
RFM (Radio Free Mormon) explains who he thinks killed Joseph Smith. 

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The RFM (Radio Free Mormon) Theory on Who Killed Joseph Smith?
Recently on RFM’s live podcast with Bill Reel they did a review of parts 1 & 2 of Who Killed Joseph Smith? Many of their audience members had been asking them their opinions about the movies.
About halfway through their live podcast, I started writing in comments to correct some of their misconceptions and they invited me to call in at the end of their show to discuss.
They were very respectful hosts, but did not agree the martyrdom was an inside job. In fact, RFM came up with his own theory and asked me to name it after him.
So, I decided to show you why his theory is impossible in this podcast. I hope he watches! I’m open to talking again if he feels I have misrepresented his theory or anything he said in any way.
Join us with guest hosts Steve Bryner and Peter Brown to discuss the differences between TBMs, EXMOs, and the Remnant and hopefully get to the bottom of why EXMOs dislike the inside job theory so much.



24 июл 2024




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@jamesmartin8069 Год назад
I am TBM and still can't figure out why you were x'd. It's almost like a threat to anyone else who would dare to think outside the current narratives.
@fredgarvin9398 Год назад
Watch Michelle Stone and Brian Hales interview. Anything that goes against the standard church narrative is grounds to get you ex-ed in Brian Hales’ opinion.
@jamesmartin8069 Год назад
@@fredgarvin9398 I took your advice and have been watching Michelle Stone's 132 problems as well. Thank you for the info!
@docsmitty4 Год назад
How long have you been a TBM?! Obviously, you're very unfamiliar with how the church deals with people who go outside their CURRENT narrative.
@jamesmartin8069 Год назад
@@docsmitty4 TBM all my life. And yes, I am very familiar with how the church deals with people who go outside their current narrative. I have learned from others much more experienced than I (years ago) on how they handle oppressive leaders. It still troubles me though. IMO the church is a gathering net, and members don't have to be perfect to be part of that net. We have to take the good ones with the bad ones, but not submit to the bad ones. It can get tricky for sure.
@emac1177 Год назад
​@@jamesmartin8069 But the "bad" ones according to the church are usually the truly good ones.
@zombredoc9209 Год назад
Such a great discussion - contrasting each group's biases. The truth discovery (wilderness) journey is indeed difficult but SOOO rewarding! I can't wait for MOTIVE in part 3! Motive requires us to confront our traditions and the current narrative further - providing even greater depth to the wilderness/truth journey. Furthermore, as more truth emerges we see that it conforms more with scripture than the current narrative does. The last days are playing out exactly according to scripture. Joseph's name is indeed had today for both good and evil (depending on which group bias we align ourselves with). In the end, will we choose Christ or the arm of flesh? Thank you Justin, Steve & Peter!
@awakeandarise7238 Год назад
It's great that people from different groups, even if they disagree, are talking about Carthage and the martyrdom. Because of the movie they're presenting their own theories, asking questions and looking at evidence, it's become a relevant topic of conversation and that's a step in the right direction for truth. I agree your theory is staying strong. I love that graph!
@jonathanfelt2529 Год назад
The graph is missing the circle that isn't any of them. It's the Messianic Orphan person who is compatible with any other Messiah-believing person on Earth; Jew, Muslim, Mormon, Hindu... whoever. It's a lot simpler than we are led to believe. Joseph Smith? He is fine so long as he didn't cross with Torah (the actual Law Jesus taught). Brigham Young? The D&C says he splintered the church like lightning on a tree, but he served a purpose too. John Taylor? Beloved of the polygamist fundamentalist he remains, and if he was caught up in the killing of Hyrum, it makes perfect sense. Hyrum was THE rival for the Twelve, and all they had to do was get Joseph out of there to set Hyrum up. The mob comes to get Joseph, but he had a gun. Etc. An Orphan Messianic doesn't care. An Orphan Messianic is looking for that proto-Christian beginning, yes, but with a heavy emphasis on the Law Jesus was teaching.
@psmith535 Год назад
Awake and Arise I am so grateful for you. I have learned so much about the true gospel of Jesus Christ from the things you share. I appreciate knowing that you have a broad perspective of wisdom in that you study a variety of resources. Justin and Rebekah and their experience are key components to understanding where we really are in God’s plan and how everything fits together before the second coming of our Savior. I was super touched by your video “2 Nephi 25“. The information you share in that video has blessed my life tremendously. I’ve listened to it nearly a dozen times. Each time I listen I am able to understand a little more. I thank you for sharing your wisdom. It helps those of us who are seeking the truth.
@EverythingPlus.101 Год назад
Wait until you study and learn that the whole story about GOD Jesus is Fake too 😅 WHY we e are so gullible??
@jasonkeetch Год назад
Great discussion. Thanks for putting this together. Hopefully, people continue to ask questions, seek answers, and this topic moves forward to a more clear understanding of what took place. Thanks for getting the conversation started. Thanks for all the efforts you guys have made. I believe, to answer your question at the end, that part of the reason to understand all of this links to someone seeing more clearly how the Everlasting Covenant has been broken and changed. These murders, in part, opened the door for that to be done amongst the LDS people.
@akunz1002 Год назад
It matters because members need to wake up to their deception distracting them onto their covenant path which leads to worshiping men and corporation and away from the pathway to seek His face to find salvation, exaltation and ascension.
@jonathanfelt2529 Год назад
That is right. Joseph served his purpose to break the chain of lies coming down from our history. Brigham Young came in to double back down and created a better Catholic Hierarchy than what we inherited. We are the generation inquiring about Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham. We want to ascend to God's place of Holiness.
@harryfve5 8 месяцев назад
Most fun I’ve had in a while. Appreciate your chart. I also appreciate dialogue vs polemic. Cheers fellas from the bottom right of your chart.
@dankrause5665 Год назад
This whole idea of motive is the reason why people are waking up to the motives of polygamy, the killing of Joseph & Hyrum, the attraction of power over a religious group, justifying their sins to practice polygamy, and killing Joseph & Hyrum because of their belief in the blood atonement doctrine justified in their minds that the Smith brothers deserved it to “ Save their souls” for rejecting polygamy. These are some reasons people aren’t dropping the subject on what happened to Joseph & Hyrum & why polygamy was practiced. We can’t accept the idea that God would support murderers & adulterers to lead God’s people after the succession of BY. This is why I’m trying to get answers about the truth. I believe that God is inspiring men to seek the truth on these issues because Joseph & Hyrum are pleading with God to avenge the guilty party, & redeem Zion again, because it got stopped on the day of the Smith brothers’ martyrdom. The prayers of the righteous(Joseph & Hyrum) availeth much in the sight of God. This is why house cleaning of the church & society will begin at his church. It’s a mess now, all because of the difficulties that happened in the beginning decades of the church!
@celicalostandfound 11 месяцев назад
I am Exmo and fully support your efforts. Truth is vital.
@personofinterest8731 Год назад
I agree you can't trust your LDS leaders, and I love that you are pursuing truth in this way. So much twisting, I ran out of the LDS church with my hair on fire when I started really looking. Thank you.☮️
@Rcplanecrasher Год назад
I consider myself ex-Mormon and I just want to say I don’t feel it’s fair to say that we throw everything out but are still align with the LDS church on polygamy. I think most of us exmos realize feelings or spiritual experiences are not reliable in figuring out objective reality. That does not mean we become mindless drones that just believe experts as like a god or something. Of course we all have bias, not denying that, but I think spiritual experiences only compound that issue. I just want to find the most likely conclusion based on the objective evidence and reliable methods, regardless of what my personal feelings are. That does not mean feelings are of no use, but just for subjective things like hope meaning and purpose. Not for figuring out historical events. My biggest issues with Joseph as a prophet is the historicity of his scriptures, treasure digging, and mundane/convenient/failed revelations. If Joseph’s polygamy is a hoax then it honestly would not change my conclusions on Joseph as a literal prophet. I agree there could be other motives than just polygamy. They could have just felt he was running the church into the ground regardless. I find it mildly frustrating seeing you applying critical thought, skepticism, evidence based analysis, only naturalistic explanations for the Joseph’s death. But when it comes to the scriptures, that you have strong feelings about, they seem to be exempt from the same scrutiny. Either way I find your research fascinating and your openness refreshing so pleas keep it up!
@rebekahgriffin567 Год назад
My experience has been that my “exmo” friends and family are basing their beliefs on JS and polygamy on the same sources the church uses. I am frequently told “even the church admits he was a polygamist” as if that is proof. Very few of them have studied the original first hand contemporary documents and the alterations and accounts that came later.
@Rcplanecrasher Год назад
@@rebekahgriffin567 but notice how you phrased it. “Even the church admits….” They are not saying because the church admits it therefore I believe it. That’s my only issue here. What other sources would want someone to use? They are both just using all available. Just because most people don’t think the Brigham young polygamy conspiracy theory is not likely, does not mean they are just following the churches lead on this.
@rebekahgriffin567 Год назад
The people I know who don’t believe he lived or taught polygamy look at first hand contemporary sources. They recognize that the claims of women came years later in Utah. That there is no evidence during JS life other than him preaching against it and excommunicating those doing it. Looking at the provenance of section 132. Things like that. The church and exmo’s (in general) focus on the second and third hand later accounts. The JSP are a great source for seeing how records were altered. Most people I know have never even looked at them. There are lots of people out there analyzing and compiling this stuff.
@PeterBrownscouts Год назад
I think it's important to apply naturalistic and rational explanations to scripture as well. But I also see its limitations. Especially the farther back you go. The existence of humanity isn't very Occam's Razor if you think about it. An unsolved mystery of almost 200 years is an easier topic to tackle. We aren't trying to debate all the pros and cons of each position. Just explain them.
@taddy_mason4197 Год назад
Precisely. The exmo community is very diverse in belief and opinion. Myself, I think Joseph Smith had some admiral qualities as well as some despicable qualities. I am only interested in truth. And I don't believe the truth in his claim to be a prophet, whether or not he was a nice guy or mustache twirling villain. I think I can honestly say I have no dog in the race of who killed him.
@GaryLArnell Год назад
Thank you for the work you've done. I've now watched all of your videos and believe you've explored the forensic evidence with honest intentions and continue to be open to scrutiny and other options and have presented a compelling case. I served on a stake high council for 3.5 years and sat on disciplinary counsels, including for apostasy, and served as a bishop for 5 years. I am grieved that you were excommunicated for asking honest questions while falling short of insisting on your conclusions. I don't see how your efforts qualify as apostasy. You don't cover motive in your two documentaries, but the polygamy question is certainly worthy of exploration. It appears that Joseph was working as fast as he could to expose those prominent members who were secretly practicing, especially in the final weeks of his life. Other potential motives like "Joseph has fallen", finance, power, counterfeiting, etc. I'm less familiar with. That intrigue and secret combinations existed during the founding of the Church can't be contested. Just look at how many members of the Three\Eight Witnesses and Quorum of the Twelve apostatized and were excommunicated. It's a wonder Joseph got anything done.
@justin-griffin Год назад
I agree with you that Joseph was facing some pretty stiff head winds constantly trying to blow him off the path. Thank you so much for your comments and awesome insights.
@Zeett09 Год назад
I’m never mo. I just find all this stuff super fascinating.
@Max_Johnson Год назад
I'm a barely mo. I converted and immediately deconverted after diving down the rabbit hole. It's a fascinating religion indeed.
@kasikauvaka6845 Год назад
Born in the covenant and glad I found my way out. Mormonism is Fr a trip! They do a really good job keeping members under control and what sources to read. From my own research is… it’s all made up 🤦🏾
@Max_Johnson Год назад
@@kasikauvaka6845 they're definitely winging it. They have no idea how obvious it's not what it claims to be.
@AliceM1999 Год назад
I was pretty disappointed with how weak the detective’s theory was.
@justin-griffin Год назад
Ya. It was fairly easy to disprove.
@fredgarvin9398 Год назад
Me too, I was also disappointed that RFM just use the lion brothers theory. That was totally lame.
@rogue.ganker 4 месяца назад
Makes you wonder how many people are in jail because he sucked at it so badly
@bl4454 7 месяцев назад
Remnant is an epic sounding term, but I think people would know more what we’re about if we called ourselves the Mormon Reformation or something. You’d be surprised how many TBMs actually think we need a reformation. Anyway, great podcast. Love what you’re doing.
@rosyr.3409 Год назад
@Clark104 Год назад
The polygamy issue is the number one reason for people leaving the church. The Exmormon community still has the Book of Abraham against Joseph as well as issues with the First Vision and Moroni.
@pepperdavis1384 Год назад
I question the BOA papri that UT has. A one time I sad a source that said the scroll was around 10 ft or so and when rilled out was the length if the room. It also was supposedly given to someone to hide to keep it from falling into betrayers hands My assumption is that when BY left he had to find some papri to make it look like they were in possession of the original That is why I believe it doesn’t match up-
@quacks2much Год назад
It seems to me that most ex-Mormons were influenced away from the church because of the fraudulent Book of Abraham which is part of the Pearl of Great Price scriptures. Brigham Young’s racism was probably my No. 2 reason for leaving. I grew up Mormon in the 60s as a kid, and I look back at how brainwashed I was.
@s.a.6082 Год назад
That pesky book of Abraham lol
@StompMom5 5 месяцев назад
Book of Abraham is very misunderstood. God never gave him another wife. Sarah gave Hagar to him so she could have a child. She was never his wife, only the servant. That was never a God order
@jeffreymax1822 Год назад
This is a very important video because of the discussion about the TBMs, Remnants and ExMos. Thank you very much!
@jonbystrom9410 Год назад
Qui bono? Who benefitted? Brigham Young, John Taylor, Willard Richards, and secret polygamists..
@justin-griffin Год назад
Nobody benefited more than those three.
@PeterBrownscouts Год назад
Or they just wanted to run the business and thought they could do it better. Lots of ideas for motive.
@JBL4381 Год назад
Mormon 8, was what tipped me off to what was happening with the church as well. Well a friend threw that into my face haha
@justin-griffin Год назад
That one is difficult for apologist to explain away.
@icecreamladydriver1606 11 месяцев назад
What is Mormon 8?
@PanasheGoche 2 месяца назад
​@@icecreamladydriver1606 it's chapter 8 in a book called Mormon in the Book of Mormon.
@icecreamladydriver1606 2 месяца назад
@@PanasheGoche Sorry, I was actually asking what was the context of Mormon 8. It's all good. Thanks.
@Sirwalter2008 12 дней назад
Your theory is the most credible. And I watch a lot of investigation tv shows, one thing that I recall, is the murderer is known by the victims in like 90% of the time. So the inside job is more than plausible. The timing also to make a move was the best one. Both Smith brothers at the same place, and a lot of people hating.
@dankrause5665 Год назад
Great insights in this podcast guys!
@clickityclak6111 Год назад
I'm an ExMormon, and I'd say the other ExMos I know would be less upset about the inside job theory being true than you portrayed in this. Brigham ordering Joseph's death still makes the modern LDS church look bad if they are being petty, but I think that most ExMormon's are more concerned with truth than being right at all costs. I think the Church's version of the martyrdom didn't make complete sense to me even when I was a member, but I saw it as mythologizing and it didn't weigh on my mind very much. I think that your theory and exploration of the evidence is better than the Church's, but I'm not convinced that Joseph Smith was not a polygamist or that it was why he was killed. One theory I have is that some of the mob members were armed with pistols that did not make it into the historical record to explain the caliber of weapons used, rather than the pistols in the room being turned on each other. Someone may have stuck their pistol through the door and under Hyrum's chin (which I fully agree with you was the entry for that wound and I disagree with RFM and the Church over). Another theory I have was that Hyrum's chin wound was fired by someone in the room by mistake while they were pressing themselves up against the door. Imagine how easy it would be to accidentally squeeze the trigger while trying to hold the door closed. Perhaps the accidental shooter lied about it, and the only other survivor thought the shot came through the door, or also lied to protect their friend. It would be easy to rationalize that the shot was an accident and the mob would have killed him anyway, so it wouldn't be too difficult to blame the mob. Both of those theories only explain Hyrum's death, so I'm still trying to piece together the rest of the events that followed. Thank you so much for exploring this topic, it is one I never would have considered without your documentary and the personal sacrifice you have put in to this project!
@brianfielden9320 Год назад
Preface remarks: I'm BIC and a returned missionary, but a huge, huge critic of the Church, and I really want your hypothesis to be true. There's a lot to like about it. However, I don't think that Richards (smarter than Taylor) would put himself in jeopardy by entering a pact with Taylor. The smart play would be to let the mob/militia do the dirty work. But to your point, have you done research into Richards' death? He died in 1854 at the age of 49. Knowing that secrets between 2 people remain secret is if one of them is dead. Perhaps Taylor murdered Richards. Who knows?
@ThomasFackrell Год назад
These are some of my favorite people all in one room
@edtalbott564 Год назад
If you could post a link to your Venn graph so I can print it. I would love to have it to refer to. I can show my TBM family that I am not in a faith crisis. LOL
@eneyeseekay Год назад
9 minutes. Not all TBMs believe Joseph practiced polygamy. Some still don't know about it or think Brigham Young started polygamy.
@jareddollen1113 Год назад
I really like your comment about a Spiritual Journey. The Truth is you need to find your own Testimony that is so strong that it cannot be denied, like the 3 witnesses who touched the Gold plates, they could never deny that. Your own Testimony needs to be that strong and you need to seek that testimony with all your heart mind and strength.
@icecreamladydriver1606 Год назад
It sounds like I am a Remnant.
@tyghrrr Год назад
What a great episode!!
@KingArthursCrusade 5 месяцев назад
Amen! Truth is found within between you and God, you do not have to have someone between you and God! Thank you for exploring this and bringing things to light!
@kencard6657 Год назад
Great conversation and insights. I would add one more circle to the three [TBM, EXMO, REM] you had. And that would be GACECFB [general assembly and church of Enoch, and of the Firstborn] (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 76:67)
@personofinterest8731 Год назад
What if WR and JT were poor shots and they fired at the cracked door and hit Hyrum by mistake? So they made up some stuff? Just my working theory! Great stuff guys! And taking on RFM is brave and wise.
@Wh3nth3wick3drul3 7 месяцев назад
I think that because John Taylor and Willard Richards are Mason's, and God does not work in secret combinations, but the Mason's are a secret society, so no I don't believe the bad shot thing. I believe that this was a Masonic plot. And I don't believe that Joseph Smith was a Mason. Mason's are an England secret combination. This was a Masonic plot!
@Wh3nth3wick3drul3 7 месяцев назад
The motive is the Mason's, secret society. Two years after the Masonic lodge is set up, Joseph and Hyrum are dead! This was a Masonic plot, that's the motive!
@Lily-lw8mq Год назад
When I watched RFM, I also felt he was being harsh with your explanation, and that his was ridiculous
@2BFree911 Год назад
Great video...good work. Another interesting statement made by Elder Holland reinforces your position and discounts the church's position from a General Conference talk he gave in Oct 2009 where he is describing the Carthage incident and says "Shortly thereafter pistol and ball would take the lives of these two testators." Did you get that? He says it was PISTOL AND BALL!!! Another readjusting of church history going against their own narrative...
@theoptionator Год назад
Your interview with Clark Aboud presented a theory that seems more logical to me. It is also an inside job, but the series of events and evidence seemed to fit best.
@beeg693 Год назад
I wish you had the guy playing Hyrum on his knees with his hands on the with his head back. I just wanted to see it. However, I know Justin you mentioned in the first film there isa shot in the ceiling. Is there more then one shot in the ceiling?
@spence1501 Год назад
I watched mormon discussions video your referencing... i was seriously disappointed with RFM and Bill. Enjoyed you this video alot!
@EverythingPlus.101 Год назад
How about the SEALED Book of Mormon that brother Mauricio Berger is claiming to have in his power from Moroni in Brazil???
@iteasdal 3 месяца назад
"getting Joseph and Hyrum [and Samuel] out of the way."
@sisknothinbutruth2684 10 месяцев назад
Almost didn’t watch this one because RFM seems angry and has these strange outbursts of meaness that is unsettling to me. I was so happily surprised! This is great.
@sisknothinbutruth2684 10 месяцев назад
P.S. I was disappointed in the detectives' interpretation of the evidence. He didn't seem to have come prepared. It seems a shame that he was hired to do a thorough job and didn't seem terribly familiar with the information.
@joseph_nelson_esq 2 месяца назад
Okay so typically what happens in law is that an expert witness is identified and disclosed by one side and given x-amount of days to provide a report outlining his/her conclusions. This typically done at the close of discovery so the expert has access to all the information. Once the expert provides that report, there is a window where the expert may be deposed. The expert report always aligns with whoever hired him/her, otherwise, there’d be no report lol. Instead, it would not be a testifying expert witness and the communication stays confidential. Okay, so RFM’s point that Det. Steiner doesn’t agree with Justin is moot. It doesn’t matter. In court, Det. Steiner would publish a report of his conclusions and it would agree with Justin’s theory of the case. That’s just how it works. RFM thought he was making a clever point, but that’s not how the system operates. Sure, on a small budget documentary, the expert may have his own theory at the end, but that would never be the case in an actual court proceeding. Hope this helps.
@Wh3nth3wick3drul3 7 месяцев назад
It doesn't say that the Book of Mormon is the fullness of the gospel. It says that it is the most correct book on earth. That's a huge difference.
@jasonleroywharton 7 месяцев назад
Another missing element worthy of consideration is the expectation that the specific men from outside the door who would have been the trigger pullers would admit do having done something that could have incriminated them for murder.
@talkface7449 Год назад
Explanation is wrong about exmos. Exmos face a wide range of new options. I would say that there is a range of ideas about intuition or revelation or spirituality. Not "set in stone". Some require a new definition as a psychological phenomenon or new area. We reject contradictions. Consider the possibilities. Also, the first place I heard about Danite overthrow of Joseph was from Exmos- before I ever heard of your channel.
@charityendureth Год назад
great job guys!
@rebeccacampbell585 Год назад
I like how you laid out each group of belief, generally anyway. I like RFM, I think he needs to go back to the drawing board though. I do sometimes ask myself, why am I so concerned about Joseph Smith? I think a big reason is that I detest polygamy and would like to see people detach themselves from it in all ways.
@thedailydump7407 Год назад
“If you want the truth, the leaders of the last people you should go to” true! They are trained to build up the church at all costs. That is sometimes different than promoting truth.
@Wh3nth3wick3drul3 7 месяцев назад
I don't know if the inside job is necessarily the only theory. After reading Willard Richards account, I am thinking the Carthage Grey's were directly underneath, a level below Hyrum and his gun discharged and killed Hyrum through the neck and nose.
@Wh3nth3wick3drul3 7 месяцев назад
Willard Richards talks about the Carthage Grey's gun going off. Did that shoot Hyrum under the chin?
@timrathbone7093 Год назад
I suggested you talk to Clark Aboud. You did not create a seminar at either the Mormon history association or john whitmer historical society or sunstone.
@justin-griffin Год назад
Clark and I talk frequently.
@jeepmap1 Год назад
Would you consider please the scenario where Hyrum shot himself ? Ive posted this many times, never got any reply from you. If you are doing a true 'detective' job on what actually happened there, you gotta include the scenario where both Joseph and Hyrum killed themselves purposely, Joseph said many times, no greater love then one giving up his life for his friends, and the whole massacre scenario theory should include suicide, it perfectly fits, Hyrum's head wound is a perfect self induced headshot ( we even see it in movies the exact method where one puts the barrel up to his own chin in that angle) and Joseph did jump from the window purposefully, the shout "Im a dead man" makes perfect sense before one shots himself. Please include the scenario
@patrickmo7137 Год назад
3rd Nephi how oft have i gathered you like a hen gathers her Chickens i whole heartedly believe the Lord is gathering a remanent of believers in HIM
@americanmanstan2381 Год назад
Regarding RFM's theory, what if you're pushing against the door, but your head rotates or turns to the left, or Hyrum slips as he's shot. Need to try and move Hyrum's head all over the place while you're at it. But I still don't think it works.
@dankrause5665 Год назад
Why did they cut bloodiest part of Hyrum’s clothes out of it’s fabric? Why? And when was this done? Was the bloodiest part of Hyrum’s clothing cut out after the discovery of DNA to prove that it was possible if the martyrdom was an inside job?
@justin-griffin Год назад
I think that section of his vest was removed long ago.
@dankrause5665 Год назад
@@justin-griffin learn something new every day
Where was BY in the last 2 weeks of Joseph Smiths life?
@ajadamsv9208 Год назад
I would likely fall into the ExMo category as you described it 11:34 however I’m a political conservative. A small “l” libertarian who is agnostic towards all organized religious regardless of their chosen deities. I understand your concept of trying to categorize but it’s probably not as simple as you’d like it to be. 20:05 As an ExMo I lean towards Emma’s truth and completely disavow BY. The reason I am attracted to Justin’s theory is because the evidence leans heavily in the insider theory being most likely. The Occam’s razor effect. 43:51 I have recommended Sam Fadala, research his background. He is a convert. He’s the leading expert in black powder rifles and often testifies in court cases.
@littlebigband2010 3 месяца назад
Was Hyrum wearing the garment of the Holy Priesthood? Perhaps the angle is right but when the bullets continues toward the body, the garment of the holy priesthood protected?
@ryanonvr2267 Год назад
Have you ever seen "The Lucy Code"? ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-wf3MluItWQE.html Did you know about Hirum Smith being educated at Dartmouth?
@dankrause5665 Год назад
Brigham & Richards taking the Mormons & fleeing the scene of the crime (Carthage jail) by going out of the country to Utah is another sign of guilt & motive. Just like a criminal running away from the police.
@ryanonvr2267 Год назад
Everyone abandons their previous position just to dig in at the next one.
@paulhallett1452 9 месяцев назад
This movement is full of cool people, but it confirms my impression that Mormon belief is like all imaginative fan fiction of one kind or another - which is honestly why studying it is among my favorite pastimes as a 31 yr old MN Catholic lawyer and has been since I was a little boy who drove by the Billings MT, Temple.
@paulhallett1452 9 месяцев назад
You guys are also smarter and less close-minded than the ex-mo dogmatic presuppositional atheists - almost said materialists - but that would include all Mormons! Where does the Remnant fall on the TBM and fundamentalist poly-atheism?
@StitcheryXPress Год назад
Bullets are unpredictable; the exercise in trying to prove the direction, velocity of the bullet was futile.
@justin-griffin Год назад
Oh my goodness. You just Single handed put an end to all forensic science. I’ll let the detective know. Ha!
@patrickmo7137 Год назад
I think the Church knows the truth in a conference talk Holland recounts the Martyrdom WITH PISTOL AND BALL
@justin-griffin Год назад
Casey Childs (Artist who painted the martyrdom painting) asked Holland why he said "pistol and ball" in conference. Holland told him he was just being dramatic.
@patrickmo7137 Год назад
@BadAsss_patriot 7 месяцев назад
There’s another subset that I belong to. LDS baptized, believe JS was a true prophet, believe in the BoM, JS didn’t practice polygamy, yet the church He founded is still “true” and what God works with, with His authority still on the earth as far as man and those who hold particular offices are willing to listen and use it correctly and follow Him. A lot of cleansing has taken place throughout the generations as we focus on the keystone (BoM) and basing our foundation on the rock of our Redeemer. Which is why it is VITAL that each and every person get direct revelation for themselves regarding all things spoken from the “top.”
@moesyah Год назад
question: why would taylor and richards need to risk murdering the smiths when there's an armed and motivated mob there to do just that?
@angelarasmussen1800 Год назад
He would have to have John Taylor pulling his head back. 😂
@ladydainwinters8564 Год назад
I am ex Mormon and I think your theory backs up my beliefs. So I don't think that's fair to say of all of us.
@StephenEzraWestDrEz 11 месяцев назад
Plus, the expert admitted both eye witnesses LIED! And why would they lie? It was a little low volume and quickly changed to another focus, but I took note of that.
@rogue.ganker 4 месяца назад
Just remember John Taylor went to France a few years after in 1849, he was confronted with anti Mormon tracts saying they’re practicing polygamy, he debates the other preachers in France over this and lies about polygamy, saying it isn’t practiced and that night writes in his journal that he knew he was lying because he himself was already practicing polygamy but lied anyways. Taylor lies on record and admits it in his own journal.
@justin-griffin 4 месяца назад
Do you have that reference by chance?
@parkerjwill 5 месяцев назад
Would be interesting to investigate more deeply where Joseph Smith and the early founders of the church got their knowledge. The LDS faith is more complete than mainstream Christianity in many ways but, because LDS doctrine fosters desire for godhood it is fundamentally flawed.
@Wh3nth3wick3drul3 7 месяцев назад
Was there someone shooting from the roof?
@afinewhitehorse Год назад
"it's impossible to know what happened that long ago" "Hind sight is 20/20"
@slicgreendueler4884 14 дней назад
Small caliber bullets lose velocity and penetrating power quickly while traveling through tissue. It is just as likely to have lost inertia and not penetrate the chest after going thru the door, then nose, tongue and chin. By that time the bullet is out of power
@justin-griffin 14 дней назад
@@slicgreendueler4884 maybe, but with the size of the hole under his chin, that ball was moving quickly enough to leave some kind of a mark on his chest at minimum. Regardless, the forensic and historical evidence both now prove the shot entered under his chin.
@eneyeseekay Год назад
27 minutes. Didn't Heber J. Grant try to remove D&C 132 from the Canon?
@Notfromhere347 Год назад
@Max_Johnson Год назад
I believe it was in the 1930s
@rosspaul9989 5 месяцев назад
Regarding the remnant and the non-hierarchy group. What this leads to is everyone is on their own spiritual path (spiritualists). I think there’s danger in that because it’s what leads to the Salem witch trials type culture where everyone becomes a law unto themselves, everyone getting their own spiritual answers, which either agree or disagree with another.
@icecreamladydriver1606 11 месяцев назад
I couldnt make myself read the second book of Saints.
@MrBillyt442 10 месяцев назад
One thing that hasn’t been talked about out is suicide. What if Hyrum shot himself? Didn’t he have his own gun?
@aharonwsmith Год назад
I have some ideas, just spitballing here... what if the mob came in with pistols and not rifles? What if they came in the door and shot Hyrum under the chin? Could there have been another person that came in? Just throwing some ideas that are out of the box. Any credibility to those?
@aharonwsmith Год назад
no blood in the back, is it possible that it wouldnt bleed cuz it got like burned through or something like that? playing devils advocate
@visitingthepast Год назад
Where do remnants stand on the priesthood and temple ban on blacks as well as the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith’s teaching on the curse of skin of blackness?
@PeterBrownscouts Год назад
Never believe in priesthood bans. The Book of Mormon teaches that the darker skinned people will be the ones to help establish Zion in prophecy. So much for curses.
@paulhallett1452 9 месяцев назад
The best take on polygamy and the Book of Mormon require no Restoration - Church History, the documentary evidence of the Scripture - including Christ’s words about the Church - require Catholicism
@TassieAdams Месяц назад
I don’t know if I’m the only one here who has landed in this spot for now, but I would consider that Joseph Smith’s murder could be an inside job, and maybe he never did practice polygamy, however, I have a big problem with everything that points to treasure digging and the strange ways the Book of Mormon came to be. Anyone else out there feel the same way?
@justin-griffin Месяц назад
Once you understand that Brigham altered the historical record, you can’t trust the historians account of anything anymore. WHO knows if he was a treasure digger or not? You’re going to have to dive into that research if you want to really know the answer to these things yourself.
@jackiechoate6163 Год назад
22:30 I don't know if they would consider themselves "Remnant" category, but you have The Iron Rod Podcast guys. One of them, Taylor Drake wrote the book "Joseph in the Gap" (ex'd for writing the book)Their stance is Joseph was a polygamist but was wrong. Joseph was an intercessor. Also the blogger "onewhoiswatching" kinda falls under that camp as well. Their ideas are interesting and compelling. Maybe someone can convince them Joseph wasn't a polygamist. I'm still on the fence though.
@ThomasFackrell Год назад
I’ve spoken with them in person, and they interpret William Marks’ statement about Joseph coming to him admitting that he had been deceived as an admission he had been deceived about polygamy. While I disagree with that conclusion, they are some really great guys. Chris took me out to lunch at the very beginning of my faith upheaval in 2021.
@jackiechoate6163 Год назад
@@ThomasFackrell Yes, and I'm pretty sure they believe that Joseph will play an important role in the future. Onewhoiswatching blogged recently about Kirtland and made a claim that those being rebaptized into fringe groups are being deceived from the leaders of the fringe groups. He is waiting for Joseph's return. His ideas are based on scripture are interesting to contemplate.
@fredgarvin9398 Год назад
Once people have made up their minds, it’s really tough to change. I’m not sure if they are formally trained in history or have any training in historiography. Once you receive that training, then you start to get a little bit more flexible and are more open to other opinions. That being said, the William Marks, Ebeneezer Robinson testimonies are pretty dang Problematic. It leaves the possibility open that Joseph could have taught polygamy. It is the criteria of dissimilarity.
@edwarddiviney5226 Год назад
To Me, Mormon 8 is the most important and simple scriptural "WAKE UP CALL" or proof of the church going astray. Isolated in Utah territory, disagreement with leaders meant having your throat cut by Brigham's Danites, including women.
@Ischyromys Год назад
I see parallels between your inside job theory and 9-11. In both cases there's a documented attack with a motive to kill (an armed mob or jetliners). So even if a few details seem hard to explain it's not logical to appeal to another independent cause unless there's a smoking gun. There's less special pleading involved in speculative details (like the chaos in the jail room) than invoking an explanation that equates to lightning striking twice in the same place at the same time.
@thelastgoonie6555 4 месяца назад
As "Remnant," do you believe Joseph Smith's Council of 50 minutes where he plotted the overthrow of the US Govt and a Kingdom with HIM anointed King? I'm not sure how you can deny Joseph was getting nuts toward the end there. -ExMo genuinely trying to understand your position
@Notfromhere347 Год назад
I’m your unicorn. I’m a former TBM, read all the stuff, disavow Joseph, and lean conservative and mainstream Christian. I’m your unicorn 🦄
@Kristy_not_Kristine Год назад
Truth matters! Joseph is a prophet and wasn't a polygamist. Brigham was an imposter.
@kirkharrington1508 5 месяцев назад
What?!?! There was a hole in the ceiling above Hyrum! Not the floor. RFM's exit wound idea is ridiculous. Plus...everybody knows that the entrance wound is smaller than the exit would...which is what the skull shows. Duh!
@moesyah Год назад
the mormon church did in fact lie about joseph's polygamy for a long time, excommunicated people for talking about it, and only conceded the truth of it after it couldn't be hidden anymore.
@timoaks1372 Год назад
I really liked your three circle graphic and description of the differing points of view. It would be interesting to see a civil intelligent person from each group have a discussion. And a question, do you have an estimate of the number of people in each group?
@justin-griffin Год назад
Good question on the #s. I’m not sure how to know that. In my experience, I’d guess there are around 5,000 remnant.
@PeterBrownscouts Год назад
Dehlin had a podcast a few months ago with a church insider. With active Mormons on the Wasatch there are about 1/3 sympathetic to each group. Evenly split. That's probably more critical than those who are declared in one camp or another.
@timlewis7218 6 месяцев назад
He broke his blood oath to the masons.
@jareddollen1113 Год назад
Haven't you read the Scripture where it says Prophets are subject to the Prophets.
@TenthWardJenny Год назад
Why would knowing who killed JS change anything?
@justin-griffin Год назад
You can’t see how an active lds member might have to question a few things if the 3rd prophet in their priesthood line was a murderer?
@TenthWardJenny Год назад
@@justin-griffin ​ @WKJS Podcast Tell me why it would (1NE4:10)? As I understand it, knowing the divinity of the COJCLDS is based on beneficial, carefully cultivated feelings, not evidentiary facts. What am I missing?
@petervincent3560 Год назад
Something to consider: Regardless of the teachings of each group, the question that needs to be answered is what was Joseph Smith doing with Sealings? Clearly he did connect with these sisters in Eternity by their own testimonies. Yes, it’s clear to those who recognize his honesty and true teachings of God, that he is a true prophet. If we remove ourselves from the our personal bias, how do we explain what we see being taught by Joseph Smith? What kind of example is it? What was being taught in the Temples anciently? (Nibley demonstrates that many of the ancient ordinances being practiced did make it into the modern Temple rituals) What do we see in nature? What does our Heavenly Father show us may exist in Heaven? We may not like it, deeper doctrines may be hard to get our head around but this idea of agency, choice, is important. Purity and free will matter. Do we seek to rise from Lambs into Lions? Truth abides in all of us and false notions abound. Each of us can and do teach both. Only pure revelation can clarify.
@moesyah Год назад
you guys are overthinking the exmo take. in terms of the truth claims any branch of mormonism makes about the supernatural, it doesn't matter who killed joseph. it's an interesting question, but without evidence it's just speculation. so it's pointless if you're trying to understand what happened in history.
@patrickmo7137 Год назад
How do you feel about David Witmer’s book to all believers in Christ ? I listened to a podcast that went over it and the Spirit testified that most of what he said is true
@justin-griffin Год назад
I liked it a lot. And feel like the church before they officially organized with the state seemed much closer to the way the church is described in the scriptures.
@icecreamladydriver1606 11 месяцев назад
Wealth, power and all the sex that a man could want and more. I dont believe it had anything to do with God.
@eneyeseekay Год назад
8 minutes. The Community of Christ does not believe the Book of Mormon is historically true.
@stevebryner2307 Год назад
Yes. I mispoke, lumping the RLDS in there. I was referencing more to those that do believe it to be true. Community of Christ at this point is barely a restoration branch anymore in my opinion. There are true RLDS that still meet in homes that maintain fundamental RLDS views, but are not really organized. I would include them in the Remnant. Straight off the Community of Christ website, "We affirm the Bible as the foundational scripture for the church." I think mainstream LDS is creeping into this territory as well. In the new Strength of Youth pamphlet, everything is Bible scriptures, in all the headings. Very little Book of Mormon.
@ikaramba3954 Год назад
Moving the goalposts again is see.
@justin-griffin Год назад
How so?
@ikaramba3954 Год назад
In several ways. The most interesting way I see is that now you claim the point of the second film was not to establish anything about evidence and facts, but rather to give a nod to those out there seeking a spiritual witness to know the truth. Very reminiscent of what TBMs say about being backed up to the wall of faith.
@justin-griffin Год назад
@@ikaramba3954 that was certainly one of the points, yes.
@ikaramba3954 Год назад
@@justin-griffin so can someone honestly believe in the inside job theory solely based on the evidence or do you need help from an invisible unprovable being? Because it is looking like that is the common denominator.
@justin-griffin Год назад
@@ikaramba3954 when you know all the evidence, only one theory can answer it all.
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