
EVE Online - CDIA Files: Agent Missions 

CCP Games
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New capsuleers often build their initial fleet and pad their wallets with the lucrative Missions offered by Agents found at stations in all corners of the EVE universe. Mission running provides relatively reliable and secure income that players can use to fund the multitude of other careers and adventures that they embark on as they build their empire in EVE Online.
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8 мар 2012




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@BayleefSquad 10 лет назад
They should probably put this in the game somewhere when you first start playing
@JustinKibbe 12 лет назад
@Kratax From my experience, if you are working alone, missions are definitely the way to go for isk. If you have a group you play with, then there are usually ways to help in professions that will net you more isk even while you are still building up the skills for that industry. One example is hauling for a mining operation, as mining ops are much more effective when the miners do not have to worry about hauling their ore to station.
@AlekseyevK 12 лет назад
love the CIDA series, keep it up
@pdegoeje 12 лет назад
I like the honest "missions are only a means to an end". Missions have a very low barrier to entry and will probably stay the #1 way to make easy money for a long time even if there are more fun/profitable ways to make ISK.
@sevsxes 10 лет назад
guide detected in trailer: Caracal>Drake>Raven. :D
@ElJorro 12 лет назад
Do more of these!
@VexWerewolf 12 лет назад
You know, as a purely optional feature, I would absolutely love it if we could get cinematic camera shots for some of the things we do from day to day, like activate acceleration gates.
@Augustow09 12 лет назад
EVE is going to expand further forever. :)
@hybridgorilla 12 лет назад
*wipes away nostalgic tear* reminds me of when I was a young capsuleer and I thought I was "duh shit!" cos I had access to level 4 missions =D Now I have access to T3 links and carriers... how times change lol
@zaqq 12 лет назад
@stiimuli and it shows the 5 options on screen LOL, fail ccp?
@Klarpimier 12 лет назад
thank you
@AsylumEscapade 12 лет назад
I can't wait for the CONCORD missions to once again be available to players. I myself am going to work non-stop for the Co-Co until I have a 10.00.
@eezaak21 12 лет назад
@shoesfx Heh, actually mission rewards in lowsec are pretty good. And they are not hard to run at all if you keep an eye on local and don't mission in a busy pirate area.
@sniperdoc8404 12 лет назад
@Kratax What are you talking about plentiful? FW missions USED to provide about 400 (800mil about a year ago) per 2.5 hours. Now with the market being saturated to the brim you'd be lucky to manage 260mil. So, you go take your missions... make your measily 15+ (or maybe 25 from the Angels Ex) and keep grinding away for it to become lucrative. CCP nerfed the crap out of missions with the Incursions update.
@geeselol 11 лет назад
you got the point good sir
@MarkusReese 12 лет назад
Not bad, it gets the message across, albiet a bit more flashy. I am glad they showed incursions and mentioned exploration though and how mission running is only a get to point.
@lotrorockss 12 лет назад
So how many people actually align that perfectly to the acceleration gates?
@albertwellhung 11 лет назад
Eve is amazing
@suizidfish 12 лет назад
02:28 memories
@ajobe15 11 лет назад
I love this narrator.
@Novalisk628 12 лет назад
"Work" being the key word here...
@SeditiousSpyke 12 лет назад
Question, since when was the sisters of Eve mission arc 'standard' ???
@Macanleister 12 лет назад
Was that a blaster punisher?
@propjam2 12 лет назад
i'll rate that, that was good. kind of gave me memories. Thinking of returning after march the content in fanfest will be make or break for me.
@Shyvorix 12 лет назад
@DarkCookie23 Wouldn't that kinda lag like hell for the user if their graphics card isn't good enough? Yes there may be ways to implement a similar style UI but would take quite a bit of time.
@ElWolf70 12 лет назад
Well said Comrade. Well said.
@sniperdoc8404 12 лет назад
@jayfletch Oh hey C3ph45. I used to fly with the Horsemen... :) I was with Jaak and SG-K. I haven't flown since 11/11/11 and quite frankly just got frustrated due to the FW bullcrap going on. Gallente parking neutrals in our stations, the stupid infighting between Gunny and whoknowswhoelse. I was getting totally fed up with it all when in fleet we started not using our ships properly and just jumped into anything, even if it meant losing our ships. Started feeling like Shadoo and his Armor HACs.
@Fredfredbug4 12 лет назад
@Lysergesaure1 Not really, we are capsuleers and this is a capsuleer training video.
@strydom666 12 лет назад
I agree with you 100%, some revamps and maybe better mission scripting, and things would be awesome.
@martinsgakke 11 лет назад
please more voice acting and Mass Effect music in EVE =D this video is so inspiring!!
@LexHiram 12 лет назад
@caldera11 True... it would be good to see them use the new shadow-box for collisions... but might lead to some hilarious 'stuck' moments in stargates...
@shoesfx 11 лет назад
anyone knows what is the name of the song?
@ainumahtar 12 лет назад
@BUDD1305 True, but I had quite a bit of fun doing them when I was working my way up the ladder to level 5 for the first time
@REALGamer890 11 лет назад
Anybody know the background music?
@RoninKensei 12 лет назад
@chaadlosan It was basically put on hold due to excess tears. Torfi released a blog about it around a month ago, read up on that. And if it's so boring for you, move to a different part of space and try something else. If you hate industry, move to null, etc.
@BlackAngelus 12 лет назад
A really good video. Provides a much more detailed description of how to start your game and where to go next. I know this, because when I played EVE and I had finished the Sister of EVE story arc, I was kinda lost and got raped when I accidentally flew into low sec space. But when I found a nice corp and drew me in completely and I only quitted after 2 years of playing because other stuff (RL = Real Life) become more of a priority,,,,
@ainumahtar 12 лет назад
@sniperdoc8404 Wait, missions are high-risk?
@Hadranius 12 лет назад
Needs to be a Trilogy, 1st: Amarr Empire rises, epic fight with Joves 2cnd: Gallente-Caldari War/Minmatar Uprising. 3rd: Rise of the Capsuleers and first epic null sec wars
@BrotherBloat 12 лет назад
so have they fixed it yet so that you're actually able to do anything else than chain-load angel XXX lv4? :P
@bbroegger 12 лет назад
absofuckinglutely Brilliant.. MOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@BrotherBloat 12 лет назад
@shukfahid you betcha! :D
@Rhydic 12 лет назад
i must have the soundtrack for this
@Kratax 12 лет назад
Missions might get boring if you do only them. But I have started to concentrate on missions again for a change. Missions are good for steady and plentiful income. And missions support my combat skills development. For example exploration can get boring too, if you don't go to worm holes or such.
@dustink50 12 лет назад
@DinoCorpsHunter4 12 лет назад
Dust 514 is coming along great cant wait to fight side by side with eve players
@ntrautner 12 лет назад
If you plan on running missions you can solo up to lvl 4's. If you really want to do lvl 5's then yes you need a group. Only join mission running corps if they have a tax rate thats either 0% or at least lower then the NPC corp tax rates.
@Kalenn13 12 лет назад
Why doesn't the actual interface look like this?
@Kollynator 11 лет назад
Is Dust 514 only for ps3?
@Keldaj 12 лет назад
My place is With Fatal Ascension, the greatest Alliance in the Known universe.
@croftshaftoe5554 11 лет назад
greetings from the future frenchie!
@senorelroboto2 12 лет назад
1:24 lol, that Hurricane has at least 7 425mm guns firing and I think it has 8 fitted.
@Arziel 12 лет назад
What UI is everyone talking about ? The new neocom ? It has been there for a month already.
@picaninny 12 лет назад
@DarkCookie23 12 лет назад
so guys whens the UI going to look like these CDIA Files
@Vocaloid04TobuneNiji 10 лет назад
1:18 there's a "Jovian Construct" (Jove Station) WOW.
@mzh3000 10 лет назад
I thought that was the sansha battlestation.
@SargeRho 9 лет назад
That *is* a Sansha station, not a Jove station.
@Vocaloid04TobuneNiji 9 лет назад
evemaps.dotlan.net/station/HD3-JK_I_-_Academy_of_Aggressive_Behaviour evemaps.dotlan.net/station/M-FDTD_I_-_Material_Institute_School That's the "Jovian Construct" station type- there are two in-game, one in M-FDTD and one in HD3-JK; both are deep in Jove space :P
@Vocaloid04TobuneNiji 9 лет назад
Oh yeah, I forgot- there's another entity in-game called "Heaven", with the same station model- it's supposed to be in Angel Cartel space (Heaven constellation specifically- where the First and Second Jove Empires were). community.eveonline.com/backstory/chronicles/heaven games.chruker.dk/eve_online/item.php?type_id=9867
@thecardigiant 12 лет назад
its always funny taking out mission runner battleships in 0 sec XD
@feedusafetus 12 лет назад
@lotrorockss 12 лет назад
@RampagingSpaceMarine Hehehe, ya. Just warp ASAP.
@Overdoseplus 12 лет назад
I'd like to see a Factional Warfare video
@Xercodo34 12 лет назад
@Zeredek She is since Incarna
@DinoCorpsHunter4 11 лет назад
@TriageII 12 лет назад
Nice one. But give us more missions -.-
@Kratax 12 лет назад
@sniperdoc8404 Oh well, I am kinda new player. I bet clever people can get more isk, but for me it has seemed so far that sticking with plain old mission running gets me more isk than other endeavors. That shows also as every profession has initial and advanced costs in isk and time...
@waltage 12 лет назад
yep it's good ui design
@KrotosVeikar 12 лет назад
@cpjontek Then watch the Dominion trailer.
@439sparky1 11 лет назад
0:43 Punisher Pilot: Okay guys, he's alone lets get him! Vexor Pilot: Huh, only 3 frigs? *beep beep* okay shields down. RAIN HELL!!!
@Urziel99 12 лет назад
@ArcanaL0rd Grinding missions for isk is hardly endgame. Missions are the tip of the iceberg in eve, You just don't want the risk that goes along with the rewards.
@SkewerHead 12 лет назад
Why did you fall back to Drake after the Raven?
@caldera11 12 лет назад
imagine a raven could ever get that close to an accel gate without bouncing off of it for 10 minutes?
@trexpaddock 12 лет назад
@9htsky WoD FTW!!!
@TheArchitectOfDreams 12 лет назад
Now, weren't "Agent Missions" called "Agent Contracts" a long time ago? .. coughs Tengu
@WizzRacing 11 лет назад
Run lvl 5 with a rattle snake and an alt, you will make enough in 3 missions to buy a 30 day plex. I paid maybe 4 times with real money in 4 years for eve, but I put my time in to be able to do it. You add in 0.0 ratting, lvl 4 WH's and you can earn 5b isk a month easy.
@Binary86 12 лет назад
Why from a raven and back to a Drake?
@hellgorama 12 лет назад
He played 4 years, to full sense of the game. This is a complex game, and that's how long you have to play to fully understand what goes on in EVE. I'd rather trust his judgement than someone who just played the trial.
@LandofYeah 12 лет назад
Can't download the Game°!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Haroldvschouwen 12 лет назад
If only warping would really look and work that way....
@Vi3chi 12 лет назад
the intro is so modern warfare
@waltage 12 лет назад
@MrRubenAlonzo yeah interface is good make it NAO! or racial interface
@cr0ss0ut 12 лет назад
And if you fail at these missions and never find your place, there are several hostile rocks at which you can collect.
@stiimuli 12 лет назад
@caldera11 think its bad ina BS? try it in an Orca =/
@UmbralGaming 12 лет назад
@xDrunkDevilx 12 лет назад
@martinmckenna1989 new players don't have to know about ninjas, suicide gankers, tacklers or faction loot. Oh, wait, they should know about the faction loot... :D
@impact224488 12 лет назад
@SjoerdDeBakkerVEVO Only a dead goon is a good goon
@Stevezftw 11 лет назад
See you soon. xD
@MrAber28 11 лет назад
Oh they are there, but they are easy to spot, running around in full proto (1mill + suits) in pub matches that pay at max 300k, you die once and you lose 700k isk.
@tryianid 11 лет назад
all you gotta do is motivate yourself just that once and when u finally tastes the glory that is your hulk, or tech 3 cruiser you understand why people play eve
@BUDD1305 12 лет назад
Good explanation of what missions are but they do get quite boring in game
@NIK4EVA 12 лет назад
Is it me, or does the ending sound like TRON ?
@Trozomuro 10 лет назад
I have the same question.
@Bassmaker20 12 лет назад
safety in numbers say that to 9mil jaws
@vasimre42 12 лет назад
@martinmckenna1989 and i, was there.
@Vanadium 12 лет назад
I know that I am in since 06... and when you only want to do pve, eve is now better but not your game. Most others are better in pve but eve is one of the best pvp games.
@strydom666 12 лет назад
I wouldn't advertise missioning if I were CCP. It consists out of agents presenting you with a block of text saying "Go there, kill this", go to Mission Reports, check resists and weakness, fit ship accordingly. Before you know it, the missions start repeating itself, sometimes receiving the same missions twice in a row. Before you know it, you'll be grinding the same missions over and over again. The boredom will crush your soul.
@teguh.hofstee 11 лет назад
its also micromanaging instead of direct control, which is a turn-off for a few people.
@RampagingSpaceMarine 12 лет назад
@lotrorockss I do. yeehaaa. just warp gate at 10km.
@xmads132 12 лет назад
Whet he said.
@Sunseahl 12 лет назад
Now if only the game actually WORKED that way... >.>
@Cyfix15 12 лет назад
and its hard to get to alone ... unfortunately
@sniperdoc8404 12 лет назад
@pakman4321 I second that remark. I played for two years and the shit never got better. Now that they've STILL not fixed Faction Warfare and the market is saturated, even that is no longer profitable. High risk NO reward. The main reason I quit.
@Ecselsiour 12 лет назад
@liberator48 I feel the same to a point - but don't let the flashy trailers fool you this game is seriously boring if you and/or your Corp can't hack it in the larger schemes.
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