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@Morgan24_7 10 минут назад
No, you aren't wrong.
@firdasaadah8459 13 минут назад
In asian, you will be long dead if you say that to older people. That is so damn rude. Well asian traditions is always to respect older people, we are not supposed to even call older people their name but like miss, mr, or madam. So, i am not one to speak about white people tradition, just comparation 😂
@TookiesWRLD 16 минут назад
What are they cooking
@zacharywimer7995 22 минуты назад
Your wife needs to get over herself kids should not be entitled or spoil they need punishment
@buffchicken8201 26 минут назад
At first: yeah, yta "Im basically allergic to app-": NTA
@charlottegeary8541 27 минут назад
You are right but I wouldn't give them a penny.
@LadyAngela678 35 минут назад
Common sense aint so common
@smartaMartini 37 минут назад
Yes, you are wrong. Hope that helps. Just kidding, but how dumb is this story? Who cares what they think?
@elenatheartistandgamer2001 42 минуты назад
Kelly has her own way of showing affection and there's nothing wrong with that. The mother isn't wrong for saying she's buying both of them the same gift but she is wrong for saying Lexi is more talented, pretty, and keeps relationships so there's some bias.
@heatherstrange3717 44 минуты назад
That's fine if she wants to be like that spend that money on something fun for the two of you and if the worst comes to pass you can let her know she had that option at one time but she got upset when you were looking out for her so now she can figure it out on her own I wish I had had parents like that
@kathylutz5461 51 минуту назад
Nta... You are well within your rights to do what you've done. Protect your little sister and to hell with those who think they know better than you. They did not live your horrible life you did and so did your little sister. They need to mind their own business stay in their own lane. You hold your head high and move forward with your little sister and keep doing what you're doing❤❤❤❤
@bethtowle8642 55 минут назад
We say that all the time in my family. We don't find it rude at all. Who knew?
@user-pd5ze6fy1k 56 минут назад
I think he just already knew how to make a square into a smaller square 😅
@MayarAlsanbi Час назад
No, but your wife is wrong. If you still let him do this one he will do something more bigger so you have to know how to behave like your mother
@insaneco Час назад
I'm from Ireland and this would be a normal phrase and not meant as an offensive jab at all
@Tionois Час назад
Boyfriend of 2 months... mo harm done. Good luck to him on his hunt of a perfect, period-less girl.
@lanclincunningham12 Час назад
If Mil can't take it she should not give it.
@CUTESWON Час назад
The flashbacks i got from this. My mum would very often give the "ugh go make yourself useful and do..." If you dont think its rude you should consider the implication that statement makes that the person isnt useful unless they are working or doing something for others.
@naz8422 Час назад
Very wholesome and educational experience
@KnottyLumon Час назад
Since they got $10k each, they have no right to complain!
@Tionois Час назад
Great communication skills on the side of the mother, and good for OP for finally getting context they weren't aware of!
@keisharice9892 Час назад
I don't feel you were wrong. It's your preference on who you would like to date. Especially if you put it on your profile that you like fit women. I don't know what she was thinking. She set herself up for that eye opener. I loved how you were still respectful to her and explained to her once again your preferences just in case she couldn't read.🤎🥂😊
@leighnisbett9691 Час назад
Op tell CPS about this and let them handle it , it would backlash against your family members who have enabled this to happen .
@ana5301 Час назад
I don't know why Americans confuse thin with healthy... for example, I'm not overweight, I used to be really fit, but not healthy.
@justrandomme6084 Час назад
I'm liking this because of the video. Lol. That food looks amazing. I'm so hungry now. Anyway, your food, you should pay. You should always have that as default but If a gentleman would want to pay then he pays but it's not an obligation... especially nowadays... I guess.
@firdasaadah8459 Час назад
Well i wonder why all other people here criticize the parent so hard, yes i agree the parent only says about lexy so beautiful and all, and nope for Kelly are scream for indiscriminate, but what their parent did about the gift, that's uterly not wrong! And about the family attitude? Please, it's required to work hard to get something, no free food just bcs you are young, that's just spoiled the child. I will educated the young to work more in the relationship with the whole family if you want better treatment from them, that's give and take, and i will just give my children the same treatment, but not for the rest of the world, bcs they are not entitled to do that to my child, just bcs she is my child. But well, without the child knowing, i will repremind the aunt and other too not to do that and explain why they shouldn't do that.😂 But still, the other family don't have responbility to give same treatment to my child, bcs, it's just human nature, it's hard to build relationship. And if you don't want to build the relationship, then, you also must accept the difference in treatment.😅
@MohibaKharouf Час назад
Honestly I think you ARE wrong
@lujaenalsaleh9316 2 часа назад
You are not right bcz a mother doesn’t want her child hated 😢
@broiamtellingyouthatyousuck 2 часа назад
Well, relationship with aunts and uncle is kid's own things, and you cant just tell them "love me too" because you cant expect that kind of affection without showing affection first, i had this same situation with my aunt and uncle and all what i did was actually improve the relationship instead of complaining, and yes buying both ipads is not considered favouritism
@helenwichrowski1859 2 часа назад
Hy offer yourself to help if you didn't mean it?
@toniirion5225 2 часа назад
The dad has already picked his favorite. I see a n/c coming up very soon. Hey, Dad go over all this again. You've already made it clear that you love Lexi way more than Kelly. Your lose her very soon. But, honestly it seems like y'all all would do so much better if everyone went n/c with Kelly. I think itwould be much healthier for her. Because each of you have already showed who the favorite is. The only thing i can say is i doubt it all as one sided as you think. Because it never is. I really wish you would put a lot of space between you and Kelly because the way your treating Kelly is very, very wrong.
@marishkaspirit 2 часа назад
Not your problem anymore. Enjoy retirement. As you said they are all adults, youngest is 21. They can all get jobs and take care of themsepves, plus they already said they don't consider you their parents so you are free of all obligatorions. Go and Live your best life
@KitTeaKat7 2 часа назад
That’s nicer than some bio parents.
@ShiKageMaru 2 часа назад
Texts are great because it's easy to prove they committed a crime and they even conspired against you if they knew. Admitting to crimes over texts isn't smart but it's super common.
@haleybuckner6743 3 часа назад
Not saying your wrong but lexi being spoiled and kelly not doesn't seem fair
@sanddagger36 3 часа назад
"sole custody over" that's not just your sister, that is your child.
@troompaloompa7618 3 часа назад
My mom used this casually growing up I didn't think it was rude...
@ArtemensiaK 3 часа назад
NTA If she wants it her way, she can have it. These are the (grand)mothers boundaries and this child, and she is still a child at 19 years old and this attitude, can see what the adult world can be like.
@florilestari44 3 часа назад
Well my sisters and parents said that all the time whenever we have banquet or small gatherings, so I learnt how to set up plates and restock foods, and none of our family members got offended. But it's different when you have in laws now who are nurturing coddling 😅😅
@deandreyarbrough7598 3 часа назад
It's not about your sacrifice, cause that's what we do for family
@jaxonhopkins2691 3 часа назад
What is the name of the food in the background?
@runa8354 3 часа назад
The type of birth control making you have no periods is putting your body in a state of menopause instead of a constant pregnancy. A friend of mine takes that type for her severe endometriosis. It really messes with your body and she won't recommend it if you don't have issues.
@BlueRazor69 3 часа назад
It depends on the context.
@PerOnnai 4 часа назад
Bro should have switched to Xbox 😂
@InesTaniewska 4 часа назад
Shit bro like she came and said I NEED MONEY GEME GEME MONEYYYY ..like brooo
@potocatepetl 4 часа назад
darling, run, don't just go!
@filippijv1 4 часа назад
Situations like this make me wonder how many of us have generations of normalized condescension and contempt and trauma. Objectively speaking anything in a tone can be negative. In general this is a rude and disrespectful way to speak to an elder. You would expect to get spoken to like this by a parent or elder. I speak multiple languages, all languages have a hierarchy of how you speak to whom. To my girlfriend's mother, "thank you for offering i need help with..." I also understand that we speak more in slang, common vernacular or generalized terms that we use and hear so much that we say it without a second thought. How often do we speak and not analyze what is coming out of our mouths, where we heard it, and in what context is it used and the origin of it. Language is fascinating bc even now, how many phrases do we no longer say bc you just can't say that anymore but were not said with malice or with a tone. The south has the famous "bless your heart" I had a similar experience in Spanish, as the phrase is, out of the goodness of your heart can you... I heard this growing up all the time, well at 10 I asked an uncle if out of the goodness of his heart can he pass the salt. The entire table of adults stopped and stared at me. Turns out you don't speak to your elders that way and it is a condescending phrase said in an ironic way, even though there was no tone or ill intention behind it, I learned similar lessons many times in different languages lol.
@NoESanity 4 часа назад
Bs. This is a simple contract case. If the roommate isn't on the lease, it's not one of his assets for her to have even a hope of a claim on, even if she paid for it cash. If this was real, his lawyer would have just put in a dismissal on standing.
@rebeccajodhiwilliams182 4 часа назад
Nope u make the rules now
@mrsbluesky8415 4 часа назад
Just move. Your sister is exhausting