how is toast - hilarious history
how is toast - hilarious history
how is toast - hilarious history
@charlesleake930 2 дня назад
sc rew this...Don Whittington was a great guy ...i should know...i worked for him on his race team ! Jay Fox ...ask me any question
@KimmoKM 3 дня назад
It's also worth noting that three of the hobbits (Frodo, Merry, Pippin) are privileged leisure class aristocrats, something that the author (Frodo) doesn't even try to hide, but that that modern viewers divorced from such a social arrangement might not realize. With that in mind, one can start asking questions like if Sam actually is Frodo's friend, or if he's forced to go on the journey due to debt bondage or serfdom. Really casts "Samwise the Brave" in a different light, doesn't it?
@grawlixz 14 дней назад
“he was sweating more than a blind lesbian pacing up and down a fish market” is about one of the best combination of soundwaves that ive been blessed for my snail shaped ear organs to be vibrated by. simply amazing.
@DeathRex88 22 дня назад
Did the extremely sinkable reinforcements manage to make it to the meet-up point with less trouble and losses? I hope they did
@clonetrooper2003 27 дней назад
Well you just made Krill Yeskov's day
@ilearncode7365 Месяц назад
lol "almost won"
@DreadEnder Месяц назад
This whole time I thought you were a cork
@emptystring4530 Месяц назад
Forgot to mention he created a nice language so they can all understand each other
@enzoalec92 Месяц назад
Literally had to pause the video to LOL at "Lex Fridman at home" hahahahahahahahaha
@56k-modem Месяц назад
In 4 days, it's going to be June 2024 and I'm still looking forward to your next video. Such a great channel with such great potential.
@smittykins 2 месяца назад
The Porsche! 🤣
@standepain 2 месяца назад
The huge speed was insane. Went down it once it a pair of good old 80s flimsy material swimsuit and the damn suit ripped right along the side stitching. Shorts were halfway up my ass by the time I stopped. We'd always see the Cannonball Loop there but never knew why it was never open. I want to say it was still there as late as 1990 if not later and was right down the hill from the big speed slide if my memory serves me right. Was hurt a few times and had to leave once with a possible concussion but every time I got hurt it was because I was doing dumb s**t. The more we went the more risks we used to take. Absolute best ride though was the Colorado River Ride. Never did the Alpine slide since even as a dumb teen it looked dangerous as hell and I think you had to pay extra so that was a no go. Did the bungee jump and the aerodrome thing a few times but they were really anything special. Fun but took forever and was an extra charge.
@standepain 2 месяца назад
First time I went there I was terrified after hearing all the stories and I do remember signing a waiver but I can't remember what it said. Went the first time with my friend and his family and my mom and dad almost didn't let me go because of the stories. Cut to a few hours later and I was having the time of my life and couldn't wait to go back. lol Can't even tell you how many times I was there but one summer Snapple bottles had a buy one get one free tickets so we hit it probably 10 or 12 times that summer.
@ollieoniel 2 месяца назад
Lol sauran is gandalf. You genius. Now it all makes sense. How else was he going to create a bunch of great adventures. From mordor might be a great movie.
@thetimberwolf100 2 месяца назад
I will sub, but only because i lost my shit at the ostrich nun appearances after the snail fight. I swear it was because it sounded like a guy gurgling scope xdd
@danyeo 2 месяца назад
We went every Summer, never got hurt except a little bruised from Colorado River. THAT ride was a free for all. Halfway down people would jump out of their raft into other rafts. I never fell off the Alpine Slide. Put it this way, if you didn't act like an idiot, you would be ok......but you better be able to swim. The speed slide was INSANE, there is no modern slide anywhere as steep. It was 100 feet high and the top was straight down, it was enclosed so nobody would fall out forward. Yes, my nutcase friend did it head first....twice. The girl working the slide didn't care.
@standepain 2 месяца назад
Right! Colorado was I would say the craziest ride there. lol The speed slide was insane. I swear we free fell for a few feet. I swear the most painful thing was just walking around. My feet were usually tore up by the end of the day.
@The_bad_potato 2 месяца назад
Good things done by sauron 1. "Meat is back" implies he generally promoted veganism in orc society 2. "On the menu" implies orcs were aware of great fast food restaurants that were allowed to function in mordor by their great towering monarch 3. Prison exchange program (catapulting gondorian soldiers) 4. Making new friends (saruman) 5. Uniting the races of orcs and men (haradrim and easterlings) 6. Domesticating animals and nurturing their future (wargs , ouliphants , fell beasts , rhinoceros that pulled the grind) 7. Liberating great cities from evil sadistic dictators who would burn their own son alive (denethor) 8. "Give him some medicine" implies orcs were taught to be hospitable and help patients by their great master sauron 9. Making great industries and creating jobs and making great buildings like the skyscrapers 10. "Inspection !!!" Implies that orcs were disciplined and underwent routine inspection for bad behaviour 11. The greatest thing about sauron is he never judged a person how they looked in his beautiful eyes even the ugliest of orcs were beautiful.... Orcs were hunted down and being genocide done upon them by all men elves and dwarves and hated and cancelled by everyone and leaderless to improve their quality of life ...and then comes the great sauron who became their leader gave them jobs created industry for them and told them never to understimate themselves and brought confidence in them
@The_bad_potato 2 месяца назад
Sauron was trying to unite both orcs and men (haradrim and easterlings) and bring equality for every race in the whole middle earth just if they returned his poor lost ring While the elves proud of their own fair and beautiful skin hated the orcs just for who they are... Saruman was such a nice guy he helped the wild men take back their lost lands and created a new better looking more physically capable orcs so that they could help him create induatry
@The_bad_potato 2 месяца назад
Ohh my god I just realised if orcs knew what is a menu means they had many great fast food restaurants back in mordor.... While watching the whole trilogy I didn't spot any single restaurant in rivendell Rohan or gondor and women were primitively preparing stews on the streets that was distasteful even for their own men
@herrjo7461 2 месяца назад
Still hoping for a return :(
@93MANIAC 2 месяца назад
Someone really needs to tell that cadet that he's not dealing with the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal 3:34
@seanbigay1042 2 месяца назад
If you're new to the strange tale of the 2nd Pacific Squadron of the Imperial Russian Navy, Drachinifel has a somewhat more coherent take on the same subject elsewhere on RU-vid. But I can't really blame the narrator of this video for yukking it up. It's the kind of story where you either laugh or cry.
@seanbigay1042 3 месяца назад
Dude, it's ADMIRAL Roshestvensky. He'd throw his binoculars at you for that if he were still around.
@cookymonstr7918 3 месяца назад
Truer word about Mordor has never been uttered.
@dazediss6629 3 месяца назад
This is a great vid & channel, im amazed it isn’t more popular! Just keep at it, I’m sure this channel will have hundreds of thousands of subs in a few years
@IOnlyWantToWatchIt 3 месяца назад
Its been a full year on the nose, it is no longer "How is toast" but "Where is Toast""
@Mamaki69 3 месяца назад
Alves dos Reis. My father used to tell me is story when i was young thank you for bringing this memory back
@claredriscoll5092 3 месяца назад
Monks copied and illuminated manuscripts. They also tended gardens and made beer. Snails love cabbages, lettuces, and especially hops, which is used in making beer. Therefore, snails are a gardener’s nemesis. The knights are mini self portraits of the monks battling their worst enemies. I thought everybody knew this. These drawings are like the flip book stick man drawings people do in text books to entertain the next person doomed to take the course.
@93MANIAC 4 месяца назад
Why the hell has this not been turned into a movie already because this is pretty much Money Heist without the Dali masks and the guns
@ryandonovan5205 4 месяца назад
Say what you want about Action Park but even they were smart enough not to let men in the girls change rooms
@danyeo 2 месяца назад
Back then you'd get your ass kicked for walking into the girls room if you were a dude. That meant 2 balls and a pecker.
@Captainbabytaco 4 месяца назад
I lost it at the “Do it for her” poster, of Ryder! Lol
@youenbodenan7295 4 месяца назад
Ah Marxists, they had to ruin the meme didn't they? STOP SEEING CLASS STRUGGLE IN LITERALLY EVERYTHING
@buleirww7471 4 месяца назад
I came here before I was given Darius's story in China language. I was shocked he can manuver subway at 15yo. I was shocked he was not given a job at MTA. He is too obvious a staff wannabe. A brilliant kid that was well inspired by, but never been accepted by the concrete jungle. This Newyork look nothing like Zootopia. Before this story I believe there is no systematic prejudice against certain group people. But when I see all the main English media is using the verb "stole" "rob""theif" to discribe a boy, who made all the stop correctly for the subway, I believe there is systematic prejudice, from the court to the media. Imagine the same story happen in 1950 Britain with a euro face, they will depict the story as a staff ignorance and the teenager save the day. And I still don't understand why Newyork MTA can not bear to have one more staff named Darius. I can not understand.
@181racing 4 месяца назад
Word for word vinwiksi john ficarria interview, good story about legands 🏁🏁🏁😮
@legionx4046 5 месяцев назад
Holy shit your video quality is amazing for so few subs
@Mark_est92 5 месяцев назад
I've stolen 2 gallons of milk for my family!! Is my government government going to convict me and let me lose the next day
@aringoyal2198 5 месяцев назад
African IQ at its best 😂😂😂
@sprokopc 5 месяцев назад
As a Ukrainian, this warmed the cockles of my cold dead heart.
@djturnz 6 месяцев назад
Explanation 1, snail = representation of armored cavalry units. Interesting. Since the zombie craze of 10 years ago started on fun forums where "zombies" were a stand in for roving hoard of looters in a "fall of civilization" scenario. Because it's a bit morbid to discuss "shooting the hungry people coming to steal your resources " on an open forum.
@quaddamage7765 6 месяцев назад
russian propaganda be like:
@jansefran1752 6 месяцев назад
Top shit story.
@M64bros 6 месяцев назад
I'm going to be a completely honest, I don't think EA is that terrible of a company entirely. Now sure they do some scummy stuff, especially what they did behind the scenes and especially the battlefront 2 situation but honestly at least they're not that terrible as Activision blizzard and Activision Blizzard makes EA look 10 times better. Sure EA still sucks but honestly some of their single player games, especially with Jedi falling order and Jedi survivor and the upcoming iron Man game look pretty promising from the looks of it.
@ZemantiX 6 месяцев назад
LOL, oh man, this is beautiful.
@twokeys2671 6 месяцев назад
I'm back here after the hbomber video 😂😂
@Guyfawx42 7 месяцев назад
Describing catapulting decapitated heads as a prisoner exchange program is amazing
@wngboktsai 7 месяцев назад
Christian bale and bradley cooper!
@corissatussey9741 7 месяцев назад
You didn't add the best part! That when they finally encountered the Japanese they thought they were just fishermen and told them of their plan to attack the japanese...and then got annihilated lol... awesome video though
@skywillfindyou 7 месяцев назад
One should understand such stories are pumped with myths.
@blackpredator4637 7 месяцев назад
4:25 this, would. never. work*. This is called opening the door to the prosecution, the prosecutor cannot talk about your character (good guy, bad guy) but, if you the defense say it first, and talk about how your a good person and your good qualities (your character) you opened the door to the prosecution to then be able to comment about your character and my my, it will never end well lol (ik this seems like an Uhhrm! actuuallly - but i just thought this is a cool thing about our/most legal systems lol)