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Hello! My name is DerpyHiro and I make Ace Attorney and Danganronpa content. There will be various types of content here such as top 10's, theories and reviews.
Recipe for Turnabout is BIZARRE
5 месяцев назад
Is the Stolen Turnabout the Best Filler Case?
5 месяцев назад
Is Turnabout Memories a Good Start?
5 месяцев назад
Danganronpa V3 Morality Tier List
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The Controversy of Hobo Phoenix
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@robottoucher 9 часов назад
i also noticed that in all double murders, the victims are the same gender.
@joaooooooooooo_ 19 часов назад
I love this case. It feels scary, a lot of questionable characters, a really dark ending, a tense atmosphere bc you know neither mia or edgeworth had ever lost a case at this point
@CappnRob День назад
What I find amusing is often Third Cases are mostly just hated in the west for the same reasons they are not hated in Japan. Characters like Oldbag and Meekins are I think overhated by western fans because their eccentric silliness grates on them because it’s a very “Japanese” sort of silly. It’s basically Tingle Syndrome from the Legend of Zelda lol. As for me, I don’t hate most third cases. For one I generally just have a high tolerance for goofy whacky characters. For two, I pretty much base all of my ire around not only a case’s internal logic but also it’s emotional pay off, which is what keeps me from hating Turnabout Big Top and Turnabout Serenade in particular because for all the flaws in those cases they do both deliver emotional gut punch stories (though I do think they are weaker cases overall because their internal logic really is pretty bad ESPECIALLY Serenade). I think something you overlooked for Big Top and Serenade tho are they’re both cases with really abrasive mechanics in them. For Big Top it’s how the clown wears out his welcome so hard in-story that he puts you in a One Miss Gameover state which is just frustrating, and Serenade has the admittedly clever but also very difficult music equalizer puzzle. It’s a pretty classic case of Take Any Two of Three: people will tolerate stupid characters, stupid writing, and stupid mechanics, but only any two. Lots of Ace Attorney cases have these absurdities like questioning the parrot or keeping the assassin on the radio or the… entire fucking end stretch of Investigations, but usually just one or two of the three. Big Top and Serenade tend to do all three (moreso Big Top than Serenade, I don’t think anyone finds the main players of Serenade particularly annoying but the core conceit of “a blind child killed a man in one shot with a magnum revolver” does a lot of heavy lifting there lol).
@donutdog1937 День назад
Also just found out that it wasn’t supposed to be hiyoko or fuyuhiko it was supposed to be nekomaru because originally fuyuhiko was gonna come back as a cyborg but they thought it looked more silly and didn’t fit his serious story
@-ak-634 2 дня назад
I honestly don't get why so called "3rd Episodes" get lot of flaks. If you're looking for air-tight logic in Ace Attorney games, you can look elsewhere. Most cases required bit of suspension of disbelief anyway since the plot and developments and mysteries were always pretty wild over the course of these games. Also most of these cases have some degree of main character developments that help flesh out overall arcs and keep us engaged until their resolutions. And some of those characters do showed up again in future episodes, so I wouldn't dare skipping them even in repeat playthroughs. Even so, Recipe for Turnabout is still the weakest of bunch and as filler as you can get and that's the ONLY 3rd Episode I can agree about being rightfully the worst in a game. Also, I can totally get why people absolutely do NOT enjoy Turnabout Big Top (especially that one creepy detail...), even though I do enjoyed it for how whacky and wild and funny an Ace Attorney premise can get when pushed to an extreme. Heck, some of non-3rd Episodes are weak in their own ways (Adventure of Unbreakable Speckled Band is an absolute slog!) and some 3rd Episodes are downright great. Turnabout Academy, The Rites of Turnabout, Adventure of Runaway Room, Return of Great Departed Souls! Those are some of all-time greats in my book.
@kdog_0731 2 дня назад
People didn’t like Apollo Justice and Dual Destinies because Apollo wasn’t Phoenix and Athena wasn’t Maya Fey. Crazy AA fans were super allergic to change and it shows. Also, people didn’t like how Phoenix got disbarred? Did they not pay attention at all to the game? Like Kristoph made it very clear of an incident 7 years ago in Turnabout Trump. Then in Succession, Phoenix using the forged evidence was completely an accident and a set up. All planned out by Kristoph.
@Sheendyan 3 дня назад
Jezail is legendary Afghan rifle from 18th n 19th centuries
@DishonorableMentions452 3 дня назад
I love turnabout corner its so silly
@midnalazuli793 4 дня назад
Putting Mikan in good tier. What a joke.
@Degdreams 4 дня назад
13:52 Oh my god how did he get THIS LOST???
@heiditronic2182 4 дня назад
5:41 with his motive he did. Korekio wanted to kill as many girls as possible to be friends with his sister. Also, Mikan was driven to murder by despair and insanity. Celeste's motive was dumb tho
@heiditronic2182 4 дня назад
So, another thing about double murders is issues with motive. There are lots of reasons you might murder someone, especially in a killing game like this, but there would be very little practical purpose in killing two. As you said, two people just makes more evidence and isn't necessary for escape, so killing a second person is pointless. This narrows the motive down to, essentially, two options. Either the second murder was spur of the moment, which makes that murder generally boring, or the culprit calculated two murders for some reason, which, while it could be interesting in some cases, will generally boil down to "because the culprit's evil", unless you manage to pull it off really well. Don't get me wrong, this could be interesting. For example, if a character had a really personal motive that drove them to kill two people, than that could theoretically be done well, but the game didn't do that, and just made the second death pointless
@Nicolas-jo5bw 4 дня назад
The Great Ace Attorney had some of the best writing is the series throughout. Loved those games. The jury system was pretty cool too.
@sprite9932 5 дней назад
my heart actually broke when i heard people hate turnabout seranade. THATS LITTERALLY ONE OF MY FAVORITE CASES IN THE WHOLE SERIES !!! i love the gameplay , you got to dig deeper into klavier and see him vulnerable and in a state of desperation since his freind and bandmate is being convicted of murder, we get introduced to thalassa and i loved seeing appolo and trucy interact with her! plus i found the music really cool and i firmly believe appolo justice wouldnt have went so smoothly without turnabout serenade😓
@usuariodedicionario9622 5 дней назад
At least when I played, I felt bad not much for Terry death itself but more for the situation Mia was, in your first case seeing someone dying in front of you (maybe even considering yourself the cause of the death) must not be easy, and to make it even worse the one guilty of the crime walked freely. I was the entire case waiting to see what made Mia stay 1 year out of action but I was not expecting a suicide (all cases involve murder but watching someone loss a life right in fornt of my eyes still shocked me). In general this case is good, but for me the weakest of the Third game, as almost everyone said it is a way to improve Bridge to a Turnabout (and for me personally it also makes a replay of Turnabout Memories a lot better)
@bryanthernandez9769 5 дней назад
So wait is this game considered a anime game like ace attorney?
@DerpyHiro 5 дней назад
@Sonia_nvm 5 дней назад
Pov. every 3 case: Because because because because because Not fair not fair not fair not fair not fair not fair Apologize apologize apologize apologize
@felixleidig8307 6 дней назад
any ace attorney without Winston would not be ace attorney he just gotta be there
@felixleidig8307 7 дней назад
Serenade is the worst ace attorney case out of all GAMES
@felixleidig8307 7 дней назад
Wendy Oldbag is a series stable i dont hate her at all
@IamMetta 7 дней назад
my least favorite part about v3 chap 3 that i kept yelling at my pc about was the fact that no one mentioned one specific thing about the seance; Korekiyo was leading the seance and knew everything that was supposed to happen, so if he knew that a loud thud wasn't supposed to happen during the seance, why didn't he tell the others something happened? it just makes him an even bigger suspect, and nobody even brought up the fact that Kiyo should have known that that sound shouldn't have been made.
@WarHelmetCombine 8 дней назад
Didn't he win like all his cases between T&T-1 to PWAA-1 and AJ-4 Flash back to AJ-1
@thesilliestdoodler 8 дней назад
let's be real; hey kids saved chapter 3
@eefourreal403 9 дней назад
@Hatsune-Miku_Fan 11 дней назад
When the characters in 3rd cases getting their chatacter development but dies immediately that's so sad
@sarahlockhart2180 11 дней назад
Also! In Case 2, you can meet Sal Monella in the airport before talking to Gumshoe. Hes on the top right, next to the kid looking out the window.
@yourregulartdfan 12 дней назад
(Imo) I would replace chihiro with hiro in chapter 2 so that his arc wouldn't go by so fast. That's really the only thing I would change in the entire game.
@LilyGrace1990 12 дней назад
My issue is actually with the writing. DD's writing tanked compared to the trilogy an AJAA. It's far more childish and over the top, and not in fun ways. AJAA's writing is about on par with the trilogy, albeit with a more cynical edge, but DD feels like a parody of an Ace Attorney game. Despite this, I ended up liking Athena a lot and Apollo is easily the best returning character in DD by far. Phoenix's writing in particular plummets the farthest in DD but it's pretty pretty bad in SoJ. Everyone says he goes back to his trilogy self but he's a very flanderized version of it that loses all the charm and snark of the original.
@stellarischloride7522 11 дней назад
Precisely. In the original trilogy, even characters like Oldbag and Larry have their special charm despite being somewhat over-the-top. DD's cast of side characters are either downright boring or way too stereotypical and overdone. They have no personality traits aside from their "quirks". And don't even get me started about the culprits...
@stellarischloride7522 12 дней назад
Oh my god I despise Dual Destinies. Athena, Blackquill and Bobby are nice, but not good enough for me to finish when every single side character falls flat, and I especially question their decision to include THREE PLAYABLE MAIN CHARACTERS when Apollo was already overshadowed in his debut. Cases and culprits are boring, characters are either too bland or too over the top, there are only two AA games I didn't finish due to burnout, that being I1 and DD, and that really says something. The dark age of the law plotline is just... eugh. The Dark Age™ is supposed to be started by the loss of faith in the law, and to solve it, some random detective got declared guilty as a legendary spy when nearly everyone else involved in the trial had some connections with Phoenix, who actually had a history of forgery... yeah not sure how that restored the faith in the law. What I hate the most, though, is how it ruined AJ's reputation with it. I argue that AJ brought forth plenty of interesting side plots that would have been wonderful if they are actually expanded upon (cue 6-2). Like TGAA1, it's not really supposed to be a standalone, and while there are problems, it did serve its role as a new introduction pretty well. All DD needed to do is to EXPAND, and yet they chose to DISCARD EVERYTHING. That's what caused the feeling of a lack of completion in AJ: they're not supposed to be resolved there, but in upcoming games instead. But DD never resolved anything. Not in a satisfactory way. And so AJ is left in this extremely awkward state where everyone hates it for what's not even its own fault. Okay, sorry for the rant. Have a nice day.
@TallTapper 13 дней назад
he's cute
@TallTapper 13 дней назад
1-3 is kino
@dgc1570 15 дней назад
What the hell Capcom?!
@Zelknova 16 дней назад
I guess most of Chapter 3 haters in Danganronpa are the same cattle minded ''people'' that hate 3rd cases in Gyakuten Saiban.
@Monhamd1000 16 дней назад
Capcom being Capcom taking their franchises off the rails and Ace Attorney is no exception.
@whimsiclethefirefly 19 дней назад
Am I the only one who absolutely hated this case
@Degdreams 4 дня назад
You have to be. As epic as 3-5 was, 3-2 is probably my favorite case in the game. I LOVE these characters and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the rogue gentleman thief and the detective tropes in stories.
@Degdreams 4 дня назад
Plus it strays from the norm only to bait and switch you.
@ObitoUchiha38200 21 день назад
Mahiru is one of my favorite characters and much my other favorite character (Maizono) it really came down to the fact that it was something about her my favorite to the point I can’t describe it
@robottoucher 22 дня назад
and also because after translation, it would be hard to know what it meant because they would logically call leon "kuwata." In japan you call people by last names.
@AlekzanderTamayo-ln8bf 22 дня назад
1Kth like
@Existant_one 25 дней назад
I'm a super screamy person, ESPECIALLY when it comes to playing ace attorney. Playing this chapter and watching Menimemo start swinging his camera, then Rei butting in to hold him in place, then both her and Susato launching him in the air, absolutely sent me above frequencies beyond what a normal person would be able to hear lol
@mayaaa9492 26 дней назад
im pretty sure the pacing and complexity was like that for this tutorial case because its important to the plot. Other cases were super straight to the point or basic for the most part because the events themselves were unimportant. but for turnabout memories I think they were trying to make a big impression since we would have to keep these events in mind for the rest of the game
@lpfan4491 28 дней назад
Honestly, let him actually be a major factor for once. And no, the Furio-case does not count, that guy has less than 3 braincells and also intentionally lost. 3:32 Tbh, I think it would be funnier if Phoenix never saw Winston again after 2-1 and just remembers that many years later. We technically have a deus ex machina for the inconsistency too, the headbonk. Who said Phoenix got all his memories back? He just knows he got most of them.
@thedead073 28 дней назад
The case is played for comedy. The whole thing is supposed to be a joke. Like a comedy episode of an anime. That said, i thought the ending was awesome
@V4nilla_97 29 дней назад
TBH I got bored after chapter 2 in THH. Like... I did not care for any of the characters after Ishimaru died. I didn't care for Kyoko because she was so quiet and... just never there. I didn't care about Byakuya being the antagonist, I didn't care about Hiro or Aoi or Toko. I didn't even care about genocider. Like... I just got super bored lol. (IMO)