Alan's Art Log
Alan's Art Log
Alan's Art Log
Подписаться 4,1 тыс.
Sculpting and Painting a Skull
6 лет назад
Skull Studies - Learning Structure
6 лет назад
Teapot - Quick Oil Study
7 лет назад
Head Sculpt Timelapse (Narrated)
7 лет назад
Inktober Drawings (All)
7 лет назад
Fighting the Ink - Inktober Day 8
7 лет назад
Aspen Trees - Inktober Day 5
7 лет назад
Pocket Watch - Inktober Day 4
7 лет назад
@RJ99729 Месяц назад
Great info helping me out making a retarder for my acrylic airbrushing paint. I'm trying to keep it from drying on the needle for doing some fine lines.
@Mohamed_Sherif 4 месяца назад
If you want the same sponge that comes with most WET PALETTES Look for polyvinyl alcohol (pva) sponge cloth Not cellulose sponge
@JulieDanellePhotography 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for this awesome idea! It saved me from purchasing yet another tripod. I cut my tape long and thin and loop it all the way around both ways (so it stays on) and double it when needed. I also plan to take my (Scotch Blue #2090) tape with me to all of my shoots and apply the tape (doubled as needed) under the locks once I open my tripod to the correct height, to ensure zero movement. The tape peels off super easy, like painters tape when I'm ready to tear down and load up the car.
@58elrond 7 месяцев назад
I think this vid maybe wrong, use sp > vp line and make it vertical for 2point (I tested this method showed here and it didn't match up at all with blender) try it at a 22.5/67.5 rotated cube you will see how extremely off it is
@ChromiumCastle 8 месяцев назад
Doesn't the 2 point perpsective method only work for a square right in the middle of the vanishing points?
@foryoutube2015 8 месяцев назад
Thanks alot ❤
@chiptenor 9 месяцев назад
The 'Sta-Wet' is really the best overall deal, and worth every penny. I have four of them, used for years. BTW, my computer is fine (speakers and all), but your sound is not great on this video- way too muted. Perhaps I'm the only one who has mentioned this, but I finally quit listening well before the video ended. Thought I'd let you know.
@dumpstercat2229 9 месяцев назад
Thank you. ❤
@margoegol1253 9 месяцев назад
What can you add to the water to avoid mold?
@alansartlog 9 месяцев назад
I think I mentioned it but you can add pennies. You can also change out the water and sponge.
@lisafred1362 2 месяца назад
@@alansartlog I have heard a drop of vinegar helping with mold but my friend said it didn't work for a gouache palette. Gouache got mold.
@lisafred1362 2 месяца назад
Drop of vinegar added to water in sponge. .sorry I didn't say it before
@NataliaArtist 11 месяцев назад
I plan using ultralight sculpey for the armature to form the torso so when I bake that first do i pre bake that or do I bake that clay at full bake? Or do prebake all the layers til I do I final bake? If so, what temp do I do the final bake when I’ve used various clays? Like for a certain body part I used cosplay for flexibility and other parts I used fimo and for the rest body parts I used super sculpey so what temp and time length do I chose? I didn’t mix the clay together but used them for various parts. I can only find info on what to do when you mix various clays together. Please anyone that has info on how to do final bake once you’ve attached all the parts and different parts are made of cosplay, cernit, super sculpey and fimo. Thank you 😊
@tijno75 11 месяцев назад
Do you know the book of the art of John Harris, beyond the horizon? It is also defined as imaginative realism.
@christinabearden2563 Год назад
You should do a bird scull!
@stevew585 Год назад
Fantastic video, Thanks Alan.
@tattooinkcompany Год назад
awesome, i love it , looks like a hard watercolor , congratulations!
@rrmm2644 Год назад
Why don't you just use masterson stay wet pallette ?!🤔 Isn't that way easier from going through all this ???!!
@Whisper0ak Год назад
Not Perfect at all.. you're just roughly clicking on the screen. These are all approximations. If i wanted that i would just freehand it. Your grids points are not measured at all and yet you use them to make something "perfect". Making a perfect square from an imperfect circle? Tell me how that works 🙄
@devolays Год назад
1:45 How to make a perfect square: Step 1: draw a perfect circle
@BillyFillmore Год назад
I teach drawing and this was extremely useful, especially for teaching cylinders and eclipses… thanks
@theapexpredator157 Год назад
0:15 - You never explained how you calculated the Depth of a Cube in 1-Point Perspective... Also... I have some questions about 2-Point Perspective... How do you know that if you Drew a Line from the Left and Right Base Corners of the Cube that it will be Parallel with the Horizon Line? How do you know that the Half-Way Point between the Two Vanishing Points is the "True Center?" Overall, I would say that the Method that you've come up with regarding how to determine the Height of the Cube in 2-Point Perspective to be Reasonable, but it requires further Explanation as to "Why" it works the way it does.... I watched the little 35 second gif that you made, but I still don't quite understand what's going on... Certainly, the Height should be the Longest of all 3 Sides of the Cube in 2-Point though given that it is the Closest to the Viewer...
@mstravers3290 Год назад
I think it was very useful having your commentary about your choices and why you changed things.
@seanmurray170 Год назад
Is it possible to use this or a similar setup to set breakpoints in Blender's C/C++ source code and step through that? I'm trying to learn about Blender's internals to fix a couple bugs I think I found.
@alansartlog Год назад
No, this is specifically for addons. To debug Blender you will need to build it. It's pretty straighforward these days, used to be a bit more confusing. Search for building/debugging blender. There's also the devtalk forums if you need help.
@showmeyourdrills5490 Год назад
Thanks for the idea.
@scot6089 Год назад
This was very helpful. I hope you're doing well and still sculpting. I'm looking to get back into art after 20 years away from it. Thanks for creating these videos. I'm going to look for your other social media sites. 🎬📝
@TopSpeedKertus Год назад
You fucking legend! Thank you so much. Everything worked almost as described on the git page, but I had to manually set the debugpy path and I had to manually write in the debug configuration. I don't use Windows often, but needed to use a Blender plugin for some design work and spent hours trying to blindly debug some old Koch snowflake addon. Once the debugger was attached, it took a matter of minutes for me to fix the addon. I don't often use Blender, but I'm subbing just for the hell of it :)
@menacingskull740 Год назад
now how to rotate objects in 4d
@McQuizzical Год назад
In the UK its known as Baking paper.
@gjfmaker Год назад
I drank all the milky-milk in my sippy cup!
@CrotchMilky Год назад
Time and time again I always find my way back to this video when I need to relearn how to make perfect squares. I honestly have no clue how this video doesn't have more views. More students should watch it really does relieve confusion and provides a peace of mind lmao. Much appreciated
@BellyDzn Год назад
Hey there! Amazing content and video! I saw you mention that you solved the mystery of the point in the corner for transferring the height of the cube? I'd be super curious to hear your discoveries! Keep making awesome stuff!
@gergolaky3624 Год назад
@JenniferZhanglovesrice Год назад
Is there any way for any of these softwares to accurately detect measurements? So for example, if you were to 3D print the sculpture, it'd be a near perfect match to the actual sculpture's size?
@arielceleda4897 Год назад
Muy bueno!! quedo solido y suelto al mismo tiempo!
@arielceleda4897 Год назад
Hola Alan! Gracias por tu contenido, encontre tu canal porque tengo un pincel casan brislon que compre (barato porque era medio viejito) y queria arreglarle la ferula, encontre tu video de como limpiar la pintura que se seca en el nucleo de las cerdas. Espero que andes bien y sigas haciendo arte! Te hablo en español porque alba solamente se consigue en Argentina y aledaños! jaja Un gran saludo! (ya tenes casi 4000 subs, un monton!)
@alansartlog Год назад
Muchas gracias por el comentario! Y me alegra que te ayudo el video.
@arielceleda4897 Год назад
Por nada. Estan buenos tus videos, espero puedas volcar y aprovechar tu conocimiento en lo que te propongas! Un gran saludo!
@a0zuniverse 2 года назад
I have a question about making the 2D squares like you did at the start of this video. I was wondering if the following steps always work for making perfect squares: 1. Draw one line from each vanishing point and have them intersect anywhere on the page 2. Draw a line from the midpoint to the intersection 3. Draw a new set of lines from the vanishing points that intersect somewhere on the line that goes to the midpoint (although it doesn't matter where you make them intersect, as altering this just determines the size of the square) Am I doing something wrong here? Sometimes I get squares that might be right, but feel a little funny to me (specifically when I make the lines from the vanishing points not intersect under the midpoint i.e. the midpoint line is not vertical), although that could just be something wrong with my eyes. Or is there something wrong with my understanding of your method?
@alansartlog Год назад
That sounds correct. Have you seen my video on drawing perfect squares? Note the squares can look distorted when they are far away from the center because in real life, usually the vanishing points are far away from each other (and out of frame). But they are technically correct. If you have any doubts, feels free to email me (alansartlog@gmail.com) and send an image.
@mathieuvart 2 года назад
Nice channel and nice skull study
@LeneChibi 2 года назад
Guess I will just never rotate stuff. 🤡 Thanks for the video!
@samuelvasquez974 2 года назад
Just did this for my 300 dollar Manfrotto tripod. I can't believe this simple hack worked perfectly. Exactly two pieces of tape.
@pickledshoe 2 года назад
@thomasclowater9471 2 года назад
i know this is an old video, but what i don't understand is if this technique still works when the square doesn't actually intersect with the middle of the frame
@alansartlog Год назад
Do you mean when the square is not dead center between the VPs? If so, yes, it works, they look distorted if the VPs are too close though, because in real life they're never that close, and the farther you draw from the center the more distorted your squares will look (though they will be technically correct). Look at images and trace the vanishing points, usually they are way out of frame. On a grid like the one I drew, usually you would frame/crop it to just a part.
@timothyandrewausten 2 года назад
Wow, this is brilliant. Thanks!
@wulfseig1864 2 года назад
Thank you from 2022. Very helpful and thorough.
@nunyabusiness9056 2 года назад
So this is all fascinating but then you run into the obvious issue where almost nothing you'll ever draw as an artist has both vanishing points on the page and even just making a simple grid to keep to keep proportion to scale as things recede in the distance is just guess work. How the hell do you deal with this stuff for real world drawing?! Is it jut a matter of practice and you just get better at guessing perspective and drawing it intuitively?
@alansartlog 2 года назад
Yes, that's about right. In reality you end up doing it intuitively after a lot a lot of practice (I mean practice drawing objects, etc, not necessarily this method). Although many digital programs do offer easy ways to create VPs outside the canvas. I do not propose this as something to replace the intuitive way of learning, only as another tool that can be used as needed (it can also be useful to check drawings), just like other perspective tools (e.g. dividing things in half, projections, etc). It is a bit limited and complex but at least it's actually right unlike several methods I've seen. Also using ellipses part to think about rotation is something very useful I don't see people touch on.
@LiamJonesArtist 2 года назад
Brilliant video, sir! Thank you!
@LiamJonesArtist 2 года назад
What's the cone of vision degree? 60? Or 90? Great video!
@GregXu 2 года назад
Should be 90, there is a great explanation here: www.handprint.com/HP/WCL/perspect1.html#setup
@machinayrequiem8596 2 года назад
This should be an exercise on draw a box
@colourmequaint9690 2 года назад
Amazing, thank you!
@mumo9413 2 года назад
I'm a complete newby, trying to learn. When you say medium do you mean "Gel medium" or "paint"? Thanks!
@alansartlog Год назад
Medium refers to what binds the paint (clear, pigmentless acrylic). It does not necessarily have to be gel medium, medium can be thin, thick, etc.
@raerae6422 2 года назад
This pleases me 💙
@RosanneKSart 2 года назад
Thank you for this great info