Down To Earth With Jim
Down To Earth With Jim
Down To Earth With Jim
Growing our own food from our allotment to try and be more self sufficient, and sharing the journey with the world of RU-vid. Hopefully I can teach you something along the way. Based in Lancashire, UK 🧑🏻‍🌾

For collabs, reviews, or just general queries, email:

✉️ James.evans.gardening97@gmail.com

⚠️ PLEASE NOTE: I am UK based ⚠️
@yevpt 19 часов назад
Hey James! When to you get an open day for a tour to your allotment?
@ChrisGardenAllotmentJour-pr3en 20 часов назад
sweetcorn needs wind to pollinate & produce fruit, how do you do that in a polytunnel ?
@downtoearthwithjim 20 часов назад
I'll be giving the 'tassles' a shake to let the pollen drop onto the ears of corn. I did this a few years ago in the greenhouse and had some good cobs!
@ChrisGardenAllotmentJour-pr3en 20 часов назад
@@downtoearthwithjim That sounds good to me
@downtoearthwithjim 20 часов назад
@@ChrisGardenAllotmentJour-pr3en that's providing they actually grow 😂 they are still tiny
@strifamne1749 22 часа назад
Hi, new subscriber 🙂 Not sure on the exact height but if you can get your carrots raised 2 preferably 3 feet off the ground, carrot root fly won't be able to fly up that high. Apparently they're low-flying...erm...flies. I grow mine in containers perched on a wall and on shelf higher up. Never had issues with carrot root fly. Ofc, having various other issues this year but who isn't ?! Thanks for your vids. 👍
@downtoearthwithjim 20 часов назад
Hi there! And cheers! 🙂 I'm thinking of growing more carrots in those 30 litre buckets next time. They've been fine in that one bucket on the bench in the greenhouse. It's a shame though as I have 2 nice raised beds for them but there's just so many issues. You'd think carrot root fly would be more determined and fly a little higher to reach the carrots given their name 😂
@strifamne1749 17 часов назад
@@downtoearthwithjim i think 'carrot root jump' would be a better name 😄
@jimstormcrow День назад
Did you dig the shavings into the soil or is it just a mulch?
@downtoearthwithjim 20 часов назад
It was lightly dug in, before I even realized it was riddled with shavings. As I said, it just looked like dark muck when I applied it last autumn. Absolute pain, should turn to compost by next year 😂
@jimstormcrow 19 часов назад
@@downtoearthwithjim yeah. I mulch with wood shavings but I never dig them in at all. I reckon it was definitely the horse poo though. I put that on my cold compost heap, to make sure that it's well rotted before I dig it in.
@downtoearthwithjim 19 часов назад
@@jimstormcrow I've heard other plot holders having little to no growth on plants they put manure on. If I ever use it again it will be well composted in the pallet bay system I'll be setting up.
@lindahedley9049 День назад
I’ve got not once used horse manure, never again, the weeds were horrendous, I weeded every other day for well over a year.
@downtoearthwithjim 20 часов назад
Weeds are terrible for me every year, the worst ones are the tiny ones that require tedious picking out one by one! All in the beds with manure in. Another reason why I'm not using horse manure again
@michaelajohnston1009 День назад
I love the little harvest ❤
@downtoearthwithjim 20 часов назад
Thank you! 😊 ❤️
@bewoodford2807 День назад
You could make a nettle tea to restore nitrogen to your soil if you feel it's deficient. I use a mix of horse manure and mushroom compost and have been delighted with my crops. I have had huge cabbages and calabrese heads. The purple sprouting cropped fpr age and I had a heavy harvest from them. Just cropped my overwintering onions, (toughball) and they were huge. Lettuces havea been glorious. My failure was carrots too. Just couldn't get much germination, even with new seed. Going tot have one more try this month, with Nantes, and Autumn KIng3 and Eskimo. I underestimated the height of my pea supports and my peas have gone a bit wild too. I have had a reasonable harvest from them- they would have done better if I'd got the supports correct. A few of my Golden beetroot have bolted but the bolthardy seems to be holding up. I have so many beds to clear/sprt out. Not weedy just the crops themselves are overgrown, not harvested or bolted. I have been picking sweet peas for 3 weeks now. I am so pleased with them. I picked 200 blooms last night. Picking every week to keep the flowers coming. The stems seem exceptionally long this year- due to the very wet spring? My rhubarb started well early in the season but it is absolutely abysmal now. I have cut all the leaves and hoping it re-sprouts healthily. I only have a few parsnip plants as again, like the carrots, terrible germination. By the way the heavy rain over winter/spring will have depleted the soil of nutrients so it will need plenty of help to produce good healthy plants. Have you bought a soil test kit to see how healthy your soil is and what deficiencies it might have? I had birds flying into my greenhouse pecking my peppers last year. This year I have put a mesh over my open door and so far, touch wood, the peppers seem to be doing ok. Glad your tomatoes in your small greenhouse are doing well. Happy gardening 🙂
@downtoearthwithjim 20 часов назад
Hi! 😊 I've got plenty of nettles on the rough side of my plot so that's a possibility! Or comfrey feed as there's lots of that. Rather than horse manure I'd like to be making my own compost in bulk using pallet bays. Work in progress of course. That'll add plenty of nutrients and then I'll be using chicken pellets. Yes it's been an incredibly wet winter, spring, and it's even wet still! I'm gutted about my sweet peas this year they've done terrible, usually they are amazing. Might be getting a bit late with rhubarb as I think it's better in spring, starts getting tough/stringy later on. Happy growing to you!
@juliagad День назад
Glad things are growing for you at last! Im sorry to say (and i think someone said it above) but im glad im not the only one, its really helpful you vlog the failures as well as the success, so thank you for that 😊 I'm in North Manchester and the weather is absolutely shite. Only had 2 days of sun, then just rain and cold. No wonder its a slug rave in my garden 🙄
@downtoearthwithjim 20 часов назад
It's relentless isn't it, seems to be no end to the deluge apart from the odd couple of days of sun. Been this way for the last 2-3 years I've noticed. The overhanging trees next to my plot are leaning further and further over and my plot only gets the sun till 1pm latest now. This is slowing things down and making things better for slugs!
@Feelgoodgardens День назад
Hi Jim Just found your channel thanks to RU-vid showing it to me..... I enjoyed this episode and can certainly relate to the slug damage on an allotment. I've subscribed! Lovely introduction too 👍😄
@downtoearthwithjim 20 часов назад
Hey! Glad you enjoyed! The slugs are getting worse and worse! But it has been so wet. Thanks for the sub 😊 and happy growing!
@traceypotts9425 День назад
Why are you feeding the wild life and not yourself omg it doesn't seem to suit you this game I would be so pissed waist of time
@downtoearthwithjim День назад
This is a vlog documenting the real stuff - highs and lows of gardening and how challenging it can be. Not just for me but everyone. Nobody has a perfect allotment or garden and we all have failures, some years worse than others. None of it is a waste** of time, they are lessons and I may not be the best gardener in the world but I am passionate about what I do, have been since I was a child. Noody has to be a professional at their hobby and something they enjoy. I always look at the positive side of everything, not just in gardening but in life in general. So your negative comment is unwelcome here and is not my channel's vibe.
@mygardenanddinosaurs День назад
Hiya Jim. I’m glad things are picking up for you. Your third lot of onions are looking the best, as you say, but hopefully the others will get there in the end. No idea about your pepper plants I’m afraid. I’d Google that one to death as it is such a shame that your peppers are being damaged. Are there any critters inside them to give you a clue? I have my first tomatoes and peppers forming but it is slow going. Not getting above 16c for the foreseeable either. Hey ho! Have a great week. Mags
@downtoearthwithjim День назад
It's a bit of a mystery to be honest! My first thought was slugs, Google is saying armyworms or fruit worms.. I've not seen anything on them except for slugs. Had the same happen last year but saw no caterpillar looking bugs on there whatsoever. I'm stubborn so I'll still find a way to eat the holey ones 😂 It's honestly THE worst year on the plot by far. The plot doesn't even look green and lush. It's usually at its best in July! I hope you have a fantastic week despite the weather 🧑🏻‍🌾
@layfamilyyarn День назад
Hi Jim, as a first year allotment holder and veg grower I am learning so much for you, thank you for sharing the challenges as well as your success. Is it ok to use straw or does that affect the soil like wood shavings?
@downtoearthwithjim День назад
Thank you for watching! I'm glad I can help in some way. I'm being as transparent and honest as I can. This growing season is a challenge and the worst I've had in 5 years on the plot. I've found the straw breaks down much quicker than wood shavings and I only use that as a mulch on the top later so it isn't going to steal nitrogen from where the plants roots are at. These shavings were hidden in the manure last autumn and has been mixed in. So a different story there.. and a real pain in the rear! Happy growing to you 💚
@cablegirl90 День назад
I use dry quick oats( oatmeal) sprinkled over the top of where the ants are. Worked 100% with fire ants here in the US
@downtoearthwithjim День назад
That's an interesting one! Does it just repel them?
@cablegirl90 День назад
@@downtoearthwithjim no, the ants eat the oatmeal and the oatmeal expands which kills the ants
@laurathomason8693 День назад
Hi Jim... been following you for a few months now and I enjoy your channel.. your harvest was very nice. Most of my onions which are from sets have bolted which was disappointing but I have a few questions that I'd like to ask if I may? 1. What variety are your strawberries? 2. Are you able to tell whether the horse/cow muck is good or bad before placing it on your beds? 3. Also I have had something attack my beetroot which makes the leaves die is this a disease or a pest? Another great update thank you
@downtoearthwithjim 19 часов назад
Thanks Laura ☺️ I'm glad you can find some value in my content. I honestly have no idea what variety my strawberries are. When I took the plot on in 2019 there were a few dozen plants already in a bed. Very nice strawberries by the way, possibly Cambridge favorite? A June bearing variety. I've multiplied them every year and had excellent crops. But this year, just steady pickings and I've lost most in the strawberry cage, I think because of wet soil. I'm assuming by bad you mean full of herbicide? You can plant a broad leaved plant such as bean, tomato, or squash in a pile of manure and if it shows the signs then it is contaminated. Curling, mutated, distorted leaves. Beetroot likes a well draining soil, is your soil heavy clay or loose? I grow mine in raised beds. I've found that they don't like being in the open ground if the soil is heavy or holds too much water/water logs easily. Sounds more like it's caused by conditions rather than a disease or a pest. Hope this helped in some way!
@ninemoonplanet День назад
There's another catch that goes with animals and animal manures, it's dewormer. That kills off earthworms. 😳 If the one supplier maintains their horses without the dewormer, it's should be good. It's so common for people to forget that chemicals don't just affect the animals but the further uses can be devastating. Allotment councils really need to get good solid information both on who's using chemicals and what the effects are for food production. Backyard gardeners should always be wary of chemical use, especially fungicide, herbicides, and especially insecticide. WE want high nutrition, high quality food when we work so hard to grow it. Hang in there, the more people know, the better food we can eat.
@ninemoonplanet День назад
The moved runner beans look much healthier. If you can, put manure in the autumn in a compost hopefully you have tiger worms and they should make a decent compost during winter.
@downtoearthwithjim 19 часов назад
That just adds insult to injury doesn't it. The councils aren't interested. They won't even take care of dangerous overhanging trees which are on their land but hanging over onto the allotments. One huge willow tree came down the other week and there are 2-3 leaning over to my plot! But yes, someone needs to do something about these chemicals for sure
@helenstewart2085 День назад
Horse manure and bark need to be well rotted, the words well rotten are mistaken to mean a few months, when it should be two to three years. I love horse manure but mine is added to the slow, cold compost heap, second year grows pumpkins, third year used tiger worms are added and when they leave the compost is ready.
@downtoearthwithjim 19 часов назад
When I first took my plot on i saw a lot of people adding horse manure on their beds in the autumn for the following growing season. I jumped right into doing that, doesn't seem to be a very good idea now though so I either won't be using it or I'll be composting it for 3 years first
@cms9902 День назад
16c midday July 02/2024 in the South East, and to remain that way for days.
@downtoearthwithjim 19 часов назад
Those are April/May temperatures! It's the same here in NW for the next week
@Stephen474 День назад
Hi James, take the flowers off the potatoes, get all energy going into tubers and not producing flowers, at last things are starting to grow, my parsnips and carrots haven't germinated this year, all new seed as well, my brassicas picking up now also, your peas look good, fingers crossed everything does start to pick up, its been strange weather for us gardeners the start of the season. 🤞have a good week,Steve
@downtoearthwithjim 20 часов назад
Knowing our luck we will have a heatwave in September like last year! 😂 Then the blight will come. I'm going to do that thanks Stephen. Might let some set fruit as I'm wanting to venture into planting the seeds and see what I end up with. Just managed to top most of them up last week with more compost although it's very late but I've been so busy and the plot is wild. I feel a bit better knowing many haven't had any carrots germinate. The slugs have just thinned all mine out 😂 have a good weekend whatever you're doing
@StellasVegetablegardens День назад
the onions are looking good i think the weather has affected a lot of seedlings
@downtoearthwithjim 19 часов назад
It's a mixture of weather, herbicide, wood shavings in the manure, then the trees next to my plot are leaning over and providing a lot of shade this year. Hopefully they're going to get sorted
@don5125 День назад
Sorry to say it but seeing your struggles is an encouragement knowing I’m not the only one 🥴 Thanks bruv👍
@downtoearthwithjim 20 часов назад
We all seem to be in the same boat this year! And we can only hope next year will be better 🙏🏻 or maybe it won't but we persevere 😂
@massriver День назад
Don't apply lime or sulfur. Don't aerate with drill/auger. Put down tons of mulch good for critters and soil. Lol
@crocketp День назад
It seems that of the UK gardening channels I watch they all seem to be having issues with horse manure this year. Just an observation
@ninemoonplanet День назад
The herbicide mentioned here is, unfortunately, in common use. It kills plants in pastures, seriously devastates food production. The other is dewormer, it kills earthworms. Educating each other will change how chemicals are used and how food production, especially plots and home gardens, are grown. I refuse to use chemicals, especially after the corporations said "these are safe" and aren't.
@downtoearthwithjim 19 часов назад
I've noticed this also. And with many others across different platforms
@JamesWillison-hv6jy День назад
Good luk son Al give u one thing ur honest.
@downtoearthwithjim 19 часов назад
I just want to show how it really is. Social media, especially Instagram makes it all look perfect when it isn't always like that
@gedhuffadine1873 День назад
Just subbed
@downtoearthwithjim 19 часов назад
Cheers! 😊
@JamesWillison-hv6jy День назад
Hey Jim in scotland our slugs r trained by the SAS so good luck son.
@downtoearthwithjim 20 часов назад
Hahaha 😂 they are adapting and evolving
@durbatov День назад
Id put 6 brassicas max in a bed that size
@valeriepillon6960 День назад
I’d take the old manure/shavings off the beds
@downtoearthwithjim День назад
I've thought about doing that to be honest, trouble is it's partly dug in
@durbatov День назад
Could be the unseasonal cold weather causing the yellowing i dont have a explanation for the onions tho
@downtoearthwithjim 19 часов назад
Lack of nitrogen from the wood shavings in the manure, absolute pain...
@juliagad 2 дня назад
Its like digging for gold 😊
@downtoearthwithjim 19 часов назад
Like huge golden nuggets!
@juliagad 2 дня назад
Thanks for the advice, i was wondering if there was anything else i could try to grow. Everything is so slow this year, its not stopped bloody raining and it's freezing at night time 😩
@downtoearthwithjim 19 часов назад
It's the same for me, too. I'm going to try sowing more of these this month but I'm honestly hoping the weather picks up. Hang on in there and don't give up, it's a terrible year this year for us all
@moirad6579 2 дня назад
I LOVE a happy potato reveal Jim! I have a potato plant shot up from last year in the middle of my bean teepee 🤣🤣🤣 Decided to let it grow and see what happens. This year growing Huckleberry Gold, German Butterball and Red Gold... all new varieties for me and I am super excited to see how they turn out.
@downtoearthwithjim 19 часов назад
Nice! They sound interesting! I'm excited for my maincrops, those things are growing like triffids! Must be at least 3ft tall now 😂
@yorkshirepudlian 2 дня назад
Thumbs up for the music! 🎶
@myrustygarden 2 дня назад
It’s crazy to think of you saying the growing season is almost over 😢 but it’s true now it’s all about what to grow for fall and over wintering. I need to look at things to get in the ground now. Thanks for the suggestions Jim, happy growing, Ali 🌞🇨🇦
It is my first time on your channel and I have just subscribed. Very nice harvest. Thank you so much for sharing. Keep up the good work. All the best on this journey
@sandrawoodall6545 3 дня назад
Thanks Jim for that information very helpful.😊
@andyhiggs6932 3 дня назад
Great video, reminds me to plant more beans. I agree and can't stress enough the need to re-sow in June and July. You get a lot more food,, and also as your Feb, March and April sowings are hopefully now be going strong - more runner bean leaves and flowers appearing daily than you can count, tomatoes finally coming to flower, squash plants weaving weaving their merry way through your allotment - you will have so many daily tending, checking and watering tasks, thus focusing less on waiting for your precious seeds to germinate, which will do so when you're not looking! It's a win win sowing throughout the summer.
@johnnyd3387 3 дня назад
Thanks growing good this year need more to plant👍
@durbatov 3 дня назад
So satisfying like digging for treasure
@downtoearthwithjim 3 дня назад
Watch the entire potato reveal (plus how I grew them) by clicking the link at the bottom of the video 😊
@growingmyown 3 дня назад
Awesome harvest,I hope you got rid of the ants .. New friend here from Growing My Own.
@chrisfarrell8796 3 дня назад
Beans are suffering from low overnight temps
@elizabethnash7491 3 дня назад
Hello from Ireland Jim ☘️~ what a satisfying vid! I followed your advice and am about to harvest my first bucket 🥔🌱👍🏼
@RichardTaylorgardening 3 дня назад
Very little slug damage but only 1 person on RU-vid has tried my method this year ill keep it for my videos happy gardening Richardx
@nickiramsay2421 3 дня назад
Radishes have always been my nemesis, they always bolt on me. This year they seemed to be growing beautifully until a slug decided to eat all the leaves off them 😫
@1Gibson 3 дня назад
Wonderful harvest sir
@margareteast9273 3 дня назад
Thanks for the advice about seeds for July, will put in some more French Beans tomorrow, .
@don5125 3 дня назад
Thank you so much for doing these videos 😇👍
@keilarsbraegrower1581 4 дня назад
Good video. I would cut off the tops before tipping the buckets out, makes for a tidier reveal.
@lindastevens6861 4 дня назад
I’m sure the potatoes you planted weighed more than your harvest
@downtoearthwithjim 4 дня назад
I'm just grateful for the food that I have grown that is going to help feed my family. Thank you for watching.