Jasmyne Theodora
Jasmyne Theodora
Jasmyne Theodora
Recovering the art of femininity & lost female education 🕊
Christ-centered ☦️

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Instagrams: @jasmynetheodora (personal) & thisorthodoxgirl (femininity page)

Business inquiries: jasmynetheodora@gmail.com
7 Common Signs of Low-Value Men!
6 месяцев назад
We need to talk about our underwear… 🩲
7 месяцев назад
Watch this before you have a baby.
9 месяцев назад
The Top Feminine Trait Most Women Lack
11 месяцев назад
From Girl to Woman: Starter pack
Год назад
@donharris8846 9 часов назад
100% on target with this
@vanshikamukheja6513 13 часов назад
Female Health Support Capsules are fantastic! They've improved my hormonal balance and reduced my mood swings.
@bojanbabovic111 День назад
I feel sorry 😔for poor souls seeking for truth who convert to Catholicism. Like Candace Owens now. Same as i feel sorry for the Serbs who were forced to convert under a knife (1941-45)
@kumud1901 День назад
Thank you❤ that was really informative , there are many things you told in this video that nobody ever told me and was very helpful ☺️ .Please can you make video on how to have good social skills as a female cause I'm really struggling with it , there are people who judges a female socially and criticize her , tell me how to deal with them without being agressive.
@donharris8846 День назад
I wish this video could be placed on prime time TV. If there is a single thing that men desire is a woman who embraces being a woman fully.
@MLJones День назад
To say to your partner “you are right” and acknowledge and validate their feelings is the most productive and respectful way to show that you are actively listening and not just telling them what you think they’d want to hear. ❤ 🤓
@Shekinah.coline-Lee 2 дня назад
Hey.. this is totally out of context but i really enjoy the background Music.. does someone know the song or the Playlist that plays in the background... that would be so nice!! thx <33
@bojanbabovic111 2 дня назад
18:05 Ikonoborstvo was just one expression of the World (Revolution) against the otherworldly Holly Orthodox Church/ Света Саборна Апостолска помесна Православна Црква ☦🇷🇸🇷🇺 Невеста Христова
@bojanbabovic111 2 дня назад
In fact there was episcopy founded by Saint Andronicus and Pannonian apostles in Sirmium (Sremska Mitrovica Srbija 🇷🇸) in 34 AD.
@bojanbabovic111 2 дня назад
Верујем у једнога Бога, Оца, Сведржитеља, Творца неба и земље и свега видљивог и невидљивог. И у једнога Господа Исуса Христа, Сина Божјег, Јединородног, од Оца рођеног пре свих векова; Светлост од Светлости, Бога истинитог од Бога истинитог, рођеног, не створеног, једносуштног Оцу, кроз кога је све постало. Који је ради нас људи и ради нашег спасења сишао с небеса, и оваплотио се од Духа Светога и Марије Дјеве и постао човек. И Који је распет за нас у време Понтија Пилата, и страдао и био погребен. И Који је васкрсао у трећи дан, по Писму. И Који се Вазнео на небеса и седи са десне стране Оца. И Који ће опет доћи са славом, да суди живима и мртвима, Његовом Царству неће бити краја. И у Духа Светога, Господа, Животворнога, Који од Оца исходи, Који се са Оцем и Сином заједно поштује и заједно слави, Који је говорио кроз пророке. У једну, свету, саборну и апостолску Цркву Исповедам једно крштење за опроштење грехова Чекам васкрсење мртвих И живот будућег века Амин Свети отац Сава моли се пред Богом и плаче за народом својим и православним 🇷🇸☦
@bojanbabovic111 2 дня назад
Помаже Бог сестро ☦🇷🇸🇷🇺 ♥
@Hairbymisheae 2 дня назад
I wish he was mature enough for me to send him this so he can understand he needs to clean himself properly instead of blaming me
@afrofaeries 2 дня назад
Send him this anyways. He is a grown man and our bodies are temples. Send it in a way not of shame but out of love and care.
@Bluesmoke4200 3 дня назад
This is so true. My boyfriend was a huge misogynist when we met. He had had a string of dysfunctional relationships with promiscuous women who cheated on him, gave him STDs and got pregnant/aborted his babies. He was entirely opposed to marriage, though all women were golddiggers looking to steal men's money in divorce and he went around saying things like "all women are sluts" and "all women lie and cheat.". I am 40, but I have a very girly vibe and an endearing/innocent nature. This really appealed to him and he started saying things like "you're a damsel in distress and I'm you're knight in shining armor.". LOL he's so cute. He is a little older than me and I was going through some things when we first met. He helped me a lot financially, emotionally, mentally and practically (paid my law school seat deposit when I couldn't, offered to let me crash with him when I was fighting with my roommates (thankfully it didn't come to that but he was all set to take care of me), he found a laptop for me to use when mine was in the shop and I had to take finals and he even got me a new pair of sneakers LOL (I was wearing a POS pair of off brand kicks that had no arch support). We have been together for almost two years at this point and he treats me like a princess. 😚
@yosephgunardi8261 3 дня назад
Orthodox Oke The best God bless all
@jaleenadesina 4 дня назад
Some great points, I specifically like when you talked about quietness and not sharing our every thought because social media has made this so easy to do. Sometimes people can wonder if we almost filter what we are saying. God bless ❤
@shaddjimenez4524 4 дня назад
They believe that the Holy Spirit only proceeds from the Father and not the Son, which could be a rejection of the trinity
@JasmyneTheodora 4 дня назад
No, the Filioque is an innovation and would make the Holy Spirit subordinate to the Father and the Son.
@user-ku7ph2jk7h 4 дня назад
Loved it! Thank you so much for your time! ❤
@saffuraelida5294 4 дня назад
loveeddd your voice❤❤❤❤❤
@sem5548 5 дней назад
I am an eritrean orthodox and happy to welcome you to the orthodox family ❤🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿
@LokelaniRiel 5 дней назад
Hi Jasmyne, I have a question (if you see this).... anyway, what does princess treatment involve? This video talks about how to receive princess treatment, but what exactly is that?
@JasmyneTheodora 5 дней назад
For the man you’re with to go out of his way to make his woman feel special & taken care of. A guy going that extra mile for his lady 🩷 It could mean receiving a variety of different things but overall, you’re treated like a special woman.
@LokelaniRiel 5 дней назад
Thank you. I appreciate your prompt reply, and explanation. ​@JasmyneTheodora
@vanessaroxana9625 5 дней назад
You are a very beautiful woman!!! Lovely video 💕
@I_AM_14 6 дней назад
I thought I was a masculine woman but now i know i am feminine I thought i was masculine Because I do express my anger too I only express my vulnerable self to my close ones I soneyimes compromise but when it is unfair, i can't stand it no matter how much i try to adjust myself, i can't (i don't tolerate unfair things to look feminine) I had a harsh voice before when i was some maybe 9 or 10
@MostHighsWrld 6 дней назад
As usual another great video!!! I love the content you release. It inspires me to become a better more feminine version of myself. Would you consider making content for young girls (around 4+ years old)? Or maybe a video on how to teach our young daughters to be more feminine? I have a baby on the way, and I’d love to show her these types of videos in a way that she can properly apply.
@rtoriq 6 дней назад
This is so hard to cultivate in the east & northeast coast of the U.S. It just is. I would have moved a while ago, but my parents decided to move here. So trying to figure out how to be and create a small community of soft women WHO ARE NOT trying to use you for personal gain, or being super competitive with you, all within such a fast-paced, little-to-no-respect-for-feminine-softness areas.
@Day_Dreamer_1234 6 дней назад
as a young Christian lady, watching your videos help me so much with getting in touch with my true femininity as I desire to. Your voice is also really soothing and the way you word things makes it so much easier to understand and relate to your point. I watch your videos almost everyday. Thankyou for being such a blessing :) Jesus Loves You
@monaalharthy5465 7 дней назад
That's amazing!
@amillie7777 7 дней назад
Thanks for the video! May I ask what is the song at the start of the video? It’s truly beautiful :)
@sarahwilson3974 7 дней назад
What you were saying about managing anxiety and neuroses reminded me of the proverbs 31 woman were she is described as being clothed with strength and laughing at the days to come. When I'm at work and anxiety kicks in I try to remind myself that I don't have to respond to challenges and difficulty with fear and apprehension (that's often my automatic response). I'm a Proverbs 31 woman, this is what I do😁. That seems to dispell the anxious response most of the time.
@TheCata82 7 дней назад
My child is autistic and was capable of screaming at my face for 3 straight hours. I refuse to believe that I didn’t enjoy that because I am immature and selfish.
@JasmyneTheodora 7 дней назад
That’s not what that point was about and you know it… 🤨 haha. Of course that doesnt mean you’re immature and selfish.
@remyahari1922 7 дней назад
In childhood, I used to love flowers, birds, babies. Still i am same. But goes out in the night and dangerous situations, protests etc to do my job, pray to the divine feminine I know who is both soft and strong. But yes, No need to be the masculine by supressing feminine.
@robbieirobot 7 дней назад
As a guy I thought this was a great video. It had a lot of great points. There are too many yt vids with only guys explaining how women expect to be treated, which I think is funny. But this is different and it helps give new fresh perspective.
@thefightingwife 7 дней назад
I must have been living under a rock! I had no idea this was going on..in God's name no less. I knew abuse was a thing, but not on this level. WOW! Not right and totally twisted.
@ohrbahir 7 дней назад
I'm an Orthodox Jew married to a convert who grew up Quaker. I have ruminated about what type of Christian I'd be if I were Christian. I have concluded, probably either Catholic or Eastern Orthodox. They have the best "yichus" (pedigree). This video is interesting in light of a theoretical though experiment which will never be more than that (I could explain why, but would prefer not to here). My wife got this what the hell expression when I said that to her, cause to Quakers Catholics are not thought of in the most lofty regard, but I think I'd prefer the yichus and solid tradition.
@user-oc8ud2mk1c 7 дней назад
Sister in Jesus Crist.
@robertmethia7080 8 дней назад
god as your witness holds no weight. its just a claim you have. religion is a man made concept. who cares what you believe? give some evidence for it or keep it to yourself.
@JasmyneTheodora 8 дней назад
About 19,000 people and counting care 🥰
@user-kb8hk3ym9h 8 дней назад
Hey I've been watching your videos and I love all the knowledge you have to give it's been really helping me thank you ! Could you please make a video on how to dress/look more feminine
@powercomesfromwithin 8 дней назад
@anthonyfowler2623 8 дней назад
It is not by faith that one is saved but by every word of God
@anthonyfowler2623 8 дней назад
Listen to the creed again and compare the Roman Catholic version
@anthonyfowler2623 8 дней назад
@anthonyfowler2623 8 дней назад
@anthonyfowler2623 8 дней назад
Peter obviously being central…the first pope…
@premahallikeri4831 8 дней назад
Women keep talking bad about me to their men
@premahallikeri4831 8 дней назад
Women talk bad about me to other women too
@elsaandrosemary6622 8 дней назад
Can you make a video on being feminine in a friendship not just a romantic relationship?❤
@raymondprice6565 8 дней назад
"We need the church to give us the proper interpretation of scriptures". What could go wrong there?
@Clarity126 9 дней назад
l 8:28 - Where could I learn to describe any receptive tone? I hear, "soft, abrasive, forceful, assertive, gentle, tender"
@Clarity126 9 дней назад
6:06 "like" buys wiggle room when intentionally and appropriately used. "There are *like* 20 oranges there" "No, there are 21 oranges there." "*like* 20" I also love "I like it." I could explain when asked!
@JasmyneTheodora 8 дней назад
There are more precise & elegant words to use there IMO such as “about 20 oranges” or “around 20 oranges”. But it mainly should be avoided as a filler word.
@Clarity126 8 дней назад
@@JasmyneTheodora Aw hey thanks for your reply!! Yeah i agree. I don't like "like" as filler. Enjoy your evening! ❤