Misty Sparkles
Misty Sparkles
Misty Sparkles
This account has officially devolved into an inconsistent cry for help.
Fandom Can't Handle Asexuality
4 месяца назад
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Escargoon Squad | Kirby Breakdowns
2 года назад
The Fofa Factor | Kirby Breakdowns
4 года назад
Un-Reality TV | Kirby Breakdowns
5 лет назад
Kirby's Duel Role | Kirby Breakdowns
6 лет назад
DHMIS Plot Breakdown
7 лет назад
War Flashbacks
8 лет назад
Don't Hug Me I'm Screaming
9 лет назад
@wowie-zowie 21 час назад
I ate four hotdogs yesterday and I'm paying the price
@marikafukuroi86 21 час назад
i mean why does it matter. it's not like every gay ship is canon.
@EscapeReality123 23 часа назад
Oh Gaster is ABSOLUTELY important to Deltarune, I'm so glad there are still people out there who treat him seriously and not only as a joke or "a little ester egg to find". 1:16 Also, a little note here: we actually do have a confirmation that The_Mystery_Man Sprite is, in fact, Gaster. We can see it in merch (specifically in tarot cards), and yes, the merch is canon (The proof for that can be a fact that some of the art on the tarot cards have been changed by Toby Fox before he approved them and made available for purchase - if the merch wouldn't be canon why would he bother)
@meiam7557 День назад
I LOVE the idea of Alastor and Angel as friends eventually. Just the idea of him coming to value him as a person and Angel maybe casually referring to him as Asexual, and Alastor laughing and saying something dismissive. Angel catches on and starts to try and teach him about the different attractions and such because he realizes this crazy old Overlord might actually be clueless.
@MKG-2033 День назад
I can’t believe it’s been so long since undertale’s release and even since chapter 2 came out that there will be a genuine portion of player who will get to the end and meet Gaster and have no clue who he is or where he came from.
@MKG-2033 День назад
Imagine for a minute: You’re somebody who didn’t play undertale and you don’t know anything about it, save a few of the memes or the music or something(which was me quite a few years back) and you get deltarune cuz it’s free and looks like fun and you like the first two chapters so you get the full game(if it ever comes out) you never play any of the side quests or beat the secret bosses and you get all the way to the end of the series, just to discover this random character you’ve never heard of was behind basically everything that happened to that point. But other people you’ve seen play aren’t confused and seem excited to see him, being like “It’s Gaster! I knew he’d be there!” And so, in the end, you spend hours on end researching some random character who was a secret character like golden Freddy where you could only encounter them on a random chance, you find Matpat’s old theories and all kinds of analysis videos and realize all the clue and secrets you missed over the years hidden in those side quests and secret bosses you never did(or right in front of you) and feel like a total moron for taking this game at face value and never looking deeper. That’s going to be somebody, mark my words if this damn series ever concludes someone will have a moment of realization like that.
@juliaburkholder4213 День назад
I like that you address both sides of the issue here; policing fandom is pointless and generally kills the vibe but people still need to treat asexual characters more respectfully. Imo the interesting thing about writing any kind of relationship/dynamic with Alastor is that because of who he is as a person it automatically becomes a test to his character or a crack in his armor- what's the emotionless serial killer supposed to do when suddenly he's invested in someone else? Would he repress affectionate feelings, express them under the guise of something else, et cetera. For me the emotional drama is the real juicy stuff, and its better quality if you can get it in a way that compromises his canon as little as possible. Just my opinion
@skyesthelimitro День назад
To the ship haters and fun police: Alastor is always going to be aroace, shippers can't ruin that for you. They can have their fun in their ship circles without it being a slight at you, me, or any other acespec person. It's not offensive to ship an aroace character any more than it is to put a straight character in a gay ship or a gay character in a straight ship. You don't need to die on this hill.
@braidennuggies День назад
that picture of spock and kirk going at it made me so grossed out that i burped vomit foam
@braidennuggies День назад
mccoy is my favorite and deserved better
@braidennuggies День назад
hey, im a filthy hermit who will die alone! =D
@ArmadilloPerson408 2 дня назад
gaster is jesus christ just belive me
@floafy567 2 дня назад
very cool pathetic man eldritch horror canon asexual represention character is jonathan sims from the magnus archives 🌅⭐️🎉✅ i love him
@RoatingM0th 2 дня назад
More people need to realize that people that dont want to date or have sex exist
@milanp.bathari59 2 дня назад
I'm not a hater but.. I can't help to say that alastor actually maybe and in fact have a crush on someone.. But I think he doesn't currently have in this season.. And maybe we'll get to know better about alastor soon (and maybe his relationship with vox) and I'm just saying this because that could actually happen (again not hating)
@spencertrusque7966 3 дня назад
I'm not even ace and even I find the rampant sexualizing of Alastor really uncomfortable. Much as I love romantic shipping in general, I really love using Alastor to explore all the non romantic forms of affection. It's especially fun because he's so villain coded that you can sort of not notice how affectionate he actually is.
@networkofneurons 3 дня назад
I got here from a nasty food comp with the sb foghorn sfx
@thel0stv1llag35 3 дня назад
“ Beware the man who comes from the other world “ could imply that gaster can travel between deltarunes reality and undertales reality, as he was shattered across time and space
@ConvenientlyShapedUsername 3 дня назад
"Aces/aros can still have occasional attraction, split attraction or want relationships for other reasons" Fandoms: OH THAT MEANS IT'S LIKE THAT EVERY TIME "No-"
@ConvenientlyShapedUsername 3 дня назад
I didn't even watch the video before commenting that, 🤝🤝
@kat1652 3 дня назад
21:17 where is this scene played?
@DivineBeingOfJustice 3 дня назад
@kat1652 3 дня назад
​@@DivineBeingOfJustice how do you get this scene? i played the game already but it's my first time seeing this :0
@DivineBeingOfJustice 3 дня назад
@@kat1652 you beat chapter 2 and when the queen is holding you asriel will tell you about the roaring
@akkun4868 4 дня назад
Honestly when Rosie said that Alastor is "an ace in the hole" I thought she meant that he is "such a charmer" that it doesn't really matter with who he is he can get all the ladies incuding ones like Charlie lol
@Plazix999 4 дня назад
Why has nobody ever mentioned this: what if gaster’s second possible sprite is his back? We never actually see the backside of him in the mystery man sprite so if he was shattered apart then what if his back half is in a different location?
@thepowerscaler5217 4 дня назад
It is very possible that Gaster is from Deltarune but got transported to Undertale, although I don’t exactly have much proof except for one line lol. (Like most theories involving Gaster.) When you take a ride from the River Person he has a chance to say quote: “Beware the man who came from another world.” Due to the fact that he’s also the one who said quote: “Beware the man who speaks in hands.” I have reason to believe that Gaster may just be from Deltarune but slipping into his creation caused him to travel to Undertale, which makes sense as he was shattered through time and space. It would also explain why nobody remembers him because, well, he’s not originally from Undertale and he’s no longer present in Deltarune. It also explains why he’s such a mystery. Note: This is probably far from the case, but I just wanted to share my thoughts rq. I came up with this kind of on the spot and didn’t do much research so there’s probably something I’m missing that entirely debunks this theory lol. Edit: I completely forgot about Goner Kid until now, but if we take what they said, while vague, it can help my theory here just a little bit. What if, perhaps, Goner Kid was mentioning Deltarune? A world where Gaster doesn’t exist. One that functions perfectly without him, but now, that he exists in Undertale, the monsters are all trapped underground and everything is far from perfect? It’s a long shot but it makes sense. And it would make sense that Goner Kid would know about Deltarune as they don’t exactly seem to be much for the world of Undertale, since they disappear soon after you speak to them and don’t appear at all if your fun value isn’t high or low enough. But that is purely speculation.
@TaliesintheBard-wd2sz 4 дня назад
I find it ironic as well as sad that they straightened Jughead in some 90s storylines and Riverdale because they thought his aroaceness was limiting to the plot, considering that he was written in the first place as a plot device to foil the melodramatic love lives of those around him.
@Sir_J4ck 4 дня назад
As an ace aro, I feel a lot under represented and noone gives a fuck
@TaliesintheBard-wd2sz 4 дня назад
We’ll always have Sir Dinadan. Except in La Tavola Ritonda. Uh… We’ll always have Galahad. Except in Crop-Eared Dog. Uh… We’ll always have the Grail Heroine. (Yes, we will. But she shows up once.)
@_-pingas- 4 дня назад
Honestly, I thought you were going to do it in this one but here is my theory: First let me show you why hamster links undertake and deltarune. “Beware from the man who came from another world” Gaster is from undertale but when he “fell into his creation” he was shattered and went into different worlds. “Darker yet darker” sounds like a DARKWORLD that’s right Gaster was investigating the dark worlds, that’s why the “photon readings negative” Gaster had tried to open a darkworld/ further investigate it as we know dark worlds can be ANYWHERE so then he fell into the darkworld and it turned into a regular room, practically taking him straight out of reality. But how is he shattered across reality? Because whenever a darkworld opens part of Gaster is there, notice how in Deltarune when Lancer leaves the darkworld he becomes an object? Because he doesn’t exist outside of the darkworld but because Susie and Kris remember him he isn’t lost. Anyways this is just my theory so what do you guys think?
@Meirdom 4 дня назад
I think they just meant ass in the hole but okay.
@christinewhoyt 4 дня назад
Could be both! Would fit Rosie and Alastor dynamic as far as we know.
@puraidoeustass 4 дня назад
I (aego aro/ace) remember a convo with my friend, she wanted to write a fanfic with Alastor and an OC but she wasn't sure if asexual people could have sex at all. She was even contemplating changing his sexuality for this fic. This felt very icky. The convo was definitely wild. (She didn't write it after all. Alastor is too complicated for her.) And I'm here with my aro/ace OC as Alastors pre-death tax benefit wife who secretly was a killer as well and after death, they meet up in hell again. They support each other in their evil schemes. It's very fun to imagine and write.
@BumbleBeeQueen-qv8xg 4 дня назад
Why did the "DONT LOOK AT TWITTER, LOOK AT ME!" Have me rolling on the floor 💀
@aceofspades3533 5 дней назад
I greatly appreciate this. Fandom has been a very hostile place to ace interpretations or the extremely rare ace character. This world is so overly sexualized as it is, I don't understand why they can't just let us have even a little representation.
@dinosaurusrex1482 5 дней назад
4:50 technically Bi is both male and female while Pan is everyone, although I'm not quite sure myself under what scenarios this distinction is important
@christinewhoyt 4 дня назад
actually the newest definition is bisexual means to two gender. (actually that's more my interpretation) Because Bi people can still be attracted to non-binary people and transgender people. Not everyone wants to change labels.
@Cap_master29 5 дней назад
You know another thing that helps the case of spr_mysteryman being Gaster is that both it and some of the Gaster Followers + Clam Girl use a sound called snd_mysterygo and due to the fact the Gaster Followers use it the sound is tied to Gaster.
@MichaelDarrow-tr1mn 5 дней назад
about the music thing: check the intervals. if it doesn't go up a semitione, up a perfect fifth, down a perfect fifth, and down a semitone, it's not correct.
@whywouldyoudothat1346 6 дней назад
@naomicameron9646 6 дней назад
i know your an ace in the hole: a what now:
@TH3V0ID. 6 дней назад
I feel like I’m one of the VERY FEW people who actually don’t ship Alastor in a sexual or romantic way 😭 I ship one sided radiostatic (obsessed Vox) and queerplatonic radioapple (two fathers for Charlie yippee)
@PHN3 6 дней назад
3:59 I think that your Gaster voice sounds like you're perpetually about to burst into laughter.
@theawsomesausesquad6512 7 дней назад
14:44 tbh that would be hilarious and i hope this is canon
@emilieshojo5506 7 дней назад
Mae ya se que una video de hace 2 años pero sique me has recontra bien troleado Con la segunda parte !
@johnthedoe051 7 дней назад
Why is twilight next to calling ace "filthy hermit who will die alone" what did she do?
@infinitygm451 7 дней назад
"It wouldn't be very big shot of Gaster to make the seizure warning indecipherable" - My favourite line
@namelessnavnls8060 8 дней назад
My guess to the cause of this phenomenon is when ace characters like this are written sexy. Alastor is the very definition of a Tumblr Sexyman. But he's meant to be this untouchable, scary beast. And by untouchable. I MEAN _UN_TOUCHABLE.. Lol. It personally amuses me that people get all hot and bothered that other people don't like them drawing him sexy, like the hot and bothered people will DIE if they don't get to draw Al porn. I get both sides, I just don't care that much as to really *pick* one to defend. - Love, a probably Demisexual person who was scared out of accepting that label confidently by very angry gatekeeping that tries to say "oh you're not eXACTLY like this so you're not one of us" /lh /hj
@mahdizrin 8 дней назад
15:27 this fucking killed me
@WARCRIMES.0 8 дней назад
the sans, Papyrus, and Gaster all smile in their sprites, in the picture, 3 people smile, maybe the note on the picture that said “don’t forget” is from Gaster telling sans and Papyrus to not forget him and their bond, implying that they were at the very least very very very close friends
@WARCRIMES.0 8 дней назад
the other possible sprite of Gaster could be just another piece of Gaster’s being
@Webb_Studios 8 дней назад
@Rikrobat 8 дней назад
Bro might be a psychopath, but my ace ass loves his design and I'm happy to have him in our corner.
@thegreenbeast5178 8 дней назад
deltarune is perfect, id say cant imagine i ever called it a worse undertale, before i played it like a year after it came out
@Kiss_My_Aspergers 8 дней назад
The way you said, "and they're both hot as hell-!" sounded so genuine that for the briefest moment I was super fucking confused lmao