Thomas Sowell Reacts
Thomas Sowell Reacts
Thomas Sowell Reacts
Exploring and learning from the vast wisdom of perhaps the most intellectual man in America the last 100 years have seen - Thomas Sowell.

@waywardgeologist2520 8 минут назад
Toxic culture, it affects all races.
@Thestrappedgrunt 18 минут назад
What LBJ did will have devastating for centuries
@geraldwest3428 18 минут назад
Keep rocki g steady mister!
@smithraymondearl 20 минут назад
One of the most brilliant minds of the 20th and 21st century. Guess what kiddy troopers, he is old than Joe Biden. Brilliant.
@garysmith789 43 минуты назад
Thank you Dr Sowell
@Jaymark-gk4li 48 минут назад
@alaintremaine3302 Час назад
El Alamein was a significant victory of the British Commonwealth over the Germans and Italians, but there had been lesser victories - and thus 'insignficant' - of the British over the Italians prior to the arrival of Rommel and the Afrika Korps.
@Moonman63 Час назад
When I listen to Thomas Sowell, I can here my parents and grandparents talking…..
@youpattube1 Час назад
Excellent. thanks.
@kaninma7237 Час назад
All too often something is going on, although that has likely decreased with the greater awareness today.
@rolandwoltman7835 2 часа назад
So, like those that started the abortion clinics and like the Gates family?
@danielboone8256 2 часа назад
A never ending barrage of black pills down my gullet at this point.
@user-eu6dr1vh1j 2 часа назад
No decent folk , no matter what race they are, wants to live in an area with mostly black people. That is a very sad and pathetic fact. Nobody.
@jill-ti7oe 2 часа назад
GOD Bless. 👍
@stephenoshaughnessy2279 2 часа назад
@easygamingwwiigamingchanne729 2 часа назад
Because it is a lie.
@HoboGodfrey 2 часа назад
Russia beat the Wehrmacht and because of that Rommel did not get what he needed.
@klasnm_5364 Час назад
In 1942?
@dogwklr 3 часа назад
The soft bigotry of low expectations
@littlemissymissy9507 3 часа назад
Racism keeps many children or people from participating in many things like swimming White People chasing You away from the swimming pool, other things that are too expensive for many black kids poorer people, and football teams would be much better if it wasn't impossible to afford it. Instrumental Music and the list goes on
@curlew-3592 3 часа назад
The very sad fact about the western world now is just that lack of intellect and laziness are fast becoming the norm! Excuses are constantly used for one’s own behaviour! If this doesn’t change the west will carry on it’s damaged projection until it is finished. 🇬🇧
@tonyfrench2574 3 часа назад
He doesn't mention that the Nobel Committe is corrupt
@user-nx6qr1mt6f 3 часа назад
Look who stokes racial animosity and grievances: Hollywood and the music industry… Look who runs those two outlets… Look who made sure my comment is deleted if I say it…
@user-nx6qr1mt6f 3 часа назад
The entire “racism” hustle is rapidly dying and now transparent
@billjones3071 3 часа назад
Then why the same problems around the world wherever they are
@TinusTegenlicht 3 часа назад
Look at the Covid story, a catastrophe created by smart people, well they think they are smart themselves
@stonekalten 4 часа назад
🤣🤣🤣Nice try guys! 🤣🤣🤣🤣Unbelievable…
@zeusback5025 4 часа назад
The irish in the 1920 came over by the millions and were treated and paid less then blks .
@zeusback5025 4 часа назад
Or they ignore all evidence except that what supports there narritive.
@philiphumphrey1548 4 часа назад
The first and second battles of El-Alamein were the first major land battles won by the western allies in World War 2. But they had already decisively won sea and air battles, the Battle of Britain 1940, the Battle of Cape Matapan against the Italian fleet1941, the sinking of the Bismarck 1941, the partial defeat of the U-boats in 1941 (the film Das Boot depicts the state of the U-boats at that stage of the war), and the Battle of Midway 1942.
@bobman929 4 часа назад
One of the best ways to learn about a group is to listen to those who were part of it, but got out. Whether it be politics, religion or social constructs. It's always the best way. Thomas Sowell Tulsi gibbard Son of Hamas
@bwanabeast3169 4 часа назад
@joejoejoejoejoejoe4391 5 часов назад
Eugenics was part of left-wing, progressive ideology, socialism was, and still is, part of left-wing progressive ideology; Hitler is best known for his enthusiasm for eugenics, and for being the leader of the National socialist party.
@familyplan979 5 часов назад
So where are the Wakandas?
@SkotiM 5 часов назад
Sowell is a great thinker, i always like to hear his opinions and observations.
@ngmurthy 5 часов назад
It's called immigration. That's how Americans attract best talent from the world.
@josephdykes1820 5 часов назад
It has never ended. There are still slaves all over the world.
@rapturebound197 5 часов назад
What Thomas is saying about the extraordinary high percentage of achievements by the Jewish people is absolutely correct. But the reason they are such high achievers is not by chance. They were divinely gifted for the express purpose of glorifying God. They were called and chosen as a people to be a light unto the world. That calling came with an extraordinary talent to complete the mission God had given them. God "equips" those He calls. The bad news is the lions share of the Jewish people used their God given ability for personal goals and not the goals of the God who called them.
@billinga 5 часов назад
Understanding the economy of a society is critical to management of available resources. This example is not an illustration of wealth management (reparations), instead it is a data point on resource management (economy building).
@northstar92 6 часов назад
read Eugenics and Other Evils by GK Chesterton
@kec7116 6 часов назад
If only a president - any president - had elevated him to a cabinet position, how wiser we would be. When I researched the Mass. v. Jacobson decision on vax mandate, it led to Buck v. Bell opening the door to the Eugenics policy openly embraced by progressives including Margaret Sanger, who was a heroine for Hitler.
@Rebel-Forces-Earth-007 6 часов назад
I do hope that next year President Trump will bestow the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Thomas Sowell, he is such an underappreciated and brilliant man that deserves recognition for his academic and scholarly efforts of the last several decades.
@ronblack7870 6 часов назад
president biden
@johnnynick6179 5 часов назад
@@ronblack7870 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.........etc.
@gregoryhall3156 6 часов назад
Thomas Sowell is so much more than an economist. He is a great historian, sociologist, and philospher-all rolled into one man. Literally he is every bit a Renaissance man as many of our prominent founders like Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.
@ImageryMemberDotCom 6 часов назад
It seems an absurd notion to think that your typical hillbilly was not discriminated against. To this day, it seems like it’s open season to tell the most disgusting jokes about them openly and unapologetically. In their case, the discrimination would not be racially based, but culturally based. Not even necessarily economic, I would suppose.
@eromero8190 6 часов назад
Mr. sowell is very analytical and could’ve been placed Highup in the position of education and other places he’s extremely brilliant, very analytical and correlating. His intelligence has been wasted by our ignorant government officials.
@throckmortensnivel2850 7 часов назад
Sorry, Thomas, but Madison Grant was not a progressive. He was a out-and-out racist. He was of the opinion that the Nordic "races" were inherently superior to other races, and advocated anti-democratic measures to ensure their survival against the inferior races. He was opposed to immigration because it let in inferior races who, along with "white trash", were outbreeding American Protestants. In fact there is nothing in Grant's book that is progressive in any sense. Indeed if there had been, Hitler would have not touched it, because one of the things we know absolutely about Hitler is that he hated any kind of progressivism. He based his whole program on lashing out at the Social Democrats and the Bolsheviks.
@thomassowellreacts 6 часов назад
A simple Google search would've saved you embarrassment and appearing to be in denial. Grant was as progressive as they get in his time. Matter of fact eugenics was mainstream among progressives then, as abortion is mainstream among the left today. So to say he was a HARDCORE promoter of eugenics but was not progressive is like saying Margaret Sanger was a conservative. Do your due diligence before refuting things. .
@throckmortensnivel2850 5 часов назад
@@thomassowellreacts As I said, if indeed Grant had been a progressive, Hitler wouldn't have touched his book with a ten-foot pole. It was Grant's belief that the "Nordic" race was superior to all others that Hitler liked. It's also true that Hitler didn't see anything in Grant's book that looked like progressivism. If you want to portray Grant as a progessive, you would have to come up with some progressive doctrines that he supported. Otherwise, like Thomas Sowell, you're just re-writing history.
@thomassowellreacts 4 часа назад
@@throckmortensnivel2850 If you're too proud to make a simple Google search then it's pointless having this conversation. You boldly speak for Grant as though he is your ancestor, is this personal? If you won't do simple research don't bother replying to this. BTW Hitler is the least of the monstrosities progressivism and the left have created in the last century only so chill.
@throckmortensnivel2850 4 часа назад
@@thomassowellreacts Again, if you have any evidence that Grant, or Hitler for that matter, espoused any progressive doctrines or positions, feel free to present them. I have actually read "Mein Kampf", so I have a pretty good idea of what Hitler was thinking. It is full of rampant racism, hatred of Bolsheviks, hatred of Social Democrats, and virulent anti-Semitism. I did not see anything that equated in any way to progressive doctrine. However, it is interesting that you take the same position Joseph Stalin did. That is, that Social Democrats were "social fascists", and were to be dealt with the same as fascists. He was wrong, and wrong in a way that cost the world millions of lives, and trillions of dollars. There was nothing progressive about Madison Grant, or Adolf Hitler. They were vicious racists.
@deeg8849 7 часов назад
Canadians and hockey