Jenny Nicholson
Jenny Nicholson
Jenny Nicholson
Evermore: The Theme Park That Wasn't
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The Church Play Cinematic Universe
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Fur-Bearing Trout ASMR
3 года назад
THE Vampire Diaries Video
3 года назад
The Last Bronycon: a fandom autopsy
3 года назад
Frozen 2 Script Doctor
4 года назад
Spider Reviews
4 года назад
Well, I didn’t like Joker
4 года назад
ALL D23 news whether we care or not
4 года назад
Star Wars: Episode IX Bingo
4 года назад
Please take Toy Story 4 away from me
4 года назад
Endgame video
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Kylo Rendemption Party
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5 лет назад
Original Star Wars Costume Ideas
5 лет назад
@Stormthorn67 3 часа назад
I wonder how Disney changing CEOs influenced all this and their changes to park development and added payments for everything in many park areas.
@Scarlett-xj6bi 3 часа назад
What's so shocking to me is that the gameplay was so terrible. It was the primary thing advertised and yet they've implemented similar things in the past when it wasn't even the main selling point. I went on the Disney Cruise 5+ years ago and there was something similar called the Midship Detective Agency. You can look it up but from what I remember, it implemented using your magic bands and solved a mystery that you had to go all around the ship to complete, and it would unlock little interactive cutscenes with the Muppets that were exactly what she was describing at 1:37:00, you could tap on the screen to find clues in scenes. So basically, Disney obviously has the capability to implement these things, if their budget wasn't already the biggest indication, since they've literally done it before for a different experience, in which was barely mentioned since it's only one of the many things you can do for a cheaper price.
@leewebb7 3 часа назад
It didn't work because it was dumb.....they should have built a normal resort/ hotel and just themed it to starwars....like the Polynesian or animal kingdom lodge
@nicolasscipioni983 3 часа назад
Sorry to correct you but the goo thing is called tar
@gustusthread2256 3 часа назад
I haven't seen this movie since seeing it in theaters, watching this reminded why I only saw it once
@dragonfurry69 3 часа назад
After that whole lawsuit showed what was going on, I 100% don't blame Depp for drinking like that
@leewebb7 3 часа назад
The only thing star wars about it is the lightsabers
@douglasbrink6342 3 часа назад
Wow! And here I thought I was the best OG Star Wars fan having stood in line to watch Episode IV 12x at the theater and bought the original sound track on vinyl LP before she was even born. But I'm here for it and given her latest viral vid Masterpiece on the Star Wars Hotel (Galactic Cruiser) debacle,, I crown her Queen of Star Wars fandom everywhere!!! You Rock Jenny!!
@Calypso694 3 часа назад
Man Carrying Thing brought me here.
@leewebb7 3 часа назад
Heres the thing.....nobody wants to go on vacation and have to participate in anything...lol.....its a hotel that you cant relax in....whats great about a hotel os after a long day in the park you can come back and decompress....on the star cruiser you cant.....it didnt even have a pool
@ehellsword2 3 часа назад
I thought I kcnew you. You were that girl who had that hour long rant about TROS...and now you have a 4 hour rant about the SW Hotel. Oh hell naw.
@victoriakohler627 3 часа назад
The “immersive” montage is my favorite part of this video so far 😂😂❤
@M1A1cavalryman 3 часа назад
I think the correct term is free range droids!
@sheepgrass500 3 часа назад
7.2 mil in 2 weeks, gotdamn congrats lolll
@andrewdavid9412 3 часа назад
A hotel with no windows. How could it fail...
@communismenjoyer1858 3 часа назад
Xersus' worst mistake wasnt letting the devil into the real world, it was advertising this
@YouTube_still_sucks 3 часа назад
'This is what passes for a joke in this movie, and I wrote it down, because I was aghast.' 😆
@cattysplat 4 часа назад
These themed hotel parks just seem like ways to trap visitors in a huge down payment, forcing them to stay for the sunk cost alone. Can only imagine if even 1 thing goes wrong, the whole show goes off the rails for literally everyone involved.
@RowanVaughn-cj5cu 4 часа назад
To preface this comment, I am a travel agent and I specialize in cruises. I'm at 26:00 right now, and the comparison you made to a cruise earlier in the video was incredibly apt. Straight up, they priced this as though it was a cruise. Everything you just described is incredibly standard practice in the cruising industry except for having to know all your passengers names to get a quote (You would need that to book, or get a courtesy hold placed on a room.) The prices not being flat rates, the advertised rate being the lowest possible rate (though in the cruising industry it's shown as the lowest possible per person w/o port fees or taxes added), the per person cost getting lower as you add more people into the same cabin, all of it. Frankly if they had advertised this less like a hotel and much more like a "Space Cruise Experience" or something, that pricing structure would make a lot more sense, and people might've even been more amenable to it. BUT, in effect, this is STILL a hotel! Cruise lines have reasons to price and book rooms by head rather than by room, but a hotel doesn't. I truly cannot fathom why they would have done it like this, especially considering they didn't have to. The cruising industry itself is constantly under fire for how deceptive and complicated the pricing and marketing structures are. The way things are currently advertised is even going to be illegal in California on July 1st. This is just such a ludicrous idea. I wanna know who made THAT decision and just ask them several questions.
@txtstar119 4 часа назад
Disney was too blinded by the dollar signs with the purchase of STAR WARS that they forgot to make a 'Plan' for Star Wars . What's great about the failure of the star wars is that ultimately the consumer us voted to NOT give Disney our money that's what's great about this story! We need to do this again!
@Zanders459 4 часа назад
Everyone’s too tired to bang when they get back to their room… that is so you, Disney
@Brandon-yr3nj 4 часа назад
whoever made this confused the beast with gaston
@a.a.g.h.1679 4 часа назад
So what you’re saying is the Vamoire diaries finale did a weird little jig across the finish line so the good place finale could fly
@machdude3366 4 часа назад
The Streisand effect is at full strength here because their efforts to cover it up only seems to have juiced those views.
@KaLMichaeL 4 часа назад
One of the best theme park videos (if not the best) I have seen by a customer. Worth your time to watch. Thanks Jenny!
@Znaffers 4 часа назад
The reuse of “you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us!” After saying if you mind control one first order person you mind control them all might be one of my favorite jokes ever
@hgman3920 4 часа назад
Love triangle!!!
@timz6856 4 часа назад
Impressions de France at Epcot, perfect combo of music and France highlights
@tobylane41 4 часа назад
one of the best videos I've ever watched on this website. Thank you for putting so much effort into this, wildly appreciated!!
@charlesburnham603 4 часа назад
Ok but now I need to know what happens in frozen 3. You got me all exited!! Will they make up? will the villainess get her comeuppance!!!?
@lindseylou084 4 часа назад
The credits song slaps so hard. Way to go finding a way to entertain us during the patreon name list.
@rjs617 4 часа назад
Not to reinforce the cisheteronormative patriarchy, but if or when Jenny has kids, she is going to be the best mom ever. Her kids will go to the coolest theme parks, have the best Halloween costumes, and their bedtime story hour will be epic.
@chesterbless9441 4 часа назад
"Would you like to pay more than an actual Disney cruise ship for a regular hotel? Also, you have to roleplay the entire time."
@brad5426 4 часа назад
1:32:40 That's a really innovative idea and a cool bit of technology kit. How'd they not utilise it better is a missed opportunity.
@cheshireshadow518 4 часа назад
The only creator I can tolerate these hours long videos from LOL Always a treat when you upload =)
@Thenoobestgirl 4 часа назад
You should go to the medieval fantasy larp town at Bicolline and review that 😍
@Swifty-Kommando 4 часа назад
Something tells me this girl has poor problem solving skills. Like a player in a tutorial area who needs to be carried through basic tasks.
@Cdr2002 4 часа назад
It’s a little known fact that Walt Disney was actually run over by a train and was then had his remains cybernetically fused to a train on a isolated island known as “Sodor”
@greenboots_4661 4 часа назад
"Bad people are only worthy of redemption if they change their ways." Uh... yeah. That's... that's what redemption is. Usually I like your viewpoints, but this one feels like low effort Buzzfeed clickbait.
@natalishafer3760 4 часа назад
Altona, Manitoba is town founded by Mennonites that speak low German that's why the audience laughed at that joke
@willizabeth 4 часа назад
How much did the “Dad Would Like to Sleep In” adventure cost?
@mikakestudios5891 5 часов назад
I feel like the Go-cart Experience could have been much cooler with vintage photos of the early days of automobile racing (1920s), with some themed food and drinks.
@hollystop 5 часов назад
Got the first ads 2 hours in :/ you doing okay girl?
@lukethelegend9705 5 часов назад
You aren’t defunctland. I am disappointed.
@user-DullardBones 5 часов назад
A thought on the app: Maybe there was a glitch, and your story was accepting choices from someone else and visa versa. ...So now, imagine some poor child was finding themselves unwillingly on the First Order path.
@davidofthenorth6531 5 часов назад
"The document points out that Taylor Swift has acted in projects such as Valentine's Day and The Lorax," It always comes back to the Onecler . . .
@polecat3 5 часов назад
Dan Olson? What are you doing here
@marcusTgreat 5 часов назад
The conspiracy theorist in me says they deactivated the app because she was LARPing as a cautionary measure to avoid main character syndrome
@lasaaagna 5 часов назад
@danjitheman 5 часов назад
It took me 2 weeks to set aside 4 hours to watch this and now I wish it was twice as long. This exemplifies and is indicative of not only the world "these days" but pretty much since the dawn of modern man. I can not describe how simultaneously inspired and depressed for the future I am. Ummm thanks for coming to my TED Talk ig.