Orion Kelly - That Autistic Guy
Orion Kelly - That Autistic Guy
Orion Kelly - That Autistic Guy
I'm Orion Kelly - That Autistic Guy, and I’m all about providing validation and support for Autistic people and their loved ones. For more visit www.orionkelly.com.au
Late Diagnosed Autistic People Unmasked
Месяц назад
Unravelling Autistic Shutdowns
Месяц назад
The Connection Between Dyslexia and Autism
2 месяца назад
Understanding Autistic Love Languages
4 месяца назад
Best Surprise Parcel Ever!
4 месяца назад
Autistic Comedy - Flying Overseas #autism
5 месяцев назад
Autistic Comedy - An Aussie in America
5 месяцев назад
The Connection Between Autism and Mental Illness
5 месяцев назад
@amandamandamands 23 часа назад
All so relatable, it is videos like that this that make me wonder how it wasn't picked up earlier (I'm one that figured it out and then sort out a diagnosis)
@user-hq2mb3mm7i 23 часа назад
The egg to the head videos
@capybaraconlimon6754 23 часа назад
@janicenino 23 часа назад
Not being able to actually see what you imagine, visualize, or remember and not being able to imagine, visualize, or remember things in other ways are in no way the same thing. You can struggle with both, with either, or with neither, but they are separate skills. Aphantasia may be more common with autism, but isn't hyperphantasia also more common with autism? Autism is a general way of describing a very broad spectrum of neurodivergent experiences, so I guess it shouldn't be surprising that a neurodivergent (or neuroexpansive) individual could be on either end of the bell curve.
@bes03c 23 часа назад
I think i excessively follow social etiquette. Social etiquette is based on rules. Figuring out rules and following them makes unfamiliar situatuons less uncomfortable. I think the "strong moral compass" is also part of sicial etiquette to me.
@guera18cpt 23 часа назад
I feel like it’s easier to find a NT woman that will love you through the Autism negative aspects than a finding a NT man that will do the same. Most of my relationships, the man can’t handle nor want to deal with my Autistic traits even though I go above and beyond to make them happy. 😢. Life is hard….
@A_2the_lex День назад
I hate double negatives, I have worked with people who would communicate with triple, quadruple or even pentuple negatives, but the real kicker whether they meant what was actually said was still a 50/50 so I would just do as instructed unless I was certain it was the other and if I got told I was wrong, I would repeat what I understood
@shii0802 День назад
1. Your explanation of a meltdown was really helpful for me, thank you. 2. I think un-masked you is beautiful; in that we get to see your mind in its splendor, with complete clarity; through your speech, the way that you move (air painting your thoughts), & watching your personal.brand of self regulation. We get to see you not just as a person, but as an authentic soul...& I think that's beautiful. 3. I'm always proud of people who practice emotional courage. I do my best to practice & live in a state of emotional courage regularly. I just want to be fully authentic...to just BE...to simply exist as my true self, you know. So in seeing you be brave enough to show yourself unmasked on your platform makes me happy. That's very healthy of you, I think (in my humble opinion 😊). 4. & Finally, having to disclaim yourself while speaking to people DOES suck & I'm damn sick of it too 😑😂.
@zetizahara День назад
Yes, I agree, and another type I don't enjoy is embarrassment humour. I can't stand seeing someone being embarassed. The discomfort is near physical-level.
@LilChuunosuke День назад
And yet we are the ones who are accused of lacking empathy!
@joshuaking8424 День назад
Austisics just communicate different 😂
@joshuaking8424 День назад
I wounder why I feel so burned out trying to communicate
@MandaPanda254 День назад
I hit the jackpot yesterday. I despise small talk, so i have avoided hair dressers for years cos they are professionals of small talk. I pushed myself and went to a hair dresser yesterday, and she didnt do any small talk. Just cut my hair in silence. It was so good.
@csebesta84 День назад
Ridiculousness is the dumbest show and it plays 24/7.
@vnessa2623 День назад
I always wondered, why I was like this
@jakke1975 День назад
good example are all those prank videos, doesn't even have to be a kid, but as long as there's a "victim", it's just not funny. NT people can be real sick sometimes.
@user-od1fm3hs9c День назад
You don't need to be autistic not to find it funny. Kids being upset, isn't funny.
@PearlPaisley День назад
Agree fully. Not funny at all. I asked a friend and she said it looks fun when people fall and sure, it might but then they hurt themselves and that usually takes away that funny second...
@YuSeR_5 День назад
As a potential autistic person! My most disliked show is Ridiculousness, whenever I run into a clip of it I always feel distressed and at pain😢 physically and emotionally.. I just don't understand how do people like these kind of shows!!! How can a human laugh at an other human's pain..just disturbing
@aellalee4767 День назад
@2010hyundaielantra День назад
I can handle a lot of rejection and abandonment, but the rejection that does manage to push me over makes me go completely insane, sometimes even psychotic symptoms are present, like smelling pond muck when I'm in home depot for no reason or believing that my dog is conspiring against me.
@tihana13 День назад
2:13 "I would say 'just enough questions'" 😂 Oh boy! Worded so perfectly! YES!
@heatherrae901 День назад
I know this very well, unfortunately. There is only one person on the planet I’m not fearful of socializing with and that’s my husband. Grandma wants to get together? I freak out. Family wants to celebrate Christmas? I freak out. A friend I adore wants to get coffee? Freak out. It is absolutely debilitating because what kind of life can I live like that? It is disproportionate because these people have done nothing to me that would illicit such a response.
@mm89472 День назад
@JimRichardHartmann День назад
Basicly the same all over , here in scandinavia and I think in all europe. They are exploiting us, and our families and friends that actually is good to us every day, or at least the days when we have the capacity to be social. I said this so many times! They seek another way to glorify themselves and make it look like they do good deeds by celebrate that day/month day and then roll coins into their chest. What are they really doing? We know perfectly well that they are just making it look like they do something because they rant the same crap over and over, while people actually learn from the autistic individuals themselves, and we are not generalizing because we know we are all different, and autism does not define us. We are defined by those people that patronize us in the best wellmeaning. I dont like attention to my autism at all, I dont want people to care for me by thinking I am stupid, because that is what they think no matter what if they are not genuinely interested in knowing you and your condition. And that is my opinion, beause there is no treating or curing any form of autism, only we ourselves can learn to live and deal with it as best as we can. In all honesty, to other people we shoiuld not be seen as anything else than people with a litle rare personality! We are limiting us, because we have to not make these "normal" people uneasy or even directly anxious. They are not really affected by us at all, we are normal from our aspect! They are troubled because of their own ignorance, and we know that too, and are expected to learn to be considerate and behave to not disturb their peace of mind, while we supress our feelings and let ourself be treated like animals, and even animals do have basic rights and you are not allowed to hurt them physically or psychic. However we are just expected to stay in our role and feed them our money and support them by being members in these "clubs" they make. The doctors told me I would have axcess to all these resources amongst these organisations and the members. Its just not true, and I told my doctors, but they cannot see the point, they can diagnose but never understand us really. So I am in doubt there should be assessement and diagnosing if you are not directly on the really disabling part of the spectrum.
@youraveragejdmenthusiast430 День назад
The f*cking stigma in neurotypical max profit slavery in workplaces, I'm f*cking fed up with that I never ever before appreciated entepeneurship till now, I can partially make my own rules, because f*ck work and their tight schedules, I still tho do it normally and I decide when to take a break and relax before continuing, following customer's expectations just feels like my diagnosis is a doom to a bad life full of poorness, I can withstand limited money to some degree but the goverment always a new way to torment me making stuff I care about unaffordable, I just want to live my life like now, I have proper food, enough to raise kids possibly and still have some money to enjoy what I'm doing. and the so called "inclusive" special schools are hard to get to and are just on the same neurotypical base with few exceptions (they are called like that and other schools students are so so ableist)
@tamarathejudeochristianmedium День назад
I see so many video on IG from here in the states where parents are arguing with toddlers, or telling them they’re wrong when the child is right, calling them sassy, or feeding them horseradish etc. I also let go of so many friends who abuse their children too. 💙🙏🏻💙
@Diannab75 День назад
I'm from the States, and I always hated AFV. Every time I'd see someone fall, or get hurt, I cringed so hard. Then I'd look at my parents and say, "How is this funny, it's awful!"
@Segra13 День назад
I agree. I dont find watching humans (or animals) getting hurt or in distress funny or entertaining. Its actually very upsetting for me.
@karlwolfe9028 День назад
For stimming music, have you tried Rammstein? The guttural German language is awesome! Du Hast, Amerika, Deutschland for starters.
@barrywainwright3391 День назад
I self diagnosed myself with asbergers syndrome.
@DEmersonJMFM День назад
Most of the "humor" on these shows isn't funny to me.
@dreamscape405 День назад
👏👏👏❤💯🏆🏆🏆YES!! Those types of "jokes", aren't funny at all. In fact most of it, is just some narcissistic person using it as a tool, for manipulation, etc. LOVE your channel❤🥂💃
@sebMurdock День назад
Thank you for saying this! I cannot see or feel past what is actually happening in the video!! I thought, perhaps, that I am just too empathetic or personify too much? So, seeing that other people are like this is so meaningful to me! If I see an upset child or animal, I am now upset and need to know they are okay and happy! Even if I am to believe that they are just "frustrated" or "distressed," why do I want to see this?? Why is no one helping them? It's so confusing to me that people think things like this are funny or entertaining. How can they tune out someone being upset or hurt?? Is that honestly worth doing, just for a chuckle? It surely can't be "normal" or ideal to be that jaded, right? My spouse tried to show me a Star Wars themed, animated, comedic sketch that had a robot that was depressed and wanted to "permanently power down," so to speak. I was completely distracted by how the little droid felt and things that he said/did. I thought about him all night. But, I felt so guilty for not being able to laugh with my spouse, and they felt bad for upsetting me! But, until now, I had no idea that other people were also like me, in this way!
@dn3305 День назад
Uh and please try water chestnut!! For me it has one of the best consistencies and mouth-feelings 😍
@HEAVENONEARTH-op2iy День назад
7:28 well said mate 👏 👍 👌 I agree 100 % 😂😂😊😊