
give me your egg TOMORROW! 🍼 r/AITA 

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29 окт 2023




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@lillyshazeleyes2212 8 месяцев назад
For the first one as a child of divorce, I have absolutely given my parents contradictory information to appease them.
@ItsaVee4117 8 месяцев назад
Same here. I’ve actually become an entirely different person just to appease whoever I’m with. That might be the case for the kid Edit: I just want to clarify that I’m not explicitly saying THIS is the reason why the kid’s answers were different. I’m just saying that this is a possibility
@charoraimondogarcia 8 месяцев назад
I did the same thing (granted, my parents had a very toxic relationship, and this one doesn't look like that)
@GraupeLie 8 месяцев назад
Yup, I can confirm that...
@danielreher1987 8 месяцев назад
Very true
@kvasskinggsezbooyah69 8 месяцев назад
@twistysunshine 8 месяцев назад
2nd story: I totally completely disagree with Shaaba here. The idea that everybody should live in little nuclear groups is super weird. Shaaba's reasoning seems to be "why would you want to be a part of their family instead of making your own" which is 1. Weird framing, OP is in every way part of the family 2. An assumption that at some point in the future life won't change Shaaba also seems to be missing HUGE fucking red flags here. This guy has always hated his wife's only family- in spite of the fact that it seems his wife and OP get along and have never treated each other poorly. This guy does nothing to take care of his own children yet OP is "ruining his family"- ruining his family how? Additionally literally no one else is upset about this but this guy Tbh I am shocked Shaaba didn't pick up on these red flags, ignored the rest of the family's opinions and sided with the guy who is insisting that OP is doing "nothing" while she works full time and also cares for his children. I can't see what would make you do that except a respect for the nuclear family in a way I would never have (as a queer person living with friends, extended family members AND married, what is the value of this strict little ideal?)
@cexilady3333 8 месяцев назад
Worried that Steve was isolating Ellie and now that OP is there it set him back on that tbh. I saw the red flags too. Not the family dynamic part, but everything else. Kick Steve to the curb and Ellie and OP can have fun without him.
@kooskoos1234 8 месяцев назад
Yeah the first thing i noticed in that story is how weirdly jealous he is of his wife’s sister… like that’s really really weird
@cexilady3333 8 месяцев назад
@@kooskoos1234 it’s like how narcissists hate family pets bc they get love and attention diverted away from them.
@anotherstorm 8 месяцев назад
completely agree with this comment!! I genuienly don't understand how OP is that simply the AH for Shaaba ? I literally re-read it three times cause I thought I was confused.
@kooskoos1234 8 месяцев назад
@@cexilady3333 true
@viktoriavadon2222 8 месяцев назад
So about that live-in auntie. Why does everyone assume it automatically ruins a family's life if the family unit isn't the nuclear family, but another family member lives with them? (Obviously, depending on the personality of the family members, it might have negative effects.) Several generations living under the same roof used to be a thing in western culture, and in some other cultures, it still is a thing. It has its positives and negatives, just like the nuclear family model, obviously. But it should be a valid life choice. Just listen to the language of "you need to build you own life", and how that implies she needs to have her own nuclear family. What if being an auntie is the life she wants though? I wanted to bring up a-spec folks and that this one of the ways they can contribute to the community, and also being taken care of themselves, instead of being forced to scratch together a living on their own in the current economic climate (let's not open the can of worms of how it's unacceptable that a single person basically cannot earn a living), but heck that, she shouldn't have to be a-spec for that option to be open. We need to stop forcing the nuclear family onto people.
@rion2499 8 месяцев назад
Literally my own reaction to hearing that story. Thanks for putting it into words. ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ I’ve been going through a similar situation the last two years and eventually just moved into “supported” (supported my ass) housing in May this year, because I’d well overstayed my welcome at the old two bed flat (was essentially camped in their living room) and my brother and father didn’t want to get a three bed with me. (Kinda broke my heart a little tbh - I just offered to pay rent if we found a new, bigger place but- ya know. I’ve just not been able to function recently and it’s been really hard). So yeah, have conflicting feelings regarding this story. I think there is such promise for the aunt staying there and becoming part of the family, and the husband should give it actual thought and an actual chance. But at the same time, living somewhere where you are unwanted is so damaging and can create such a toxic environment and push relationships to the edge. I hope it works out okay for op. 😔
@AidiaPlanewalker 8 месяцев назад
Yah as someone who is AroAce hearing/reading that stung a bit. I know I will be unable to "build my own life" in the same way others can; however, I also don't want to live alone for the rest of my life either. The societal expectation that people should be trying to achive a nuclear household would cause that though. I really feel that for a lot of people the post was tinted due to what society views 'should be' the case. Obviously there are more sides to the story but from what we have OP was paying a form of rent, helping with chores, and babysitting. In addition the only one who seemed upset at OP staying there was the Husband, who appeared to not like OP being in OP's sister's life even before OP moved in. Yet that living arrangement is automatically bad/less desired/a strain because it is not the standard? With that if the expectation was already set that OP was only there temporarily it would be an AH thing to decide to live there on a more permanent basis without asking them first. We don't know if this expectation was set though.
@janerogers7526 8 месяцев назад
Yes! Maybe I'm relating to the aunt too much but as an aro-ace-agender blob myself, I was disappointed by the response. I'm best friends with my sister, and she has always introduced me to her partners with the understanding that I will be a part of their lives/family unit. I plan to live close to or with my sister and her current long-term boyfriend is thrilled about this. He jokes that we'll have 3 people to split the sleepless baby nights with and he's right! So Steve shouldn't necessarily feel threatened. I think it's telling that he did feel that way. If he was more secure, he'd realize, like my sister's boyfriend, that there is just more love for the children, the sibling isn't trying to "steal" his wife, and, if he shaped up, maybe he could have a new close friend too! More love for everyone and it's about time we got rid of the nuclear family idolization. There are hundreds of beautiful family structures to celebrate and the nuclear family is just one of those hundreds.
@ShinyTillDawn 8 месяцев назад
Steve probably wanted and was expecting a nuclear family, and he's upset that certain things aren't going to plan. The auntie is not entitled to live in Steve's and his wife's house indefinitely. The auntie may not want to have a new spouse and kids, but she would need to be accepted by everyone else who's living in a house that's not hers.
@michal131187 8 месяцев назад
If a family decides to live like that, then that is totally fine. But in this case, they haven't decided to change the family structure, they wanted to help OP and she is not the one to decide what the family structure would be because she likes it.
@SailorSaturn1994 8 месяцев назад
story 1: I honestly think the two parents should've communicated in person with the kid present to figure out what the kid actually wants
@TiffanyAllen1784 8 месяцев назад
This. ESH. The kid is three. Have a discussion together when you’re switching who has him and ask him together. Don’t imagine you’re getting all the information.
@claramarie7923 8 месяцев назад
Yeah I’m going with ESH (besides the kids, obviously) because neither parent seemed all that interested in being adults and figuring out what he actually wants. They needed to make sure he understood the decision he was making, because kids that age might not realize long hair/short hair is an either/or scenario.
@bitchenboutique6953 8 месяцев назад
Yeah like I’m not a parent but even with FaceTime it seems like this could be handled better.
@kellibrenneke2253 8 месяцев назад
@SlothDaan 8 месяцев назад
I honestly don't get why they're making such a big deal out of it. He's 3 and it's just hair, it will grow back.
@bluexwings 8 месяцев назад
Reddit sucks sometimes. The live-in sister one seems like Steve is the AH. He's the one not helping, and accuses OP of "ruining" his family when she makes life easier for his wife and happier for his children. Families don't just include your nuclear family- and in this economy, combining households is necessary for an increasing number of people. My uncle lived with us when I was a kid, and offered stability through my parents divorce. He treated us kids like his own; he picked us up from school, took us swimming, to the beach, to amusement parks, helped with homework. He was my best friend and I adored him. He only moved out when my mom got engaged and my stepdad made things uncomfortable for him. (coincidentally also a man named Steve!) We need to remember that sometimes SO's are toxic, weird, or abusive, and they want to isolate people from their families. It seems like that is the case with Steve.
@ShinyTillDawn 8 месяцев назад
You need to remember that some families don't _expect_ men to interact with kids. He probably contributes in other ways like making sure the water heaters work, the taxes are filed, the grass is cut, etc. Just because he may not be directly engaged with the family 100% of the time doesn't mean he's lazy as fuck. If he didn't expect his sister-in-law to stay at his own house forever, can you blame him for wanting the her to leave and get things back to normal?
@lynnsibley1172 8 месяцев назад
@@ShinyTillDawn I mean, if he's doing weekly/yearly chores only and his wife is doing all the everyday chores, then yes, he's that lazy.
@HiBuddyyyyyy 8 месяцев назад
Totally agree. Also I’ve noticed Reddit seems to hate people who have housing troubles and need to stay with family members regardless of situation or how good a housemate they are.
@ShinyTillDawn 8 месяцев назад
@@HiBuddyyyyyy Reddit users just dogpile on people for not being hive-minded.
@HAnnB24 8 месяцев назад
I agree, family set-ups don't need to be nuclear to be happy and healthy. Growing up that was pretty much all I knew, yea, we had grandparents come start for a few weeks a couple times a year or uncle stay for a weekend etc. but primarily it was my married parents, myself and younger siblings. But not every family lives like that and getting support is great - if I remember what Op wrote correctly the sisters are the only family the other has left from their family of origin, I can only imagine what it's like to be there for each other now. Based on the comments ShinyTillDawn has left here and in other spots, I'd hate to be any partner he claims to care about it.
@Qsalis 8 месяцев назад
Hey... could you actually look into betterhelp's controversies?
@hawkeyescoffee6399 8 месяцев назад
Agreed. It's making me so sad that 2 creators I really like have taken this sponsor without looking into how bad BH are.
@AmeliaTauber 8 месяцев назад
@thylacoleonkennedy7 8 месяцев назад
@kp12_art 8 месяцев назад
boosting the comment!!
@athenaamethyst8385 8 месяцев назад
Agreed. Please.
@ffs_ 8 месяцев назад
Wanting short hair like your brother is a legit reason. Younger kids acting like their older siblings to feel more like them or more grown up is pretty common.
@s.a.4358 8 месяцев назад
Yup. A lot of what kids think is cool is because of older siblings, friends, etc. Also, the 3 year old seems happy with that haircut and he did mention the desire a few times. Even if it is only because he wants to look like his older brother, there is no harm in that. The kid is happy and having short or long hair is not something that affect development so there is no “health and safety” concern where the parents need to protect the child from hurting himself.
@blahalujza 8 месяцев назад
Exactly, my younger one wants long hair because his brother's is long. I told him he has to wait till he's 9, as I don't think he is able to grasp how annoying it is to deal with long hair. Also he inherited my horrible thin hair, while his brother's is thick and curly, and I don't think he understands his will never look the same.
@ShinyTillDawn 8 месяцев назад
However, kids are easily impressionable and never know what they're talking about (apart from gender and sexuality). Parents need to make sure that they don't do something stupid and that they'd regret.
@ffs_ 8 месяцев назад
I suppose there's also a part of me that feels like it's fine to look goofy as hell as a small child and have a look or clothing choice that's utterly ridiculous. Young enough that the pressures of feeling you can't pull off a look can't touch you...
@acetrainerlilac4243 8 месяцев назад
For the second story: NTA. It’s so interesting how tied we are to the idea of the nuclear family. Households don’t only have to look like parents and children, and I feel like the unwillingness to see anything else as just as valid isn’t the vibe. Obviously if that’s not the life Steve wants that’s perfectly fine, but it seems he’s the only one not willing in this situation so I don’t really think op is an asshole for being comfortable. I don’t see why the family portrait can’t include op (at least while the kids are still at home because she seems to be acting as a trusted adult for them), and why op has to move out in order for her to “start her life again”. Also, her moving out by herself, 6 months after a divorce and no other close family, is a large request if op lives in America.
@elaexplorer 8 месяцев назад
I mean didn't we all grow up watching families on TV where uncle/aunt/grandma came to live to help out with the kids. The live in relation still had their own lives and relationships... i.e. full house.
@batqueen1008 8 месяцев назад
​@@elaexplorer the Addams family had that dynamic
@violet7773 8 месяцев назад
She did say the loan was 60k "pounds" so it sounds like she's in the UK but I'm pretty sure they're having a housing crisis right now and depending where they are in the country, renting could be so expensive that it just isn't feasible given op has to pay a massive loan
@ShinyTillDawn 8 месяцев назад
Nuclear families (just like everything else) serve to advance the capitalistic regime of the United States, but people don't really realize that, so Steve and his wife just blindly accept them. At their ages, you can't convince them to drop their ideal mentality.
@marieugorek5917 8 месяцев назад
On the second one: NTA. Unless Steve specified WHEN SHE MOVED IN that he expected her to have an exit plan within 6 months, it makes perfect sense to not make any moving plans until the existing loan is paid off. That said, Steve and sister absolutely need to go to couple's therapy and it might be advisable to go to family therapy with all three adults and the girls. If Steve needs more time with his wife he needs to say so, and OP needs to arrange that (even if it means taking a weekend or week in a hotel now and then). If he wants more time with his children, he can bloody well step in and take it NOW. You are there to support them both as parents, not to replace him -- If he has stopped parenting because you are there, that is, frankly, a him problem.
@alex_blue5802 8 месяцев назад
Or if he feels she should be looking to move on, he should talk to his wife about setting a time limit. Asking her to just move out immediately isn't right.
@ShinyTillDawn 8 месяцев назад
His house. His rules. Therapy could help, but you'd need therapists that don't care about their income.
@k4nd1incyb3rsp4c3 8 месяцев назад
@@ShinyTillDawn that's not an excuse to be unreasonable. just because it's in your house doesn't mean you can treat your guests however you want.
@ShinyTillDawn 8 месяцев назад
@@k4nd1incyb3rsp4c3 Obviously, treat them like human beings, but if they're no longer welcome (for one reason or another) and thus tresspassing, then the owner of the house has a right to kick them out.
@k4nd1incyb3rsp4c3 8 месяцев назад
@@ShinyTillDawn she literally didn't do anything and has no place else to go. just because you CAN do something doesn't mean it's right. since it's my property I could just fill my room with dead fish, I have the right to do that because it's my room, but should I?
@marcellemccalla6325 8 месяцев назад
I'm disagreeing with Shaaba on story #2. Steve sounds jealous of her relationship with her sister especially since she doesn't have any other family. She is assisting with expenses, childcare, and basic errands that keep the household going. If their marriage is in trouble, it has nothing to do with OP. In fact by assisting with the kids it gives them more time together if they want it and helping with expenses it reduces financial stress which is healthy for everyone. The Op is not only helping the household but working a full time job to reduce her own massive debt due to her divorce. Six months may seem like a long time but not when you have 60k to pay off while still trying to live. If her sister is adamantly against her leaving as well it shows that this is all in Steve's opinion. Huge NTA. I think that they need to see what it is that Steve is so anxious about that he believes is "ruining his marriage " because that phrase alone sends up huge red flags to me.
@JenniSeven7 8 месяцев назад
Having no plans to move doesn't mean she'll literally never move. It means the current setup is working well for her, her sister, and the kids, and she doesn't have a move-out plan or see any reason to hurry out apart from Steve's bad attitude. She's clearly an asset to the sister and kids, and if that upsets Steve, he needs to look inward.
@browniewolf5018 8 месяцев назад
Absolutely! Having a plan moving forward isn’t a necessary part, especially if the arrangement is benefiting both sides. Sure, maybe you shouldn’t stay forever, but 6 months isn’t that long in my opinion.
@AndreaIsabellaDeer 8 месяцев назад
Especially since it's only been 6 months. It's perfectly valid if she just wants to enjoy a moment of peace and happiness before she's even ready to look for other options if she so desires.
@Tustin2121 8 месяцев назад
I wonder if Steve is having such a conniption because OP is shining a light on just how hands-off he is as a father, and his wife is putting pressure on him to step up. Because tbh if he is *usually* hands on, I’d think he’d be happy to have some time off with constant babysitting.
@claramarie7923 8 месяцев назад
I have heard “no plans” mean “I don’t intend on doing this ever,” as opposed to the literal “I have no current plans.” What OP means when she says this does actually have a big impact on if she’s being an AH or not.
@justtired2050 8 месяцев назад
Tbh I think having plans (i.e. an actual goal to move out, with a timeframe even if it’s super vague) to move out would be super necessary for me. If I were married and my spouse wanted to have their sibling in our house for an extended period of time, that would significantly affect my life and I wouldn’t be okay with having them stay without any plans of leaving. It’s his house too, anyway, and he and the sister need to have a discussion about what they’re okay with. That might involve OP making a year/two year plan or something like that so that even if they aren’t out by that time, they and the husband both feel like progress is being made towards them leaving. If OP actually does just want to live with their sister and not leave for the foreseeable future, the husband should have a say in that since it’s his house too
@Insanivee 8 месяцев назад
2nd story with the not moving out story, NTA. Sorry, but it sounds like to me the only person who has a problem with OP living there is Steve, who already didn't like OP before she ever moved in. The moment Steve told her she was "ruining his marriage and family" he got immediate pushback from one of his kids. OP living there shouldn't be having any affect on their marriage (unless the problem stems from Steve complaining to wife that he wants op gone, and Wife doesn't like that) and would even mean they would have more time by themselves, seeing as OP is practically acting as a live in babysitter. OP is helping to pay for all the bills, helps with the grocery shopping, looks after the kids, does chores and has her own job, with debts to pay. And honestly Shaaba, she is their family. Sister and her family is all OP has, to imply that she's imposing on their family and should go start her own instead is insane to me. She just got divorced, that is not something she is ready for. And even then, the "typical family unit" isn't all their is in life. I have a lot of feelings about this and I'm struggling to put them into words, so I'm sorry if this seemed a bit rambly, but I just cannot fathom why people said she is the AH. From what I've read in the post the only person with a problem is Steve, and their family isn't being torn apart. Steve is just mad that he's the only person who doesn't like OP.
@teylawhite687 8 месяцев назад
100% agree, probably couldn't have said it better myself!
@thepresence365 8 месяцев назад
Story #2: Nope, nope, nope. The husband's aversion gives me strange vibes if OP is really being so helpful to her sister. It feels like when a partner believes their spouse is not fulfilling a specific role and specific duties. If he really is not helping around the house and with the kids, that is *his* fault. It's his house and his kids, so he could just tell OP, "I'll do that." If, somehow, OP is getting in the way of time shared by the couple, he can also talk to his wife about that. These are just a few of the reasons for a NTA.
@leggyegg2890 8 месяцев назад
There is an entire person living in his house full time that he doesn’t even like. I’d be ready to get divorced you don’t invite someone to live in the home you share w your spouse without both agreeing ?? I’m sure a lot of coupled ppl have friends they’d love to move in and would help around the house, but you can’t make decisions like that without your spouse it’s so so selfish
@ktm9292 8 месяцев назад
For me, we just don't have enough info. For example, we have no idea if Stephen has already talked to his wife about this and just finally snapped. We also don't know if the reason he hasn't been interacting with his kids etc is because op is always there. As someone who really values their own space, the idea of my family, who I love dearly, coming on my doorstep and then deciding never to leave is deeply stressful and honestly entitled given that she is fully capable of supporting herself. Having said that, if this is the first time he's raised it, or he wasn't a present and involved parent before op showed up, I think the sister should reevaluate her marriage.
@thepresence365 8 месяцев назад
True. More info really is needed.
@leggyegg2890 8 месяцев назад
@@ktm9292 agree that more info is needed but I’m not sure he needs to have already raised it when based on what OP’s said, this was a temporary agreement while she got back on her feet. I don’t think he needs to have explicitly said ‘you can’t move in and stay for as long as you like regardless of how I feel about it’, that should go without saying and is kind of an unspoken part of the agreement. Only situation where it’s okay is if she spoke to the sister and Steve and told them she wants to stay for good, and they both agreed to it. Which obviously didn’t happen
@timarahmcintosh3592 8 месяцев назад
@@leggyegg2890well get back on your feet after a divorce and 60 thousand pounds of debt is not just a very short term things. And he should’ve been actively talking about her moving out or asking questions or could’ve approached with a conversation saying, please I need space it’s time for you to move out. Just blowing up and saying “you’re ruining my family, move out right now” is an asshole move OP might be mid representing things but taking what’s being said at face value if feels very out of the blue
@thecolorjune 8 месяцев назад
For the sister house story, I say NTA because the sister appreciates having her sister there, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY the additional child and house care she was getting. The post implied that the husband was not helping, and thus the sister was making the wife’s life much easier. The husband should not have been jealous and should listen to reasons why the sister should stay. Designated date nights or time alone as a couple should have been scheduled to allow for proper bonding, but the sister doesn’t have to leave if it is improving their lives otherwise.
@aliflanagan7669 8 месяцев назад
I agree, and I also think that as long as they have the space (it's not raised as an issue so Im gonna guess they do) there's nothing intruding on their marriage about living with another family member. I expect to live with family to care for them as we get older, and that won't intrude on my marriage. It might change our dynamic and mean we have to spend more intentional instead of incidental time together, but the sister is family, is recently divorced, and is in £60,000 debt. The husband is TA
@LifeStrike2030 8 месяцев назад
@AndreaIsabellaDeer 8 месяцев назад
Agreed! Saying she can't be part of their family feels to me like doubling down on this notion that a family needs to be a couple and their kids. This is the only family unit. When in fact various other options can happen and different parts of the family can happily live together.
@kooskoos1234 8 месяцев назад
Yeah, but his wife and kids sounded like they love having OP around, the husband sounded like the only one who had a problem with her being there :/
@bob8mybobbob 8 месяцев назад
I think the main problem isn’t OP staying, it’s the complete lack of a plan even after six months. I’m not saying there’s some set time frame that it’s appropriate to stay, but “can I live with you for a few months to forever, idk” is an unreasonable ask as well. Also, keep in mind we don’t have the whole story. Maybe husband is an introvert who is tense because now he can’t even unwind in his own house. Maybe he used to spend more time with the kids/housekeeping but now he feels awkward so he spends more time locked in a room by himself. Maybe sister, while enjoying her sister and her help, misses time spent alone with just her kids and/or husband, but doesn’t want to say anything because she loves her sister and doesn’t want to add any more stress to her life. Maybe OP is a “swing by the store after work and pick up a few things” shopper while husband is a “make a list and go Saturday morning” shopper, and since OP is continuously shopping throughout the week there is nothing for him to go shopping for. Sure, he could handle the situation better, but how the house functions with OP there isn’t necessarily an indicator for how it functions without her. Or maybe husband is a douche who thinks taking care of kids/shopping/housework is for women, and sister is absolutely thrilled with having her sister live with her and will be sad if she moves out. We don’t know. We just have a few paragraphs from one perspective.
@jamiemoffa2919 8 месяцев назад
For the last one, it sounds like OPs sister and husband haven’t done the research on what donating eggs involves. One of my close friends donated her eggs recently and she had to go through a whole endocrine workup, psych evaluation, and take hormones for several weeks like Shaaba mentioned. Egg retrieval is also an invasive procedure that you need to schedule ahead of time. Even if OP flew out at the drop of a hat there is NO WAY she’d be donating her eggs that day. Honestly it’s a good thing she held firm on waiting because her sister and sisters husband need to do their research, and OP should too to make an informed choice about what she’s getting into.
@Candy-md1uk 8 месяцев назад
This! You need to get injections for a couple of weeks before the “harvesting” surgery!!
@ShinyTillDawn 8 месяцев назад
That family is just ignorant.
@insertianameia2224 8 месяцев назад
Exactly. I'll admit I don't have experience with this process but I've looked into it because science interests me. (It was apart of me looking into how it generally works as a whole.) It is NOT something that cam be done in one day. And even if it could there is clearly no way they'd be able to get a same day, or even next day, appt with a Dr. Especially with needing to see specialists get it all done. It can be a wait to see your pcp, let alone a specialist. Even if it is all private care.
@ShortForMitchel 8 месяцев назад
For the first one I think that as far as hair is concerned, children should get what they want if they can express a want. Hair grows back, and kids won't learn hairstyle consequences if they don't experience them. It's silly to wait and expect them to understand it better later if they never get the chance to learn
@neilcognito 8 месяцев назад
As someone who is not lucky enough to have hair that grows to the lenght, and thickness I'd desire - I wished my parents didn't force me to cut my hair when I was yonger. Kids don't know better and do what they can to appease their parents; and tho "hair grows back" sometimes, that's a luxury.
@ShortForMitchel 8 месяцев назад
@neilcognito My point is, that's why you start young when they can start expressing preferences. If they can understand early how fast their hair grows, they can start making more informed decisions.
@rat3015 8 месяцев назад
​@@neilcognitothis is a child repeatedly asking over the course of 6 weeks for a hair cut it's clear he wants one. I'm sorry your parents forced you to get a hair cut, but forcing a child to not get a hair cut would also cause a slew of its own issues
@ShinyTillDawn 8 месяцев назад
"[C]hildren should get what they want if they can express a want." That would require parents to be completely permissive, which is not a great parenting style. You need to be authoritative, instead.
@ShortForMitchel 8 месяцев назад
@@ShinyTillDawn About hair? About the child's bodily autonomy when it comes to hair? A body part that does not hurt when cut and grows back? Parents need to make every choice for their child, regardless of the childs wants, including the ones that would not hurt for the child to make for themself? The point of raising children is to teach them how to be independent when they grow up. It's a good small decision to get them started on.
@Lifeisnow1234 8 месяцев назад
Story 2, sorry Shabba but I think you really missed the red flags - as someone who has been in abusive relationships before, my alarms were BLARING. That man needs to go.
@laynasnow8550 8 месяцев назад
For the first one, OP said in the post that he followed up over the week after the first buzzing question and he still wanted his hair cut, not only when the brother was getting his hair cut. I do agree that they should have asked him when they were together, maybe at a drop off, to verify which option the kid wants, but it seems like the kid pointed it out multiple times, in more than one scenario. I'd say noAH here, and it was unfair of the mom to call the dad names instead of discussing with him after why she was upset. He made a decision without her, but it sounded like neither of them were going to get down to the bottom of the kids wishes anytime soon. Hair grows, kids can make impulsive decisions. The kid didn't know what short hair was like, and now he can make a more informed decision regarding semi-permanent consequences.
@TiffanyAllen1784 8 месяцев назад
The problem here is trust. He’s shown that she can’t trust him and that he’s willing to go behind her back if she doesn’t do what he wants. It’s going to be hard to bounce back from.
@kooskoos1234 8 месяцев назад
Completely agreed
@laynasnow8550 8 месяцев назад
@@TiffanyAllen1784 I agree that they should have talked about it beforehand but it seems like that wasn't going to happen. And to get the trust back, they need to actually talk about things. He broke the trust doin it knowing she didn't want it to happen, and she called him names after not meeting half way to see together what the kid wanted. Neither of which helps the situation and just pushes them onto separate teams. The situation could have been handled differently by everyone, instead it lasted months with no potential end. I'm changing to Everyone sucks, with him sucking a bit more, but neither handled it well. Also, My first comment was mainly that Shaaba kept saying that the kid only said it when the dad was buzzing the brother's hair, but that wasn't the case according to OP
@TiffanyAllen1784 8 месяцев назад
@@laynasnow8550 She didn’t, though? There’s a point where OP says he’d also said it at other points and she reacted to that, but he could have just as easily been telling his mom something different. It’s impossible to know where the truth is on that, but his choice to go behind her back is undeniable. It’s the only thing any of us can be sure of.
@aimemaggie 8 месяцев назад
I disagree with the second one. Unless the sister wants her to leave the husband is definitely the a hole. I guess I’ve never understood the appeal of a nuclear family and I don’t think having family live with you should ruin your marriage.
@floatingdaisy3256 8 месяцев назад
I was thinking that, too. Nuclear families are overrated. I can imagine these months being the happiest in the girls’ lives when they grow up and look back on them, and it’s wonderful that the sisters are so close. If the sister hadn’t defended O.P. after her husband got mad at her, I would think that maybe she wanted O.P. out of the house and didn’t want to tell her that herself, but this seems instead to be an issue of disagreement between the sister and her husband.
@s.a.4358 8 месяцев назад
Have you actually experienced a family member suddenly coming to live with you and your partner? Not a guest but actually living there as a part of the household. It can definitely put a strain on the marriage.
@laylajanka9398 8 месяцев назад
​@@s.a.4358 I javelin experienced that, and my husband was frustrated but we both talked about it and compromised. I made sure my cousin staying with us was not his problem. If she's really helping as much as she says she is, I think he's the jerk. He could've said this nicely amd explained how he was feeling instead of starting a fight and giving no reason.
@twistysunshine 8 месяцев назад
@s.a.4358 i have yeah, and all problems we talked out just like you do living with anyone. I think if the husband is completely unwilling to compromise on this that's his right... but if everybody else is happy then maybe he's actually the one who needs to leave and maintain his own boundaries I also think it's odd that he seems to hate literally the only support system his wife has outside of him. That's generally a red flag and not a very healthy thing.
@cosplayergal 8 месяцев назад
@@s.a.4358by that logic, we shouldn’t have children then. Because they’re family living with you and thus changing the dynamic between your partnership and household. I think this mentality might also be a cultural difference since multigenerational households are common in many BIPOC communities. There’s just not “one right way” to approach this and it just seems open communication is necessary to figure this out 🤷🏻‍♀️
@mikaylaeager7942 8 месяцев назад
The second one entirely depends on if Steve is being an authoritarian or if the sister is just being polite. OP needs to sit down with her sister and get an honest answer as to wether her leaving would make her sister’s life better or worse. If she is in fact being a burden she should start looking for somewhere else to live, but if her sister truly wants her there and really appreciates all the help around the house then the AH here is Steve… particularly if what OP says is true and he is not contributing to the childcare and household labor. Honestly, I’m a bit surprised at how conservative/traditional you were with these answers. Defaulting to a nuclear family dynamic in this case and in the haircut question defaulting to the status quo. Just because the mothers preference requires inaction rather than action doesn’t mean it should be the default, that’s not how compromise works. I would have suggested a mid-length haircut so the child can decide if he wants to go even shorter or grow it back out in a reasonably short amount of time. Last question tho… there is no possible scenario where OP could be the asshole here! She needs to tell here family to back off and treat this like the enormous favor it is or else they get nothing!!
@Tustin2121 8 месяцев назад
Agree to all of the above.
@emilycrow8278 8 месяцев назад
Yeah, I too found her rationale more conservative in nature than I would have thought. Nuclear family dynamics is a relatively new concept arriving after the economic boom of the industrial era. It doesn't really function well in the modern case where housing costs have sky rocketed, and rent costs following suit. Not everyone has roommates that they can just go live with either. That's all side stepping the tribal nature humans are supposed to exist in, but still, I do understand the desire of having someplace as your own. I dunno. I think it's a really complicated thing that a lot of people don't really consider much because "getting a house and starting your own family" is so baked in as "what you're supposed to do".
@j.wa.1061 8 месяцев назад
yeah. What stood out to me was that neither Steve nor OP actually asked the sister about the situation. I mean, Steve should have talked to his wife first and they should have then talked to OP, but OP should have talked to her sister before just refusing to leave.
@SolarpunkVince 8 месяцев назад
This! The idea that a SISTER does not fit into the FAMILY picture is insane to me... It definitely comes from the societal idea/norm of the nuclear family but that doesn't mean it has to be that way and I found that response to be surprisingly conservative. Although I'm not super surprised, because I've noticed this quite a lot in some of her videos but like, she's also just a person that's influenced by society like everyone else🤷🏻 but it's worth pointing out
@alex_blue5802 8 месяцев назад
That's what I think is meant by the sister and her husband putting OP in the middle of their disagreement. They're not on the same page and now OP isn't sure what to do.
@SannaiSan 8 месяцев назад
I totally feel for OP in story 2. Rent as a single person is hard. Rent as a single person with a debt is almost impossible. If the arrangement was supposed to be a temporary one, this was something that the husband and wife should have discussed beforehand, and communicated to OP as soon as possible. Otherwise it sounds like a mutually beneficial arrangement of ambiguous length, where OP was contributing to the household like any other member of the family. To blow up about the length of OP's stay when that's not an establish boundary, and she's still facing a situation where moving out could mean financial ruin is a bit harsh. I think that conversation should have been gentler at the very least.
@animeartist888 8 месяцев назад
Biggest red flag to me was how upset his wife got about it. Seems to me that he didn't even bring up the issue with her first before spouting out to OP that she needed to GTFO. Granted, we only have the one side of the story, but that reaction in particular tells me Steve isn't a great husband even if the claim of "ruining" his family and stealing his wife hadn't already done that.
@imbibesyourlunae 8 месяцев назад
For story #2: it seems to me that the husband is jealous that someone else is occupying his wife's time. It's rather childish to (from what i can tell) want someone's time and attention to be mostly dedicated to yourself
@kooskoos1234 8 месяцев назад
2nd one… they didn’t say they don’t want to leave, *ever.* they said they don’t have any plans - as in “right now i’m not planning on leaving, but probably will at some point” - or at least that’s how i read it
@Whateverhasbeenmynameforyears 8 месяцев назад
On the second one no one addresses that the sister wants her to stay living in their house too. So that makes it less clear then people are making it out to be.
@zsuzsonna5440 8 месяцев назад
I disagree with you on the first story. Being attached to hair is a learned thing. At 3 years old, it is true that they don't see how big of a thing a haircut is, but they also don't see how big of a thing having long hair is. If he wanted to cut it, he will remember the haircut as a happy moment, and he's so young so he won't understand why he should be emotionally attached to his hair. It is OK to be attached (I myself am attached to my hair to some extent), but don't assume that surely that everyone by default is very attached to their hair, because it's just not true. In this particular case, I feel like you only saw this case through your own feelings.
@decay6516 8 месяцев назад
My son loves his long hair and I've had all sorts of hair colors and styles. I've never been attached to hair, I use it to express myself but I wouldn't be upset if it accidently got cut shorter than I originally wanted. It grows back. My son has never wanted a haircut, and if he wanted he could. My parents are constantly giving him a hard time about it being long, and he tells them no, to their distain. I'm not too sure it's a learned behavior, because he liked it long on his own. (For reference he's 9 and has had two haircuts his entire life both of which were when he was 4 and 6) I think in the story mom was the only one attached to the hair so much she got mad at the dad. Imo it's a silly thing to be mad over, since in 2 years it can go back to long or stay short depending on how the kiddo wants to wear their hair
@nriamond8010 8 месяцев назад
@@decay6516 Parents and Grandparents are not the only persons children can learn from.
@Link-dx1lx 8 месяцев назад
Absolutely, I've never been particularly attached to my hair. I've buzzed it, dyed it, cut it myself even though I have no skills, knowing it might turn out ugly lol. I know it always grows back and if a cut turns out too horrible I'm not afraid to shave it off. I get being attached to really long hair because it takes a long time to grow back, but I don't assume this kid's hair is so long that it won't grow back within a couple of months or a year or so.
@ShinyTillDawn 8 месяцев назад
Also consider that children don't know jack shit at their ages, so they need their parents' guidance to learn what's best for them.
@gilllethrill9598 8 месяцев назад
I've never really disagreed with a verdict here strongly before, but I really think there was a misreading of intentions in the second story, about the sister's house. I'd say NTA because I think it's a good and healthy thing to recognize when you need help and to feel comfortable accepting that help from your family. I think Shaaba misread the meaning of “I have no plans of moving out” to imply that she didn't foresee herself moving out ever, when I think in context OP most likely meant that she had no plans of moving out in the near future, as in within a few month, and it is completely understandable that 6 months out from your life exploding, you might feel like you need more time to get back on your feet, and to feel it's useless to start apartment shopping as a landlord would almost never let you sign a lease too far in advance.
@alex_blue5802 8 месяцев назад
I agree, "I have no plans to move out," is not the same as "I plan to never move out".
@krankarvolund7771 8 месяцев назад
For the egg one, personally asking me to do things immediately and involving the whole family is the best way to convince me to stop doing you a favor. Not only does it makes no sense to make the trip just for a discussion with the doctor (she can just tak to the doctor on the phone at first, do the anlysis with a different doctor and travel only for the operation), but demanding that she'd be free and travelling on such a short notice is just insane XD
@asyabellia6791 8 месяцев назад
Regarding Number 3 - I get your point about sitting people down and talking to them rather then snappig, but as a disabled person I can certify that people that behave like OP's mom and neighbour will just not listen. The proof lies in the fact that they took upon themselves to lecture OP on what they should or shouldn't do with their lives. Only snappig will get the desired result (silence) with those sort of people. Plus, if they continue to argue with OP while OP works with tools, OP could well be losing another limb (or worse). Also, disabled people have the right to make mistakes and navigate their own feelings after disablement without having to endure paternalistic and ableist attitudes along the way. After all, if OP's mom was worried about OP using tools, why didn't she sit OP down to express her concerns, rather then bothering OP while they were working? Also, why was the neighbour there in the first place? It seems to me that OP's mum wanted to push the issue by bringing along somebody who would agree with her.
@cexilady3333 8 месяцев назад
@ephy9590 8 месяцев назад
I see your point but I'm gonna agree with Shaaba's ESH for the reason that the real difference in opinion seems to be on whom the onus belongs to start a conversation about it. After this incident is maybe too late but hopefully OP and their mom can finally have that conversation so mom doesn't worry so much and OP isn't faced with ableism.
@rion2499 8 месяцев назад
Agreed. And like, sure, _objectively_ sitting them down “is the better option,” but it’s not the disabled person’s job to care about the hurting the instigators’ feelings. We deal with enough bullshit lol, and are already trying to navigate an ableist minded world. So I could never say the OP was an AH here. Shit be tiring yo, and you can’t always be the “good” little disabled/trans/minority person.
@cexilady3333 8 месяцев назад
@@rion2499 literally last week Shaaba said that so I was confused about this here
@cexilady3333 8 месяцев назад
@@rion2499 specifically “You do not owe someone the protection of their feelings.” She said this in the AITA on Thursday.
@LoraK31 8 месяцев назад
The third one is super relatable to me because I just had a family friend visit me and infantilize the crap out of me because of my disability (implying I couldn't drive, saying what I can/can't eat, discouraging me from going anywhere alone, etc.). I almost exploded with rage and she was only in town for 3 days. I can't imagine what it must be like to have people around you doing that on a daily basis. If explaining your situation calmly isn't working, sometimes making a scene is the only thing that cuts through
@M_M_ODonnell 8 месяцев назад
When I was in preschool, did I simultaneously want my hair long and buzzed (and curly and straight and brown and blonde and purple)? Yes. If I got the message (explicitly or otherwise) from my parents that each of them wanted a specific haircut for me, would I have expressed one preference or the other to the relevant parent? Also yes. It really sounds like the kid is being a kid and the parents are doing the whole "bad divorce behavior" thing (though not as badly as many).
@insertianameia2224 8 месяцев назад
Yeah people forget that kids are natural people pleasers (which isn't a bad thing.) Sounds like both parents wanted what they wanted. Honestly though I don't blame him for wanting to cut the hair. It sounded like the Mom doesn't brush or wash it at all. And that is a legimate health concern for the child. This goes beyond it being annoying. I'll admit, if she refused to care for the hair and I were OP, I would've had ot cut short as well. Would it be the AH thing to-do? Eh. The Mom can get mad all she wants but for the kids health it sounds like a hair cut is better for the kid since she's too lazy to care for it properly. And the father by no means forced the child and the child sounds like he is happy with it. I think he's the AH, but I believe it is justified.
@easjer 8 месяцев назад
The fourth story is bizarre - that's now how IVF works. There is no 'you come tomorrow' and we'll get an egg. Something is super funky here, and I don't think she has any idea about the process if she thinks she can dictate the schedule as for tomorrow or a couple of weeks. Retrievals require monitoring and often medication. Like, this has to be made up because none of it works this way at all. If it were real then I would genuinely question whether there is a current pregnancy with a different father they are trying to hide or something. It's so freaking weird - sorry, no. This has to be made up because this is too far fetched based on how egg donation, IVF, and embryo transfer work.
@ShinyTillDawn 8 месяцев назад
If these people are actually clueless on how IVF works, by the time they actually get a child, that child is going to want to escape those parents ASAP because the parents aren't gonna know how to properly raise him, her, or them.
@Insanivee 8 месяцев назад
1st story, with the hair, NTA. It's hair. He said he wanted his hair cut, multiple times, for almost a whole month. If he ends up not liking it, then he doesn't like it, and he's learned what it's like to get a haircut and have short hair. He can make more informed decisions now that he's able to form an opinion on the length of his hair. "but if he's willing to do the hair, what else is he willing to do" It's hair, it's not a big deal. He isn't gonna suddenly have the urge to do all these things to his son now that his hair has been cut
@TiffanyAllen1784 8 месяцев назад
You’re missing the bigger issue here. He’s shown her she can’t trust him to respect her wishes or successfully coparent. What happens when it’s something more important than hair? What if they disagree on corporal punishment, or medical treatment or something? What reason does she have to trust him? In her shoes, I’d be seeking out a new custody arrangement that requires the consent of both parents for any major decisions. Hair isn’t a big deal. Going behind her back, regardless of how mad or fed up he was, (or how much their not-yet-three-year old with no impulse control said he wanted it or was happy after) is the real problem.
@michellecoleman5577 8 месяцев назад
story 3: No! No no no no no! I do not owe you a damn "sit down" just to plead with you not to be an ablest jerk. You get 3 polite "That's ok, I'm fine. I don't need help." 3 at most, depending on the day, before you deserve the rudeness that's coming. You can easily ask me, "Can you explain how you're going to do this? Because I don't understand." But I don't OWE you my time and effort if you aren't willing to take the hint and back off. I'll gladly educate anyone who asks polite questions and if you just politely ask if I need help and respect my answer, I will respect you forever. But if after the first few times I say "No thank you" you STILL won't go away? The road to hell is paved with good intentions. edit: My parents have no problem with this concept. edit 2: OP made it very clear that he has tried asking for them to back off. But it took his father distracting them like little children to let him get anything done.
@ShadowAnimeation 8 месяцев назад
For the first one tho, I think you're letting your own experience cloud your response. It wasn't that he didn't run it by her at all. He had been trying for several weeks to talk to her about it and co-parent. But the mom was dismissive of what the dad was saying and just like "well he told me he doesn't want it and I have final say as a mom, so no he's not getting one." And while I don't agree with him giving up and just doing what he wanted instead. Again he didn't just do it without any kind of warning, it was something they had been discussing for weeks. And 3 year olds making decisions and then regretting it later, is not for the adults to police. At least not when it comes to harmless stuff like hair styles, clothing, toys, etc. Dangerous decisions, yes tell your kids no. But "I want spider-man face paint" then one hour later is crying because their friend got iron man and they want that instead now, is just part of being 3 LMAO Not something you should police or try to protect them from. That's helicopter parenting.
@TiffanyAllen1784 8 месяцев назад
When you’re co-parenting, you have to co-parent. The kid isn’t even three yet. If you’re getting conflicting information from him and mom, you wait until the next time mom drops him off or picks him up and the three of you discuss it. Everyone sucks here. It’s developmentally inappropriate to assume that the child definitely knows what he wants based on one sided conversations. They lack impulse control at that age. Even if he seemed happy with the results, that doesn’t mean he wasn’t also telling the mom that he didn’t want it cut. Communication between the adults is key. Her judgment isn’t clouded, she’s right. He’s given his exe a pretty big reason not to trust him now. Who’s to say he’s not going to go behind her back on something more important, like disagreeing with his “hippie exe” on corporal punishment, or whether or not to vaccinate, or give him medicine when he’s sick? He’s also given her ammunition for an argument that he’s not holding up his end of the co-parenting arrangement if she ever decides to petition for full custody.
@asthejayflies 8 месяцев назад
Right? The boy’s hair will grow out again, if he decides he wants it long itll just be a matter of time until its long again
@adeliecn1763 8 месяцев назад
… if it comes to following a vaccination plan, I definitely hope he’s going behind her back and getting his son the shots he needs.
@lilliankeairns7743 8 месяцев назад
@@TiffanyAllen1784 Yes they should have talked about it together, that’s on both of them. But she shouldn’t be able to just have the kids hair whatever she wants without also considering the dad’s opinion. They should have equal say and that is not at all what was happening, she was completely overruling him and refusing to compromise. I don’t believe that never cutting his hair should be the default just because it doesn’t require any action, so it shouldn’t be the only acceptable option when she’s not the only one with a say in the matter. Also the kids opinion should count the most. It’s his body and his hair, he expressed that he wanted it cut for a long time.
@TiffanyAllen1784 8 месяцев назад
@@adeliecn1763 I’m pro-vax, that’s not the point, it was just an example. Not being able to trust your co-parent to include you in big decisions is a major red flag.
@ArielVHarloff 8 месяцев назад
I think you usually do a really good job not putting yourself into situations too much and taking a neutral position but I don't think you did that very well this time with the one about the kids hair. You are absolutely right that kids that age may only want a thing while they're seeing it but that doesn't necessarily mean they want it less. It's also very possible that the kid didn't really know getting their hair cut was an option when they were not seeing it happen. I also think you underestimated how much of a difference a drive to hairdresser can make especially at that age. If the dad had just given the kid a buzz cut I'd totally agree with you but the dad waited for the kid to ask multiple times probably asked again removed from the situation before getting into the car and if the kid really hadn't wanted it by the time they got to the hairdresser I'm sure the dad would have let the kid keep the hair if they'd changed their mind getting there. I think denying the kid the experience like the mom wanted would have actually been the asshole move. If the kid regretted the haircut afterwards now they know what getting a haircut and living with short hair is like and can make a more informed choice next time. I think you kinda let this be swayed by your own experience regretting haircuts. I also think you underestimate how much of a chore long hair is for very small children (brushing washing all that stuff) As someone who has been very attached to their hair from a very young age I can promise you had this kid been attached to their hair they would have absolutely fought the dad and hairdresser for every centimeter of length they wanted to keep. My brother had all sorts of hair cuts as a child and sometimes he didn't like them but it was never an actual problem for him because in the end he didn't actually care that much. (I am transmasc btw he's cis) Some people just aren't attached to what their hair looks like and especially with a kid that small with difficult to maintain hair I genuinely believe they probably wanted rid of it but didn't dare to tell their mum. However I agree with you that it was an asshole move towards the mum even though I think it was the correct choice for the child which imo weighs way heavier.
@Jay-fv3ij 8 месяцев назад
I disagree with the second one quite a bit. The brother in law was already hostile to them before OP moved around and it's not like they have zero plans to leave they said just not in the near future, and I genuinely think that's so understandable because 6 months- even if they were to save every single penny they earned from their 9 to 5 -it'd be so completely impossible for them to pay off a 60,000 loan, find their own place, and move out. It's not just "Steeve's" house, it's his wife's house too and OP is his family who is doing a great deal for the house rather than leaching, as some people in my own family would've done.
@karidru5272 8 месяцев назад
Also case three: oh gosh. If abled people only knew how often their disabled associates are setting them ablaze in their mind's eye. I guarantee he tried to be nice first. But FOLKS DON'T LISTEN. Also "you're not a tradesman." Everything he worked so hard to learn and do is just gone, now, in her mind? Oh she'd best make herself scarce for a while. But additionally, she was bothering him while he was using a chainsaw. Like. No. I've been using power tools and had neighbors walk up behind me while I had ear protection on before, and you better know I had some strong words for them. You can't DO THAT.
@terryparker9237 8 месяцев назад
I am AFAB, and nonbinary.I have been rocking a buzz cut for years.The first time was a complete misunderstanding though. I thought I was describing my pixie cut. The point is that I cried right after the cut. It sounds like the boy may have genuinely been happy with his haircut.
@violet7773 8 месяцев назад
Oof yeah I've also cried at home after a haircut
@faenene 8 месяцев назад
I’m the exact same! /lh
@pearlthenephilim 8 месяцев назад
For the first story he is 3 and as the information implies it sounds like he has never had a haircut before. I understand that boys can have long hair too, but cutting it or trimming the ends is really healthy to do
@Lavinia44 8 месяцев назад
(second story) a little bewildered by shaaba's YTA choice for that one. 6mo is not a long time for the loan OP is paying off, and it doesn't sound like there was a discussion of any expectations before OP moved in with them. also, "ruining our marriage" is a huge red flag? not remotely a fair way to come at the discussion, even *if* one does need to be had. like, sorry your wife loves her sister and you (husband) think that's getting in the way somehow???? 🚩🚩 also tbqh if i had a spouse that ever talked to my sister like that i'd divorce them. 🤡 altho i'd hope to not get that fair into the relationship in the first place. i've already learned the hard way to put my chosen family before partners. partners aren't worth it over long standing platonic relationships either way, huge nah, NTA from me (small edit: also, in fairness, i live in a four person household as me (29), two of my cousins, and the partner of one of my cousins. we're all queer. and we were five for a year once also because a friend needed the help. so, i'm not someone who lives by nuclear family dynamics)
@ephy9590 8 месяцев назад
The first story is surprisingly divisive! I agree on a light YTA. They should've discussed it in person, all 3 of them. OP didn't do it just for his son; he did it to make his own life easier and he also ignored his ex. That said, it's not that serious. It'll grow back. Hopefully OP doesn't take the responses as an excuse to make other, more serious decisions.
@ShinyTillDawn 8 месяцев назад
The real question is: Which divided side is objectively correct?
@emeraldqueen1994 8 месяцев назад
As a mildly disabled person, I get INFURIATED when people try to force me to accept help… OP snapped because that’s EXACTLY what his mom is doing… my rule : I explain my condition ONCE and unless you’re asking me a question POLITELY, it does NOT get brought up again unless I’m the one doing so…you as the fully able - bodied person you do NOT have any right to tell me what MY limits are!
@stroodledoodles 8 месяцев назад
The sister + husband in Story 4 definitely seem like the assholes to me. They sound entitled and the fact that they've not even offered to cover costs for OP is kinda scummy imo (since if they have the money for IVF they should have some to help with travel) Also isn't there a two day recovery time for egg donation? Them expecting OP to head straight home after the procedure is pretty inconsiderate.
@aliflanagan7669 8 месяцев назад
Yeah, I was gonna say it's a pretty intense process! I'm pretty sure you're anaesthetised for it? I'd not be getting right on a plane after that!
@stroodledoodles 8 месяцев назад
@@aliflanagan7669 That's what I thought! You'd think that the couple would at least offer OP a place to stay until they feel better or something, very ick
@nyahtonks3914 8 месяцев назад
ngl, the vibe from the family in that story is like unwanted youngest “burden” child. makes me rly mad
@alexf225 8 месяцев назад
It looks to me like they expect OP to donate the egg for her sister. Like it's not something she kindly decided to do but something that she SHOULD do.
@ShinyTillDawn 8 месяцев назад
They're also just ignorant. Imagine the couple raising their child to be a Trump supporter.
@BreakingStubad 8 месяцев назад
Story 1: dad offered to go to the barber together but mom didn't even entertain the idea, so it seems to me that saying he's TAH for not waiting for her to be there might be a little much... also, it's hair... it really shouldn't be this deep, especially since it seems he talked to her about it multiple times before the "incident" Story 2: I mean... hard to determine if there are any real AH here, maybe it's a NAH or a ESH... what I will say is that I agree with another comment that discussed the freaming of the response in the context of a single nuclear (parents and kinds) family unit as the only possible configuration for a family... there are many ways to configure a family and larger, more "communal" extended family living situations are not necesarily rare or wrong
@appleschloss 8 месяцев назад
I disagree on story 2. I think there is some info missing on the why her and Steve dont get on perhaps, but like- she said she cant *afford* to move out, too. It felt to me like thats why her plans where "I dont have plans to move out" because she said it was out of her budget "even if it would be the perfect option" so it didnt seem like she can move but wont entirely imo. Also like- her and her sister are the only family each other has left, too. Im far more sus of Steve since he's apparently never gotten on with her- I know everyones situation is different but like... there jsut needs t o be communication I think if it was implied that her stay was temporary at the start.
@fifinoir 8 месяцев назад
For the egg donation one I'd say other red flags are that firstly, they clearly have no clue how IVF works so are they actually serious about it or is there something else going on. Secondly, their immature behaviour would make me question if they'd make suitable parents right now. Because of the way they're acting, for the psychological safety of that potential future child I'd decline altogether. There is clearly a lot of toxicity going on in the whole family. Maybe get all that sorted out first.
@alex_blue5802 8 месяцев назад
I think "dont donate your eggs to these people" is exactly right. They're acting entitled to OP's time and money, and her family is now trying to force her into something she's not comfortable with. You said this requires informed consent from all parties, but they're already trying to violate OP's boundaries. It's not a healthy dynamic.
@ShinyTillDawn 8 месяцев назад
Those family members are probably accustomed to treating the OP like shit when she was growing up and demanding her to do everything for them. They say that ignorance is bliss, but enlightenment fosters a growth mindset.
@empressliz9023 8 месяцев назад
That disability story reminds me of my husband’s grandpa. He’d mostly paralyzed on the left side of his body due to polio when he was younger. He was able to use a chainsaw one handed. He would balance it on a stump, hold it down with his foot and pull the ignition string with his good hand. He would then just lift it one handed and lower it onto the log he’s chopping. He can’t do it anymore but it was really fascinating how he adapted to using one arm to do his usual tasks.
@ShinyTillDawn 8 месяцев назад
slay king
@NoxBVansyn 8 месяцев назад
The one about the disability hit me personally. I'm currently in a similar situation with one of my professors who thinks, that because I have a learning disability that I need support with my writing. I've been writing for years, and it's simply taken me some time to go from informal writing to formal writing, which I'm now in the swing of. I figured it out on my own, and she's still pressuring me to get support, which is my choice whether or not I want it. Gah, anyways, that was my vent.
@animeartist888 8 месяцев назад
Lil idea for you, free to use if you like. Professor thinks you need help with formal writing, so the best way to dispel this is to write her a formal letter kindly asking her to stop nagging as you are currently working it out just fine, thank you.
@PurpleShift42 8 месяцев назад
As a person who uses disability services where I'm enrolled now (ADHDly), I have a bit of a different take on your sitch: I think that you should register with the disability services department at your uni, but then tell them that you've been working on the writing issue yourself and that you don't think that you need writing support at this time as you've got a good handle on it already; and then you come back to your professor and say that "disability services and I worked out that I'm doing okay at the moment and don't need that writing support". The reason I'm suggesting this, well there's actually a couple of reasons: 1) disability services is more than just educational support - e.g. in my case they got the course fee waived for me and they've let me stretch out my one year diploma into 5+ years (and counting) 2) even if disability services offers any specific service that might be helpful, you're not required to use them 3) they're an extra layer of backup against your professor forcing you to do something that you don't want to do at this point (you know, appeal to authority and all that) Of course there could be something else that makes this advice completely irrelevant but based on what you've said I think this could help? Good luck with your studies and that professor!
@Dyejob01 8 месяцев назад
Op 2 didn't say she would not move eventually, just not now. They need to set an end date to stay/move out...that way everyone knows what to expect.
@coasttocoast2011 8 месяцев назад
My previous manager’s son had long hair, I can’t remember how old he was but old enough he understood he was getting mistaken for a girl and definitely school age at least. He went to stay with a family member and while with them, asked them to take him to get his haircut. His mum was upset but in the end respected that it was his decision
@anna.owo. 8 месяцев назад
That sucks, we push gender ideas and roles in small children which will effect them later in life
@1rkhachatryan 8 месяцев назад
I completely disagree on the first one. Sounds pretty clear to me that the mom was just like no and that's it, end of discussion. There was no discussion or compromise possible as the mom wasn't even willing to. She doesn't get to unilarely make decisions like that then shut down. The dad even offered to go to the barber TOGETHER with her and she still said no. Sorry mom but you can't shut down when it's co parenting, that's not how it works.
@Le_Inke 8 месяцев назад
For the second story... Maybe it's the southamerican in me, but I absolutely disagree with Shaaba.
@Demonic_Culture_Nut 8 месяцев назад
Nah, it's just þe non-Americacentric þinking you have.
@cexilady3333 8 месяцев назад
For the first one, they could’ve easily FaceTimed and had a discussion with the kid and then OP could’ve seen his ex potentially leading the kid on or not IRL. Like I get he’s 3 and is like “I want what he gets!” But there’s nothing wrong with the thing being a haircut, and especially if they follow up with it without the buzzing happening.
@ZombieMinion1992 8 месяцев назад
For that last one, Ii was bracing for it to turn out that they didn't just want OP's eggs but that they were wanting her to rush over to sleep with the husband and just be a surrogate for them.
@chelseycollins1499 8 месяцев назад
For the first story, I think they're just forgetting that mom probably wanted to be present, to be there for the first major haircut. She's probably less mad about the hair itself and more hurt that she missed a big milestone in a kids life that she can't get back. It might not be a milestone most people care about, but it was clearly important to her.
@outtathepantry 8 месяцев назад
Dad did offer though if I remember right? He was like "let's both take him to a proper barber" type of thing
@MY.N4ME.1S.L3R0Y 8 месяцев назад
@@outtathepantry yes! i think she just liked his long hair. if it was really about that, she would've agreed when he offered.
@TiffanyAllen1784 8 месяцев назад
That and also it means she can’t trust someone who has their kid half the time. He’s already shown he’s willing to go behind her back when he’s not getting his way. What if it’s something bigger like him deciding that his “hippie exe” is wrong about corporal punishment? He’s given her some pretty substantial proof that she can’t trust him and he’s not holding up his end of the co-parenting arrangement if she’s angry enough to sue for full custody. A grown adult not showing much more impulse control than his three-year old isn’t going to look good….
@lilliankeairns7743 8 месяцев назад
She never expressed that though. If she wanted to be there she could have asked them to wait until she got there when he texted that they were on their way to the barber. She only ever talked about the hair itself.
@jintym2951 8 месяцев назад
My take on the STFU outburst is a little different. I appreciate the wisdom of the tactful diplomatic approach, but I also understand that waiting to be calm enough to have that conversation can go on long enough for the outburst to happen 1st. Especially when living in such close proximity to the person you need to have that conversation with. Having to constantly swallow down comments because you know your not calm, just makes topping up your patience near impossible, until finally it's chipped away to the the point an outburst is almost inevitable.
@crimsonrose4648 8 месяцев назад
With the hair cut one I think this is probably the best option for the kid. When I was that age I was banned from having scissors cuz I would literally just chop my hair off whenever it annoyed me. I also notice that the kid wanted his hair cut even by someone not his dad even though his brother always gets hair cuts from dad so I think the urge to have it cut does not come from purely a place of mimicry. I can forsee that he might be telling mom different because she maybe openly disparages men with short hair or very clearly hates the idea. Or she might be full blown lying cuz she hates short hair so much. But yeah even with long hair you usually at least get trims to take the dead ends off so that poor kids hair must have been a nightmare if it's his very first hair cut at 3 whole years old. I do think if they're old enough to express wants on hair it's the perfect place to let them have free range because hair mistakes are much lower risks and the perfect space to explore what works for them and teach consequences of choices.
@geeky_sasha6813 8 месяцев назад
For the first one, I would say it’s a NAH or soft ESH (as in both parents). What gets me is that the mom seems more concerned with making some kind of statement with her kid’s hair length. It could just be a slight trim to help keep the hair more manageable, that’s actually good for the hair as well, but she seems unwilling to consider this. For the second one, I don’t agree with Shaaba but I don’t know what my verdict would be, maybe ESH. What gets me is that the husband seems to have never liked OP and came at her with this without discussing it with his wife, who doesn’t appear to agree with him. It’s true we’re only getting one perspective, but it seems like an issue in the marriage (which OP can’t be faulted for). If he has concerns, the right thing to do would be to speak with his wife first. His wife should be the one speaking to her sister if necessary.
@angeljaceherondale 8 месяцев назад
As a disabled person, story two is a huge OOOF on the decision and the forum.
@adrienstarfaer 8 месяцев назад
With the first one, I really think that it's an important lesson for the kid to learn, that your choices have consequences, whether you like them or not, and it really is just hair. Hair grows back.
@adrienstarfaer 8 месяцев назад
It's important for kids to learn, "If I tell my parent that I want to change something, they will make an effort to make that happen."
@elizabethdutch2707 8 месяцев назад
Story 1: see this is why my family does not allow long hair until you can care for it. As a child of divorced parents I can sort of relate, but my parents both agreed that I could grow my hair when I showed I could care for it. I really feel like the parents need to communicate and think about whether or not a 3 year old can care for their own hair and if its fair to force another person to do something because 1 of the 2 think it's right (also I have yet to encounter a toddler that likes having their hair brushed) ESH
@gravaelf1 8 месяцев назад
For some people baby's first haircut is an important milestone that they want to be a part of. Maybe the mom wanted to be there because of that.
@SharylLacroix 8 месяцев назад
For the 3yr old's haircut: We are missing an important piece of information, which is - how short was his hair cut. It may not have been really short, just something that made it more manageable and that would make a huge difference. For the last story (egg): Perhaps OP needs to set a hard boundary something like - I am preparing to do a huge favour for my sister. If people continue to be unsupportive of me and my needs in this then I don't feel that would be in my best interests to continue with this process.
@Minyassa 8 месяцев назад
ESH because nobody talked it through. Dad got impatient because he wanted to cut the hair, and went ahead and did what he wanted, knowing full well he was taking advantage of the moment. I also understand why the mom was so upset. Here's the thing--people keep saying "it's not like it's something permanent" but it is. That was his baby hair. Totally different texture and color than the way it'll grow back, and basically she got a huge shock because something that pushed her mommy emotion buttons really hard was suddenly gone after she'd already been thinking about that being threatened. She was biased, Dad was also biased. I agree that the 3-year-old very likely wanted his hair cut AND not cut depending on where and when he was. But this was shitty communication between the parents, full stop.
@sinimeg 8 месяцев назад
In the first one I don’t think OP is the ahole, the kid asked three times, and if he later doesn’t like short(er) hair, he’ll know better the next time and won’t ask for a haircut 🤷
@alexhika 8 месяцев назад
For the second story: OP shouldn't be on thid thread, it's not an asshole situation in my opinion, you can argue whether it's appropriate or not for her to stay, but that's another story, she has not been asked to leave by the sister. However, the husband is an asshole, regardless of OP's presence. Your wife only has /one/ relative, and your children only have /one/ relative from their mum's side? Unless the one relative is a serial killer, you absolutely suck for "not liking them". I have siblings so I am always so shocked when these situations come up, I can't imagine my siblings, whom I get along with, dating someone I cannot even get along with 😐
@animeartist888 8 месяцев назад
People are allowed to disagree and not get along. Even people who are related (and neither of them serial killers) sometimes just don't mesh. That said, I still agree that Steve was the asshole here. Less because he doesn't get along with OP and more because of his attitude here- suddenly demanding that she needs to move out while having apparently never mentioned being unhappy with the situation to his wife judging by her reaction to it.
@alexhika 8 месяцев назад
@@animeartist888 (please forgive me if I say something incorrect, it's been a while since I listened to the video XD) From what I remember, the way it was phrased made it sound like the husband had an active dislike and found hard to get along with the sister. Now, if you have a close bond with your sister, which in my experience aligns with having similar values and takes on life (I'm not saying it's the same thing of /loving/ you sister, sometimes you can love your relatives but realising, as you grow up, that you wouldn't get along as people because you truly see life differently, which doesn't sound like the case here), and you have a partner you are raising kids with, it seems extremely weird that these two adults cannot stand each other. Being besties? Not mandatory. Hanging out on their free time? Also not mandatory. Having a polite and friendly relationship that allows your kids to spend quality family time? To me, that's the basic. "Serial killers" was a hyperbole and maybe it was too much in this content, sorry 😂 but I meant serious issues, for example someone who is racist or homophobic etc. But again, back to my original thought: if you are a decent person, for example who's not homophobic, and you have a close bond with your sister, how the heck could she be married to someone homophobic? My thoughts on their situation are based on how their family dynamic is described. For instance, I have a cousin I really love, but we don't have a strong bond and I wouldn't involve him in my (hypothetical) kids' education, because he's part of a very conservative side of the family whose values couldn't be further from mine. He married a lovely girl, who shares his values, so as much as I love those relatives and I enjoy spending Christmas with them, we could never be friends. If I had a partner who snapped at my cousin or her wife for a homophobic comment, my partner would have my complete support - I tolerate them out of love, but I wouldn't force anyone else to do the same. But if me and my cousin were raised with the same values, and he would show up one day with a super bigoted wife, I'd be shocked and that would be really weird to me. So, basically, I just thought this wasn't the case in the story, it seems immature and bizarre that the husband, as an adult, would act in such a way that makes OP feel like he /never/ liked her. Unless they didn't mention some major reasons. I feel like I wrote too much 😂 I hope I didn't make my point even more confusing lol 🙏🏼 anyway, thanks for your comment, I see your point, I just wouldn't apply that to this specific scenario personally ☺️
@user-qx5du6xg4f 8 месяцев назад
For story 2, OP didn’t say they werent planning on moving ever, she said in the near future. She should be looking for housing, but it can take well over 6 months to find a new place to live, especially when trying to cope with a loan and the emotional turmoil of a messy divorce. I would say NAH, because Steve could be coming from an understandable place and I understand OPs apprehension. If she tries to get involved in their marriage/replace Steve/isn't looking for housing at all or looking into what benefits or loan plans she might be available for, then she's TA.
@botanicalitus4194 8 месяцев назад
No the way steve approached it he is definitely the AH, I would leave my husband if he treated my famiIy like trash when they need help instead of communicating kindly about what is bothering him
@kooskoos1234 8 месяцев назад
Agreed, that’s how i read “no plans” as well, though imo steve is probably the asshole because really weird reaction
@ingvildkvakestad 8 месяцев назад
The person who had lost a hand i 90% agree. I have adhd and non verbal learning difficulties. I have felt spoken down to and sometimes you just explode lol.
@akaneh1989 8 месяцев назад
1 - The thing that complicates it is that this was the third time the haircut topic came up and they communicated previously. I agree that the three year old kid was probably changing his mind and getting caught up in the moment, but still, they communicated the first two times, that's a fact. 2 - Definitely NTA. OP is fulltime working, helping, keeping to her end of the bargain, and you can't just go "why haven't you picked yourself up yet" at someone, everyone has their own pace. And she definitely wasn't "doing nothing" if everything at the house is done by OP and sister. 3 - I don't think OP is the ahole here. You summed it up pretty well, except I don't think at that point mom and mom's friend could have been sat down, they were already being very frustrating and they wouldn't have understood anyway. Sometimes you can just feel that talking is not an option because they just won't understand. 4 - If OP is going to be going there anyway in the near future, VERY much NTA.
@FaeryPeople 8 месяцев назад
I'd like to hear the aunt's sister's side of the story. It's possible that the aunt has overstayed her welcome and the husband is the only one who feels comfortable enough to talk about it. But it's also possible that his wife really likes the company and help, and that the husband is feeling jealous of the positive attention the aunt is getting from his wife and kids and/or feeling inadequate that he was never that helpful, and taking that frustration out on the aunt. I think the three adults need to sit down and have a talk.
@HighLordBaron 8 месяцев назад
1st Story: Son said he wants a haircut multiple times. Dad decided to respect his wishes. It's possible that the son very much changes his views depending on who's he with, but ultimately, dad only knows what the son is telling him. And he's telling him he wants a haircut..... Story 2: Sister wants OP there. I'm not close with my siblings, but if I was, I can see myself wanting them with me too. I'd be pissed if my partner demands they move out and would certainly reconsider my relationship. OP is not getting in between them, I can guarantee this. If OP moved out, sister would still know it's her partners fault....
@lynnenicholson6968 8 месяцев назад
Regarding the 3rd one I’ve lived that from the other direction. I lost most of my sight 7 years ago becoming medically blind and had my children “helicopter parent” me when we’re out together despite the fact day to day I’m doing all this stuff independently and safely. I live alone clean the house, go shopping, go for walks across town and in the local countryside daily, between them they visit me, go out with me, or I travel solo to stay with them maybe 60 days of the year. And it really is driving me mad when whichever child I’m with starts telling me there’s a kerb coming up, or stairs, or whatever their perceived danger is when the other 300 odd days of the year I’m walking in woods, on paths in farmer’s fields, exploring new routes, walking across town finding the safest places to cross busy roads, catching buses and travelling by train… all without the aid of a safety net using my white cane and walking stick and the mobility skills I’ve learned to trust. And yes I’ve ended up getting snappy when for the nth time my daughter, or one of my son’s has warned me about an ordinary obstacle (kerb/ steps/ etc) though they are learning to tell me only to warn me about unusual obstacles (my daughter lives in Cleethorpes and one of the ramps to the beach has huge crevasse like cracks in the concrete so my daughter telling me which was the safer side to walk was appreciated as otherwise I may have snapped my cane).
@animeartist888 8 месяцев назад
General rule I've learned from talking with disabled people is that you only help when specifically asked to. Even the offer itself can feel a little patronizing, pointing out that you noticed something that the disabled person is struggling with and reminding them that you will not struggle with it the same way. I've felt this from the opposite side, being short all my life. If I ask you to help reach the thing on the high shelf, great. But if I haven't asked, I don't want you to just scoop it up for me like I'm not capable of finding a way to get it myself. It can get really irritating, especially when it happens often, and I definitely understand that frustrated snap reaction. At least you can be sure the intent is good. Your kids aren't trying to belittle you or make fun of your blindness (I hope?!), but just showing that they care by making sure you're safe.
@dylanjohnson3346 8 месяцев назад
Steves gotta go throw the whole man way
@SwearMY 8 месяцев назад
You can't just harvest an egg, there is a lot of prep required to make sure there are ripe eggs to harvest. This is insane.
@meumixer 8 месяцев назад
1. ESH or YTA. As other commenters have said: just discuss this together when you're dropping the kid off? Or if that's not an option, just take him to the barber and simply trim split ends rather than chopping it all off. If all he wanted was to be like his brother, he'll be happy, but if he actually wanted shorter hair then he'll express that like he's done before. 2. Hard disagree with Shaaba, either OP is NTA or there's NAH. First of all, it can definitely take more than six months to recover emotionally and financially from a divorce, and given what OP says, her staying with family is the best option for her currently. Second of all, what's this obsession with a nuclear household? What's this constant association of independence with living apart from family? _Multiple_ people in my life have continued to live with other family members through their late 20s and even their entire lives without it hindering their ability to have a job or social life, and they aren't/weren't lesser for doing so. I can respect Steve's frustration with suddenly having a permanent (for the foreseeable future) housemate, that's totally understandable, but the adults in the house need to sit down and have an adult discussion about it. 4 out of 5 people in the house are fine with there being 5 people in the house, and it's not like OP is mooching off them without helping out in any way. 3. I'm not going to make a judgement either way. Understandable for mom and friend to feel helpless/want to help after such a major injury, understandable for OP to just want to get on with his life, understandable for him to not want to upset them by telling them to buzz off, understandable for him to get so fed up that he snaps. The ideal response would have been to sit them down sooner and tell them that their hovering is impeding your attempts to get back to living your life, or really for OP and his mom to sit down and have a talk about all of it (assuming they didn't try to do that already). But as I said, I understand the desire to just keep the peace until you suddenly can't anymore. 4. NTA, and this is so weird. Are they bound and determined to have their potential baby be a certain star sign, and that's why they can't wait? Did they set up an appointment as soon as you said yes instead of asking what works best for you, and don't want to cancel it? Why won't they pay for your air fare when you're doing something this huge for them?
@haventpickedanameyet2527 8 месяцев назад
I think nta for the first one just because the dad offered to do it together and have her there, which i think wouldve been the best option, but she didnt want to. But if op is lying then that obviously changes it, or if the mom really doesnt even want to be near op for some reason (like a bad breakup or even abuse). But we cant know that from this and theres no signs of that as far as i can see so im going off op telling the fullest story he can
@rebeccajesse4604 8 месяцев назад
For the egg donation: I have a sh$t ton of student debt and I have considered selling my eggs to try and get ahead of it (one place was offering 50k) but the process is quite demanding on the body (and I have some contraindications to the hormones that I have learned later). I hate needles so that put a kabosh on that plan for me, but the gumption of that couple! I mean if they had the appointment already, then just do telehealth! There is no logical reason for OP to physically be there that day!
@KoiraStar 8 месяцев назад
For the last one, can you imagine what would happen if she goes through with the egg donation, and they have a kid, and then that kid ends up with cancer or something? With as toxic as that family sounds, I have a hard time believing they wouldn't lay into the OP and blame her. Or what if the kid needs a bone marrow transplant or kidney or whatever, are they going to lay on the pressure for that too?
@vcutler4735 8 месяцев назад
I think considering the "default" state as don't cut hair and going with that is faulty since hair is a hygiene thing. That's like saying one parent doesn't want to brush the kid's teeth or cut nails. Like if the hair is a bother to the kid and they mention they want it cut its like nails. Like yeah long nails are fine but if not cared for they get scratchy and jagged and that's why we file them smooth (to preserve length) or cut them (for quick easy maintenance).
@anna.owo. 8 месяцев назад
Horrible examples, hair is a grooming thing not a hygiene, like not saving your legs or face. The father just doesn't know to groom his child's hair. Nothing alike not washing your teeth or cutting your nails.
@vcutler4735 8 месяцев назад
@@anna.owo. Hair is like nails or teeth because if you don't take care of it there are negative quality of life issues like it getting in the kid's face or getting matted. It requires care and has negative consequences if not cared for and can be not fun for the kid to care for in certain ways. And it's temp since it'll grow back (and it also doesn't sound like the dad defaulted to a buzz cut)
@awolters5827 8 месяцев назад
@@vcutler4735 there's also issues like split ends and hair getting fragile if its not trimmed often enough. Long hair needs a lot of maintenance (especially curly hair) to make sure it stays hydrated etc. I don't know if I missed something but it seemed like the kid hadn't even had his hair trimmed at all.
@vcutler4735 8 месяцев назад
@@awolters5827 this is a good point. The not even getting it trimmed was the vibe I got as well. Although that may just be because the kid is 3 so they might just be entering the "needs hair trims if not hair cuts" stage of life now. And going to the barber to keep semi-long (aka not buzzed) hair could be a good way to teach that grooming can be fun rather than a chore.
@BaddeGrasse 8 месяцев назад
As someone used to adjusting to decreasing abilities, hearing ableist comments is not how we learn it - if you think someone is pushing themselves or at risk of hurting themselves you can pose that concern, and please do, but talk to the person like a normal person youre concerned for and not like someone who isnt capable or doesnt understand themself. "Im worried that this wont go well, are you sure thats a safe way to do it?" Is always a good fallback ❤
@Gwenx 8 месяцев назад
#2 I do disagree here.. Everybody sucks, for the exact reason one of the comments that was read said: The sister and husband are having issues, why? Because the husband shouldn't be telling his sister in law to get the F out, he should have that conversation with his wife who also have not only a say but an opposite opinion in this, as she clearly want har sister to stay. If OP is not actively looking for another place I would also question that, unless they have all agreed upon her staying there for a longer period of time. The husband seems very annoyed with OP being there but it sounds like he is taking it OUT on her instead of having a conversation with his wife, that to me could mean two things, he dosn't like OP and never has, that is already stated, but maybe there is a reason for such an intense anger towards OP? Maybe he and his wife have a strained relationship and where already tearing apart, having OP in the home basically do what he was supposed to do but doesn't do, threaten his position and are strengthening his wife in the thought of maybe divorcing him? We cant know, but as I see it OP's sister and her husband need to talk about the situation and OP also need to have a chat with them after to figure out where they ALL stand on the matter.
@kaylawoodbury2308 8 месяцев назад
Steve is showing major red flags and I'm not sure how I feel about everyone ignoring them in favor of assuming they were a picture perfect nuclear family beforehand...
@chloesmith7871 8 месяцев назад
"My 3yo changed his mind daily about how long he wanted his hair" I feel like I change my mind daily about how long I want my hair and I'm 26
@shaaba 8 месяцев назад
@SartorialDragon 8 месяцев назад
18:57 i don't think it's fair to say "but what about in 30 years?" That's a long time, it's not like she'll never move out in that amount of time (even if she says she currently has no plans to move out). Living with your sister's family constantly would be absolutely valid - the only reason YTA is that you have been uninvited by the sister's husband and refused. Find a new home, maybe it can be nearby so you can still see your nieces and help out your sister. But don't use the nieces as an excuse to stay or even as leverage over their dad.
@henrysansone5501 8 месяцев назад
This was such a spicy episode! 🌶 Also loving the longer episodes.
@shaaba 8 месяцев назад
@bogiccakardos 8 месяцев назад
The first one really hit home for me. I was a ‘caged’ child growing up, my mom decided everything from my head to my toes. I hated my hair being short, but I put up with it. However, even as a 3 year old, I did voice my concerns about the pink tees and shirts that I had. I hated them so much. I asked repetitively for blue clothes instead. But my request never went answered. As I got older about age 5-ish my mom had regular arguments with me about my clothes and that I will wear whatever she puts out for me. My dad at the time had conversations with mom about me and my need to wear clothes that I actually like, but to no avail. So we all collectively gave up. But I stand firm on this even after 20+ years that had my dad went out and bought me blue tees, I would’ve been the happiest kid in the world. And yes, I also only raised my concerns during the morning getting ready part, but that’s not because I forgot about it all day, it’s because that is when it seem appropriate for a child to discuss any given topic: when it’s right in front of them. And that’s when I was reminded that oh, I should try again and ask again. Having said all that, and with only the dad’s pov, my badge would be no Aholes here. Because maybe the mom also told the truth and the kid didn’t tell her he wanted to cut his hair. Or that the child didn’t feel comfortable and safe sharing this with mom (as I said, I also gave up after a while), then she had no reason to cut his hair apart from the dad saying so. It’s especially because there is a child so young that I say No Aholes Here. Also I did have brothers growing up (3 of them), but I did ended up growing up as a person who doesn’t like their hair short and has a favorite color (blue) and shade of blue. So the decisions I’d have made back then are the ones I’d make today. I guess sometimes children just know what they want. But I agree this should’ve been a joint decision on the parents part. I would’ve tried out a hair cutting session with older brother when mom is present to see the 3yo’s opinion.
@do.re.mi.2713 25 дней назад
agree with u totally on the 2nd one like... i love my family but I don't want them to live with me in my house forever. i cant imagine what it would be like to live with an in-law that I don't like for a yr+. yes, he is the only one who has a problem with sister but his opinion matters when it comes to family decisions this big and should be factored into how long the sister should stay. it is reasonable for him to push for the sister to leave if he learned that she has no plans to leave anytime soon.
@aliflanagan7669 8 месяцев назад
I was on a soft YTA train for the divorced sister until she said the husband does no housework or childcare. Sounds like the sister is more of a parent than the dad! She should move out I agree, but shes NTA the dad is.
@gilesluver 8 месяцев назад
Egg one (part 2) Given OP and her sister don't have a great relationship, being a bish about timing looks really bad on the sister's part. If she always looked down on OP, is this a "she's finally useful for something" moment? Why is the family piling on when there will be a family gathering soon? Does mum see this as a reconciliation moment, or does she feel the same as sister? Still NTA.😊
@catpoke9557 5 месяцев назад
Kids can absolutely decide they want a haircut, Shaaba. Him being 3 doesn't matter. It's just hair.
@j.apenrose7896 8 месяцев назад
Okay. With the last one, the good news is that unless OP has done a LOT of prep work, she can't donate the next day anyway. You need several blood tests and scans anyways, and potentially hormone treatments. So, I'm going out on a limb and guessing that was a karma farming post, because unless things have changed a LOT since I was going to donate for my own sister, you can't donate on such short notice anyway. EDIT: Great, yep, I paused to comment too early--Shaaba indeed does go into that!
@emris2697 8 месяцев назад
Your hair is looking so puffy and nice! I know you didn't style it, but the way it sits around your head compliments your face shape really nicely.
@lesleybarklay798 8 месяцев назад
For the first one, it seemed like the younger son had been expressing his desire to get a hair cut for at least three, if not four weeks. I do agree that the father has as much right as the mother to make decisions. He communicated multiple times with the mother. Also, the hair will totally grow back. The child wanted it; the child was happy. NTA
@rribbonss 8 месяцев назад
For the second one - I agree with some commenters here. “No plans to move” doesn’t mean “planning on never moving”, and nuclear families are silly anyway. It especially makes sense for them to live together if they are each others only family and are coexisting happily. The husband and wife don’t seem to be on the same team as each other so at least from the perspective I’m seeing in that post, that would be a bit of a red flag for that relationship. I do understand why there is some concern but there seems to be some communication missing here. Why haven’t they previously discussed how long she is welcome for and what their future expectations for their household are? Randomly blowing up and blaming her for relationship problems is really inappropriate. The last one - what in the world ?! that would be enough to make me disconnect from my family forever. I’m very sensitive about my body being *used* and if I made that sacrifice and it was not met with the utmost respect I would be shocked and extremely hurt. Why are they even asking a favour without knowing what the other person is having to go through for that?! Hormones are no joke… those can mess up your health it’s literally creating health risks for the donor and the couple don’t even know what they’re asking for. Completely ridiculous.
@rribbonss 8 месяцев назад
2nd story - she is even working and helping out, so earning enough to move out sounds challenging? I struggle with executive dysfunction and being put under social pressure to stick to a specific plan tends to just sabotage my plan. While that’s maybe just a personality quirk of mine, I don’t think it’s uncommon for anxiety to cause procrastination and self-sabotage. Eg when I was living with my parents as a young adult after dropping out of uni, one of the things I requested from my mom was to rather not set a specific date for me to have to move out by. For context: my parents have a massive house and my dad was working overseas at the time so my mom was actually lonely living there all by herself as my brother had just moved out as well, and my mom was more than happy to have me around. My parents just thought that it might help motivate me to get started in my career if they were to apply some pressure, since they thought my executive dysfunction was due to being “spoiled” with the luxury of a reliable safety net. That was not the case at all and once I found a better treatment for my chronic illnesses and established better boundaries with my parents & moved out with my partner, I have been able to start doing more things. Perhaps I’m taking this too personally but having a deadline on healing is something nobody should have to endure. I think the sister probably understands that, and I think the husband is just putting his relationship problems onto a third party to make himself feel better about the potential future of his relationship after she moves out. Like tbh from the phrasing it sounds like “my wife doesn’t want to have sex and I think it’s because it’s awkward with you in the house, now this is all your fault”. But maybe I’m being cynical…
@salamanda11 8 месяцев назад
You can’t just decide to donate your eggs tomorrow. OP’s sister and family have no idea what the process is, and I can’t believe they are calling OP the AH! They need to work out all the requirements and plan it properly. Then they absolutely should be paying for OP’s travel and needs throughout the process.
@kiri6562 8 месяцев назад
With the first story I would say a lot of people change their hair/look because of someone else. For example I remember how many people had the Rachel haircut in the 90s and I wore tracksuits nonstop as a child because of sporty spice. As a parent obviously don’t let children copy anything harmful or extreme but for simple things I don’t think it’s harmful to copy. Trying different looks is how I found my identity and what works/doesn’t.
@ChibiRandom13 8 месяцев назад
As a kid (very very young maybe 3 myself), since our mom wouldnt let us cut our hair when she left us alone for like twenty minutes I went in the bathroom grabbed the scissors (she kept them out of reach my sister and i were.... monkeys. to say the least) and cut my sister and I's hair myself. It was legitimately the ugliest haircut ever my sister was bald on the back of her head like a monks. So.... Let the kid get his haircut if he wants it. At least in this case the kid expressed a desire to have smth done (it doesn't matter if he wanted it just bc his brother had it, he will grow to figure out what he wants for himself) and the dad after weeks of his kid asking for the same thing went along with it meanwhile whether the mom lied or the kid caught on to her desire to keep his hair long - she went against it. No matter your beliefs on kids choices in haircuts or what have you, that kid will feel like he has more free will around his dad than his mom. Hair is important to people in different ways so I understand why this is a hard topic. Some people have been forced to have their haircut and others forced to keep it long. But that should make it clear to let kids choose for themselves rather than force them to get or keep smth they don't want when it comes to their own bodily autonomy. I disagree with Shaaba here and am gonna say dad isn't Exactly TA bc he did what his kid wanted whether or not the mom wanted it. It is a bit a-hole-ish to get it done without agreeing with the mom on the subject, but they may never have agreed and the kid may have lived on in misery with his hair. Oddly enough! I also disagree with the second one. This may be because I'm american and its... very hard to live alone/even with roommates here. In fact, almost all of my family has another family member living with them or staying with them part time. I understand Steve's issue but everyone here should've talked out their expectations together, rather than blow up at his SIL and start a fight with his wife for it. Also Steve being mad about his wife's sister hanging out with her.... kind of rubs me the wrong way. Especially knowing her and the sister do all of the housework! In fact, I would assume he and his wife would be able to have more time together, since they have someone to watch the kids. Also he could have time with the kids if he planned things out for him and the kids or just hung out with them even with SIL around. I dont want to assume anything but it does seem strange? I don't know how to explain why it bothers me, but it does.
@marieugorek5917 8 месяцев назад
at three, the kid is definitely possibly giving each parent the answer he thinks they want.
@marieugorek5917 8 месяцев назад
Additionally, there is the possibility of asking the question, "Do you want your hair short like your brother's, or did you want Daddy to use the hair trimmers on your head like he does for your brother?" and if the answer is that he wants Daddy to use the trimmer, send the request to the Mom, "[child] says that he likes long hair, but he also wants me to buzz his hair with the trimmer like I do for his brother. Would it be acceptable for me to buzz the bottom half so that he can have the experience he wants without giving up all his long hair?"
@rainbowsparkleunicorns9093 Месяц назад
Shaaba the first story I agreed 100%. My youngest brother always wanted to cut his hair when my other brothers had theirs cut, but the second we were done he would be so happy he had hair like mommy.
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