Kennie J.D.
Kennie J.D.
Kennie J.D.
Hi I'm Kennie

I like terrible movies, reality trash tv, makeup, hair, and talking for long amounts of time. Also I make music.

2 месяца назад
@morlenenolwazidube7286 День назад
English BTS music is craaazzzyyyy you know they better than this plssssss 😭✋🏾
@bryce1818 День назад
I felt sorry for Iasaac.
@bbria28 День назад
She's Korean and her nickname is Chyna? Okay😢
@zeddoomgay5579 День назад
Kennie if you're looking for anime you need to see Revolutionary Girl Utena you're gonna love the drama
@BleuNxtDoor День назад
First video I seen of your channel died laughing had to subscribe
@Chrisdoesntlikenoisecore День назад
This movie is like when you’re at a job orientation and you have to watch this videos discussing the job and all that comes with it.
@LyndelIsIn День назад
On the topic of dungeons and dragons: It’s definitely about your friends, their innovation and capability to spur interactions with your own characters but beyond that it has a lot to do with a dm. An imaginative dm who can lead you through lore and possibilities of your character and in my experience allowing them to take reigns in a sense. Story. It’s world building. A dm needs imagination and a story voice. But yk. Take that loosely
@LyndelIsIn День назад
On the topic of dungeons and dragons: It’s definitely about your friends, their innovation and capability to spur interactions with your own characters but beyond that it has a lot to do with a dm. An imaginative dm who can lead you through lore and possibilities of your character and in my experience allowing them to take reigns in a sense. Story. It’s world building. A dm needs imagination and a story voice.
@Drenrocks531 День назад
The book is so much better than season 3 ngl
@DanaCecile День назад
I just found out there is a lifetime movie called “Gaslit by my Husband” and all i could think was how badly i needed you to know lol
@clayweir7068 День назад
Kennie ya edges don't need all that brushing 😭My scalp hurts just watching it
@PR-ks7mu День назад
Not *exclusively* Dungeons and Dragons, but my FAVORITE table top roleplaying podcast / channel is Glass Canon! Exceptionally talented, all of the players are professional actors, comedians, and voice actors. Laughed more than ever before watching them. Their Delta Green campaign is the most amazing. Super scary and super funny ❤
@SrishaaIyer День назад
If you're feeling the dnd vibe Delicious in Dungeon is amazing. It's like watching a dnd game except the food is the most important part
@kristencocciante3803 День назад
Yess chants of senaar is so fucking good, I’ve played it like 4 times at this point cuz it’s just so fun piecing everything together, I love it
@SensualSanctuary134 День назад
How can get you to review my book
@angelbabe133 День назад
Honestly started watching you when you did your Korea vlogs and I wish you did more vlogs in general still !❤
@AugustSequoia День назад
I guess I'm confused at how many people think Jimmy got the "hero edit" bc my friends and I were screaming from episode 1 how much of a fuckhead he is. Like, if Netflix was trying to make him seem like the good guy, they failed. All they accomplished was making both him look like a dick and Chelsea look like a cry baby.
@notsosadbart6343 День назад
This honestly would've been a decent premise and could've been a good movie if ms. manic-pixie-coercion was replaced with a normal fucking person, and the two men slowly discovered they loved each other on their own and had to wrestle with the complicated feelings and situation of her cancer and if the writing was better
@osmanyousif7849 День назад
38:15 This reminds me of the Spongebob episode "Mermaid Man & Barnacle Boy: The Motion Picture". Where Patrick is filming the movie, only for Spongebob to realize that he covered up the lenses, and was filming nothing. Which leads to Spongebob going berserk.
@gabrylmack5084 День назад
I loved it ! More South African Shows please ❤️ also I kinda had a feeling no one was really feeling the Whyte people , it’s nice to see the tables turned , and not watch a dating show with token black people but it’s ALL about black people❤️❤️
@pixiestxNyomouf День назад
Looking back of DaDummy and Yellowbone, Diane would be lucky if he died
@johnmartin298 День назад
I’ll give it one thing. I was not bored. I was hella confused but bored? Nah. Shit went from buckwild granny to American psycho mixed w/ fightclub, the hell?!
@Zombribat День назад
I've played D&D for... 20 years or so, since I was ten years old! To answer your question, it totally does depend on who you play with, but every single group I've ever been part of has those comedic breaks. ... Especially if there is someone who plays bards. It's me. I'm the bard. XD
@leah73011 2 дня назад
that's absolutely terrifying like i can't even describe the feelings while listening to this story. That man is insane, like genuinely out of his mind, he needs SERIOUS help like hospitalization and i don't think even that would help him. does he even know what he's doing? i don't think he's living on the same planet i don't think there's a single thought in his head
@bleedingcowboys7147 2 дня назад
cute anime i watched a few years ago - little witch academia. its cute, cosy, kinda shounen for girls 😭❓️ idk man its really nice, and might still be on netflix. great video, thanks for the reccs 🤝💗
@elppaeniman 2 дня назад
Idk if this would make it better or worse, but Dev Patel replaced Jesse McCartney for Prince Zuko, so the entire primary cast would have been white 🫠
@amararose169 2 дня назад
Love your videos Kennie. Also if your looking for animes to watch perhaps you should try Yubisaki to Renren and Skip to Loafer. They are not shounen, more like shoujo or slice of life.
@riana8829 2 дня назад
why am i shipping the two men instead...and i came for zendaya
@MoonDust22951 2 дня назад
Late to the video but I think you would enjoy watching Delicious in Dungeon. It combines cooking and adventures with a vibe very much like DnD. It funny and wholesome, and as someone who also doesn't watch too much shonen anime I really enjoyed it.
@lavvithefairy 2 дня назад
The spontaneous baking segment while watching this while baking was everything I ever needed.
@timothykramer2551 2 дня назад
Women are so fake wigs
@irenesharp9483 2 дня назад
O m g best ever your so talented x
@kiki18j2 2 дня назад
You should 100% play Baldur’s Gate 3. It’s D&D in video game form. You can even play co-op with your boyfriend if you both get it on PlayStation.
@finchfry 2 дня назад
I have also never played League of Legends, but Arcane is such a phenomenal show!
@Crazy_e193 2 дня назад
A grown man wrote this 😕😑😂. We are in strange times
@sumaameri 2 дня назад
have you tried adding caramel sauce with the cream cheese??
@lunasistellah7511 2 дня назад
Went into it blind a friend recommended it and maaaaan did it destroy me like I was never the same definitely triggered the shit out of me
@ThingsSheMakesShop 2 дня назад
i am new around here and trying to catch up on all the videos so excuse me if you’ve already done this one but the horror winnie the pooh movie is one you should definitely do!! you will be changed, you will be grossed out, you will wonder why you are watching it. 😂
@Fearsia 2 дня назад
As a transmasc/ trans man that's out publicly but recently got a job where he's not out, I honestly love where you talked about the transphobia apparently in this show/documentary? (I know it's based on something real but has details changed) Anyway I'm kinda under the influence rn (I've found myself starting to self destruct the last few weeks, the past 2 days I have off so planned on allowing myself to do so sort of, then found I didn't want to but I kinda did anyway? I'll perhaps update in a week or so if anyone asks) but despite that I'm loving this section. I sort of inherently cringed inwards prepared for something awkward to hear as a viewer who loves your content, but is trans. I was pleasantly surprised in not just what you said but the fact you're an ally just by the way you understand the struggles trans folk have. Since starting this job where I closeted myself during the interview (she asked about my name, me having forgotten I used my preferred name, she asked about which name, I just waved it off and said to use my legal name, turns out, I'm very unhappy with this decision of mine. Been trying to subtly come out or slip it into conversation a couple times to sus out how others feel about the queer community. Can't find shit out. Tempted to just say fuck it and use an entire check to legally change my name. I decided to go by my legal name out of worry paperwork would get screwed up as it has in the past or in instances where nurses and doctors can't find me in the system or the meds I'm supposed to take while hospitalized due to me going by my chosen name which doesn't always pull up my legal name. Was worried official paperwork like taxes would go under the wrong name and create massive issues. Instead I regret it but am too scared to come out to my coworkers. They seem to only hire cis women/girls and no men (knowingly, I'm obviously the exception outside of the guy who comes to clean at night and the repair guy.) They all SEEM straight. I even painted my nails on one hand the trans pride flag, each nail corresponding to a stripe. Nothing. No mention from them or any customers. Not even acknowledgement I'd painted my nails. Tried painting an entire trans pride flag on each nail. We'll see how it goes. I might just message my boss one of these days, I don't know. Legally I can't be fired for being trans but I could see them finding loopholes by others treating me different or them dropping my hours, etc until I HAVE to quit or they could have a legitimate excuse to fire me that would be difficult or impossible to prove was me being fired due to my trans/gayness)
@vision_walker 2 дня назад
As soon as you said that Colby was trying to convince the girl he wanted to have kids, I fucking gagged. Like no sir, you DO NOT get to say that to someone you just met. The fuck?
@shiahplum21 2 дня назад
OH MY GOD BABY GIRL WELCOME TO THE DND COMMUNITY! Forever Dungeon Master here to say, YES, DND is entirely dependent on the vibes of the group. I've run multiple campaigns and games, and the best one I did was a oneshot with four friends who all were goofy and silly with each other and it was a complete joke of a oneshot (demon cow worshippers versus chicken farmer cultists). Everyone got into their characters, got stupid, and also tried really hard in their combat sequences and managed to finish the quest I gave them. It was fantastic and literally because of the comfort and vibes they all had with each other. That's what makes the game. I will say, conflicts happen when you have players who place importance on very different parts of the game from each other. If you have a group where half of them like roleplaying more and the other half likes combat more, you're going to have a tough time keeping everyone pleased, cause one half will be bored / disinterested at any given time, so beyond trusting and comfortable friendships at the table, you need like-minded players. Communication is key for a good game. Between players but also between the Dungeon Master and the players. I always ask for feedback after a session from the players to see what they liked, what they didn't like, and that makes the campaign better too. Finally, making sure players and Dungeon Masters are on the same 'side' since a lot of players treat the Dungeon Master as opposition since they control the monsters and villains they fight, is key. It's important as a Dungeon Master to give special moments to players, adhere to the rule of cool, and be flexible within the rules of the game. If you know the comedy rule of 'Yes, and--' there's a similar rule I like to use as a Dungeon Master called 'No, but--'. Just to be willing to work with a player to allow them to do what they want to in the game, even if it goes against the rules, cause that's what makes it fun for them. It's all just trust, communication, and flexibility. Fostering creativity to have fun too! I think comedy is super important for DND cause if it's serious all the time then it becomes draining and a lot of people use DND as an escape from the shitty reality of the real world, so throwing funny, goofy stuff in there is super necessary. Please keep watching Dimension20, Brennan is a FANTASTIC Dungeon Master who employs everything I've said in this comment. He's a master of making DND so fun and funny and different. I prefer it to Critical Role who do adhere to the more classic Dungeons and Dragons swords and sorcery vibes and take it more seriously. Fantasy High is a good place to start, also Crown of Candy (it's Game of Thrones in Candyland). I think you'll adore Aabria Iyengar too, so look into her stuff, both her features on Crit Role + D20, and her own stuff. MWAH, WELCOME GIRL! WE'RE HAPPY TO HAVE YOU HERE WITH US!
@henkagomez 2 дня назад
irinas giving bartisse
@squeezie_b8895 2 дня назад
Apothecary Diaries is really fun. It’s about a young woman who was raised by an apothecary and the women of a local brothel. After being kidnapped and sold to the palace, she becomes embroils in the mysteries and political machinations of the harem. It’s a fun mystery show with some romance on the side. Highly recommend! I would also suggest Kakegurui because it’s crazy.
@geniusoflove 2 дня назад
PLEASE watch dungeon meshi oh my goodness
just wanna say i checked his insta to see what hes up to and all of the posts in the tagged post section are porn bots, and you have to be looking at accounts like that to be getting that fucking many
@animemangaluver96 2 дня назад
More anime rec’s: romantic killer and my happy marriage
@nervousbreakdown711 2 дня назад
Hollywood is finally in its MILF era and I’m so happy for us
@zrasabba 2 дня назад
Anime recommendations (You probably already heard of a few of these, but not all) My Love Story: sweet story about good people, love, and friendship Madoka Magica: Magical girls for depressed people. Not necessarily a deconstruction on the genre, in my opinion. Ambiguously gay Princess Tutu: Okay, I know the title turns people off, but it's really good okay??? Another magical girl show, this one more child-friendly. About fate, roles, stories, and, of course, love and friendship. Especially good if you like ballet, classical music, fairy tales, or goofy surrealism. Full Metal Alchemist: Either one. Most people like it. I like it. Putting in an easy recommendation before my hardest sell Revolutionary Girl Utena: Bisexuals (lesbians?), sword fights, surreal to the point that things just don't make sense sometimes. I love it, an all time fav. These kids are not okay, and some bad stuff happens. Nothing graphic, but does evoke appropriate emotional response. About growing up in a society, specifically becoming an adult while navigating gender roles, learning to move forward after past traumas, learning to move forward after a romanticized past, and a bunch of other stuff too.
@asiablackgrl6482 2 дня назад
Can't wait to make some of those r@cist yt woman, crack cookies you showed us. They look fire 🔥!
@0Lu.Lu0 2 дня назад
I aint even watch the movie because, well, it’s a Tyler Perry jawn…..gotdammit. I heard a bit of what goes down-so unsurprising-Kelly must be down bad.