For business, please contact - themysidiapost@gmail.com

My name is Mysidia, and my plan on this channel is to bring you any and all tabletop gaming information that I find interesting or inspiring. I play D&D, MTG, and in the summer of 2023, got very into Warhammer Age of Sigmar!
All Age of Sigmar Reveals From Adepticon
3 месяца назад
Dark Cities of Sigmar? New Darkoath Army Set!
4 месяца назад
(Late) Cities of Sigmar Pre-Orders Preview!
8 месяцев назад
Cities of Sigmar Army Set Unboxing! | Warhammer
10 месяцев назад
I'm Building My First Vanguard Box! | Warhammer
10 месяцев назад
@Jakoni2x44 Месяц назад
Amazing quality of content for such a small channel, keep it up
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
Much appreciated! I've actually moved over to my main channel (www.youtube.com/@mysidia), as I decided to solely focus on Warhammer and tabletop content. Please check it out if you are interested!
@TheBugB Месяц назад
Sigmar lied!
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
He did!
@piotrjeske4599 Месяц назад
So if someone had a shoting and magic heavy army , what are they suppose to do, if they can't rebuy their army?
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
We don't know for sure how shooting has been rebalanced or how the rest of that army will look. Hopefully the units have the shoot in combat keyword or maybe they have different strengths
@KamenRiderGreed Месяц назад
Another great video with some interesting takes. I'll share my own in a bit, but first, I wanted to make a few slight corrections to some of the rules you covered that I think are relevant enought that they might affect your opinion. First I wanted to point out that with Advance in Formation, you can pick a unit of *any* racial keyword. Only the *first* target needs to have the **HUMAN** keyword, the extra target you pick can be a dwarf or elf. Thats my understanding at least, since it just says "an additional *Cities of Sigmar* unit" not "*Cities of Sigmar HUMAN* unit". Secondly, you said that Cavaliers need to "all be within 1" to roll devestating charge. That's not true, it says that you pick "an enemy unit within 1", and it says you "Roll a dice for each model in this unit that is in combat" so that means that all the models need to be within 3" for you to roll those dice not 1". Making a unit of 10 significantly scarier to units/factions that don't like taking Mortal Damage.(Stormcast) Finally, a concecrated Objective gives the 5+ Ward to *any* Human keyword unit contesting the objective if the entire unit is contesting it. I'm not sure if your commentary on Concecrate the Land's value was said only in the context of Steelhelms because you thought only they could get that benefit or if its because they're the one using the ability, so they're the prime example to guage their quality by. As for my personal thoughts, I love this. Breaking down the barriers established in the last book brings back more that feeling of "jolly cooperation" their 2nd edition book had. I love that Orders are now just a thing you do and not Trap Cards you set on your Heroes, the idea and the fluff were excellent, but the mechanics were a bit fiddley, so this is a great change imo. I love the buff to the Fusil-Major, it's a beautiful model and I'm very happy that I have a more mechanical reason to put them on the table now. Cavaliers got nerfed. Pretty hard too, 4's and 4's is not a great profile for your units main weapon, but TBH, they were too good before. They were a glass hammer, for sure, because despite their low wound density they could hit like a ton of bricks. But now the draw seems to be more on the impact attacks they do on the charge, compared to the raw efficency of their weapon profiles. Or maybe theyre meant to hose down lighter infantry. After all, they can throw out alot of dice with their base profile and "Strike Them Down". So, who knows, maybe we'll get a Blazing Weapon style Spell(or even a Prayer???) that makes all the dice they throw out that much deadlier. Or maybe the Cavalier Marshall could give them the combat juice they need to hurt those more armored units? I don't know, we'll have to see the full faction rules to really say. But one thing is for certain. They're not the "all purpose" melee Hammer of CoS anymore, and we may need to look at other units to work in-tandem with Cavaleirs to fill whatever offensive role they can’t. Finally, I'm not a fan of the Battle Formation, the static benefits are only for the first Battle Round, unless you keep your shooting units in Fortified Position the whole game. Yes, the defensive benefits tou get are nice in that one round, but for the rest of the game it does nothing for you. So the Heroic Traits and Artefacts that are exclusive to it had better be boarderline broken in order to justify this downright bad(imo) static ability. There are other points I *could* bring up, but I think I've hit all the biggest ones. I have to say, like many other factions, I'm excited for what the Cities of Sigmar have in store! Even if all but 10 of my Steelhelms lie unbuilt and unpainted because I want to finish doing work on other armies first, Stormcast *especially*. I also want to do alot of kitbashing, converting and customizing with them, including printing custom decals for my custom-made city. Which is all a bit of a ways off.
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
Man.. I can't believe I messed up that many rules. I should have taken more time. It was already so late when I started filming, and I ended up staying up 1 hour later than I usually do to edit and upload the video, but that is no excuse, I need to be more careful reading these articles if I'm going to do more of these videos.
@KamenRiderGreed Месяц назад
@@mysidia91 @mysidia91 Thank you for that, I appreciate the sentiment. Truly, I do. But I hope you don't beat yourself up over this as a result. You clearly put in real time and effort, your excitement and passion for this faction and its future are clear in this video. I don't want my college level essay of a comment to take that way from you or what you've made. In fact, I can't claim to be an expert here, I missed the rules interaction between Move in Formation and Fortified Position. I admitted as much in another comment on this video. I'm not an infallible encyclopedia. The point is that I understand, we all make mistakes, we all start somewhere, we all have to learn that the use of the word "any" in a units ability text from before 4th ed. means that ability doesn't stack. So, while I am genuinely thankful for your response here, and I truly hope you are able to grow from this as a creator. I also hope thag I have not somehow crossed a line with this latest comment. Because the *last* thing I want to do is push you away from this wonderful hobby and setting of AoS.
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
@@KamenRiderGreed Don't worry! I hold myself to a high standard, and I'm VERY grateful to have you showing your support and writing detailed comments on my videos. I'd rather have your constructive feedback than negative. So please don't stop, and I'll keep improving as a Warhammer Content Creator :D
@KamenRiderGreed Месяц назад
@@mysidia91 Great! Will do! I just wanted to make sure I didn't go "too far" or anything like that.
@gammafighter Месяц назад
I'm hoping dwarves are actually useable now! I don't play Cities, but I really like the Ironbreakers, Longbeards, and Irondrakes. Looking forward to the list building in general and seeing your army take shape! I really like Thalia as well. We named my daughter Aria because it means "lioness", so the image of this hero riding a massive lion creature is very cool. I'd love to paint the model for her someday, maybe replacing Thalia with a young girl model that I can paint to look like my daughter. At that point, I'd *have* to play Cities. Although by the time I finish my other projects and am confident enough, we might be in 6th edition 😅
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
That would be so cool to make a model like that for your daughter Aria! I agree, I hope this makes dwarves more playable. Can't wait to see their warscrolls. Issue is, its still impossible to find the dwarf models on sale these days! I think we will get a dwarf refresh at some point, but they will stay in CoS, just no common models with Old World
@Polak966 Месяц назад
Cant believe this video was 30 mins, it felt like it went by so fast. Lots of cool changes. I hope that your ogre's changes bode well for my carnosaur, which also kind of sucks in 3e but it literally a gator riding a t rex, so how could I not have it ! Hopefully youre right about the dwarves. Theyre so ingrained now into thr Cities lore, that I cant imagine them not remaining
@KamenRiderGreed Месяц назад
Fingers crossed that the Carnosaur is good!(I don't play Seraphon, but that thing needs a buff) Also, I could maybe see new dwarf stuff, but I have my doubts. *Maybe* I'll be proven wrong if we get an Ironweld Cogfort(we've been teased it SO many times, give me my Spider Tank GW!) But I'll believe in "new Dwarfs" when I see them.
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
Fingers crossed! Hope your carnosaur gets a buff and maybe a taco named after it at Taco Time
@igorcomedyman3160 Месяц назад
Advance in formation keeps your fortified position, i think. You loose it if you use Move core ability, but this order is not it
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
Right! I forgot to think about the interaction between those abilities. It's only a 3" move, but better than nothing. And not as OP as it is currently
@KamenRiderGreed Месяц назад
Damn, not even I caught that interaction. Very nicely done!👏
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
Edit: My apologies for not reading some of the rules carefully enough. It was late and I really wanted to get the video out. But at the end of the day, I have to get the basics right. Video was a bit long 😅 What can I say, I was beyond hyped for this article!
@KamenRiderGreed Месяц назад
Don't worry about it. This is one of *your* armies, so of course you'd have alot to say!
@KamenRiderGreed Месяц назад
Overall, I think this was a good video! It was a real improvement over the last one and I thin you did justice to the unit that sold me on Cities of Sigmar. But to give a minor note about the intro, if you want to talk about the current rules/gameplay of the unit you cover, that's fine, but I'm not sure you *needed* to bring up the nerfed interaction with the Warforger in the intro at least. Secondly, if you're struggling with camera focus while looking at the sprue, here's my suggestion. Keep in mind that I'm not a camera/editing "expert", if you went through the effort of painting the heads in sub-assemblies, take a picture or do a slow, level panning or dolley shot of the heads set up on those wooden dowels, whichever gets you the best, most consistent focus. It might break up the "live unboxing" feel you're going for, but to me, you might as well kill two birds with one stone by taking pictures or shooting video of your process while you either give reccomendations on how to sub-assemble the models, or just conduct your general review of the kit and is parts. Next, I think you did well in painting such detailed models, and I think your transfer work was excellent. However, I do hope that you add a bit more detail to this paint job. Because, on the blackpowder squire specifically, his arms are just solid black, so it looks like they weren't painted at all. If you want black cloth as part of your scheme/style, that's fine, but in order to pull it off, you *need* highlights and color variation along the folds and/or in the recesses, at least for something that takes up as much space as the whole arm and shoulder. I don't add highlights to the black cloth bits of my Stormcast, but those are folds in between armor panels or at the bends of elbows or knees, mostly hidden areas that don't need it as much as something more front-and-center like the Squire's arms. Without those highlights to give the cloth definition it'll look flat, or, like I said, unpainted.(the same generally applies to other things like black armor and, for your army specifically, the wrought iron on top of the Fusilier's pavises or other Castelite shields) I can see your painting quality is definitely improving, and I dont want to bog this comment down with *every* single little suggestion I'd make to help improve your painting. Not only because I don't want you to think I'm coming down too hard on you. Getting models built and painted to any standard is something to be proud of and I don't want to take that away from you. But also because the painting isn't the "main focus" of this video. So I won't harp more than I think I need to. But if you'll indulge me on just one more point, I would also reccomend drilling out the barrels of your Hand-Cannons on your Fusiliers. When the front of the barrels are flat like that, it just doesn't look great. You can do it with a pin-vice or hand drill and while it might be a little tedious, it pays out dividends to the quality of your finished work. Finally, I think your presentation of the Lore for this unit was great overall! You gave a good intro to the faction writ-large before jumping into the details of this specific unit, which I really appreciated! There's just one tiny note I'll make that I think could have elevated the intro that much more. When you bring up that the Cities don't have the aid of nature spirits like the Lumineth, the reference image you used didn't have any of the Nature Spirits or the Elves that learn from them. It's an incredibly minor point in the grand scheme of the video, I'm aware, but I think simple details like that will go a long way to improve the quality of your videos. Now if you couldn't get a decent image of some Stoneguard, Windchargers, and/or one of the Elemental Spirits, I'd understand. But, even if I might be *too* pedantic bringing it up, I still wanted to mention it. I hope I helped you out in some way with this! Even if a good chunk was somewhat nitpickey. Keep up the good work!
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
Thank you KamenRiderGreed for the comment, I really enjoy your comments, I always learn something and have some reflection to do afterwards :D. Using some photos in the video is a really good idea. I need to get in the habit of photographing my hobby sessions as I go, that way when I go to film a video I have a ton of material to use. A lot of times I don't take any photos and I have no proof of what I've done! I should have mentioned in the video, but all of my models thus far are unfinished. My goal has been to build them and get them painted to a standard that I feel are ready for playing some games, but I do think that I need to go back and work on the finer details and techniques. I appreciate your tips, I'll try to implement some of that stuff! Also drilling the barrels is a cool idea, I'll need to invest in a pin-vice. When I was editing the video I thought to myself "someone's going to call out that I didn't have any of the elemental stuff in my lumineth photo!!". Tbh it was late a night and I was trying hard to get the video done as work has been so busy lately I don't have a lot of time for scripting/filming/editing. But I'll take more care in the future! It is difficult to find photos sometimes for Age of Sigmar though. Whenever I see good ones I download them and file them away from future videos :D
@KamenRiderGreed Месяц назад
​​@@mysidia91No problem! Thanks for the kind words. I'm always happy to help!(also, side note, but the @name it displays on RU-vid isn't the name I *wanted* displayed. It's supposed to be ElecMan24. It's what I use on. . . Basically everything. And it's my channel name here too. But for some reason, the comments don't display those anymore.🤔)
@gammafighter Месяц назад
Great job on those models!
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
Thank you!
@TheBugB Месяц назад
I don’t know what your setup or budget for YT or anything is and I am no camera expert so take this with a grain of salt. But I think your camera is struggling a little to keep focus cause it looks like your desk setup can be better lit. There is a little bit of like waviness that occurs in the background of some of the shots in the video and from my (all be it little amounts of) experience that is from a lack of light and the camera trying its best to make up for it. I think getting another light you can setup when you record could help with some of the camera problems you have been having. If it doesn’t help I’m big sorry. But also more light is always helpful when painting so can’t go wrong with more lights I guess
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
You are 100% right on that feedback. I don't have enough lighting options. I have a ring light but it doesn't seem to be enough. I was using a document camera from work (I happened to be testing it out for some work stuff and thought "hey I'll try using it for an unboxing video"). But I think I might try this again with my phone camera instead. I just need a good set up to keep my phone steady. Appreciate the comment and feedback!
@Xabierum Месяц назад
That looks great! How did you get thar deep red colour? I might get into cos when second wave arrives... Maybe this or next year? I think cos were a success for GW.
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
I primed black and then just used Mephiston Red (two thin coats) and a nuln oil on top. The black primer keeps it all looking dark which I was going for. Cities looks like a great way to get into AoS but I'm so curious about what the new faction rules will look like, I'm holding off before I buy any more models.
@cloudvaulter Месяц назад
Doing great - I really enjoy your enthusiasm. Your painting skills are getting better bro! If I can make a game changing suggestion - look at some magnifying glasses/headset; they help tremendously and chicks dig em too Keep up the hard work dude - I really enjoy your down to earth style
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
Thank you! Really appreciate your kind words. I did recently buy a $1 pair of reading glasses from the dollar store and it's making a big difference for me :D
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
Edit: One clarification! My painted fusiliers are not done! Since I'm so new I've been focusing on getting things ready for the table, but I have not spent a lot of time drybrushing, edge highlighting, or any other advanced techniques. I hope to get to that later 😊 Thanks for checking out my video! I think my lore delivery still leaves a lot to be desired... but I'll keep practicing and improving the more lore videos I do 😁
@Vyrullax Месяц назад
I am hyped for spearhead and definitely want to get a few more up and running, hopefully before 4th drops
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
I was still a bit skeptical, basically I wanted to play it before making a final call, but after reading the all the write ups of people that got to play it I'm fully hyped for the release now.
@Polak966 Месяц назад
Awesome! The models all look so good. They ahould have added dice for sure for $360 !
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
Good call! You should work at Games Workshop xD
@KamenRiderGreed Месяц назад
First of all, I'm SO hyped for this launch box!!! I am a huge Stormcast fan and I've always wanted to properly start a Skaven army, but the sculpts(and to a lesser extent the rules) were never there for me. But this new box has got me VERY excited to not only firther expand my largest collection, but also to really get the ball rolling on a "new" army.(I have a few Skaven kits from a box released in 2022, so I'm not starting from 0) I cant wait to get my hands on it! Although I'm disappointed that you wont be getting the launch set for yourself, I respect the Hell out of the fact that you arent buying more and you're focusing on what you have. That kind of willpower is a rare and powerful gift for us hobbyists. However, if you are interested in eventually starting a Stormcast army after seeing these new models, please let me know. I have *SO* much Stormcast because of how enamored I am with their lore. So don't hesitate if you have any questions. Though I mainly I wanted to bring up them up because of the "fire" effect you mentioned on some of these new models. I see it as a deliberate design choice for the new Ruination Chamber units. They are the veterans that have endured multiple reforgings and are on the verge of losing their humanity. There's only two units in this launch set that are not part of the Ruination Chamber. Those being the new Liberators and the new Knight-Questor.(I specify "new" because they are refreshes of older Stormcast kits) That's I think why you have these fire/comet trail effects sculpted onto parts like the axes carried by the Reclusians or the Lord-Vigilant. It's a deliberate design element specifically for the Ruination Chamber.
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
Man this box is for you then! That's so awesome, I'm really hyped for you. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it. I will let you know if I ever start a Stormcast army, but I think IF I were to eventually branch out, I'd like to try a different allegiance, maybe Death or Destruction.
@TheBugB Месяц назад
I love all the models in the box I really want to get it, but also I need to finish my Tau Pathfinders first. Hard to justify spending so many burger bucks on the box if I can’t even finish painting my one and only box of warhammer minis haha
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
Yeah that's fair! You gotta set goals, that's the only way I get through any of my backlog. A little bit of painting each night, and tell yourself what you're going to paint ahead of time (IE today I'll do the armor or the cloaks etc)
@elessar8522 Месяц назад
As you are a fellow Lumineth, and my chaps gifted me a box of Dawnriders and a Vanguard box, to expand a Lumineth 4ed force, what do you suggest to buy next?
@Aki777craft Месяц назад
More dawnriders
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
Hey congrats! You have exactly what I have for Lumineth. I've mostly been focusing on Cities of Sigmar so I don't know the Lumineth warscrolls that well yet, but it seems most lists are casting heavy with the big Teclis mega-model. However, there are some cool lists that use more dawnriders like Aki said and also it's common to see multiple units of Bladelords or one reinforced unit of 10x Bladelords. Otherwise, I think an absolute staple that you cannot go wrong with is the Light of Eltharion. It's an amazing model to build/paint and it is powerful on the table. I'd likely get that one next myself. Or maybe the twins because they ally really well into other armies.
@elessar8522 Месяц назад
Thanks, I guess I'll go along these lines, hoping not to be invalidated too much with the upcoming 4ed
@Aki777craft Месяц назад
@@elessar8522based on what was showed yesterday in lrl soft rules preview Id stick to vanari units. I would say that at most you would only want to play two sub type units aka Stonescows and Vanari or stonecows with Windboys etc etc
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
@@elessar8522 I doubt they will be, Teclis certainly won't be, but you can always wait!
@CreatorGatorYT Месяц назад
They did say there were be a GHB book with the core/advanced rules and al the GHB rules the same way we have it now for purchase later
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
Thank you, I must have missed that 😀
@Tito_Silva Месяц назад
Been saving up for months. Best way to start AoS is always the launch box
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
Agreed, I was talking to my buddy last night as we played warcry and we agreed if we were starting this year (rather than last summer) we would have had to get this box, no doubt
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
4th Edition Hype!!
@KamenRiderGreed 2 месяца назад
I really liked this video! Though there is one suggestion I'd like to make. For people like me, who already know alot about the AoS lore, this isbmostly fine, I know where the Ghoul Mere is and what it's like. But for those less familiar with the lore, I think it would *immensely* help if yku added in just a bit of context. Nothing huge, just maybe the image of a map, with the "camera" centered on where the Ghoul mere actually is, and maybe an additional line or two saying what Realm it's in. Granted, feel free to take this suggestion with a bit of salt since this video *is* about the Fusil Major on Ogor Warhulk, and I think you do a good job of covering the lore of it. But, I don't think adding in a little bit of context for Greywater Fastness or the Ghoul Mere would have hurt the coverage of the Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk's lore.
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
Thank you for the feedback! I'll try and keep that in mind for future videos. I don't want to go too in depth but I hope I can implement more context as you said.
@KamenRiderGreed Месяц назад
@@mysidia91 Yes, of course, I totally agree. I know that I can go super in depth with things like this. Which is why I tried to avoid suggesting anymore beyond the image of a map for reference. But I hope the suggestion helped you in some way!
@mysidia91 Месяц назад
@@KamenRiderGreed It will! And I always appreciate suggestions :D
@TheBugB 2 месяца назад
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
@Polak966 2 месяца назад
So silly but cool at the same time. I enjoyed the lore breakdown at the end ! I kind of like the helmet model most ! Can't wait to battle against it !
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
Appreciate the comment! I will crush you in our next engagement 😁
@Xabierum 2 месяца назад
I really enjoyed it. I just missed the assembled mini in your hands
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
That's a great idea, it's difficult for me because I take my time building models and so it would delay the video quite a bit, but I think if I want these videos to be top notch I'll need to add that part to it. Then I can talk about tips or warnings about the building process that I discovered.
@Xabierum 2 месяца назад
@@mysidia91 when we see the model in the hands of someone else. Our brain check for the first time how it really looks, ut gets the 3d experience.
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
@@Xabierum Makes sense to me, appreciate you taking the time to share some feedback!
@matthangzhou-nq4ew 2 месяца назад
Love the format. Never really understood why ppl like to watch other ppl inbox something (but they clearly do!) and I enjoyed the mix with the lore.
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
Yes! I'm the same way, so I was thinking, why the heck would I watch my own video? That's when I had the idea for some lore. Because even if I don't typically like unboxing videos (although I have one exception!) I know that people do like them.
@matthangzhou-nq4ew 2 месяца назад
@@mysidia91 I have seen the value a bit more for unboxing stuff with Warhammer as you can see what spare bits or transfers you might get but other hobbies I just don’t get the appeal. Anyway that’s just me. Keep on with the videos. Enjoy watching your AOS journey with my own.
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
@@matthangzhou-nq4ew Thank you!
@lionman8295 2 месяца назад
I just want to say, you are gonna be like the only person in the hobby without a pile of shame. Or at least not a big one! I have 500 points of unbuilt Tyranids, 400 of Necrons, and only a handful of my models are painted(besides my Nids I’m 45% done with those). I’m currently working on my Kruleboyz army in preparation of 4th ed
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
Right now I do have 10 fusiliers to build, my fusil major, and 5 dawnriders and 5 cities cavaliers to paint, so I've got some stuff on the go! But I only buy a little at time and my backlog is from Christmas when family members gifted me some warhammer :D. Good luck with your Kruleboys! What colour scheme are you going for?
@lionman8295 2 месяца назад
@@mysidia91 The Grinnin’ Blades with a lot of gold and silver! I always had a problem with how in the artwork the skare shields are always worn out, but the official paint jobs always make them look so clean. They live in a swamp! It should be incredibly damaged! I have a lot of gold on the model because Retributer Armour, is gorgeous! Good luck with those faces! Now to get back to painting!
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
@@lionman8295 Enjoy! You've got a great paint scheme, 100% agree with the shields
@aossi6738 2 месяца назад
You should paint all the heads. Only then will you know which one you love. 😄 Side benefit is the practice
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
GREAT idea! I'll do that for sure. Right now I'm leaning towards the no-helmet option.
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
I can't wait to build/paint this model! 😁😁
@KamenRiderGreed 2 месяца назад
I can't wait to see how you do it!👍
@TheRlyNewHide 2 месяца назад
Not really interesting for me at all. Creating your army list is a major part in playing Warhammer for me and that aspect is non-existent in spearhead. Having to play the same pre-defined army every time seems kind of boring to me.
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
That's fair. I think most people will pick the full version of the game when possible, but sometime you might have time for a quick game or perhaps you want to get a friend into the game and this will be a solid way to do so. Or maybe you start a new army and its your first step into trying them out before you build 1000 pts or 2000 pts.
@gammafighter 2 месяца назад
I'm very excited for spearhead. Making special rules just for this game mode is perfect because the core rules are supposed to be balanced around 2000 point games. In 3rd edition, the calculation for getting a vanguard is "how many units do I need from that box?" For slaves to darkness, for example, chariots and the chaos lord aren't meta, so I don't want to buy it. But spearhead is one box and you're playing the game. Ok, chariots aren't meta, so you only use them for playing spearhead. Someday when you get up to 2000 points, you won't include the chariot. But that's fine because you only wanted the chariot to play in spearhead. If they had spearhead when I first found 3rd edition, I would have bought 1-2 spearhead boxes instead of spending 9 months waiting for a great deal on a secondhand army. It makes it so much easier to collect and teach to my friends as well. Having a playable "army" is a lot more exciting than just 580 points that could become an army someday.
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
Fully agree gamma, they definitely should have come up with this sooner than 4th edition. The buddy that I started the hobby with is already talking about which Spearhead box he'll want to get to try a new force out, and I'm excited to get my Lumineth on the table since I can't use them in 1000 pts as I focused on Cities of Sigmar. It's a really exciting mode, I wish I could go to the convention where they are going to be trialing it all weekend!
@TheBugB 2 месяца назад
This looks great
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
@KamenRiderGreed 2 месяца назад
Consider me pretty excited for Spearhead. I just hope the balance between factions is as good as GW claims. Apparently, when the Combat Patrol format launched for 40K, the balance between the existing boxes was very poor, to say the least. I think with the mechanic of reinforcement units that come back after death, and mechanics that delay or otherwise impede the abilities of more powerful units and monsters like Annihilators and Yndrasta in the Stormcast box, or the Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur in Seraphon I think will massively help with balance if done correctly. But we'll have to wait an see when we get the full rules.
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
I've heard 40k balance is bad too, and I have a hard time looking at some of the AoS boxes and believing they will be balanced, but we also don't know the rules yet. Cities of Sigmar for example have a Cav Marshall and Cavaliers combo which is killer but 1 unit of Steelhelms and a cannon are pretty underwhelming (I'm hoping artillery is buffed in 4th ed).
@Xabierum 2 месяца назад
I wonder if they will be releasing new spearhead boxes along the battletomes
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
I think they will if there are model refreshes (Cities of Sigmar for example) but I wouldn't be surprised if the Lumineth box stayed the same
@KamenRiderGreed 2 месяца назад
I expect that they will. At least, if 40K and their Combat Patrols are anything to go by.
@matthangzhou-nq4ew 2 месяца назад
Getting really excited to try this. I recently bought AOS starter set but holding out learning the rules with 4th edition coming. I have the cities of Sigmar spearhead though so time to build that up and just need one more figure for FEC and that’ll be another spearhead ready
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
Welcome to the hobby! I'm getting 3rd Edition games in now and I think it's going to help me overall transition to the new edition. I'd recommend checking out Warcry if you haven't already. It's the smaller skirmish partner game to AoS and you can play it with your Cities or FeC models! It will get you into the flow of playing a tabletop wargame :D
@matthangzhou-nq4ew 2 месяца назад
@@mysidia91 thanks. I was looking into Warcry as often comes highly recommended but the current starter set looks really underwhelming. Will wait and see if a better version comes out or if it gets discontinued…
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
@@matthangzhou-nq4ew Don't worry about the starter sets, you can just play with any models that you own! My friend and I played Cities vs Seraphon on Monday and we just used our models and put random kitchen items on the table as terrain. It was really fun! Check out the Warcrier website, it has all the rules and you can make a list with any models from Age of Sigmar.
@matthangzhou-nq4ew 2 месяца назад
@@mysidia91 Cool thanks I’ll look into it! Shame they don’t those other sets that came with all that really cool terrain anymore. Hope it keeps being supported
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
@@matthangzhou-nq4ew Yes I agree! Those sets are terrific value
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
I'm excited to try out Lumineth Realm Lords and Cities of Sigmar in Spearhead! How about you?
@KamenRiderGreed 2 месяца назад
I'm going to have to do alot of painting to get some of my Spearhead equivalents to the tabletop. But I'm excited to get them ready! I just wonder if/how Sentinels will be handled. Since they crit Mortals on 6's with their Bows, Critting on 5's if Power of Hysh is successful. Which can be alot of damage, especially in a smaller scale mode where every point of damage hurts alot more. So I hope that they make Sentinels Crit Atuo-Wound instead of Crit Mortals. It'd be a nerf, yes, but it'd make the army more interesting to play with and against.
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
@@KamenRiderGreed I would imagine in Spearhead specifically that they may not have Crit (mortal) on their weapons OR they wouldn't have power of hysh available to cast.
@KamenRiderGreed Месяц назад
​@@mysidia91From what I've heard after the recent preview events and some leaks. It seems like Sentinels will have Crit Auto-Wound in Spearhead at least. And we got even more Lumineth rules for main AoS in an exhibition match that happened recently. You can find them floating about if you look for them, I don't want to spoil the rules for you if you want to be fully surprised, or find out for yourself. But I will say this to fully follow up on your prediction: Power of Hysh is not a spell anymore, it's still around, but you'll need to make more of a decision if you want to be able to use it.
@totomen666 2 месяца назад
Just allow crossplay among AoS vs 40k vs Old World, chaos gods yada-yada... "Female Custodes always been a thing, what do you mean?"
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
@KamenRiderGreed 2 месяца назад
I agree, we needed more info from GW on how this stuff works. Especially with Priests. What I imagine it will be is that you roll first, get Ritual Points for your Priest, then declare what Prayer you're spending the points on, but that is PURE speculation until we get the full rules text. But overall, I like these changes! Having Wizards share spells in the same lore is *SO* nice for cutting down the micromanagement of who knows what spell. And I like that there's a bit of decision making on if you want to cast all your spells, or if you save an unbind because you expect the opponent to use Magical Intervention.
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
Yeah I feel like every WarCom article I read there is something that I'm not 100% sure about, it's frustrating! Can't wait to get my hands on a core rulebook and make some rule focused videos for the new edition.
@Chance_25 2 месяца назад
I think that by simplifying the game, they could make the factions MORE unique, instead of less unique, for example, sylvaneth should be the ONLY faction that is able to teleport. Storm cast should be the ONLY faction that can do. Mortals on sixs, lumineth should be the ONLY army that has auto casts etc.
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
You're right they could do that, but by all appearances they are not, since we've already seen Crit (mortal) in 3+ factions and Stormcast can teleport via deployment. It would be cool to see more uniqueness, but that's not the path of least resistance for the developers when balancing
@JettHinde 2 месяца назад
Whats a combat line ive never herd that term
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
I was referring to how you line up your miniatures with screens and lines behind it. I don't think thats common warhammer terminology.. I'm just new to the game 😅
@JettHinde 2 месяца назад
@@mysidia91 so you mean now we can't have models behind other models and attack cause there's no reach so now they both can't attack only the engaged unit?
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
@@JettHinde Nope that's not what I meant, I didn't do a good job of explaining it sorry! I think now people will need to keep more distance between screens and heroes/wizards/shooters because the reach is further. Depending on the development of the board, screening may not be as effective because of the universal 3" reach.
@KcBull 2 месяца назад
Question, if i can cast or unbind X spells in the phase, does that mean my hero phase has x spells and then on their hero phase this would reset? Cause per phase to me means it resets per phase where as if they said per battle round or something it would be total for both players hero phase. Any thoughts?
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
I think you're correct and it resets per phase. You can only use magical intervention once though. It just means you'll be able to unbind on your opponents hero phase.
@redmillion7089 2 месяца назад
Their articles being vague is a very fair criticism. I’ve been playing since 2nd edition and even I am wishing they were more direct, especially in the first few posts on 4th Ed on the warhammer community site.
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
Yeah they need to stop being cute and focus on consistent and clear language.
@mandroid-rb4uy 2 месяца назад
hello mysidiaWoW! meticulously researched and detailed video keep goingSpaceWizards
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
Thank you!!
@mysidia91 2 месяца назад
Comon Games Workshop SHOW US MORE SPELLS!!