Rabbi Simon Jacobson at Meaningful Life Center
Rabbi Simon Jacobson at Meaningful Life Center
Rabbi Simon Jacobson at Meaningful Life Center
The Meaningful Life Center, founded by Simon Jacobson, is dedicated to helping everyone to lead a more meaningful life. Unlock yourself. Discover the tools to find YOUR mission in life.
The truth about porn
21 час назад
Global Zoom Prayer Event
День назад
Society has DESTROYED men and boys
День назад
The truth about "hate"
День назад
14 дней назад
They aren't telling us something...
14 дней назад
WOW!! Is this happening NOW??
21 день назад
Do you know who you are?
21 день назад
The biggest mistake smart people make
Месяц назад
@786GG 15 часов назад
@KOSHERBLAK 15 часов назад
I love this perspective
@conniedean3787 15 часов назад
Please be aware that Louisiana and Oklahoma do not believe in freedom of Religion, Louisiana is putting the 10 commandments in all public schools, Oklahoma has to read the Bible every day, in the public schools, the Old Testament and the New Testament, the United States was supposed to separate Church from State, Evangelical Christian's are trying to make the United States to be a Christian country, this is shocking and wrong
@thelastaustralian7583 15 часов назад
Our Species is being control consciously by subconscious Forces ....
@enzeamom254 16 часов назад
Here, this Rabbi is trying to bring value to the world by giving suggestions, and all I can see in the comments are bickering sheeple. What a waste!
@Otto-h9f 16 часов назад
Apart from a deep certainty that there is no soul, no indestructible core remaining untouched & there is no one God that can be spoken of, i liked this video. How could we talk about God, except in terms of what he is not? The input we're getting comes from senses relying on contrast, so the mental output can never describe that which pervades all. Unless of course we're not talking about the source of all, but one at a 'lower' level. This has always been my issue, though i am a Catholic by birth.
@gregmonks 16 часов назад
Pseudointellectual psychobabble.
@guarionex4672 16 часов назад
Once again Rabbi thank you for all that you share. And you are 💯 right that arrogance is definitely a cover up or many times a coping mechanism to one’s insecurities. For as confident as I am to many things, I definitely and unfortunately struggle in this aspect where I over compensate areas to cover my insecurities. Which after life experiences, I’ve been able to reflect seem to be more than I thought were. Though I’m thankful Gd gives us the ability to reflect and learn from these, I do see how some experiences in life are much harder than others to overcome or heal from. I try to surrender them on a daily to our maker, but I cannot deny how difficult some of these are. Some of the ways I’ve tried to balance these are using my weakness in arrogance to alert people in areas I wish I would have been alerted in, knowing full well they may be misunderstood or may possibly be received as offensive. But I have accepted within me that sometimes it is better to tell someone a truth in a not so loving or kind way that may actually catch there attention, then a soft way they are use to hearing it, that does not awaken them from a much more serious pain they may later have to endure because they could not hear it with soft words. Can’t say, my reasoning is best because I won’t know until He reveals us the results of our test in life, but I choose to make the decisions even in my weaknesses that I wish others would have warned me of before venturing through life in areas that brought serious pain and suffering. Thank you very much for your very cordial, kind and wise ways of teaching us how to do things properly in healthy ways as a many of us have so much to learn still in this test of life! Many blessings Rabbi, and may we one day all be able to reflect His light in unison, with clarity and without remorse or regrets, but with His wisdom! ❤️🔥
@RedaReda-vl9ff 16 часов назад
Isho,Isa,Yeshua,Yeshu,Iso peace be upon him is the messiah,Ishoo(Isa) is the messiah,he is a prophet and a messenger of the CREATOR
@MillicentAspinet 17 часов назад
I initiated an historical society for my rural township! We're up to 326 members on Facebook, w/ upcoming in-person meetings, events, etc. At age 73, it's been emotionally healthy for me to be involved in something that's so rewarding. Am thinking ahead about my aging process, and a younger local gentleman is willing to step in as I age. Meaning Grant Twp. Historical Society has a future!
@MultiSky7 17 часов назад
2:36 ... and he is out. Pure rubbish.
@Anne_W64 17 часов назад
Today I asked for advice. The one who responded was gracious and helpful. I encouraged someone and also received wonderful encouragement. We are each a piece of God's great puzzle. If you are feeling like - just a piece and alone - please know the whole puzzle needs you. Together we are God's expression of life and hopefully His love in us and through us. I hope you have a blessed day full of God's peace and love in your heart. "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You." Isaiah 26:3
@maryw4609 17 часов назад
Thank you very beautiful for a happy life happy fourth ❤to you🕎
@GodHelpMe369 17 часов назад
You Get Too Obsessed Too Quickly When You Like Someone... Reasons: - You feel lonely and don't have many people to talk to, or spend time with. Therefore, this person becomes the center of your world because he/she is the only one giving you a little bit of attention... - You're in touch with them all the time, hence habituated - You don't invest enough time and energy in your own goals and hobbies - You seek validation from others instead of being confident about what you bring to the table - They're (most probably) not reciprocating entirely, so you end up chasing (and hurting) more. You're stuck in this loop, and are addicted to it. - You fear letting go and embracing solitude, so you'd much rather hang on to pain that feels familiar!
@guarionex4672 17 часов назад
🔥❤️ What an absolute beautiful clarity of the soul of this Independence Day! One that could not have been thought of without the Baton that your blessed people have carried for Millenia! Thanks to your wonderful patriarchal fathers, mothers and souls of amazing torch bearers of truth that chose to honor our creator! Wonderful clarity! Thank you Rabbi for sharing as you so eloquently do always! Loved this message! ❤
@jacovawernett3077 17 часов назад
L'chaim Ahava Adonai Ahava Israel Elehenu Adonai Hashem
@dawndid5972 17 часов назад
@DeathScyther006 18 часов назад
thank you for your work rabbi
@zaraegal8416 18 часов назад
Great teacher thank you ❤🎉
@morningspyder 18 часов назад
@gabrielsanchez4128 18 часов назад
Interesting points
@tylerscholl4742 18 часов назад
Amen and beautifully said! Moshiach now!
@NicoleThompson-vn9ei 18 часов назад
@morningspyder 18 часов назад
@nj9888 19 часов назад
And GB gov choses July 4th as election day to drag uk back into the arch enemy of Israel.
@theorangevestarmy4255 19 часов назад
No one person is equal to everyone else, we all are uniquely different . Thank God!
@theorangevestarmy4255 19 часов назад
Real Men don't cry in public. Perhaps this is a better statement.
@DimdimOreo 19 часов назад
@Kayttoson 19 часов назад
@tinahardman7102 19 часов назад
I am upset with the churches because they're supposed to be separated from the state not one of them stood up for God and their preaching in nothing did they stand up for
@tinahardman7102 19 часов назад
@lisaawilliamsss 20 часов назад
🙏 I love to hear your speech 🎤 This is amazing
@gran-fromg-townhola9429 20 часов назад
@michaelklein8105 21 час назад
if the conversation starts with:"the land was given by God to the Jewish people" then the conflict will never end
@lilithsrainb23lionsrloose19 21 час назад
This is as good as gets I suppose because happy with the blessings the creator gave us , we only get one true love
@user-ih9nj6rm1k 21 час назад
Its not easy to ask .. Very eazy to take .. As also it is very eazy to give.. State of mind..values , values in moral decency ethiks and how you are raised.. Its an ideology an kulture ... just like any other ideology.. An state of mind in body mind and spirit.. Just like many says that it is an femail trait to beg, to man , cry to man, ask for help from man.. fear man, worshipp man, to subdue to man.. And an masculin trait is potrayed to do the opposite i guess.. And masculin asks God, beg to God, begs God, bows to God, fears God, worshippes God, listens to god .. the prophetes did that, and they where mails.. They did not beg, ask, cry ,fear, woorshipp the mankind instead of God...
@blsstre 21 час назад
Mr. Simon you seem to be laying the blame of terrorism, savagery and as you put worse than animalistic behavior on Muslims, as you are rebuking them for being beneath your standards. You seem to be having a convenient amnesia as you assumed that violence in the Middle East only started on October 7th, 2023 and before that it was all dandy. Who brought the violence to the Middle East? We Muslims suffered 13 crusades, and those crusades could never happened without the tacit help of the Jews living among us The Palestinians since 1948 a sequences of slaughters one worse than the other, millions of innocent unarmed Palestinians burned alive, the most human brutality ever displayed has been in Palestine and Palestinians are the receiving end of it. The behavior of the Jews in Palestine is worse what Satan could ever wish; October 7th exposed the idle face of your sick ideology, but you failed to see that. Most of the evil ideologies in the world started by Jews unfortunately, whether it is communism or capitalism or globalizations or Zionism. Most of the wars stated by Jews, most of the evil weapons were build by Jews. Those are facts, and I hope on judgment day you will be gathered alongside your Muslim friends who apologized to you.
@perryweeks9577 21 час назад
Someone shoukd remind the pastors when he says the snake spoke to Eve what the science really means😂
@commoveo1 21 час назад
Thank You.
@leeli2690 22 часа назад
Big family this issue, God understands of all. Look your experience story
@eddyer3393 22 часа назад
modeh ani "I acknowledge" Thank you. Yup. It is like riding a bike - they say once we know how - we never forget. Balance - Well said Sir. Rabbi - teacher. Good - internal work - so important - Capt has the responsibility - it is not forced it is "accepted" as you say acknowledge. How to spread this word - the younger crowd - women too - It has not been easy for these sectors of humanity. We are a team. yup - yup Yes the statue is inside - the sculptor knocks away the extra bits. We sculpt ourselves. Such good words from Rabbi Simon Jacobson. Thank you. alt numpad 3 ♥ There is a story that has been on my mind. From the Bible - about a lamp. A woman - I don't recall exactly if she was low on oil - ( I could be crossing with the food) something about light under a basket. Yet I know the message was very important, we all (normal people) have a part to play. Let me see if I can look it up. It is a short story - only a few passages but exceptional in historic context. Here, hold my beer. Mark 4:21-26 New International Version A Lamp on a Stand 21 He said to them, “Do you bring in a lamp to put it under a bowl or a bed? Instead, don’t you put it on its stand? 22 For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open. 23 If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear.” --- I know what follows looks like a lot of text - there is a message - I believe the New Testament, is the living word - an attempt to help us understand and expand on what the Hebrew Rabbi's know and knew - the new word, the good news. Enjoy the story - little things like this, sharing scripture - like bedtime stories - helps us reinforce the word, helps introduce the new followers and old faithful in the big picture. Bring the light. --- a clip from the Internet The idea of hiding a light under a basket (or “a bushel,” KJV) makes for a fun children’s Sunday school song, but there is a profound meaning behind the illustration. Jesus explains in the following verse: “Whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open” (Mark 4:22). He then warns His listeners that those who have ears to hear should hear-they should listen carefully and heed what He is saying (Mark 4:23). Truth is not to be hidden. It is to be received and heeded. Earlier, Jesus had told the parable of the sower, which presents several examples of truth being poorly received. The seed sown beside the road was snatched up and taken away (Mark 4:15). The seed sown on the rocky places was initially well-received but never took firm root (Mark 4:16). The seed sown among thorns took root initially but then was choked out by the thorns (Mark 4:18). Each of these examples is similar to hiding a light under a basket. The “seed” in Jesus’ parable is the Word of God (Mark 4:14). The Word in some cases is snatched away by Satan (Mark 4:15). In other cases the Word does not take root, for the rocks of affliction and difficulty get in the way (Mark 4:16). In other cases the Word is received, but the worries of the world choke it out before it becomes fruitful (Mark 4:18). In each case, the Word is given to bear fruit, but sometimes it does not. Similarly, a lamp is meant to give light, but there are conditions that prevent the light from shining. How foolish it is to put a light under a basket, where no one can see it and the light cannot illuminate the room. The light should be exposed, allowing it to function as designed-to bring illumination. Jesus’ illustration of hiding a light under a basket also shows that secrets will not stay secret and things hidden will not stay hidden. The light will eventually do its job. Elsewhere Jesus explains that He is the Light of the world, and anyone who follows Him will not walk in the darkness but have the light of life (John 8:12). He would not be a light under a basket; as long as He was on earth, He would be the Light of the world (John 9:5). Jesus also calls His listeners the light of the world (Matthew 5:14). Like a city on a hill that cannot be hidden, Jesus’ followers will stand out. A light is not put under a basket but on a lampstand to give light to the whole house (Matthew 5:15). Jesus’ followers should let their light shine among men so that people would see their good works, done in heaven’s name, and glorify the Father (Matthew 5:16). Light serves several purposes in the teaching of Jesus: to expose that which is in secret, to provide a contrast with the darkness, and to illuminate the darkness. In each of these purposes, those who would follow Jesus have a responsibility to let their light shine. Paul similarly challenges believers in Christ to show themselves blameless and innocent even in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom believers “shine as lights in the world” (Philippians 2:15, ESV). Our light is not intended to be put under a basket but to illuminate the whole house. ---- When I was just getting started I put an index card in my checkbook. It is still there - came from a very unusual source - sfat I happen to embrace Philippians 3:13. Philippians 3:13 New International Version 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, ---- In my view context is very important - Where did this come from and where is this leading? This is me 12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. ---- Rabbi thanks for letting me share here in your comment section. Your work is the foundation - I believe, You do good work. Learn something new every day. modeh ani "I acknowledge" Thank you. Yup.
@travisjamespate3048 22 часа назад
Very wise words at a universal level...
@lorrainyhippohernandez4796 22 часа назад
Thank you!
@illuminationgoddess3 22 часа назад
Shalom Rabbi Jacobson, peace and blessings.
@studionightshade 23 часа назад
My Aquarius is my MC/10th house. Any insight how that would manifest in life?
@jameswells9583 23 часа назад
@wadedavies3924 23 часа назад
After 9-11, every American should understand what Israel is capable of. Now they are being asked to support a genocidal war against Arabs.
@Atilla963 23 часа назад
Hz. İbrahim is a Turk. 1 Sara doesn't make Turks jew. Nice trick.
@annechapman-hq4rj 23 часа назад
Great advice
@dianaelenahughineata1671 День назад
You look more fresh, Sir
@DimdimOreo День назад