
Top 15 Evidences of Deceptive LDS Leadership 

Mormon Discussion Inc.
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Welcome to "Top 15 Evidences for LDS Leadership Deception." In this video, we delve into numerous instances where the leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has not been entirely truthful with its members. From historical controversies to modern-day discrepancies, we uncover the patterns of deception and obfuscation that have shaped the Church's narrative.
Topics Covered:
0:00 Introduction
0:23 SEC Financial Malfeasance
3:28 Hidden Documents
8:50 General Conference Sleight of Hand
13:12 Mountain Meadows Massacre
15:55 Lying About Racism
19:34 Plagiarism as Revelation
21:40 Lying About Lay Clergy
23:54 Embellished Stories
28:51 Elder Oaks Shocking Dishonesty
30:08 Denying Christ
33:49 Perjurious Papyri
36:35 SCMC Spying For The Lord
38:15 Sidestepping Polygamy
40:32 Membership Data Distortion
42:00 Lying For The Lord
44:14 Conclusion
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22 июл 2024




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@MormonDiscussion 16 дней назад
For a more full list of LDS Deceptions please see the following mormondiscussionpodcast.org/the-mormon-truth-crisis/
@gigi1332 16 дней назад
Only 15? I was a 5 time Young Woman President and very devoted convert for decades. When I discovered that my leadership had knowingly lied to me about EVERYTHING I was completely devastated 💔 It should have been illegal what they did for many decades. Sending innocent young missionaries out in the world to teach what they knew were complete lies is just horrific. Thank you for your channel in exposing this horrific organization.
@MormonDiscussion 16 дней назад
For a more full list of LDS Deceptions please see the following mormondiscussionpodcast.org/the-mormon-truth-crisis/
@SilentThundersnow 16 дней назад
Sending them out, making them pay for it themselves! AND WORK FOR FREE 16 hour workdays as salesmen for the church! They taught them sales techniques. Gross! Those young people gave up 2 years of wage earning potential and lifetime wages, which is getting harder to survive without! They should be able to sue for it all back. But that's the rub. This type of deception is very hard to hold accountable. The fine should've been a billion. Churches need to be taxed. Imagine the churches that would disappear because that's all they are is a tax evasion organization.
@randyjordan5521 15 дней назад
Well, this is just the top 15 evidences. To see more, you'd have to read the Tanners' magnum opus.
@sammiller4321 14 дней назад
@randyjordan5521 14 дней назад
@@sammiller4321 Well, yeah. Not a single one of the alleged founding events of Mormonism actually happened. It is all made up.
@kentthalman4459 14 дней назад
Knowing the level of deception that comes from the top is important to understand how orchestrated it is.
@chuckkv 14 дней назад
#1 finally shattered me. I sat in the finance trainings over a decade, listening to apostles and 1st bishopric members talking about protecting the Lord's sacred funds, meanwhile they're gambling the Lord's funds on not getting caught. For ~20 years! They lied when they signed the SEC document _or_ they lied in their response to it, but either way there's a lie in there somewhere.
@senorbb2150 16 дней назад
Excellent presentation, but I was disappointed that you did not include the grand-daddy of all LDS prophet lies: Joseph Smith saying "What a thing it is for a man to be accused of committing adultery, and having seven wives, when I can only find one."
@randyjordan5521 15 дней назад
That's certainly a big one, but the grandaddy would be the "first vision." Since all of Mormonism rests on the validity of that event, if it's false, the whole thing is false.
@senorbb2150 15 дней назад
@@randyjordan5521 Well you may be right, but the "I can only find one" quote is falsifiable.
@randyjordan5521 15 дней назад
@@senorbb2150 There is zero evidence that the 1820 "first vision" happened. To learn details, I suggest you go to the Mormonthink website and read the section titled First Vision. If that even didn't occur, all other claims of Mormonism are bogus too. Also, Joseph Smith's "I can find only one" remark wasn't his only denial of polygamy.
@federicoeco9030 12 дней назад
Joseph Smith comdemned poligamy during his whole life. Brigham Young an others were whose introduce poligamy in the church.
@randyjordan5521 12 дней назад
@@federicoeco9030 OF COURSE Joseph Smith publicly denied polygamy, because it was against the law and the rules of his own church. The reason people like you do not believe that Smith originated polygamy is because you cannot emotionally accept that he was a liar, an adulterer, and a hypocrite. Here is what professional, degreed historians say on the subject: "From Joseph Smith’s first documented plural marriage in 1841 until his death more than three years later, some twenty-eight men and 106 women (as civil and plural wives) entered the prophet’s order of celestial matrimony.[1] Given the secrecy surrounding Smith’s controversial (and illegal) practice, the exact number of these earliest polygamists may never be known. However, enough information in the form of diaries, letters, auto biographies, reminiscences, affidavits, statements, and family histories has accumulated since the early 1840s-coupled with reasonable inferences and educated guesses-to enable a compelling, albeit tentative, identification.[2] "Based on the most convincing data presently available,[3] the following men either definitely or probably married additional wives with Joseph Smith’s permission prior to his death on June 27, 1844: James Adams, Ezra T. Benson, Reynolds Cahoon, William Clayton, Joseph W. Coolidge, Howard Egan, William Felshaw, William D. Huntington, Orson Hyde, Joseph A. Kelting, Heber C. Kimball, Vinson Knight, Isaac Morley, Joseph Bates Noble, John E. Page, Parley P. Pratt, Willard Richards, Hyrum Smith, John Smith, Joseph Smith, William Smith, Erastus Snow, John Taylor, Theodore Turley, Lyman Wight, Edwin D. Woolley, Brigham Young, and Lorenzo Dow Young. While the evidence in a few cases (i.e., Coolidge, Felshaw, Kelting, Page, and Wight) for an early plural marriage is circumstantial and conjectural, these twenty-eight men and their wives comprise the most likely candidates for membership in Joseph Smith’s inner circle of plural marriage participants." "The abundant evidence for Joseph Smith’s Nauvoo plural wives was first published in Andrew Jenson, “Plural Marriage,” Historical Record 6 (May 1887): 233-34. Jenson was followed by Fawn Brodie, No Man Knows My History: The Life of Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet, 2d ed., rev. and enl. (1945; New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1971), 457-88; Thomas Milton Tinney, The Royal Family of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Junior (Salt Lake City: Tinney-Green[e] Family Organization Publishing Company, 1973); Danel W. Bachman, “A Study of the Mormon Practice of Plural Marriage before the Death of Joseph Smith” (1975); George D. Smith, “Nauvoo Roots of Mormon Polygamy” (1994); D. Michael Quinn, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power (1994), 587-88; and most recently Todd Compton, In Sacred Loneliness. Although some readers may disagree in a handful of instances with Compton’s identifications of Smith’s Nauvoo wives,[74] I believe he is accurate. In fact, I am persuaded that the evidence allows for an additional four (if not more) plural wives-Mary Houston, Sarah Scott Mulholland, Mary Ann Frost Stearns Pratt, and Phebe Watrous Woodworth-bringing the total of Joseph Smith’s known Nauvoo plural wives to at least thirty-six." ---"Identifying the Earliest Mormon Polygamists, 1841-1844", Gary James Bergera
@johnmalcolm2028 14 дней назад
I started reading the Bible for the first time, slow and cover to cover in 2020. I began to gain insight and read Bible commentaries. I never went back. Palmer's book was the last straw.
@thecounterfeitchosen2238 11 дней назад
Me too! The Bible opened my eyes
@jonathanbaca1500 13 дней назад
Thank you, this is not a attack on the church, but the public as well as it's members have a right to know the facts about church history that can be verified.
@pop5678eye 16 дней назад
There is no more moral relativism than church authority. Thou shall not kill... except when 'god' commands it. Thou shall not bear false witness... except in the service of 'god.' Thou shall not steal... except for the benefit of 'god's people.' Even the more spiritual Commandments are open to excuses as long as you claim 'god' commanded you to do it. Keep holy the sabbath? Honor thy father and mother? Thous shall not create graven images? All of those are okay to break those Commandments if a priest or 'prophet' tells you it is 'god's' will. Church authority does not lead morality. It always lags behind because it is based on telling people to not question the established authority.
@taiwohassanadekoya7238 15 дней назад
That's not true. Yes, it may seem veritable from the lives of these Church leaders, but that's not the LEADERSHIP Jesus Christ stipulates. The Lord says, "in the land of the Gentiles, their leaders do as they please and they Lord over their devotees", but not so in my KINGDOM. He expressly says the Leader should be the servant, and the greatest be the smallest. In other words, no Mastery or monopoly of Power. Even Jesus's lifestyle says it all. Amen.
@michellemilne3315 14 дней назад
“Church authority does not lead morality.” YES!
@Magikarp-4ever 5 дней назад
@landon4278 16 дней назад
More on Mountain Meadows. They used to haul in large amounts of gravel and place it in the middle of the dirt road leading to the site so that it wouldn't be accessible. As far as I'm aware, this was being done up into the 1980s.
@randyjordan5521 15 дней назад
And the church still denies that the institutional church and the leaders in SLC had anything to do with it. When the fact is, Brigham Young met in a war council with 12 southern Indian chiefs one week before the attack to approve it and plan it.
@Fatfinger4378 15 дней назад
@@randyjordan5521 Would love to see reference material for this. I haven't the slightest doubt of its veracity, but any documented evidence would be appreciated.
@kenmccain9743 9 дней назад
@@randyjordan5521 no he didn't
@randyjordan5521 7 дней назад
@@Fatfinger4378 I posted some documentation on this issue about a week ago, but I don't see it here. Maybe the people who run this channel thought it was too lengthy or too informative. So I'll re-post the jist of it: "Recently I was given access to an electrostatic copy of the daily journal of Brigham Young. Under date of September 1, 1857, the entry reads: 'Kanosh the Pavaunt chief with several of his band visited me gave me some council and presents. A spirit seems to be takeing possession of the Indians to assist Israel. I can hardly restrain them from exterminating the Americans.' "This seems very significant. The 'Journal History of the Church' under this same date tells of the visit of Jacob Hamblin and twelve Indian chiefs from the south. President Young talked with them all, but it seems that Kanosh was given private audience. He was the chief who had killed Captain John W. Gunnison and several of his men as they were camped on the Sevier River on October 28, 1853. Whether or not Kanosh and his band were at the Mountain Meadows we do not know, but we can now be certain that the Mormon war strategy was to use the natives as 'the battle-ax of the Lord,' as some of the early missionaries had stated." ("Mountain Meadows Massacre," Juanita Brooks, p. xiii.) "Hamblin and some twelve Indian chiefs on September first met with Brigham Young and his most trusted interpreter, 49-year-old Dimick Huntington, at Great Salt Lake. Taking part in this pow-wow were Kanosh, the Mormon chief of the Pahvants; Ammon, half-brother of Walker; Tutsegabit, head chief of the Piedes; Youngwuds, another Piede chieftain, and other leaders of desert bands along the Santa Clara and Virgin Rivers. "Little was known of what they talked about until recently when it came to light that Huntington (apparently speaking for Young) told the chiefs that he 'gave them all the cattle that had gone to Cal[ifornia by] the south rout[e].' The gift 'made them open their eyes,' he said. But 'you have told us not to steal,' the Indians replied. 'So I have,' Huntington said, but now they have come to fight us & you for when they kill us they will kill you.' The chiefs knew what cattle he was giving them. They belonged to the Baker-Fancher train." ("Forgotten Kingdom: The Mormon Theocracy in the American West," David Bigler, pp. 167-168.) The only large herd of cattle being driven on the south route to California at that time was that belonging to the Baker-Fancher emigrant train. As Dimick Huntington's journal entry states, Brigham Young gifted those cattle to the Indians.
@randyjordan5521 7 дней назад
@@kenmccain9743 I suggest you read the historical documentation I posted on this thread.
@dougvincent9076 16 дней назад
I would really like to hear you narrate these,Bill; rather than an AI voice. You do so much better!!
@susansullivansullivan3695 16 дней назад
Agree 💯
@whitesalamander 15 дней назад
Plot twist- Bill actually is an A.I. bot. Just kidding🤣
@susansullivansullivan3695 15 дней назад
@@whitesalamander 😂
@ToadSageify 15 дней назад
agree, the ai voice is distracting.
@KendraAndTheLaw 15 дней назад
@michealcobia7869 16 дней назад
This is not the only time and changing talks. Jeffrey Holland gave a talk at UVU where he basically stated that it didn’t matter how our bodies were made or developed. The published version of that as that sentence deleted.
@Latter-dailyDigest 16 дней назад
Great work!! Top Q15 Evidences of...😆😆😆
@user-eu8nm2dc1y 13 дней назад
Thank you for sharing these things in such a concise and poignant way!!
@pianomanchristopher 11 дней назад
This is a great summary. Airtight arguments, indeed Even very mildly stated. These leaders are wolves in sheep's clothing and need to be exposed for the charlatans that they are. I almost want to send it to my LDS friends and family, but not ready to face the ensuing confrontation. So, I suppose I'll continue to keep it fester. Sigh...
@seufubeca1 14 дней назад
The biggest lie they tell is "I know............."
@ericredd4544 16 дней назад
The "church" is stagnate. The "Corporation" has never been stronger and is more powerful and wealthy than anyone can imagine. T
@andreadiamond7115 15 дней назад
Commenting to help.
@MormonDiscussion 16 дней назад
Other Similar Videos "The Actual History of Mormonism" ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-bpq9th21VHU.html Top 10 Evidences of Mormonism! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-F3yjjyYKwj8.html Top 15 Evidences against Book of Mormon Historicity ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-bhaTPx9YCwU.html
@Moksha-Raver 15 дней назад
How many other faith traditions have Lying for the Lord as a church doctrine?
@kenmccain9743 9 дней назад
@@Moksha-Raver all of them do
@nuggetoftruth-ericking7489 12 дней назад
This was very interesting. Thanks.
@barryrichins 15 дней назад
Thanks, Guillermo!!
@MormonDiscussion 15 дней назад
My pleasure!
@dreampurplequeen1 16 дней назад
And a beast rose out of the earth having 2 horns like a lamb, but spake as a dragon...
@senorbb2150 16 дней назад
And just when was that, pray tell? And what do dragons sound like when they speak?
@SilentThundersnow 16 дней назад
​@@senorbb2150😂😂 oh dayum i love you!! 🤣🫶
@Themanyfacesofego 15 дней назад
What's the name of this animal then?
@dreampurplequeen1 15 дней назад
@@senorbb2150 dragons LIE!
@Fatfinger4378 15 дней назад
@@dreampurplequeen1 What lie? Please elaborate, and don't be stingy with the details.
@edwardjohnson6629 15 дней назад
@stephenbethell7548 7 дней назад
In the early 70s American exceptionalism ruled in the church . I remember being told that every American president was specifically chosen by god who also dictated the constitution.
@Moksha-Raver 15 дней назад
What if the bad accounting was due to the BYU accounting program not understanding best and honest practices?
@atheistapostate7019 4 дня назад
I’m personally a fan of the 1835 account. Smith’s account to Joshua the Jew was just plain old rich. I never knew of the 1832, 1835 or 1842 accounts until I was leaving the church 20 some years back. Most of my LDS friends think I am lying and refuse to even check FAIR lol
@adamwineera 13 дней назад
Joseph smith and hyrum smith condemned polygamy…
@timlewis7218 16 дней назад
The top evidences are the csa NDA's.
@Hallahanify 15 дней назад
Whats csa?
@MormonDiscussion 15 дней назад
child sex abuse
@KendraAndTheLaw 15 дней назад
Thumbs down on the A.I. voice. 1/2 the reason I listen to Bill and RFM is because of their personalities and voices. Don't take that away.
@MormonDiscussion 15 дней назад
We do two live shows and we are adding a third. I don’t think you have to worry about that. This project is something different.
@joanlantis4497 14 дней назад
The Bible says do nothing in darkness let your yes be yes and no be no. In other words thou shalt not lie. There is no and ifs or buts.
@andrewreed4216 10 дней назад
Sadly theres been some bad decisions. A good one is; chief Midegah and the birch bark scrolls, the nemenhah records, "New Zealand skeletons in the cupboard "
@lauraparis2023 15 дней назад
I really don't like the robo tic voice😢
@troycline92 15 дней назад
Using AI to do your work now?? Ick. I might be done listening to Mormon Discussions podcasts.
@MormonDiscussion 15 дней назад
It is one project that uses ai (all of the live shows and RFM and Mormon Discussion don't utilize such for voices) Not sure why you can't see that?
@troycline92 14 дней назад
@@MormonDiscussion Clearly, I recognize that RFM and live shows aren't AI but the fact that AI is used for any show is weak. AI is unengaging and boring to listen to. I don't know why you can't see that.
@MrRickb75645 13 дней назад
Wow. Not everything is perfect. Tje lord knew hos setvants werent perfect.
@waynefeller День назад
We don’t expect perfection. We expect honesty and acknowledging when mistakes were made.
@MaryMartinez-mc9qu 6 дней назад
The AI voice is cringe. Please narrate it yourself, Bill or RFM
@kenmccain9743 11 дней назад
Perhaps you guys should do an investigation about your own church rather than investigate the LDS. Since you claim that the heavens are sealed and you have no revelation anymore who gave you all the authority to be the sole gatekeepers of truth?
@Themanyfacesofego 9 дней назад
Why does everyone have to have a church? Maybe they don't. Even if they were in a church with problems, would this somehow cancel out the problems in mormonism?
@waynefeller День назад
@@kenmccain9743 I missed the part where they said they belong to or lead a church. Can you give me the time stamp for that? Also, I didn’t hear them claim to be the sole gatekeeper for truth. In fact, I saw them quote actual documents rather than just claim truth: can you give a time stamp for this as well? Or were you just lying and using a straw man?
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