Coach Curtis
Coach Curtis
Coach Curtis
My goal is to be the best mid lane coach in the world.

I help mid laners improve and climb the solo queue ladder.
How Much LP Do You Fluctuate? (LP Ranges)
3 месяца назад
You WILL Piss People Off In SoloQ
4 месяца назад
The Problems With Champion Mastery
5 месяцев назад
The Science Behind Learning In League
9 месяцев назад
My No.1 Advice For Reducing Gank Deaths
9 месяцев назад
Reacting To "The Truth About Low Elo"
10 месяцев назад
I Was Wrong About Playing In Bronze
11 месяцев назад
The Art Of Saying NO
Год назад
@azeva01 День назад
Cant believe u guys are uploading 4 hr guides now. my goats
@AugustJohansson-y5t 2 дня назад
Thanks for the good video! Learned alot! Playing tris mid now really like it ❤️
@criticalrevel 3 дня назад
hahahaha! he said BALLS! ... jk guys tysm for the content it's amazing and amazing collab the other coach was very thorough
@muzzletov 3 дня назад
wow, that laning was ridiculous. staying in lane with 0 mana, missing 30% of the cs sure is enough for silver and below. but it doesnt drive your point home with the rhetoric youre using.
@SMhus 3 дня назад
whole lot of yapping
@nickm3694 4 дня назад
Her Q is getting gutted, so sad. And so soon after this guide came out too. I wonder how will this affect her items and runes
@GianFerreyraBouillon 4 дня назад
please do un updated Twisted Fate guide!!!!
@videnz2664 5 дней назад
at the end if you play something u don't like u basically play against yourself but I also want to say the more time u spend playing something and understanding it the more u gonna feel comfortable and maybe even end up liking it
@Jay-vu6ng 5 дней назад
People fail to understand how mobas have evolved... if you played like that guy in season 1 you wouldve been an average elo player rofl. Not bottom tier... the same happened in dota2. I remember years ago when i had like 4500mmr on dota2. I bet if i went back to it today id get stomped in 3k
@wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu4376 5 дней назад
What are you even trying to prove here? That you're just better than bronze players as a challenger player? Oh wow you handicapped yourself huh, the only unfairness in bronze is the massive amount of smurfs every game, you lost the first game because just like you there was a smurfing dipshit in the other team that won them the game, whichever team wins the smurf lottery wins the game thats how low elo works.
@donc7984 5 дней назад
you know midlane is in a bad state season 14 when tristana and ezreal are the picks man..... its so sad, like people wanted this change because midlane impacted the game so much but man its depressing as a midlaner
@videnz2664 6 дней назад
adc totally not broken u just can play it on every lane and is more meta than any other midlaner in midlane right now lol
@egyiptomi9659 6 дней назад
This guide is massiwe xd You forgot to say press W on the cannon minion or even a mage minion just to freeze the next wave.
@anthonyfaiell3263 6 дней назад
If your whole point is "the problem with this, is that people don't understand it." This concept could apply to 99% of the things in society. . Yes, people taking information and misusing that information to make incorrect contradictory points is frustrating. Welcome to planet earth.
@kollinpoindexter8859 7 дней назад
The level 5 e seems like he is doing it to remind himself not to trade. E's purpose is to help Annie trade. If there isn't an e he won't try to trade, and can focus on keeping his eyes on the prize.
@samkwabena3200 7 дней назад
I love the idea of reference points for each champion! Any way for me to find out what they would be for the champs I play? Zoe and Camille for example
@user-zp3bg3nt2r 7 дней назад
Thanks for guide! Another pretty good mechanics to know on tristana is w-flash (much faster than flash-w, less reaction time for enemy), w in walls (you click on the thicc wall instead over it, lil bit faster), insec with r flash (w to jump into and then r + (flash behind them) to kick enemy into your tower/team, also you can proc e almost instantly with auto i belive)
@sebespenshade681 7 дней назад
I'm getting into ranked for the first time fr since i started playing, and in norms the champs i played the most were orianna and ryze, but I am not having fun on ryze this patch and im burnt out on orianna so I've been playing syndra and azir this season, and so far in he four promos i played im at iron 1, wondering if i should hard one trick syndra, but im a little nervous to because I've heard shes really weak to multi threat comps, so I'm not sure if i should add something like trist to my pool or if learning how to play into multi threat comps is gonna be good for me overall, very lost pls help
@reosin2536 7 дней назад
That's why i see syndra bad low elo pick. Too micro intensive no attention left for minimap awareness, macro.
@anthonyfaiell3263 8 дней назад
You are talking about basic psychological/sociological concepts. Things like group think, blame shifting, negativity bias, and more. . The point is, this isn't some "league of legends specific behavior." And also, higher ups at Riot are well aware of these things. The only way to prevent human behavior is to remove humans... which is kind of counterproductive to a multiplayer games goals/profit margins. . Another point, it's a team game, externals play a major role in your success or failure. That's how team games work. Obviously you can't CONTROL those externals, so they are pointless to focus on if self-improvement is your goal. But pretending like they don't exist, and don't play a major role in matches outcomes would be an extremely ignorant take. It's the opposite end extreme of low elo players blaming their teammates for everything... It's high elo players pretending like it was ALL their personal skill and talent that got them there, and nothing else.
@Nomfyy 8 дней назад
As a Katarina main... fuck
@smilie-pm9gb 9 дней назад
high elo smurfs playing low elo against other high elo smurfs and wonder why the opponent isnt much worse... maybe more actual low elo players could rise, if the would not have to play high elo smurfs every second game :-)
@erikpotthast9708 9 дней назад
Hey Coach, I am a Master/Grandmaster EUW Midlane main who mostly plays Orianna. Due to the recent meta of AD midlaners, I have really been struggling to play. Since this video is a little older, you did not cover matchups such as Tristana, Corki, Ezreal, or Lucian. What do you recommend when playing into these champions? It's impossible to play aggressively because you just get stat-checked, and keeping the wave in a conservative position is also hard due to the insane waveclear of these AD champions. I feel like Orianna just always permanently loses prio in these matchups, and it's hard to play the midgame due to being stuck in the sidelane. If you try to play for neutral objectives, the enemy AD mid just takes T1 and T2 towers for free. Any thoughts on this? Thank you very much!
@xx_lightning_hd406 9 дней назад
dude you are not a lol coach you are a life coach xD
@tylerjkb9611 10 дней назад
tried to do this. set up a game; Lux Bot went jungle.
@montsch 10 дней назад
is akali planned for the academy?
@CoachMysterias 8 дней назад
Akali is not planned for the Academy since shes extremely hard. We do have a different assassin in the program that’s naafiri. But if you are interested i did make a full on Akali guide earlier this year on my channel
@craigferge4702 11 дней назад
IQ diff
@sololegit 11 дней назад
Thanks for another great video, Coach! Hope to be able to join MLA one day if I can!
@aetzry 11 дней назад
Love this guide, can you do one for lb ?
@CoachMysterias 8 дней назад
We did one about 2 years ago for her! Maybe we can revisit her in the future :)
@aetzry 8 дней назад
@@CoachMysterias yep, it's a good idea...
@peterrischel2493 11 дней назад
Great video Curtis :) In the case where you play against multiple high threats so you have to play safe, for example in the lux vs lissandra example, how do you avoid lissandra being allowed to roam freely since you have to play far safer? I know it's situational, but I have a hard time seeing how you keep a roam champ like that in lane if you are not able to reliably push them under due to gank threats.
@messwithhelpy 11 дней назад
even iron's buy smurf/boost to leave that shit rank....the game is dead AF
@MeestLoL 11 дней назад
You should put your browser on dark mode
@NightridingDoom 12 дней назад
One thing you missed: League of Legends uses Engagement Based matchmaking.
@zeddiy8888 13 дней назад
i watch league content, solo queue alot, review my games, look at subreddits, and i have over 1million champion mastery and im still in gold
@videnz2664 13 дней назад
8% winrate just can't be real just think about it that would mean u win 8 games out of a 100 like who in the right mind believes that? aren't there even people that showed how hard it is to even get to iron 4? even if they trolled and inted the game away it's super difficult and you want to tell me u have a 8% winrate in iron 4 even tho u actually try to win? but I want to say its ok to be iron 4
@johnnysomething153 13 дней назад
When you guys add taliyah there I will definitely give it a try!
@CoachMysterias 8 дней назад
Taliyah is quite a hard champion actually! We will keep it in mind :)
@MrCooterHunter 14 дней назад
I actually think there is a lot of stuff high ELO players are out of touch with. I was trying to take ranked seriously. my account is lvl 283 and i've played a significant amount of league. At least a few years. I struggled to get out of iron and i'm pretty hard stuck bronze 4. My buddy said my MMR is fucky and said i should make a new account. My new account i trained it up to 30, played my privisonals, was placed in silver 4 and i'm about to hit gold. I do SIGNIFICANTLY better in these silver1-gold 4 lobbies than the iron 1-bronze 4 lobbies. My team feeds like crazy in the iron/bronze lobbies. on my bronze 4 account, i would have to play at a plat + level in order to carry how bad my team mates are on average.
@GatsuRage 13 дней назад
THIS... iron/bronze boils down to how good can u carry ur team or get carried by, is not about learning the game and playing ur role as u should is literally u better carry the S#!TOUT of this game and pray ur other team mates don't feed or int constantly which happens 7 out of 10 games in bottom tier elo. Sure there are legit new players who deserve to be in iron but there's also lots of vet players who do know how to play the game and often get called out to be "smurfing" just cos can't climb and hard stuck in low elo for one reason or another. I should also start a brand new acc and get better placement but why should I have to do that? I wanna play in my main and only account that I've been playing for years riot should fix this crap but they will never cos they rather have ppl creating more accounts.
@yungslack7311 14 дней назад
You know whats crazy I put over 200 hours in this game and im still bronze Pain
@BurritooMafia 13 дней назад
I feel you. I am prob sitting at 500 hrs still bronze since S7...
@r3rorer090 15 дней назад
Are there still relevant takeaways from this guide for this season? I realize there are outdated aspects (items like Everfrost being gone) but I'm curious to know if Ahri's build path is as versatile as it was in S13 even now. Or is there only one -effective- way to build Ahri? (like an assassin)
@Kedislol 15 дней назад
This is absolutely right. What ends up happening is a lot of people become addicted to the dopamine. They start playing with the goal of attaining it, and when they don't, it triggers rage. It isn't a healthy pattern at all and applies to many contexts
@Gofex1337 15 дней назад
I will disagree to a degree, it's easier to give lazy advice because the average player is too lazy to work on intricate advice.
@dirtydeeds4free553 15 дней назад
I love playing pyke support. Its fuckin wave states. Adcs dont understand wavestates and its so frustrating. Stop hard pushing the wave when you pyke is 3 0 3 man, i cant tower dive them, force them to walk up man
@ShadowSerpent9797 16 дней назад
I've been playing trist mid and really enjoying it but I am iron, I don't understand why my rank means I shouldn't play it, I feel like you should play what you want to play, esp since it's not exactly like she is irelia or azir level difficulty
@momoaa 15 дней назад
They pretty much explained it, the champion takes a basic nuanced understanding of the game. You need to know matchups, understand jungle movement, looking at minimap ect so that you can use your w effectively to pressure the lane, cuz the champ is not that good if you are just playing super passive and not snowballing or way too agro and dying a bunch. You can play whatever at the end of the day, if you are enjoying it thats fine, they just dont recommend it to climb/improve at the game when at iron you should be focusing on much more basic stuff than what you need to focus on while playing trist to excel.
@ShadowSerpent9797 14 дней назад
​@@momoaaAgain, I totally understand when the champion is hard to pilot so when you have to learn the game AND pilot the champion it's too much for a beginner, but I've been playing for a year and don't find tristana hard to pilot or gain muscle memory with at all. Maybe I interpret Coach Curtis wrong but in his "how to climb with each rank" episode of his podcast he basically said "iron players shouldn't be in ranked" like ok I guess I have to play 1000s of normals games, I'm level 80 not 30 but feel like I learn way more in ranked than norms where no one is trying
@momoaa 14 дней назад
@@ShadowSerpent9797 im way higher elo than you and have base mechanics down pretty solid, but i still play a normal to warm up before ranked grind or normal for learning a new champion, i dont think theres all that much difference between normal and ranked game quality but maybe theres a bigger disparity in match quality at low elo. Not sure about the context behind 'iron players should just play norms', i dont think theres anything wrong with just playing ranked but if you are playing ranked your play should be very intentional, you should be improving and thinking about what you are doing ect. I was a trist main (adc) for a really long time but she is so gutted for adc role because of her midlane power that ive champ swapped, personally i can see your point about trist being overall pretty simple and not bad for beginners but her w being a free int button is just too much of a detriment for less aware players, which you would tend to find in low elo. If you are enjoying it though, dont let that stop you, i think trist is rediculously fun so i dont blame u for wanting to play her
@ShadowSerpent9797 14 дней назад
@@momoaa oh I also play a normals game before every ranked session to warm up, and I played her in normals for like 20-30 games before bringing her to ranked. I even played intermediate bot games with her before normals cause I never played an adc before. My norms games now though the match matching is fucked I'm either playing against level 5s and stomping them because they downloaded the game today or people who have been in gold and I get stomped lol. I just don't see her as a champion like an irelia or azir or even a yasuo or riven where it's like you need to be good at the game first. The W is an int button when limit testing for sure but I came from mages playing passive the whole game I needed something different
@CoachMysterias 8 дней назад
If you want to play it then ofcourse go ahead! That does mean that you are playing a champ that doesnt fully teach the game and if you are happy with that then thats fine
@dinkleberg6500 16 дней назад
Sooooo you went 50/50 in bronze using the method you tell people in bronze to climb with… which means you wouldnt climb if you were to keep playing. Kinda sounds like you proved t the Reddit post right
@kollinpoindexter8859 16 дней назад
I quit LoL a while back, so maybe they fixed this issue, but there is/was a fundamental difference to climbing in master, GM, and challenger then there is to climbing in iron through diamond. One has divisions and promos that will reset your LP, and the other doesn't. In master if you can keep a 52% win rate on your climb, you will increase your LP long term. If you can maintain 52% win rate over 1500 games with on average 16 lp gain/loss a game you will end up with around 960 more lp then you started with. The minimum LP to enter grand master is 200 and challenger is 500 to put this into perception. Below Masters, promotional and divisional games are/were things and dropping rank was/is east The problem with 52% win rate is it is extremely hard to reliably win the 3/4 games needed to advance a division or the 4/6 needed to promote. In addition when you failed to advance your lp would reset to a benchmark. You start a new division 0 lp. Lose 2 games and your back to your previous LP, but not at 100 LP, but at a predefined 60 lp. This means in order to advance a division you didn't just need a 52% win rate. You also needed a properly timed set of roughly 8 games where you only lost 2 times. If you lost more then that you would fall back to the previous/current division 60 lp. The chance of winning 6 out of 8 games at 52% win rate is: C(8,2).52^6.48^2 ~ 12.75%. So every division takes roughly 8 attempts to climb past (at 8 games each). This is in addition to getting to the point to climb. assuming 16 lp a game again. It takes 64 games to gain 30 lp and 110 games to get to the point in the process where you are oscillating between divisions (the other 70 lp).This means to gain a full 100 lp with a 52% win rate, it takes on average 175 games. If you played 1500 games like the master player you would go up roughly 8 divisions. If your goal was to go from bronze to gold you would probably need to play more then double the games a player would need to to go from masters to high challeneger, at the same win rate. The way to climb in below master is/was not with a 52% win rate. It is/was by getting better at winning games then everyone else your playing against/with. Not sure if LoL ever got better. I quit because this system was so punishing. After seeing the ahri drama I kind of want to come back just to ban ahri, but I am not sure my mental health could handle it.
@rafa-ariel.9487 16 дней назад
Give me 4 unskilled people who think like you, and I easlly going to gold
@pepajust4099 16 дней назад
Hit diamond thanks to this guide !
@CoachMysterias 8 дней назад
Lets fkin go 💪🏼
@viego29 17 дней назад
I need help, how do people actually do this, the lux just rush me straight up, she dont care about hitting minions