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We upload highlights from various podcasts. Come to our channel for some laughs and a good time. Daily uploads!

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Tim Dillon On Australia's Lockdown
2 года назад
Tim Dillon: C-List Celebrities
2 года назад
Tim Dillon: Moving To Spotify
2 года назад
Tim Dillon on Oregon & Washington
2 года назад
Tim Dillon: Athletes
2 года назад
Tim Dillon: Parkland Survivors
2 года назад
Tim Dillon on Dr. Fauci
2 года назад
Tim Dillon on Sports Journalism
2 года назад
Tim Dillon On Delta Variant
2 года назад
Tim Dillon On Simone Biles Quitting
2 года назад
Tim Dillon On Orange County
2 года назад
Tim Dillon on British Food
2 года назад
Tim Dillon: The Digital Hellscape
2 года назад
Tim Dillon on Melania Trump
2 года назад
Tim Dillon: The Death Of LA
2 года назад
Tim Dillon On Nelk And Merch
2 года назад
Tim Dillon On 9/11 Victims
2 года назад
Tim Dillon Reacts To Insane Parents
2 года назад
Tim Dillon On "Cuties" Netflix Series
2 года назад
Tim Dillon On Comedy Clubs Reopening
2 года назад
Tim Dillon: Coming Out To My Dad
2 года назад
Tim Dillon On Quitting Cigarettes
2 года назад
Tim Dillon: Fake Gay Celebrities
2 года назад
Tim Dillon: Gay Lawyer
2 года назад
Tim Dillon: Double Homicide
2 года назад
Tim Dillon on 9/11
2 года назад
@danielsparrow3767 22 часа назад
When i was working in retail many years ago the only people that were ever rude and insufferable were the olds
@dougwint 23 часа назад
Don't want to trade places with fat people because I want to be healthy. Don't want to trade places with black people because I don't want to have a victim mentality.
@bluedragonrob1 4 дня назад
You never seen influencers standing in front of a bookshelf for a reason.
@gagewendland4315 4 дня назад
Some people while they are far and few are good at everything.
@tfedak9735 4 дня назад
this segment alone solidified my unhealthy obsession over Tim Dillon.
@vaticinus 5 дней назад
"Intelligent" People Are Socially Awkward because the part of their brain most people use to process social complexity has been re-purposed to do other task that we would today refer to as "intelligent". Sometimes its the part of the brain that controls motor function that has been repurposed, making such people relatively clumsy or bad at sports. Remembering faces, remembering names and details about others used to be very important. For nearly all of human history navigating social complexity has been the primary purpose of our brains. Its the reason we have a big brain in the first place. But as we have settled down in ever larger communities, with more division of labor, the importance of having a high social IQ has diminished. Now "Intelligent" people can thrive while being very anti-social so long as they are not also violent.
@lefdee 5 дней назад
i didn't get ptsd from afganistan. i got it in america. god bless stay black
@lowhat 5 дней назад
Why does she talk over him so much
@TeaRiker 5 дней назад
"I don't like small talk" = I have literally zero social skills whatsoever
@JohnathanRebel2 6 дней назад
The other guy is Jewish squared
@nickwest_acoustic 6 дней назад
I legitimately think that Tim Dillon and Mike David together would be the greatest podcast in history next to Norm Macdonald and Adam Eget
@gflsos5838 6 дней назад
Would be 10 times hilarious if the Clintons do take him out because of this video
@JackVo 6 дней назад
I know smart people r all advantaged but at least the saying of EQ making me feel better l
@clemersmonroe5183 6 дней назад
Me and Tim went to the same school
@SuperSenis 7 дней назад
Tim needs to this rant on Austin and maybe other cities annually, like an update.
@Spoiledstoic 7 дней назад
What, may I ask, are you doing in *these* streets? LOL
@SuperSenis 7 дней назад
"It's if every Disney witch got fat"
@Spoiledstoic 7 дней назад
I sell things…. Mhmm
@marvinlang3777 7 дней назад
I think its less of a lack of social skill but compatability which causes lack of training
@nojoy7238 7 дней назад
wow. I never saw this before. this is gay commie propaganda. and those parents should be ashamed
@hud86 7 дней назад
People who want to make money and be higher up on the social hierarchy are the problem. Animal shelters, governments, non profits are all run by people trying to make more money and be better than their neighbors. People aren’t producing much good in the world when their concerns are money and social hierarchy.
@JOEBOWERY 7 дней назад
One of Tim’s best clips
@HoratioTalbot771_a 7 дней назад
This guy is an absolute freak who’s obsessed with intelligence, therefore he’s not intelligent. As the saying goes ; The gentleman doth protest too much .
@jollydove6314 7 дней назад
"Which I couldn't sell because it was too accurate" - the pride of this man. You are selling all this pseudo intellectual nonsense massivelyexactly because it's massively inaccurate
@jollydove6314 7 дней назад
Jordan Peterson does not have emotional intelligence. That's why he equates it with agreeableness. No, agreeable people can be so for so many different reasons other than being intelligent. Like for example when they are fearful/weak and not that intelligent? JP overall seems to want to equate intelligence with survival in society
@OutlierConcepts 8 дней назад
"Its not stupid....its his fake job"
@LukeC908 8 дней назад
Government job. You’ll fit in unbelievably.
@dgray8720 8 дней назад
Man I miss Ben.
@AbyssalManta 8 дней назад
Of course, you are assuming that "General Cognitive Ability" is a thing that exists, that the primate neural networks we have in our skulls - evolved over millions of years through evolution by natural selection - will be equally good/sucky at every category of problem. That they won't feature "shortcuts", "intuitions", "biases", heuristics that make them better at solving the specific sorts of scenarios their survival/reproduction typically hinge on, at the cost of ability to generalize. You could add a simple shortcut to a neural network like "assume that gravity is always in effect, with a value of 9.8 meters per second." and build a bunch of androids that outperform all competing models as fighter pilots, acrobats and engineers on Earth... at the cost of being utterly unable to function in space, or on planets other than Earth, for instance. You could have a more general model that spends an extra 5 years in "childhood", and never quite gets to the same level of split second, elegant decision making of the rival, but can tackle entire categories of problems they can't even dream of. Now... let's get really evil here. What if you built an android with a root directive instructing it to never - under ANY circumstances - lie? If this guy lived as a hermit, he would be just as competent and functional as the base model. As a researcher of the natural world, he would be equally adept - indeed, perhaps his deeply held "moral conviction" might shield him from some forms of self delusion, making him perform BETTER at it - but this guy would be UTTERLY UNABLE to function in society. He'd never get any grants to do science, to begin with.
@vickimann3262 8 дней назад
You can improve your IQ
@s.kelley9403 8 дней назад
Eclipse is an odd word to chose from the fat activist lady.
@nightfighter7452 8 дней назад
Ben's laugh after Tim says "big into a chair" is doing things to me
@brycefoster3040 9 дней назад
How are there no comments
@PaladinLeeroy42069 9 дней назад
So the jobs that are most vulnerable to automation?
@simonahrendt9069 9 дней назад
I love how Jordan does not include himself in the category of highly intelligent people
@TolarRay 9 дней назад
Clinton was on epstein’s island when JFK died
@ericonelove9299 9 дней назад
When I am feeling down I come to this video once in a while…😊
@therealko7013 9 дней назад
6:40 🤣🤣🤣
@caddyshack68 9 дней назад
The library of congress should preserve this man’s entire collection of work so that when the world explodes and our remains are found 2000 years from now they will know this was the best mankind had.
@randbarrett8706 9 дней назад
All conspiracy theories are coping mechanisms. People don’t want to believe that events are beyond human control.
@flatheadgg2443 9 дней назад
I do have high lQ but in everyday life l'm just a massive retard, what are my options?
@murrethmedia 10 дней назад
So wait, they weren't heroes because they didn't run into the buildings _while_ _they_ _were_ _falling?_ WTF? 🤣
@jimpemberton 10 дней назад
This video is three years old as I comment, so forgive me for being late to the discussion. I'll start by offering my own definition of intelligence, which doesn't necessarily exclude other definitions, but frames in a way that gives us an inroad to refined systematic categories: Intelligence is the ability to acquire or develop new categorical systems of thought. I'll give a simple example to illustrate when I mean by this. Let's say we need to categorize M&Ms. How should we do that? One obvious way is to categorize them by color. Another obvious way is to categorize them by what they have on the inside: Some have nuts, some don't, Some have pretzels, and so on. These two categorical systems are both valid and can be in play at the same time. What other systems of categories can they have? How about some not-so-obvious categories: Lot number. Each M&M was made in a certain serialized lot. How about quality control? M&Ms can be categorized on a pass/fail system and even subcategorized on the quality of failure, whether the wrong size, the level of coverage of candy coating, the placement and completeness of the 'M&M' marking, the criteria defining the proper shape, the spectral range of the color scheme, and so on. All things can be categorized. Definitions of words, sematic domains, and related etymologies are categories and categorical systems. Some categorical systems reflect ontology, some reflect teleology, some reflect epistemological qualities, some reflect ethical implications, many reflect related aspects of multiple of these kinds of things. So despite being able to work out implications of behavior in social interactions, one challenge for the exceptionally intelligent person is determining what level of categorical complexity someone else is capable of. In order to work effectively with people, the intelligent person needs to deal with them on their level, and that can be challenging in a mixed group. A general principle I have observed is that almost everyone expects most everyone else to have the same capacity for understanding that they do. If someone else doesn't understand something they do, the assumption is that they are deficient in this area, and this is often expressed in an acerbic fashion: "That idiot!" If someone else is far more intelligent and is capable of understanding far more than they are, the reaction is similar. The sense is that what the less intelligent person understands is sufficient, therefore what the exceptionally intelligent person understands that other people can't is unimportant. It took a long time for me to figure this out primarily because when I was younger, I was often gaslighted for being intelligent, even by my teachers, and I didn't have the maturity to deal with it well. It resulted in a few fights, and I ended up in the Marines instead of the classroom. I had the highest GT score in HQ company, HQ Battalion, 2nd Marine Division. I went back to school after my EAS and I earned a graduate degree. Now the difficulty in the work force is due to being able to produce far more intellectual value at a unique job than anyone else can do, such that my bosses don't know what to do about it. For years, they thought that my level of output was what should be expected of my position from any normal person and continued to assign more tasks as they thought I wasn't working hard enough. They know a little better now. The good thing is that few people try to gaslight me anymore, though I still get a few of those. I'm much older and wiser now and know how to handle these people. The point is that even though an intelligent person can maneuver sociologically, he or she still has social challenges unique to their particular giftedness.
@evanroy4143 10 дней назад
@AverageJogi 10 дней назад
The co-host looks like the Pep Boy character from Fallout lmao
@MisteryBio 10 дней назад
IQ is pseudoscience at best.
@bigmoose99 10 дней назад
So far Tim has described Gillis Soder Gomez 6 minutes in
@blake6574 10 дней назад
Finally someone calls out tattoos! It is grotesque.
@jonjon2483 10 дней назад
I love how I came for a talk about intelligent people being socially awkward only to see him become unhinged about ivy league school selections
@DanEMO592 11 дней назад
Whitney literally told Tim he would hate Austin and he barely acknowledges it