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14 часов назад
The DEAD RISING Soundtrack CD
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DEAD RISING's Forgotten Weapon
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DEAD RISING's Bizarre iPhone Version
2 года назад
DEAD RISING 2's Insane "Debug Mode"
2 года назад
Chuck Greene Has a Message for STiP0
3 года назад
DEAD RISING - Top-Down Camera MOD
4 года назад
DEAD RISING's Hidden Cutscene
5 лет назад
Dead Rising - Extreme Gore (MOD)
5 лет назад
The History of Dead Rising
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Dead Rising - Revisiting TGS 2005
5 лет назад
@GriffinTracker 42 секунды назад
can't believe they didn't throw in a co-op feature
@MrTmontona 44 секунды назад
This looks really promising I just wish they would add a toggle to add the original voice cast recordings back since they have the source code. and I'm a bit wary of the change the made to Larry the butcher... he looks too normal... some people claimed his appearance was toned back cause he "looked like an offensive caricature of a Chinese person" but I never saw it like that he just looked like an insane butcher who happened to be a Chinese/Taiwanese immigrant.
@jamesconlin5099 Минуту назад
They should never of changed the hud now everything is clattered on the screen
Man, what a great time to be a Dead Rising fan. I thought the franchise was over then on a random day we get a trailer for a remake of one of my top 3 favorite games of all time. I couldn't be happier with how this looks. Aside from a few ambitious changes I would of liked to see like being able to visit surrounding Willamette and multiplayer I think this is an excellent remake so far from the looks of it. I hope this starts a trend and we see a remake of dead rising 2 along with its off the record dlc. Who knows maybe we will see Dead Rising 5 after all.
@krispywhisper8276 3 минуты назад
Im reallly excited! The game looks beautiful and ill definitely be picking it up .But i do have a few complaints & nitpicks: -very disappointed at the absence of TJ Rotolo, to me he IS Frank West, ill give the new guy a chance but its going to be a noticeable absence. - I dont like Larry's new design, with all the other psychos looking identical to their old selves, its reallly jarring having him be the only re-design. I know some people are saying OG larry is offensive. I've personally never heard anyone complain about it, but if a redesign was absolutely necessary i wish it was something a little more gross and creepy. New larry looks to sterile imo -I also kinda hate the new HUD and UI, its all too tactical, feels a little too call of duty for my liking. The old hud had a lot more personality, I'm gonna miss the spinning News Channel globe in the background when pausing. -my last concern is still up in the air, but the license music must make a return. Its too iconic. If the psychopath themes aren't the same its gonna be a really big blow to this game for me personally. Other than that everything else looks great! I can't wait for September 19th!
@Chad_Wick 3 минуты назад
Beam gun restoration gang
@elchar3577 4 минуты назад
"The ai has been overhauled" shows a clip of Natalie beating burt with a frying pan
@RegularCupOfJoe 4 минуты назад
That Capcom had an insert for that dog at the beginning shows me that they knew it was a terrible design, even all the way back in 2005. And I remember saying that to my friends when we first played DR back then, "that dog looks hideous."
@ReachTea 6 минут назад
It has that dynamic rasterised lighting look
@TitanicTitan26 7 минут назад
One big change I hope is implemented is the ability to look at your watch in Infinity Mode. Because that new fast forward feature seems like a perfect fit for that mode, you can gather up your items in a safe area and then fast forward to when you need to use them. The challenge of the mode would still be intact but the absurd amount of real time waiting where NOTHING happens would be removed. It would make things like 7 day survivor, or even just going for as long as you possibly can much more enticing since you would actually be able to keep constantly playing the mode instead of it just being a test of how long you can stay awake for. Also there's one big obvious thing in the trailer that you didn't mention in the video, and that is the motorcycle in paradise plaza. There was no way you could get the bike there in the original game, so something has changed (either some way to take vehicles between interior zones like that, or a new bike added) to allow that.
@Dahpie 8 минут назад
Larry's design is worse, I'm sure people will decry him being a racist caricature of a Chinese butcher but he doesn't even look Asian in the new one and far less intimidating. And some of the lighting for the models is ugh, not that great, it's so radically inconsistent, sometimes it looks okay sometimes it looks jarring. That being said, the environmental work looks good, but I'm concerned about the tone and licensed music being kept the same. Environments are the best part so far, they really need to fix the lighting for the full release.
@karion1663 9 минут назад
I literally got every achievement last year and in the capcom survey I asked for something Dead Rising related
@domuk7844 10 минут назад
Im more concerned about the weight behind weapon attacks as in the remaster the bench is swung like its made of nothing
@HarranSoFarAway 10 минут назад
I can't wait for the 1st person mod
@skittlez8943 11 минут назад
really excited for this remaster! Me and my boyfriend coincidentally are playing thru the game again so I can show him it. Much love Stip0 keep up the content its good to have you back :)
@pennyandsuch 11 минут назад
I've never been so excited for a game. It's hitting me straight in the heart in all the good ways, i cannot wait
@tinybass8747 11 минут назад
I love how it looks so far! It's mostly just the voices I'm not really sold on yet, and that's across the board not just Frank. They all seem mixed a bit odd and held back to some extent imo
@MisterN1 11 минут назад
I like the new character model for Frank but it just looked really off as he was jumping out of the helicopter in one of the shots. I wish they would make it so you could judo throw certain bosses with a quick button press at the right moment. That was one of the few redeemable features of chop til you drop. Either way the more I see the more I like. This is one game where I think balancing things in the players favor helps lower the tedious nature of the original.
@retro__glitch1572 12 минут назад
Hearing Stip0 reaction just pure felt like mine all excited for the remake yeah it's tough without TJ Rotolo but graphics and gameplay looks very promising
@LukeyGodOfMischief 12 минут назад
From what I've seen, this could be one of the best remakes ever, I feel like they use the word remaster to even further nail the fact that this is a love letter to the original, and how the game was perfect, and a little modernisation but without changing it completely is exactly what the fans, and the original devs deserve.
@sadistik_re 13 минут назад
"he doesn't look like a potato anymore", he literally looks like mr potato head from toy story in this remaster, tf you mean
@AedanODowd-White 13 минут назад
But i already knew that since everyone would be hyped about it, i already know it's going to be disappointing when getting released to the public
@PurpleRyuga 14 минут назад
Honestly the remake looks amazing besides the new frank voice but i might be bias there so the improved survivor A.I. is huge the gun mechanics seem more in line with 2 being able to move and aim at the same time and the zombies with weapons being able to fire isn't just a cut mechanic from 1 but also a feature that was in dr3 as well so seeing it in dr 1 is neat
@matthewbrown1555 15 минут назад
Get ready to fight a convict jeep that will not remain stuck on a tree permanently.
@ninjagojosh2618 16 минут назад
7:09 We’ll, where waiting, give us that hour long video
@artthefarter 17 минут назад
Am i alive? Waaaaat
@thedarktyrant 18 минут назад
I just hope at minimum they redo every character model to make them not look super cartoony and add an option to use the original voices. As it stands, I think they completely messed those 2 aspects up. That really disappointed me. I’ve lost all faith in Capcom to faithfully recreate my favorite game after RE4R and DRDR.
@valdez343 19 минут назад
Super excited for more DeadRising. I just couldn’t bring myself to finish 4.
@LukeyGodOfMischief 19 минут назад
@argentaviis7381 19 минут назад
@zZiL341yRj736 20 минут назад
Did they take out all the fun and 50% of the game like their RE Remakes? Capcom are clowns.
@diablocountach4296 21 минуту назад
About the design of Frank, reminds me the og art concepts, i mean i like this new design but at the same time i don't like it, but well there is the og Frank West design with the Chuck Greene outfit.
@Kazillion-Jillionaire 22 минуты назад
What happened to Lary? 😢
@timboffff 23 минуты назад
@GoldCrotalus 23 минуты назад
I'm 100% convinced that Capcom not only watched your videos, but used them as sources of information while developing this game. Your reputation in the DR community is unmatched. There's no way they haven't seen your content.
@tony.r8039 23 минуты назад
I'm I crazy to expect an Xbox One release ?
@matthewbrown1555 24 минуты назад
3:11 oh, there's a ramp for the safe house door now. That will cut some seconds down for escorts.
@isaacmitchell6279 24 минуты назад
Just seen the trailer this morning and immediately thought... STiPO is gonna love this!!! 😂
@Rusty135uk 25 минут назад
I wasn't expecting this.. but have to say.. looks great, big fan of the first 2 games, I remember having them back on the 360, seems like capcom knows hows to do a good remake, resident evil 2, resident evil 4, Dead Rising, looks good and can't wait to dive back into this game, been years since I played the first one,
@FrankByDaylight 26 минут назад
I'm here to support legend! 👑💪
@SeRiOuS1675 26 минут назад
I hope the 2006 voice comes with the skin
@demcra3485 26 минут назад
Isabelle Keyes got the biggest upgrade! <3
@strufuld5965 26 минут назад
The only opinion out there that actually matters.
@BrutalCarnage 26 минут назад
love how they kept the same vibe as the og game. If they allowed mods, imagine if it was also possible to see better Physics like the ones from the resident evil games since it's the same engine aint it?
@nathanskywalker1536 27 минут назад
I wouldn't say it looks amazing but it looks improved
@ClaireIceheart 27 минут назад
I'm just happy Isabela and Carlito (from what little we've seen of him) look so amazing, some of my favourite Capcom characters. I don't know if I can get used to the new Frank, but I may as well try.
@Ac0ustics0ul 30 минут назад
Christmas came early...wish it had co-op
@SuperSealMan777 31 минуту назад
First thought in my mind when they first announced it was: I know stipo is comin back, super excited
@The_Crazy_Fire 32 минуты назад
Apart of Frank's new appearance, I also don't like the complete redesign of Larry the butcher psychopath. Looking more like a big and fat version of Carl the mailman psychopath from Dead Rising 2. I have a feeling that Capcom did this as a way of "censorship", because of a suppose racial stereotypes about Asia on the original design of Larry, but that is just my guess.
@koreankahoot4182 32 минуты назад
im so excited to see new content from you man