Arata Academy ENGLISH
Arata Academy ENGLISH
Arata Academy ENGLISH
Liquidity Explained | Money Arata 71
14 дней назад
Solidarity | Hello! Seiiti Arata 351
Месяц назад
Availability Bias | Money Arata 64
2 месяца назад
The Sunk Cost Fallacy | Money Arata 63
2 месяца назад
Analysis Paralysis | Hello! Seiiti Arata 348
2 месяца назад
Your money keeps you poor | Money Arata 61
2 месяца назад
How to be poor | Hello! Seiiti Arata 345
3 месяца назад
Only criminals use cash. | Money Arata 58
3 месяца назад
The Matthew Effect | Hello! Seiiti Arata 343
3 месяца назад
@malcolmhead2852 3 дня назад
Yay me first !
@ArataAcademyENGLISH 4 дня назад
Link: arata.se/yourvalues
@user-my5te1ts6u 4 дня назад
Man I'm just trying to have a normal conversation
@luna740 6 дней назад
I've just been told that I have an oral exam on major subs and my exams are in a freaking week, I have never had an oral exam in my life and so I am genuienly petrified.... How do I calm myself from this mess that I am in?
@madelinebrennan7603 8 дней назад
I like the teaching of enjoying the small things rather than waiting to be happy until the big things are accomplished. Valuable :)
@5babypoof 8 дней назад
Sadly I'm just a very slow learner
@fastbackseventyseven3553 9 дней назад
You're confusing intelligence with knowledge and skills
@yoseppriyanggamukti3765 11 дней назад
Ternyata ada sejumlah orang yang “dianugerahi” kemampuan untuk mengingat di atas rata-rata. Kondisi tersebut adalah Hyperthymesia. Penyakit langka yang sajtu ini bisa membuat orang yang mengalaminya memiliki daya ingat super. Bahkan pengidapnya dapat mengingat secara detail semua pengalaman hidup yang sudah pernah dilalui. Ada yang menyebut bahwa orang dengan hyperthymesia bahkan bisa mengingat kejadian yang ia alami sejak berusia satu hari. Bisa menceritakan secara detail mengenai suatu pengalaman merupakan salah satu ciri utama dari orang yang mengidap penyakit ini. Pengidap hyperthymesia memiliki kemampuan untuk memberikan penjelasan detail mengenai apa yang dilihat, didengar, maupun dirasakan sepanjang hidup. Bahkan ingatan dari kata-kata maupun kalimat yang dibaca dari sebuah buku juga bisa diingat dengan baik, bahkan setelah puluhan tahun berlalu. Yosep Priyangga Mukti menderita hyperthimesia
@ArataAcademyENGLISH 11 дней назад
Link: arata.se/yourvalues
@joseeduardoparra2812 15 дней назад
I have ADD, and generalized anxiety, and recently have been experiencing su1c1dal thoughts and depression, this information is very helpful. It is very hard to not gravitate to these thoughts when I have had experienced rejection from alot of people in my town due to false accusations from ex gf, it hurts so much to have people who don't even know me hating me. I know I'm stronger than this but it's been a hard path. also I come from a household where I had an abusive mother,. I want to be mentally stronger.
@ArataAcademyENGLISH 18 дней назад
Link: arata.se/planningyourlife
@ArataAcademyENGLISH 18 дней назад
💎 Diamond Hands: arata.se/diamondhands
@dualexistence 19 дней назад
I'd rather be a smartass than smart.
@barbarawinkle1042 20 дней назад
New subscriber. Such wonderful information! Many thanks.
@eapenninan4950 22 дня назад
@bizdaretz8679 23 дня назад
So we shouldn't trust you either right? Biases are everywhere, but as long as someone KNOWS that their choice is just that, THEIR OWN CHOICE... it's not an issue. For instance, you talk about bitcoin... personally... bitcoin is as worthless as banks are to me. Do I have a bank account? Absolutely, but only because society is so hell bent on making everything digital purchases. Give me a $100 bill and I'm happy... because it's tangible it has intrinsic value (that yes we've given to it) Give me 400 quarters, I'm even happier because 'cling-cling' plus it weighs more. (Kinda like how things used to be weighed with gold and silver coins) Give me a $100 debit/credit card, or even a pre-paid card... and while yes I can buy a much bigger variety of things... it also becomes much harder to actually spend all of that money, meaning it ends up having like 20 cents or so left over. So... when I look at things like bitcoin... I look at it as people trying to fuse the two... hard cash with digital banking... obviously at the core they are very different things, bit coin being a crypto currency is 'protected'... but so is my bag of quarters in the above scenario. And on the surface it's exactly the same as digital purchases... But.... going back to the point, of confirmation bias... someone controls the bitcoin / crypto currency industry... because otherwise, all it would take is someone dedicated enough to cheat the system. Consider it for me, a "Better the devil I know, than the devil I don't." Everyone that buys into the crypto currency ideals... are themselves, subject to confirmation bias. The absolute truth here... is that people SHOULD think for themselves... Problem is... everyone has confirmation bias, so there's no actual way for them to learn that... but that's why people should be ALLOWED to have dissenting ideas... even if they're not popular, or... 'socially accepted', or... more accurately... even if it's based on a conflict of morals... because in absolute truth, morality is subjective. And that's just the world we've ALWAYS lived in... Hitler thought he was doing the right thing. Christians think they're doing the right thing. Muslims think they're doing the right thing. Atheists think they're doing the right thing. Racists and Homophobes think they're doing the right thing. LGBTQ+ activists think they're doing the right thing. Feminists think they're doing the right thing. Misogynists think they're doing the right thing. You think you're doing the right thing. I think I'm doing the right thing. "I think therefore I am" What we really need to do... is let go of the IMPORTANCE we place on being right or wrong... Because with the above list of 'thought was doing the right thing'... Every single one of those HAS objectively done the wrong thing... and surely in many ways those examples HAVE also done the right thing... no one is perfect.
@RichardNavarrete1 24 дня назад
Whether your ikigai is chocolate or your new startup, the goal and sense of finding meaning outside of yourself isn't what will give you true fulfillment. Your ikigai is already within you. I think it's a way of living in the present moment, enjoying living and being fulfilled, which can be the smallest of things. It's all in accepting yourself, knowing you are enough, and allowing yourself to find your happiness and fulfillment from the present moment. The rest are life goals, which are good to plan for of course.
@Doomshopwarrior 24 дня назад
I’m so dumb I couldn’t even take in any of the information from this video
@adcaptandumvulgus4252 24 дня назад
What about my confirmation bias to the world not being flat. Should I keep that bias?
@talisikid1618 23 дня назад
It’s a fact that it’s round. Not applicable here.
@adcaptandumvulgus4252 23 дня назад
@@talisikid1618 Remember when the _4 humors_ were "fact". So, remember to be flexible in your thinking or your yellow bile might become black bile, eh?
@jsblastoff 23 дня назад
Earth not flat or round. It’s very lumpy
@adcaptandumvulgus4252 23 дня назад
@@jsblastoff like a cue ball when you zoom in, earth size comparison
@handlehaggler 22 дня назад
@@jsblastoff like rock.
@ArataAcademyENGLISH 25 дней назад
Link: arata.se/planningyourlife
@SK-gc7xv 25 дней назад
Only cults tell people to not trust anyone, except for you telling them not to trust anyone of course.
@ArataAcademyENGLISH 26 дней назад
Diamond Hands: arata.se/diamondhands Contact us (questions, suggestions, support): arata.se/contact
@bruvance 24 дня назад
step 1: don't trust anyone step 2: don't trust you saying don't trust anyone
@focotaku 26 дней назад
It seems the 5 steps are the 5 pillars of Ikigai that Ken Mogi described. He said that Kogi-sensei is a neuroscientist, but I think he’s not. He’s specialized in the mind and brain relation, works for Sony CSL & Tokyo Tech, but he never studied neuroscience, but science and law in Tokyo University. Anyway, I’m happy to hear more Japanese people talking about this concept because I feel there are some misconceptions about the ikigai in the west 👍👍
@carlarg9123 28 дней назад
Idk...I rather have people like that out of my life. Even if you helped them, they'll always want more than you
@tomfrombrunswick7571 Месяц назад
What is wrong with cameras? They prevent crime in public spaces. They help tracking criminals and controlling anti-social behavior. If government provides services such as health care, minimum wage structures availability of housing the society is better and richer. Which are the happiest countries? Places like Finland where a social safety net creates a d3ecent and happy society. Say hello to the rest of your crew at the Epoch Times
@ArataAcademyENGLISH Месяц назад
Link: arata.se/howtosayno
@maxerea4380 Месяц назад
What if we all started working for the government? Or is that called communisme?
@kjetilhvalstrand1009 Месяц назад
Why you should listen more and be careful picking sides. World is built on trade and exchange, and everyone benefits, but when there is no trade, but wars and land grabs, taking advantage of someone less off, stolen resources and life’s.
@jasft9746 Месяц назад
Why indeed not pick the side of the naZis. Gotta keep your options open.
@kjetilhvalstrand1009 Месяц назад
@@jasft9746 A lot of people who has picked a side done so on the bases on one side of the story. Propaganda is powerful tool, propaganda does not require to talk ill about anyone, all you need to do remove any information that support the other side. Its simple control of information. Its not about supporting bad people, its about finding out that your on the wrong side.
@ArataAcademyENGLISH Месяц назад
Diamond Hands: arata.se/diamondhands Contact us (questions, suggestions, support): arata.se/contact
@wingsphysio Месяц назад
I’m so confused by your accent. Sounds Spanish?
@minenhlempungose1285 Месяц назад
L am stupid
@wilhelmvon007 Месяц назад
Excellent video as always! Your videos are my daily reminder to stay focus on my personal roadmap.
@barbarawarren9443 Месяц назад
Thank you for sharing all three of those phenomenal backstories to illustrate your points. I didn't know any of that and I'm presently working to persevere and stay true to my own vision. ❤
@ArataAcademyENGLISH Месяц назад
Link: arata.se/planningyourlife
@ArataAcademyENGLISH Месяц назад
Truly Wealthy: arata.se/trulywealthy Contact us (questions, suggestions, support): arata.se/contact
@ArataAcademyENGLISH Месяц назад
Diamond Hands: arata.se/diamondhands Contact us (questions, suggestions, support): arata.se/contact
@audria_senna Месяц назад
I met you on RU-vid for the first time in Spanish. Then I collided with you in English. Today, I listened to you in Portuguese. Could you tell me how you manage your social media channels, please? It would be very useful to me.
@perfectlyflawed3429 Месяц назад
🙏 thank you
@Mu_the_Maori Месяц назад
I'm passionate about fitness and exercising I wake up every morning and exercise at the gym because I'm 49 n I'm 50 this year 2024, I don't want to be unfit yet I desire to be driven, self disciplined and resilient in all areas of my life..😊 I want to be disciplined to work a 40 hour week, continue to train Boxing, Hapkido, Ninjitsu and Tai Chi..
@ArataAcademyENGLISH Месяц назад
Link: arata.se/diamondhands
@Joker4ultr4 Месяц назад
I have this and multiple brain injuries. It is more of the ability to not forget some things or events, I can remember certain events perfectly. It creates issues.
@lyzzettes Месяц назад
Thank you for making us look inward, for making us take responsibility for our own actions.
@marcosjosedelima3189 Месяц назад
Olá Arata, a sua iniciativa é muito boa e válida, o problema é que hoje nós temos um governo extremamente egoista, que quer se manter no poder e para isso usa todo tipo de tragedia para alavancar sua posição no governo, e não fez nada para evitar tamanho desastre, como exemplo avisando as pessoas sobre a possibilidade desta grande quantidade de chuvas, e não adiminstrou as comportas das barragens acima das cidades atingidas de forma que elas pudessem conter a força da água, também não preparou bombas para escoamento desta água, só agora depois de 15 dias é que começaram a instalar as bombas, que, por incentivo de outro estado foram emprestadas ao rio grnade do sul, o problema hoje são as interferencia negativas do governo, a falta de responsabilidade de um governo corrupto como este que não disponibilizou evetivos para socorrer a população e há muitas mortes, a perda material é irrelevante, frente a quantidade de pessoas que não puderam nen ser enterradas pelos seu entes queridos, as televisões só relatam mentiras ou somente sobre o nível que a água atingiu e apartir da semana anteriar ven relatando e que o exercito esta fazendo todos os salvamentos e acomodações dos desabrigados, mas nas midias alternativas estamos vendo tudo diferente do que a televisão rede globo esta mostrando (por ordem do governo).
@user-tp1fl9ej6d Месяц назад
@chryszapenera8981 Месяц назад
Love your channel ❤❤❤ This channel deserve a lot of recognition
@ArataAcademyENGLISH Месяц назад
💎 Diamond Hands: arata.se/diamondhands Contact us (questions, suggestions, support): arata.se/contact
@nora-Lirong Месяц назад
Valuable insights thank youThis video hits the nail on the head about analysis paralysis! I struggle with this all the time - overthinking decisions until I can't take action. The tips on setting deadlines and trusting my intuition were particularly helpful. I'll also try using a weighted decision matrix for bigger choices. Thanks for sharing!
@m.asammy3049 Месяц назад
I'VE been arnd envious people who were so hateful, the offer cld get you killed. They just want you destroyed. They dont want you present in their world bcuz they dont want to have to do 'work'.and they dont want you present in the minds of those they've gotten comfortable. Careful,this can turn out horribly. Trust your gut.
@datguy6745 Месяц назад
Im pretty sure i have this condition. I only ever heard two stories that involved me where a different person told it and i couldnt remember even if i had a gun to my head. It was such a shitty feeling, i drew a complete blank. Other than that i can perfectly recreate almost ANY event in my life with crazy precision. I can also remember events from when i was 4 years old and upwards with perfect accuracy, but those are very few and short situations.
@Construindofortuna1 Месяц назад
I'm Brazilian and I'm studying in English to learn the content and English at the same time , Thanks Arata for the content !