Xaryu Clips
Xaryu Clips
Xaryu Clips
The official @Xaryu clips channel

Business inquiries: xaryu@viralnationtalent.com
Guzu called me out...
2 часа назад
"Classic ERA is on FIRE"
22 часа назад
"Classic WoW is RUINED..."
2 часа назад
Asmongold WON'T play WoW again!
4 часа назад
Petition to make WoW Classic great again!
12 часов назад
What have they done...
14 часов назад
He Plays WoW with VR on a Treadmill
16 часов назад
Jokerd called me out...
16 часов назад
WoW Classic+ in Unreal Engine 2
19 часов назад
Asmongold on why SoD is NOT great
19 часов назад
День назад
How Asmongold Broke the Elden Ring DLC
21 день назад
Asmongold Broke the Elden Ring DLC
21 день назад
It took me 20 YEARS to realize this!
21 день назад
The reason retail PvP is BAD
21 день назад
He plays WoW with VR!
21 день назад
Ziqo caught playing with him self
28 дней назад
I told you so...
28 дней назад
WoD Hype!
28 дней назад
Месяц назад
Месяц назад
Ashbringer CONFIRMED on SoD Phase 4!
Месяц назад
@coachmcguirk6297 15 секунд назад
Leveling from 50-60 in full ST BiS felt awful. I couldnt even hit the mobs until I got my ring runes, and so far both aff and fire destro seem weak as hell. Before the patch I was 1-2 shotting these mobs and after the patch its like im level 10 again casting 6 incinerates or sbolts or whatever to kill one mob that is lower level than me.
@eNv3n0mX 39 секунд назад
You dont say dont google it. Thats not how it works.
@learnfacts101 7 минут назад
Cool but why tf is there an addon that tracks miles in WoW? lol
@filidhdeklend893 8 минут назад
If you believe any of this is gonna happen, then I got a beach front property on Mercury you might be interested in. Shenna and Crogge(the people in charge of TWoW) are well known scam artists.
@AlunethMaster 12 минут назад
for the ogs.
@Danikikoek 13 минут назад
My eyes, my eyes! It hurts....
@LordKyro 17 минут назад
These changes were good. #MakeClassicBetter
@Mike_1_ 17 минут назад
we need to stop supporting these content creators who shill for blizzard because thats where they get their money, they dont care about us as wow players, they only care about how they can milk us for content because they have no careers outside of wow
@gl1736 25 минут назад
@rhinoman8586 30 минут назад
Wont somebody please think of the share holders?
@rubberdogmagnus8536 46 минут назад
I absolutely agree with him, there comes a moment when you know in your heart that this never comes back, that the game changes too much and is over played.
@larks_9461 Час назад
Your just a Karen
@DoctorFlux Час назад
p4 mages is better than p3 compare to other classes BUT i say they are still underpowered becuase hunters and shamans can still do the same stuff in PVP as in p3 while mages has arcane barrage that helps them abit but other classes also got better: warriors we cant bully anymore with 2x charges+deathgrip basically even with displacement the fact overheat rune got nerfed in PTR to give fireblast longer cooldown but the think locks spamming searing pain for same amount of dmg as fireblast is fine while in meta form but 0 sec. cooldown and 10 yard more range than fireblast or hunters can instantly do like 1.5k damage while moving to a mage while a mage has to stand still for 2.5 second to do the same(if crit if not then its lower) they dont know how to balance mages in pvp or they buffed Shamans again while being completely broken in pvp becuase 1 part of them was not good in pve its clear they dont want mages off theirs wheelchair in PVP at this point that overheat nerf in PTR and living flame nerf that also happen is the biggest proof and low damage on ice lance too the PVP damage reduction aura patch just making our damage per mana ratio so bad compare to other classes and hit has harder than other classes becuase our spells is high cost compare to others 1 version of it : i saw a clip of a mage BIS gear dueling a full AFK other mage with not much stamina/HP the BIS geared mage was unable to kill the AFK player before going oom while in same patch of that PVP dmg reduction other spell casters in pvp got better compare to melee mainly them with instant cast Dots this patch specific hurted mages and they was already really bad before this PVP damage reduction SOD PVP is really just Anti mage PVP they have only gotten nerfs basically (nerf to things that matters in PVP i know frostfire bolt got abit of a buff but 2.5 cast time i count that as a PVE thing mostly) every class /spec can basically beat a Mage now relative easy either in duels or in BGs where a 1v1 in a arena can happen Mages dont have any strong points anymore in PVP becuase other classes can do the same but better or just kill the enemy so no CCs is needed Mages role in a battle ground is be a healer with the chrono heal and spam rank1 frostbolt for fast cast time slows and give int buff/water to a BG grp but priests/druid is better healer than Mages overall and there is good chunk of abilities that can slow a target from a far range while moving so better than rank1 frostbolt it feels like if Mages Finanly get a upgrade/buff & etc. and only 1 buff that makes them like x1.2 times better then all other classes gets 2-3 buffs that makes them x2-x3 times better since SOD phase1 to now so Guzu is wrong and all of this is facts and unbias btw PVE mages looks fine however and not sitting in a wheelchair but PVP just give us "Conjure Wheelchair" spell already so the enemy players can even more see we playing a handicapped class
@DuanRussel Час назад
@johnnymcgeez5647 Час назад
Guys, there is some deeper meaning behind this. Mainstream WoW audience actually wants wow 2.0 and turtle guys calling their product "wow 2.0" is kinda like a salt in the wound for blizz. I believe that blizz is secretly behind the scenes working on something and this is why they are going against this... Do you remember how blizz started to make their move against vanilla private servers before they made official classic? I doubt it was just the petition that convienced them because they operate on cold logic of profit margins, so eventually they would do it themselves if there was enough interest, but i bet they were thinking about it for a long time and petition just hastened their hand a bit.
@rolandcampbell1809 Час назад
Always knew blizz would fuck up era sooner or later. Guess it's time to remember it for the good times and move on... again.
@saucesecrete Час назад
@temetnosce2099 Час назад
Sad to see all these Retail players praising these changes. Vanilla lovers get tossed to the side...for the second time. At least there's private servers.
@MrRavmoor Час назад
The transformative claim is the video itself, not the server. It's no different than any other video with WoW in it.
@peter486 2 часа назад
hehe you would never play a p server wooaaa :) where you that mage on nos i got ownd by :d like 10 years ago.
@GHIBaal 2 часа назад
*It seems we are moving in circles and have had this discussion for the past 4 years!!!!!*
@Aldever13 2 часа назад
Rogues got nerfed into the ground in phase 4 (or atleast my main build)
@TooSickForYa 2 часа назад
Like I never liked asmonbald that hard.. but I respect his knowledge of the game and his general intelligence.. +30int on staff of dominance I didn’t watch a lot of his wow content and won’t watch any other content of him.. but it’s sad he quit the game because imo he was THE wow streamer.. for me this is a point that blizzard fucked up
@voodoovinny7125 2 часа назад
Fair use is you being able to take someone else’s creation and input your own into it… We have had that for free speech for many decades now which many people such as yourself at the current moment are taking content created by someone else and then making changes to it such as give your commentary so you can claim what you have created as yours completely ignoring the content you used that other people have created.
@hellboy19991 2 часа назад
The only change I remember is the horde only rend buff coming to alliance. I am in favor of this going to era, simply on the basis that alliance players have always been able to get the buff but it is orders of magnitude more annoying to get it. Would anyone honestly bat an eye if that one had gone to era alongside the chrono boon to store world buffs? I am also a big fan of the chrono boon because it is stupid to be forced to NOT play so you don't waste world buffs before the raid. Not even looking at pvp servers and purge griefing or straight up killing people on their way into the raid...
@Mokz121 2 часа назад
Most wow streamers have been click baiting with the negativity for years now. We don't care. Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.
@learnfacts101 2 часа назад
I unfollowed an stopped watching, 2 years ago. He ain't the same anymoer.
@Zech-th1dz 3 часа назад
I hate to say it I really do like u as a streamer but this is the most blizzard is in my pocket take on this you wanna play what turtle has created but only if blizzard made it lol like anybody wants to give blizzard another chance to ruin something simple ..
@earlgrey1 3 часа назад
xaryu confirmed blizzard shill
@PySnek Час назад
always was
@user-fg6mq3dg3d 3 часа назад
Fuck blizzard and their ip legality bullshit. Neither blizzard owns the IP they may have some legal ownership of it but the original developers left blizzard the "bunch of dudes who want to make games" are not longer part of blizzard, they may own some stupid legal bullshit ownership to that stupid game but the game belongs to its fanbase who love the game not to some greedy goblin of a billionaire company.
@Omaewa95 3 часа назад
they changed the way heartbeats works and it made it to era aswell now.. thats a major pvp change
@christophermccutcheon2143 3 часа назад
They don't a shit. They do not fucking care about what any of us think. First time I've engaged with a WoW video for a long time now. Wanted to see what the outcry was. And this is why I disconnected from the game. The players suck, Blizzard are worse, and this is never going to change. The game we love died a long time ago guys. Forget about it now. It's been a long fucking time. I'm so fucking sick of seeing comments and videos "oh Blizzard need to do that" , "oh the players will leave", "I think Blizzard should.."; have they every ONCE listened to ANY constructive feedback from the players? No. They don't. They nod their heads and pretend they're listening while gaslighting you into whatever bullshit they've cooked up for more profits. Let it go. It's over. There's nobody left but collectors and min/Max Andys; The players who ruined the game anyway. Oh and also bots, which probably make up like 70% of the subs now.
@allensmith2125 3 часа назад
Classic wow would do great to take a note from old school runescpae. Were the players vote for a change to happen or not. Has done wounders for that game
@christophermccutcheon2143 3 часа назад
They literally do not give a shit about classic players beyond your sub numbers, which are tanking
@christophermccutcheon2143 3 часа назад
A petition 😂😂😂 lmfao yea cos that always works. Wow I can't believe we didn't do this sooner. Do you think we could have stopped them from ruining the game 8 years ago if we'd formed an orderly queue and signed a petition?
@GalloPhilips 3 часа назад
can you join the bliz dev team please.
@DaleStrife 3 часа назад
Blizzard should hire these people ASAP
@christophermccutcheon2143 3 часа назад
You know it's fucking bad if Azamous has broken character. I think he rarely does this. You're a fool if you didn't see this coming too. SoD is obviously half-baked and they just throw ideas at the wall to see what sticks. You know they're doing this? Cos they're looking for new things to make retail exciting. Enjoyed rogue tanks? Guess what you'll see in retail expansion, but done differently. I gave Hardcore a chance as my last thing with WoW and it was actually spectacular. Then SoD came along and ruined it. I played and checked out before phase 1 ended. Obviously more Blizzard trash, and here it is. And you're a fool still if you think it'll stop here. Classic players will be used as guinea pigs for retail stuff, cos that's where the in-game store is. And you can bet your ass they'll bring that to Classic Era too
@Ddaniel_xoxo 3 часа назад
well, back to private servers, who gives a fuck, save $20 a month again.
@AtlantisMantis-ey9cm 4 часа назад
I genuinely like the old guild tab better. Literally add the classic guild tab to retail and I’d be happier
@demolitioncat4322 4 часа назад
He will play wow
@Zarphani 4 часа назад
Thank god I'm free of this game and this evil company
@matthewziel1206 4 часа назад
I don't see why to pay for sub at this point when private servers make way better job for free.
@BananaWorld2000 5 часов назад
Man you literally become asmongold from wish such a leech for not crediting the content creator
@donmakavelithuglife9058 5 часов назад
look how they play here vs how they play on classic hc bullshit
@akopischka2 5 часов назад
dudes be mad about the guild chat interface being updated but run restedXP on every toon
@kostastatalias1155 6 часов назад
Bro just admit it. T wow is by far a better classic server + you don't have to pay blizzard money to harass women
@airrunner85 6 часов назад
Xaryu. You completely missed the mark on this one.
@EnduroMarcel 7 часов назад
Give us fresh, untouched classic servers. Can't be that hard.
@BelfackeR 7 часов назад
Classic era with retail graphics incoming. Dualspec, wowtoken is coming soon.