Bros Bibles & Beer
Bros Bibles & Beer
Bros Bibles & Beer
Serious conversations on faith & culture while not taking ourselves too seriously, Bros Bibles & Beer is a podcast about life, faith & our favorite beverage. Grace-Peace-Cheers!
Why I Became An Atheist
17 часов назад
Secret Sin Invading Christianity pt.2
14 дней назад
Secret Sin Invading Christianity pt.1
14 дней назад
Is The Church The Cause Of Atheism?
14 дней назад
Christians Be Cussing?
Месяц назад
Are We Giving God Our Leftovers?
Месяц назад
We Might Be Lukewarm Christians
Месяц назад
The First Week Of Russell Brand's Faith
Месяц назад
Kanye Kisses Christianity Goodby?
Месяц назад
Russel Brand Baptized: Why You Should Care
Месяц назад
Mark Driscoll KICKED Off Stage
2 месяца назад
NEVER Play This Worship Song At Church
2 месяца назад
How Politics CORRUPTS Your Faith
2 месяца назад
The Biblical Worldview TEST
3 месяца назад
There Is No Biblical Worldview. Now What?
3 месяца назад
Is There A WAR On Men?  w/Carey Robinson
3 месяца назад
The Prince of PEACE Returns To SLAUGHTER?!?
3 месяца назад
When Your Faith Honeymoon Ends
4 месяца назад
Why Are Christians Deconstructing?
4 месяца назад
Do Pastors Even Matter?
4 месяца назад
Pastor Through DISASTER w/Brandon Reed
4 месяца назад
@tonystafano4028 4 часа назад
I called my daughter a young lady pretty much from when she could talk
@elsiezimmerman4304 4 часа назад
What Robert Morris did was horrible and horrific and he needs to be totally held accountable and do whatever he has to make it right! One thing that is puzzling though…Cindy says she has forgiven Robert…but why is she now going on public TV interviews….to spread this far and wide??
@keithsanders5603 5 часов назад
Think about the 80's we didn't speak out about things like now.
@keithsanders5603 5 часов назад
Paul was a religious leader of the day and murdered Christian's. What's he disqualified for ministry?????
@laurykristensen6239 11 часов назад
He threatened that if she told anyone that it would "ruin everything." (meaning it would ruin everyone's lives) He told the family he was "counseling" her, this gave him the cover of privacy, even from his wife. The scary thing is he was a traveling evangelical the whole time and beyond the close to five years of abuse. He has "ministered" across 7 countries and 30 states! He also spoke at high schools and middle schools.
@scor2279 18 часов назад
You gotta be kidding me.😕
@rolandtonini6407 18 часов назад
One day you will also stand before the judgment seat of Christ. And you will also have to answer for these incorrect answers that you spread here in this media.
@davemillsap647 23 часа назад
Love you too, Zack. ❤
@jennyc5100 День назад
Thank you. I found this video after yours. It's on Justin Peter's Ministries and here is the episode: "Didaché - Former Friend & Employee of Robert Morris: What Morris Did, Who Knew and Who Covered It Up". This former friend/employee is speaking out boldly. He's calling out everything using the appropriate words for the situation. He goes into what he thinks the elders knew--and what was told to him--that somehow, this "young lady" was a Jezebel spirit and--I'm paraphrasing now--that Robert portrayed himself as a victim.
@G-DAC День назад
W Dave Millsap
@G-DAC День назад
​@@davemillsap647 lol no way 😂❤
@jenniferkeeponfighting7561 День назад
Hey I just found your channel, nice. Yesterday our Sunday school teacher played one of his videos. My heart was beating like crazy. I left. Questioning my reality too, and wondering why we continue to watch someone I always sensed was a little pervy. The teachers know what's going on and played it anyway. I felt sick you guys. 😢
@brosbiblesbeer День назад
Thanks for checking us out and taking the time to share!
@davemillsap647 День назад
I love you too Zack
@davemillsap647 2 дня назад
One way you can do better of avoiding having a wolf in sheep's clothing who may devour children or marriages is by only putting men in those overseer positions who aren't seeking it, and are living as healthy leaders in their home with a happy marriage with children... Who's children bear evidence of such, being above reproach. This would exclude men who've been forbidden from marriage & the normal sexual behavior that comes with it. It would exclude men who've not experienced being responsible for vulnerable poeple who rely on him to be selfless in his acts for their wellbeing, not looking for anything in return. ie.. Fathering children.
@Knuckles2oO6 4 дня назад
I pray for you all 🙏
@Knuckles2oO6 4 дня назад
May you find Christ again. Good works with strong faith. Be a righteous man!
@LaymensLameMan 4 дня назад
What bro really said was, “I wanted to put my penis wherever I felt like, so I became devoid of morals.”
@nathansimpson5721 5 дней назад
2:15 Depending on how you define faith, you're absolutely wrong. If you define faith the way the Bible defines it in Hebrews 11:1 (Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see), not everyone in the world utilizes that definition of faith. The Bible basically claims that faith in anything (but particularly god) is confidence in what we HOPE to be true, without having observable evidence to validate the claim. Which is why it says "assurance about we do not see/observe". The issue with this definition of faith is that you can apply it to any claim. A racist can claim to have faith that white people are superior to black people, based on the confidence that they hope for and assurance about what they cannot observe. There are a million other examples, but that was the first to come to mind. If you define faith as being a synonym for the word "confidence", than yes I would agree that everyone in the world has faith. When you have confidence for something, you have evidence to back up your confidence. If I'm going to sit in a chair and I'm confident it will hold my weight, I'm not hoping that it will hold my weight because of some hope that is unobservable (as defined in Hebrews 11:1), I am confident that it will hold my weight because we have observable evidence to suggest that the chair is capable of holding my weight. Perhaps I have sat in the chair previously. I can touch the screws and bolts that keep the chair sturdy. There are peer reviews on the internet about the integrity of this chair. There is plenty of evidence that is observable about the integrity of the chair, which is why it doesn't qualify as faith in the biblical sense. If we are just using faith as a synonym for confidence, why have the word faith at all? It's rather redundant and misleading if you do that. Faith has it's own meaning defined by the book of Hebrews and we should stick with that definition in my opinion.
@b34rea1 5 дней назад
As an agnostic coming from a Muslim background, this was very refreshing to share. I feel like Christianity and Islam have very common similarities that both religions have that we don't really discuss. Thank you for posting this!
@ADanZLife 5 дней назад
I also asked questions that either went unanswered or the answers that were given were not satisfactory to me. Another reason I left the church and looked elsewhere for moral guidance is because Christians would say one thing, but do another as well as use the Bible and God to justify lying, stealing, cheating, etc. As someone who cares deeply about ethics and morality, the church failed me. Once I left the church and read the Bible front to back, I realized that there was so much of it that was not being talked about, or would be interpreted in such a way that would defend things we would consider evil today. I have no issue with people who are religious and go to church, but I think Christians need to realize that they themselves are pushing people away from Christianity.
@kingofalldashcams7380 5 дней назад
The panel is struggling with this one because there really is no logical answer. Most people believe in the faith they hold because they grew up with it. It becomes "the truth" and the other guy's beliefs seem unusual, strange, and vaguely wrong. At the end of day, our beliefs are stories we tell ourselves to make sense of the world. This person believes a guy came back to life and rose into heaven. This girl believes a guy rode to heaven on a winged horse. This third person believes you only go to heaven for 500 years (eg. some Native tribes). Who is right? Nobody really knows. But none of the magic can be proven with evidence. They are stories.
@shawnbrewer7 5 дней назад
In his podcast, The Whole Counsel of God, Fr. Stephen De Young mentioned that, most of the time, when the Bible uses the words "faith" or "believe," it is better translated as "faithful" or "faithfulness." This interpretation makes much more sense, especially when considering Paul's references to finishing the race and holding fast to traditions.
@NRG2 5 дней назад
I’m an Athiest and I can answer all those questions better then your pastor can. It’s just sad that ALLL of the humans are severing themselves from the source of their perceptions. This topic is all about Ritual. You Belief is part of a Ritual which modulates your biochemistry. When you attach belief to the ritual rather than using it to grasp the mechanism…. You are completely missing the entire point. This is why Christians and Christianity has ENTIRELY FAILED to even remain self aware. It’s honest pathetic and just shows a strong lack of intellect. All of these mistakes MInIMiZE your abilities to practice these Rituals/Belief. You know not what you do AT ALL.
@godsoloved24 5 дней назад
This seems a little silly. Most questions that new Christians ask of their faith can find an easy answer online with a little help of a tool called Google. Does this guy not have a smartphone? There are so many apologetic resources out there with deep scholarly answers to most every question out there.
@NRG2 5 дней назад
If you are projecting your beliefs (individual or collective) it doesn’t matter what you call yourself, it’s all the same with different language. The Athiests and the Christians are both working with a Holy Roman Empire operating system that generates the entirety of the “Western Consciousness”.
@astonwinter 5 дней назад
funny how the host said "Ignore" that last part when the man in the video said "I'm happier" it is possible to be happy without a religion. I'm an Atheist & to be an Atheist is to accept that there is no evidence in a God. I recommend all those that are not scared to think to go look at videos from Alex O'Connor & Richard Dawkins
@nathanbrannan5228 5 дней назад
Yeah I heard that too and I was like, "Why?". I'm a Christian, but ignoring the fact that anyone can be happy under any circumstance that they find enjoyable is an obvious thing. Christianity doesn't exist for sheer enjoyment. Having to abide by rules that you don't set is not enjoyable from the outset. I've learned to enjoy the limitations, but the core of our beings want to do our own thing, so for me, it's not something he should've said, "Ignore that last bit." Also, another guy to test faith with is Richard Carrier and his "Jesus Mythicism." That's a real doozy.
@malinko35 5 дней назад
Richard Dawkins is vehemently anti-christian.
@calfox 5 дней назад
no evidence or you dont believe there is enough evidence
@astonwinter 5 дней назад
@@calfox lol no evidence cause if there were you wouldn't be saying the word "Believe". I dont say to people that they must "Believe" that I own a black car. They can see pictures, videos or come to my house & see it for themselves. You cant do that with God
@calfox 4 дня назад
@@astonwinter do you Believe that when you get a prescription filled they put the right medicine in the bottle and not poison? Do you Believe based on no evidence or Do you Believe based on the evidence that the pharmacy is trust worthy? You have can evidence for something that can;t you proven and still Believe and have faith based on the evidence
@joshuaduncan8834 6 дней назад
Y'all theobrogians sound alllmossst sensible enough to abandon faith yourselves. Keep thinking. You might get there.
@donkler5476 5 дней назад
I did it. They can too. I watched debates daily for years, all while praying to this God to show me anything at all for me to know it was real. I was seeking honestly, in pure humility. I just wanted to know what was true. And yeah... there just aren't any good reasons to be a theist, much less a believer in any specific religion.
@tear728 5 дней назад
​@@donkler5476 on the contrary there is zero reason to be an atheist. Gripes with religion do not count as reasons to become an atheist
@donkler5476 5 дней назад
@@tear728 I hope you realize that you’ve already flipped the burden of proof; asking for ‘reasons to be an atheist’ Being a theist is being someone who believes that a God exist. It’s A positive belief in a God which is something that requires positive evidence. And when you examine any of these reasons for believing in a God they always fall apart when the logical fallacies show through. My e mail is in my channel description if you’d like to continue this. I’m down to have a good faith discussion.
@tljmma 6 дней назад
When you have sufficient evidence of a claim, you don’t need faith. Faith is belief without evidence, or even worse at times - belief in spite of evidence. Faith is not a virtue.
@MarkoGh 6 дней назад
Where does it says in the Bible that Sola Scriptura is all you need? please tell me
@calfox 5 дней назад
where does it say, it's not all you need?
@freewill8218 6 дней назад
Grow up.
@Denver_____ 6 дней назад
This guy is about to make everything his golden calf, get depressed and keep on the flywheel of the world.
@KEP1983 6 дней назад
Notice that he didn't say he found all of his answers to be unsatisfactory, he said he couldn't find ANY answers. People just "refused" to answer him and literally didn't even offer answers. Sorry, but I call BS. This is the age of the internet. You can find a response from a great philosopher to pretty much any question any atheist brings. There's no more excuse for not finding answers. You may be not *satisfied* with the answer, but that's very different than saying they "had no answers" and "refused to answer my questions." Am I seriously to believe a zoomer in his early 20s *only* goes to his local church elders for answers, and didn't think to look up answers online from apologists and philosophers? I highly doubt it. In actuality, he wasn't looking for answers. He was looking for excuses to sin, probably because he knew fornication was wrong, and he wanted to indulge in it.
@rubba6818 5 дней назад
People have looked for defensive responses for religions like christianity/islam/hinduism and much older religions for thousands of years. The internet, science and technology is too much for the old magic trickery of the old outdated religions to defend. There are no "mystical" answers that can defend your religion. Religion is on the way out.....
@BlasterMaster80 5 дней назад
Have you ever heard of the term, intellectual charity or intellectual fairmindedness?
@KEP1983 5 дней назад
@@BlasterMaster80 yes. It doesn't mean to ignore reality. I think it's intellectually dishonest to state that a person under 40 was honestly seeking answers and literally couldn't find any answers, and no one would even offer answers.
@BlasterMaster80 5 дней назад
@@KEP1983 I don't think you're casting this individual in the most fair minded way here. I think your ascribing intentions you cannot account for. Do you often pretend you know things about others that you can't account for?
@ADanZLife 5 дней назад
@@KEP1983 If someone can just find all the answers online, then why do churches, priests, pastors, and the Pope still exist? And you know what people can find on the internet when looking for questions regarding religion? Atheism. So are you sure you want to promote people seeking answers on the internet?
@tee_saw 6 дней назад
As a Christian, it's good to ask questions. And don't stop asking questions, while staying honest and open minded. But don't confuse faith(trust) with blind faith.
@rubba6818 5 дней назад
Trust is trust, but faith is complete trust and blind by definition. Faith is automatically blind. When you have evidences you do not need faith, faith is the weakest position.
@ADanZLife 5 дней назад
I could believe in a higher power, but I cannot be convinced to believe in the god described in the Bible. Angels are a very big deal in the Bible and they are rarely talked about genuinely and honestly. I wonder why that is.
@nathansimpson5721 5 дней назад
Faith is by definition, blind. Hebrews 11:1 defines faith and quite explicitly states that you cannot observe what you are placing hope and assurance in. If you don't think biblical faith is blind, you haven't read your bible enough.
@veraciity7 4 дня назад
@@nathansimpson5721it says “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Clearly, this is showing how there is evidence that you have not seen but the evidence exist. For example nobody has seen the big bang but there is evidence for it that we are able to observe. We see the evidence just weren’t there for the event. In other words there is evidence of Jesus Christ existence and Church History. And that points to Him being God in the flesh. And a contrast is shown with the apostle Thomas where He believed Jesus Christ was resurrected. Not by evidence but by proof. Then Jesus told him “blessed are those who believe and have not seen.”
@nathansimpson5721 4 дня назад
@@veraciity7 It depends on which translation you read. The author of Hebrews is not talking about literal sight exclusively. They're saying that the evidence cannot be observed, and gives sight as an example of observation. If you think that the author exclusively meant vision, I think that is laughable. We know the big bang happened because there is observable evidence for such. We do not have observable evidence for the existence of god/gods, and therefore faith is required. Faith is the substance of things HOPED for. Which means faith is the substance of things you wish to be true, regardless of the ability to observe it. Not just see it, but observe it as a whole.
@russm4391 6 дней назад
I have noticed with faith that many people who leave want things to be logical and reasonable. Believing is not enough for people who want to know the truth. Religion holds people back from questioning and focuses on blind faith/belief. Even the most knowledgeable Christian scholars end up leaving the religion for many reasons.
@BlasterMaster80 6 дней назад
Once I started caring if my beliefs where true or not, Christianity stopped having any value in my life. I don't have faith in things I cannot actually know or don't have evidence of. I'm perfectly comfortable saying I don't know, when that's actually the case. So, you can say or argue I have faith in things, but I would argue you're conflating trust with faith and from my understanding faith is a belief without evidence. Where as my trust in things is based on actual evidence not faith.
@bearbro10 6 дней назад
In the car or in plane you always have atleast 30% faith I'd say, just like some Christians see things that are evidence for the Bible but they have some faith cause it's been 2000 years and alot of information had been lost to time
@tee_saw 6 дней назад
What do you believe in now?
@StudiesOfTheAncientNearEast 6 дней назад
Then your understanding is incorrect. The word for "faith" used in the Bible is "πίστις" which is best understood as "trust". "Belief without evidence" is just an uncharitable misrepresentation of our position to make us appear as ridiculous as possible. A strawman. Were I to extend the same level of charity to the people that do this, I might as well just define "atheism" as "the rejection of truth" therefore im right by default. But as I said, πίστις means trust, and certainly not "belief without evidence". Just consider the following texts: Aristotle, Eudemian Ethics 7.1237b "There is no stable friendship without confidence (πίστις), and confidence only comes with time" Aristotle, Politics 5.1305a "Their pledge of confidence (πίστις)" Antiphon, On the Murder of Herodes 5.93 "Because I have faith (πίστις) in justice" Diodorus Siculus, Library Book 16.43 "Surest pledge (πίστις) amongst the Persians." Herodotus, The Histories 3.7 "Giving to him and receiving from him pledges (πίστις)."
@BlasterMaster80 6 дней назад
@@StudiesOfTheAncientNearEast It's like you guys don't even read my comment before positing, I already addressed this. If faith just means trust, then why call it faith in the first place; why not just use the word trust?
@rubba6818 5 дней назад
@@bearbro10 No you are confusing faith (Definition: Complete trust, aka the faith is blind by definition) with trust in evidence. Evidential trust is based on evidence, previous history or airplanes, we know what airplanes are how they work what they do etc. You have a mountain of evidence supporting the statistics that your airplane will work as intended. Trust is trust, but faith is complete trust and blind by definition. Faith is automatically blind. When you have evidences you do not need faith, faith is the weakest position.
@LeeHogan 7 дней назад
First-time listener here. I'm not sure how my RU-vid algorithm brought me to you guys, but it was some combination of searching for an old Matt Chandler clip and finding out Mark Driscoll was thrown off a stage a few months ago. Before I knew it, I had come across this page and a RU-vid Short on biblical inerrancy creating atheists and knew I had to investigate. So, I am a former believer and, for all intents and purposes, an atheist. As one of the hosts mentioned he was an agnostic Christian, I like to describe myself as an agnostic atheist even though I feel like it makes me sound pretentious and requires a lot of effort from anyone asking for my current beliefs. I really enjoyed the show and had several thoughts I wanted to share. I don't think I necessarily blame the church for my becoming an atheist. My path to atheism happened about nine years ago. I grew up in a Christian home and went to some iteration of a Baptist church in Arkansas with my mom every Sunday. By 2015, I was 25 and wanted to learn more about why I believed in Christianity and desired a better understanding of why I believed in certain things (the creation story and resurrection as examples). However, the more I researched, the more it seemed the convincing arguments were on the other side. I encountered evidence for evolution that seemed more persuasive and believable than the creation narratives in the Old Testament, but what truly knocked me off my foundation was investigating the bible. It was a combination of learning about bible stories that were found in other cultures, contradictory gospel accounts, when and where the gospels were written, the fact scholars (even some Christian New Testament scholars) don't believe Paul wrote all of his letters that are in the bible, and the redemption story itself. For years, I had considered Christianity to be the bedrock of who I was and the world we live in, and all of a sudden it all seemed incredibly human and man-made. It became like trying to square a round whole and eventually, I lost my belief. But I don't blame the church. And while I agree with one of the hosts on his belief that biblical inerrancy creates atheists, I don't see any other way for the bible and the resurrection story and Jesus and the Christian faith to hold up without selling out on the bible as the complete and perfect word of God. Once you lose inerrancy and the inspired word of God, I feel it quickly becomes a house of cards. If man wrote it, how do I know this is what God wants or who God is or what God says or what God believes? It just no longer seemed convincing to me. Creating atheists is just a by-product of that tenet of faith. I don't think it's something the church should necessarily change. It's too critical to the belief system as a whole. Glad to find you guys on a whim. Looking forward to listening to your older stuff and new episodes to come.
@MortsGarage 10 дней назад
@CharlesHildreth-yr2bg 13 дней назад
I mean, no disrespect, but you look like a link on. Go to mythical morning. Love the content though
@RevKev 14 дней назад
We should also treat just hearing God's still, small voice as a powerful spiritual experience!
@jerimiahbethel4619 14 дней назад
Reckless Love, God's LOVE is RESTLESS!!! What a reckless choice of word, or was it deliberate? God's Love is careful and precise, it considers all consequence, then precedes forward against all odds. I cannot stand mainstream "worship', its lame, weak, and has bad theology, not to mention non believers being paid to sing/play songs. Christafari & Holy Name can easily replace these bands as we Worship through Music.
@jerimiahbethel4619 15 дней назад
the reason i don't raise my hands in group worship. it can confuse the sensation created by the crowd and certain types of music, as an encounter with God. it then leads to believing that God is present only when when we do certain things, this is dogmatic/dangerous, and what Christ rebuked time and time again.
@toddhouston4523 15 дней назад
Melissa came from the New Age movement which emphasizes experiences.
@HowardCountyHerald 15 дней назад
Yes there is and it's the way I, specifically, read it.
@natashaf6886 15 дней назад
I grew up in the assembly of God denomination. They teach that if you don't "speak in tongues" you don't have the holy spirit. Since I was unable to hype myself up and believe it was God, I never "spoke in tongues." The "am I actually saved?" insecurity lives on.
@jerimiahbethel4619 15 дней назад
"speaking in tongues" that do not further the spread of the gospel is just gibberish, or demon possession. i hope you are with true followers of Christ now.
@Paul_Heresy 15 дней назад
you guys are teying too haed to be edgy christians please stop or i will become carholic yhis is the staye of prodestantism!
@Paul_Heresy 15 дней назад
why do you guys have such a professional setup if you have no viewers? this seems like all flash and no substance
@davemillsap647 14 дней назад
Oh look... The trendy mean girl stopped by to give their substantive opinion on the furniture & appliances rather than on the topic being discussed. Probably made themselves feel cool with that zinger.
@Paul_Heresy 14 дней назад
@@davemillsap647 cope
@Prime-Time777 15 дней назад
Whoa dog. It is the Word of God home slice. That’s some super casual blasphemy. I’m glad I know Jesus personally and Trust His word 100% Let God be True and every man a liar.
@Hugh_Mongus_Chode 15 дней назад
You make it hard for someone not born into the cult to believe because you so clearly aren’t looking at it rationally…
@davemillsap647 14 дней назад
It's always humerous when Christians make up offenses so that they can thumb their nose at others then swallow a self-aggrandizing chaser. Blasphemy has a meaning & doesn't remotely pertain to the quote.
@ckennett 15 дней назад
So it’s not the divinely inspired word of god. Got it.
@outoftheecho 15 дней назад
Hey guys. First time listener. First off the guy in the middle looks and sounds like link from Rhett and Link. I'm a former Christian now atheist, I do a podcast with my brother who's a Christian. This is something I've been meaning to cover on my podcast. I started deconstructing because I no longer see God as good, that part really doesn't involve the church. BUT young earth creation played a big part of my deconstruction. I personally think the prosperity gospel, young earth creationism and IBLP are the big reasons why deconstruction is so big right now. Those movements got really big when I was a kid in the 90's. We are now adults having to choose what we really believe.
@brosbiblesbeer 15 дней назад
Thank you for the thoughtful comment. Glad you're creating something with your brother!
@davemillsap647 15 дней назад
Kings Vs chronicles is an example of northern kingdom author Vs southern kingdom author. Judah Vs Israel
@brosbiblesbeer 15 дней назад
a great example of the multi-vocality of the bible
@CamSmith_not_a_Bot_lol 15 дней назад
Sorry - the more I think about this, the more I appreciate this. I found myself saying this prayer earlier this evening - "Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief." Like I just don't feel like I have the same level of conviction that either (a) I've had in the past or (b) other Christians have today... but I believe. And I *want* that stronger conviction... Anyway, good stuff.
@brosbiblesbeer 15 дней назад
love it!