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@AlexVeridyTLW 2 дня назад
i really hope this game gets rereleased on modern consoles like crisis core did
@AlexVeridyTLW 2 дня назад
44:08 they're just soldier types, don't worry
@decusq 4 дня назад
The problem with Crisis Core stems a lot from Genesis. Basically in the early 2000's Square was going through restructuring and part of their business plan was trying to make the FF series more mainstream BY ANY MEANS even making Japanese Rock stars characters or Fan servicing characters like crazy. The sad part is Genesis feels like a self insert character someone had made just to insert themselves in some of the most important canon events of FF7 and it sucks. Whats worse is there are A LOT of unneeded characters added to this game that don't even have a point to them like the new Doctor, Lezard, Genesis and more. FF7 Crisis Core has Moments I think are awesome but the majority of the game is moments i think screw too much with FF7's canon and makes it worse.
@Sayrden 7 дней назад
40:33 I absolutely love this game and Edward's big moment. But I laugh a little every time I notice the medical staff just stands there watching Edward crawl.
@vexcarius7100 9 дней назад
56:52 You just ate bacon for breakfast 😂 it came from somewhere 😂😂
@vexcarius7100 9 дней назад
Bro voice overes the entire game accurately like how I imagined it. His Quina voice is freaking gold.
@Fawriel 16 дней назад
That was a weird-looking Sonic game
@FullMetalAttackTitan9tailsHero 17 дней назад
2:00 lol never imagined the soldiers w that accent. I had to laugh.
@wildvalentine 18 дней назад
Rebirth playthrough?
@wildvalentine 18 дней назад
Where is the Rebirth Playthrough? Make haste!
@wildvalentine 19 дней назад
I remember the guy that got me into Final Fantasy, my babysitter put me on VIII after I'd played VII a few times, I would have been about nine. I remember him saying the plot is as if a 5 year old made up a story as it went along, I didn't think too much of it at the time. I have played it so many times (not in the last 7 - 8 years) and watching you play it is hysterical because this is ridiculous. I always loved FF8 for the Junction system though because I'm a micromanagement whore. This is fucking hilarious! It's 'The 4th Ward' but just an entire game of it. I can't stop laughing.
@eliaslopez7582 23 дня назад
Ive always come back to this game since it came out. Took me years to finish it. But I go back to it at least once a couple years. This game gets a lot bad wrap but just how you felt when you found out about vivi and the whole adventure. Is why I come back. This games feels are always with me. Such a good story.
@AsherAce 24 дня назад
I really liked the voice you chose for mog.
@Themanhimself677 25 дней назад
That woman needs to shut her mouth
@cgbairdmusic6365 26 дней назад
Lazz we need the next chapter!!!
@PresidentEvil2 29 дней назад
Im so happy I found your channel
@eddy5097 Месяц назад
I love ff6 and your reaction to it...GREAT VIDEO
@Ilwenray85 Месяц назад
43:14 As I commented before in other playthroughs: This is one of the reasons I love this game that much: *you lose!* It will take centuries for the planet to be able to heal to a point civilization can live comfortably, from an emotional perspective (have the *will* to live, and the *hope* things will get better) to a physical one because the land is a fricking mess that can't sustain them. It doesn't matter that you can kick Kefka's ass later: he already won, he destroyed the world.
@AceManning18 Месяц назад
I love final fantasy so I just stumbled across your content, but you are an extremely whiny little twat
@benjaminhutz2405 Месяц назад
Hey, i dont know if you will read this: You mentioned several times during ff1 that you want to play stranger of paradise. What happened to that? did you play it? i cant find a video for this
@Tuesdayishere Месяц назад
Considering Zack and Cloud had to go on a long journey to reach Midgar from Nibelheim and that truck ride was just the last bit of it, I don’t mind that more stuff happened throughout the journey and that it took a while. That’s it though. That’s the only thing I disagree with you on. Well, I didn’t love Remake (and Rebirth is expanding the issues I have with Remake). But the original is a phenomenal game. Bad translation and dialogue aside, the story is a masterpiece that I love. I wish Squeenix would trust that the game is good and not try to change everything up or shoehorn in more “lore” Anyway, you’re growing disappointment in this game was a joy to watch. Thank you for posting
@patyos2 Месяц назад
FF2 is pretty good if you’re playing the remakes or remaster
@AceManning18 Месяц назад
Also, this game has one of the best final dungeons in the series. So kiss an ass.
@AceManning18 Месяц назад
Your disdain for the game and ignorance of the plot wouldn't be so bad, but a lot of it is just because you don't pay attention. Never was it stated that Laguna is Ellone's uncle, she just calls him that. Quite common, at least in the US. In the very beginning of the game, when you get your first 2 GFs at your desk in Quistis room, you can read about GFs causing memory loss. They make the finer details about the lore and story pretty easy to miss, so I get it, but don't talk shit and act like the game is terrible because it's nowhere to be found. It is, you just have to look around and pay attention to what you're reading. Difficult for a gamer brought up in the 2010s, I know. Not to mention, the battle system is flawed and unique, not for everybody I admit. But it's only as easy/hard as you make it. The best part of this game is playing it again and customizing your characters exactly how you want them. You can do job runs, challenges where each member can only use certain elements for magic/junctions, challenges where every character has 4 ability slots, the best command abilities, and 255 every stat, etc. I cannot get over a KINGDOM HEARTS fan clowning the story of a game. Honestly, that's rich.
@AceManning18 Месяц назад
Yeaaaaah. Admittedly, this game has a pretty convoluted and silly story. It's one of the weaker titles in the series, including a few spinoffs. That being said, some goofy twat who never played it when it was new, tried the 7 remake and apparently loves the entire KINGDOM FUCKING HEARTS series [the epitome of stupid ass, convoluted ass bullshit ass stories] acting like this is too much for him to enjoy the game is PEAK comedy. Laguna is not Squall's uncle, nor is he Ellone's. This game's story is a time loop, and is convoluted and goofy as I mentioned. But it's far better than any Kingdom Hearts trash ever made, and better than you are giving it credit for. Ultimecia possesses sorceresses from the past in order to try and find Ellone, as there is tech in the future using her powers that allow regular people to experience. Ultimecia wants this power for herself, because she knows she is destined to die at the hands of Squall. This is why she says "the akkursed SEED" or whatever during the fight at the end of disc 1, she knows who he is. Not in a "hes squall from down the block" kind of way, but she knows of his existence and name. This leads to her possessing Adel, who uses her position as leader of Esthar to search the planet for Ellone. That's why those guys came by on the boat and picked her up, they are the "White SEEDs" whose sole purpose is making sure she is safe. That's also why SEED exists in the first place, explains why Cid and Edea are married [she was normal before Ultimecia], and why Garden existe. Cid and Edea are visited after the game ends by Squall, present squall, in the past. He tells her what to do, boom.. Once Laguna finds her, after the events at Winhill, a lot of shit happens and he becomes president of Esthar. Adel is banished, into space, and Ultimecia has to find another sorceress to possess so she can do her bidding. She possesses Edea, who then renounces her powers to Rinoa, making her a sorceress for life also. Then, at the end of the game, you defeat Ultimecia, because of the time compression magic she is at the orphanage in the past, and gives her powers to Matron, IN THE PAST, starting the story essentially. Also, Laguna is Squalls dad. Goober. It's complicated and dumb. But it's interesting in it's own strange way, and you need to quit shitting all over it if you're gonna sit there and tell me you enjoy kingdom hearts story. Stop.
@Jburneyjr Месяц назад
The Whispers in Remake and Sephiroth are not related. The Whispers can't really control him however they can undo what he has done if it doesn't match the original timeline. However, once you beat the arbiters of fate then you would broken the original timeline which would allow for diverging paths or separate timelines.
@johnstapleton8874 Месяц назад
How many times you all think he’s played this?
@AceManning18 Месяц назад
The irony of people like you shitting on this game, whining about bad writing like some English major elitist while simultaneously referencing Kingdom Hearts constantly and presumably enjoying that mess of a game is .. hilarious.
@AceManning18 Месяц назад
Did you not get the Choco Mog materia, you goofy fuck? Didn't wanna "Warkkkk" back at the chocobo, eh? Think you're special? Make me wanna vomit.
@sasca854 Месяц назад
Crisis Core was horrible. Virtually all of the spinoffs were/are horrible.
@capsule2323 Месяц назад
This game really makes you feel like you're working a 9 to 5
@maillardsbearcat Месяц назад
Wait so are we not doing Rebirth content anymore
@nicolaskaito4769 Месяц назад
Bittersweet ending but the game is one of my favorite of all time. Really a love letter to FF fans and everyone will go mad if this ever get a remake.
@rednova2212 Месяц назад
"She pulled a sephiroth and just lobbed a Materia at his head. It's a tried and tested method." ... I'm gonna be honest, I TOTALLY forgot that Sephiroth did that at Nibelheim.
@Narokh Месяц назад
"What if she shows up as the princess in the gold saucer?" Oof! XD
@siderth9035 Месяц назад
FF9 is not a video game, it is a life experience, we cannot escape unscathed.
@aundesignSWE Месяц назад
I must say, you do the voice of cloud really well. I could easily see him in the remake with your voice
@ImWithTeamTrinity Месяц назад
It may sound weird, but I prefer the original snes soundtrack.
@DoctorSmashman 2 месяца назад
Yuffie's a grown woman in this game. Why does she act MORE childish than she did when she was 16?
@likeicareusewe 2 месяца назад
I never knew about that optional Forgotten City scene at the altar. Wow, learning something new
@Tylerdavasel 2 месяца назад
jesus christ, the entire ending is so devastating to the tear ducts
@XxFarrinxXv2 2 месяца назад
All of remake would have made way more sense if Sephiroth was actively trying to destroy the whispers. The game could have ended with him destroying the harbinger of fate. That seems to make way more sense. It doesn't make any sense that the heroes fought the harbinger of fate at the end of remake. Especially if aerith knew what fate was going to happen to the party. Knew that they would win in the end. This makes no sense.
@XxFarrinxXv2 2 месяца назад
This poor guy is going to be so heartbroken when he plays through rebirth and finds out they have done everything they can to destroy the heart of the ff7 story.
@Seydaschu 2 месяца назад
Gosh, I always tear up at the scene when Searching For Friends plays for the first time.
@dylanwolf1773 2 месяца назад
I didn't know common knowledge like the fact there's only 2 genders is considered alt-right now
@Mage_man 2 месяца назад
Loveless is to FF7-vers as Cats is to our NYC.
@imthedude2351 2 месяца назад
"I know all this now...well, I _say_ I know all this, does anyone _really_ know what Dirge of Cerberus is about?" The Power of Friendship