Daily Dose of Asmongold
Daily Dose of Asmongold
Daily Dose of Asmongold
Daily Dose of Asmongold is a channel dedicated to Highlights, Reactions and Funny moments from Asmongold!
@SoyoyoS 8 часов назад
There is too many asmongolds in the world, that is why this guy has so much "power"
@ZomboidMania 13 часов назад
It's crazy how hes literally the same person now as he was 4 years ago, i was a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT person 4 years ago, i guess some people just don't needa change lol
@alexanderblohme5044 22 часа назад
It’s funny to see, all the kids who played in 2004- and so (like assmongoloid) were alliance because kids want to be the “good’n cool guys” and the more grown up adults like me who was around 20 played horde (the old hard rockin dudes going shredding alliance kid players in Southshore)… that’s why u see more alliance than horde today on classic ;)
@alexanderblohme5044 22 часа назад
Wasn’t assmongoloid just a shit kid back in 2004?
@resurection96 День назад
@resurection96 День назад
@RottenSkull День назад
what a bunch of losers
@nemrasetrail6332 День назад
Audio asynchron pls fix pls
@zypang1447 День назад
The biggest mistake Blizzard ever made in WoW was master loot. Grenades won, should have got it. This video is bullshit.
@chaosmastermind День назад
As much as I hate rats, and think that restaurants shouldn't have them.. you tell that to the rats. They go where they please and ain't nobody going to stop them. They can jump as high as your chest, they can climb up vertical walls, they can fit in holes the size of a shirt button, and they are smart enough to get inside a cookie jar or a cupboard. Some of them are even smart enough to trigger traps and steal the bait without getting caught. I'm telling you, if a rat wants in, it's getting in.. and there isn't anything you can do to stop it. You think don't have rats in your walls, ceilings and floors right now? Good luck with that.
@OKG2000 2 дня назад
lol wheres part 2?
@Jowahotz90 2 дня назад
Asmon constantly saying he's gonna impeach him is hilarious like he can get in there and remove gm from jigsaw lol he couldnt do nothing
@joshmartelli3094 2 дня назад
well if u have like 12 guilds and one of them gets no help from the main guilds and thrive on thier own why obey and contribute to the mains when u can be better off on your own
@diesel581 2 дня назад
17:17 Asmongold failed. Harrrrd fail.
@StrAnGErous420 2 дня назад
"Saskatchewan sauce" and I'm ded.
@kingmunny9358 2 дня назад
What was the very last song??
@kapitan19969838 3 дня назад
Jigsaw was right all along. Weakness and stupidity! Jigsaw 2024!
@user-fk6wb3dp8b 3 дня назад
I absolutely hate this commenter ... BLOCKED
@erikwurgler 4 дня назад
"No, his NAME was Guild Bank" 🤣
@garyt3hsna1l82 4 дня назад
_O U T P L A Y E D_
@erikwurgler 4 дня назад
Someone needs to create a House of Cards season based off this... so many epic moments.
@erikwurgler 4 дня назад
I've never played this game, once, and I'm watching an hour-long video filled with terms I know nothing about, all because Asmon is losing his mind on screen.
@Inkbrush_ 4 дня назад
He did a little opsie.
@CondemnedInformer 5 дней назад
These people have been watching asmon for how long up to this point and are surprised he doesn't police speech?
@SingularisFox 5 дней назад
Fun fact: "That homeless person in the back with the pc, using their wi-fi, living there for the last month" was me like 14 years ago. I was 18. I ran away from home, grabbed my laptop with me, and for the first month I was literally living in the McDonalds in the daytime, eating whatever people were leaving on the tables and playing Garry's Mod, first Assassins Creed and Prototype the whole day. During the day I asked people for a bit of money here and there, and at the night time I crossed the road and went for the 24/7 coffee shop that had 1-hour wi-fi cards, and if you buy literally anything there, you could stay there for hours. Which I did. For the nights. That lasted for over a month until I finally got kicked out of McDonalds lmao. Ah, good times xD
@StrAnGErous420 2 дня назад
A tale as old as time.
@jacquesprosekticus1332 6 дней назад
Oh it hurts my brain...
@MrJaceleigh 6 дней назад
Unless there's an exact replica of the sword the gnome uses at 29 minutes into the video than your wrong Assmangold! Recruit's Slicer is what it's called and I have it as well.
@zypang1447 6 дней назад
Biggest mistake Blizzard ever made for WoW was allowing master loot.
@JPR-78 6 дней назад
Imagine being foolish enough to play with these scumbags and actually believe that you won't get screwed over. Hilarious.
@ccfreakMetal 6 дней назад
1:14 i guess I died, because right now, I'm in hell
@MrTwisted003 6 дней назад
here's an og pro tip... I just log on. I don't even think about it. For my anal retentive, OCD, ADHD brain, it's literally one of the few things I can "Auto-Pilot" and not have a thunk about it. "Oh crap, I had something to do today"... I just wait til I'm on a Fp, or during one of my breaks. And what do you know, there's even times I get through the day and realise I never logged on that day, because I didn't think about it.
@ClassicTophatGaming 6 дней назад
This was the highlight of Jigsaws life...dude sounds like he fancies his sister.
@MrTwisted003 6 дней назад
Not always true... I can tell you 2 different times a Hordie came at me 1v1 recently... Just the other day, I was AFK for a min (I was thirsty) only to see my Warlock getting killed by another Warlock, who almost died to my pet.... Then there was a few weeks ago when I decided to try out Hpally In CataC, since I never tried healing on a Paladin. I changed spec, took a FP out to STV to test out questing as healer, then get attacked by a Shaman. I killed them, easily considering I haven't even had 5 minutes on this spec at the time. THEN they came back with a friend (Mage), and still got them both. So far Hpally is so much fun 😇
@DigitalImmortality 6 дней назад
@whatastandupguy3050 7 дней назад
Good god, Asmon is so defensive it’s obnoxious
@JacobMoll-wn3lz 7 дней назад
Um ngl I live in a low middle class to middle class area and I never seen any crazy stuff at any of the fast food areas in my areas only thing I saw was when I was 7 seeing a old lady with no fingers trying to fill up a drink and dropping it and falling on the floor
@user-px8oh5ze5s 7 дней назад
@user-px8oh5ze5s 7 дней назад
Asmon is such a greasy little skinny bucktooth little nerd i’d knock this gopher out with ease lmfao
@rashid2898 7 дней назад
who misses this ?
@user-px8oh5ze5s 7 дней назад
Asmon is such a greasy little skinny bucktooth little nerd i’d knock this gopher out with ease lmfao
@xelnjare3945 7 дней назад
Degen. Love it!
@Mister_Phafanapolis 7 дней назад
Steam’s existence is also unacceptable. Windows itself _IS_ a launcher. Open Star menu, click on icon. DONE!
@davidjones-wr3pg 7 дней назад
Any dufus who wants a raid spot should at LEAST respec to pvp spec. Asmongold's warrior is arms, and his lock is SL. Any druid needs nature's grasp, nature's swiftness, and at least some points put into improving his dots. Any rogue should be deep enough in sub to get prep, and should be using blind liberally to keep asmongold locked down. Any mage without cold snap is dumb. Any hunter without either entrapment or improved wing clip and deterrence and counterstrike is bad. So many unprepared people. What did they think would happen? The ONE guy who showed up prepared with engineering items out the ass didn't win, but he got promoted on the spot. Just put in the effort people!
@TheNightshotBR 7 дней назад
OW2 could have been something truly special. I'll never forgive Blizzard for the betrayal.
@OKG2000 8 дней назад
does anyone know what happened in the end?
@OKG2000 8 дней назад
rofl what a tyrant
@simisg2121 8 дней назад
This dude is a moron lol. Like he legit sounds like a moron. Mouth breather…
@Warzak77 8 дней назад
meanwhile game journalists in 2024 think they hurt Asmongold when talking about Hygiene
@Zeppathy 8 дней назад
Asmond: How can you be that stupid? Me: Religious indoctrination from birth.
@kadathsmith 8 дней назад
The guy is a total fraud. Plays a loveable guy on RU-vid, he's a total neurotic little shit when he streams.