Shed Time Stories With Issy
Shed Time Stories With Issy
Shed Time Stories With Issy
Hi there, I'm Issy, and I just love to read amazing stories to little ones to open up their wonderful imaginations. Reading and sharing books supports the foundations of a child's learning by engaging them in both visual and descriptive language and immersing them in fantastic illustrations. Through a variety of stories an understanding of emotions can be given from laughter, excitement and intrigue to sadness, grief and misunderstood feelings. A child's wellbeing can be nurtured by sharing and communicating through this incredible medium. Come and share some lovely stories with me, Issy.

Brave Blondie | Shed Time Stories With Issy
3 месяца назад
Sneaky Pinky | Shed Time Stories With Issy
3 месяца назад
THE 9 CATS Go to the Farm | Shed Time Stories
4 месяца назад
Sally Sapling | Shed Time Stories
5 месяцев назад