
Wolff Responds: U.S. Turn Toward Economic Nationalism 

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Learn more about Prof Wolff's new book, "The Sickness is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itself " available now at www.democracyatwork.info/books.
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In this Wolff Responds, Prof. Wolff discusses the shift to economic nationalism that the U.S. has taken under the Trump administration. American capitalism is in decline; investment in the US might be less safe than it once was. The decline is visible in the wobbling between economic nationalism and economic globalism, the outcome of which is unclear.
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18 ноя 2020




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@randybest9187 3 года назад
Regardless of politics and voters, the US is in terminal decline, just like Rome.
@MrZwartwit 3 года назад
It has been so since the 70’s. But within a decade it is going to end badly
@yufengchen4944 3 года назад
I hope it’s Rome, please don’t be Constantinople.
@randybest9187 3 года назад
@@yufengchen4944 Yes, I agree.
@randybest9187 3 года назад
@@MrZwartwit Indeed, it will end badly. History will repeat.
@SinnerSoviet 3 года назад
but rome had good roads.
@volvolakaemma9209 3 года назад
I want everyone to stop focussing on FTA and trade and stock market which are mostly for the rich and focus on keeping people happy. We don't want the world's most richest economy or a fastest developing economy. We want a self sustaining, ecological focussed and happy economy without exploitation across the world. We don't want a dog eat dog world. We deserve the best world we can create.
@esskay8768 3 года назад
@jupitercyclops6521 3 года назад
We don't have socialism , capitalism or democracy. We have an oligarchy. The United oligarchy of America. UOA! UOA! UOA!
@HALee- 3 года назад
@@jupitercyclops6521 amen
@37Dionysos 3 года назад
Yep: eternal "growth" is cancer. Our economic model should be a Dynamic Steady State.
@woodensurfer 3 года назад
The stock market is not for the rich only. Millions of middle class people save and save, put their money in 401K or mutual funds beginning in their early career, and are now millionaires.
@franciswong5341 3 года назад
Professor R D Wolff always calls a spade a spade, no beating around the bush on global economic issues. In the last several years I have learnt a lot from his presentations and extended his talks to many friends and students. I hope Professor Wolff will continue educating world leaders how to make the world a better place by closing the widening gaps between the very rich and very poor.
@kongyt8773 3 года назад
RCEP is not led by China. It is led by ASEAN “The signing of the RCEP Agreement is a historic event as it underpins ASEAN’s role in leading a multilateral trade agreement of this magnitude, despite global and regional challenges and eight years of negotiations,” said Dato Lim Jock Hoi, Secretary-General of ASEAN.
@non-standardproletarian3356 3 года назад
Yes, the narrative that China is 'leading' this needs to stop among those on the left. China hasn't bullied everyone into submitting to its economic will and in its favor like the US does regularly. The narrative that China is 'leading' is a subtle admission that the US knows no other way but its own tough-kid-on-the-playground tactics.
@flam9415 3 года назад
I was under the impression that the RCEP was not led by China, but instead initiated by the 10 Asean countries, with China, Japan, South Korean, Australia and New Zealand being invited/included in the RCEP agreement, along with an open invitation to India subject to future joining if India decides to do so in the future.
@brianwheeldon4643 3 года назад
The problems with RCEP are labour & health standards are lowered, climate and sixth mass extinction are ignored. It's further multinational corporate takeover and reduction of sovereignty of the people of the world for the profit of corporations. NZ where I live is a 5 'eyes state with MSM complicit in corporate takeover by stealth. Don't be fooled, RCEP is nothing to do with freedom, it's about corporate profit and people and nature be damned.
@woodensurfer 3 года назад
@@brianwheeldon4643 Why are you so abscessed with freedom? It is not even a subject matter. I wish people in the West would stop saying freedom this and that so much. Sure, people need enough freedom to be happy, but the level of this freedom depends on culture. I don't relish as much freedom as many in the West. I care more about material progress and am happier with having fulfilled obligations in life, not to have "freedom". If you want to know whether many minorities in the USA are happy, don't ask them whether they have freedom. Ask whether they have a well-paying job and healthcare.
@politicallil7060 3 года назад
Wow I checked that out now we bout to go down and now I'm reading the Financial Stability Report for November. The rest of the world is moving right alone and we look like we gonna be all alone... The US business model of predatory exploitive capitalism has just played out and run it's course we bout to look like a California wild fire on steroids.
@kkay3784 3 года назад
@larrysherk 3 года назад
International cooperation is the only path to the future. We have chosen our own exile.
@franciscofrancesco7844 3 года назад
Very interesting analysis. Thank you, Professor Wolff.
@adaezeukaga8833 3 года назад
A lot of people are not financially stable this period and it's not easy,I always advise people,don't just waste your stimulus checks or salary, invest it in something that will yield more,even if it is a part of it, we can't keep relying on a paycheck that is already half-spent before we even receive it, there are investment opportunities that have helped a lot of people especially through Stock and dividend investments. Having different streams of making money is the solution to survive in the pandemic, especially now most of us have to earn and work from home,so far this month I've made about $16,500 and it has helped me sort out a lot of bills and I do that through a registered trading company with a skilled trading guru by the name of Mrs Rebecca Jasper,she someone I'd never stop working with I really advise you get in touch with her (+ 1 6 6 2 7 2 7 5 2 2 5 🇺🇲) she will guide you through and assist you. She is very reliable. Trust me it's highly recommended
@rossellmanuel584 3 года назад
it is not trump who started "america first". The US has always operated on that basis..This why it has meddled in the business of other countries since the nineteenth century
@jeffreystliow 3 года назад
From MAGA, MAGA, MAGA,.......... to MAAA, MAAA, MAAA (Make America Alone Again). Now, u are truly alone, congratulations.
@centurionwang4293 3 года назад
Hi, Wolff, I'm in China now and I've watched many of your vids concerning economic conflicts between China and the US. It seems that your views are popular in some Chinese media. I wonder whether I can reprint your vids to the video wedsites in China, I'll note the original address. Thanks
@pooi-hoongchan8680 3 года назад
RCEP is not led by China. It is an ASEAN initiative chaired by an Indonesian trade official.
@woody7652 3 года назад
Thank you, comrade.
@alvinmyers8067 3 года назад
Thank You
@sivedan 3 года назад
All very true and eloquently put by Prof. Wolff, i would also add the the US "Empire" is a very short lived one in historical terms, the US only rose to prominence globally in the late 19th century, and now early 21th century already beginning to fade, that 150 years, Rome in comparison lasted for well over 700 years, and over a 1000 if you include Byzantium ( the East Roman empire ).
@johnwright7916 3 года назад
That might be explained by the increasingly quick process of technology development and market focus in this world system. A decade feels like an eon of technological progress and market shifts nowadays. Who knows, maybe China will suffer an even shorter lifespan if it is to be the US successor in this current economic system.
@jupitercyclops6521 3 года назад
Apples & oranges. Apples & oranges. The roman empire operated via the wind, horse back, and manually. The UOA (United Oligarchy of America) has been able to operate (corrupt) faster than the speed of sound. Steam, gas, nuclear, telegraph, telephone, internet....... We've literally ben able to corrupt faster than the speed of sound. Many of these advances created and or nurtured here in the good old UOA!
@jupitercyclops6521 3 года назад
@@johnwright7916 i was trying to say the same the same time you were! You sir must have a great mind!
@johnwright7916 3 года назад
@@jupitercyclops6521 Great minds think alike
@qave 3 года назад
@@johnwright7916 cutting your nose to spite your face?
@danahegna4442 3 года назад
There may have been a time when the U.S. could've become isolationist, but it's impossible now - even with Japan as an ally. Industry left the U.S. years ago, and foundries closed as iron was smelted on off-shore Japanese ships. There's very little manufacturing here, now. We'd have to tool-up again. And our easy-to-mine coal has been sold off to other countries, so cost of mining now increases. Those Capitalists have put us in a very precarious position, but most people find it difficult to believe that some folks could be so underhanded with no thought of others' well-being or suffering - mainly because they are 'good' and can't imagine a person wearing a nice suit and a big smile to be so dastardly. And there are still quite a few who think they can whisper a few words, and God'll get 'em (the bad guys), so they think they already did their part (by whispering). As conditions in the U.S. worsen, more people will be turning to mysticism (gods and Martians) because they don't know what else to do.
@michaelscott1060 3 года назад
Having worked for American Corporations here in Australia for 30 years I have seen, especially in the last 20 years such a decline in leadership in management to a point that I would say it now does not exist and hasn’t for 7-10 years,
@soldiersvejk2053 3 года назад
Thank you Prof. Wolff!
@jake4024 3 года назад
Capitalism works if the people at the top are inclined morally to do the right things for all not just creating shareholder value by exploiting the rest. The corporate system we have now is extremely predatory.
@dinnerwithfranklin2451 3 года назад
Do you think it would have made a difference if they had continued to teach moral philosophy as part of an economic degree? It is too late now of course but I've wondered if that would have made any real difference to where we stand today
@richardcope8102 3 года назад
Business class was cowed in both UK and USA and failed to sufficiently object to the historically failed concept of economic ( & other ) nationalism Business was WEAK, WEAK, WEAK !
@ProLaytonxPhoenix 3 года назад
Brace for impact
@suicidebyinformation1524 3 года назад
Watching on PC. I never wanted to see Prof Wolff this clearly. Help.
@markuspfeifer8473 3 года назад
Economic nationalism has its root in material reality: different parts of the world have different currencies. This makes international trade vulnerable to financial speculation and other problems. Will your country be competitive tomorrow? I don’t know, let’s ask those people whose „investment“ decisions drive the exchange rates. This generates totally messed up incentives for economic policies and it is totally reasonable to rebel against that system (even though we should be talking about what the correct alternative would be). Having a single currency makes the problem even worse though: then your country having a higher inflation rate than your neighbor kills your economy - but at the same time, inflation is driven mostly by wages; i.e. you end up in a race to the bottom because everyone has an incentive to cut the mass of people’s purchasing power.
@GraphicsGarage 3 года назад
Initial conditions are always relevant. The crisis cycle is always significant. The global economic behaviors of nations correlate with their own economic conditions; to varying degrees. Though China's behaviors now leave much to be desired; their behaviors have improved over the past two decades. This is also seen in Russia's behaviors over the past four. The growth stage of the crisis cycle is one where pressure is minimized; and desperation is essentially not a factor. This is a consequence of where a nation is in between growth and collapse. There is real predictive value in understanding this.
@Soularddave 3 года назад
Don't many of our big companies have branches or subsidiaries in Asia that can trade, tariff -free right along with the other duty-free Asian companies?
@rogerhull5632 3 года назад
Right on. Chalmers Johnson said something similar. You are both right. The danger of the GOP and it's supporters is also economic.
@stephenwalker4989 3 года назад
A system that survives by perminantly balancing trade deficits with debt based recirculation is only short term stable. Political action like Nationalism and Localism are attempts to solve that. If it's not solved you will run into some sort of hard stop or currency crisis eventually. The biggest downside of Nationalism is it is usually driven by the needs of local capatalists to protect their interests not the needs of the national population. I would prefer some sort of tax on fx imbalances - Could be achievable by matching flows through central bank (with no tax) or private banks for excess with a tax hit? Much better to have automatic stabilisers in the system.
@richardwong2950 3 года назад
I concur with the comments made by several people before me that the RCEP was initially led by ASEAN countries but adding a further six countries, but India decided to leave the pact last year. There are a lot of analyses made by learned people in the East on RCEP, and they have also concluded that India has made a mistake for not joining. Donald Trump visited India last year, so there is speculation that India has made a political decision not to be a signatory of RCEP. In short, the USA Administration has probably sold India short, for political gain and economic sacrifice. It is foolish for politicians anywhere in the world to be acting against their own people for political gains because the people will eventually revolute, as we have seen in many parts of the world. In the face of domestic economic decline some politicians often try to deflect their shortcomings by starting a conflict / war abroad or seek foreign influence. This is evident by numerous recent foreign visits by former Defence Secretary and the current Secretary of State, drumming support in Europe, Asia, Australia, the Middle East etc. The main aim is not economic cooperation but plotting a plan to gang up against China. This did not work because those countries knew that they would be used as pawns in a chess game. I am afraid that Australia and India have fallen into the trap. Australia is an unusual large country geographically but with a small population of 25 million (about the population of a large Chinese city). It wants to represent on the world stage and has been participated in many wars by sending a small number of its soldiers. No one wants to invade Australia and New Zealand, and yet Australia wants to increase its military spending during a pandemic and economic recession. India was wealthier than China in 1950 because of its inheritance from Britain whereas China had been looted and bombed out. We can all see that India is less developed than China today, and that the gulf between rich and poor in India is wide. There are still many slums there. The governance and management of the Covid-19 pandemic is just as bad in India as in the USA. I would therefore conclude that the so-called democracy is just a political slogan to sway people's opinion.
@Gigika313 3 года назад
@mudmessiah 3 года назад
Capitalism began as mercantilism that worked because with a monarchy there was central planning. Planning with product and planning with wages...
@candicem9344 3 года назад
Good on Asia woo hoo
@betkay6684 3 года назад
This demonstrates a country turning on itself ... practised on other countries and been rewarded thus .... now crafted for it's own population and same approach by allied nations - Incomprehensible !!!
@dinnerwithfranklin2451 3 года назад
Oh I think it was predicted many times by many people. Too few people listened or are listening now for that matter. Keep preaching though my friend it may help someone understand what is happening.
@bungkusi2432 3 года назад
Fun fact... Indonesia beat USA on nationalism. Last year Indonesia made a new law that only made in Indonesia cellular phone can be use in Indonesia. This is one ultra nationalism that Indonesia beat USA.
@michaelscott1060 3 года назад
I wonder how this has contributed to the predicament.
@jasonchen9645 3 года назад
But wasn't it China's ultra nationalist policies that led to its rise over the last twenty years? Yes, they do trade deals, but always with china first policies. lopsided trade imbalances, forcing companies to give up their trade secrets so they can have access to the broader customer base.. yeah, seems to be working out pretty good for them. And Norway and Sweeden and germany who's nationalist policies include a sovereign wealth fund for its citizens, manufacturing in house, etc. No the problem is that the Nationalist policies did not go far enough.
@walden6272 3 года назад
"forcing companies to give up their trade secrets" I see where you get your infos from ringwing talking points. No one forced US Corporations. They approach China. It's a business deal. Labor for technology was the deal. American Corporations became multi-billion dollar companies, most profits goes to them. The misinformations your type keep spreading will just make you look petty.
@keffinsg 3 года назад
He is of taiwanese descent. You can tell from the name and butt hurtness. Time to admit his side lost because the Reds had the support of the common people, and to learn what lessons this fact teaches.
@woodensurfer 3 года назад
Not at all. The Chinese are diligent, creative, and enterprising enough. The other factor is that the West since the 1950s have gradually become far less aggressive after edification over its past transgressions. That there had not been opium forcibly imposed on China since the end of WWII (actually between WWI and II) speaks volumes to why China has resurged.
@noodlesoup9261 3 года назад
RCEP is not lead by China, it is actually lead by ASEAN
@jbeihl1 3 года назад
We aren’t economically nationalist at all. We outsource our jobs and cost cut at every turn
@khosrofakhreddini7824 3 года назад
That won't use. A good part of the American economy belongs to the Gulf sheikhs and other rich international people. In such an economy, how can one speak of nationalism and seek the solutions to crises in it?
@zugbergsu3600 3 года назад
Professor, you got a new fan from China
@michigandersea3485 3 года назад
Wolff is talking about economic nationalism as if it is a problem or threat. Maybe it is, to the US's capitalist economy. But would economic nationalism be a problem in the kind of socialist economy Wolff advocates?
@barbarajohnson1442 3 года назад
YES, I noticed that big dealers on the boards of MuseumofModernArt, and THE FRICK!!! Contributed $90,000+ to Trumps campaign THIS TIME!!!! Damn!
@bluelithium9808 3 года назад
Capatalism which can't fail isn't capatalism. It's a state controlled economy. And controlled by America's wealthy ruling class
@glen6945 3 года назад
@orangemage9522 3 года назад
According to the international business community, the US is a bad investment. Late stage capitalism is upon us.
@adcaptandumvulgus4252 3 года назад
It's getting hotter here, uh oh.
@donjohnstone3707 3 года назад
America is showing clear signs of being in decline, with a political and economic system that is not effectively responding to the current and future challenges internationally or domestically. Some fundamental strategic changes will need to be made, to how America functions politically and economically and how it relates to the rest of the world, if it wants to remain an influential and relevant power. Business as usual is no longer an option, going forward.
@pedrocavalcante5822 3 года назад
Who controls the Republican and Democratic parties?
@woodensurfer 3 года назад
Not who but which. Self-control and election results.
@woodensurfer 3 года назад
The truth is that in order for the USA to lead it must be willing to pay, in greater unemployment among blue collars and greater expenditure in NATO etc. Otherwise the so-called allies will not rely on the USA. Trump is right about it not being fair to the USA, but one should know the consequence in insisting on it being fair.
@Brothaman2k 3 года назад
So, what? Should we have signed on to the Trans-Pacific Partnership now? Cuz that's essentially want this new trade deal is. Are we suddenly in favor of a new trade deal that undermines American wages and sends more jobs overseas? This message seems rather out of step with what has been your overall message over the years.
@jrhoads4849 3 года назад
Culture in decline on repeat like a broken record.
@brucepieroni9102 3 года назад
Decadent, ancient Rome during its fall has nothing on the level of depravity and decadence in the USA. We could teach them a few things, I'm sure.
@alloomis1635 3 года назад
usa began as a sheltered workshop for slave plantation agriculture, evolved as a land and resource bandit conspiracy , and found itself suddenly the biggest bully on the world stage. not a good preparation for life in a thin envelope of air on a medium-sized rocky planet. reality may be too hard for usa. certainly there will be a period of education on survival in a finite space with unfriendly neighbors who can't be killed with impunity. usa constitution is dysfunctional. resulting culture may be terminal. failure to give these matters serious thought extremely dangerous. yet there is no discussion in public, just name-calling.
@BBBarua 3 года назад
I wonder who will write "The Wealth of Capitalist" after Adam Smith wrote "The Wealth of Nations" 200 years ago.
@joandelur4407 3 года назад
more clear, impossible
@glen6945 3 года назад
time to bring back america moters--------------look it up
@wp4866 3 года назад
poor ol' america
@gypsy97feder94 3 года назад
I don't think Trump got all those votes legitimately.
@guy221 3 года назад
The US politicians lack of foresight is accelerating the decline & downfall of the American empire. Nationalist policies are doomed to fail because 70% of the US GDP is consumer driven. China closed its borders to the world in the last century with disastrous consequences. As soon as China embraced globalization in the 1970 its economy grew at a rate of 10-15% for the next 50 years. The US should have learned from the Chinese experience and realize that globalisation is the way to go specially with a consumer driver Economy. The reason is simple; each country can produce goods or services more efficiently because it has more natural resources, more skilled labour, lower labour costs, access to capital, better infrastructure and proximity to large markets or a combination of the above.
@radthibidaeux8229 3 года назад
China didn't "grow." We shrank. Their economy and wages "grew" at about the same rate as ours stagnated and diminished. We simply transferred our economy and middle class to China. NOTHING of value was achieved for the average American, except we now have the privilege of purchasing poorly-made, low-quality products at surprisingly high prices.
@jupitercyclops6521 3 года назад
Our politicians don't lack insight imo. They lack moral fiber and empathy. They are self serving corrupt pos. They are crooks and we've allowed it.
@izmark671 3 года назад
Hate is what 45 sells. Easy sell to sooo many, that hate...when you've been raised that way. Love thy hate? why?
@izmark671 3 года назад
@earth ocean Oh hell yes, it's a fire sale there too.Pleanty of hate 'on many channels.'
@krunoslavregvar477 3 года назад
@Azamat421 3 года назад
Hes right
@mattja52 3 года назад
@@Azamat421 Never argue with a mind that is concrete, words can't penetrate it!
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