Twitch streamer, content creator, professional software engineer. My goal is to do my part to shape the face of live streaming video games, music, and more, as one of the most interactive and unique forms of entertainment out there. www.twitch.tv/veritas
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@raygun441 8 часов назад
Just answer the question.. " "what I'm saying is." Just..answer the question. " I imagine he would want.. " don't speculate, just answer the question." Lol...😅
@LarsLondian 9 часов назад
Great comparison, Something else you could not do in BG3 is grind levels, and there isn’t even a need to. I also enjoyed not having quests that are always a go fetch 13 of these 11 of those, and 7 that. most of the time this is a game requiring grinding in order to slow the pace due to lack of content. Take care L.L.
@Jeshua1737 10 часов назад
21C ACT 5 29 AD New Reversed FE Distortion, Based Rebellion Against Ancient, Heritage God's Words ,Fact
@theoverskilled 7 часов назад
@feargalohagan6510 11 часов назад
Do you also edit these videos? They are so detailed and get really fluid, great work.
@_..-.._..-.._ 13 часов назад
_”It’s an emu-LATION of the game”_ 😂😂😂
@SticksAandstonesBozo 15 часов назад
4 hours ? We gotta get past this new era where it’s either 15 seconds for 1-5 hours.
@OldManBadly 17 часов назад
Three years later... still in the same place.
@Anzuo 22 часа назад
It's fascinating to think that >99% of people who watch this video completely agree. It is just entertaining to hear what the crazies think and then relaxing because we're never challenged
@chasethomas9238 День назад
This is what I think Billy should do, in two parts. He could simply do one, or he could do one and then continue to the far more fun, and potentially profitable, two. One - Admit he cheated, and say something like "I did cheat, I did everything in my power to maintain my spot and I was obsessed. It was my identity. It was fucked up but I felt like I wouldn't be me anymore if I didn't do this. I wanted to be the best gamer, or be recognized as the best, but I am not" or something to that effect. Coming clean would at least do a lot to restore his personal reputation, in a "yeah, he cheated and did a lot of fucked up stuff, but in the end he came clean and accepted reality" sort of way. All he would lose is the minuscule amount of people who still believe him. Two - After one, go on to say "and though I am not the best Kong player, I am still number one - the greatest gaming con-artist who ever lived!" Afterwards, write a book telling the true story: when he decided to do this, what gave him the idea, talk about all of his major lies and the strategy behind them - who he intended to discredit and how, or what he evidence he thought he could at least make murkier through his statements. Not only do I think he could sell a decent number of books this way, but if he owned his new reputation in a really over the top way, people might even start enjoying it. Neither of these things will happen of course, I just thought they were fun to think about. (Sorry for the awkward language, I had to rewrite the whole thing after accidentally clicking the side button of my new mouse and it was hard to put as much effort in)
@ebenwaterman5858 День назад
The exponential rise in flat earth subscribers is inversely proportional to the decrease in the quality of our education system. Which is proportional to the increase in teachers salary. And the increase in the total quantity of teachers. And the increase in school taxes.
@EpicOfChillgamesh День назад
This video alone earned a sub. Now I'm looking forward to finding the time to watch it. 🤣
@XenonTheIII День назад
Flat Earth doesn't have dental.
@niklazz7037 День назад
Last part of this video on his deposition. from 10:20am - 18:31pm - imagine spending all this time listening to this Bozzo lying to the point he doesn't even listen to his own lawyer. I mean how many times do you need to be told "Just answer the question, if its yes and no just answer that". Must have been frustrating for everyone in that room. He tries tooo hard to convince everyone he didn't cheat and fails misserably. I cant believe I just watch 4h of this (cut in 2 days) but it was one hell of an investigation. Props to the OP for his hard work, am sure it took him a while to pile up all of this, test it and still edit a 4h documentary. Hopefuly in a future we can see all his "records" been completely deleted from even historical stats. He doesn't even deserve that. Why isn't Namco coming out and saying they never gave him a "Player of the Century" award??!!! - this would be enough just to prove he systemtically lies about his so called achievements. Great work Veritas!
@niklazz7037 День назад
*Just Answer the Question*
@Daveforever День назад
I really like these videos but this... JEWS BAD = CRAZY ANTISEMITIC NAZIS.... if you really think only crazy people dislike jews and their multiple strongholds then you do live in a fantasy world, it just shows how sheltered you are.
@theoverskilled 7 часов назад
@tobymarshall8142 День назад
Veritas, thank you for crediting the clip you used of an amateur musical about Steve and Billy's rivalry. Veritas, why in the name of everything holy did you never highlight the fact that there is AN AMATEUR MUSICAL ABOUT STEVE AND BILLY'S RIVALRY, AVAILABLE TO VIEW IN FULL, BY ANYONE, ON RU-vid!?
@feargalohagan6510 День назад
This was, honestly, absolutely brilliant. Thank you. You've just got a lifetime subscription from me.
@bugcatcher8989 День назад
The amount of times I’ve fallen asleep listening to this and the Intellevision Amico scandal is ridiculous 😂
@RobertTozzi День назад
@RobertTozzi День назад
All we do is continually disprove curvature and motion. Hit pieces and logical fallacies are the only thing keeping people believing they're still on a spinning space ball. Any time someone honestly and patiently looks at FE, even to disprove it, they become globe skeptics, then later - flat earthers. We don't believe the earth is flat, we've tested and proven it to be flat everywhere across this flat plane. Anyone can test this themselves with a large body of water, when fairly calm, and on a clear day with a high powered optics. Just stand at the water's edge and attempt to locate something beyond 3 miles (at 6 feet elevation); at 2.5 feet elevation, the physical horizon should be at 2 miles; at 1 foot elevation, the physical horizon should be at 1.225 miles. If you see the horizon or other landmarks beyond these respective distances, you've disproved curvature.
@GuardianSoulkeeper День назад
You mean we constantly verify curvature and motion.
@GuardianSoulkeeper День назад
No one who has ever investigated flat earth has ever concluded the earth is flat.
@RobertTozzi День назад
@@GuardianSoulkeeper What's your proof?
@GuardianSoulkeeper День назад
@@RobertTozzi Of what?
@RobertTozzi День назад
@@GuardianSoulkeeper that you're not paid to be annoying
@-.MICHAEL.- День назад
SSR is pretty cool, but in this game it's everywhere, everything is just wet with it. Without it everything is more solid, sometimes more realistic. I think BSG need to make more fake reflections for better performance and better quality.
@krisptaco День назад
Now do a 7 hour exposé of all the lies the govt and media have told. Yes, flat-earthers are kooky and deceived, but why? This is the deeper question. The surface answer is that public education is pathetic. But the deeper answer is that the govt and media have lied to people so much, that people have thrown the baby (truth) out with the bathwater (lies). They don't know what to believe, so they just glom on to whatever is the opposite of what govt, media and Establishment education has taught. The Establishment is just as much to blame for the flat earth delusion as those who believe and push it, because they simply can't or won't tell the truth. Of course we live on a globe... And of course it's only logical that we're not alone in this universe. But the same ones who laugh at the flat-earthers (and I've been one of them) also laugh at anyone who claims to have seen a UAP or had a paranormal experience. Arrogant condescension isn't rooted in intellectual honesty. It's rooted in egotistical fear. Fear that the logical universe you think you understand, may not be as you thought. I'm confident we live on a globe in a vast universe. But there's still so much that is unknown, not just to me but to everyone, that I'm hesitant to be arrogant or condescending to anyone for any reason.
@joshuarayborn День назад
He got his record back
@notoriouswhitemoth День назад
The impression I'm under is that it comes from trauma. Someone lied to them, they believed the lie, once that lie was exposed they took it personally, so they decided everything anyone ever tells them must be a lie.
@RobLeeMusic-vh7ec 2 дня назад
I knew bethesda was a minimal effort for maximum profit company back when they released Fallout VR. It was so poorly done, even scopes did not work. Bethesda is one of the laziest developers.
@OPolimataApologeticaPolemica 2 дня назад
The video is cool. But the theory and law part around 3:01:00 is really bad. Theories and law are 2 different things. Gravitacional law is a law, tested and proven, the theories are not proven yet, so yes, they are two different things.
@theoverskilled День назад
He.. Never said they were the same thing. And you don't understand what a scientific theory is.
@newkoviak 2 дня назад
Biggest lie until the story gets out that a year ago took a picture with my phone of my pc monitor that had displayed on it some source code. I then sent the image of my pc monitors contents to AI. CharGPT. I forget the exact way i did it, but AI went an answered as if it was on the same local machine responsible for generating the code on the screen. Or something - whatever it broke AI and exposed it as fake. A year ago.
@BabysitterSky 2 дня назад
If I'm having a bad day, I tell myself I have as many "Gamer of the century" awards as Billy Mitchell and I always feel better.
@LeaNancarrow 2 дня назад
everyone that kills me has over 2000 hours on this game with a rlly good load out but im stuck with lvl 1 traders cause no one plays ground zero for the first quests
@Jagerknotts 2 дня назад
that Cation section was golden.
@bobbyellis5006 2 дня назад
You know who Billy reminds me of? In his public speaking patterns, the way he fixates on the adoration of those around him and how he constantly brags about it when he talks? Trump. He's a more cognizant, literate, and eloquent Trump. Watch his hand gestures, listen to what he says as he's talking about his achievements, and his speak patterns. It's really uncanny.
@RagGerRock888 2 дня назад
What a sick person. I answered the question. Yes he’s a piece of trash.
@Veep_The_Goblin_Hermit 2 дня назад
Does he do that hair thing on purpose or....?
@daddy4934 2 дня назад
Jeshua used to answer and engage in conversations, but as I schooled him hard, he kept deleting our conversations and started pretending we had never spoken and he didn't know me, to try and pass me off as crazy, with sentences like "I don't know you, I'm not one of the characters of your VR headset" and stuff. Someone had liked my comments though, and Jeshua tried to say that I had liked them myself. But when the guy who liked my comments showed up to say "I'm the one who liked Daddy's comments and I saw your previous conversations, Jeshua is lying, he has spoken to you and deleted his threads", Jeshua just got mad, and screamed "DEMONIC CLOWNS !!" before deleting the entire thread again. Since that day, he has stopped answering and keeps deleting and spamming again his dubious pro YEC poorly written posts. Hilarious 😂 He's a liar and fake Christian, because the Christians I know and who're my friends know it's a sin to lie about someone and try to pass them off as crazy. Shameful Jeshua. You'll go to Hell if you don't come clean, Jeshua, God is judging you for your lies and sins, if you don't tell the truth and atone for your sins you'll forever be labeled as a fake Christian and be rejected by God. Do what's right.
@ogueyratogeyrat7448 2 дня назад
bro use jew tactic lol
@Jack-zz7bc 2 дня назад
Bro what?
@jpf51286 3 дня назад
This video is auto recommended for me like 3 times a week. It's crazy
@kalt7990 3 дня назад
I'm not the intended audience, but I'll watch anyway knowing full well that the earth is a "whachamacallit" spheroid, that we did land astronauts on the moon, rovers on Mars, and that it's absolutely shameful we have allowed NASA to become a shadow of its former self. Imagine where we'd be had most of the motivation to explore space hadn't died with the Cold War.
@RyanPatton94 3 дня назад
I swear Billy's making those mouth sounds in the microphone on purpose.
@Xerclipse 3 дня назад
You know Billy is guilty when he doesnt want Carlos (his biggest defender) to investigate with real scientific evidence to defend Billy himself. Whatever Carlos would find could not be controlled by Billy himself and thats why Billy treated him horribly before the Girder fingers was realized
@AntonSlavik 3 дня назад
Guinness have to wonder how the hell they were so gullible accepting those entries on face value
@AntonSlavik 3 дня назад
1:04:27 Mother of God THOSE MOUTH NOISES!
@transmichaela 3 дня назад
Its easy, just pop the clutch and start it in second gear 🤷🏻‍♀️
@joen8529 3 дня назад
My God his haircut is bizarre
@joen8529 3 дня назад
What would anyone possibly go to a Mortgage Brokers convention to watch Billy here play Donkey Kong?
@joen8529 4 дня назад
1:12:25 is the best the internet gets
@joen8529 4 дня назад
1:11:13 is everything
@mikefromco 4 дня назад
4:12:51 As a Summon Salt fan and supporter, this is hilarious.
@RC-nj1by 4 дня назад
gotta love the Silly Bitchell
@joen8529 4 дня назад
It’s crazy that all of this has to be done to prove some guy with a hair cut like Billy’s did or didn’t cheat at Donkey Kong.
@britter747 4 дня назад
6 hours in and bro start calling them flaerth.... really bro, after 6 hours? i could understand it from the beginning but now? noo xD
@britter747 4 дня назад
to the end. there is a model of a hole earth flat earth? is this really a thing xD