Paul Elam
Paul Elam
Paul Elam
A channel dedicated to men's mental and emotional well-being.
The 425 Episode 2 intro
Месяц назад
Interview with Elliot Hulse
3 месяца назад
Paul Interviewed by Vasanth Veluri
4 месяца назад
Paul and Karen Straughan with Pearl Davis
9 месяцев назад
Pearl Davis interviews Paul Elam
10 месяцев назад
Photography for Feminists
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Men, Math and Marriage
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The Psychology of Hate
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Improving Self Esteem
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@stephenshakarian5920 10 часов назад
"Do not give your strength to women, nor your ways to that which corrupts kings" - Proverbs 31. The great irony, which is so rich it drips, is two fold: the proverb was taught by his mother. It was also written in the books of Wisdom. Solomon was the paragon of wisdom yet his downfall was marrying FOREIGN women. The proverb is not credited to Solomon, yet the irony still stands.
@taras3702 11 часов назад
The better I understand how most women are, the more gratitude I have for flying under their RADAR. Being alone is much better than being chained to women who make you miserable. Damn right men vote with their feet, this one included.
@babthooka 22 часа назад
My wife did this (love bombing in the beginning, and she didn't go too crazy with it) to me. The mind boggling part, that I can never understand, is that she did it for years. Three years! I don't think it's just an illness. I'm convinced she knew all along, but decided to show me that other side until I was hooked. And hooked I was. After a few years with a good track record, I fell for the trap and got her pregnant, after which the script flipped something fierce. I've made a lot of mistakes I'm ashamed of in my life, but I'm not ashamed of this one. This was not a mistake, I got completely cheated. She lied so skillfully to my face, and for so long. I know this was planned. Today, our daughter is 13, and she has recently begged me to divorce the psycho. I went to a divorce attorney today, and in the country we live in, the laws are such that I can get away with it. I will present her with a demand for divorce and all my ducks in a row later this week. It'll be interesting.
@animal79thecat 22 часа назад
So,he was a simp
@GogoGoa-my6zb День назад
Bravo ,and thanks for all ,i am mgtow algerian and i am glad to be one of mgtow ,glorious to mgtow an redpill
@zuhasbekillin3461 День назад
In islam we say talaq and its done,men dont do marriage counselling its a scam if a woman breaks your boundaries like cheating why are you still trying to stay.
@GogoGoa-my6zb 2 дня назад
Bravo ,and a big respect from algeria ,a big respect for redpill and mgtow
@valleja22 2 дня назад
Paul this is truly one of the best videos you've made so far. Thank you so much. Sometimes it's a mediator that's only listened to and that's hard to find nowadays when you're looking for truth. Keep doing what you're doing bud and thank you
@John-wm2cp 2 дня назад
Why, Jordan, is it a terrible thing to tell young men to not get caught up in a common law situation where you will be stripped of everything? I'm not seeing how that's a terrible thing to tell someone.
@GogoGoa-my6zb 2 дня назад
A big respect from algeria to you and a big respect for red pill and mgtow ,we can destroy the féminisme because this is the more danger in all contrys of this world
@GogoGoa-my6zb 2 дня назад
A big respect from algeria to you and a big respect for red pill and mgtow ,we can destroy the féminisme because this is the more danger in all contrys of this world
@GogoGoa-my6zb 2 дня назад
A big respect from algeria to you and a big respect for red pill and mgtow ,we can destroy the féminisme because this is the more danger in all contrys of this world
@andrewbaldwin4454 2 дня назад
This was a very stimulating discussion. I liked the TV series much more than anyone in this trio, but the novel was, as is usually the case, better. As I remember, the TV series was not that loosely based on the novel by Walter Tevis, but one critical difference was in the ending. The silly scene in the TV series where Beth has a propaganda tour all lined up for her by creepy State Department types didn’t exist in the novel, although it does end with Beth leaving an embassy party to play chess in a park with ordinary Muscovite men. If there was a feminist message in the novel and the TV series, I think it was most clearly in the subplot about Beth’s mother by adoption, Alma Wheatley. She is a talented pianist who has never had a chance to play professionally, developing an alcohol problem because of the negligence of an unfeeling husband. She was admirably played by Marielle Heller in the TV series. The most touching scene in the whole TV series was when Beth returns to the orphanage with Jolene and sees that Mr. Shaibel, the janitor who just died and taught her to play chess, has a bulletin board covered from top to bottom with news clippings about her performances in tournaments. She starts weeping, and this is what sparks her to aspire once again to chess greatness. If it is a fairy tale, I don’t agree with Janice that it is a poor fairy tale. I thought it was a great fairy tale.
@zaggy3110 4 дня назад
Islam is superior to christianity Authentic hadith (saying) from Prophet Mohammed "The Prophet Mohammed said: "I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers were women who were ungrateful." It was asked, "Do they disbelieve in Allah?" (or are they ungrateful to Allah?) He replied, "They are ungrateful to their husbands and are ungrateful for the favors and the good (charitable deeds) done to them. If you have always been good (benevolent) to one of them and then she sees something in you (not of her liking), she will say, 'I have never received any good from you."
@edwardwallace1633 4 дня назад
I just started the video and drink I have to agree with Paul after divorce I had no off switch I’m five years divorced and can stop
@valleja22 4 дня назад
Unf**king believable
@edwardwallace1633 4 дня назад
This happened to an older man I knew a couple of years ago He said I’m only buying her a phone so we can keep in touch 😂
@user-us9sk8qm1y 5 дней назад
Which book is this from?
@ObscurumPerObscurius 5 дней назад
He was going fairly well until he turned Paul's admonition to stay single into its opposite. That's a straight out inversion of what the text says, and a huge red flag. The Old Testament urged men to marry and have a large family, because God declared that Israel were to be as numerous as the stars of heaven and the sand of the sea. However, that is not the emphasis of the New Testament at all. Quite the opposite, in fact. Paul's teaching is very clear, and merely echoes what Jesus Himself said to the apostles.
@1rockscar 5 дней назад
It’s not “all women”… it’s you!! The western woman, brainwashed by eastern mark-cyst/SOYcialist ideology… are telling you what’s WRONG WITH YOU!! Didn’t we go to war with these people before? Why the FOCK would I care what the mark-cyst women have to say about an me, an ENLIGHTENED WESTERN MALE. Now GFY 😂😂😂😂
@prashanthb6521 5 дней назад
To me this topic of RA is my fav of all. Another word for it is "Reputational Denigration". It has affected me quite a bit and I am very angry on those women. I see it as female thuggery. Alas I have not come across any tool or technique to counter this, mainly because this world is loaded with dumb men who readily become the woman's flying monkeys. Thank you sir giving words to my thoughts in this video.
@pukeachu 6 дней назад
0:48 If marriage isn't that great, you both need to leave your respective wives, and start practicing all this MGTOW crap you(Grand Ayatoollah Elam especially)have been preaching out of the opposite side of your mouths for an unforgivably long time. Otherwise, nothing you have to say can be taken any more seriously than the equally half-baked yammerings of Andrea Dworkin, you castigated women for desiring men of their own, while she herself was married
@bad.chickie66 6 дней назад
Paul is a badass
@joannecrecco 7 дней назад
Such a rant is just made to make a loser feel better about himself or herself. I have a feeling such venom could only come from a scorned virgin.
@Dungeonofman 7 дней назад
This one brought me to tears as I sit here surrounded by my Jim beam bottles alone dreaming of a time when I still knew how to dream and soar across the sky toward a brighter and better tomorrow Thanks Paul
@Dungeonofman 7 дней назад
Cannot turn a old dirty rag into a silk purse And they both can’t do shit for you
@Viyan48 7 дней назад
I wish everyone had a dad like you. The society will change upside down.
@marinvidovic763 7 дней назад
Well.... ( my 🧠 Re..52:00.) ... . I think dr. Is very WRONG Here ...because IN "* TODAY'S WESTERN WORLD" (!!!) If that women has NPD or any simmilar mental issues ... a husband should NOT ATEMPT TO FIGHT BUT to look * to prepare secretly "a parashute*" and ...as spon as posdible to leave this situation. Possibly leaving town and everything behind . Even his children ! Because UNFORTUNATELY They will soon get turned into his enemies as tbey will adopt all mothrs NPD Traits + His fight for , respext, acountability, bounsaries, fairnes, healthy interConectednes ...or respect WILL GET TWISTED INTO "* a TOXIC Patriarchy narative " ...so Those children , once 7-10-12... yoa will bring into father's home all those CRAZY Making mental conundrums and NPD cielrcular discussions and provocative, entitled behaviors , Et. Etc. No man can survive this ...and function (+) in Day to day obligations. He will get confysed , stressed by his owen children, " her chidren" ... then: angry, argumenrative AND Ev. A father will Loose his job ( and freedom). A road to SUICIDE. A MAN need Just to realise : "*In that marriage, You are in a grate DANGER " ,... Don't confront issues or try to explain to a Blind people ... But fold secretly your parachute and jump OUT Secretly..and Keep NO CONTACT. Apoint atorny to be ,oficial LINE OF contact for any further lefal stuff. If $he/NPD sense that you are waking Up from her love bombing and blue Pill hypnosys $he will Falsely ACUSE Husband ... so He will loose much, much more....anyway.
@charlesdavis7940 7 дней назад
Truth bombs. Wish I had learned them earlier, but better late than never.
@Viyan48 8 дней назад
Scale of danger : gynocentric friends, surroundings > women
@Dungeonofman 8 дней назад
The absolute best video on the internet
@Dungeonofman 8 дней назад
Jesuit European Warlock
@Dungeonofman 8 дней назад
Savant perspective !!!!!!!! KING PAUL!!!!!!
@bonnyvision6020 8 дней назад
Women have been enslaved to Men by not being allowed by law to do all of these things historically which has now changed
@babthooka 8 дней назад
Paul, your shit works. Thanks for spreading it! :D (no, really)
@thecultofjohnnydelr.soulsw7010 8 дней назад
Lonely and isolating but no prison slaves to the sexist, female dominated gynocentric feminisation.
@mayorofthenonsense 8 дней назад
The more unstable the woman, the earlier that crossroads will present itself. Been there with every chick I’ve ever been with; the honeymoon suddenly gives way to a meltdown over something trivial and it is ALWAYS an attempt to control you. You play her game and try to fix it - you signal to her that you’re an insecure man with no other options, and even if the relationship continues, she will never truly respect you again. From that moment on, you will be jumping through hoops until she can’t stand the sight of you anymore. Paul is right: the only correct response is indifference. Something along the lines of “frankly Scarlett, I don’t give a damn”, although you don’t even need to be rude about it. Just make sure she knows, in no uncertain terms, that head games and hissy fits are not going to work with you, and that you will walk away from her and the relationship before being dragged down to her level.
@ronaldmay5819 8 дней назад
So many men (simps and cucks) have began mimicking this type of behavior, Men (real men) have to be alert not only to "RA" from women but also from weak males.
@whbjr2528 8 дней назад
"Malleable wallet w penis"!
@tym5583 9 дней назад
This dudes sense of humor what keeps me watching! 😅
@thecultofjohnnydelr.soulsw7010 9 дней назад
Narcissistic Personality Order
@kpec3 9 дней назад
I don't believe in evolution. I just think that a man should be alone or isolated for a year. It makes a guy emotionally independent.
@steelyatron 9 дней назад
I've heard of a meta analysis of the gender violence literature that finds parity. Can't find it or remember where I heard of it. Anyone got any info?
@thequietman5934 9 дней назад
I think in Jamaica and Nigeria, the government has passed mandatory paternity tests into law. Those two countries having the highest rates of paternity fraud.
@thequietman5934 9 дней назад
Am I crazy but are the children who mothers alienated from their fathers more frequently coming back to their fathers as they get older and see more clearly how much their mothers lied? I could swear I see this occuring more frequently.
@toppcatt5113 10 дней назад
I never married, but I still see all of the things you are talking about going on in daily life. Women in the stores or in traffic or the community, apartment building are pushy bossy and aggressive. They cannot stand for a man not to give them attention and they will begin a campaign to punish you. They spread lies, slander character assignation etc. Jordan Peterson said the only ones who can keep crazy bitches in check are other women, I have cultivated a good relationship with the women in our place and they do the job. In public I will actually switch my direction to avoid crossing path or looking at a woman and it is so blatant the way they will go out of their way to come in contact. They deliberately bump into you. I have tried talking to a couple psychologists (woman) and neither of them had any clue what I was talking about. They say I must be imagining it. Thank God for Paul Elam.
@TV-oc4ml 10 дней назад
Wah 😩 🤡
@wdd3141 10 дней назад
Elam is male spelled backwards.
@mightywurlitzer 10 дней назад
"People always be like 'what 0 pussy does to a mf' but I've seen what pussy does to a mf and it's far worse" -St. Paul the Apostle
@thecultofjohnnydelr.soulsw7010 10 дней назад
Agreed False gods, paper tigers yes the feminists need to go it alone.