Papa Jefé
Papa Jefé
Papa Jefé
I do wild stuff with Pokemon.

Pokemon Emerald Glitches have EVOLVED!
8 месяцев назад
I Caught the GOD of all Latias!
Год назад
This pig absolutely stole my heart...
2 года назад
@DanyMdb 3 часа назад
Te amo p4nzon, no te entendía ni vrgas pero ya saque mi poke, muchas gracias:)))
@809munker13 13 часов назад
Anyone else struggling with getting the nest ball dots egg? i've been resetting for atleast 2 hours now. I got the premier ball dot egg 3 times though. Note i am using an authentic copy and every step has worked up until now.
@JapanguyGM2500 2 дня назад
After almost a year of trying to hunt this thing the normal way on and off, and a couple of failed attempts of understanding how to do this and getting it to work- I finally decided to give this method another shot and after two tries...I finally got my shiny God Pokemon. Thanks a ton Papa Jefe!!! Keep up the excellent work!
@lyn4739 2 дня назад
Just glancing over the fact that you're supposed to keep the bootstrap bad egg and *NOT* release it like any other bad egg is a pretty big oversight...
2 дня назад
i have seen this as a common issue. i'll add it to the pinned. Really it never occurred to me you'd want to release it, since we'd just gone out of our way to create it.
@lyn4739 2 дня назад
Sorry for the sassy tone. I was just a little annoyed I had to do quite a bit of work again lol It makes sense why you wouldn't delete it when I think back, but what confused me was the fact that there wasn't any clear distinction between this bad egg, and any bad eggs we might've produced in the step where we tried to generate a good egg (other than "you need this for a near-future step, put it in box 14"). So I just saw it after everything was fully setup, thought "hey, a bad egg, let me delete that" and naturally deleted it. I think a little note in the video saying something like "remember to keep this bad egg safe, as it will be needed for any future ACE code executions" would've made a world of difference. Otherwise an expectional video! Thanks for the quick comment btw ^^
@z-powered-nathan 3 дня назад
Why is the ability overgrow at 18:13?
2 дня назад
Had Bulbasaur instead of Squirtle selected.
@mackcool1000 3 дня назад
Its kinda creepy for a grown man to play as a little girl
@shinyf-0036 3 дня назад
3:22:10 I didn't know Gen 3 had a built in disco feature
@Slappadabreeh 3 дня назад
@NintendoKnightThefirst 3 дня назад
“The only way to capture shiny mew”Have you heard of the glitched mew in Pokémon red you can get?At first you can’t transfer it to Pokémon silver but there is a way given enough time and dedication and a lot of kinks you can eventually transfer that mew to silver and since shininess in solve is determined via stats you can in fact get a shiny like that
3 дня назад
I said capture specifically, because you actually encounter and throw a pokeball in this case.
@LuitentantDanVids 4 дня назад
So then does this box-swapping work with the warp to RNG seed codes in FRLG as well?
4 дня назад
Sadly, we don't have RNG warping yet.
@TheDimitriskaras 4 дня назад
I was having the same problem with many people with black screen, egg glitches on hatching and I found the solution for me. I have a European version. First the pokemon in the team we don't need to have PKRS while having the dot exp sharing (the PKRS maybe is messing up the IVs), the dot will have to be trained with 6 poochyenas for ATK and I didn't teach it flash. I hope that it will help many people
@ns-tech1304 4 дня назад
Use pkhex and be proud of it. Imagine calling this legit lmao
@broly595 5 дней назад
This is awesome! Is it possible to reset the starters multiple times in order to get all 3?
5 дней назад
Thanks! Yes you can just keep doing it!
@Kalaphant 5 дней назад
Like, RNG manipulation is SKILL. Those RNG-Haters I feel like are the kinda people to say that Glitched speedruns are hacking. Because it's actually the exact same. But obviously it's not hacking. Take the SMB1 wall-jump for example. So, why would it be hacking? Afterall, you're supposed to be able to jump if you're standing. And Mario is standing. Just on a wall
@marmalade5341 5 дней назад
1:20:01 I’ve never seen anything like this 😂🤘
@nakano8412 6 дней назад
Been looking at alot of your rng videos the last few months, wanted to get some shinies, started my rng journey last week, so far got shiny Palkia and all the ramanas park legendaries in my pearl copy. This is way more fun to shiny hunt then soft resets.
@jakeblaylock3490 6 дней назад
The Papa is back baybeeeeeeeee
@Aggress92 6 дней назад
you can make shiny mews that are transferrable on pokemon blue virtual console using ACE glitches. it won't appear shiny in pokemon blue, but it will when it transfers, if you set it up correctly.
@larryworrell6324 6 дней назад
Hey lads, has anyone worked out how to enter the cave during the palkia encounter, I am trapped by rowan and dawn.
@puregarbage2329 7 дней назад
Failed registeel, got him back to back, then caught latias, suicine, and entei on the same seed…I went dummy mode.
@Dragonshiny 7 дней назад
I need help. I am doing everything exactly as explained but after 40 blinks it gives me an error. Try changing the number of NPC Pokemon, in case you count Arceus, and the location (snow areas). But it still doesn't work. It detects the blinking without any error. I am in the postgame, I have already defeated E4.
@autobotal7253 8 дней назад
Very insightful video! i am glad you found both Squirtle and Abra :)
@nvy9879 8 дней назад
Mind blown. I'm picking up a second hand DS and a copy of FR/LG to try this.
@soojinpark418 8 дней назад
It’s still working and got it today! Thank you Papa Jefé! You saved my life🥹 This is the only shiny Pokemon I ever wanted! I just saw this video and tried couple a times. It was a little difficult but I did it! Thank you :) subscribed!
@alecramirez3120 8 дней назад
i must be doing something wrong... I have the exact same time line setting etc.. and I am constantly 2 late or early... no in-between. I feel like I have the exact same timing as well. On discovery plate.
@nakano8412 6 дней назад
Not an expert on rng hunting, but might have some tips: Get a better eye snip if not consistent, make sure you click the timeline button at the right time and the A presses. This probably don't matter, but don't use the joysticks, only d-pad (in my experience). Also you might really have to tweak the A press delay, for me the regis went fine on the suggested 85delay, but every other legendary I got on delay 82-83 for some reason. It's just trial and error, spent 2-3 hours on a Lugia, meanwhile all the regis & kantoian birds were back to back.
@LucillePalmer 8 дней назад
glad my boy mr mime has a new party trick
@freshIight 8 дней назад
Hoo boi! A new video <3
8 дней назад
well this was just a stream follow up to the new video, but if you haven't seen it the new Squirtle Speedrun video is up as well.
@GreatShogunWest 9 дней назад
If personal bias was set aside in terms of what the community as a whole deem ''legal'' or ''Poke-ethics,'' this could potentially shake up SR strats if further explored for optimized runs. Potential is there.
@jerematic 9 дней назад
I know this probably sounds like a silly revelation but I'm assuming the Teachy TV speeds up the RNG to generate the fast moving static in the background
9 дней назад
You would be correct!
@jerematic 9 дней назад
That is such a 'Game Freak' solution, I love it XD
@BBSplat 9 дней назад
Wait, why do you need an Everstone? Couldnt you just cancel Abra's evolution with the B button?
9 дней назад
When I did a few test runs before making this actual attempt, not using the Everstone was insanely slow. Having to cancel the Evo screen from 16-30 is brutal.
@BBSplat 9 дней назад
I'm surprised it's slower than catching the extra Pokémon! That makes sense though, I don't remember how long the evolution cancel takes, to be fair.
9 дней назад
@@BBSplat it's probably comparable to be honest. Especially with how poorly I routed both the Pokemon capturing, and the levelling process in general. The real answer is just to raise Mr. Mime immediately like the Any% runners do. But I opted to use the EV spread that was more universal since it, works on FR & LG in all non-japanese versions for the video.
@eddiegomez3628 9 дней назад
@Wrulfy 9 дней назад
Wondering how complicated would be to build a small robot that presses the buttons with small servomotors so you clamp the robot to a GBA or a DS to better time the button presses
@alessandromoretti2270 9 дней назад
Hey man, I followed every steps perfectly and all, but I got a blue decamark hatched from the egg... I never saw one of this color in any video When I try to get the maps in Mauville the game always crashes when I open the summary of my Dots. I've already cleaned any ghost data, changed all my wallpapers and rewritten the codes several times but the game always crashes. Maybe this blue decamark has something to do with it? I'm thinking in restarting the process but I'm wondering if the coloring of it influenced in something
9 дней назад
The color on hatch could be many things. What steps of the process did you complete? Did you successfully convert DOTS into a 40E9? Create the Bad Egg Bootstrap and place it in Box 14?
@alessandromoretti2270 9 дней назад
Yeah, I did create the bad egg and placed in box 14 first slot. My problem now is when I change the box names to get the Auroraticket, then save the game in front of the npc and then check the Dots Summary, the game freezes forever in the summary, never poping the certificate
9 дней назад
@alessandromoretti2270 Hmmm, i'd need more information then. Lots could have gone wrong. You were able to convert DOTS into 40E9, and then ran a code to create the Bad Egg from the bootstrap Pokemon without it crashing. So that's good. However, you could have made a typo in that code that lead to the bootstrap bad egg being incorrect. Do you have the ability to backup your save? Are you playing on real cartridge/GBA/DS, emulator, or Analogue Pocket? Have you tried running any other codes?
@alessandromoretti2270 9 дней назад
I can't backup my save and I'm playing on a real cartridge/GBA and a tried running other codes but the results are the same. I'm thinking in just release my Dots and start the process from scratch with my backup Seedot (Dots) and Plusle I cloned before anything One thing that I noticed is that my Plusle had a different level when traded than yours (it was lvl 20) . Don't know if my ID or the level of my Volbeat which I traded influenced in something, but it's something I'm wondering edit: fyi, my bootstrap bad egg has pokerus, it's on a Luxury Ball and says that it will take a long time to hatch
9 дней назад
@@alessandromoretti2270 Okay Luxury Ball on the Bootstrap Egg doesn't match mine. So something might have gone wrong there. I'd try doing the bootstrap bad egg part again first. With a new freshly caught Pokemon, nicknamed and everything. You can delete the old one by doing the Battle Tower glitch in reverse: 1. Save with Bad Egg in your party (and 2 pokemon to enter the Battle Tower with) 2. Deposit the Bad Egg. 3. Go to the Battle Tower Multi Girl, Select your Pokemon, and Turn off once you see your Playtime Card & Yes\No. 4. When you load back in, your party saves, but PC reverts to before you deposited the Bad Egg. So its erased.
@williamzeledon586 10 дней назад
How on earth do people end up finding stuff like this?
@OutsideJustin 10 дней назад
Does this work for saphire and ruby
9 дней назад
Sadly, no.
@antimorph 10 дней назад
Lets go, my dude. As a programmer myself, I find this stuff beautiful. Also, you explain things very well. Thanks once again for one more video. Can't wait for the next one. Cheers!
@kazinwho 10 дней назад
All this stuff is so cool. Great video, Jefe!
@slowbro698u2 10 дней назад
Won't those trainers pokemon give EV's to MR.Mime?
10 дней назад
They do, but Rapidash and Ninetales give SpDef and Speed which don't disrupt the corruption.
@slowbro698u2 10 дней назад
Okay. I figured the EVs had to be exact. Thanks.
@Limitless_Pokemon 10 дней назад
I keep getting a “can’t grab frame error”. How do I prevent this or is it affecting my shiny hunt?
10 дней назад
Can't Grab Frame is just a warning that doesn't actually affect anything function wise. Just a side effect of Python accessing the Webcam that can be ignored, as long as blinks are registering in the counter.
@Limitless_Pokemon 10 дней назад
Update, got my shiny Dialga!! Stats are mediocre but I am thinking about trying for (near) perfect IV’s. Thanks for the feedback Jefe!
@Limitless_Pokemon 10 дней назад
I keep getting a “can’t grab frame error”. How do I prevent this or is it affecting my shiny hunt?
@EilrahcH 10 дней назад
Great video! Played Pokemon Red back in the day 😅 Are we able to find Moltres in SV?
10 дней назад
In the Indigo Disc DLC yeah. Or you can transfer it in from Sword/Shield or Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl
@EilrahcH 10 дней назад
Ty. New to SV so just trying to see if I can get them. Are the DLCs worth buying?
10 дней назад
@@EilrahcH I would say they make the game feel much more complete. The base game is fine, but once you're finished if you want more stuff to do then the DLC will add quite a bit.
@EilrahcH 10 дней назад
Thank you 🙏🏻. I’m new to this as I have only ever played the old red. I’ve shears enjoyed Pokemon so wanted to try something new. Looks pretty involved. Am I able to not play for a week then pick it back up without any issue? Or am I required to actually play once a day etc?
10 дней назад
​@@EilrahcH Noooo definitely not. The daily stuff just adds variety to raids and extra Pokemon outbreaks. The fact that you can easily refresh them by just changing your date whenever you want, means you aren't missing anything by not playing every day.
@peterfields6562 10 дней назад
@rickdicker7270 11 дней назад
Fantastic content man. In the past I had done some limited RNG manips in Emerald with the initial seed but I always wanted to find unique competitive and shiny Pokémon. After watching your videos a few times I was able to create a decamark and use arbitrary code execution and RNG manipulation to obtain a perfect shiny Latios and a nearly perfect shiny Bedlum after only a couple hours of work. Will be targeting many more pokemon soon. It may seem complicated at first but this is absolutely achievable for anyone!
10 дней назад
These are the comments I love to see. Happy to hear you've been having fun with glitches/RNG!
@user-nv6rv5iq7t 11 дней назад
Hey just wondering can i still connect to colosseum and transfer pokemon up to gen 4 with the decamark pokemon in my box? Both for emerald and frlg. Thanks in advance
11 дней назад
No, but there actually is a way to change MIMIEN into a Mr Mime again. There's been talk of making an AR code for box that disables the glitch and Dex limit checks. But for the time being if you wanna use ACE on Emerald and Box you need to only use the Eggs. 40e9 won't go into Box.
@user-nv6rv5iq7t 11 дней назад
Awesome thanks a bunch! What about 085F on emerald will that decamark pokemon in the pc or party would i be able to connect to colosseum or transfer up to gen 4 with emerald
10 дней назад
@@user-nv6rv5iq7t Oh i just realized you were asking about Colosseum and Gen 4 Pal Park, not Pokemon Box. Idk why I thought you meant Pokemon Box. You actually should be able to trade with Colosseum no problem, as long as the glitch guy is in the PC. Not sure about Pal Park though. You'd have to try it, and definitely don't look at his summary.
@goatsplitter 11 дней назад
i think the best way to get shiny pokemon, with max stats, and perfect IV/EV is to use surprise trade.
11 дней назад
Ha! Yeah the bots are insane now. Wasn't like that at launch 😭
@masonoverton4063 11 дней назад
Dope vid
@bazzam429 11 дней назад
I never could get the timer to work on my laptop, trying to get that shiny treecko, due to my pearl cartridge going missing which has my shiny Sceptile. Treecko was my first shiny ever
@tiago-tz3bb 11 дней назад
similar to using e shark code to teleport to a different seed and frame in emerald? how would u use the code for frlg? it askes to select a location as well but i just wanna jump to a certain seed and frame (hunting suicune)
11 дней назад
We don't have that code for FRLG Grab ACE yet, Sleipnir would need to develop it. It does exist for the Crobat glitch move ACE, but you must set that up with Emerald. eSharks FRLG codes are only for Crobat ACE right now. This is still a relatively early implementation. its only been a few months.
@tiago-tz3bb 11 дней назад
ok understood. using the crobat, do u have to select a location aswell or can you just jump to the seed n frame u want ?
11 дней назад
You have to also pick a location with the Crobat ACE because it happens inside a battle, instead of just out in the world like Emerald. Just changing the RNG state in the middle of a battle would actually make it harder to hit your target. FRLG also doesn't have broken seeding, so it's possible to just RNG whatever frame you might want without ACE codes. Just a matter of hunting for the right seed timing.
@myloveIUxBaeSuzy 11 дней назад
HOLY SHIT, this worked after I did not notice Lefty " as one of the box names I put righty on all of them. lol