I like MMOS and fighting games and yapping about game design, concepts, etc. My editing is crap, so if you're a LOA grinding, you should put this on the side as you do mind numbing chaos.

I'm currently in the LOA creator program even though it does me no benefit at all. But they say I have to state that I am in places, so hey, it's here.

Business Email : lowkuj@gmail.com

Tencent Cooked : #lostark China update
21 день назад
Applying the Mental Stack to Lost Ark
2 месяца назад
Theamine Roster Update #lostark
2 месяца назад
Burst Vs Consistent DPS [ Lost Ark ]
3 месяца назад
First impressions on the Sworn playtest
3 месяца назад
Synergies suck in Lost Ark
3 месяца назад
Platinum Field Guide & Tips [ Lost Ark ]
4 месяца назад
Maxroll is back on menu for Lost Ark
4 месяца назад
Jump Start 2 is coming [ Lost Ark ]
4 месяца назад
Pose situation and Mileage system [Lost Ark]
5 месяцев назад
1000 Subs Parasocial Special : 2024 Plans & Yap
5 месяцев назад
Endgame in Lost Ark :  Design, effects, Opinions
6 месяцев назад
@doomfanboy9413 8 дней назад
it is sad that they decided to make super armor apart of the base tool stats but they decided to remove plat fields :( that's what I heard anyways I could be wrong.
@Jukwol 7 дней назад
Oh? I guess we'll find out in some time here soon since T4 about to drop in KR.
@supes0059 12 дней назад
just give me 2 person raids and ill come back lol...see my friends have to pay gold just to be able to participate in a raid turned me all the way off, I may come back to finish everything else in the game but I would love to raid
@BuffPomsky 14 дней назад
That's y u dont swipe, u rmt since otherwise ur wasting time and money 😂 rmtd 10mil+ and was only ever banned for a month.
@raddadxo677 14 дней назад
Dand 6 1620 plus sounds like time to chill... well and try not to freak out over elixers/trans
@enquestaba 14 дней назад
lost ark was my first and last kr game, they know how to be a predators
@leonichida3034 14 дней назад
I can’t wait for the solo content, do the gold farm on my own, not being gate kept. If I got jail is my fault.
@petetam7394 15 дней назад
yeah i quit playing seriously last year after getting Los 30 and realizing this wont be sustainable. Nowadays i just chill with 4-5 raids a week on 3 toons and wait for solo raid, life is a lot better 😊
@itsDubla 15 дней назад
Your stream is the content we need!!!! 😬😬. Imma pull up!
@Jukwol 15 дней назад
One day.
@TLDW1986 15 дней назад
i reduced my roster from 6 to 2 with Kayangel release because its all just repetition. My 2 Chars made it to 1630 and 1610. Now I just gave up, sold my gold and maybe I will just do some Solo once a week and good bye. It was a great time, but the repetition, the RNG grind etc. is simply exhausting. T4 wont be better. And now when I think of what I could do instead of doing all the repetitive stuff I just had to decide and quit playing this game.
@NazarLeokas 15 дней назад
You are almost there. Just a bit more then u can truly feel the freedom. FFXIV has done a good job on combat changes. U will see.
@chillidari-9392 14 дней назад
What is the good job on combat changes? Healer and tanks are as boring as ever and apparently AST and BLM got shittified. The only good thing seems to be PCT which came at the cost of BLM. Job design and combat in FF is maybe the worst in the MMO genre no point trying to sugarcoat it.
@s.a4034 15 дней назад
Holly shit !! One 1630 and five 1620 without spending money ?! And that's the game fault ?
@Jukwol 15 дней назад
It's a 50/50. The game is designed to induce fomo and push you to alt the 6 man roster. While other people who spend on the money are the people who set the prescience that playing juiced roster is how the game is. And it was achievable up to Akkan squeeze. But yeah I know someone with 3 1630s, and like 7 1620s. And when people just say that's normal, that gaslights people around them to think they can do it too because they don't want to admit they p2w in our culture. This is me saying I'm changing what is in my control, and change how I play the game and be less affected by outside sources out of my reach.
@s.a4034 15 дней назад
@@Jukwol bro in a free country everything design to give you fomo to stimulate the consumption , so becuse you have freedom to do crazy shit do you have to do it ? In my idea yoir life / your time 100% is your responsibility but there are people that give all responsibility to anyone and anything but themself its a matter of ideology .
@Jukwol 15 дней назад
@@s.a4034 That is what this video is about, yes.
@josetamad 15 дней назад
Good luck my man. I'm in a similar spot.
@hannshassen3111 15 дней назад
I share all your thoughts and you totally should take a "real" break from the game, best moment is right now. Wait till T4 release and don't do any demanding activities any longer in the game, it will all be wasted effort in like 3-4 months. The game developed in such a bad way with more and more homework raids and shores, that it should be no longer called game^^ The day T4 got announced i didn't have to think twice about pausing Lost Ark till T4, seeing it as a new game start and having lots of time to enjoy other games, as you mentioned too :)
@sporkaccione 15 дней назад
gw2 > ff14
@Skiiney 15 дней назад
hell nah
@GFClocked 15 дней назад
Imagine how many games you can play. Just don't hop from loa to nexon for your main game. Spread the love, make vids on everything you try
@Jukwol 15 дней назад
Yeah, I want to play a bunch of games. I don't have trust in Nexon, but I do like looter shooters. So I want to give it a shot. Still in the 2XKO waiting room mostly.
@TheDarkbogiTV 15 дней назад
Love your videos and would certainly tune in when you stream. About the people who whale rmt bus etc is actually so true, I for one am neither of them, I did bus at the start but stopped because bussers are hella toxic and I do buy the battle passes except the kindergarten kid one cuz I didnt like the skin, I mainly buy them for the skin and the stuff you can't get with blue crystals. I spent a lot of money in cosmetics but never gold and I really notice how the game state gets worse day by day with all the unfair advantages that people have, I don't mind whales because I am getting blue crystals from whales so it's at least something. But all the cheaters just take the fun away from the game and makes it quite impossible to progress as a normal player who doesn't cheat. For now I stopped playing maybe until tier 4. My current gold roster is one 1620 one 1610 two 1600s and two 1580s without a single level 10 gem on the entire roster because I simply cannot afford them., I can't get into raids with my lower chars even though they are built well and I just can't enjoy being stuck in a pug for hours without a clear anymore every week. AGS truely ruined the game with their mishandeling of botting and cheating. Overall the game has issues in itself but the cheating issue just worsened it by tenfold, maybe t4 will be fun for a bit, but maybe t4 will be even worse if AGS does nothing. My personal assumption is that at least 60% of players RMT'd in this game and that a lot of streamers who say the game is fine are rmters.
@Jukwol 15 дней назад
If you add chaos botting I would say like 90% of the community is probably in there. But again its because the game is designed in a way it pushed people to this point.
@Hydr312 15 дней назад
Bro you got like 900k Gold... you are fine if you even play just 2-3 characters.
@Jukwol 15 дней назад
Yeah. I got a good pile to sit on for now.
@dasguten4084 15 дней назад
I am on the other foot still sadly. I was really looking forward to getting to behemoth and chilling for a bit because people were thinking tier 4 was a ways off. But now with tier 4 out its kinda but bit of a bummer that its basically resetting our progress in terms of grinding. I love the game to death though and love to continue to grind with tier 4 but there are just some outstanding grinds from tier 3 that I am not looking forward to repeating namely gems due to the fact class gem balances is so bad right now. I feel stuck with tier 4 coming out and not taking advantage of it with alts to setup myself up well for the future. I even took a break for like 4 months and that set me back loads with the release of brel hm, akkan, and voldis. The season 4 fomo is such a double edge sword
@Jukwol 15 дней назад
Yeah, It's rough. I got other games I want to play right now that are helping me pull away for the time being. But also its a nexon game so the p2w will be even worse and I'll quit that game even faster prob om.
@Spineripper63 15 дней назад
How are you load times so fast? I have a 4090 PC and it takes like twice as long at least.
@Jukwol 15 дней назад
Not GPU issue usually with load time. CPU and RAM usually. Do you have XMP Enabled in bios?
@itisthefear 15 дней назад
I never fomoed in this game main is 1635 and have 2 alts at 1620 and the the rest are 1600. I only do Echidna on my main, no point wasting my time in jail lobbies. There have been many times where i haven't finished all my weekly raids and I honestly dont care. I feel like ppl treat this game in a very unhealthy way. Many ppl say that this is how the game is designed, but in KR most people dont even have 6 characters. Its 100%a community issue that will eventually eat itself.
@Jukwol 15 дней назад
Yeah, there is so much peer pressure to keep up with the community and friends. I think solo raids will help people ethically alt better.
@cyborg7162 15 дней назад
First step before leaving the cult Congratz sir
@Endykins 15 дней назад
He's one step closer to being free boys.
@Jukwol 14 дней назад
It's wild that this is the most upvoted comment in my channel ever kek
@Endykins 14 дней назад
@@Jukwol Now go buy GBF relink and grind another 400 hours with me.
@Duubly 15 дней назад
I downsized to 3 chars a while back. Now ive got 3 high quality chars, 2 of which ill park t4 and main will continue to grow. As for any other gold earning needed on the other alts, ill probably do solo every now and then.
@Jukwol 15 дней назад
Yeah, before two of my friends quit and gave me all their stuff, I can't say my characters were that high quality. They were above the standard for the content, but nothing great. But with dowsizing it will be a lot easier to be properly (over)geared for good reclear etc.
@ryanc9876 15 дней назад
Well, I'm glad you're taking a step back. And frankly, I'm surprised you lasted that long considering how much you were playing. Oddly enough, I never got to that level of play, and I managed to keep myself from FMOing much at all. The thing that always makes me step away from the game is when I don't have people to play...or rather the people I played with before stopped playing. Having people to run with always helps keep it from feeling mundane. ...but solo mode though.
@Jukwol 15 дней назад
Yeah, a big factor was that I had a bunch of other people who played this game hardcore. The downside is some injected money into the account so it made it hard for us to stick together as a group. The pressure of other people and friends are just as powerful as the design of the game to push you to go hard.
@elemental2374 15 дней назад
@@JukwolI know that feeling some folks I know started rmting like 6 months ago and we’ve never run the same raids since then they just progressed far beyond what some (including me) could’ve have managed with our gold I also always thought „no there is no need to downsize my roster“ but now I’m thinking T4 is the perfect opportunity to do so like maybe from 6 to 3 to 2 or 1 idk we will see what I will end with to have more time for other more important thing
@fgmxd4957 15 дней назад
Many people have been downsizing their rosters recently. I think many have similar feelings and concerns that you have, which is that the game is too time consuming, so doing 18 raids a week and being at the forefront of every new content release on multiple characters is very taxing on your free time and sometimes even mental health with all that proging, multiple reclears, statics, lobby sims, jails, etc. People are just burning out slowly but surely, so with the T4 announcement it's a good time to reflect on how you have been approaching the game and what other things other than LA you would like to try out or pursue.
@Jukwol 15 дней назад
Yeah, I hope other people can fight the fomo and reduce too.
@largekoi 15 дней назад
You wouldn't be burrnt out if you just used the chaos bot like everyone else 😜
@Jukwol 15 дней назад
Sad truth.
@TheRealTrucido 15 дней назад
I was in the same boat as you but I realized how unhealthy and unsustainable it was back in Dec 2022. I was already 230+ roster at that point and im only 2 selection packs away from LoS 30. I just came back to do solo raids at my own pace. Which means I will be 1-2 current content raids behind all the time, and thats fine by me. I can't play 16 hours a day anymore. I would much rather play 2-4 hours and live my life. I only like Lost Ark for the raids and now that we can solo them I dont need to interact with anyone lol.
@Jukwol 15 дней назад
Yeah, I had a consistent static I played with from launch until echidna where it started to fall apart, and the people are part of the reason I play. And so when that happened, along with spending like 2 hours getting grace 4 transcendence I was like "what am i doing with my life" But doing solo content for alt stuff on my own time might be pretty nice and help.
@MrSirocko 15 дней назад
Same, quit the game after clearing brel normal. Keeping up with honing for week 1 prog was too much work and finding prog groups 3 months after raid release is also nightmare. Came back last week to prep for solo mode as it will enable me to clear content at my own pace
@Cauttyh 15 дней назад
come play ff14 pussy we have cat girls
@TheRealTrucido 17 дней назад
I wish it was roster bound gold, plus solo ANY content up to a certain iLevel (includes guardian raids and other group content -- not sure if this is the case in the update or not), and the 6 gold earners earn gold on every raid they do not just 3. I say this as someone who is returning and cant even catch up to 1580-1600 because it takes millions of gold. The way AGS has it now, it incentivizes RMTing instead of playing the game.
@lainstructure 19 дней назад
Deadge ark
@TheDarkbogiTV 20 дней назад
Tencent owns their version of Lost Ark, they aren't just the publisher. The director back then said to the korean community that tencent has their own inhouse team working on the game and they only helped to release it there. Every changes made in LA CN are 100% Tencent but as we know SG can still take updates from CN and port it over. AGS only takes patches from SG and doesn't develop them while SG mainly focuses on the korean aufience which is completely different of what we want. Example, Thrones of Liberty did an interview with players and content creators and answered wuestions from them, kanon was part of it and asked why game p2w, afterwards a korean player asked if the people playing who are there think that the current system is to unfair and to p2w, nobody there thought that. In the west we clearly think that this system is very bad, we also think blue crystals are bad but lucent is way worse cuz you cant buy it with gold, just with items you sell on the market.
@ytzyt 19 дней назад
That actually makes a lot of sense to me as Tencent themselves do dev games so they have existing teams for those already. btw In CN version aero is 5% stronger than our version =D
@PlasmoX 20 дней назад
I don't know if tencent's influence over the game is it being some stipulations over serving the game in their region. Basically, part of their deal may be more control over the game itself to better serve their base. SG doesn't want to lose that massive market of players, it's money. They will do what needs to be done to keep the game very popular in that region. That's just me with my tinfoil Chinese players also don't have a problem whaling for power. It's not seen as a negative there, similar to KR, but unlike here. Honestly, i don't think the game's popularity abroad will allow AGS more influence over the game. It'll just remain popular to the few thousand players that still play, while the game dies a slow death with the dwindling player base until the region is no longer profitable and they decide to close the global version of the game. But
@JeyJ24 20 дней назад
Outside of the dps meter and the different balance patch, i can see this stuff coming for us as well. This just gives us an excuse to ask more from AGS. It will always be better to start lost ark later because the QoL and design is always improving. CN is no different.
@Jukwol 20 дней назад
Yeah. If this kind of stuff does really good at rejuvenating CN maybe AGS won't even have ask.
@ProcrastinateWGames 20 дней назад
its like Maplestory where most boss can be solo and they will get a bit more HP when playing with multiple people. -
@bfrfoxtrot 20 дней назад
This isn't Tencent. This is literally whats happening to global they just announced it to their community early. Get your face outta chinas buttcheeks.
@photograhy 20 дней назад
Forgot to comment on the last video, because you literally asked us about it, but your video sounds great again, so whatever you did, works.
@Jukwol 20 дней назад
So last video I used Sonar. And it recorded and sounded great on my end, but when the EQ was enabled it would produce random clipping at pointless times no matter my volume or how I spoke. There was one left in that video, and ultimately it made me recording process more tedious. (Issue only occurs with Audacity and I like editing audio most in there) This time I just recorded raw and then did all the EQ and management in Resolve which I think is the way I'll go.
@itsDubla 21 день назад
I didn't realize the publisher had this much power to change things in the game from the original game. WHY IS OUR VERSION LIKE IT IS?!?! AGS, get it together MANNNN!!!
@ieababies 20 дней назад
Tencent is different. If you look up the history of SG, back in 2007 SG was nobody. And SG wanted to have tencent publish their game crossfire in China. The game was kicked back by Tencent three times before it finally got released in Chinese market. It was so popular and made the SG what it is today. So I am not surprised feedbacks from Tencent would get done right the way for the China market. AGS has no Influence as Tencent. Tencent is basically SAMSUM in korea or Google in the states.
@Jukwol 20 дней назад
Yeah Tencent is a bit of a special case and leaps and bounds different from AGS in this space. This kind of power and such is something that its like a .000001% AGS ever considered trying to have. But I think this is a great example of a Publisher taking a more commanding role while historically, people tend to blanket that publishers never can do anything.
@s.a4034 20 дней назад
​@@Jukwolhow many player they have over there ? Any idea its higher or lower than west ?
@Kyobi 20 дней назад
They put charcoal on NPC's faces and made sh look like a cockroach.
@Someone--Else 20 дней назад
It comes down to the publishing contract that is formed, and how much leverage the publisher is afforded by it. Contracts can contain anything, so long as it isn't illegal, and as such can widely differ between contracts, even if the core function is the same.
@ribbz22 21 день назад
I quit after Brel because even though I loved the combat and raids I hated feeling pressured to do my homework every week. Solo raids definitely somewhat peak my interest to mess around with the game again.
@ryanc9876 21 день назад
It makes you wonder how much power AGS actually has. But it does feel like Tencent bought more rights or something than AGS to afford more liberties. The irony of talking about "liberties" in an authoritarian ruled country's server doesn't elude me though lol. I do like the idea though, as it would increase the value of gold while still letting us have a use for bound gold until you get towards the tip of the endgame.
@jamzbraz 21 день назад
I mean, what can SG do at this point? Sue Tencent and expect Chinese authorities to enforce contract? Huge KEK
@Jukwol 21 день назад
Yeah, I think EOD it's really that Tencent was much more aware of what they were getting themselves into and they knew the market extremely well to make the right deals with Smilegate.
@TheDarkgel 21 день назад
No tldr so tired of the long writings
@photograhy 20 дней назад
open up edge, right click the text, read aloud and listen to it while doing chaos
@ytzyt 21 день назад
CN is catching up at a way faster pace so I totally understand the new benefit coming out. Their community has been mad about how good AGS events & rewards were now they finally got something. In fact Tencent has been milking players like crazy with the faster pace release without much extra sources to accomedate the move. I'm not sure if there's any sites to check player count in CN as it's not on steam but I highly doubt the changes are made to save their player count.
@jamzbraz 21 день назад
What's your source for chinese community claims?
@Jukwol 21 день назад
Yeah, reading the end there, them saying that they lacked events. It seems like CN kind of launched the opposite as the West. Where it was a pretty rough launch, but they are now fixing the game for the long term. Meanwhile here we had a great launch but we lose chunks of the community to the squeeze points with minimal relief.
@ytzyt 20 дней назад
@@jamzbraz try browse NGA you'll see planty ppl complaining. I've stopped going there for a while coz most posts I see back then was complain and complains.
@silvertaken 20 дней назад
​@@JukwolFrom what I understand, we lose players in the west because of p2w and forced coop endgame (leading to gatekeeping). There in China at least p2w is not a negative factor like here. What made the game not keep the players were mainly those aformentioned aspects in the west and it'll keep that way until they change it. At least p2w is what will never go away.
@ytzyt 19 дней назад
@@jamzbraz check NGA, I haven't been visiting the subform for a few weeks at least because it's been filled with complains regarding rewards and events for a long time.
@shiranuishogunsaga8451 21 день назад
Is it possible they bought developer rights? This is what they did with archeage as well and they were able to do whatever they wanted compared to Trion Worlds
@Someone--Else 21 день назад
A while back a common complaint in Korea was that players felt that Smilegate was making more effort to deal with the Chinese version, than to update the Korean one, so I don't think Tencent has the developer rights.
@Jukwol 21 день назад
There is indeed a chance that Tencent had an agreement for more power to do it, but that still comes down to Tencent knowing the space extremely well and knowing that the game can't exist in China as it does Korea. AGS is still very green in this space so it is logical to give them a little breathing room for really not being as aggressive as Tencent when it comes to managing games. It's something I hope that AGS improves on and attempts to tailor towards the West more.
@Someone--Else 20 дней назад
@@Jukwol Well, a good comparison to this was the En Masse version of TERA. It was well known that they had pushed for various changes that made it different from other releases of TERA. It comes down to the publishing contract that is formed, and how much leverage the publisher is afforded by it. Contracts can contain anything, so long as it isn't illegal, and as such can widely differ between contracts, even if the core function is the same.
@dohnavis 21 день назад
The bound gold idea doesn't sound bad and would work really well when solo raids and t4 come out in the west. Would be nice if they removed the gold earning cap on after the main 6 gold earners and made it so that the gold made from 7 onward characters you have is 100% bound gold so that players that like to do raids or solo raids (soon) can find a way to progress and not be gate keept so much.
@Jukwol 21 день назад
I'm hoping T4 has more fundamental changes to progression that we haven't heard yet. Solo raids and alting them overall just good to me in a sense that I'm someone who usually finds something they like about every class/character, so it will be fun to tinker with everything I benched. However that trait is self destructive with a multitude of roster swaps. While I understand your point, I think the issue more so isn't that you should be able to milk 24 characters in solo raids for gold, but more so the root is that it takes too much gold and work from alts to fund a single character. Having alts feel more optional and for fun because you actually want them would be a good change for the mental of the players imo.
@atypicalconservative6827 21 день назад
Hard disagree. Bound gold would. Be an unmitigated mess in the west. Chinese players are more accepting of certain concepts than western players just like Korean players are more willing to deal with certain things than we are.
@jamzbraz 21 день назад
@@Jukwol I've been saying this for years. The bulk of the Gatekeeping in this game originates from the lack of time to enjoy the game, created by the insane preasure to earn max gold by raiding(18 total) on six characters in a single week. Most of the time characters you don't even give a f**k about, with the cheapest builds ever concieved, and still these alts don't pay you back in gold. That alone makes the game bleed new players who aren't sunken fallacy cost in enough to give two s**ts about this game, and veterans who finally find self-respect.
@YamiAnkokujidai 24 дня назад
I'm probably gonna return on the game when this is up and gonna plane my weeklies on 1main pushing new content / 5 alt doing chill solo raid ( and not wasting my time in Lobby Gatekeeping Sim ).
@Jukwol 23 дня назад
Yeah, it will be nice for people to not feel pressured to keep up with the community on alting especially. Push fomo to keep up with the average pugging group to avoid dead PF is pretty rough.
@doomfanboy9413 24 дня назад
just gonna say this before I watch but I personally feel in the new engraving system taking into account solo raids are coming I personally believe that Ether Predator will be a very good engraving it already adds a decent amount of damage AND defense when you get a 30 stack and it's seriously easy to keep a 30 stack and with them adding relic books this could very well mean that it's only going to get even better than it already is which if true could be huge for solo enjoyers. just my humble two brain celled opinion tho. also as a person that's never watched your videos before allow me to tell you that I do in fact not notice a difference in the audio quality.
@Jukwol 23 дня назад
That's actually not the first time I heard a prediction about EP going in. Overall I hope there are big changes that allow just more engraving freedom without feeling like a huge grief.
@g4ntzftw 26 дней назад
my guild leader was banned for illegal software use after using the dps meter for a week and today some more guild members who also used it were banned. We use it in closed raids with guild members and we never say anything related to the dps meter in the game chat, our communication has always been using discord, by reports more people were banned NAE everyone used dps meter
@Jukwol 26 дней назад
How sure are you that they got hit for meter and not using chaos botting software? Both are really running rampart in this community.
@g4ntzftw 24 дня назад
​@@Jukwol They don't use any type of bot, the leader is a whale and has esther +8, he spent a lot of money on the game, the guild leader managed to revert the permanent ban to a 7 day ban with support, he was warned by support that If he is caught again capturing data with unauthorized programs you will be banned forever, the other members who were also banned remain banned :( I'm sure it was because of the meter, we have 40 members in the guild and 8 who used the meter were caught after a week of using it
@TheRealTrucido 27 дней назад
I quit in Dec 2022 and just came back. Cant wait for solo raids. I'll probably just do all my solo raids and not really care about the newer 1-2 contents for awhile. Im too far behind.
@Jukwol 27 дней назад
You almost had me at the first part there. "I quit in Dec 2022..." Thought it was gonna be ranting why you hate the game lol. But yeah I hope solo raids is an enjoyable experience. I got a lot of abandoned characters that I would just like to progress up to the silver honing limit at least just to try them out.
@RagingSorrowDR 29 дней назад
I don't think the game is going to be universally balanced. But I do think it should have parity between gates and raids. No class should be top on all gates all raids,cough cough summoner.
@Jukwol 29 дней назад
Yeah, I think when the topic of balance, there are the people who think this topic is about perfect balance which kind of triggers an enrage mech on them. You can't have perfect balance without every class being the same, it's true. But you can still have classes be very competitive with one another while all being very different in design and gameplay. Like you can't say DB and Breaker are both pumping hard because they're the same class. They're very very different classes. That's the part of the conversation that tends to go over people's heads. It's not about perfect balance, its about them being competitive with one another and so people can feel better about investing in x character.
@RagingSorrowDR 29 дней назад
@@Jukwol in general I agree. It would be nice for every class to be competitive when played correctly. But I do think raid design plays a very big role. Some gates are just not meant for certain classes and that's perfectly fine. But I don't think any class should just be top performers on every gate. That‘s overpowered. On the other hand,no class should do z on every gate either. Like gl or aero,which are just bad on virtually every raid,which is discouraging.
@PlasmoX 29 дней назад
we kind of have a blueprint of what they are going to do, but without seeing it released in KR, we just have no idea. There's been lots of speculating, but all in all, i think this is probably the best opportunity to mainswap out of a class you may not be having fun with anymore. The director seemed to imply, and the changes seem to suggest, that they want people to be able to build their characters fairly freely. However, that limitation is still on your gems. If you do have multiple builds for your main, are you going to be dragging around 2 sets of gems? This might just be me coping, but i really would hope that they make it so we can craft 1 set of gems for each character, and that's it. Freely swap once you've rolled it once, or just remove that sink all together...
@Jukwol 29 дней назад
Yeah, if they don't do anything about gems and elixirs, people still won't be able to switch between playing their engravings which is something they said they wanted to address. So atm it feels like an attempt was made, but it's not enough for that. But I'm hoping they're holding back on some information in LOAON and there is more.
@coenvanmeekeren1479 28 дней назад
ive always said sh di is allowed to do damage when they have to buy the same amount of gems as anyone. tbh i think ppl are shitting on elixir and trans so much just becouse it takes literal millions to finish the gem system and now that of all things gets reset.
@CannabinoidFeaver 29 дней назад
Entropy change seems kinda cope They released Breaker who has an entropy playstyle engraving, that to me seems like they aren't changing anything entropy related
@Jukwol 29 дней назад
I think they'll just make it less feast or famine on getting the positional. Because the more I thought about it, its weird to do these changes to the set late when it's part of Page 1 of the Ark passive. ( I thought about this while editing the video)