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@mooseworld5678 День назад
Realized I never commented on this. But 1:17:00 was so rough. This woman is making
@mooseworld5678 День назад
Is amazing **
@nahumflores7182 2 дня назад
Wonderful point of view, although anthropocentric.
@davidmckinnon8194 5 дней назад
7:30- "politics in general is the most disappointing soap opera ever" is a great line.
@davidmckinnon8194 4 дня назад
30 minutes in and this is already one of the best episodes of Umreported I have viewed.
@brianwoulfe1859 5 дней назад
Russia is fascist and thinks that they should be able to take what they want. Russia isn’t a normal democracy. It’s a dictatorship. Most Americans think “dictatorship bad!” Feel free to fight that in public opinion
@brianwoulfe1859 5 дней назад
Calling out hypocrisy is dumb and not effective because conservatives don’t care about being consistent. They are morally hollow. It’s very simple.
@brianwoulfe1859 5 дней назад
The conservatives are overtly against abortion to discourage premarital sexual behavior. They want to ban porn. They want to ban divorce. It’s about controlling women’s bodies.
5 дней назад
29:00 I think you’re wrong. Sex reaffirming surgery doesn’t involve the removal of (the majority of) erogenous tissues. E. g., _‘The most common vaginoplasty technique is some variation of the penile inversion procedure. In this technique, a vaginal vault is created between the rectum and the urethra, in the same location as a non-transgender female between the pelvic floor (Kegel) muscles, and the vaginal lining is created from penile skin. An orchiectomy is performed, the labia majora are created using scrotal skin, and the clitoris is created from a portion of the glans penis. The prostate is left in place to avoid complications such as incontinence and urethral strictures. Furthermore, the prostate has erogenous sensation and is the anatomic equivalent to the "g-spot."’_ transcare.ucsf.edu/guidelines/vaginoplasty
@bah93211 5 дней назад
It's because sex isn't dangerous ENOUGH. The surgeries are more dangerous. And it's your RIGHT!
@bah93211 5 дней назад
"Applebee's hot"
@bah93211 5 дней назад
Chico Hamilton
@leanaedwards9634 5 дней назад
Kirby sommers .......tru mP...and eps
@leanaedwards9634 5 дней назад
Resident pedo...(Involves n i h).. Jamie DLux
@listener523 5 дней назад
The libido thing isn't that confusing. If you take a blood sample of your plumber and your accountant guess where 80% of the testosterone will be? Men are well aware of male sex drive. Now you take a bunch of men and tell them that the Alphabet people, whose entire fucking identity is a series of acronyms for who they want to fuck? Isn't a sex thing and you should totally expose your children to them? They're going to act like men. What you characterize as "prudishnes" is how a culture that recognies libido restrains it. Your husband lusting after the weather girl is safe.
@christunnock2719 5 дней назад
but Stormy Daniels flipped the story 180° Michael Wilmer spoke which I am sure is factual while Melania pregnant w Baron
@christunnock2719 5 дней назад
Glen Rice × m¡@m¡ tv reporter sarah palin
@visservrouw7485 5 дней назад
I know this playes into your romantic notions but the frontline part of Russian army are not mostly conscripts; a good proportion are professional/volunteers (of course they offer good compensation same as US army so many men from poorer regions sign up).
@thaddeusrussell 5 дней назад
I think I said that those killed on the frontlines early in the war were Wagner merceneraries but that since Bakhmut most casualties have been conscripts.
@visservrouw7485 5 дней назад
@thaddeusrussell I could be wrong of course I don't know what the exact composition of casualties is, but I think there may be a misconception at work that main Russian army are all conscripted? That's not the case, there is a mandatory period of service for men under certain age but these are not the people who end up in Ukranian trenches (the law in fact prohibits it). The only conscription round so far were the 300k reservists in autumn 2022, how many of them ended up dead I am not sure. The rest of the army are professional/volunteers (of which there have been many).
@bobjenkins3rd 5 дней назад
The porn paragraph sounds great 🫶
@andrewaccount954 5 дней назад
I think what they find most threatening about Trump is his masculinity. There has been a war on masculinity.
@andrewaccount954 6 дней назад
Maybe the contradictions on sex make sense if you assume left wing equals female brain and right wing equals male brain. Right brain hemisphere versus left brain.
@andrewaccount954 6 дней назад
Politics is very toxic, agreed. Important to have healthy boundaries with it or it can ruin your relationships and life. On the plus side shows like this help to open minds and teach critical thinking skills.
@brianmeen2158 5 дней назад
Politics + social media really creates echo chambers and toxicity .. I’ve seen it really warp peoples minds . Not good
@andrewaccount954 6 дней назад
I dance salsa, I am a big fan of the music. Cool to hear Michael is plugged in.
@StoryThyme100 6 дней назад
Hey Michael, you have been rocking it lately!! Seems like you are developing more of ypur own presence and are more comfortable with the platform
@jessiejb4684 6 дней назад
Despite the u.s. goal to weaken Russia, our military reported to congress that Russia’s has grown by 15% since the beginning of the war and Russia surpassed Germany to take 4th place in global economies. We also incentivized an anti American block and through weaponizing the dollar, destroyed trust, forcing the necessity for countries to find an alternative to the dollar. This mess is a disaster both morally and strategically, yet still brag worthy for the u.s. president. Also just wanted to add that Thad is half wrong about Russian soldiers. It’s actually reported that Russians are volunteering in large numbers. Russia called up those with former military experience, reservists, and Wagner took prison volunteers in 2022 but ever since russia has relied entirely on volunteers, of which it is reported by western media outlets up to 30k per month. People volunteer because Russia pays very well as an incentive. I think it’s 2 or 3X an average salary in Russia plus different varieties of bonus pay. This info I heard from interviews with Russian soldiers while on rotation.
@brianmeen2158 5 дней назад
What I’ve learned is everyone in politics is both a little right and a little wrong and way off in other areas.
@violetafarcas2852 6 дней назад
Szasz is a legend, and implying that being Eastern european in some way diminishes his sharp intelligence, courage, and love of humanity is...defensive to say the least
@peterkarns7511 6 дней назад
Thaddeus referring to Ben Burgis as “one of the most intelligent people in the world of political philosophy” actually makes me lose respect for his judgement after watching this whole video.
@joelnorman9294 8 дней назад
Seems like I have heard the anti war right mostly say that the articles of confederation were better, and complain that the founders started violating the Constitution the minute the ink was dry. I’d love to hear you argue about this with McClanahan in particular. He’s very pro Jefferson, but only in his first term. I’ve read the Savage Wars for Peace, several years ago. It is really interesting. Your comments about missionaries struck me though, in particular the bit about Mormons. I am aware that evangelical Protestants and Mormons were wildly successful in the pacific islands, but at the time didn’t most Americans, govt included, despise Mormons? There are plenty of Mormons who work in government now, but in the late 19th and early 20th century they were pretty unpopular. Why would the US government work with Mormons in Hawaii at all?
@Matt24002 9 дней назад
Stay sober, Thad.
@s2a1ha1j2a 10 дней назад
Thank you Thaddeus for giving Michael a platform, and for standing up for diversity. Since your sentiments for the divine are changing: God bless you and your work.
@MentholBreeze 10 дней назад
Bros still running with this corny shit
@SandersonRin 10 дней назад
Somehow I bet despite all of Thads protestations about the luck of the draw where he was born, he still has locks on his doors to his house and car.
@alexanderleuchte5132 11 дней назад
Col. Mc. Gregor hahaha proposing him as ambassador in Germany was Donnies best idea, too bad it was refused. Sadly this an unwatchable level of triggered by Mr. Tracey, he could run as president too with that range of cranky 5yr old throwing a hissy fit expressions
@barrycohen311 11 дней назад
Please pardon my ignorance, but why does Wimer's hair resemble a Chia Pet?
@kylen4701 12 дней назад
Always an interesting podcast...
@cococrispys 12 дней назад
@mattmullenix 12 дней назад
+/-56:00 I think it usually turns out that they were majestically incompetent
@bah93211 12 дней назад
nothing looks cooler than an American flag bandana.
@listener523 12 дней назад
I started to correct Thad's first brain rot assertion about 10 minutes ago but je added several more while i was typing. Its like Mandelbrot set. His ignorance of US history is fractal. I'm kinda impressed. He almost makers Zinn look literate.
@listener523 12 дней назад
Have you ever heard anything like this? Yes. I have been in a dorm with a stoned sophomore.
@thaddeusrussell 12 дней назад
What's one thing I'm wrong about?
@listener523 12 дней назад
@@thaddeusrussell Well as I said I kinda lost track. It was just such a long string of Howard Zinn level historical analysis. Broadly I think you suffer from what I call the CWV (Chomsky World View). More specifically you seem to just consider any culture that expands itself to be Imperialism. By which standard every group of humans since the invention of the stick was Imperialist.
@listener523 12 дней назад
You know that's probably not a concept you are ready for. I'll give a tangible as there isn't time to go through the list. You completely got wrong what marines were. Every Navy had marines. Marines were supposed to defend naval vessels from borders. The invention of thing like a expeditionary force and amphibious assault cam much later because nobody borded ships any more. And the Corps needed a way to justify their paycheck.
@thefredkalis 12 дней назад
As a french I love the American flag
@sickboy4029 13 дней назад
Thad goes full blown international Rawls-pilled leftoid mode. Fake and gay.
@peterschief9778 13 дней назад
Americans travelling on sailing ships in the Mediterranean in the 18th century were captured by the Corsairs and sent into slavery. Thousands of them over 80 years. That’s why he sent the navy to North Africa.
@bobjenkins3rd 13 дней назад
Interesting your comment is hidden 😞
@pamelad4116 13 дней назад
I am totally against the bureaucratic state and feel it needs to be dismantled. But you make a good point about how do we do it and how do we function. The example of SS system was really telling. But starting with some will get the ball rolling. Dept of education should be the first. The Obama created, Consumer Finance protection Bureau (I missed a word in there) can be 2.
@paulsansonetti7410 14 дней назад
Funny how Thaddeus had to restrict comments on his pro pdf file episode Imagine devoting your life to lowering age of consent laws What a scumbag
@paulsansonetti7410 14 дней назад
Funny how Thaddeus had to restrict comments on his pro pdf file episode Imagine devoting your life to lowering age of consent laws What a scumbag
@michelegosse7116 14 дней назад
Xi said it, is a video somewhere.? Tell us if or what you need, but we cannot tell/teach you how to develop, you have to find your own way to succeed .
@rss2112 15 дней назад
At a good solid dose (say 2-3g) and not slamming back all the time - brilliant, clean, functional... Not necessarily intoxicated just burst of sunshine/energy for brain. 2-3g dose is the ticket for mood/energy. Do more, get LESS effects. Unless do elephant sized amounts, that's when opiate-like effects, but lesser feel goods...not worth it unless using for chronic pain. Like all, the dose is the medicine, the dose is the poison. Make a 2.5 iced kratom mocha in place of yer 3pm coffee. Or after work in place of brewskie. Also great body feel, relieved aches. Appetite suppressant supreme, fuk these new weight loss injection Rx bs. Lastly if live in the south, buy some trees. Fun to grow
@user-fb2tr8gb3q 17 дней назад
Praying we get the Anna/Jack videos soon
@christunnock2719 19 дней назад
i <`3. mary poppins Thad HRC wanted to drone assassinate him what's on Weiner and HRC and Huma's laptop #bleachbit
@user-us6cq6zb2i 21 день назад
I know this rabbi, very very knowledgeable he has a book that’s over a thousand pages and took years to make, absolutely stunning and factual as you can get.
@blindthrall 22 дня назад
Wouldn't the native argentinians or madagascarians have objected to massive hordes of immigrants coming into their country? This wasn't 2024, people were still allowed to object to that.
@ivanivanovich2893 25 дней назад
Great content, terrible sound.