MSK Neurology
MSK Neurology
MSK Neurology
Official mskneurology.com RU-vid-channel.
@lyricsvevo2893 8 минут назад
I have this same exact thing and I haven't driven my car in a long time. I can literally feel the discoordination between my eyes and head while walking and it only improves temporarily when i massage those suboccipital muscles using my fingers.
@SarahLabbett День назад
Hi I have tmj closed lock. Since the disc slipped I get pain. The pain always feels like tooth pain. Teeth have been checked and are fine. I also sometimes get burning cheeks, scalp, side of nose. Tightness around my eyebrows. Any ideas what's going on? I've spent so much and seen so many specialist and I'm getting no where. It just sucks 😕
@beatz3279 День назад
This is exactly my other issue at moment in conjunction with upper issues from diagnosed tos and i was even wondering if was endometriosis as radiates so deep that it goes to lower back. Mri scans fine, MS brain scan done 3 yrs ago was fine and was diagnosed with functional gut disorder and oddi dysfunction and slow gastric emptying. But that woukdnt cause this impringed feeling and atrophy down right leg and tight pain down inside of leg. Its ao tight all way downward effect my foot is very tight and causes foot and toes to cramp up .
@beatz3279 День назад
Do you do consults via zoom or does it have to be in person. Im in Australia, Victoria and their literally no help here. Surgeon wants to operate but i am terrified as alot of mine like your article states is posture related, anterior tilt and forward head. When i hold hands over chest and help lift self uptight the relief is there however i am so wrecked and from the vein amd blood flow compressed that i cannot hold self upright. I work 3 days over computer and hand and arm is heavy burning pain and get blue fingers and hand and now meidan ulnar and raidal nerve issues. Hand gets stuck like its over a mouse and my arm is a heavy useless painful log like cement feeling and burning sensations. My chest is so tender crps from constant too lomg nerve irriation and i believe its why i have pots from the constant nerves irriated on the sympathetic nervous system. My spine feels warped as if spine aligned i feel less crazy but spine cant stay in upright alignment it reverts to where it feels safe and yet its harmeful. My Oxemetre even shows that blood oxygen drops to 89 from 99 when arm is in any abduction and i cant even hokd arm up to put hair tie in. I know i need this fixed but surgery seems to end in more surgeries or if take rib out lop sided and otber side goes. I have not seen real life testimonials here of success stories from one surgery lomg term. Would u do zoom consult or os it useless as have to be seen in person for exercise program? Scared, desperate, nearly lost job only managing just barely 3 days and gone thru all savings and no positive outcome. Need one last chance to fix this before surgery is last option and dont want to get loan for surgery and end up worse as already close to suicidal with this. Its taken ocer my life and as an extrovert type a personality , i havr over the years become an isolated lonely depressed individual. Please help advice my best step or price of consult for zoom app. Thank-you kindly
@bamb00k58 День назад
I want to thank you, sir. You have opened my eyes with yours sets/reps/rest thing. I am fighting my lower back pain several years trying so many exercises. Sometimes i had relief, but after continuing doing exercises every day, pain usually is coming back. But now i realised what if muscle is constantly tired i should work with it much more gradually. Plus this exercise is simply the best to target piriformis, looks like it is the first exercise what makes me tired so fast even without additional resistance as weights/bands. I will be doing this exercise 1 set, 2 times a week and i will update how i feel in this comment.
@stinkydiapey2154 2 дня назад
I think you are amazing and have the problem identified but your pec minor stretching is not effective. If you have this really Bad you can’t simply elevate the shoulders because of all of these weird compensations at the neck and lower back. There has to be more attention to detail
@dorisw2507 2 дня назад
what do you mean by clenching the muscles in throat?
@dorisw2507 2 дня назад
I can;t do this, I have minimal movement
@beebleknievel2603 3 дня назад
I'm so glad I've started seeing your videos again. Your articles/videos really helped me a lot with my TOS. I definitely have significant breathing dysfunction and jaw clenching and this I think leads to shortened scalene, elevated rib etc etc. No mystical relationship, direct cause and effect. Also started having chronic low back/sacrum pain when I was 19 (35 now.... Slowly improving TOS with physio).
@jacksonh4142 6 дней назад
How do we see the thoracic outlet seminar?
@MSKNeurology 4 дня назад
What do you mean? It's in the video list
@ehza 7 дней назад
@Bubbadumdum 7 дней назад
Do you do any telecom appointments?
@MSKNeurology 4 дня назад
Yes. See website
@vaughny7258 8 дней назад
So do tucks? Just the right way? Or just avoid them? 5 years of doibg double chins here. In pain still
@vaughny7258 8 дней назад
Can you do the tuck for us. Too many different ones out there.
@vaughny7258 8 дней назад
Any videos on cervical stenosis? C4 to c7. It feels like tos or impingement. 5 years of this pain. My shoulder is forward a bit
@MSKNeurology 4 дня назад
It's not that simple. Imaging review must be done first to determine whether or not there is any considerable potential for conservative management.
@vaughny7258 4 дня назад
@@MSKNeurology I got mri. I can email if you willing
@MSKNeurology 3 дня назад
@@vaughny7258 You'd have to book a session
@vaughny7258 3 дня назад
@MSKNeurology are you in California? , or is this over over like zoom?
@vaughny7258 8 дней назад
Why 45 degree and not at the side? 45 you shoulder is forward? Right?
@abeautifuldayinmay 8 дней назад
5:49 I am wondering if you could clarify about the long neck cue/pulling the back of the head up as the nose comes forward. How do we pull the back of the head up? Is it using some muscle in the neck? Is it sort of “stretching” the head upwards so that spot raises? I’m a little confused about the cue and am wondering if you could elaborate. Thank you so much for all of your content!
@MrHumptyDumpty 9 дней назад
I think this exercise is better with a cable.
@MSKNeurology 8 дней назад
@MrHumptyDumpty 3 часа назад
@@MSKNeurology Ok. Why is it not?
@puffpuffmcloud 10 дней назад
Amazing. Thank you for explaining. I've had a clicking throat when I swallow for the past 6 months (and a sensation of tightness / narrow gullet for several years before this). I'm also experiencing trouble with swallowing / food getting stuck in the throat, often. I have to twist my neck to the side in order to get it down! I recently had a scan that ruled out anything sinister - thank goodness. What you say totally makes sense. I have an old neck injury, and I must be holding my head/neck/jaw in a way that helps to "stabilise" against the old injury too. I have been told in the recent past that my muscles around the front of the neck and shoulders are tight. I hold a lot of tension. I am aware of it myself. When I do bother to make myself mindful of my posture, I realise that I'm holding my jaw clenched - probably almost all the time. I also tend to hold my arms and shoulders tight too. It's something I'll have to work on releasing from now on, that's for sure! I'm sure anxiety and stress play a large part in it too. No doctor I've seen has discussed this with me. A chiropractor was the only person who got near mentioning that I hold tension here. But didn't go into the detail of the muscles involved, like what you have done. Thank you again for your time and explanation. I will try the exercise, and I feel positive about the results to come!!
@User-hn1wg 11 дней назад
Any ideas as to why trying to work on my jaw etc, leads to sunken looking and kind of glazy looking eyes? Ik it sounds weird! Thank you in advance.
@MSKNeurology 9 дней назад
More likely that the jaw and facial symptoms have led to you relaxing your face more, which causes droopiness of the facial muscles. It's not pathology per se.
@mrik7868 14 дней назад
Nice detail thanks
@balbibou 14 дней назад
Thie is the exercise you shared woth Brian the immortal right ? I think we can see him doing this exercise with dumbbells
@hikerinpam33 15 дней назад
@youkeeponevolving 18 дней назад
this comment section is full of anxious ppl we‘re gonna be alright yall
@janniklas2667 19 дней назад
So the bloody levator scapulae can actually pull the atlas out and be the cause for neurological symptoms?
@szyszak9424 20 дней назад
Is butt gripping a symptom of swayback posture and weak long psoas muscle?
@MSKNeurology 15 дней назад
usually goes along with quad clenching. Has nothing to do with weakness in the psoas; the latter being a symptom of the postural issue and habits rather than a cause.
@szyszak9424 14 дней назад
@@MSKNeurology and what’s quad clenching? Sorry if it’s too basic question
@2am561 20 дней назад
This is 100% true. I manage to fix my neck pain by rehabbing my levator scapulae
@MSKNeurology 15 дней назад
Good job bud
@Michellepuccio 21 день назад
Is this good for jugular vein compression? I have cci and Ed’s but The past week if I don’t stay in this position I feel my heart starting to get pressure and my head starts to feel funny like I need to lay down like blood isn’t getting to heart.
@robertaellison8240 22 дня назад
Very good!! Thank you
@playermartin286 22 дня назад
According to an MRI of my thoracic spine i have a hyperextension or straightening of my thoracic spine. How would you go about treating this malady?
@Bubbadumdum 23 дня назад
Ughh...Thinking this has lead me to Pudendal Neuralgia and chronic pelvic floor dysfunction. Wish I'd have seen this video 10 years ago.
@MSKNeurology 23 дня назад
Yes, but now is better than never.
@Bubbadumdum 23 дня назад
@@MSKNeurology Definitely. Thanks
@tara7206 25 дней назад
How can I get. consultation with you?
@MSKNeurology 25 дней назад
See my website
@ReemaPanjwani 27 дней назад
Is there a device that can hold the lower jaw forward?