Naga Seminarian
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@garytaylor7291 11 минут назад
What is the average life span in Muslim countries? Is it lower because of all the fighting and killing they do? People living in Muslim countries in 2013 had an average life expectancy at birth of just 67 years - four years lower than the global average of 71 years!
@logic719 29 минут назад
I'm sorry, which god are we talking about?
@dlerhajiagha 35 минут назад
That's what Christian preachers often do-take things out of context. Please read the entire chapter and then make a judgment.
@AxeyTT 52 минуты назад
Islam is a religion of war and its core strategy is deception. The doctrine of deception is called "taqiyya" by the Shia and "muda’rat" by the Sunni. The general term for all Muslims is "hiyal" i.e. "legalistic trickery". Taqiyya comes straight from Quran 2:225: "Allah will not hold you accountable for unintentional oaths, but for what you intended in your hearts. And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Forbearing." Also, in Quran 3:28, the word for "precaution" is تقية which is Taqiyya according to the qiraat by Ya'qub al-Yamani. "Let not believers take disbelievers as allies rather than believers. And whoever does that has nothing with Allah, except when taking precaution (تقية i.e. Taqiyya) against them in prudence. And Allah warns you of Himself, and to Allah is the [final] destination." All Muslims do taqiyya. Taqiyya has 2 forms: (1) defense against religious persecution or (2) jihadist weapon against unbelievers. Muslims will always insist on the first form when asked about taqiyya and hide the second form from the kuffar. It is the second form of taqiyya which is practised every single day on RU-vid. There are 3 main strategies in taqiyya (or muda'rat or hiyal): (1) Muruna - “Flexibility” to blend in with the enemy or surroundings, like drinking beer or being tolerant of gay people, believing that it is permissible to deceitfully behave in an un-Islamic manner if it serves the greater goal of advancing Islam. (2) Tawriya - “Creative lying” or doublespeak where the speaker says something that means one thing while the listener thinks it means something else, during which the speaker’s words technically support the listener’s alternate meaning. An example of tawriya is the Muslim claim that "Islam is a religion of peace". After intense cross examination, and if you're lucky, the Muslim will admit that what he actually means is "Islam is a religion of peace AFTER the whole world converts to Islam (and the Islam of his sect and his particular teacher)." (3) Kitman - Telling only part of the truth. For example if a Muslim were to say that jihad refers to an “internal spiritual struggle” when actually only a few passages in the Quran refer to it that way and the vast majority of verses refer to jihad as "forceful" or "external" violent, coercive jihad to spread the religion. The ultimate aim of taqiyya (or muda'rat or hiyal) is to mislead. Muslims don't regard misleading statements as lying. The rest of the world does. So when you speak to a Muslim, expect him to mislead you. Misrepresentation, dissembling, gaslighting, doublespeak, etc. are 100% ok by Muslims and sanctioned by Allah and the "Best Example for Humanity" Muhammad. There is never actual truth from a Muslim, not in the way Christians and other non-Muslims define "truth". Muslims just regard all sorts of intentional misrepresentation as permissable and not lying, especially if perpretrated on non-Muslims and to spread or defend Islam or the Prophet. Muslims are allowed and obligated to lie to spread Islam. Almost any kind of lie is permissible. Muslims can even tell you lies about Islam, denying embarrassing verses in the Quran or Hadith and even doing taqiyya about taqiyya (“inception” lying). For example, disguising hostility as grievance. “It was in self-defence”, Muslims say, when their religion has killed 700m-1.2b people in its spread over 14 centuries with 80m-400m just in India alone. A recent example of taqiyya which you can view on RU-vid is Muslim apologist Mohammed Hijab saying to a group of women: "You can lie (about having a secret 2nd wife) to your spouse. The Prophet says you can do it. It doesn’t have to be a white lie. It can be a black lie." (June 2023) The most explicit and unequivocal reference for taqiyya is from someone regarded by most Muslims as the greatest Imam of all - Hamid al-Ghazali. In the treatise on Sharia Law “Reliance of the Traveller”, Hamid al-Ghazali, the most renowned Sunni theologian of the Seljuq period (1038-1194), was quoted as saying “Speaking is a means to achieve objectives. If a praiseworthy aim is attainable through both telling the truth and lying, it is unlawful to accomplish it through lying because there is no need for it. When it is possible to achieve such an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible..., and obligatory to lie if the goal is obligatory. ...One should compare the bad consequences entailed by lying to those entailed by telling the truth, and if the consequences of telling the truth are more damaging, one is entitled to lie …”. Most non-Muslims are completely bamboozled by this. Especially Christians. Little old Christian ladies would chide other Christians for lying about Christianity even if it was done to "protect" or "spread" the religion. Most non-Muslims just cannot compute that a religion can allow and even oblige its followers to lie to defend and spread the religion. They keep defending Muslims and insist that "all religions teach honesty" and "all religions teach peace". It’s quite comical and sad. Muslims lie and deflect with taqiyya because they ALREADY KNOW or STRONGLY SUSPECT that Islam is man-made fraud. They just want to sustain their political power much like the Nazis or Communists. This is their favorite SOP: 1. Claim immediately you’re taking things out of context. 2. Use abrogated verses like 2-256 "No compulsion in religion" 3. Insult you or your intelligence e.g. "You know nothing ..." 4. Declare hadiths to be "daif" even when they are SAHIH 5. Change the topic e.g. "God can't have a son" "You worship 3 Gods" 6. Use fake & debunked excuses like the "wajadaha" excuse for Quran 18-86 7. Use whaboutism by bringing up similar things in other religions 8. “It’s a metaphor. It’s a metaphysical thing.” 9. Strawman the opposing argument (e.g. Christians have 3 gods) and then “win” 10. Declaring "allahualem" (Allah knows best) the Islamic “get out of jail” card 11. When caught, say: "There are some things humans are not meant to understand." 12. Or they’ll just start yelling ad hominems like "Islamophobe" "hater" "pig" to change the topic to you. 13. Threaten you with doxxing, injury, death or a combination of all three
@The3Stooges 54 минуты назад
She's never read the Quran or the Hadith apparently... Many Muslims like to pretend that those that kill in the name of Islam are only extremists and "terrorists" when they're actually just devout Muslims following exactly what the Quran and Hadith TEACH/INSTRUCT Muslims to do.
@JeffCooper-bb5rs Час назад
LOL!! At 1:04 she realizes that the jig's up because he actually brought verses from the Quran. BUSTED!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😅
@Twag-yh8xc Час назад
Every book, from the Christian Bible, to the Quran, to Huckleberry Finn has been misinterpreted by someone. Some people get it right, and blessed be them. But others views are obstructed by their own prejudices and beliefs. All you can do is your best to be sure you are on the side of good.
@Themanincumbent 2 часа назад
The Quran was not written in English. We have many translations of it all meaning different things to different people. It’s pretty much the same with all the “ book” based religions. What I find strange is that all the variants of the “ book” based religions have a demographic that want the destruction of the others. Kane and Able anyone.
@TalkingTalking-zg3gn 2 часа назад
Look at the bible how much violence is in it even parents dont let their kids read it
@gerrymcintosh4477 3 часа назад
Keep Christian’s and Muslims appart.
@bibleburner8426 3 часа назад
All of the Abrahamic religions are violent and anti-human.
@theastronomer5800 4 часа назад
As a wise person once said, a Muslim reads the Quran, an ex-Muslim understand the Quran.
@theastronomer5800 4 часа назад
Muslims will tell you that the Quran is an eternal book and guidance for all mankind and all time. But as soon as you bring up these verses, their will almost always say that that was ONLY for that time when non-Muslims were attacking Muhammad. This is not true historically, and if you read the tafsirs (which Muslims also tell us to read to understand the Quran), they do not mention this. The verses say not to fight those who attack you, but those who do not believe in what you believe. On top of that, we also have numerous sahih hadiths by Muhammad, which also do not say to fight those who attack you, but those who don't believe in Allah. When you quote these, many other excuses will come up - wrong translation (even though they have been translated by Muslim scholars and are found on Islamic sites, and agree with many other translation), you don't know Arabic (lol, 80% of Muslims don't), and 1 word has 100 meanings (which means that the text is useless as no one can agree on the meaning).
@montanausa329 4 часа назад
They found out it is not 72 virgins after death but a 72 year old virgin and dam they are disappointed 😊😊
@kingrapgaming288 5 часов назад
Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, nor comply with what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden, nor embrace the religion of truth from among those who were given the Scripture,1 until they pay the tax,2 willingly submitting, fully humbled. and this verse is context about on goin battle
@elijahraven3108 5 часов назад
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂......noooooooooo, they are following exactly what it says. Peaceful, my yellow ass!
@alistairdodds6156 6 часов назад
Driven by hatred and intimidation
@maelwael 6 часов назад
Kick out islam
@Lynnimod 7 часов назад
The arrogance of atheists that belief in God is early age senility, well I must of been senile when I was 40. Their heart is so hardened they believe untruths.
@philpugliese7049 8 часов назад
There was a very good reason Muslims were not allowed in America and many other countries. We see what they do now.
@InfinityzLord 9 часов назад
Women defending islam is crazy
@InfinityzLord 9 часов назад
Women defending islam is crazy
@ZeroCelsius777 9 часов назад
Christians will say that JESUS is the "GOD" of the Old Testament When you show them where the "GOD" of the Old Testament ordered GENOCIDE they don't ADMIT that it is JESUS ordering GENOCIDE... Example...1 Samuel 15:3...Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’”
@raythomas8259 9 часов назад
When Professor Atkins wakes up in Hell ..... "I don't believe in Hell"..............the demon with a Hot Spear Poking Him........ " All You Educated People Say That"
@wanderersview1110 10 часов назад
I hav red quran and its bullshit ,please read " The critical quran " by robert spencer ,u ll get to know what quran is 😅
@davecheech4681 10 часов назад
Is there even one intelligent person that can form one intelligent argument for the existence of God? Lennox can't argue his way out of a wet paper bag. All he does is keep putting words into Dawkins mouth and then claiming that as evidence, it's sad to watch really pathetic.
@richardhawkins4621 10 часов назад
If you have been taught from an early age you believe it all to be true even though there is no evidence at all every religion says they are the only real one
@merrinbuchan2488 11 часов назад
Islam is a poisoned chalice
@mve6182 11 часов назад
To be honest: there are similar verses in the Bible, mainly the Old Testament.
@user-js9xk1xz8n 12 часов назад
This is the young what where do they came from no brain
@PennyLaneRocker-j6x 13 часов назад
I'm offended at the pathetic use this woman is using English. What's with the up and down tones? English doesn't have these uppy and downy tones. It sounds really childish.
@amelia396 13 часов назад
“But I’m not going to try anything servile” pride
@rickintexas1584 14 часов назад
Islam is violent because Muhammad was violent. It’s simple when you understand it.
@peterroberts4509 14 часов назад
Funny how the two most violent religions the world has ever seen trying to argue they are more peaceful than the other.
@SEIGNREUR7 15 часов назад
What atheists should know is that only fool deny the existence of God. They remind me of someone who closes his eyes and believes that no one can see him. That's their level of intelligence. Also, there is no intelligence behind the Big Bang theory, ir cannot be explained. Creation however can be explained with simple logic. Have a fool day atheists.
@donthesitatebegin9283 5 часов назад
Hilarious! Is it satire!?
@user-wg3dw9fq2c 15 часов назад
Try to look at christian minority in Indonesia.. they cannot pray in peacefull because of muslim majority
@bigp3006 16 часов назад
Islam encourages 3 forms of lieing, the most common used against those who aren't muslim is taqiya. This form of deceit can take the form of, saying the quoran is peaceful.
@hemi5.754 16 часов назад
16 часов назад
then they can peacefully GO BACK TO THEIR LAND
@7cor.james7 16 часов назад
The symbol for Islam is the crescent moon. Looking to the sky and worshipping the sun stars moon etc is very pagan
@theastronomer5800 4 часа назад
There are many pre-Islamic pagan ritual that Muhammad incorporated in Islam. Muslims will of course dismiss the historical connections and claim that these were always part of Islam but people corrupted the religion and only a few bits were left (which pagans did) and Muhammad restored everything. They cannot apply a critical historical method and logic to anything.
@7cor.james7 16 часов назад
Conquer with the sword has ultimately been a huge part of Islam just look at Saudi Arabia flag for example
@bradsmith3133 17 часов назад
Who in their right mind would glorify a pedophile who had sex with a 9 year old ?
@SalmaMohamed-rn8ms 17 часов назад
Whoever made this video is embarrassing and is not educated in Islam in anyway. Surah 9:29 was talking about war called “Tabuk” that was going on, and these disbelievers attacked the Muslim ummah. Surah 5:33 was also talking about a war. And again, these disbelievers attacked the Muslims. And those disbelievers who were caught would go through punishment in this earth and the afterlife because of their actions. And if these disbelievers repent before they got seized, they would be forgiven by Allah. (Surah 5:33-34) pls educate yourself on Islam before making accusations. And IsIs and Hamas are bad and they are following Islam the wrong way. They would both be punished on the day of judgment.
@killpop8255 9 часов назад
So what are the three things Mohammad hijab means when taking over the uk. Three options for Jews and Christians under sharia? What is number three?
@joshd3502 6 часов назад
All these verses are commands. Examples for what should be done during one war and in the future. They abrogate any peaceful verses that might be found in quran.
@ej3696 18 часов назад
Are you for real? Who destroyed who?
@romandacil3984 18 часов назад
Obviously she doesn't know how many different Qurans there are. Also that she is ignorant about the Doctrine of Abrogation when 2 verses contradict each other Muslims are to go with the one that came later.
@JohnPFenn 19 часов назад
Why is the preacher so apologetic about exposing these verses?! Has that girl read the Quran! There are these and many other verses in the Quran that talk about violence and cannot be explained away. Islam is a religion of submission and not for a relationship to God.
@shawnwinstonnippard5313 19 часов назад
I never was a fan of religion. Especially the abrahamic religions. But...I can understand why the numerous other religions call islam...the backwards religion.
@jetcarddude 20 часов назад
We see how peaceful everyday. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha
@nightowl7066 20 часов назад
Islam is a violent and oppressive ideology. A false religion, belief in a false god, proclaimed by a false prophet, based on a false book, leaving with a false hope. Come to Jesus of the Bible to have eternal life 🙏
@Katrina.for_art 20 часов назад
I thought women in Islam don't go to paradise sooooo the virgins would not be women. 😮