Miriam Cates | for Penistone and Stocksbridge
Miriam Cates | for Penistone and Stocksbridge
Miriam Cates | for Penistone and Stocksbridge
Parliamentary candidate for Penistone and Stocksbridge, South Yorkshire.

Promoted by Samuel Wilkinson on behalf of Miriam Cates MP, both of 9a High Street, Penistone, Sheffield, S36 6BR.
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@hachi. Час назад
Bye Bye 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
@sgb6476 3 часа назад
Join reform Miriam
@davidgray8863 3 часа назад
I'm poor, I have never voted in general or local elections in the last 50 years and the reason is, there is only 2 very bad options. The Tories pander to ONE minority, the very wealthy, and see the majority as cattle from whom to milk a few pounds. It is not that they do not care for the average Brit, it is just that revolving door parliamentary visits, lobby groups and lucrative opportunities are more attractive and self serving. IF they can manage to appease the majority enough on a few key issues (none of which affects them directly and as such they do not undestand the importance to voters) they would remain in power. Labour, unfortunately, also does not look to help the majority of Brits, they pander to EVERY other minority, regardless of whether those minorities lack common sense, lack any tenuous grasp on realistic expectations, have a victim mentality or even lack a willingness to live and let live. Most people will not vote for a third party as they believe the vote will be wasted as they have no belief that enough voters will also choose a third party. Personally I wish the public would stop voting because politicians would have to pay attention then. When we talk about groups being under-represented in parliament, ethnic, skin colour, gender etc... how come nobody points out that the average Brit has ZERO representation in parliament, what percentage of MP's live in a house under £180,000? how many came from the constituency in which they were elected? how many live there for longer than they spend in London? there are NO poor MP's there are NO average Brit MP's and therefore the divide between what affects average Brits and MP's is too great for MP's to have any idea of how bad things are in Britain today. Britain is like a roman slave galley with all the MP's, big business and the rich on deck wondering why all the people rowing are not happy on this cruise. I voted to leave the EU, the EU was a good idea that quickly became a gravy train for all politicians across Europe (which is why they really do not want to see it end, as it is something else that benefits politicians from every member state at the expense of their population). Britain will never be GREAT again until... Immigration is stopped completely until the enormous number of migrants who have arrived are integrated. Not slowed, not managed, STOPPED! we cannot sustain 800,000+ anually arriving, we do not have the houses. We worry about finding money to pay pensioners but support thousands of migrants with benefits and it is never ending. Financial aid to all foreign countries to be stopped except in emergency circumstances, THIS country is in dire need of that money and the TV is awash with begging adverts, if people want to give and can afford to do so, they will, we do not need the government giving away billions when the current cost of living is out of control. The NHS (I worked in the NHS almost 20 years), the NHS used to be primarily medical but it has become primarily administration, money that should be being spent on staff, wages, equipment, infrastructure and patient care is being syphoned off to managers, secretaries, Matrons and too many non medical staff. Will Labour address any of these issues? possibly, maybe even probably... but will they address any of them with any effect, ABSOLUTELY NOT! and I'm not being nasty to LABOUR, NO party will do much. Over my lifetime, every party elected made promises and, once in power found the SS Britain could only steer 1 degree left or right. Politicians pretty much are handcuffed by their party, by other countries, by their desire to not upset possible voters and so will never make big important changes that the countries is wanting desperately. Labour has not represented the poor or even the average Brit for most of my life (the Tories have not represented us for the majority of my life) I hope that will change but I'M too much of a realist to expect a Labour party full of woke, or misinformed, or unrealistic splinter groups to do what's right for Britain because it would be detrimental for the Labour... or any party in power. It's easier to find a person willing to sacrifice themself to save another life than to find a politician willing to put Britains needs before their parties needs or, indeed, their own needs. I do not vote because no party fully understands or is effectively dealing with the issues that are destroying the country of which I used to be proud.
@burropoco 3 часа назад
Immigration as an existential or cultural 'problem' is a wild beast that the Tories have continually courted for polical gain. Reform was the inevitable result! I've listened to several podcasts recently that Cates has hosted or appeared on concerning demographics and frankly the UK is toast without immigration. That's the reality.
@nowherepeople3431 Час назад
@@burropoco It’s not the reality and even if it was that’s a totally toxic and unsustainable position to be in. We were absolutely fine from 1066 to 1948 with less immigration than we had in the 14 years of the Tories government.
@paddyjoe1884 4 часа назад
How did it go down the jobs centre? How does it feel 2 b unemployed? 😅
@nowherepeople3431 8 минут назад
Kinder politics. Remember Jo Cox.
@barbaralucas2375 4 часа назад
We want an English Family Party along the lines of the Scottish Family Party. Miriam would be very much at home in this Party as would Kate Forbes. Morals, truth and integrity to the fore.
@elric6084 4 часа назад
Your analysis is correct, particularly the levels of radical progressive ideologies (particularly gender ideology in schools) that the conservative government actively implemented. Unfortunately the 'Build Back Better', 'Get Brexit Done', 'Levelling Up' slogans turned out to be just that and as the levels of deceit became apparent, trust in the government was lost. I wish you well in whatever you do next.
@david.b4186 4 часа назад
THANKYOU so much for your great advocacy for Godly and Biblical values in the U.K. Also Thankyou for your service as an MP. Kindly please know, it was not your own personal fault for not being able to hold Penistone and Stockbridge. Please, Don’t ever give up Miriam, God willing the U.K needs you and your voice as an Esther. Please, strongly consider joining a Party that shares your values namely Reform Party. God’s Rich Blessings to you Ma’am and Thank God for your Godly service to the U.K from a very grateful, multitude of people, Thankyou Ma’am 🙏🏾🇬🇧.
@nowherepeople3431 5 часов назад
Too many Tories playing up to localism, heritage and the niceties of the village fete in their constituencies yet when they get to Westminster start chasing metropolitan progressivism and items from the Davos itinerary.
@DTH1661 5 часов назад
Shalom and blessings, Miriam. I pray you and the family are well. As far as the future of the Conservative Party is concerned, I think you can point to many failures over the past fourteen years. However, in my humble opinion, it all boils down to trust. Politicians have got to stop promising the world and giving nothing. I do not include you with that brush stroke but it is certainly aimed at the 'Party'. I have never trusted a politician because they always promise you the world and give you nothing except grief and lies. When I came back to Sheffield after a twenty-eight-year career in the Army I wasn't expecting anything different, to be honest. However, with my work with the persecuted Church and various other organisations, I actually found a politician, a woman of God, who actually walked the walk, and I thank you for that. Stay safe and well. Every blessing. David (Sheffield)
@aquaticpears3183 5 часов назад
You're right in your analysis. I was one who would of voted Conservative but just couldn't do it. We really do need Reform. Our social, moral, community is degrading faster than I've ever seen, and it's effecting most of the Western world. Some bold decisions are needed. It takes hundreds of years to build what we have, and can fall in a decade. NET GDP and tax is all that was talked about. No one cares about a grand. We care about not getting intimidated and stabbed just going about our day. Unacceptable.
@nowherepeople3431 5 часов назад
Well said. It’s about absolutely fundamental core aspects of our continued existence at this point. This is not an economic zone or an administrative region. It’s our home and our family, both of which are on the chopping block. They have no idea how bad things are.
@nowherepeople3431 5 часов назад
6 million people added to the nation in 14 years and all of them imported and peaking whilst we were locked down in our homes. Are we going to be told what’s going on here because it looks an awful lot like a “conspiracy theory” from where I’m standing.
@nowherepeople3431 5 часов назад
Think about what Boris Johnson said in his “Build Back Better” speech. “Building back greener and in a more feminine way and dare I say it, in a more gender neutral way.” That’s your problem right there.
@poltronafrau 2 часа назад
Exactly. Too many fragile “men” will get their knickers in a twist when you say something that bland. Though Johnson was lying as usual. So there. 😂
@nowherepeople3431 Час назад
@@poltronafrau you’re saying it was a good thing but lied because he never followed up on his pledge? 🤦‍♀️😂
@nowherepeople3431 5 часов назад
Please join Reform. ❤️
@lyndonjones2753 5 часов назад
I am so sorry Miriam Cates as lost her seat as a MP with out her there would never have been a review of the sex education for RSE.
@Kujiranoai 12 часов назад
Great to see you losing your seat. I hope public life never sees you or your hateful and hypocritical Tory politics ever again.
@barbaralucas2375 22 часа назад
Miriam relocate to Scotland and join the Scottish Family Party where your valid opinions will be in line with theirs, or alternatively found an English Family Party.
@DTH1661 День назад
Shalom and blessings, Miriam. I pray you are well after a disappointing evening. As a gentleman from your constituency, I am gutted you lost your seat. You were a great support to me over the last five years when I contacted you regarding numerous situations in the UK and worldwide and for that, I thank you. I will be praying for you and your family and hope you get back into politics, God willing, very soon. I believe you would fit in wonderfully well at Reform UK!!!! Every blessing. David (Sheffield)
@steveo44 День назад
Bye Miriam. At least you tried
@RoofLight00 День назад
Highest tax burden on working people in 70 years. Don’t think you’ve done anything to help.
@tdannyboy 2 дня назад
The comments are depressing. What she says is correct. She is an outstanding mp. If you vote against her because of her party you will lose out.
@dallassukerkin6878 2 дня назад
Your problem is, I am afraid, that your good personal record is besmirched by what your *party* has done to the country. Labour got us into this mess and the Tories essentially got behind that truckload of bad choices and pushed! The carousel has to be broken. Sadly we have too many who still buy the 'dream' that Labour sells so we will likely end up with a Labour government ... in which case I am out of here {assuming the war in Europe doesn't spread :eek:}.
@afizzlerizLe 2 дня назад
Lol this is awful. Bye bye MC for MP 😂
@user-jv9vw3bi5k 2 дня назад
@johnhibbs4490 2 дня назад
Yes! I want brave and principled MP’s. That’s why I’m not voting for Tories.
@TheChrisofe 2 дня назад
You will be out of office this time tomorrow (Friday) bye bye
@simonrangeley 2 дня назад
Bye bye
@AntSudbury-tv3we 2 дня назад
Vote this,,,🤬out,,,
@andyargyle4438 2 дня назад
Every vote for Reform UK counts. You had an 80 seat majority and did nothing with it. You failed Brexit and not even completed the Job and spent the whole time fighting amongst yourselves. To vote for any Conservative MP just gives validation and acceptance of that. Even the most hardened loyalist to your party must surly question whether they can validate that type of incompetence !
@MrHistorian123 2 дня назад
Reform are even worse than the Tories. They were behind Brexit, which has damaged our country beyond belief. I would never vote Tory or Reform.
@barry013 2 дня назад
Bye Miriam, I’d like to say its been fun…
@heyabusa1 2 дня назад
Its now a matter of personal principal. I will never ever vote bilderberger again. No matter what colour rosette theyre wearing.
@jamoco1 2 дня назад
Thc cons 😭😭, best get down the job centre, Reform uk
@everest9707 2 дня назад
Vote for Reform UK and let's start reversing the problems of forced mass migration and forced multiculturalism. Please push your friends and family to go and vote on the 4th, and to remember their photo ID. More people didn't bother to vote (2,496,468) than voted (1,088,225) for Sadiq Khan. More people didn't bother to vote (47,533) than voted (12,335) for Galloway. More people didn't bother to vote (15,553,935) than voted (13,966,454) for the Tories at the last general election. If you don't vote, or you spoil your ballot, then that simply means that someone else who does vote, say Fatima or Mohamed, counts - and their interests might not align with what is best for us and our nation. Unless you want Sharia law!
@MrJenklns 2 дня назад
Tories @ss is new mown grass !
@droptuned83 3 дня назад
If you stand for the so called Conservative party then there's zero chance of you getting my vote.
@MrHistorian123 2 дня назад
Or Reform. Racists.
@robertmaccallum8390 3 дня назад
Desperation in her eyes and her voice.....
@Trutheater 3 дня назад
unfortunately you are part of a toxic brand who have made many promises and done nothing.
@michaelduggan1681 3 дня назад
"Brave and principled." lol Oh and big headed, entitled, and dodgier than Friday night Kebab.
@jameshutton3960 3 дня назад
Reform are mainstream...
@haroldvonschwartzenstien3581 3 дня назад
There's a level of desperation on display here, good luck in you future career...
@raymondgordon-dv6hv 3 дня назад
In fact most people are probably going to vote for the Labour Party,thank goodness.
@davidstartup3399 3 дня назад
Reform .
@MrHistorian123 2 дня назад
I'd vote for her to keep Reform out, but that's not a threat so I'll vote Lib Dem.
@matthewcook9404 3 дня назад
The Conservative government have had 14 years to do something to improve the lives of the electorate.They could have reversed all of the “bad”policies. They could have put the 20,000 “new” police on the streets. They could have built more prisons. They could have trained British ……. ( you name it ). They could have built the 40 “new” hospitals. They could have reduced NHS waiting lists to zero. They could have passed laws to deter criminals. Result = nothing. Goodbye and good riddance.
@Egg-Shen 3 дня назад
You're a great MP and the perfect example of what a woman is, but take a walk through your city centre or to any school gate and it's like you're in the third world! The CONservatives have failed the country, while you have excelled! I hope the people of your constituency vote you back in, but I hope your party is harshly punished, despite my absolute hatred for Liebour. Wishing you all the best 🤞
@paddyjoe1884 3 дня назад
I just looked it up, your nearest jobs centre opens at 9 am on Friday. Best to get there a bit early so you can beat the queue. Bye, bye!
@raymondgordon-dv6hv 3 дня назад
@paddyjoe1884 that made me genuinely laugh out loudly.
@sgtleehead 4 дня назад
Totally agree. Your brilliant - switch to Reform.
@Zabfo 3 дня назад
Ffs don't vote for refuk ltd
@HelloKittykat21 День назад
Her values are more aligned to The Heritage party. If you are yet to read their manifesto please do for next time.
@nemosays6337 4 дня назад
Then switch parties, as you are in a party jam packed with people the opposite of that which you say you are!
@Zabfo 3 дня назад
The lady just told you she isn't for moving, obviously your ears are painted on
@nemosays6337 3 дня назад
@@Zabfo - Ouch, am I supposed to go stand facing the wall, she may have said she's not for turning so to speak yet she also talked about principles and courage so she should have the courage of her convictions and leave that rancid corrupt party and run as an independent or switch to a party that actually has principles, are you her white knight? the ad hom was unnecessary!
@nioengland 4 дня назад
The toxic wokies have brought their magic to the tory party.. Ain't no party like a commie party Better does exist
@Archippusdb 4 дня назад
People of Penistone need to vote for this woman!!
@droptuned83 3 дня назад
No chance.
@RoofLight00 День назад
We don’t need you telling anyone what to do.
@rolandsausage 4 дня назад
Cates backs extremist religious bigots. Maybe you'll get conversion therapy to become a better human being in the future #toriesout