Brock Shake
Brock Shake
Brock Shake
I play video games and offer insights that you can't get anywhere else.
@matty6878 28 дней назад
sounds like my time at target. they rolled out this method called 'modernization' so in theory when new managers showed up things wouldnt get changed but then we have had employees who were there 10-20 years, knew the service and were efficient at their tasks but these by-the-book managers would scrape all that and suddenly everyone's performance just tanks bringing down the quality of service. those of who really hated it had a motto for it: not all stores are the same
@raurmanproductions3438 28 дней назад
Evermore expanded on much of what Mana did and refined it, hardly inferior.
@WolfbladeTakashi Месяц назад
Idk how relevant this will be to you since this is such an old video buuuuuuut~ I just recently found out that there is a Randomizer for the game. Adds a bit of a twist to the game, making finding those secrets an absolute must!
@antilopezmexicanos Месяц назад
The alchemy system, instead of magic, was a bright idea, it makes money more useful and motivates to, to fight, in order to earn it and also get exp points, the best is that you have be wise and adapt to the limitation of slots and ingredients, such a shame, the game has not the success it deserves, we need a remake.
@shanestep8685 3 месяца назад
Nice, what's your thoughts on the super fam original?
@BrockShake 6 дней назад
I love that game. It had such an incredible charm and level of detail for its time. The characters felt more unique, too. I wish First Departure had included the original game.
@jaydub7386 4 месяца назад
Digging up the things the dog finds turned me off.
@berserk4souls 4 месяца назад
Every few years I rediscover that this video exists and I'm glad to see so much passion and love for Suikoden III still exists. It's reputation has aged pretty well over the years and people seem to be a lot more forgiving for the game which just opens the window to people considering it their favorite Suikoden title. Also over the years hardcore fans seem to realize it took risks and was bold on purpose, it was a fantastic deconstruction of the Suikoden formula with the Flame Champion storyline happening 50 years prior and we play the aftermath instead.
@BrockShake 6 дней назад
I think Suikoden III is near perfect. The first 3 chapters for each character are masterpieces. The game has some weaknesses beyond that with translation oddities, some bad dialogue, and certain plot twists ultimately not coming together perfectly, but I love Suikoden III for how unique it is. I believe it was the last entry the series creator worked on and it shows. The game is incredible.
@janiestla5945 4 месяца назад
Enjoyed your video. Have to tell you I have said things while at Walmart and learned its useless. Today I just go to work, work hard while there, go home relax and enjoy my life. It didn't take me long to realize that they could care less what you have to say. I'm too old to get another job at this point, so I just make the best of it. Luckily I just have to work part time so its not as big a deal. Unluckily, its because I became disabled after my 5th year with the company due to a surgical error so I am on disability.
@matty6878 28 дней назад
same. im out the rat race and just looking for a steady job that won't break my back. any workplace that tells me working with them is like 'family' is an immediate red flag. only time i wanna see a store manager is when i pick up my check.
@janiestla5945 4 месяца назад
You are right, Walmart does not train its staff properly. I have been with the company several years and we have to continually watch the same videos over and over. Yet there are things even today that I sometimes learn that I was never told. I thought about it once and it occurred to me that the videos WM has us watch are basically videos that keep the company from getting in legal trouble. While that is important, it would be nice if they included videos that actually trained us how to do our jobs since they have a "Throw them to the wolves" approach to learning your new job. I'm over 60 so I have worked several jobs especially since I have moved a few times. Walmart has the worse training I have ever seen. Two jobs I worked long term I was made a Trainer. I did my regular job, but was also put with new employees to provide on the job training. Walmart would do well to try this approach vs the "Wolves" analogy. The result would be happier employees, customers, and a much more efficiently run store. How this chain has been as successful as it is given its many faults truly amazes me. And given the poor management skills I have encountered I have to really wonder what their teaching in that so called "Academy. " I realize they don't require a college degree to be in management, but perhaps at the Coach level and above they should. The lack of professionalism is mind boggling.
@StewNWT 4 месяца назад
Suikoden 1 is one of my favourite games of all time - and the first game is still the best with one of the best OSTs in all of gaming. I also really love the original watercolour style of the character portraits. The 2nd game is great but I hate anime generization of the portraits, Nanami as a character, and all the bugs. I couldn't play Suikoden III it was so bad. I hate the graphics and the combat.
@deadlyshotta2893 4 месяца назад
Remember playing this and not being able to figure out what to do next. So quit playing. Hard to imagine now with the internet.
@cjn0423 6 месяцев назад
What do you think of Second Story R?
@BrockShake 5 месяцев назад
I like it well enough. The original will always be my favorite, though. The simplicity of the game is kind of broken by the additions made in R. Still a solid game, though.
@WolfyRagnarok 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for a fun review of one of my favorite games!
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 7 месяцев назад
Very unique and GREAT Game!
@doscuramenos 8 месяцев назад
Well, i played the first three games of the franchise, the second one sucks.. Third game is ok, first game rules
@Yuuretsu 8 месяцев назад
Even as a kid I was drawn to history as a subject so this game was very special to me. One of my all time favorites, the atmosphere, visuals and soundtrack all come together to create something that feels unique to this day. It's a shame this has gotten a lot of hate over the years from Secret of Mana fans deriding it as both derivative and using it to project their disdain over never having received a localization of Seiken Densetsu 3.
@codysvlogdays 9 месяцев назад
We need a physical release of the last hope on modern consoles instead of just a digital only version
@Vigilante008 10 месяцев назад
"I hope this game gets a remaster"... well sir do I have good news for you... Even though Im sure you have already heard lol
@Lucky0wl 10 месяцев назад
5 reasons to play… spoilers… so maybe not lol
@bucknutz6774 10 месяцев назад
Dude I quit Walmart after 2yrs! They work you like a dog. You have no social life anymore. You feel physically & mentally abused by the coaches & team leads. Half of them don’t even know how to lead a team
@jacobhempel1855 10 месяцев назад
Happy to see someone give a positive review of this game. While the mazes can be annoying, they also provide the player an opportunity to slow down and soak in the environment. And I really like your point about the realism in that choice. I definitely wish more game devs would make bold moves in their design choices like this team had.
@ProjctAce331 11 месяцев назад
imma just go a head an say it. i mained fayt! beat freya too using fayt
@thatanonwholurksmoar7386 11 месяцев назад
Im gussing youre losing your mind with the star ocean 2 remake
@Theordlandu 11 месяцев назад
I think I've watched only a small portion of a playthrough. And by far Suikoden 3 as some of the worst music I've ever heard in RPG. Absolute worst. It's so bad it was almost like pulling teeth trying to keep up with the story.
@faytwind3913 11 месяцев назад
Best ranking so far
@user-xw7tm6px3m 11 месяцев назад
I'm sure this game is the game I remember the most from SNES. And for the comparison, secret of mana looked completely "Dry" or primitive in the role and ambient aspects.
@BeansEnjoyer911 11 месяцев назад
In a world where 2 and 5 exist, it’s hard for me to actually get into 3. But I need to try it again sometime
@dominiquerichard1342 11 месяцев назад
what a wack list. FD is not worse then IF and Last Hope is certainly not better then Till the End of Time.
@Uniqorn Год назад
One of my favourite games ever.
@johnsecheverell7824 Год назад
Hey mate, just discovered your channel, and was wondering what your thoughts were about the Star Ocean 1 remake, and relatedly, the upcoming Star Ocean 2 remake as well. Any chance to hear your thoughts? Keep up the good work!
@Telmarine55 Год назад
Love the review of this overlooked classic. I hope it gets a remake at some point. Your pronunciation of Mana is jarring though.
@fishactivation5087 Год назад
Should I play the fan translation of the first game or should I play First Departure? I don't really like using fan translations, so if there's a mod for the original that injects the translation from First Departure, then I'll gladly play that version.
@therealwuzaiiii Год назад
Wouldve ranked them in the exact same order tbh. Star Ocean 2 is a masterpiece
@chadgarrett6947 Год назад
Fantastic review! I have been hoping for at least a spiritual successor to this game, to no avail. I want to make my own.
@keithjohnson4420 Год назад
I wanted. To love Star Ocean 2 but I hated the battle system , and ma’am was the game so hard to beat .
@SethJV Год назад
Bro is crazy. First Departure is insanely good.
@ledestonilo7274 Год назад
And then 4 years after...
@Warpathjak Год назад
Dude I am a star ocean pro literally when you said fayt has slow attacks he is a monster if you know how to set him up nobody else comes close maybe Maria but she is op side kick to side kick and dimension door at long range just beast
@SageofStars Год назад
I would definitely have flipped the positions of some of these, like FD and I&F, as well as Til the End of Time and Last Hope, but yeah, 2 is the best. For me, I enjoyed First Departure, but it FEELS like a prologue now. The original was a completed game, with a beginning, middle, and end. But with all the little hints and call forwards the story no longer has that. Worse, some of the combat's unique moments have been nerfed, and as many will tell you, magic is at its WORST in this entry compared to all the others. Still...I&F is just...shit. I'm a big story focused guy. Yeah, I love my stats going up, but give me a good story to go along with it, and I'll play even crap games for a long time. Give me both and I'll be addicted for a few weeks/months. That said, the big problem with this one is that I HATE most of the cast, and the battle system sucks. You mention it a lot, it could have been good with some tweaks. But as is, it just doesn't work. For Til the End of Time, I loved that twist even back when it first came out, and this was my first SO game I bought day 1(I'd gotten Second Story at a pawn shop a bit earlier, and enjoyed it). I will agree that the combat has some issues, though just use Maria and Nel both of which having ranged special moves, really takes that away, as they never usually stop firing them off if they have the SP, and Maria will default to her gun if she has it. Last Hope...I hated the plot twists when they happened, and while I&F has no one to like in it, this one has only a few, and none of them are the leads. Worse, the final bit of the game is a slog in ways the others kind of had, but never quite to the same extent, usually at least giving you something new to look at, or a cool boss rush. Last Hope just kind of hits you with, go back to an old dungeon, then hit a button, then fight final boss(I am being VERY reductive here I know, but it is what it felt like at the time). It didn't even feel like I was leading up to the final boss, just another part of the quest and BOOM, game credits. And finally Second Story...what can I say. That is a fantastic bit of design. Excellent use of the world, as it slowly unfolds itself before you, each layer up from the first(Boy lost on alien world sci-fi setup), really does build from it. Better, the characters never stop being interesting or having something to say about the weird shit going on. Heck, this is the only game in the set where you have the character from the fantasy world actually really have a crisis when they learn about the bigger universe. It was a big disappointment that we never get that moment of them just looking up at the sky in awe again, and the fact that not just Rena, but most of the characters from Expel can have that moment makes it REALLY special...even if I'm a fan of guns so Opera and Ernest are in my party just about every time so they don't have the same thing, considering they, like Claude, are aliens to the world.
@EricGraham1987 Год назад
Are you absolutely nuts? First Departure is your WORST? It's the second best game of the series only behind second story.
@Lymerion137 Год назад
I think what's saying is that 1D is basically a copy of 2S and none defines its uniqueness I'll be playing 1D (for the 1st time) soon and I'll circle back to this comment and let you know my thoughts.
@BrockShake 11 месяцев назад
That is what I was trying to go for. Integrity and Faithlessness is pretty rough, but it’s its own game. First Departure just feels like a heavily watered down SO2. First Departure is still really good. I like all of the SO games. A common misconception is that a lower ranking title means it is disliked. No, I just prefer FD the least out of all the SO games, but I still like it.
@PlaystationTalks Год назад
@dru7151 Год назад
You must be happy with SO2 remaster/remake being announced :D
@Scaliercaro0 Год назад
I keep hoping it gets added to the switches snes app.
@Semystic Год назад
I couldn't get into Second Story. I found it so extremely boring and Claude is so cringey. I'd put that last followed by 5, 1, 4, 6 and then 3 being the best by far. Watching this again, it still bugs me that you put SO4 above SO3. I could understand SO2 as a lot of people have wet dreams about that game, and get triggered that SO3 ruins it for them. Perhaps that's why it's so low. But SO4 had the most boring battle system imo, and the story was decent at parts, except at the end.
@shad0wsibling Год назад
Lots of butt cheeks got blown off, haha!
@catnip2055 Год назад
same ranking as me ... second story is the best .. 😘😘
@MsBekah1000 Год назад
You definitely have to train yourself but after you train yourself it’s pretty easy but such a long day!! So not worth the crap money!! Your a zombie the whole time you work there. Everyone is so unhappy.🙁I was there a 1 1/2 year.Thanks for being so real my friend ❤
@MR_dudi Год назад
I'm a new star ocean fan 🙃
@andystiles7523 Год назад
Lol hmm interesting memory's buddy and I miss them good old days and my mom never was annoyed she was probably happy to get me out of the house
@jefferydickinson3240 Год назад