Nena "MissFit2Teach" Rodriguez is an Hispanic-American High School teacher in Roanoke, VA. This channel is dedicated to empowering new and veteran educators to be physically, mentally, and emotionally fit to teach. With this channel, we hope to inspire and motivate every kind of teacher so that we can reach every kind of student. Being your highest self makes you Fit-2-Teach. Welcome.

Business inquiries should be sent to: nena.m.rodriguez@gmail.com
Connect on Instagram @MissFit2Teach

4 месяца назад
11 месяцев назад
@TotallyxKatiee Месяц назад
That’s what my cooperating teacher used to do during lunch. I am struggling to get a job in education any advice? I apply and get no calls back. I had one interview and it went very well, the principal gave me a call back and said the only reason he chose someone else was because they had 8 years of experience vs me only having ST.
@lakcunha7654 2 месяца назад
Lets collaborate. I was the top successful teacher in my district then realized they were afraid because they May lose their money when they are successful. So I wanted to be apart of it but then they rejected me
@lakcunha7654 2 месяца назад
You took the whole words out of of my mouth😊
@sarakesten5352 3 месяца назад
Hello Nina .. My name is Sara.. I just discovered your channel and I love it! I was wondering you would be interested in hearing about my favorite high school English teacher. She had a huge impact on my life! Let me know if you want to talk .
@j.d.waterhouse4197 3 месяца назад
We used to laugh about how admin would insist it should make no difference to us, in terms of discipline, whether you had upper level Calculus or freshman Algebra. This is what they WANTED to believe, that simply by following certain rules and strategies, the kids in those freshman classes, many in gangs, many on drugs, would be no more difficult than the honors students in AP Calc. Their disconnect from reality added to the stress of the already stressed out freshman teachers, some of whom quit before finishing their first year.
@KevinStone-bf5ey 4 месяца назад
So it's an issue when the kids hit you, but when they repeatedly hit the much weaker, disabled students, somehow you never noticed. And the rest of us are expected to play along with this self-serving narrative for some reason.
@j.d.waterhouse4197 4 месяца назад
Sure is easier to second guess teacher's actions when you yourself are not dealing with the emotions which result when kids are treating you as if you're a bum off the street, when kids are shouting at you, or mocking you just for the fun of it. As a teacher for 27 years I pushed those emotions down and was left with a case a real anxiety disorder I still deal with to this day, many years after retiring.
@wandasewell4501 4 месяца назад
Start asking WHY? I blame the Elected and Hollywood. This Started in the 70's and is still happening and getting worse. America is a multi-culture Country (the melting-Pot) but Hollywood, Government elected DONT want us United but Divided. A Nation Divided Falls!
@JohnButler350 4 месяца назад
Kill the music up the mic
@MissFit2Teach 4 месяца назад
Ok np
@dmorris5458 4 месяца назад
You're good
@jeffbrewer3137 4 месяца назад
I hope more people view this video. It should be pushing at 100K views in my opinion! You are sharing eternal principles of growth. We need all teachers AND students to understand the law of the harvest. I love that you share these truths. When we embrace patience, long-suffering, love, etc. we are finding true lasting joy. There is no other way. We taste bitter to know the sweet. Thank you again for sharing these principles, the world needs to see these truths. Teachers need to know them and take heart, they can pass them on to their students and generations to come. It is the plan of happiness to grow through struggle. It was literally planned this way. :)
@danielgolarz674 4 месяца назад
I'm the author of EIGHT DAYS IN AN INNER CITY SCHOOL and I don't hear anyone talking about the out of control OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING for k-12 teachers that's why we have teacher shortages
@j.d.waterhouse4197 4 месяца назад
Huh? You mean requiring that teachers show they understand the math before letting them have the job?
@megacide84 4 месяца назад
DEFUND PUBLIC SCHOOLS!!! Allocate all those resources towards hyper-automation, machine labor, and artificial intelligence. This generation of children absolutely CANNOT be trusted as a future stable, viable workforce. It has come to the point where I and countless others now heavily prefer an A.I driven automated workforce of stable, reliable, fully functional next-generation ground worker drones in addition to fully mechanized facilities as opposed to legions of incompetent, uneducated, untrainable legions of failures now coming from public schools. Otherwise... We as a society will fall behind and experience a prolonged dark age.
@shanebuchholz5744 4 месяца назад
Lots of words nothing really said. Exactly what’s wrong with education.
@tftltd8462 4 месяца назад
Your Content Is good
@tftltd8462 4 месяца назад
Hi Nena, Your Video is Awesome
@thedalewardens9106 4 месяца назад
I worked at a clinic. I was surprised at the number of educators that came in injured, and many with no repercussions to the instigator children. There was even stalking. Crazy.
@audiolego 4 месяца назад
Hi Nina, everyday I watch your videos. I promised that if I'm staying in this teaching instructor career, I'll be watching teacher videos daily. I'll be getting Harry Wong book and Teach your Class off by Ryan. Let me know if any book to read. I want to be the cool teacher though.
@audiolego 4 месяца назад
It's my 6 months and I'm on a trial and error stage. Sometimes I'm on, sometimes I don't have the confidence😊
@gellerbingsgaming 4 месяца назад
In my 3 years as a teaching assistant, ive been strangled, bitten, scratched, spat at, punched in the face, punched in the stomach and threats of being murdered all from primary school students (ages 3-10), where does it all end?? I cant believe that this is what working in education is nowadays
@user-pw1dh1fv1v 4 месяца назад
@audiolego 4 месяца назад
Thank you so much.
@audiolego 4 месяца назад
Oh boy, this video is for me.. I love my high risk students I love my high risk students. So hardddd I have to grow. It's my 6 months with no teaching experience. All RU-vid tips that's helping me and I'll be taking some Udemy classes on presentation and how to this how to thats( classroom management).
@audiolego 4 месяца назад
Thank you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@chriscarson1903 4 месяца назад
"Every action is either an expression of love or a cry for love." What are they missing? What is hurting? Check the emotions - sad, mad, glad, hurt, scared. The old story says, we carry two buckets at all time. One is water, the other is gasoline. Which one do you need in this situation? Whatever you feed will grow.
@chriscarson1903 4 месяца назад
A lot of good stuff but the nugget of best WISDOM for me was to SHARE YOUR PEACE with that student. Awesome. New Subscriber for sure.
@djthereplay 4 месяца назад
Well Nena, I've got news for them because chances are that they are not helping their kid either and they expect everything to be put on the school system that their kid is in. There are parents out there who just love to plain and simply use school as a platform to run their kid(s) out of the house to just because they get that moment in the house alone before they head off to work or that sick day or vacation day at home alone in silence. They butter their kids up trying to get their kids excited about school as they themselves are to run the kids out the door and away from what they enjoy at home and this is why some of the students need their comfort device with them to help them transition between home and school everyday because their parents are using you all the school system to again shut them out from what they love to do everyday and the teachers need to call on the parents to get involved with the education of the kids and stop just letting parents use school as a dumpster ground to dump their kids into. There needs to also be a repeal of truancy laws and replace them with laws that make parents responsible for their kids actions at school moreover. They are ruining it for everyone else who is doing the right thing and the parents who are participating in their kids' education. As a former autistic school student, I would have never made it had My Parents not been involved in my education. I hope that this gives you some insight and agreement that you the teacher(s) cannot do this alone. - Dwight
@audiolego 4 месяца назад
Subbed. ❤❤❤❤❤. You're cool.
@AishawithanEye 4 месяца назад
I'm only at 3:14 and I completely disagree with your first point: not to listen to other teachers about problem students. This is only my third day substitute teaching, and there was a kid who was a problem right when he walked through the door. He even said, himself, "You're gonna have to call security." AND I STILL GAVE HIM THE UPPER HAND! I thought he was joking, but then he continually HURT other students, in between "pretending to behave," which I fell for BECAUSE NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT THIS KID, until I finally did call security. That kid did NOT deserve a "clean slate." He came into my next period, which he isn't even in, and I immediately called security.
@MissFit2Teach 4 месяца назад
@AishawithanEye that’s cool. I don’t mind some good old fashion disagreement. That’s why we’re here. And as long as we’re disagreeing, I noticed some points you made that stuck out to me: you say that “NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT THIS KID.” Actually, someone DID tell you. HE did. You heard it straight out the horse’s mouth- without knowing you, introducing himself, or even saying hi, the kid told you EXACTLY who he was from the jump off. Then you gave him the “UPPER HAND.” What does that mean, exactly?? Did you let him run the class? Did you let him run around the room? It’s one thing to give a kid a clean slate, but I would NEVER endorse giving a CHILD an upper hand over a teacher. Period. So I don’t even know what happened there. Last: you say he “continually HURT other students”. You mean he was able to assault kids multiple times before you activated necessary intervention? I’m sorry, but from what you’re telling me, you didn’t need a teacher to “warn” you ahead of time. In fact, when teachers “warn” teachers about their experiences from previous years, it is actually a detriment- not a help. Why? Because then we form biases without taking into account GROWTH. I’m very sorry you had such an awful experience, you didn’t deserve it. The next time someone tells you who they are, believe them. Whether it’s a man, woman, or child.
@BubbaGanuche 4 месяца назад
learning to follow rules is the most important success tool there is. are these students going to be janitors or higher up than that.
@countrygamer6096 4 месяца назад
Autism is not an excuse. Trauma is not an excuse. We reduce humans to base instincts when we use those as excuses for behaviors, as though they are in no more control than an animal. If that's the case then then we should have separate settings for those people in the same way we keep animals in the zoo.
@atchafalaya2835 4 месяца назад
I retired as a junior high and high school history and science teacher and coach. One of my favorite education stories is one told to me by a colleague. She was a retired teacher and was substituting and told me her best teaching job in 33 years was at Angola State prison when she taught a class of violent criminals. She said they were perfectly behaved and she could actually teach without being interrupted.
@pauld9561 4 месяца назад
Attempting to teach a classroom filled with Michael Browns is an exercise in futility.
@corettejones 5 месяцев назад
Thank You! So on point. Helpful step by step parent/teacher/student resolution. However, we All know the outcome for the Teacher is to it to a higher level because you have 20 other Students to teach in class. These “challenging” take time away from other students who just want a peaceful engaging educational daily experience.
@ibono99 5 месяцев назад
Virginia doesn't have enough special ed teachers. As you said, these behaviors have a direct impact on recruiting. Admin, school board, need to step it up. It's ok to expel students, it's ok to suspend them for a week. Consequences need to be enforced. When you have a classroom of 28 kids and 3 have behavioral issues, the other 25 can't learn. My classroom was different when THAT child was absent because everyone was learning that day, I was able to teach, my stress level was low, I made a difference, the children were happier. I left teaching.
@sarahtheteacher 4 месяца назад
The laws are the problem. The schools don’t have the authority to expel.
@goodateverything9817 5 месяцев назад
Love your channel!
@TotallyxKatiee 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for the tips. I am a newly graduated teacher who is subbing until I find a full time position. I subbed in an 8th grade ELA class and had the worst students of my life. So defiant and disrespectful legit didn’t even know how to handle it
@djthereplay 5 месяцев назад
There you go Nena !! If you check on your students you might learn some stuff and gain a few tools for your mental teacher toolbox to use to bring those students around to you. - Dwight
@gabzfouche5152 5 месяцев назад
I am a counselor and neurofeedback therapist. I work with children on the autistic spectrum all the time, I work with children on the on the higher end and lower end of the spectrum. Autistic kids need boundaries just like every other student. Autistic children need a bit more work in teaching them how to control their emotions and regulate their emotions. I hate it when parents don't disaplin their autistic children and just use autism as an excuse for bad behavior. Parents need to put in the work with their autistic children and teach them boundaries and how to regulate their emotions.
@kevinharrison3265 5 месяцев назад
My heart bleeds for all parties. As a 62 year old man, talking back to adults would've been unthinkable when I was a child. Also, as a black man, I was raised by college educated parents and grandparents. Respect for educators and education has to start early or all is lost!
@Masterho310 5 месяцев назад
Looks like 6 years in prison was the sentence he received.
@goodateverything9817 5 месяцев назад
I love this channel as well. Ironically I am teacher on lunch pacing my classroom.
@briaf3370 5 месяцев назад
Single parent families work in some but NOT in most cultures.
@Sandland113 5 месяцев назад
As a man who's also suffers from Autism I strongly feel sorry for the Teacher's aide, When I heard about this I was stunned, My jaw has dropped,A 6,7 270lbs African American man who's 17 at the time attacked the aide with full force & knocking her out & going insane on her over a Nintendo switch.I grew up in the 90's & if you had a hand held game out on class it would be tooken away from you, He should have known that he was going to get it back & second he shouldn't be taken his switch to school!I say he's going to get the 30 year sentence & he will be out until he's 50 years old.
@KC-cx6nn 5 месяцев назад
❤❤❤…thank you
@princesinha1680 5 месяцев назад
Great advice. As a 1st-year ESL teacher, I was given the so-called 'bad kids' in the school. They are now my favorite group of students. They're still a handful, but as I've built positive relationships with them, their behaviors have improved. They've also helped me become a better teacher. I try to never label kids as 'bad.' Our attitude as teachers toward students matters.
@acedia4453 5 месяцев назад
Kid from Indiana said he was coached by men in his family on how to stage for a lawsuit if he wanted a car. The problem is little to no consequences unless it gets physical. Schools need cameras in classrooms where footage can be pulled for context and to protect the school district from any legal action taken by a blatant threat to the school and the other students academic progress. Historically, school is not for everyone.
@FazbearGaming95 5 месяцев назад
Im in college to be a teacher at the moment. Getting my associates soon, then i wanna get my bachelors in phys ed. I love this channel!