On d20Tactics, we explore combat tactics in Dungeons and Dragons. The goal is to teach new players tricks they can use to feel more effective during initiative rounds. We also want to have a conversation about why certain choices might feel better or worse in combat and provide people with ideas about how to decide what's going to work for them on their turn.
L14E4: Dark Elf Mages
21 час назад
L14E3: Assassins
14 дней назад
L14E2: Fire Giant Guards
21 день назад
L14E1: Behir
Месяц назад
Level 13: Full Dungeon
Месяц назад
L13E6: Adult White Dragon
Месяц назад
L13E5: Mammoth Riders
Месяц назад
L13E4: Roc
Месяц назад
L13E3: Frost Giant
2 месяца назад
L13E2: Yeti King
2 месяца назад
L13E1: Remorhaz
2 месяца назад
Level 12: Full Dungeon
2 месяца назад
L12E6: Arcanaloth
3 месяца назад
L12E5: Bone Devil
3 месяца назад
L12E4: Horned Devil
3 месяца назад
L12E3: Chain Devils
3 месяца назад
L12E2: Barbed Devils
3 месяца назад
L12E1: Erinyes
4 месяца назад
Level 11: Full Dungeon
4 месяца назад
L11E6: Fire and Earth Elementals
4 месяца назад
L11E5: Efreeti
4 месяца назад
L11E4: Marid
5 месяцев назад
L11E3: Air and Water Elementals
5 месяцев назад
L11E2: Genie
5 месяцев назад
L11E1: Dao
5 месяцев назад
Level 10: Full Dungeon
6 месяцев назад
L10E6: Deva
6 месяцев назад
L10E5: Red Cosmic Frog
6 месяцев назад
L10E4: Blue Cosmic Frog
6 месяцев назад
@santiagoperalta6833 2 дня назад
Great as usual guys ! The entire run of videos make me re-think about the rogue . Is straight and simple but make the job done
@d20tactics 2 дня назад
Thank you! The rogue is a great class, they are fantastic and elegant in combat, and we don't even touch on their out of combat abilities. It's probably my favorite class in a "if you could only ever play one class for the rest of your life, what would it be?" sort of way.
@007ohboy 2 дня назад
The Quatal (sp) is a 4 CR creature that shouldn't be a 4 cr creature. It's AC is like 19, has over 100 HPs and can cast lots of spells. I prefer Summon Celestial myself and I will take Planar Binding on top of that so I can have 1 or 2 bound nonconcentation summons around to do my bidding. Planar Binding upcasted at least to 7th level is so worth it. It's a spell many sleep on. It's such a broken spell you have to really get with your DMs to set boundaries/expectations because if you wanted to get stupid with it, you could Bind a whole Fiendish/Celestial Army. 😅😂
@d20tactics 2 дня назад
Yeah, Couatl's are nuts. Defensively, their AC should be around 8. Offensively, it's only 2. They should probably be around 6.
@ethanotto5760 2 дня назад
Loved the episode. I do feel that explaining a creature's abilities to the players gives them a bit of an advantage thought. Still, dropping concentration on Haste against a dominated ally was a baller move regardless. Great video as always.
@d20tactics 2 дня назад
I'm glad to hear you liked it. The players may have the opportunity to do research about the enemies they face ahead of the battle. This could be represented by arcana, religion, or history checks, roleplayed with knowledgeable NPCs, or from previous encounters with this or a similar bad guy. I agree that knowing your enemy gives you an advantage, and we try to showcase that, encouraging players who want to use that tactics to do so.
@007ohboy 2 дня назад
Great play on the Dominate spell. I would have really found it entertaining if the fighter smacked up the Wizard a little bit. Good thinking on the Wizards part for dropping Haste con to end the fighters turn without actions. My Mystical Monk and her party where fighting a swarm of Yuanti and they started throwing Suggestion around and got our hard hitting Barbarian to fight his own team. I told the DM that his interpretation of how Suggestion functions is a very liberal interpretation. Suggestion is supposed to be one task you must complete and making people turn on their party members isn't really one of them. This is what happens when you have poorly written spells that DMs then add their own interpretation onto. I'm trying to show my DM that Charm spells only make you charmed toward the caster, not his allies, that Suggestion is usualy used for one action commands that sound reasonable like - "throw your sword down! It's cursed!" Suggestion and Charm are not dominate, not even close. The way Charm gets boosted by some DMs, you'd be kind of dumb for taking Dominate spells that are higher level, require concentration and are only single target if Charm and Suggestion can do the same thing but affect multiple creatures with lower spell slots and no concentration. I tried to break all that logic down but I can't win every rule battle. Sometimes you just got to suck it up if your DM is a good one. I wouldn't leave a DM due to one bad rule interpretation. Plus, I got this same DM to start using RAW/RAI when it comes to Invisibility/Stealth. This DM is great and will at least listen to your side before making a ruling. I admire that even if we disagree on like 1 or 2 points about the rules.
@d20tactics 2 дня назад
As you say, there are different interpretations to Charm, Suggestion, and Dominate. In my interpretation, Charm is where they treat you as a friend. If your friend got in a fight, you might try to stop the fight before you joined in and helped them. Suggestion is specific tasking, but the target can choose how to execute it, which is often funny. I agree with your DM that casting Suggestion can make people flip sides by saying, "I suggest that you fight on my team for the next 8 hours." Then the player gets to decide how they would fight, but they do fight. Dominate allows direct control over the target, so the player doesn't have any room for interpretation. What I like about this interpretation is that Suggestion is a nice middle ground between them, and has a lot of flexibility for how you can use it, but it doesn't encroach on Dominate. If you say, "Join my team," on the fighter, the fighter could decide that the way they will help is to Grapple the Rogue. It doesn't do damage, but it helps the monster team. If you say, "Kill the Rogue," the fighter might try to do that, but once the Rogue is dead, the task is complete, and the Fighter is Suggested any more. These trade offs make interesting tactical decisions for the casters, which I think people find fun.
@007ohboy День назад
@@d20tactics I respectfully disagree. Here's why: 1. That makes Suggestion/Charm way too powerful. I play casters. I looked at these spells and researched them to see if they would be good on my build. Depending on RAI (Sage Advice/JC "tweets" or some more common interpretations, they would be either very good or OP. What is to stop me from using Mass Suggestion throughout your dungeon and just collect all the monsters, henchmen to then swarm to BBEG? It doesn't have concentration like Suggestion does. Encounter 1 - Mass Suggestion 12 creatures, no material components. Can be done Subtly by Sorcerers. OP "Do what I say for 24 and you will be greatly rewarded." Next Room - Mass Suggestion "blah blah blah, join me....reward." Next room - Next Encounter - 24 hours..... Show up in the Throne room as the party just hangs back and watch a Mass Suggestion fueled power coup take place. If the Monsters can do it, so can the players. RAI, Jeremy was asked his interpretation, the guy who helped write the spell, and he said it was, "drop your sword, it's cursed." It's a very limited action. 2. Charm has two bullet points: Advantage on Social Skill checks (I think persuasion) You can not harm the caster That's it. Then some DMs stack stuff on top of that when it's not in the spell. Because they are hearing "Charmed" and "Suggestion" and that gets they to think beyond what they spell is actually saying. If the vampire charms half your party, they don't just start killing each other. That's what Dominate does. Certain other have "special charms" because in their stat block it specifically adds riders to the Charm condition. The Charmed Condition is a core status effect just like Invisibility or Petrify. It's very limited in power. RAI, a Sorcerer with Charm and Silvery Barbs using Subtle Sorcery is already broken. They can Charm the local Baron and no one even knows it and get a better deal or arrangement. It doesn't mean my Sorcerer can make the Charmed Duke hand over his Kingdom to me that night in a public decree. You are Charmed, you haven't lost your total mind. Dominate is usually 3-4 levels higher, single target, requires concentration, and each time the creature takes damage, it can make saving throw checks to save. The caster is the one who cast it. You, the Charmed creature can't attack them. It doesn't say you can't attack the Charmer and his allies if you are in a battle. Charmed is supposed to be a social spell and when used in combat, the caster can create a "zone of protection" around them where those specific creatures wouldn't attack the caster. That's it. The Monsters were still supposed to be able to bash in your allies skulls. Suggestion for a limited single task. And Dominate is where you totally Professor X mind jack someone to become your slave and puppet. 3. If we take the more liberal interpretation of Charm and Suggestion, it really does make Dominate essentially useless. Why Dominate one creature, or wow! 2 with Twin spell, if I can just cast Mass Suggestion at two levels lower than Dominate Monster and hit 12 target and make them my slave cannonfodder army for the next 24 hours? There a delicate balance that's supposed to be here and it is missing when we empower 1st and 2nd level spells like Suggestion, Charm, and they even more breakable Mass versions. Mass Charm - "All you monsters would never hurt innocent me, right?" Then I buff my allies. I created a zone of safety....for me! F the Fighter and Rogue, they can handle their own! Mass Suggestion - " Everyone drop your weapons, they are cursed." Dominate Beast/Person/Monster - "Go kill the Wizard, rip off his arms, and beat the rest of the party to death with the wizards arms. Report back to me when finished." Only one target. Two! Wow! Super special! If you are a Sorcerer with Twin meta.
@007ohboy День назад
@@d20tactics That's just one of my DMs. When I even suggested a medium interpretation of Mass Charm to my other DM, he was like, "oh hells no!" LOL My Mass Suggestion moderate interpretation was, "You all are in danger and will not survive, run away to the next town for safety." Basically an encounter ender. That was too much for my DM. And it's the reason I'm hesitant to take Mass Suggestion even though RAI it's still really, really good. I try to pull that "stunt" at some tables and it will not fly. And I think they are right. When I told the same DM JCs tweeted example, he thought it was super reasonable. The wording on Suggestion, specially, is terrible and bad game writting. I'm so glad DnD One has had all the spells rewritten and reworked to make them more clear as to what the developers intended them to do. I just want to know the RAI, so I know when any of my games deviate from that. It helps clarify things so everyone is one the same page. 5E has some terribly disorganized rule writting. I do understand you and a lot of other DMs perspectives given the text we were left with.
@d20tactics День назад
You're welcome to disagree, of course, but I don't generally find arguments for "This is how it should be," to be compelling. Calling it overpowered, while perhaps accurate, doesn't convince me that is something that it isn't, or it isn't something that it is. You asked what's to stop you from collecting all the monsters and bringing them to the boss fight. Well, the Wisdom Saves, for one. The fact that they don't all speak Common for two. The logistics of transporting them, for three. The same reasons why you wouldn't just hire a hundred mercenaries and storm the dungeon with them for four. The fact that you have to have 12 targets in the same place at the same time for it to work on them, for five. And if none of those prevent you, then do it! It's your story, tell it the way you want to! It would be a wild adventure to show up to the boss fight with a menagerie of monsters that the boss put there. Just pray that they don't have anti magic field or some way of cracking the spell, because you just loaded every encounter into the same room. Regarding why you would use dominate, because it allows you direct control over the monster. You can Suggest a monster do a task, but it's not going to do it in a way that it wouldn't think of doing it. If you tell Suggest a Hill Giant open the door for you, it's going to bash the door down. If you Dominate the creature, you could get it to get the key and come back and let you out quietly. If you don't need direct control, don't use the hire level spell. As far as something being overpowered, it's not like there is a dearth of encounter ending spells and abilities. If you want to end the encounter in the press of a button, you can. This game is very much about that. This is the way to do it with mind control.
@007ohboy День назад
@d20tactics It's not an argument of "how it should be" as much as I'm making a RAW/RAI argument. I've combed over how the developers intended these spells to work. That's how they say they work. DMs are allowed to ignore RAI/RAW. That's fine. And I agree with the developers because like their rulings on the Invisibility Condition, they are looking out for balance over narritive. I find this time and time again with their rulings. JC was asked about suggestion and he gave that limited task response. Charm Condition literally has two bullet points and that's it, just like Invisbility and yet we see many DMs insert their own values, goals, and thus interpretations onto such conditions. Not attacking the caster and advantage on persuasions checks gets turned into, "the Yunati is your best friend and now you must turn on all your allies and start fighting them." That kind of interpretation is akin to bleeding a rock. Nothing in those two points leads to all that. Suggestion, as I said early, is a sloppily written spell that got corrected in the new version and is now more clear. The whole, "gjve your horse to the next beggar" really confuses people and leads them to make some pretty liberal interpretations of how the spell functions. When I say something "should work this way or is balanced that way, I mean RAI/RAW." And it's very rare that I disagree with RAI because despite 5E obvious flaws, it is still the best version I've seen come out and I'm a 1st edition vet. But yeah, beyond that minor point I was trying to make about my "should" being what I learned in Sage Advice/JC, you do you. Your interpretation is pretty common and I can't fault any DM for doing it the way they do. I'm just saying RAI, that's not what 5E developers intended even if in the book they say DMs have every right to make changes. As a caster I should be biased toward the liberal interpretation but if I were to use Charm/Suggestion in such an OP fashion myself, I would kind of feel like I was "getting over" somehow.
@007ohboy 2 дня назад
Ahhh! The good old Rahkasha (sp). They are devils as well. I only know this because my Fiendish Sorlock worships Fierna. Demons hail from the Abyss (chaotic) and Devils (lawful) from the hells. Let's see how nasty you get. Planeshift - Fighter to Phlegethos layer of hell. 😂
@d20tactics 2 дня назад
Regarding demon vs devil, my approach is demons are supernatural evil spirits from any culture, with a name from that culture. When translated into English, the language that I know the best and use here, we say "demon." "Devil" refers to a specific demon from Christian mythology. Thus, in trying to make this a generic evil tiger spirit, I choose demon. As part of a classification specific to DnD, they are not devils or demons, they are lawful evil fiends, which is most like devils, but still not. Why make them generic? Because at the time I made this, I thought they were Wizard's intellectual property. I found out later that Rakshasas are from Hindu culture.
@007ohboy День назад
@@d20tactics Fair enough. I was referencing Faerun lore, different DnD worlds have different setups. I only know this because I'm playing my first Dragonlance campaign and their gods are totally different. I'm a whore for Forgotten Realms and to get me to play another world takes great effort. And yep, you're right. DnD borrows a lot from all cultures. Even Zombies arent from European lore but are Carribean. Europe had ghouls instead for instance.
@onurs6848 7 дней назад
Why didnt you use the extra chains to make more attacks?
@d20tactics 7 дней назад
I'm not sure which "extra chains" you are referring to. The Chain Devils have a Animate Chain action that allows them to make attacks with chains that "aren't being worn or carried," which applied to zero chains in this encounter. A better prepared encounter would have environmental chains that the Chain Devils could use. I picked out the monsters, then picked out the map, then read the fine print on the ability and realized that they couldn't use the ability.
@onurs6848 7 дней назад
@@d20tactics Yes. Animate chains.
@santiagoperalta6833 9 дней назад
The fights are getting tricky , I love it ,good work guys
@d20tactics 9 дней назад
Yeah, at highers levels they get more complicated, and there is a larger variety of monsters you can combine together.
@007ohboy 8 дней назад
​@d20tactics A lot of people in DnD talk badly about high level play but they don't know what they are missing. I love playing the higher levels. That's where the real fun for me begins as theory turns into practice. It's one thing think an awkward build like a.Mystical Monk can do very well, its another delight when you test the build out thoroughly and reality confirms theory. I'm working on yet another Sorcerer build called "Chose of Ilmater. That's 1 Life Domain Cleric/19 Divine Soul Sorcerer. He's a pacifist and can only shove and grapple personally. Ilmaters wrath comes in the form of Spiritual Weapon, Blessing my Teammates and Summoned Celestials that can also be Planar Bound nonconcentration summons. Oh and it's the ultimate healer. An Extended Aura of Vitality in between combats can do an AVERAGE of 240 hps (2d6 +5 × 20 rounds). And that doesn't include the Divine Soul feature Empowered Healing which allows me to reroll any low dice. This will be the ultimate support character. 😊
@d20tactics 8 дней назад
@@007ohboy How much healing do you use at the point where you can use that ability? One thing we have noticed is that a lot of the healing potential goes unused.
@007ohboy 8 дней назад
@d20tactics I haven't played this build yet. I just crafted it last week and still need to create artwork, background and personality. So I haven't really used any of these abilities yet. Our first game is next Monday after this one. My thoughts are I use this spell in between fights to top off members when we can't get in a short rest. From what I've seen in my other campaigns, if a party has a hard fight they can easily be missing at least 50-100 HPs worth of life. So I imagine many times this spell will be overkill by a factor of 3 but for just a 3rd level slot and Extended metamagics, that's not bad. A 6th level Heal spell will only heal 83 hps with the Life Domain feature active. That's good for combat but wastful outside of it. I would always encourage the party to take a short rest and use HDs when possible but sometimes we can't chance it so a 2 minute healing session to top off HP pools seems reasonable. I'll let you know how it goes when this build takes on the Vecna campaign. I'm still at the theory stage and need to test all this out.
@peter4thewin 11 дней назад
what platform are you using to run these encounters? Is it possible to show health bars for future videos??
@d20tactics 10 дней назад
The visual display is created on GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), a free and open source image creation tool. Video is recorded on Open Broadcaster Software (OBS), a free and open source recording tool. Audio is recorded on Audacity, a free and open source audio recording and editing tool. Videos are edited on ShotCut, a free and open source video editing tool. We use a popular but proprietary communication tool for VoIP and screen share. I don't have a simple way to show health bars. I'd like to, but I can't figure out a way to do it that wouldn't add hours of extra work, or use some proprietary tool that compromises something else.
@Kirholm12 13 дней назад
Great vid! 5:16 would be true if you didn't forget SG halves the movement 😅 And SG's range counts from the caster's extremities, not the centre (see the spell's description). Cheers!
@d20tactics 13 дней назад
Yeah, I messed up Spirit Guardian radius for a couple of levels, and then accidentally fixed it, and then messed it up again, and then eventually fixed it. And then I eventually figured out how the speed thing worked. It's a tough spell to adjudicate.
@Kirholm12 13 дней назад
Hyped about this series! Btw 7:22 iirc cleric (and pala) does not need to put away the wepon every time, they can just put their holy symbol on the shield and make it their divine focus - this covers both somatic and material components (w/o gold cost). Cheers!
@d20tactics 13 дней назад
Somatic Components: "If a spell requires a somatic component, the caster must have free use of at least one hand to perform these gestures. " Material Components: "A spellcaster must have a hand free [...] to hold a spellcasting focus--but it can be the same hand that he or she uses to perform somatic components." War Caster: "You can perform the somatic components of spells even when you have weapons or a shield in one or both hands." Inflict Wounds: "Components: [Verbal], [Somatic]" Holy Symbols: "A cleric or paladin can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus. To use the symbol in this way, the caster must hold it in hand, wear it visibly, or bear it on a shield." This is the case that makes the most sense intuitively, but the least sense when you look at the relevant rules. Consider a Cleric (or paladin) that has a weapon in one hand and shield (with a holy symbol on it) in the other. The Cleric can cast a Verbal spell no problem, the spell requires no hands to worry about. It can cast a Verbal and Material spell because of the Holy Symbol rule, the shield with the symbol meets the requirement. It can cast a Verbal, Somatic and Material spell because the Holy Symbol rule fulfills the Material requirement, and then the Material Component rule allows that hand to satisfy the Somatic requirement; this is the least intuitive, but reasonably understood from the text of the rules. However, it cannot cast a Verbal and Somatic spell, as they don't have a hand free for the Somatic requirement, and they are not using the Material Component rule to allow the hand occupied by the shield to be used; this makes sense intuitively, but strains understanding when presented after the previous conclusion. This is reinforced by the existence of War Caster, which allows the character to do this exact thing, implying that a character without this ability could not do it. All of this is to say that players should be aware of the rules they will be expected to follow in the game they play. If a group decides, "Hands holding Holy Symbol Shields can also do Somatic components even though that doesn't seem physically possible," is how they want to play, that's great for them. If a group decides, "You do, in fact, need a hand free to make gestures, even if the rules have this strange back door that says you don't," that's fine for them. If they decide, "Everyone gets this benefit of War Caster even if they didn't take the feat," that's their decision. The players should recognize what the decision is and how that will dictate the tactics they use.
@Kirholm12 16 дней назад
Omg, so people do play like that. Simply beautiful. I really hope I'll find and fit a party like that someday
@d20tactics 16 дней назад
We play like this specifically for this channel, most of my other games are not like this.
@santiagoperalta6833 16 дней назад
Hell yeah booy ,keep up the good work !!
@d20tactics 16 дней назад
We plan to, I'm glad you are enjoying it.
@dontoro1756 16 дней назад
Hey so I've been watching for a while and I'm curious as to what you think. Do you feel as though you can, or perhaps are adequately challenging your players? especially at these higher levels?. Personally, as a viewer ( and I'm sure i could be wrong ) I've felt as though the danger of " Dying " stopped being a concern post levels 6 through 9 (The Marid fight being the longest post level 10 fight but i believe that was simply due to not having water breathing making things a quite tricky). To the point where when it came to the Cosmic toad episodes I actually skipped them out right halfway through once i saw that they were 10-12 minutes in length (I know the encounters are way longer then the edited final product). As I came to realize anything close to 10 minutes for a video meant that the party quite literally curb stomped the encounter. Just to be clear this isn't a comment or critique on the quality or content of said videos but rather just something I've noticed and figured i might as well just use the comment section for if not for anything else but engagement on the things I like.
@fratystuff6737 16 дней назад
I agree. Following CRs in these levels is not a good idea (Not that CR system was reliable ever). After level 10 PCs get so damn powerful you just need to crank your monsters up.
@d20tactics 16 дней назад
The goal of the channel is to demonstrate and analyze tactics that players use to complete encounters quickly and safely so they can get back to role playing. The nature of the encounter determines the tactics that should be used: if the encounters are very easy, the players should rush through them to defeat things faster and don't need to worry about safety as much; if the encounters are very hard, they should take more time, valuing safety over speed. Accordingly, a question arises: what is the nature of the encounters that should be used? My answer to this is "We should use encounters that fit the encounter building advice from the Dungeon Master's Guide." In the DMG, there are guidelines for building encounters based on Challenge Rating (CR) and experience budget based on player levels. I simplify this down further and just use the CR budget from level appropriate monsters (which makes encounters a little harder than the advice in the book), and I don't apply the multiplier for duplicate monsters (which would have made encounters a lot easier if you have a lot of duplicates). I chose this because I believe it's the most accessible and likely-to-be-used advice that a new DM is going to follow. I expect that this will make the videos applicable to the widest audience. There are practically infinite ways to create encounters, obviously we can't demonstrate anything more than a small fraction of them. I chose the method that I think will be used by the most people, weighting new and inexperienced people more heavily in that calculation. Obviously people are going to use something that works for them, but hopefully by using the most ubiquitous method, people will be more likely to recognize elements from it in what they use and make use of the tactics we analyze. ...with all of that context out of the way, I'll answer your questions: "Do you feel as though you can, or perhaps are adequately challenging your players?" The direct answer is a nonchalant, disinterested "yes." The more insightful, relevant answer is a full-throated, deafening, "I don't care." I don't see anything in 5th ed that promises a challenging combat simulation game. What I see in 5th ed is a game that allows the players to play the roles of fantasy heroes and the DM to paint a backdrop for those heroes with monsters and dungeons. Whether the players are challenged or not by the combat system is immaterial to me. Whether the players can play the roles they want to play, with the support of, or in spite of, the combat system is the determining factor. If a player in a game wants more challenge, they have every tool they could possibly need to get it. They make almost every aspect of their character and they decide how to wield it. They can make the game as challenging as they want. "especially at these higher levels?" The players are even more empowered at higher levels to set the difficulty they desire. The DM is less responsible for player empowerment as the players level up. "To the point where when it came to the Cosmic toad episodes..." In defense of the Cosmic Toads, I used the wrong stat sheets for most of those fights. The frogs should have been much more powerful, but I didn't double check the source I used to make sure it was providing accurate information. I would like to explore that fight again with the correct stats for those monsters. As for the length of the encounters, if the encounters were so easy, why weren't they even shorter than the 10-12 minute run time? Why does it even take 10 minutes for the players to get through these? Surely they could challenge themselves to finish it even faster if they wanted a more difficult challenge. The secondary goal of this channel was to document games that I played. I've talked to a number of DMs that say things like, "Well, in my experience..." and then say something that is totally divorced from the experience that I've had. By playing out, recording, and publishing my games, a public record emerges and show what my experience is like. I can now point to a record of a specific monster and say "Look, this is how this monster worked. It's good for this and bad for that." In that light, if the conclusion to be drawn is that monsters are not challenging after level 10 in the way the players and DM expect, then I have 20 levels of videos to back up my assertion. No critique taken, I appreciate the questions. I don't think I'm cut out for the video essay format, but I like the opportunity to share my thoughts on topic.
@FearNoEqual 14 дней назад
In addition to what Sarison says here, there are some clear constraints to our format which add qualifications to how "easy" or "hard" any given fight or dungeon may be. The first huge one is that there IS no "out of combat" for us to burn any of our considerable resources on. We spend zero spells overcoming traps or obstacles, we spend no gold or items on non-combat objectives. In addition to this, our leveling process is ludicrously efficient - six encounters per level, single dungeon, no fluff. Hero's Feast is a tremendous amount of value in this exact context (if we haven't had that post-game discussion on the channel yet, it'll come up soon). With the very rare exception of this exact encounter, we come into each fight with a lot of foreknowledge about our enemies. We specifically discuss (or "discuss" in some cases) tactics before the fight. We have four (mostly) consistent players who have now played with each other, in these roles and characters, for fourteen levels and we do an after-action on every single fight. In sum, we're bringing a lot of soft power, and some hard power, to the table that isn't necessarily accounted for in a vacuum. And, as Sarison also mentions, a normal table without our constraints COULD make things harder if they wanted; in my experience, they don't tend to want to. Since playing in this series I find myself planning my spells and resources very carefully, anticipating longer dungeon slogs with fewer rests, but the players I'm with tend to ask for long rests after three or four fights. (Admittedly, it's not a group focused on tactical combat). As a DM, when players ask for more challenge, my answer is sort of like Sarison's: "make your own." If a group is burning through all their spells and long-rest resources in three fights, my first solution to add difficulty is to expect more fights out of them. Players can do that (but unlike adding bigger monsters it requires them to communicate, collaborate, and agree. Good luck and godspeed with THAT.) But "we beat seven CR 9 encounters without a long rest as a level 9 party" doesn't have the same feel as "we beat a CR14 encounter as a level 9 party, we're so strong" even though, objectively, one of those options required enormously more damage and resources. Honestly, adding more encounters per dungeon and letting us choose our short rests would be cool and challenging (and completely nonviable due to our format; we generally record all six fights and the after-action in one sitting) but it's not what we're doing here.
@fratystuff6737 14 дней назад
I see what you're both saying! Sorry if by any means it came as entitled or something like that, wasn't my intention! I see that it makes sense to take into consideration more inexperienced people too. I did not think of that when writing my comment! Also thanks for taking the time to write such chunky replies lol. Anyway, keep'em coming!
@d20tactics 14 дней назад
@fratystuff6737 No worries, no unintended meaning assumed. It gave me the opportunity to express thoughts that don't really come up organically in the videos, so I'm glad to get them out there.
@ethanotto5760 16 дней назад
First! Also, thanks for the new upload, gang! Question: Are you guys excited for DNDONE? i can't speak for everyone, but I'd love to see you guys run the new edition RAW with this format! I think it would be very informative to watch a bunch of experienced dm/players running the game in your format.
@fratystuff6737 16 дней назад
second this
@d20tactics 16 дней назад
Good jump on your initiative, it's flattering to hear that you think that was an accomplishment ;). I'm not sure how excited we are, but we just talked about it last night, we will probably switch to DnD2024 after level 20. With our current release schedule, we might expect that some time in fall of 2025. Who's to say what things look like at that point, but it should give us enough time to get up to speed with the edition and figure out if it's something we want to do or not.
@Capybara-b1i 19 дней назад
I like that you let the pc's roll individually for initiative, but have the monsters roll as a group. I'm considering stealing that for my own campaign. Do you ever worry that it could swing a fight in the monsters' favor by letting them dogpile one of the pc's on the first round? Cuz that's something I worry about when deciding to do group initiative.
@d20tactics 19 дней назад
I do it simply because it's easier to keep track of in our format. After level 2, I don't worry about killing anyone, it's really hard to do with the challenge rating system.
@fratystuff6737 19 дней назад
And they say Champions are weak 🤣 but when there's a reliable source of Adv and you get a bit of luck, those crits start rolling like crazy.
@d20tactics 19 дней назад
Yeah, they get really fun when you combo them with something else that amplifies crits, like half-orcs or smites, sneak attacks, barbarians, etc.
@fratystuff6737 21 день назад
Amazing channel! Found it the other day and I've been watching every video! Some observations for DM tactics: The Dao should have casted wall of stone as a dome when the 3 pcs were hugging eachother. They would then be counting on breaking the walls that are quite chunky, or a Dispel Magic with an ability check of 15 to dispel it. Maybe they would get it in the first round but it could buy some time for the dao to hunt the lonely rogue. While the rogue has good stealth, stealth is not invisibility and I'm pretty sure the dao could find it. For the Djinni, I think you could've utilized the fly speed to your advantage, maybe flying around 100 feet away so the rogue would have disadvantage on its attacks, while keeping line of sight with the tornado thingy and chucking pcs left and right. For the Efreeti, yeah as said in the post discussion, you could've chucked the weaklings into the lava, that would've been funny lol. Maybe i'm missing something? I know that in the movement it can be hard to remember everything you can do lol so no ill intent!
@d20tactics 21 день назад
I'm glad you have been enjoying them. I think you are right for the Dao, I thought the extra muscle would be more helpful, but taking three people would probably be better. Maybe if I made better use of the summon, it would have been a closer thing. Of course, they are mutually exclusive with Concentration. With 120 foot range on the Djinni, staying away would have been safer. At that range, it's much harder to keep line of sight on things. The Efreeti doesn't have any amazing knockback or grapple ability, so it would only really be effective against the Cleric, maybe the Wizard. I don't know that it would have made a difference, he would have to get into melee to do that, and then he's at the mercy of the Fighter. I don't think you are missing anything, I'm looking forward to revisiting these monsters in the future with more back up and see how they do.
@dmdroobydoo 22 дня назад
This is great! Thank you so much for making this video. Combat this quick is very engaging and exciting.
@d20tactics 22 дня назад
I'm glad that you like it. I tend to get bored watching actual play that is done at "normal" speed, so I try to edit them to keep things moving.
@007ohboy 23 дня назад
Poor fighters...their job is to go down the most. And thats exactly why I created my Mystical Monk. Shes the last likely to go down but the first to jump onto the fray. If they ignore my super defenses, I just go full offense. If my party memebers go down, as quick as a bonus action is I can pick them back up if need be and its rare my parties with her go down. Its happened a few times but pretty rare. Fighter needs some +2 Armor. A plus 2 shield would also be nice. 😊 Or...a really good weapon that does some major damage. Super defenses or super offenses is needed. Speaking of which, I think my next melee character will try to focus on nova damage + hit/run over defenses.
@007ohboy 23 дня назад
If I was going for a nova build, I'd want to be able to just chop down giants in one round. I've heard of some melee builds that can kill two adult Gold Dragons in one round... I'm going to research the sh%t out of the options that still fit a coherent character narritive. I like my optimization and Roleplay - I like to get cake and eat it too. 😊
@d20tactics 23 дня назад
@@007ohboy 3 Rogue - Assassin, 4 Fighter - BattleMaster, 2 Paladin, 6 Ranger - Gloomstalker. You grew up a rogue who had to fight to escape if you got caught, you got strong enough that you no longer had to steal and you could just win in a stand up fight. You tried to turn your life around and fight for justice but when it came time to take your oath you realized that didn't have it in your heart to remain true to it, and so you left civilization for the wilderness where the "kill or be killed" rules are acceptable. First round of combat you Action Surge and Dread Ambusher for 6 attacks, burn 3x L2 smites, 3x L1 smites, 4x Maneuver dice, weapon damage, everything crits.
@designatedvillain738 23 дня назад
As a DM, i literally screamed eff that Simulacrum🤣
@d20tactics 23 дня назад
Yeah, Simulacrums can be annoying, but it gives the DM a chance to kill off someone and demonstrate the power of an enemy without removing a player from the game, so I think they have mechanical benefit to story telling, which is nice.
@designatedvillain738 23 дня назад
With a new member (8 players now) these give me inspiration for my next encounters.
@pseudovisiblecharity6978 23 дня назад
This channel is so damn underrated. I absolutely love it
@d20tactics 23 дня назад
I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying it, we enjoy playing and producing it, and listening to feedback from others.
@leslierobinson8724 26 дней назад
Good stuff. The levels are getting up there! Take care all.
@007ohboy 27 дней назад
Pretty straight forward. Congrats to the party. I would have prefered to hit the mage with an eye ray but even then, a DC 13 is pretty weak. So one can hope they can stop the fighter with an unlucky roll. The Behir wasnt tanky enough to lock down a passage long enough for the other two to do damage from relitive safety. Not much one can do with these monsters against a party with decent tactics.
@d20tactics 27 дней назад
Yeah, that probably would have been better, but I didn't want to split damage up, and the Behir wasn't in range of casters. Still should have done it though.
@macoppy6571 Месяц назад
"Typical" Bugbear shouldn't involve the monster being cornered. Bugbears should direct goblins to engage the party as a distraction, then engage from the flanks with hit-and-run tactics until they have a clear advantage. If they have no allies to organize such an offensive, they should seek to retreat and flee, dropping shiny objects to slow the PCs.
@d20tactics Месяц назад
I agree, those would probably be effective tactics for encounters beyond level 1, but at level 1, there isn't enough xp budget to get any other monsters. DMs are left with the options of 1. overloading the encounter, 2. avoiding this monster until higher levels, or 3. using it on its own. This video was about option 3.
@santiagoperalta6833 Месяц назад
Hell yeah!!!
@d20tactics Месяц назад
Hell yeah indeed.
@rmasoni Месяц назад
“Improvised weapon attack for throwing a scroll.” Hahahaha
@d20tactics Месяц назад
You know it, only the most serious and straight faced combat analysis here
@007ohboy Месяц назад
What would be nice would be the Wizard using wall of force or Hypnotic pattern or even Tashas Hideous laughter to lock down the Western Yeti and then a character like my Monk could cast haste and zoom out to stop the other one from advancing. My monk loves these types of battles where you just got a few big bags of HPs to deal with. I just try to lock down as many as I can and hope our caster can just knock the others out of combat with a control spell. Wizard holds the control spell and the party wipes out the yeti figjting the tank. And when that one is done, you just gang up on the other and smash it with a bunch of long range attacks before it too goes down. Im surprized control spells dont come up when the party is facing big dumb brutes. PS: Also fly for the win. Outdoors? Big dumb melee brutes? Fly baby, fly!😅😂
@d20tactics Месяц назад
Yeah, most Control Spells just allow you to trade some of your actions for some of theirs. As the Wizard is one of the primary damage dealers, I don't think it's a good idea for them to be controlling people, but it really depends on who has what available.
@007ohboy Месяц назад
@d20tactics True. It's also up to personal flavor. Some casters rather fireball than cast Hypnotic Pattern, which can be a bit of a bore, especially if you use it a lot. And if a caster is built for evocation, who's going to argue against that?
@007ohboy Месяц назад
I'd politely make my case to you, the DM, that burrowing does in fact provoke an attack of opportunity. An opportunity attack occurs right before the target leaves your reach (PH, 195). Jeremy Crawford. That means the instant your enemy starts to move you get to slam it with an OPA. Its not when you have left, which would afford you concealment, its right when you left thats the trigger. An example would be my Shadow Sorcerer moving away from an orge to the next space that affords me total cover. Once I move from the space, the two flanking orges get OPAs against me at advantage (if youre using that OP rule) because the advantage was gained at the square I left and not the square that provides total cover. So the Rehmoraz triggers the hit right when it starts to dive into the ice to melt through, not when its already in the ground. I would say anytime you run into a mechanic that allows you to attack in melee range without retaliation unless under very particular circumstances like disengaging, or the Swashbucklers Fancy Footwork, or being blinded/the enemy being obscured, something might be wrong. The developers really stray away from those kind of features unless there is some expenditure in reasources and having the right skills - ie Invisibility grants you offensive/defensive abilities but doesn't make you COMPLETELY immune to being targeted without ready actions - it stops certain spells that require sight and OP attacks but not attack rolls even if its at disadvantage. If you have to ready an action just to fight a monster, something is probably off. The dev team typically stays away from that kind of tactic. Whoopie! I found one small ruling thats not RAW/RAI out of several videos. Of course this is your world your rules, but id at least point out the spirit of the rules according to the developers.
@007ohboy Месяц назад
Actually, my Shadow Sorcerer is a perfect example. Did you know Shadow Sorcerers can also burrow into the ground...and walls....and ceilings at very high level? Umberal Form - 18th level Sorc feature allows you to move through solid objects. So my Shadow Sorcerer can literally be in melee range of a Storm giant and just sink into the ground. And if she did that, she would get an opportunity attack from the Giant who swings at me right as I try to get away and sink down - at least according to RAW/RAI. I wouldn't get to claim I'm out of sight because I'm already in the ground. The attack happens before that. I'd have to disengage and then sink down. Or I could Bonus Action Quicken a spell and then use my Action to disengage and then sink down. And thats why Sorcerers rock - better Action economy with Quicken metamagics.😊 I Disgress.
@d20tactics Месяц назад
@@007ohboy I disagree that Burrowing always provides an Opportunity Attack. I think it depends on the geometry of the scenario. If you burrow into the ground and are still within reach of the enemy, you wouldn't provoke. If burrowing in such a manner removes you from the enemy's sight, then you wouldn't provoke when you later leave their reach. I think it would be difficult to explain via text, but I'll try to include an example at some point in the future.
@aaronwallace8694 Месяц назад
I actually get where you are going with this. You're saying they hadn't left your reach because they are underground and still 5ft away. However, I just found this extension to the argument from J Christ himself, the big JC, Jeremy Crawford. A fan asked two questions, he had to corner JC. So the first question was already answered with OA being triggered BEFORE they leave your reach. This fan asks on X: &JeremyECrawford thanks. yes, the debate here was does it ever leave your reach if it goes into the ground adjacent to you. JC reply: Your melee reach does not extend into the wall or floor. &DnD Therefore since your melee reach doesn't extend into the wall and floor, that is effectively "out of your melee reach". Therefor, a creature that moves into the stone wall next to you, or into the floor, but is still within 5ft or 10 ft (whatever your normal unobstructed melee range is) has effectly "left your reach" (melee). Your reach ends at total cover. The OA comes BEFORE a creature has left your range, your melee range which as JC established earlier, ends at total cover, the wall/floor/ceiling. I now totally get what you're saying. And the fan is echoing your same argument. But JC, after two leading questions, states the rules for OA and then goes on to say your reach can never be into a wall or the floor, and thus,.a creature that exist beyond your reach is eligible for OA. I don't have much else to bring up. I rest my case and accept your ruling for your table. 😀
@d20tactics Месяц назад
@@aaronwallace8694 "Your melee reach does not extend into the wall or floor." That's certainly a thing that appears on Twitter. I don't see anything in the rules that support that, and they didn't include it in the 2020 Sage Advice Compendium. The lack of clarity around what constitutes a wall or floor is also leaves much to be desired: If I can water walk, does that count as a floor? Does a wall of force count as a wall? Does an illusionary wall count as a wall? I don't see a lot of value in this statement. ...but that doesn't matter much for our purposes here. The goal is to discuss up the tactics that exist in the game, not to debate the nature of the rules. In that spirit, I think that burrowing into wall/floors is still a valid tactic as it reduces the numbers of attacks the players will get, even if they get opportunity attacks. If the players use Ready Actions, they will consume their Reactions, so no Oppies anyway.
@007ohboy Месяц назад
@d20tactics The rules cover Wall of Force mechanics pretty clearly, I think. What I would refer to is Cover rules. Water doesn't give you Cover but you would possibly get a disadvantage unless your enemy is using a weapon that can be used underwater without disadvantage. And yes, even with OAs, burrowing is still really good. It's total cover without any rolls to remain undetected. It's still smarter to take one OA or even a few than to get hit with 6 attacks. Then you can pop out and go at it again. Burrowing is OP but the developers balanced that out with OAs. Readied Actions will also still be useful. I image the Rezs would keep diving and attacking until they catch someone with a restraining bite and then next round swallow them to then dive back down. Pretty narly monsters. 😆
@007ohboy Месяц назад
Our DM threw one of these at us when we were lv 7 with 5 characters. First hit was a surprize attack on my buddy, Mania who is a whacky Orc Artificer. And it was a crit. Poor guy took like 60ish HPs worth of damage and only clung on due to some ability to remain at 1hp. My Monk launched into an attack using Booming Blade, sword strike, and Bonus Action Booming Blade. She moved 30 feet to try and provoke an Opportunity Attack but Rob our DM was too smart to use his reaction because that meant dropping Mania to attack me which is what I was going for. He knows my tactics all too well... haha! Im the big distraction. I was also surprised by the Heated Body feature but got around that with Absorb elements and absorbed the rest with Bastion of Law 5d8 damage reduction. No concentration for checks for haste needed.
@d20tactics Месяц назад
Yeah, the Heated Body ability really punishes characters who do their damage in multiple hits, it's much more advantageous for Rogues and casters
@007ohboy Месяц назад
I agree with the fighter. If anything, her strategy should be skirmishing and flanking while using her environment to minimize her surface area thats able to be attacked. Two people are in the sky and the Cleric is actually a better tank. We saw what happened to the strategy of tanking or what I like to call, defensive fighting, when she went against the griffins. Had that been my Monk or a Totem Barbarian flying into that fray of griffins, they wouldnt have gone down and they would have held the Griffins off while the party sniped them from afar. Barbarians eat damage for breakfast and my Mystical Monk would be rocking a 25 AC with the potential to go 30 AC with disadvantage stacked on top and the ability to absorb damage. Advantage and Disadvantage from flanking cancel out of course so now you have to solely rely on crits for the hit which can be absorbed by the Bastion of Law feature. The Champion fighter cant just throw themselves into the thickest of the fray. They have to be more strategic and then unload. The Cleric should be the one dodging and holding Spirit guardians up while hiding behind a shield.😊
@007ohboy Месяц назад
They had it right. Just put as many people in the sky and just rain down death on them. The rogue would be safe with his Cunning Action to either hide or dash and just skirt them. One upcasted 5th level fly wins this encounter. Just rain down Javlins and cantrips for the win. The fighter has the right idea but her build is poorly suited for "tank fighting". I doubt the character has the Defensive Fighting feat and lacks a shield. Champion fighters are a pretty underpowered class but are supposedly built around the critical which is pretty weak in 5e unless your a Pally throwing down smites or some multiclass freak that stacks a bunch of nonstatic damage rolls on your hits. Yet, that is the strategy of the build - do a lot of damage to kill everyone quickly so you dont have to "defend". Problem is Barbarians are also built for power and they take half damage from most damage types making them much better suited for "tanking". The best tank in the party is the Cleric.
@d20tactics Месяц назад
I disagree that the "tank" needs more AC, they should have less AC than the people they are trying to protect. If they have more, the enemies would consider them too hard to hit and go after the people that they are trying to protect. There are very few "tank" mechanics in 5e, but one of the easiest to get is Low AC: most DMs will see that as more likely to hit and go after them. Unless you have one of the others, higher AC will make you less effective at protecting your allies. The Fighter has Defensive Fighting Style, and stuck to the original build from the starter set with the greataxe (I recall that Drak played the Fighter at Level 3 and experimented with a shield). I think the strategy of the Champion Fighter is run in and taunt the enemies into swarming them, getting them into Fireball formation (or Spirit Guardians formation) and providing Sneak for the Rogue. They also have some mobility control with high Athletics. The Cleric should be the most survivable, as they have the power to bring the others back. Barbarians are great at tanking because they can taunt enemies in with the high chance of hitting and then survive a lot of those hits.
@007ohboy Месяц назад
@d20tactics Tank to me means tank - heavily defensive. I know MMORPGs changed that definition to have to also include aggroing, but that's new. We've been talking about tanks since the box set and they were typically considered defensive fighters with very average damage. They were a tank because they were highly defensive and wouldn't die in two rounds. Still today, one of the best tactics is to find a bottleneck/chokepoint and put your full plate fighter with a shield in the doorway and take the dodge action. Our party in Ravenloft wiped out a cave full of werewolves by having my Armored Sorcerer with Blur on holding up the cave entrance and the party just gunning everything down. They tried to retreat and we followed in but they were already devistated.and easy for the pickings. If you really get out ahead of the party while the "gunners" retreat to the back, I find very few DMs that will just ignore your character sitting out there all alone. They will swarm you and then attack with flanking and try to score crits. If you get enough rolls in one turn, you're almost guaranteed a hit. If you get jumped in a cubicle, I get it, the DM will chomp on the softies. But if your party is even 10% tactical, a natural frontline will emerge as casters, rogues, and archers fall back. They may only buy them a round or two without being harrassed, and enemies will of course skirt the frontline and go for the squishing, but that still doesn't mean I'm not tying up a lot of attacks meant tofr the squishing because it's kind of hard to just ignore the Monk that can move 130ft with just her normal movement while hasted and bring the fight to the enemy before they can even get halfway across the map. I can't imagine a world where higher AC, saves, and damage reduction isn't a bonus to a frontline melee character. I get your point about monsters being hesitant to swing on you, but I find in most battles I leave enemies with very little choice but to try and "come at me, bro".
@007ohboy Месяц назад
@d20tactics My Armored Clockwork Sorcerer at 6th level "tanked" a flipping Deva for 3 rounds using 19 AC, Protection from E/G and the Shield Spell. He finally hit me and did a crap load of damage that took me down to 12 hps. But even the DM said my Clocklock saved the party from a major beat down. How did I aggro this Deva, you ask? I pissed it off by telling it I was a Devil Worshipper of Fierna, which is true, and I relished in slaughtering a Celestial. That totally got his attention and he locked onto me like flies on sh!t. 😆 🤣 Because, Creatures do not always have to take the most optimized attacks, especially if something thats very opposable provides a distraction. Even my goody two shoes Monk will regularly "talk.mad sh$t" to the enemies to get them to fight her. It's in her character and it works often enough at different tables. I made my case. I digress. I understand your point and it's not unreasonable even if nonagreeable.
@d20tactics Месяц назад
@@007ohboy Tanks in the sense of Main Battle Tanks, aka Armored Units, emphasize firepower, maneuverability, and survivability. In that sense, the Fighter qualifies. Tanks from MMOs and from 4th edition DnD include the ability to draw attention of the enemy away from friendlies. If the only requirement for a tank is survivability, then a lot of things start to qualify that don't make any sense: 5th level wizard with Fly can survive forever if it doesn't get hit. Unarmored Cleric constantly healing himself is a tank because he survives. Rogue that can hide better than the enemy can find him is a tank. If everything is a tank, nothing is tank. But if that's what you mean, then yes, strictly having a high AC counts. Yes, bottle necking the enemy is a good tanking tactic because it forces the foe to target someone they would rather not - which I argue is the point of the tank. It's easy to ignore targets that don't have any way of compelling you to attack them: just don't attack. If the most they can do is Oppy you when you walk away, maybe take it. If they Dodged on their turn, all the better, you're taking their Action and Reaction for one attack and no penalty. You are correct saying that having high AC, Saves, and Resistances are a bonus, but they are a bonus to everyone. A character isn't a frontliner because they have high AC, they are a frontliner because they have reliable grapple, sentinel movement locking, stun locking monk attacks, compelled duel, or really harsh opportunity attacks. If you do this at range, you are still a tank, we just call them controllers. It does the same thing.
@d20tactics Месяц назад
@@007ohboy Yeah, it's a great feeling when a character is able to manipulate the enemies using role-playing reasons. If it's through funny/thoughtful/dramatic dialogue, based on information gained by investigation and deduction, risky bluffs, or some other methods, it's usually entertaining for the whole party. The DM also tells the story through their choices, and I think you would agree that the Celestial acted against tactical conventions, but that's the story that the DM wants to tell: this NPC places value in the destruction of a specific enemy over the best tactical choice. I'm glad you brought this up because that's the goal of this channel from the DM's side: how to use the monsters tactically to tell the story you want to tell. I don't want people to think they have to run monsters this way, I want them to know how they can accomplish what they want to accomplish.
@007ohboy Месяц назад
One more tip. If you have good athletics, and you get grappled, instead of trying to use your whole action to get out of it, instead do the shove action. Its the same check but it only takes one attack action and if you have multiple attacks, you can do this multiple times. And bonus, you push them away 5 ft, get out of the grapple, and unless they have reach, you suffer no opportunity attacks. 😊
@d20tactics Месяц назад
Can't Shove the Roc, it's too big. This also doesn't work if the Grappler has more than 10ft of reach with the attack that grapples.
@007ohboy Месяц назад
Haha! The fighter is literally using my strategy. You bullrush in and start fighting. The whole point is to focus attacks on you so your team can just sit back and win. Problem is the fighter isnt the most optmized melee build like my Monk is who is built to take on multiple +10 attacks and walk away with maybe a small scratch. I get it. This is a tactics channel and so even the worst builds with good tactics can prevail. Thats why you have the most vanilla straight builds go through this. You want to highlight tactics everyone can use. Thats good.
@007ohboy Месяц назад
So you do allow fighters to tank it. See, when I said my Monk would block off a passage, it was said they would just ignore me and go past. Ive never really had a DM completely ignore melee charcaters that rush forward to create a frontline. And I dont see you doing that either. See, tanking in DnD is a thing, kids. Dont let the optimizers tell you different. Just because you cant grapple all the enemies and hold them 5ft from you in a circle doesnt mean defensive fighting is useless.😊
@d20tactics Месяц назад
I cover this in the intro to the first encounter in the dungeon, but I don't repeat it each time. You can find it at 2:50 in L13E1. My goal is to get as many adventurers down as possible, and the Fighter went down. If the goal were something else, that could change the tactics used, and in turn change the efficacy of the Fighter's choices. In this case, the party was able to succeed regardless of whether the monsters progressed in their goals. If the monster's goal was to specifically kill the wizard, the Fighter's tactic might not have been successful at preventing that.
@007ohboy Месяц назад
@d20tactics You know you are a frontliner when the party constantly shoves you up to the front to take most the pain while they sit back and fire away. "Tank Rank" achieved! 😀 It's said in your intros. I remember. It's more DM optimized moves than relying on lore depicting creature bahaviors. So if your using low int/wis monsters, they will still take the most optimal moves/targets. Most tables dont run like that. So creature behavior, like "dumb" oozes will attack the first thing they sense and aren't normally known for their optimized strategic planning. Or another example was my Armored Clocklock holding off a Devas attacks by aggroing it with the fact that the Clocklock is a Devil Worshipper. Even then, with smart enemies and/or DMs who purely tactically optimize, defensive fighting still works. I've played in 4 campaigns with the Mystical Monk and she works exactly as intended/theorized. I'm running two versions of her, one at 8th level in Tyranny of Dragons and another at level 20 in the Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Not getting hurt and sucking up healing resources is always a plus. Also, If I don't die, the party will live. Why? Aid, baby. Yes, the Mystical Monk can in fact bring up three dying allies with a bonus action if need be (quicken) and still continue batting away at the enemies. I regularly get out ahead of the party so I'm likely to be the only feasible target in immediate range a lot of times. I can't lock down the whole map with my sword and I don't know any melee build that can do that. That doesn't mean that some characters running toward the monsters as opposed to retreating and firing won't create a frontline of sorts. Frontline can be broken through, that's basically any military tactic ever and is also replicated on a football field. That doesn't mean you don't put the biggest baddest defensively build guys on the frontline. There are usually chokepoints that can be exploited which favors defensive fighting tactics. Even when enemies just run past you, that only means you don't have to waste any actions being defensive and can just go even more offensive. Booming Blade also seems to make enemies think twice about moving. Do you really want to move for two rounds taking AN EXTRA 2d8 thunder each time? Please do. That also feeds into her tactic. 9th level nova attack from the Mystical Monk would be a total of 3d8 slashing + 4d8 thunder + 4 magical for the +2 longsword. Not bad. Just because I describe the Mystical Monk as a specialized defensive melee build, it doesn't mean she can't put some major damage on the board that competes with normie fighters. With green flame blade I easily did 116 damage on one round by criting once and hitting the second target with two flame strikes after doing damage to the original enemy. That's not horrible. That works in a fight. The equation shouldn't be - the less damage you take = the less effective of a frontliner you are. That only leads to: You're not a good melee character if you can't go down in two rounds. ??? I would say having good defense is a plus as a frontliner. It's not everything. Barbs can eat damage and deal it out in turn. Fighters who don't specialize in defensive fighting should think about skirmishing when they can and flanking. They can still do alright as frontliners but if they just go all alone and do it themselves, they will probably get trampled on. I don't think being more easy to go down is the most optimal thing. Higher AC characters will have to factor in their high defenses when enemies get frustrating trying to wail on them and go for another target. Which is good because now I get to just sit back and wail away and not waste any actions defending. And if I dont die, I can just keep bringing up the Cleric and two others with a measly 2nd level slot. And then I also have control spells myself on top of all that. Thunderwave for instance. Blindness/Deafness and Tashas Hideous laughter for instance. This Monk is very versatile. Even then, any frontliner with better AC who isn't a Barb is going to enjoy life a lot more. AC isn't everything but it's certainly good to have.
@007ohboy Месяц назад
@@d20tactics I literally saved my whole party when we battled a half dragon named Rezmir and her goons by simply not dying and picking them up with potions we had in the bag. That's why I carry the bag, because I'm the least likely to go down. She has gone down a few times, but waaaaay far less than the rest of both her parties. There's different advantages/disadvantages for sure, but overall, a defensive minded melee character with average damage....not no damage as with a flying mage that does nothing else, but an active defensive fighter that can also deal out damage that no creature really wants. My Monk isn't a flying mage that doesn't even bother to fire off Firebolt, my Monk is a high AC well/balanced saves character that definitely stings her opponents in combat. Remember that I can take the dodge action as either a Bonus Action (Monk step of the wind) or an Action. Even if I do use my Action to Dodge, I still have a Hasted Action along with my UA Strike. Or I can even Dodge with my Action and then use my Hasted action to attack and then follow up with a bonus action Booming/Greenflame Blade with Quicken. I'm not even covering her ability to stun her opponents which she regularly does at higher levels or adding in Flurry of Blows. I wasn't kidding when I said this character is SUPER VERSATILE and can switch up her actions/Bonus actions for a lot of different things. And yes, I have plenty of Reasources to pull it off if I'm not getting hurt or better yet, being ignored. I don't have to recharge my Bastion of Law, I can instead charge up my Quicken attacks. I always start off defensive and conservative until I need to ramp it up. A lot of times I can just coast by doing two attacks and dodging while keeping my reaction ready for a counterspell, Shield or Absorb elements.
@007ohboy Месяц назад
My Shadow Sorcerer casts Hypnotic Pattern on the roc and 4 griffins. They all fail because their Wisdom sucks. And since they cant hold themselves up magically by hovering, they fall and die. We win! Give me a Staff of Power because I earned it. 😅 Sometimes shooting off 6th level spells isnt needed when one 3rd level spell will do the trick. 😊
@d20tactics Месяц назад
Yeah, that "Speed of 0" part is rough. The Roc's going to make it because it's like 90 damage at most, but the griffons probably aren't looking so good.
@danawolfe1619 Месяц назад
Okay, watched everything. Level 14 when? Level 15? etc. No lives allowed, must play all day, every day (sarcasm)
@d20tactics Месяц назад
I'm working on editing Level 14 right now, Level 15 has been recorded, and we're trying to schedule Level 16 soon. It takes much longer to edit these than it does to play them, so playing all day every day isn't possible, sadly. Also, we all have day jobs that don't include playing DnD, and at 93 views on this video at the time of this comment, I don't see that changing any time soon. But! You commented and you enjoyed it, so that certainly helps.
@007ohboy Месяц назад
First rule of combat, always take advantage of bottlenecks if you are a high AC defensive character. Instead of being further in, my Monk would have stood blocking up that passage right where it meets the wider area so my party can do its job - kill with th least amount of resources expended. "Mystical Monk" 3 Kensei Monk/8 Clockwork Sorcerer/2 Bladesinger Wizard. Amulent of Health. Winged boots, Headband of Intellect. Haste, Bladesong, throw a dagger at disadvantage,move and hold the position at the bottleneck. They come in, cat attacks. Who cares. My AC is 23 and 28 with shield spell. Even if they tried to knock me off, I have winged boots. Even if I didnt have those, I have Monk Slowfall and Bastion of Law 5d8 Damage Reduction. My Concentration saves would be 12. Oh and acrobatics? Thats like...with bladesong activated...calculating...its 13. 4 prof bonus + 4 Bladesong bonus + 5 Dex Bonus. I can also activate Freedom of Movement of If I need the help to get out of multiple grapples. 😊 When its my real first turn, Ill just take the Dodge Action, throw a Punch with the Hasted Action and then a Kick with UA Strike. So now my AC is 25 once Kensei Agile Parry is activated with the UA Strike and 30 with Shield and its at disadvantage.... People dont get my build online but once I bring it to the table, the tables get it and think its neat. Its my least powerful character but the most fun as a melee first character.
@d20tactics Месяц назад
Giants are Size: Huge and Huge creatures can move through Medium sized creatures, counting them as difficult terrain. In this case, there is no ceiling, so they would rather just running jump over you: anything with a strength of 16 or higher can high jump over a 6 foot tall adventurer, assuming there is no ceiling. I don't see an effective bottle neck here. You monk is an effective speed bump, and might earn 2 Opportunity Attacks, but I think it would be more effective to make attacks.
@007ohboy Месяц назад
@d20tactics Good point but they wouldnt even try to hit a 5'8" woman with no armor on? If the monsters move around her or ignore her, then I can just go nova. Action Booming Blade 1d8 +5 slashing 2d8 Thunder 3d8 Thunder if it moves. Hasted Longsword Strike 1d8 +5 Bonus Action Quicken Booming Blade 1d8 + 5 + 2d8 + 3d8 all over again. Only one moving Boom charge would go off of course if the monsters move. So when she needs to damage, she can do alright. I also can use green flame blade when I see them bunched up.
@d20tactics Месяц назад
@@007ohboy Yeah, the DM can insert an RP reason to ease up on the players if they think that's appropriate.
@007ohboy Месяц назад
Yes, you are correct. Theres a difference between detection and actually seeing something. Your sight is just one form of detection, you have hearing as well. Fog is great at blocking spells that require sight of the target. Fog cloud is not great at blocking fireballs because fireball doesnt require sight.
@007ohboy Месяц назад
Step aside, Wizard, I got this. Action Surge Clocklock 2 fighter/1 Warlock/10 Sorcerer. Ill take the 10 measly damage from the fog and after that, this Dragon is toast. I cast Phychic Lance 4th level and heighten it just to be a d!ck. Ill need a DC 17 Int check at disadvantage and take some phychic damage while youre at it. Lucky for me the White Dragon has an Int save of -1. Also, Action Surge Eldritch Agonizing Blizzast on that issazz. 😊 And now the dragon is drolling on itself. Ill just let the party wail on it as I keep it incompacitated round after round. We win. Damage report minimal. Loot gain? Priceless.😅😂 PSA: Remember kids,the weakest saves for dragons is almost always Intelligence. And now you know. And knowing is half the battle! GI Sorcerer!
@d20tactics Месяц назад
What if the DM remembers that the Dragon has legendary resistances and uses them to save against the lance? The Wizard is doing more with the unstoppable 4th level magic missile at 6d4+36 force damage than you are with a 7d6, saves for half the first three times.
@007ohboy Месяц назад
@d20tactics @d20tactics True. I forgot about LR. Alright, I'll just shoot 9 Eldritch Blasts with Hex attached. That's a possible 9d10 + 45 + 9d6 necrotic and only costs me two sorcery points, a 1st level spell, and an Action Surge. 1st round Hex Eldritch Blast 2nd round Action Surge EB Action AB Quicken EB.
@d20tactics Месяц назад
@@007ohboy that's 127 average potential with a .65 hit chance, for 82, little bit more with crits. Ten Magic Missiles does the same thing, divided up over a couple turns.
@flamingbull3438 Месяц назад
I was thinking of running something similar for some friends, I saw that you linked Seafoot Games for the maps. Is there a particular map pack of theirs that you tend to source the maps for these videos from?
@d20tactics Месяц назад
I bought the largest battle map pack they had at the time, which looks like the 1040 map pack on their site now. I'm not certain what's in it, but that looks closest to what I got.
@ChristnThms Месяц назад
It's interesting that there was no attempt at a persuasion check. Fire Giants are LAWFUL evil, have decent mentals, and love high quality craftsmanship. Considering the resources expended in defeating him, seems like at least TRYING to bribe him would have been smart.
@d20tactics Месяц назад
I love role playing solutions to problems in games, but that's not the premise of this channel. Maybe the giant already took a bribe from someone else. Maybe you botched persuasion roll? Maybe this was the giant that killed your father. There are infinitely many valid reasons that bribing would work to solve this encounter, and equally many reasons it wouldn't. The point of this channel is to showcase combat tactics so people who want to wrap up combat quickly and safely can do so, so the players know that every encounter is going to be a fight. In that context, spending actions trying to bribe him could do more harm than good.
@chiak333 Месяц назад
Fastest dragon fight ever. My last game took us 2.5 hours purely fighting a white dragon, and 2.5 players made it out >.>
@d20tactics Месяц назад
These videos are edited down so that only the relevant portions are shown. The pauses, counting squares, looking up rules, adding modifiers, and thinking deep tactical thoughts (or other things) are removed. The actual recorded time was 52 minutes, not including intro and outro credits. All of these players had played these characters for 5 encounters directly before this, so stats and abilities were fresh in everyone's mind, and everyone but TrainRex had played these characters dozens of times before. We also develop a culture of playing quickly, and we don't do any roleplay during the fights. There are a lot of differences, but a 2.5 hour nail biter of a fight sounds like it could be a fun time.
@FearNoEqual Месяц назад
"What spell wouldn't you bring?" Me: "Banishment." Several months later, I don't mind saying: I was wrong here. Banishment is fantastic.
@josephstrassfield7921 Месяц назад
Underrated channel! 🎉
@d20tactics Месяц назад
Thank you! That's kind of you to say
@freecrucian Месяц назад
almost caught up to L13. Watching through the levels its interesting to see the "strength" of the PC's in comparison to the standard 6 medium encounters. Incredibly interested to see how this goes in tier 4 play, and any ideas for what sort of series you guys will do after L20.
@d20tactics Месяц назад
We have a bunch of ideas bouncing around, but he haven't settled on any yet
@ethanotto5760 Месяц назад
Thank you for the advice regarding a burrow speed. Will be implementing it in the big fight in my next section
@d20tactics Месяц назад
It can be a strong defensive buff, but recognize that might not be advantageous in every scenario. You will loose some offensive output, so if that's more important, maybe don't burrow.
@Rogo250 Месяц назад
Probably late to the party but I think that the shark should not have disadvantage to hit the invisible Marid. Probably interpretable by the DM but my reasoning: An invisible creature is impossible to see without the aid of magic or a 'Special sense'. Blindsight should count for that 'special sense' part. and having a swimming speed gives no disadvantage to it's attacks. Still very cool underwater level and fight. Love the series. Keep it up.
@d20tactics Месяц назад
I'm glad you enjoyed it, we hope to keep going for as long as people are interested in watching. The Invisible conditions says, "Attack rolls against the creature have disadvantage, and the creature’s attack rolls have advantage." There are no caveats or conditions, it just imposes disadvantage on incoming hits. If the shark were trying to cast Magic Missile, which requires that it see the target, Blindsight would help with that, but I don't see anything in Blindsight that says it removes the penalty to hit imposed by invisibility. Contrast this with the Blur spell which specifically calls out Blindsight as nullifying the effect. The Invisible condition doesn't do that.
@Rogo250 Месяц назад
would not have made much of a difference but at 6:45 the Rogue should have taken only half dmg from the fireball because of evasion even if he failed the dex save
@d20tactics Месяц назад
Good catch, that's certainly true.
@leslierobinson8724 Месяц назад
Good stuff. Once again the environment had the potential to play an even bigger role in this combat. I'm really looking forward to the next battle. Take care all.
@d20tactics Месяц назад
Yeah, I really like the maps that have dynamic elements that present other options and hazards.