychology, I find both of you fascinating from the perspective of personal development because of how quickly you seem to have been able to shed the social conditioning of church beliefs. It's caused me to challenge some of my own assumptions about how personal development occurs and how dramatic and fast it can happen.
@siddthekid5046 5 лет назад
"We're all just the products of our genetics and conditioning." This is a really powerful observation. Really picked up on this idea when you guys were on the radio show with the Christian guy. This is a really interesting and powerful idea that I hope you guys make a standalone video on!!!!
@corinnehowlett9377 5 лет назад
Sam, thanks so much for sharing. My husband and I were married last October in the temple with the full intention of staying Mormon forever, like what you described. But then after just a month of marriage he underwent a faith crisis and confided in me about what he was thinking about. The things he told me tore me apart and I was so scared that our differences in how we saw things (I desperately tried to hold on) would rip our relationship in half. But I valued him and our relationship more than religion, and because of that I pushed my fear aside to listen to him and truly thought about things for myself. I looked into philosophy and what "truth" is and how to determine what is actually true and what isn't. Eventually I came to the same conclusion as him that the church isn't true. And months later we are still happily married, but have had lots of reevaluation about everything we thought was true, as you can imagine. We are on a completely different journey now than we imagined it would be a year ago, but I'm happy where I am now.
@genasseeceline 5 лет назад
Corinne Hines I don’t know your history in life or with the gospel. But I do know that Christ’s gospel is true, which is the center and foundation of this church. :)
@redcomet77 5 лет назад
wrong.. the foundation of mormonism is built on the fraud of joseph smith and those that assisted him in the fraud to build wealth, influence, and power.
@genasseeceline 5 лет назад
redcomet77 Dude I am an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon/LDS). I am sorry but you are misinformed. The foundation of this church is right in the name - Jesus Christ and his teachings, since before the world was. You are more than welcome to look on www.lds.org AND/OR to read the Book of Mormon in or to know for yourself. No one will force you. But if you search with an open mind & heart, truly open and not skeptical, you will come to know the teaching of Christ in his gospel (the foundation of this Church) are true. And that He is the Son of God. That is how I personally came to know this. :)
@redcomet77 5 лет назад
Genassee Celine - no thanks you mind controlled drone. How about you tell me why you are following a conman that married a 14 year old girl, 12 other men's wives, and made up 4 different versions of this book you think is true. Did you even read the CES letter, The Gospel Essays or all the contradicting facts the leadership denied, then reformed and acknowledged to be true? Why don't you open your mind and do more research instead of giving me bullshit recruiting talking points. See how much matches up, you will be surprised. you can deny all you want, but that's because you are close minded and already indoctrinated. prove me wrong. freedomofmind.com/bite-model/
@genasseeceline 5 лет назад
redcomet77 You can believe what you want. I know what I feel in my heart is true. Plus, aside from just beliefs, my life is always FAR better and happier when I’m following the teachings of Christ, which He makes known through the prophets. That is all the proof I need. Also, the book that you say there are different versions of, if you’re referring to the Book of Mormon, there is only ONE version of that book. Translated to MANY languages, but only 1 version. And it is true. :) If you’re referring to the Bible, then yes there are many versions, only one of which (King James Version) is the most correct version. And even then, it has been translated so many times and changed since the time it was originally written hundreds of years ago, that there are still some errors. In the Book of Mormon, however, there are NO doctrinal errors. That book was written by prophets hundreds of years ago (similar time period as the Bible) and TRANSLATED, NOT WRITTEN, by Joseph Smith, who was inspired by God. That is the most correct of any book on the earth and I know that to be true. 🙂
@dallaswh 6 лет назад
This is awesome. You did an amazing job of conveying your experience. This promotes understanding and I want to have my believing friends and family watch it. Thanks!
@squeakybb 5 лет назад
I grew up in the church, and never felt like I really belonged there. I left a year ago after forcing myself through 3 years of BYU Provo and dealing with insane mental illness. It was such a great choice to leave BYU and the church. I'm still thinking about how I stand with god or any kind of "greater power". But listening to you give examples about how someone from your background could become involved in the church made me realize why my mom is so violently protective of the church. She feels indebted because her family choosing to join got them out of poverty in Brazil, gave my mom resources for a better life, saved my grandfather from alcoholism. My dads family was traced all the way back to Joesph Smith himself, which if he is a con artist explains my grandparents morality. I'm glad I left.
@mathematicalmatt 6 лет назад
This video is mistitled. It should be "WHY I JOINED THE MORMON CHURCH.... AND HOW I ESCAPED!"
@ianharris3502 5 лет назад
@John Dehlin is this THE john Dehlin?
@ianharris3502 5 лет назад
@John Dehlin well...hi
@valthiriansunstrider2540 5 лет назад
+Dan The Exmormon Excuse me, what is the CES Letter and how can I get one?
@AndIamAMormon 5 лет назад
cesletter dot org disproves all this nonsense about the LDS Church and then there are the thousands of videos debunking it on youtube but heh truth isnt for everyone apparently.
@sarasarah3404 5 лет назад
cindybin2001 u OK?
@kkatastrofbarn 5 лет назад
(Holy fuck, this is my sixth time trying to actually complete a simple ass youtube comment.. ugh. It's been a hot minute since I actually missed my adhd medication like this. Oh well.) I basically just wanna thank you guys for speaking up on this, on Mormonism in general but especially this topic. This really fascinates me, since I'm a swede who never has been able to understand religiousness at all, but especially the "Christian" ones. I am so grateful for everything and everyone that brings awareness and the people who are willing to openly speak out on topics like this one. I can only imagine how big of a difference it actually can make, and MAKES, in peoples life. Even though I'm not in the biggest/nearest risk zone myself (although, of course, anything can happen with the "right" circumstances), it's so incredibly important for everybody to even begin trying to understand and _thereafter_ be able to make the right decision for themselves, whichever that might be. Thank you x1billion!
@rebeccawalsh4490 5 лет назад
Thank you for this! Especially for the conclusion! There are people out there with similar stories (like me!) and it’s hard not to feel alone in that sometimes. Thank you!
@trusty1rusty 5 лет назад
KUDOS to you . . . it took me 65 years to get where you are now . . . and it was shattering, finally.
@Wolfman01969 3 года назад
It took me until 45. I think the internet is a big help. We've been raised to turn a blind eye to all anti-Mormon literature and for a long time, even the thought of reading anything anti-Mormon is very uncomfortable. The internet can easily throw it in our faces, then our doubts become difficult to reconcile.
@b4boyd 6 лет назад
Thank you for sharing your experience, Sam! Can you and Tanner keep elaborating on the kinds of soul-nourishing practices you might be doing now? There are some past vids you've done, but I'd love to see more. Like meditation, or any other form of rational spirituality. I feel that many of our friends who end up leaving the church will pendulum swing into unhappy/bitter places, and I think you two could be really influential in helping them find joy in their journey :)
@easthooligunz 6 лет назад
i joined the church after months of investigating. i was actually the one to call the missionaries because i wanted to learn more. I ignored all the problematic things because I was eventually convinced that God would bless me if I took a step to be baptized and eventually all my questions would be answered. i had strong faith and was a lot like how you described yourself. relief society teacher, went to lessons with missionaries, etc.. until I just couldn't ignore the obvious issues any longer. (basically everything you mentioned in this video). I came across this youtube channel around that time and you guys have no idea how much it helped me... it took the fear away from it. What could have easily been one of the scariest times of my life (my faith crashing down) became such a beautiful transformation of self discovery. It was the humor of your videos that kept me positive about everything. Also around that time a good friend of mine (a convert) also was leaving the church and he was STRONGLY Mormon, even more than I was. Another friend left and got in a relationship with a girl and our bishop said many rude things to her about her homosexuality, including asking her invasive questions about their sex life. I also ended up meeting my husband. At the time he contacted me because he thought I was Mormon and was interested in why I was (he was an ex Mormon), that was right around when my doubts started, so I had someone to talk to about all my concerns and he ended up being the love of my life. So while the church is not true, I dont for a second regret having joined. It led me to so so many crucial things in my life and I am very grateful for having joined but even more grateful for having left. Again, thank you for your videos, they really helped me
@ZelphOntheShelf 6 лет назад
Ah, thank you so much for sharing this with me! I’m so happy we could help you in some way and that everything worked out for the better! 💜💜
@josephsorg 5 лет назад
@cindybin2001 Cindy, I see you all over the comment section of RU-vid in the Mormon videos... You make strong comments in defense of the Mormon church, but you never follow back up with any specifics when people as you questions. You have done this to me several times... The reason why you are finding so many people who are no longer Mormon is because the Mormon church has not been honest with its members. If you do even a little bit of research outside their sanitized sources it all unravels. As time goes on you will see more and more people leave the church because of this dishonesty. The church expect its members to be honest, and their members have the right to expect the church to be honest too. Unfortunately the leadership of the church is not honest with its members. It can no longer hide.
@aligolightly7359 3 года назад
Sweet. This is so close to my story. I was a “golden investigator.” I even showed up at the temple to ask for help contacting them when I didn’t hear from missionaries 2 weeks after requesting them. I ignored so many uncomfortable things. The young man had valid answers for the few questions and challenges I did have. I can say I firmly believe in God, and that I was led to the LDS church to help me stop doing such awful self damaging actions (swinging, drunkenness, polyamory, witchcraft, occultism, etc), and to focus more on that love that would actually fulfill me and my life. Now, it is time for move on and leave. I have seen so many problematic issues in the history of the church that just don’t reconcile with it being the one true church. Jesus said He is the way, the truth, and the life. I am going where He leads me, because I actually have peace and wisdom through Him.
@jujunew6003 5 лет назад
It's so nice that you were "allowed" to have an experience and realize you were young and impressionable and that's why you made certain decisions. I'm 36......my mother still pushes severe guilt on me for all decisions I made. She even goes as far as to say that I did them to her, like my poor decisions reflected on her so bad that shes allowed to make me feel awful because I hurt her so badly even tho these things didnt happen to her but in my life.
@ZelphOntheShelf 5 лет назад
Ah, I’m so sorry. You don’t deserve to have that put on you. 💜
@tiffanie401 4 года назад
I love that you share your story and your youtube channel. Even though I left the church 16 years ago, it's always nice to revisit through someone else's story because I don't think the "crazy" ever leaves. Your channel helps me tame the crazy :-D
@AutismTeachingTools 6 лет назад
You are amazing. Thank you for sharing. I agree with the wonderful benefits from leaving a high demand, low logic world view. It’s very empowering.
@raynemichelle2996 3 года назад
I was born in the covenant, but I moved to Canada with my mum when I was 5, and she became inactive at that time. However, I visited my American (Mormon) family every summer and most Christmases. When I was 8, my dad had me take the missionary discussions. I didn't get baptized, but I did start going to church back home on my own. When I was 13, I attempted suicide (I was an LGBT kid growing up in the 90s and was bullied excessively). My mum decided it would be better if I went to live with my dad and have some spirituality in my life. So, I moved to Utah. I got baptized on my 14th birthday. However I always kind of thought there was something off about the church. I was called to be the Teacher's Quorum prezzy, but also I realized I was gay and my dad and stepmom, who always suspected that, to the point I had had the talk about homosexuality being sinful since the age of 8 from my dad. Anyway I talked to the Bishop and the church paid for me to go to reparative therapy, which I luckily realized was BS pretty immediately. I eventually came out to everyone months later when I was almost 15. That was in 2000. I moved back to Canada at the end of the year. I started reading a bunch of resources about church history and I realized the church was BS. My mum and I left the church around my 18th birthday officially. I put the letter confirming our names had been removed from the records on my wall.
@lottajarvi2907 5 лет назад
This helped me make sense of my own experiences with religion, thank you
@kevinrworthy 5 лет назад
Hey Sam, nice video 🙂 I’m glad that it showed up in my RU-vid feed. You’ve got a great story to tell. God bless.
@Shmooysmell 6 лет назад
Thank you so much for this video! I appreciate you talking about your journey. It makes me happy to know that future “apostates” will have a safe place with your channel and that they can draw strength from your experiences! Hearing from someone with similar struggles is extremely validating.
@Karen-vl7vf 6 лет назад
This is such a good video, Sam! My story was similar, I moved to a town far away from friends and family and felt pressured to join by some missionaries because I thought if I didn't, I'd lose the new friends I'd made. But I was miserable in the church, so am glad I finally took the step out. Thanks to you, Tanner, and all the zelphites, I was able to step away. Keep up the good work!
@williamlee3572 3 года назад
Your story is so similar to mine. I came from a Catholic background but my family was not practicing. I had a very turbulent home life and as a teenager I started practicing Catholicism full hardedly. I will definitely say it really altered my personality. I prayed the rosary nightly, went to adoration, and learned any prayer I could get my hands on. I had Catholic guilt because of my mother lol but it intensified with being observant. I was freaking out that I would be damned for not following the guidelines of Vatican. I'm 22 now and I am still scared of talking crap about Catholic teaching sometimes but I am getting better at saying my dismay. Like you said I wouldn't change the fact I became religious at one point. It opened me up to learn more about heritage and becoming a more open minded pantheist. I still hold reverence for a few saints and I go to Mass occasionally for holidays. Either than that I hold all religions on the same foot. All have truth and all have fallacy. I love Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Wiccah, and so much more due to my experience. The moral of the story is being in cult like state of my mind showed me no religion is completely true and you should go to the beat of your own drum.
@IsabellaKathryn 5 месяцев назад
I’m sorry that you’ve had a bad experience but don’t bash all of Catholicism it genuinely saved my life. I’m 14 and a catechumen and I wouldn’t be where I am today without the Catholic Church
@hwren9845 4 года назад
This is such a fascinating story; thank you for sharing!
@jamesmoss7919 5 лет назад
Thank you for sharing. Well done!
@jacobopstad5483 4 года назад
I can totally echo what you said about everything crashing down and then gaining critical thinking skills. When I finally let the Book of Abraham fiasco sink in, everything started unraveling for me and I started to rethink my understanding of life. It was a real wake-up call.
@dcarts5616 3 года назад
The Book of Abraham “fiasco” is what set you off permanently? How so?
@sherrihunter3871 6 лет назад
Thank you for sharing your story. My fiancé resigned from LDS after 30 years. Hearing about the journey of others helps me understand what he went through and how I can be a support to him. 😊
@12larue 5 лет назад
I related to this video so much. Thanks for posting!
@WandaMinimoff 3 года назад
Thank you for the informative content and the floof!
@kkheflin3 6 лет назад
I'm curious as to what happened to your marriage? Did he leave the church also? This is a very impactive and emotional video. I admire your candor.
@chriswatson3464 4 года назад
Yes he left the church too. She says their marriage didn't work as atheists.
@aleksissatka5541 5 лет назад
This is literally my story minus I never got baptized.
@AdautoMedeiros 4 года назад
Awesome video!!!
@tracieyudichak2315 5 лет назад
I really love hearing your full Mormon testimony 😉
@cultfiction3865 5 лет назад
I've got a question. Is your cat also a Mormon? She looks as though she is into it because she sat behind you the whole time.
@gabriellegriggs3971 6 лет назад
I’m now inspired to share my conversion story, because it’s epic that the elder that baptized me is also ex Mormon now. Thanks for your vulnerability Samantha. 💕
@tyndale25 5 лет назад
Gabrielle - I have commented on too many of these posts, but you should share your conversion story. We have a regular moment in our Sacrament Meetings where we ask someone to share their conversion story each week in place of a youth speaker. It is awesome. I encourage to share your testimony in church tomorrow. I will too.
@gabriellegriggs3971 5 лет назад
tyndale25 Say what???? I mean I didn’t got for years and then leave just to go back 😂 Best wishes.
@tyndale25 5 лет назад
Well who knows. Reliving the experience that was your conversion may rekindle a fire. That would be great. But yea, I did not realize you also left the church. Sorry. lol
@kevinedward-jt2vs 2 месяца назад
Your story is amazing. Thank you for sharing.
@amberino2221 Год назад
i was raised in the mormon church in an area that was really mormon. i was lucky enough to go to an arts school which was a really safe space for queer people and minorities (even though the area in general was not at all safe) which led me to start questioning things around 14 or 15. when i was 16 i discovered the CES letter and i watched a ton of video essayists talk about their experiences, which helped me to feel comfortable enough to deconstruct my worldview entirely. im a lot happier now (even though my circumstances still dictate that i go to church) and i cant thank people like you enough. its because of you that people like me are able to get out of the mormon church :)
@hekaersa 6 лет назад
"Smart, smart, smart, smart, smart!" - South Park, on those who question Mormonism
@cassandra5516 5 лет назад
Thank you for sharing! A crisis of faith is a difficult path to go down, but it can be ok in the end. Did your husband leave the church with you?
@Ex-LDS 5 лет назад
I have left yesterday. My wife, children and grantchildren are still in the church and are still good TBM. I will see what the future brings. You Zelph guy’s are a balsem for my soul! I forget my misèry for a moment with you two.
@devochted 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing your story!!!
@exbronco Год назад
When ANY church pressures you for money, that is a bad sign. It's a sign that it's time to leave.
@mikeoyler2983 5 лет назад
Thanks for posting this. I too was a convert and am glad that I found your video because some of what you are talking about I can completely relate to. Once one starts to ask questions about the doctrine, organization, history etc. it makes the decision to go much clearer. To my old friends and acquaintances in the Church, I always say that the LDS are very well meaning and good people, but incredibly naive. One thing I wanted to add about Smith's polygamy story is that it is actually laying conspicuously in plain sight in the annals of church history. When I did my own research, I was surprised that it is there in the church history books. It is however actively, purposely ignored by the leadership and never talked about on Sundays. In 2006 when the Church issued the manual Teachings of the Presidents of the Church featuring Joseph Smith, there was absolutely no mention of polygamy. After finding that out, I guess it just felt to stupid to read that manual and then sing "Praise to the Man" during the sacrament meeting as did Mandy others thngs. When did you find out about Zelph?
@davidbridgstock6825 5 лет назад
loved your thoughts and your expressions
@KelliChristineCase 5 лет назад
This really is SO good! Thank you for sharing.
@ZelphOntheShelf 5 лет назад
Look who’s back again
@ZelphOntheShelf 5 лет назад
Not as good as our divorce video
@kelliep.8514 6 лет назад
I can so relate to your story, thank you for sharing......btw, your kitty cat is precious :)
@ZelphOntheShelf 6 лет назад
That is Banksy, haha. :)
@frankswarbrick7562 6 лет назад
Banksy keeping clean!
@garymarshstein8992 6 лет назад
Along with Chomsky, coolest cat name EVAR!
@TheShodan92 6 лет назад
Excellent video Zelph, thankyou, and well done to you. It's very important for missionaries to get you baptized asap, that is the way they're trained at the Missionary Training Center. Presenting a clean living and good feeling about being a part is essential for the conscience to be pre-determined. In addition is the doctrine of Eternal Life (living with God, as god in Exaltation - the Mormon definition of "Eternal Life"). These aspects make Mormonism very attractive. It took me 47 years to finally leave the LDS church and never been happier. When I convey the points you've shared to active Mormons on RU-vid, (or those who defend it that are not Mormon), they often become vicious and judgmental, using ad hominem insults. Immediately they blow their own defense out of the water engaging in this way, and it adds as a testimony to me that behind the happy joy-joy fluffy smiles and pretentious niceties lay the mind set of Mormonism, a vindictive, judgemental belligerence merely under the thin vineer of false pleasantry. (It matches the character of Joseph Smith). I'm glad you got out. I am glad I did too. I developed a regenerative relationship with Jesus Christ and have not joined any other church since then.
@TheShodan92 5 лет назад
+cindybin2001.. Very simple. Tested Joseph Smith validity as a prophet as instructed in KJV Deut. It basically states that if ANY who claims to be a prophet of God should get ONE prophecy wrong, he (or she) is a false prophet. Smith butchered more than one. Try researching with an open mind. Try again.
@elizaramsey9748 3 года назад
Thanks for this. Very informative x
@tamarasmith9859 6 лет назад
You are so brave! So perfectly said!
@bsanders1 6 лет назад
Only love and support are spoken here. Keep up the great work!
@jaredanderson4477 6 лет назад
Thanks for sharing this!!! You are awesome!
@ZelphOntheShelf 6 лет назад
@jenniferlawrence1067 6 лет назад
liked this video! Thanks for sharing, Sam.
@ZelphOntheShelf 6 лет назад
@a.k.466 5 лет назад
I understand. I'm SO proud of you!!!!👍👍
@kristopherthomas7166 5 лет назад
You've perfectly described Stockholm syndrome. I'm happy to see you saw the light.
@ronbryant6384 6 лет назад
Yes, that's how it works. Lots of similarities in what I went through. Thanks for sharing.
@aaronmichaeladams 6 лет назад
Your critical thinking shows in the way you've been presenting ideas.
@JohnSmith-yw9nk 6 лет назад
I suppose you could say I "left" the Catholic Church when I realised the historical claims Christianity made about Jesus were unsustainable and that Christianity simply wasn't true. I didn't so much have any dissatisfaction with the Catholic Church (though I had serious reservations about many of its doctrines), I simply worked out that Christianity generally was unsustainable intellectually. At the age of fourteen I found myself on the sidelines of a debate between my school's most annoying evangelical Christian and a skeptic. Even though I generally agreed with her (despite finding her highly irritating), I had to admit he got the better of her in the argument. Every time she tried to say "Jesus said x" or "Jesus did y" he would respond "How do you know?" She didn't have much of a response to this other than "It's in the Bible" and some rather weak assurances that the Bible's accounts were historically true. Given that this struck me, as a budding young historian, as a rather feeble argument, I decided to go and research the historical basis for my Christian beliefs. I was confident that once I'd done enough reading on the matter, I'd be able to hold my own against a similar skeptic's questioning. Several years later, after an enormous amount of reading and study of modern scholarship on the question of the historical Jesus and the origins of Christianity, I realised that Jesus was not the Son of God and the second person of the Holy Trinity, but was actually Yeshua ben Yosef, a Jewish rabbi and apocalyptic prophet and that Christianity was a gentile religion that evolved out of a Jewish end times sect. A few more years of studying philosophy and I also realised I could no longer sustain a belief in any religion. So while I'm not a bitter ex-Catholic and I'm not an atheist, I have no regrets at all about leaving the Catholic Church and abandoning religious belief. My Catholic upbringing and education has given me an understanding of religious faith and a very solid knowledge of the Bible (better than most Christians I come across) as well as a good understanding of western history, since it was so heavily influenced by Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular. But my philosophical stance these days is humanism.
@cultfiction3865 5 лет назад
John Smith. If you are an intellectual then when you see a building you will understand it must of had a builder. No one of sound mind can deny the existence of a higher power because to do so is to claim that nothing made everything, which is a scientific impossiblity. There are no science books in the world that can explain how nothing makes everything. If that was true then why bother spending loads of money building cities and museums. Let them just pop up out of the ground by magic. After all, they don't need a builder right?
@allydidier791 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing your perspective! I can totally relate to what you said about younger people that consider themselves "intellectuals" feel more drawn to high-demand religions. I had never thought of it like that before but it makes a lot of sense to me. Currently I consider myself to be non-denominational, but not evangelical (I simply don't align myself fully with one denomination at this point), but I'm starting to lean into Mormonism even thought the church has some standpoints and viewpoints I strongly disagree with. That's puzzling to me because why would I align myself with a denomination or church I disagree with, but perhaps God is calling me to Mormonism because at this point in my life it will serve as an environment that will bring me closer to Him and His plan. That being said, it also makes me wonder why God allows all Christian denominations to exist and that so many people have very powerful testimonies on why they felt called to their denomination. Perhaps He allows all of these denominations to exist to simply herd people into Him, but then expects us to follow Him even if it goes against our denomination's beliefs. I just mean that for you, you said you were drawn in because you liked the tight-knit environment, etc; maybe that's how God gets our feet in the door to His care even if it means we will eventually leave the denomination we started in later on in life. I feel drawn to the LDS church because I feel called to the more traditional stay-at-home mom / homemaker role, the more modest dress, and some of the other more traditional views on marriage that I've noticed many LDS members hold. Perhaps God uses those commonalities to bring me into a church body that will help me to love Jesus, but then expects me to follow Him wherever He leads me even if it's eventually out of the LDS church. Of course, that doesn't mean that I can only pursue a more traditional womanhood role / lifestyle in Mormonism, but if my local LDS community is a place where I feel welcomed, loved, and able to progress with the Lord, then perhaps that's a good thing right now.
@anthonypc1 5 лет назад
This was a wonderful explanation. Thank you a lot for making this. I've actually never heard a first-hand account from someone who converted to a religion after childhood and later became atheist. it makes sense how highly intellectual teenagers are most likely to become enraptured by some intense ideologies. With all that passion and mental energy to invest in something apparently deep and complex and significant... you're still a naive emotional teen. (I was in the final phases of deconverting from Catholicism, due to asking too many sincere questions, around the time you were beginning your phase of Mormonism. But only educated myself on counter-apologetics arguments and other moral philosophical alternatives to religion in my 20s.) I just think you're a more impressive person now, knowing some of your journey to get where you are, philosophically, and as a very enjoyable activist.
@heyporcelain 4 года назад
Your story out is mine exactly! I did so much research and read everything. Then it got to the point where I just could not justify their morals. When I let myself admit that I did not share LDS beliefs it was terrifying. But I am so glad to put all that behind me. It gets better!
@MjrMjr-tt3kn 5 лет назад
I love this video- thank you for posting this- you are gorgeous inside and out, i find the Mormons to be very nice as ive had experience with them going back nearly 9 years- being raised as a Jehovah’s Witness i found Mormonism to be similar and thus welcoming, however the racism in the past as well as some of the doctrines have always been disturbing-
@jasonkirton8208 4 года назад
WOW!!! You literally told my story ❤️ At 16 I became Mormon via my best friend who is Mormon (ironically her name is Molly lol), but I left after 2 years because I’m gay and love literature and history. So when I was about to leave for a mission I quit. I had watched too much Oprah to live a lie...in all seriousness her show did make me, indirectly encourage me, to come out and get honest. THANK YOU! identification equals healing. #SomeoneElseHasMyStory ❤️
@ZelphOntheShelf 4 года назад
Awww! 💜💜💜💜
@Alex-xh9cg 5 лет назад
Love your channel
@daisiesandroses5107 5 лет назад
This video introduced me to the fact that videos like this exist.
@nickp3672 5 лет назад
“Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” ‭‭John‬ ‭14:6‬ ‭
@nickp3672 5 лет назад
cindybin2001 Unfortunately Mormons have fallen for the same lie that Satan used to deceive Eve... “Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”” Genesis‬ ‭3:4-5‬ ‭ Mormonism is a modern day man-made, polytheistic religion, invented by Joseph Smith. It is my prayer that people would wake up and realise the severity of departing from the Bible... “For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭22:18-19‬ ‭ Also in Matthew Jesus warns us of people like Joseph Smith... “For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24:24‬ ‭
@valuecalc 4 года назад
Nick P , and she never replied to you...
@larrywatson9400 3 года назад
Nick P - DITTO! Also, Deuteronomy 18:20-22. These verses speaks about false prophets who presume to speak for God or gives God’s words (prophecy). JS said, basically, the same thing then failed on every attempt at prophesying he made but condemned others for doing what he did- issuing false or failed prophecies.
@justshani8950 3 года назад
I think you are so strong to do whats best for you even though you had a hard time doing so. I live in utah and am not lds. I moved to Utah at age 12. My family believes in God but never had a specific religion. I did do all of the missionary teachings and almost got baptized. I just could agree with the rules or community standards for women. I just can't be the women or wife that just takes whatever everyone wanted. I strongly dislike how women and perceived. I also want to say I have met some wonderful and extremely nice lds members.
Zelph, You are an inspiration to all people who are searching in all the wrong places. What I admire most about you, is that you questioned many errant teachings and did not stick to something that you knew in your heart was not right. Too many Mormons get stuck and either do not know how to get out or stay because of the culture, not the belief. Very sad. I pray that you find true faith!
@sl5311 5 лет назад
Wow this is incredible! Everyone who is thinking about joining this thing should watch this first. You have been through a lot! They are nice people, but you can't organize spirituality. The "group" is always dependent on how far the leader has gone in their emotional world. This is true with any group-a family, a workplace and a church. Most of them recreate their dysfunctional families of origin. My favorite Mormon friends are the ones that can laugh about it, that don't take it seriously. They are the keepers.
@morganpoland3245 6 лет назад
This is golden (reference intended). We need an FB page or website #whyijoined
@amylynn122 6 лет назад
Morgan Poland yes!!!
@jorgelugo9974 5 лет назад
I can see as a 50 year old the pressure tactics that are applied.
@WhereWhatHuh 4 года назад
I enjoyed the video, and I particularly like that your decision was rational and a result of research and reasoning. I like that you placed facts above feelings and that you have a much more objective point of view now. Good on you for all of that. I am curious whether your departure from Mormonism has affected your ideas about, for example, Biblical Christianity (i.e. non-Mormon Christianity). I would welcome hearing your thoughts on Christianity as a whole.
@marlaynay 3 года назад
Your videos on the LDS church are so interesting, thank you for openly sharing your experience. I am from Austria, grew up in a catholic family and spent a year abroad going to high school in Blackfoot, Idaho. It was not my choice to go to Idaho specifically, the organisation sent me there. So I spent a year with a Mormon family, did my senior year at high school (which I loved!), missionaries tried to talk me into converting, I was confronted with so many unknown things at once. Fast forward 10 years: I left the Catholic Church. I think spending the year in Idaho really kicked off a thought process. I just don’t agree with so many things religions do and stand for nowadays, I can’t be part of that!
@samjensen392 6 лет назад
I grew up in the church, but I’ve never really had a strong testimony. In recent months, I’ve accepted that the church isn’t true (and that even if it was, I wouldn’t want to be a part of it), but because I’m still 16, I’m in a difficult spot. I’m going to Girls’ Camp in two days as a YCL, so I’m supposed to teach a bunch of young, impressionable girls about something I don’t even believe. It’s also going to be hard to leave because my older sister is already almost definitely leaving as soon as she gets to college in August.
@ZelphOntheShelf 6 лет назад
Ah, that’s so tough 😬
Don't give up if you can get the app called lds youth and just listen to the songs also watch and listen to past talks. It will help you to rise above and have more love for family and Christ. Make time to go to the temple even if you can't go in.
@samjensen392 6 лет назад
i'm Dustin ask me about my church my problem isn’t a faith crisis, I’ve already moved past that stage. I don’t see myself ever believing the teachings of the church again. My problem is that I can’t leave yet, and I probably won’t be able to until I move out.
Samantha Jensen My advice would be the same. It's ok not to have that belief or testimony yet but it does require time and your patience. Do all you can to believe again at least until you move out.
@annalohr5951 6 лет назад
hi so i actually went through the same thing! i had to be a YCL after i didn’t believe in the church, and i felt bad for the girls because i just couldn’t give them what they wanted. i did my best to stick to general “jesus says love everyone” things that i believe are good lessons to be taught in general, even if i didn’t believe in the religious aspect of it. if you feel comfortable, maybe find an non judgmental adult who you could talk to about your discomfort teaching something you don’t think you believe in. good luck!!
@KelliChristineCase 5 лет назад
Sam you are the sweetest cutest loveliest! I love you!
@ZelphOntheShelf 5 лет назад
@brauliosanchez767 4 года назад
Hey Sam! Love your videos. I'd love to read the things that you mentioned. Where can I start? Could you give me some suggestions? Regards!
@musiccrazy5678 6 лет назад
Great video! Though I'm curious, what are your religious beliefs now?
@ZelphOntheShelf 6 лет назад
Atheist! Although I do subscribe to a lot of zen Buddhist notions about mindfulness.
@adkhalil6194 5 лет назад
@spookypineapple 5 лет назад
I grew up Mormon and got out when I was about 20. Life is so much better now and I'm so much happier living without the church. Most of my family is still Mormon, which is unfortunate, but we still get along fairly well. I'm glad you figured it out and made your escape!
@shammydammy2610 5 лет назад
I passed as VERY Mormon in high school for quite awhile without realizing what was going on and it was a bizarre time indeed. It's the only time I've had teachers try to set me up with their sons.
@luceeeee2330 5 лет назад
Thank you for your video. Watching this is like looking in a mirror :'D You're brill.
@kennethd.9436 5 лет назад
Congrats on making your way out. I hope many more leave the Mormon and other high demand religions. Watching Christopher Hitchens and Matt Dillahunty debate theists was a big tipping point for me.
@shanepratt3568 6 лет назад
I am glad you found your way through this and look upon the experience as an "awakening" of sorts. I can't help myself.....I become livid when I think of the deceit and how the Mormon Church's lies entangled you as a 16-year-old and so drastically altered you life's path.
@ZelphOntheShelf 6 лет назад
Thankfully my experience was a positive one overall! It made me a lot smarter and able to understand my own psychology/psychology generally. Also I like that I ended up living in Salt Lake City, ha. I know exactly what you’re saying and completely agree, but I think I got lucky! Life is good and maybe it would be just as good if I’d never joined Mormonism, but I’m just grateful for where I ended up. :)
@shanepratt3568 5 лет назад
What lies? Let's see---the Book of Abraham is a total sham---look it up, much has been written about it, Joseph Smith's ever changing account of the 1st vision, The DNA evidence that proves the first people in the Americas came across the Bering Straight from Asia rather than from Isreal as the BofM claims, the lack of archeological evidence to support the "civilizations" reported in the BofM ----no ruins of these civilizations have ever been found (because they didn't exist) the many, many, many anachronisms in the BofM such as swords---there was no steel in the Americas at that time, Horses----there were no horses in the Americas at this time, wheat----there was no wheat in the Americas at this time. Then let's see---the fact that Joseph Smith as a pedophile and sexual aggressor and was married to multiple wives one of whom was a 14-year-old girl. Lastly, it is very condescending for you to tell us that we know nothing of the church. Many of us have studied the church, spending days, months and years studying the church. We do not speak out of ignorance but out of years of study of this church. I grew up Mormon and lived among Mormons all of my young life. Many, if not most, of them had never even read the book of Mormon but rather mimicked all of the things they saw in church. I used to sit in fast and testimony meetings as I would watch friend after front bear their testimony when I knew good and well they had never read the BofM all the while crying and sobbing saying, "I know this church is true!" . We are very aware of the writings and teachings of this church and for you to suggest otherwise is simply uninformed.
@shanepratt3568 5 лет назад
No one wants to attack. I did not attack you in any way despite you stating in your first message that I was ignorant. The church has certainly not explained these issues to my satisfaction---they have an uphill battle because it's pure science---but if they have explained it to your satisfaction then I say, "good on you!" Go forth and be happy in the church! But, please don't attack or confront those of us who want to discuss these issues.
@shanepratt3568 5 лет назад
I do have to add that it is very "rich" shall we say, for someone to tell me that I don't know anything about the church--with the last name of "PRATT"-- as in Parley P.--- Whose ancestors walked across the Great Plains with the first Mormons, Whose Great Great Grandfather was the first white child born in Utah, I know a lot about the church. Also, you are going to have to come at me with more science and proof than, "Oh, all that old stuff" and "There are videos to explain this" for me to even begin to take you seriously as a knowledgeable church historian. BLOOP!
@shanepratt3568 5 лет назад
I don't think there is a need to become vulgar! It is possible to discuss things without becoming enraged and using vulgar words.
@joannesmemoir 5 лет назад
Your room looks really chill
@amylewis8514 Год назад
I’m not Mormon but I’m fascinated by the religion. Do you believe that the church kept you shelter daring your youth? Especially in light of how you grew up in a fractured home and we’re having a turbulent time as a youth.
@cassandra5516 5 лет назад
I'm in the process of leaving Atheism and I'm glad I watched this. It's good to hear alllll the sides :-)
@cuttlefisch 4 года назад
Are you joining a Church? If so, which one??
@charlesmendeley9823 Год назад
So, where did you end up after four years?
@cassandra5516 Год назад
@@charlesmendeley9823 wow, the comments of my past coming back to find me. You've really made me examine how much work I've done in last 4 years and it feels good to write it down. Sorry it's so long but I've done a lot 😆 So, it's been a journey and not always an easy one but I've been open to 'trying out' different religious texts, practice and lifestyle and see what feels legitimate. I've come to realise they all have something VERY valuable to offer and I mean that quite seriously. All the faiths I've studied so far have had a serious impact on me for the better! I've read the Hebrew bible (Tanakh), the Christian bible, the book of Mormon and the I'm currently reading the Qu'ran. I've studied and practiced with Buddhists at the local centre, I've studied with rabbi's and pastors, I've taken classes, I've visited different places of worship, I've joined a bible study group, Torah study group, I've read maaaany maaaany books on scripture, on religious practice, festivals etc and at the end of the day I always feel a pull toward Judaism. Last month I took the Noahide Pledge with an organisation called 'Brit Olam' in Israel. It felt wonderful to 'officially' choose the God of Abraham and have Judaism as my faith. I don't know where that takes me from here, but that's what I know so far :) I won't stop studying. The Qu'ran is nothing like I thought it would be and I'm pleasantly surprised, but I'm only half way through so my thoughts may change and I don't want to make an assumption before I've finished. I'll probably move onto Sikh texts and study next. So, all that to say, I'm very happy I left that old way of thinking and living behind to dive into religion. Prayer had changed my life. Worship has changed my life. Keeping myself surround with good, God fearing people has had the BIGGEST impact on me and my children. :) 5 stars. Highly recommend 👌
@charlesmendeley9823 Год назад
@@cassandra5516 Thank you so much for replying to my question. I wish you all the best on your spiritual journey.
@mikestansberry4310 6 лет назад
Very good. My own story is about as different as you can get yet very similar. We moved to small town in AZ that was highly LDS and seemed the thing to do so at age 65 I got Baptized and swallowed the cool aid and for nine years we toed the line, served in the Temple and did it all. Then the church decided to mistreat the children of same sex couples, that was just to much. The Bishop gave us some things to read in support of this policy, this started my investigation with the answer being , how did I get sucked into this nonsense? They are right the internet is the LDS Church worst enemy. I felt deceived, It ended with me asking the Bishop for my money back, he was not amused. M
@mikestansberry4310 6 лет назад
Geoff Holland What don’t you understand about visiting the sins of the parents on the children. I don’t believe Jesus taught this. M
@mikestansberry4310 6 лет назад
Geoff Holland It’s up to the children, and not blessing babies or baptizing 8 year olds are just two activities waiting for the children to change their parents. Do you realize how silly that sounds. I wasn’t aware Shakespeare was some great moral authority, I know Jesus is and he taught love and he didn’t mention visiting the sins of the parents on their children. This is where I was when my Bishop pulled my Temple recommend. This was before I read the LDS essays , church documents , and the letter to the CES at this point I realized Joesph was a fraud. I decided as a Christian I wanted to be with people that treated their fellow man as Jesus taught. As far as homosexuals go, if there is a judgment that will be their problem but they won’t be judged by me especially since the LDS Church teaches that people are born with same sex attraction which means God made them that way. M
@mikestansberry4310 6 лет назад
Geoff Holland Geoff you sought my out hoping to give me the “word”. Well Geoff I’ve already had the word and I found it not to be true. I’m not telling you can’t believe, I’m just saying I don’t believe. Putting Shakespeare on the same moral level as Jesus is just lame. Go to LDS org and read the LDS essays I found them eye opening. M
@mikestansberry4310 6 лет назад
Geoff Holland Are you saying if only I’ll sit down and read the Book of Mormon a few times I’ll see the light. I’m well past that. If an investigator read what I wrote and became discouraged I would have done them a great favor. Do miss some very nice people and the serenity of the Holly Temple yes. But in my heart I know it is an all controlling church based on a lie. As you know in the church saying you believe something isn’t enough you must I know it and I know the Book of Mormon is a fraud. It is hard for me accept that it took something like the mistreatment of children, losing my Temple Recommend to get me to really investigate the church like I should have done before becoming a member. I really felt deceived by the church and I should have known better. M
@mikestansberry4310 6 лет назад
Geoff Holland News flash for you Geoff, I didn’t realize I was dealing with a superior being that had read Shakespeare. If you were really that superior you would be a little more inquisitive. M
@lorineilson7529 5 лет назад
Like your videos and your honesty 😂
I just found this video four years after it was made lol, been following zelph on the shelf for the past few months as I deconstruct things. I loved hearing your story ❤️. This may have been answered another comments, but I couldn't find it if it was. What ended up happening with your temple marriage and your husband?
@ZelphOntheShelf Год назад
We got divorced after 2.5 years! It was a good decision for us both. :)
@samanthagiggles3215 6 лет назад
I fell for the friendship part of it to start with.
@fallonjohnson2640 6 лет назад
I am married and a mother to two little girls. Always have been in the church. While i have always had a strong conviction of the savior and god , i have never had a testimony that Joseph smith saw god and Jesus and was a prophet. It always bothered me. I always thought it must be something wrong i am doing to not believe.... I had a conversation at church with a young girl and we were saying how we both had our wild rebellious times but now that we have children of our own, we are more active with church. Ever since those words came out of my mouth, all of these little doubts have been entering into my heart and spirit and mind and i cant help but feel its Gods way of saying....maybe this church isnt right for your children. Its hard and i am torn on what to do because my husband is so strong in the church and served a mission. Its funny though because both my dad and my mother in law are super strong in the church and have high callings but i kid you not.....they are the most UNCHRISTLIKE and unhappy people i know. Why is that? I know that no one is perfect but i cant help but feel its because they are brainwashed. I have been praying to know if the church is true and no answer or burning in my chest that it is. What I do know is that there is God and there is a savior . so I am kind of riding the fence at this point
@ZelphOntheShelf 6 лет назад
I personally believe high-demand religions like Mormonism are not healthy environments for children. Good luck figuring stuff out! 💜
@cohen5280 5 лет назад
All religions are cults; forget about the mythical being in the sky and enjoy the only life you've got.
@cultfiction3865 5 лет назад
Fallon lavis. My advice to you would be to call it quits with the Mormon Church. Nobody can stay happy believing a lie and putting their time and effort into upholding false teachings. The Book of Mormon is a work of fantasy. For me there can only be one true book and that is the holy bible. The others are cheap imitations and a bit of research usually proves this. I'm a Jehovah's Witness and I find them to be very good at explaining the meanings of scripture. I would recommend this group to anyone that wants to understand the bibles true message. Give it a try, what have you got to lose?
@tyndale25 5 лет назад
fallon - I love the church. I raised five wonderful children in it and they are raising their wonderful children in it, for the most part. Yes, one son left the faith, but we still love him and help him and care about him and have him over when he is in town. My testimony and advise to you is that this faith is indeed true. Joseph Smith was indeed a prophet of God. No imposture could do what he did. If you do not know that, may I just recommend that you set aside 15 minutes each day for the next three months to read ponderously from the pages of the Book of Mormon. Again. I have read it dozens of times and gain additional insights and love for it with each successive reading. I am curious what it does for you. Keep praying morning and night. Attend church regularly. Visit the temple each month, and if you cannot go inside, at least walk the grounds. It is a very peaceful place to ponder. God bless. Chances are you will not be able to read that influential book in less time than it took Joseph Smith to translate it by revelation in a single pass.
@cultfiction3865 5 лет назад
Tyndale25. Why did Joseph Smith translate the Book of Mormon into a form of English that wasn't used at that time period? If his translation was genuine he would have converted it into a form of English that was used at the time which he didn't. And that's only one fault out of many more. Use your logic, how can this possibly be the true faith?
@jenniferflower9265 6 лет назад
I just started reading The Kybalion, the very first chapter you can see pull from it into mormonism. The Kybalion is very ancient, thousands of years before Abraham and out of Egypt. I'm intrested to see how it corrilates into mormonism.
@kohljackal 4 года назад
I'm here to find out about your experience, but I must say that I'm obsessed with your cat. Adorbs!
@juanosorio3792 5 лет назад
I'm a newborn Christian I come from a very dark background and I thank Christ for giving me a sense of biewing life in a better way Jesus loves U.
@kristopherthomas7166 5 лет назад
Unless you were into pedophilia amd traumatizing kids, you got nothing on the Mormons or Catholics. Glad you turned your life around though.
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