Lauren the Flute
Lauren the Flute
Lauren the Flute
I play music with my flute. Sometimes I sing. Sometimes I play with my band, The Returners. AND SOMETIMES (too much?) I stream games that make me cry and warm my heart.

Do you want to join the Flutie-Pies Discord server? You can find it here! Just please remember to be kind, read the rules, and introduce yourself! discord.gg/HGvec3P
Lauren plays Undertale Yellow #3: The Dunes
3 месяца назад
Lauren plays OneShot #5: Solstice Part 1
7 месяцев назад
Lauren plays OneShot #4: The first ending
7 месяцев назад
Lauren plays OneShot #3: City factory and library
7 месяцев назад
@3spoons366 День назад
I always thought this song had massive cover potential
@Le_loup_garde_la_houe День назад
Clover 😢
@arukimania 2 дня назад
Done with the video now, and I'm so glad you decided to go long (easy to say in a RU-vid comment, I know). The whole sequence from when your party got split up through the end of the stream was really engaging, and took me right back to the kind of writing I enjoy from the Suikoden series. Also, I realize I'm probably a video behind as I write this comment, so I'll keep my remarks on the translation short, but I wanted to go over some potential puns I think might be involved in the Japanese name for the in-game currency: The original term for "baqua" appears to be "バッカ" (bakka), and while this is sheer speculation on my part, I see it as both a reference to the currency for Suikoden and a play on how this game was crowd-funded. To touch on the tie to Suikoden first, you may recall my mentioning that the Japanese name for that currency was the same across all the games in that series despite receiving two translations, "bits" in Suikoden 1 and "potch" in Suikoden 2+. That's probably because while the later localizers went for something closer to a transliteration of "ポッチ" (pocchi), the earlier team seems to have based their version on the meaning of the word "ぽっち" (pocchi), "paltry; trifling; piddling". Well, "バッカ" (bakka) has an equivalent Hiragana word in Japanese too, "ばっか" (bakka), and it means "only; merely; nothing but; no more than". So, both Japanese terms for these fantasy currencies sound like they're downplaying their worth. Meanwhile, "バッカ" (bakka) also sounds a lot like "バッカー" (bakka-), and the latter term with the elongated "ah" sound is the Japanese word for a "backer", as in someone who supports a crowdfunding campaign. I do not envy the translators in having to come up with a term that encompasses both meanings and that also looks/sounds reasonable in English. Although, if Gnollgirl's theory about "quantity of barley" is correct, and you think of "baqua" as being pronounced similarly to backa/backer, you can sort of make it work. It's not as elegant as the Japanese, but frankly the translators getting anything reasonable out of "バッカ" (bakka) as a term for money is something I find impressive. Anyway, that's a lot of speculation about the origins of the in-game currency's name, but I thought it was worth sharing. Looking forward to getting to see the next part of your playthrough soon! References: Japanese Let's Play confirming the term "バッカ" (bakka): ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-mFAbqeP9nU8.html Gensopedia entry on Potch: gensopedia.org/w/Potch (This includes a not on the translation as "bits" in the first Suikoden) JP to EN dictionary entry for "ぽっち" (pocchi): jisho.org/word/%E3%81%BD%E3%81%A3%E3%81%A1 JP to EN dictionary entry for "ばっか" (bakka): jisho.org/word/%E3%81%B0%E3%81%A3%E3%81%8B JP to EN dictionary entry for "バッカー" (bakka-): jisho.org/word/%E3%83%90%E3%83%83%E3%82%AB%E3%83%BC
@ethanotoroculus1060 3 дня назад
2:58:23 - 2:58:42 Hi! Huge Everhood enjoyer here, I saw a bit of discourse in chat and would like to give some spoiler-free two cents. While I can attest to the fact that it is definitely not a horror game, nor do I think it at any point necessarily gets into horror elements, I have a very strong impression it would not be a for Lorenz game either. Everhood, while genereally neutral-to-light in tone, makes a hard left turn into some philosophically heavy subject matter at exactly the halfway mark. The primary conflict of the game, once revealed, is painted deeply in allegory, but it isn't particularly hard to read between the lines or draw comparisons from the themes presented to the real world. I do not think the handling of these themes or messages would resonate positively with you based on what you've shown to value on-stream. This combined with elements of the gameplay being potential roadblocks _(although you have expressed interest in rhythm games and there are ample difficulty customizations you can access at any point)_ lead me to think you would probably not have a good time with Everhood if you were to play it. Bear in mind again that this is coming from someone who actually does like the game quite a bit, in spite of having my own strong feelings about it critically, both positive and negative. Obviously I can't forsee how you'd take it, nor do I feel qualified to pass any outright or absolute judgements, I just hope what insight I might have to offer could be useful if you need it.
@FreshMint155 3 дня назад
I'm still wondering why Jeff is the smartest, yet doesn't know a single PSI techinque. Concentration issues? Sleep issues?
@benyaminaprilianto1577 4 дня назад
I've replayed this game and rewatched your playthrough plenty of times and the thought had just occurred to me. Maybe the reason why Jowy couldn't just stop the war is due the "villain" behind the scene, that being Harmonia having made a deal with Highland prior. I mean we all know later on how deep their involvement is in this war. Makes you wonder what the original plan for Harmonia was gonna be.
@arukimania 5 дней назад
Commenting before watching the video for once to say I'm really looking forward to following along with this playthrough! Watching you play Suikoden I and II got me to find a way to play through the series myself (though I'm currently stalled in the middle of IV), so I'm excited to share your experience of this spiritual successor. Hopefully this game will prove similarly inspiring!
@wix-1-3dgcjt6 5 дней назад
Undertale Yellow being harder isn't bad design. This game is clearly designed for people who beat Undertale. i can tell that less than 1% of Undertale Yellow players haven't beaten undertale or have no experience in bullet hell. there's no reason to change the entire game into a cakewalk for this small percentage. I find it disappointing that you were so eager to give up after losing literally TWICE. On my first playthrough, i died like 5 times to Starlo, and that was even a NEUTRAL run where i had more HP than on Pacifist but i didn't just give up like that. My point being: too hard doesn't equal bad design, too hard equals "i am just not on this level yet" sorry if this sounds like i am attacking you, i am really not trying to, i just have this problem against criticism in general
@LaurentheFlute 5 дней назад
I beat Undertale, Deltarune Chapters 1 and 2, and both of the optional bosses in the Deltarune chapters (Spamton was a *lot* easier than Jevil). Undertale Yellow was 100% not designed for someone of my skill level to play it, despite that. I'm glad they put in an easy mode or I wouldn't have bothered playing the rest of the game.
@crazycowcraft350 5 дней назад
Two playthroughs at once!?!?!? dreaming, perhap?
@LaurentheFlute 5 дней назад
I do generally play through two games at the same time, but this is the first time in a long time that I've started two completely new streams in the same week! It's exciting :)
@fall-from-grace1008 6 дней назад
Tammy's death really affected me when i played this game for the first time, i kept thinking about her the whole playthrough, wondering how she would react or say about certain events. It really changed the way i was approaching this game in the beggining.
@tjf42193 6 дней назад
@eliaq3216 6 дней назад
Ah yes!! I'm so happy to see someone play this game, it's been my favourite game for so long! Looking forward to more <3
@LaurentheFlute 6 дней назад
Thank you! I'm also really excited to play more of it - I've honestly been thinking about it pretty constantly since I stopped playing it, and I can't wait to dive in. Even if (especially because?) I suspect it's probably going to give me Feelings.
@tjf42193 6 дней назад
Love this ! Love watching baking streams
@tjf42193 7 дней назад
Hey Lauren I know way late but love watching the baking streams !
@OzoneTheLynx 7 дней назад
Just watched the intro and I'm so here for this!
@vitaminsherbert 7 дней назад
I'd have stopped IMMEDIATELY to listen! That song is so iconic from my childhood! ❤️❤️❤️
@samovarsa2640 8 дней назад
1:04:08 - great, now I'm going to be imaging her having to deal with Homestar and Strong Bad. This game looks fun, glad you're enjoying it!
@foolishflames 8 дней назад
What a great first stream this was! I like this game a lot, and it seems like something right up your alley, so I'm very glad :) Man, that whole scene with Tammy was gutting. And - I believe this is something you’ve pointed out as well - it seems fitting how no one seems to have an appropriate reaction to what’s happened cos there simply *isn't* one; no one is emotionally equipped to handle something like this. It only adds to the feeling of wrongness which was clearly intentional...Very effective. P. S. The more I watch your streams and see you interact with stories the more I think that you’d *love* Pentiment.
@LaurentheFlute 6 дней назад
I do really want to play Pentiment! It's on my short list. But for whatever reason this one jumped ahead - I think on some level I expected this game to be more manageable and less heavy. Which isn't to say it won't be heavy or deal with serious things (it has already proven it's going to do so!) but there is still something very bright and hopeful underneath the darkness, and I was worried Pentiment itself might be a bit more like Disco Elysium in terms of its darkness-to-hope balance, and I wasn't quite up for that yet emotionally? But someday! I love that there are so many outstanding, well-written games to choose from these days.
@foolishflames 5 дней назад
That's fair! I can definitely see some similarities with Disco (and Pentiment *does* contain one of the themes that warrant a content warning for you, so it's probably wise to steer clear of it for now if you feel unsure). By the way, your mention of darkness-to-hope balance reminds me a lot of a Terry Pratchett quote I really like: “Why does the third of the three brothers, who shares his food with the old woman in the wood, go on to become king of the country? Why does Bond manage to disarm the nuclear bomb a few seconds before it goes off rather than, as it were, a few seconds afterwards? Because a universe where that did not happen would be a dark and hostile place. Let there be goblin hordes, let there be terrible environmental threats, let there be giant mutated slugs if you really must, but let there also be hope. It may be a grim, thin hope, an Arthurian sword at sunset, but let us know that we do not live in vain.”
@BreadFred3 9 дней назад
The theme sounds better in flute. Thank you.
@wix-1-3dgcjt6 9 дней назад
If you are looking for another interesting undertale fangame, i recommend TS!UNDERSWAP, it's not finished yet, but it still has a lot of stuff despite that. The characters and the writing are very on point too!
@LaurentheFlute 6 дней назад
I don't know what it says about me, but I misread that as "Tsundereswap" and was like "hmm, the fandom has evolved since the last time I saw anything about Swap" :) Is it based around the Underswap version of characters? If so, the only ones I am really familiar with are the skelebros...
@wix-1-3dgcjt6 6 дней назад
​@@LaurentheFlute Oh my god, i literally also called it "tsundereswap" as a joke, and now my brain is trained to say "tsundereswap" whenever this fangame is mentioned. The "TS!" at the beginning stands for "Team Switched" (the people who made the fangame.) And TS!Underswap is a very diffrent take on the idea of Underswap, since the characters keep ther original personalities, only the roles change. Sans still acts like Sans, Paps acts like paps, and so on. There is also a bunch of original characters that have major roles and in my opinion, feel very much like they would fit in the undertale's world and style of writing. Currently, only the first two areas have been finished, but it already has a large amount of content, even if you choose to do just the pacifist route (although the geno route has some very interesting concepts in it too, so i also recommend you watch a playthrough at least, but if you don't wanna, that's fine). The difficulty isn't also too hard or "hardcore bullet hell" levels, there's also an easy mode option too. You mentioned Deltatraveler, so i will just say: Deltatraveler is WAY more difficult and gameplay heavy than UT Yellow and Tsundereswap. It can be a good practice if you want to get better at bullet hell. srry for making a 1000 word essay
@OOFUS4103 9 дней назад
Buying this game today because of this stream 😁
@LaurentheFlute 6 дней назад
Yay! Let's support indie devs!! Especially these folks, they've made something really good here!
@inferno232 9 дней назад
I haven't watched in a while, but I wanted to pop this on and say this was my favorite game of last year! I think people will have assumptions going into it and it'll subvert those assumptions every step of the way. The cotton candy moment still messes me up, it's so well written.
@LaurentheFlute 6 дней назад
It's already challenged my expectations for it, and I will look forward to it continuing to do so. The writers are really good and they clearly know what they're doing. And yes, that moment is deeply upsetting, as it should be.
@isabelab.s.p.1727 9 дней назад
Oh hey!! Im a relatevely new viewer, i've been going through you hades videos the past couple of days and wow! I cant believe you started playing thi game just as i discover your channel! Like you said, its such an obscure little indie game and i hold it so dear in my heart! I hope im able to catch the next streams live and be a part of this journey!
@GGCrono 9 дней назад
I bought this game because of this stream!
@brunokingz 9 дней назад
Excellent choice!
@Saelendious 9 дней назад
@LaurentheFlute 6 дней назад
I don't think I ever made a connection between parts of that fight and parts of the theme, but if that's the level of detail they followed here ... well, that checks out, they've been very intentional and careful about tying this game to the original all the way through :)
@Saelendious 6 дней назад
@@LaurentheFlute UTY composers sure know their stuff
@tjf42193 10 дней назад
Hey Lauren would you ever stream banjo kazooie, I don’t know if you stream platformers ?
@LaurentheFlute 9 дней назад
Unfortunately, I don't really like platformers! I played Celeste because it has a really great story and characters, but that's the only thing that will get me to give a platformer a chance (other than the 3D Mario games, for some reason I really love those so I might play Odyssey one of these days).
@tjf42193 9 дней назад
@@LaurentheFlute that’s fair
@KairuHakubi 11 дней назад
very nice
@LaurentheFlute 6 дней назад
Thank you!
@acidforblood 11 дней назад
Where can I find a good score for this online? I need one for just solo.
@LaurentheFlute 11 дней назад
I recommend taking a look and seeing if MuseScore has anything - it's sheet music software that has a community where people share sheet music arrangements they've made. Otherwise, there is a Japanese-only piano book for the entire FFVI soundtrack and Cyan's theme is of course included in it; you might be able to find scans online!
@unity.2315 11 дней назад
Hi Lauren, Glad you enjoyed Undertale Yellow! This is such a great game. On a very unrelated note, just because I'm about to finish reading it for the first time myself, I want to join everyone who recommended you reading Homestuck xd I just can't shake the feeling that you'll love it lol. If you streamed reading it it would be really really awesome too, like I mean REALLY awesome, but homestuck is pretty long so it's understandable if you can't stream the whole thing. Either way I'd recommend you to not miss this silly comic, I think it'll really be your cup of tea. Anyway. Congrats on beating the game!
@peterpeladon 11 дней назад
When the music is good and the stresses are high, I like let the music fill me with confidence. When one's confidence surges, the same stresses feel so much smaller. It always interests me how powerful belief really is for us sometimes.
@peterpeladon 12 дней назад
"My brain misfiles that as knowledge and then starts building other stuff on top of that," is a brilliant line. (This sentence written last: I had many thoughts related to this line of yours haha!) 9 times out of 10, if you are very stuck on a puzzle, this line is the way out. Reassessing what you think is true and figuring out which misstep is being built on, or what puzzle piece is being overlooked, that's the key. I think this is also related to being able to enjoy puzzle games: because they challenge your ability to think well and wrap your head around confusion; anyone who wants to assume they'll get how stuff works easily will be frustrated, but if you expect to make missteps as part of the journey and correct them as you go, puzzle games become greatly rewarding, Even in action heavy games like Dark Souls and Celeste: time and time again when something feels too precise and makes a player struggle, I've noticed there are strategic solutions that drastically decrease the dexterity needed. (In Dark Souls, your playstyle and manner of approaching the game with an open mindset often led you down the right path. In Celeste, if you're ever curious to see what I mean, the Resort (Ch 3) contains tons of strong examples of obstacles that feel worse than they are if look for the safest path.)
@rosinsimp 12 дней назад
Nice video! Don't push yourself when it comes to personal problems or feeling like taking a break. c:
@LaurentheFlute 11 дней назад
Thank you so much for being supportive ♥
@syrka8765 13 дней назад
What an absolute love letter to Undertale 💛 I've been binge watching all of your Undertale/deltarune streams. Love what you have to say about the games and their message. Crazy to think how many people's lives they've changed. I also struggle with identity crisis rn (as you do when you're a teen). And I'm trying to do my best to love myself, and your story inspires me to continue going. Truely happy that I found your channel. Thank you for everything you do :)
@syrka8765 13 дней назад
PS: Sorry for janky English
@Le_loup_garde_la_houe 13 дней назад
Happy nes
@tjf42193 13 дней назад
Yay undertale
@tjf42193 13 дней назад
Yay undertake!
@OOFUS4103 13 дней назад
Once again, I really appreciated your tangent about the myth of good and bad being binary, and also the differences between revenge and justice. I’ve talked to my therapist about my friend’s suicide, and he told me that “a huge factor in why people commit suicide is because they feel like their lives are over from one mistake”. It’s because society has been so grounded in the idea that bad people cannot change, that those who go down that path also adopt that same mindset.
@crazycowcraft350 13 дней назад
At 2:23:50 I was like "oh we know who that is OH WE KNOW WHO THAT IS YEEEAAH"
@tjf42193 13 дней назад
The dancers in runawayfive are Mario and Luigi
@dochatter3638 13 дней назад
...What you said about people simplifying unjust actions as binary good and evil, and believing all "evil" should be punished, was extremely powerful. And I believe this game focuses on similar subjects in the more... Punishing, routes. I know you're likely averse to those brutal paths, but I believe you will find interest in this matter, though I have not seen the entire end myself. Great minds think alike. And by the by, this game actually does something that Undertale does not: It makes all three routes reveal important story points the others do not. Even if you don't go full guns blazing, I believe that you should at least give the Neutral run a shot. Either way, what a show! It's incredible what Toby Fox fans can make, full on games in their own right! _Good game!_
@charismaentertainer1657 13 дней назад
2:07:35 Oh god, that made me tear up a little bit actually. Congratulations on beating undertale yellow! The pacifist ending is the ultimate culmination of this whole journey. Having a bittersweet end, having hope that one day, Monsters can be free… A common fan theory that became much more popular after the release of this fangame is that at the end of undertale True pacifist, due to the coffins of the 6 children being empty Asriel actually revives all of them and brings them back with their souls. So there’s that. Regarding Flowey… Flowey has a much more significant role in a neutral ending. It’s kind of Phenomenal what happens in it and I’d encourage you to at least check it out. It really delves into how Flowey feels about his and Clovers relationship, as well as important revaluations regarding his actual role. If you won’t do neutral, I greatly urge you to watch a neutral ending. Not a play through, simply the ending final boss, as I consider it a good topic of information. Whether you do it or not though, this was a very enjoyable playthrough!
@NeilXSwint 13 дней назад
Yay you did it! I love you goat mom!
@LaurentheFlute 13 дней назад
I did it!! 😄
@NeoKat75 13 дней назад
Yaaaay! GG!!
@tjf42193 14 дней назад
@ezetremendo15 14 дней назад
Deeply appreciate the fact that you didn't use the Fierce Deity mask on your first final boss try.
@tjf42193 14 дней назад
The Paula cosplay so cute !M
@tjf42193 14 дней назад
I think of a skip sandwich is a peanut butter sandwich
@jodaakbr7227 16 дней назад
will you play final fantasy vii rebirth? it's really a beautiful game 😊 enjoy your life❤