Chad Bird
Chad Bird
Chad Bird
Chad Bird is a Scholar in Residence at 1517. He has served as a pastor, professor, and guest lecturer in Old Testament and Hebrew. He holds master’s degrees from Concordia Theological Seminary and Hebrew Union College. He has contributed articles to Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, Modern Reformation, The Federalist, Lutheran Forum, and other journals and websites. He is also the author of several books, including his latest, Limping with God: Jacob and the Old Testament Guide to Messy Discipleship. He also cohosts the popular podcast, “40 Minutes in the Old Testament.”
Noticing the Unnoticed - Ruth 2
4 часа назад
Why I Changed My Mind about Infant Baptism
19 часов назад
What Is the Unforgivable Sin?
14 дней назад
A Hint of Resurrection -  Matthew 27
21 день назад
Our Will or God's Will? - Jeremiah 42
21 день назад
Should Christians Tithe?
21 день назад
God's Not Kidding - Jeremiah 39
21 день назад
Burning the Word of God? - Jeremiah 36
21 день назад
@DaddyKratosOfTheShire 14 минут назад
First tithe?
@kansaspeach7727 30 минут назад
TY for the WORD this morning 🌄 Pastor. Just prayed Psalm 6 and another "go to" for me Psalm 51. And I TY Father.
@Afriqueleblanq 5 часов назад
The sinner on the cross wasn't baptised nor did he speak in tongues. Pastor, the Bible clearly teaches that baptism refers to the Flood, the washing away of sin. B
@Afriqueleblanq 5 часов назад
Infant baptism was introduced when babies died "outside of Grace " It was taken from Egyptian paganism, same as trinity theory. It was done because the Catholics thought that baptism brought salvation. Jesus said that those that repented, should let themselves be baptised. No infant can make that choice. I grew up in a sinful, ungodly un-Biblical church very similar to SBC. It is a religion, but is it Biblical Christianity?
@rickfilmmaker3934 11 часов назад
Absolutely correct Chad. Thank You.
@doughensley6202 11 часов назад
Not everyone who is baptised as an infant for Bible says "if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that God has risen from the dead you shall be saved". However child baptism is more like a dedication so as an EPC person ww look at it as that. I have seen so many non believers who were baptised as infants... being saved is by faith in Him. I accept Christ as a 6 year old boy at the time i understood the foundation of the Gospel presented. Others have different times for understanding whst is presented of the Gospel.
@gregonwum8813 15 часов назад
The name Melchizedek Salem was derived from Igbo consonants, ('m l ch z d k s l m' and was pronounced as 'O melu chi eze di ka Ose e le ama' meaning 'is there a God King who is like the Almighty God looked at in the church') Melchizedek is not a person or a priest of a town as is usually expressed [Gen. 14:18] rather, it was what transpired when Abraham won a battle, and they were giving praise and thanks to Almighty God.
@michellez5173 15 часов назад
This was very helpful!!! Thank u so much
@heidibelle3415 16 часов назад
@salinafedrick977 18 часов назад
So when I pray Psalm 1, I spend 15 minutes then the next day when I start Psalm 2, do I pray the first one again then start on 2 and everyday start at the beginning? Sorry for the confusion.
@chadbird1517 17 часов назад
The chart that I follow is spread out over the 30 or 31 days of a month, and each day I pray around 5-8 psalms (not repeating any until they roll around the next month). So once a month, I pray through the entire 150 psalms. here is the chart: standrews.ws/files/2017/11/Daily-Psalm-Readings.pdf
@salinafedrick977 11 часов назад
@@chadbird1517 Thanks so much.
@johnmcook1 22 часа назад
To bad you dont know the harlot is jerusalem. Or that gog and magog will join the false messiah. And so you dont truly know who he will come after
@carolbest5660 23 часа назад
Reading the psalms every morning has been life-giving!!!
@ruth.greening День назад
Echo back - so true. Thank you.
@dragandelazare3947 День назад
There is ONLY ONE Church!!! Jesus didn't create all these millions of "protestants" sects (legion of demons). Be just logical, Jesus didn't wait 1500-2000 years to save people (all the so called “churches” you belong to, were created by men deceived by satan… Not by God). God created HIS One and Only Church 2000 years ago. Go back to the Holy Orthodox Church and be saved (not to confuse with the distorted Roman Catholic so called “church”)! "He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"
@bignoob1790 День назад
Hermes trismigistis
@ferdinandbusuego4746 День назад
Ì learned
@chilledmac День назад
Looking at scripture specifically in what is says about baptism is: believe and be baptized. When is the point a human being can express belief in Christ and then be baptized? I would challenge an infant cannot. But God and His grace I belief takes care of our infants. Even the thief on the cross was not baptized, but Christ told him he would see Him in paradise. Baptism isn’t a salvation issue really. The work of God is to believe in Christ whom our Father sent.
@lisamiller2482 День назад
Didn’t Jesus send out his disciples (the great Commission) to Baptize whole households?
@DonavonKruger День назад
There's different Judgments church leaders and people who know their masters will be held to a higher judgment you really twisted this up its better to not have built than to have built a half tower. It literally says I know your deeds there are deadly sins read what Paul writes
@DonavonKruger День назад
King James Version 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God
@DonavonKruger День назад
Or go read about the different seeds sow in parable
@DonavonKruger День назад
What's a lukewarm christian?
@kathygreer9471 День назад
Just completed. Wonderfully written. Like Cliff Notes of the Old Testament. Thank you.
@JesseLinkes День назад
@FeliPeltier День назад
I am not sure it’s ok to tell people there is nothing wrong with riches. Most people can’t handle riches without it becoming a distraction from God. Riches are like credit cards, some people can handle them correctly and most people can’t. As soon as you tell everyone that credit cards are on it used correctly, everything thinks it’s only an issue for other people and not for themselves.
@MuppetPuppetGuy День назад
Pastor Chad, I have a quick question. All of my wisdom has been used up; I don't know what or how to pray for a certain person in my life. Can I pray the Psalms over another person I love? What would that look like? 'God please lead Pastor Chad to see this comment.'
@chadbird1517 День назад
Yes, you certainly may do that. You can pray them for another person, perhaps even inserting their name here and there in the Psalm as you speak to God. Or if the person is willing for you to pray alongside them, then you can pray the palms over that person quite literally, so that they not only hear these words from God, but hear them as prayers back to God on their behalf.
@MuppetPuppetGuy 21 час назад
@@chadbird1517 Thank you Pastor Chad! I am beginning to pray the Psalms in one month over my life and the lives of a couple people in my church. God has used you to get through to me in ways I never thought were possible. His word is beginning to 'have its way with me.' Thank you again, and may the Lord richly bless you in Jesus Christ.
@melaniek.h. День назад
Great🙏🏽❤. I am looking forward to read it. I am sure it will be a blessing. Thank you, Chad❤🙏🏽.
@susanlynnl День назад
Thank you. I love the connection between infant baptism and infant circumcision.
@Kenn-rb7gq День назад
Thanks so much..I love your books 😊💙
@peterlurvey6409 День назад
Bless you, brother
@samdzveta6552 День назад
God requires every child of Him, TO KEEP THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. The first 4 apply to our relationship with GOD and the last 6 to fellow men. Matthew 22v34-40 Jesus gives a summary of the law. NOTE what He says in v40 "all the law and the prophets hang on these. The truth is that as human beings, we need to submit our will to GOD for strength to keep HIS LAW.
@chadbird1517 День назад
I was baptized as a five-year-old in our Southern Baptist congregation.
@prestonmckinnon1883 День назад
All teaching has to be supported by scriptures
@chadbird1517 День назад
I fully agree.
@adampetersen4795 2 дня назад
From a materialistic view point, If God can use his word in sound waves he certainly can use it in water. Doesn't water move in waves too?x
@ErikSvansbo 2 дня назад
Great video, thank you!
@jaybuffie9624 2 дня назад
Mine is en route and should be here today. I'm excited to read it!
@kansaspeach7727 2 дня назад
It's a blessing 🙌🏽 You're a blessing Pastor!❤
@ruth.greening 2 дня назад
Noticed this because my name is Ruth.
@momofthreeboys5 2 дня назад
It's one of my favorite stories in the Bible. So much so that I named my pyrenees Boaz and my husky Shepard mix Ruth 😁
@timhickman3407 2 дня назад
Sorry but where do you get the vowels from in YaHWeH? 🤔
@moayedsaei7715 2 дня назад
Dear brother, I love your passion and zeal for Lord. In fact I watch your videos regularly because I found them beneficial. Specifically when you make parallels between old and new testament. But about this video when I look at the bible, I don’t see it as you mentioned as well. Also we know about age of accountability (as you mentioned). But look at Bar-mitzvah. As you know before age of twelve, boys were not accountable for what they were doing. Their father was accountable. Also when I look at 2Sam ch12 v23, I see that David is saying “But now that he is dead, why should I go on fasting? Can I bring him back again? I will go to him, but he will not return to me. Here he’s talking about an infant who died. So David is confirming that infant/babies are not going to hell but heaven. Isn’t salvation free gift for everyone who deciding to accept and follow Jesus? Doesn’t that means that people who are accepting Jesus are knowing what they do? Does a baby have ability to make decision? Does the babies who were baptised, wanted to accept and follow Jesus by their own decision? When you talked about picture of circumcision, and Israelite boys were brought in to covenant, that was old covenant. New covenant is faith in Christ. Question: what about Israelite girls? Because infant baptism is for boys and girls. Even though we may not agree on this subject, you’re still great teacher on my eyes and I love your work for Lord brother 💐
@alexbaptista8150 2 дня назад
"Liquid word"??? This is new to me. Never seen this on the Word of God before. What I have seen is Rm 10:17, that faith comes from HEARING... not the liquid. Sorry, but I fully disagree with you. It seems you are trying to justify your new denomination's dogmas, but I do not see you are fully convinced of this "new true". Our faith must be based on the word alone (Sola Scriptura) not human traditions, as Luther himself preached during Reformation.
@chadbird1517 День назад
Paul himself speaks this way: "the washing of water with the Word" (Eph. 5:26). That is the image I am referencing with my own phrase "liquid Word," that is, the Word of God in the water. I agree with you that faith comes by hearing. That is why the Word is spoken at every baptism, the Word by which the Spirit works faith in the one baptized. To clarify, the Lutheran tradition is not my "new denomination" in the sense that I recently changed. I became a Lutheran decades ago, though I was raised as a Southern Baptist. This change is nothing new to me. Indeed, I have been both a Lutheran pastor and professor at a Lutheran seminary. To surmise that I am not fully convinced of what I teach is (I know no other way to put it) laughable. I have been teaching about baptism, including infant baptism, for decades. Regarding Luther, he would fully agree with you (and me) that "our faith must be based on the word alone (Sola Scriptura) not human traditions." He (and I) would argue, as I did on this video, that this is precisely what infant baptism is: based on the Word alone and not human tradition.
@sunkissedprincess 2 дня назад
I've never seen an infant baptized, but very young children as young as 5 or 6 get baptized with the understanding that they can make their own desicion at that age about personal baptism.
@sunkissedprincess 2 дня назад
Liquid word bit make me think of when one has to say " I now baptize you in the name of the Fath,Son,and Holy Ghost" as a blessing over the water so to speak and that could be seen as mixing words and water.
@nicolaasburger1637 2 дня назад
Hi Chad, would like your view on playing the lotto, taking a betting..is this a sin or unbiblical?
@chadbird1517 День назад
I do not consider it a sin per se (that is, the act itself), though it certainly can be, especially if one is addicted to gambling or using money for gambling that takes away from one's family.
@stevehanner824 2 дня назад
Yes indeed God Word is clear!
@aprilbrooks2278 2 дня назад
Is the death of king David’s son the same situation?
@dustinplummer5726 2 дня назад
I agree in baptism but I also believe you have to find a good church.. the problem is Christianity is messed up there's nothing but hypocrisy in the Christian religion how can any one go to a church like that for anything.
@chadbird1517 День назад
Perhaps you have had some bad experiences with churches that cause you to write this. I would urge you, however, to stamp down such a cynical attitude toward Christianity in general. I have been involved in churches my entire life, some good, some better, but never one that would cause me to write, "there's nothing but hypocrisy in the Christian religion." I have my own sin to deal with; others have theirs. We are all hypocrites to one extent or another. And we gather in worship as sinners among fellow sinners to hear the Word, to receive forgiveness, and to praise the God of grace in Christ.
@dustinplummer5726 День назад
@@chadbird1517 all Christian faith is based of Catholic religion if your I the United States there is no church that is safe all churches around here are Catholic tradition based any church that celebrated Christmas or Easter or any pagan holidays is a false religion . There's only one faith I can trust to teach the truth and it isn't an American church
@Liminalplace1 2 дня назад
But,if the point is the authority of Christ rather than his guidance, then isn't that authority applicable to a prayer? I mean "Christians" might be making an application of that verse rather than. Interpretation of the verse itself. But they will mistakenly think they are interpreting the passage. That is true of many scriptures eg. "I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me"
@mchangkiri 3 дня назад
This is probably a dumb question, but genuine nonetheless. How did the disciples identify that it was indeed Moses and Elijah given they had never meet them?
@chadbird1517 День назад
I wish I knew. That is a commonly asked question, but we are not told.
@mchangkiri День назад
@@chadbird1517 Thank you for your honesty. And also thanks so much for your explanations/lessons. I always wanted to learn the reconciliation of the OT and the NT.
@richardgilbert5752 3 дня назад
Hi Chad. I have been reading through the Bible in a year with you and have benefited greatly by your commentary. Today's reading includes some of the most compelling scripture (Acts 8) in favor of "believers baptism" vs. infant. I saw your recent explanation of your conviction that infant baptism is the correct biblical view of the two. To be clear, i believe this to be a secondary issue. While i hold a conviction of believers baptism, i am active in a church that does not (Westminster confession) although we baptize believers who were not baptized as babies. How do you reconcile your view with the baptisms that occur in Acts 8? Submitted great with respect and love.
@sukirmansukirman9399 3 дня назад
the explanation more enrich my understanding the grace of God. Thanks.
@nicolaasburger1637 3 дня назад
Mark.3:30 those who calls Jesus as an “unclean spirit”, most likely hate Jesus..and they might never repent if they are believing this? When we take the eschatology of Islam as an example, they are clearly portraying Jesus as the “anti- Christ” will they then never repent??…i would somehow still think that the grace of God far exceeds any size of sin?