MadSkillzzTV provides up-to-date gaming content, reviews and Twitch highlights from games such as World of Warcraft.

I spend a lot of time healing World of Warcraft raids and mythic plus content. As a result I provide guides, tips and help regarding healing in WoW. The channel's purpose is to provide healing content which will cover all healing classes and specs but to also include WoW class meta changes for DPS and tanks!
MOST FUN M+ HEALERS (Season 4) | Tier List
3 месяца назад
Should M+ Healing CHANGE?
4 месяца назад
@mothman84 38 минут назад
Healers are finally gonna feel so important now, so involved, so gratified. Actually, in the absence of tanks, now they're gonna fill the queues with 2 dps, 1 aug evoker, and 2 healers - cause after years of having been so bored, now healers are needed again. Sure. Seriously, tanking has been soooo effing easy, pff, there was just no challenge to it anymore. Booooring.... In fact, let's be honest, we've seen this for years now, queues of tank and healer (traditional beginner roles, the no worries roles, aka the Immortal One and the Useless One), waiting hours and hours to find 3 dps (the ones who really carry the game and make it happen for the rest of us). In particular, everybody wants to tank, and there are not enough parties to accomodate the millions of tanks. This needs to change! When will we learn that mother Blizzard always knows best...
@NovusGM Час назад
You gave an example about 2 pugs in the same key level and dungeon. I am an ex-mythic raider who plays solo/pug now. As much as failures can be attributed to skill issues in pugs, another (imo even bigger) problem in pug groups is coordination. I witnessed countless times that we use 3-4 interrupts on the same cast, run out rupts, and a deadly cast goes off. Blizzard will never get dungeon balance right for the majority (pugs), if they look at coordinated groups and aim to come up with something that challenges them. Instead, they should let the infinite scaling deal with presenting a challenge for them and focus on coming up things that can meaningfully challenge pug m+ groups, imo.
@annamalah 5 часов назад
I enjoyed the video. I am resto druid main. I agree that Flourish should have been buff a little bit. But I really loved the change to 1 minute cooldown during dragonflight. I did Rashok progression and, if my ramp would come a little late, was a totally wipe for my guild. But I didnt enjoy how much mana it costed do all my things, wasnt funny at all. I hope the will remove all the mana trinkets from timewalking events, and will balance the mana cost of our ramp. Basically, we are useless withouth our ramp. Even during fyrak mythic, my ramp was a blast during hard moviment times. But I was useless during my Tranquility cast. Is really a bad skill. I love how it reduce the cooldown of our main spells, but most of the times was impossible to cast it. Or you was NEED an augumentation buff for moviment cast, or a paladin bubble was needs. I used my tranq not as healing cooldown, but as a cd reduction buff mostly. I hate that- I want being able to cast it while I am moving :c its not synchronised with our playstyle.
@annamalah 6 часов назад
I really HATE these changes to tanks! Was alredy take AGES to find a decent tank in lfg in normal content (not pushing key, but like a +12 now). Now, less ppl would play them, because I think that they will be more hard to master. And the difference between someone that was not knowing the dungeon and who was able to tank it withouth even open their eyes was alredy noticeable. I am scared about how much time should I focus on tanks. Maybe, with not an op tank, I would be not able to focus on Aoe damage, and do my utility: like, what about gcd on skull bash on resto druid? I cant really focus on adds cast if I have to spam healing on tanks. Plus, I dont really want to know perfectly all the things about tanks as healer. I want be able to use my new dps talents, like the fluid form. We have a full hero talent focused on damage... so, why should we get more pain? Also, I was alredy stressing on keys like RLP when was not tuned, Trash with no avoidable mechanics was so hard. Now, we got also photosyntesis and flourish on the same spot, so, I guess we are less efficient with aoe damage. Tanks should be able to do their job: I think that the funniest thing about tanks is be close to immortal and being able to dont stress your team, because even if they die, the tanks will wait you, with all the big pack, with hp not resetted. Now, tanks will die more easly, and a pack wipe, will mean easy a depleted key. I hate these changes for casual or normal ppl. They should nerf tanks only in Mdi competition.
@annamalah 5 часов назад
I also really love your suggestion about a failed kick: I am tired to see a wipe for a single interrupt missed. I want to reduce the amount of wa needs during dungeons and raids. I dont really like have to let my party always full 100% hp. I am a resto druid, I am doing healing over time, so, I dopnt want to burn all my mana in a single pull. They should also revamp the mana use, I dont like how much easy it get burn.
@Belugafishcat 8 часов назад
I agree with many, the spiky healing is the problem, on higher keys you can’t even save you team members as it’s one shots that kills
@vincentvansomeren8508 8 часов назад
yes i whould trade my dps for more healing, because i dont get blamed for not doing high enough dps and i can acualy chill a bit when i can and want to. dps should be job of a dps. and its fine if you can add a little in yor downtime but right now it feels like your doing dps and a bit of healing.
@_Kroaken_ 8 часов назад
When I play a healer, it's to heal. I like tank healing, and i hate spike damage.
@aleeownz9132 8 часов назад
Refreshing take, all my friends are raging about all this and I'm just like.. you don't want more engaging gameplay?
@Dozern90 9 часов назад
I dont see this working out. Taking power away from tanks and giving that work to healers wich as usally owerworked doing affixes, dispels etc etc. Cant see i am going to like this.
@Blood_Ronin 10 часов назад
I think the biggest issue is the lack of understanding on Blizzard's end. As a tank main, some tanks like brew and prot warrior feel basically the same, while DK and prot pal feel worse. Unless they "tune" things well, Augvoker will again, be mandatory for keys, which really sucks.
@jacobmobile 11 часов назад
Overall good changes. As a healer I want to heal more and spend less time doing damage. Hopefully they can transfer more damage from the group to the tank to prevent DF style spikey damage. Fortified nerf helps too
@iluvpixie20 13 часов назад
I think the only healers that dps should matter is for disc and MW as they have to dps in order to do more healing. I dont think healers should be doing insane amounts of dps or need to do said dps in order to do a high key. I love healing and have done it since wrath but more seriously gameplay in bfa. When i got told you are not dpsing enough and the boss is killing us was wild to me at first, but the game is like that where if everyone even healers arent dpsing you wont get very far in high keys or even some raids (depending on the groups dps)
@FatedEmperor 14 часов назад
I wish that all healers had some sort of enhancement playstyle where we could enhance DPS while also focusing on healing. I feel like that would be a much better and rewarding experience for everyone. It would allow the healer to focus on supporting the group while also putting the dps focus back on the dps. I would much rather have that type of gameplay and be able to contribute to dps in that manor VS doing the having to do the dps myself (depending on the specialization that I am playing). It might also help with the utility situation in raids and help make some classes more viable.
@ghote5605 14 часов назад
I'd imagine that the rest of the group will still be getting smashed and the tank is less tanky. Odds are this just makes it worse for all.
@ghote5605 14 часов назад
You'll still have to deal with an affix mech or something whilst the dps is dying and tank is struggling . Historically they f this up.
@ghote5605 14 часов назад
I will not be playing if the one shot meta continues, i've already stopped. One brain fart and i ruin the key is not fun.
@friedbones8227 16 часов назад
As for M+ dungeons, well, I stopped doing them because they've become so hard, especially at lower key levels its not worth my time any more. I used to enjoy M+ 0-9 and was decent at them even though I'm a casual player. But ever since they changed the M+ 0s to M+10 level now, I won't set foot in them because they are not fun to do.
@RainingArtillery 16 часов назад
Fun parts about healing: 1. Learning and dealing with well designed mechanics by healing through them or planning out healer CDs 2. Personal survivability is fun (healer personal defensives etc that let me heal others while saving myself through defensive buttons) 3. Group/DPS Healing Not fun parts about healing: 1. Being forced to heal a tank that is playing their class well. I'm taking away from both their fun and my own. 2. Being robbed of my agency as a healer by giving the DPS significant control over the amount of incoming damage (defensives and interrupts). 3. Healer DPS should either not be a thing (as it already kinda isn't) or you should actually design a fun experience. Healer DPS rotations are extremely, extremely, extremely boring. I don't want to DPS as a healer because it's just not fun. 4. Either make interruptible mechanics a lot less significant in terms of damage dealt (like a huge damage nerf, please) or give every healer as much interrupt/stopping power as VDH had in its prime. Here is how I believe the responsibilities should be divided in M+: -Tank responsibilities: 1. Survive 2. Keep aggro -DPS responsibilities: 1. DPS 2. Don't step in shit (anything more complicated than this takes away from both the DPS's purpose and mine) -Healer responsibilities: 1. Everyone but the tank's survival There can be some overlap, but never enough to be the determining factor in success or failure. Ultimately: Healer and Tank determine whether a key can be completed. DPS determine whether a key can be timed.
@friedbones8227 16 часов назад
I stopped healing on my Resto Shaman because Bliz nurfed the talents to the point I stopped. In Legion & BFA I was really comfortable healing, but struggled in Shadowlands and did not bother in Dragonflight. If they are doing this to tanks and healers? Good luck with balance...I've never understood why they would nurf to balance instead of buffing those that needed it instead.
@MsSatan12 17 часов назад
The best Heal performents I had in Shadowlands the input from the adds was well balanced and some of the bosses were challenging
@jojoboynat 17 часов назад
Man shaved, got a haircut, and changed outfit in seconds! What a king!
@LilysLofiStation 18 часов назад
as a healer main its annoying to be chillin then randomly your entire group is on 5% hp in the blink of an eye.
@ChrisBellamy-nb3cz 3 часа назад
but this is only the situation when they fail moving most of the time u can prepare very well to certain mechanics.
@LilysLofiStation 2 часа назад
@@ChrisBellamy-nb3cz Yeah most of the time sure, but the amount of random 1 shots that can happen just cause of 1 mistake is wild. and annoying as a healer cause im allways the one who gets blamed for other peoples incompetence.
@DrGashingtons 21 час назад
As a resto shaman I would end up taking extra melee dps just to make sure the rain lands on the targets for acid rain. They should add a talent. Or add a toggle for it to hit a tank
@robertoctavian9908 23 часа назад
I would 100% trade dps for more healing & managing mana during fights making smart choices about who and what ability to use. It so boring just to heal 3 people to 100% than smash de 1,2,3 keys for dmg.
@YTLGames День назад
Three Three Three Not tree
@ninjaturtlesoup2769 День назад
this doesn’t look fun at all
@Vandrin_Steele День назад
Overall I'm happy with the changes. Burst damage at higher keys is rough in DF. Missing one interrupt, and you lose a dps instantly. It is why DH became the only tank worth playing past 10s to most pug groups/push groups. I don't want to see tanks feeling like they have to kite, but they should not be healing more than healers. As far as healer dps, I like the idea of being in a good place healing wise to contribute, but it feels like a mandatory thing thing currently, and that doesn't feel great. I like the direction Blizzard wants to take, I just hope they can find a healthy spot.
@TheRobinTaylor День назад
Healers should heal. Tanks should tank. Dps should Dps. Period.
@mich437 День назад
I like at least what they try to do they need to make it less spiky maybe add another difficulkty just after the ilvl increase to get another affix for people who care about pushing as high as they can but for the rest just make more rot daamage and don t do this 1 shot spike abilites where we have 8 seconds to have everybody full again and if they didn t use a def cd or help they fie that sucks in pugs.
@HESOMADBRO День назад
I get that healers want to feel powerful, but having 80% of the group at the mercy of a bad healer is worse than anything else. Healers are not the only ones that should have a say in how the role works.
@roeibi88 День назад
Good luck healing a Blood DK
@xantureo 16 часов назад
If he dies in 1 sec and says where are the heals I'll juist make a meme from him...
@HESOMADBRO День назад
The optimal healer gameplay will always be to heal the required bare minimum so nobody dies and then to maximize DPS/utility. Blizz can't take the healing requirement higher and higher, because while good healers might manage it and DPS a little after, average healers would fail at just healing already. You don't have to enjoy that gameplay, but it will never change.
@hazztalent День назад
Hey brother,d o you have a link to your Elv ui profile? its dope!
@dertwerst День назад
Haircut looks good man
@BoxxiCS2 День назад
Can you link me your weak auras for resto shaman
@Eshu5264 День назад
Those changes may not be bad for tanks who know how to play. But in low/mid keys there a lot of tanks who are learning, or who have no idea how to tank and as a healer I have to babysit them even in DF. Most of that tanks just copy/paste talents from website (and they are created for and by pro tanks who know their role), but have no idea how to play. They literally don't know mechanics of their class. This is why, in my opinion, tanks should have more passive mitigations and use defensive skills only for bigger damage spikes...
@maximenadeau9453 День назад
I don't like healing tanks, but I know it's better for the game.
@roeibi88 День назад
How is it better for the game if people don't enjoy it? Forget about traditional gameplay, we should have fun when we play.
@gmichielon День назад
​@@roeibi88 yea...forget being a Healer, Lets DPS right?
@Mooseplatoon День назад
It's *very debatably* better for the game IF they design endgame content around it, which they haven't. As is, if they don't do a large scale pass on M+ and raid to a lesser extent, they will have given healers an extra headache and given tanks less agency. If they feel they need to make a paradigm shift a month from launch I feel that they should've tackled the actual problem and pruned defensives. Instead, they've placed themselves in a situation where if they mess things up both healing and tanking feel worse, and if they succeed, healing feels marginally better and tanking still feels worse. It's so close to being a lose-lose situation that I am baffled that they would take the risk before an expansion launch. A good first impression is vital for player retention, and they need a proof of concept to sell people on the "Worldsoul Saga".
@roeibi88 23 часа назад
@@gmichielon making tank less self sustain is not what will fix healers. this already been talked deeply also by the top healers of the game. remove defensive and give less external healing to dps players.
@emarcoscr День назад
People will have to understand that it is necessary to play as a team and know the mechanics😮 OK, OK... It's just a dream 🤣
@AlexanderHyll День назад
I want the survival of the group to be a joint effort between the tank and healer. Tanks should not be playing a solo scenario. This is great! Tuning needed tho.
@morkanz6998 День назад
Fully agree, this is an MMO and a RPG. Tanks need healing
@93emilio1337 День назад
Weird time dialation counts as healing xD
@robinpate3822 День назад
As à healer, there is nothing more boring than spending half your time doing dps. I Ve never enjoyed the game more than in S1 from shadowlands with these pridefall epic moments and would gladly come back to a setting where healer is under pressure to provide strong consistent healing.
@jcclcreations7909 День назад
Tank healing has got stupid. When Blood DK's are top of the charts and other tanks aren't far behind, why even have a healer except for the group. I've been playing since Vanilla. I've been a healer since then, and the amount of time healers now DPS is not why I want to heal. I want to heal to you know, heal. If I wanted to DPS I'd play a DPS.
@mochi_pochi_ День назад
Please no spikey damage. I just want keys to be fun again where I don't have to stop playing at 18s because we don't have enough defensives to survive
@danielmooreorless День назад
Just my opinion from this expansion as a healer I never bother healing tanks much because the health pools are so huge our heals do so little for them its kinda pointless might aswell be responsible for their own survival if that remains the case it is fun sometimes being able to drag a sub par tank through a dungeon but that isn't possible in dragonflight I feel.
@coreyl33tist72 День назад
they legit have no clue. they are listening to the heroic dungeon animals. dont worry kiting, and running to dps is the meta coming
@demonbrent День назад
i really cant get my head around playing pres been trying for a few days now and it just doesnt come to me... however i absolutely love my priest right now they have and give everything i need except a kick still dont have a kick spell or a 2nd cc option outside of fear
@travislebaube7646 День назад
I hate targeted one shots. I love mechanical one shots. I do very much like the idea that all of the interruptable/stunable one shot mechanics gets changed to something that just sucks for the player (the damage decrease is great, would make dps care more). Thank you for the video! I enjoy the thought experiments you create with them!
@travislebaube7646 День назад
Interesting thought: How about player health increases after key level 12? Not damage or healing output. It would make it where one shots don't happen as much on higher key levels, but the healer has to REALLY focus on getting health up because there is so much more. I feel that could be the one piece missing to bridge the gap when it comes to higher competitive key levels and not having to feel like there needs to be so many defensives required to survive normally not deadly mechanics.
@triala79 День назад
When I'm playing a healer, I want to heal. I want to make those big saves. I don't mind throwing in dps spells in between healing, but ideally I'm reading the battlefield, predicting the damage patterns, and responding with the right heal and/or utility at the right time. I want to matter in the dungeon and coming back to DF at the end of xpac it feels like healing is a secondary role.
@stonek542 День назад
Tanks should never do more healing than healers. DPS should never be the primary focus of healers. Never do like FF14 where healing is almost a secondary task borderline boring and the focus is dpsing.
@thoriphes2007 День назад
"Healers don't like having to heal a tank." I guess I have been away for a long time.
@Sungaze-px3rb День назад
I don't know, watching all these tests of tanks and healers, different specs, different dungeons, only saw one finished in the timer, saw a few finished past the timer, but mostly saw most not finished at all. The dungeons have too many pools and effects. And on a side note, they need to fix rogues as well. Most are playing for drops, and not to be ritually tortured by dark occultists, owls. And blizzard, you're owls.