Ascendant Fiction
Ascendant Fiction
Ascendant Fiction
The channel of Author, Historian, Soldier, & Ninja Warrior Yakov Merkin. Home to discussions of writing, science fiction and fantasy, & anime, along with some Ninja Warrior training. And some memes too.
Girls Und Panzer Character Analysis: Nonna
5 месяцев назад
Channel Update Video: Plans for 2024!
5 месяцев назад
Girls Und Panzer Character Analysis: Katyusha
5 месяцев назад
Amaranth Angels Full Trailer
8 месяцев назад
Amaranth Angels Teaser Trailer
9 месяцев назад
Meet the Amaranth Angels (Part 1)
9 месяцев назад
Girls Und Panzer Character Analysis: Anchovy
9 месяцев назад
@Danzel_Gaming 5 часов назад
Some funny norwegian pipes:🗿
@Kuudere-Kun 9 часов назад
Anime as a whole is under greater threat of potential censorship from the LDP then the average western fan realizes. So it wouldn't surprise me of that aspect of the Pilots Exposition was in part there to placate the LDP for the time being. But now that the franchise is essentially to big to fail they can expose how they actually feel about. The lead writer of Girls und Panzer is Reiko Yoshida who in my view has a good track record of being a progressive writer but not preachy about it.
@isaacrodriguez4773 14 часов назад
Girls und Panzer Animation is like 3D especially the Views of a person and a Tank like like how Disney Animation Movies had views in the 2000’s.
Yeah 😂
@garrettviewegh9028 День назад
Can’t help but wonder, do the girls wake up from the obvious con, and blast away those trying to indoctrinate them? I mean, giving people tanks would be bad news if they were to revolt.
@garrettviewegh9028 2 дня назад
Arizona to Eagle Union as she cries and sinks: “Promise me, you won’t forget me? Don’t let their deaths be in vain”.
@lighthousegravyP51 2 дня назад
That whole video blew over me. I didn't get what was going on or what we were fooled about.
@Axzealot 2 дня назад
Fun fact during cape matapan a night engagement happened and formidable used her secondaries against the italian ships. Makes her the only carrier to fight up close with her secondaries.
@turbopokey 3 дня назад
I don’t even know what’s going on. I keep meaning to watch that show but then I forget to as something else comes up usually Isekai. I heard fooled and Girls und Panzer and for some reason all I could think of was a small very girl cute boy dressing up like a girl in order to bust into the sport because he really loves tanks and the sport and turns out he’s some kind of tactical genius. Then of course his team finds out but they want to win so they try to keep it quiet that he’s actually a guy, and it just kind of progresses along the same lines from there. Obviously there are some problems, primarily being that if it’s a girls only sport and he’s found to be a guy all their progress would be taken away from them and the team will be busted back down to zero. But maybe that could explain why it’s a girls only sport. Anyway that’s what I was taking from the “fooled us all” title. (Yes, I’m also aware that this is a complete flip on the trope of “girl dresses up like a boy to enter boys only sport and then wins everything“, But because it’s a flip it brings more attention to it.)
@richardthomas9497 3 дня назад
I just noticed that Nonna took out the Rabbit Team twice herself.
@TheMalootrager 4 дня назад
One thing that bugged me about Girls und panzer was the part as shown here about the girls learning the skills and traits of the maiden but when you see the other schools with their students they don’t seem to show those traits well maybe St Gloriana does, Kuramorimine on the other hand shows more strict girls always serious don’t to seem to show much emotions or feeling like Maho shows but that’s mainly because of the expectations of the Nishizumi family and style, then you have Erika who shows more arrogance to others like in the cafe scene when she talks to Miho, Saori, Hana, Mako and Yukari That’s just my thought about this anyway
@KillerOrca 4 дня назад
I mean, I dunno, you show me a girl who can drift a multi-ton armored vehicle and I'd be looking at a future wife, just saying.
@PeixeDePeruca 4 дня назад
😀🤌 🍕🍕
Mark my words: Anzu will become the Prime Minister of Japan or the head of the largest Yakuza crime family in the county.
@gokbay3057 3 дня назад
Could be both as well lol.
@GuPKay 4 дня назад
GuP is the best series, I don’t know how it ain’t more popular
@EdyAlbertoMSGT3 20 часов назад
The western world is full of animephobia
@primefactors888 4 дня назад
i did take it on face value, holy story writing
@senioravocado1864 4 дня назад
You are not immune to propaganda
@matthiuskoenig3378 4 дня назад
I believe in suplimentary materials it's stated that it became an all girls sport around ww2. My theory is that, despirate for manpower, Japan desided to monilize women as tankers in their universe (encouraging the remaining men to be the more physically danding jobs like infantry and engineers) and they continued this trend during the cold War due to the manpower discrepancies between Japan (and other American allies in East Asia) and the communists there. And now it's just tradition.
@KillerOrca 4 дня назад
The fact we see an A7V and MK IV "lozange" would hint at it being even further back, possibly just post WWI
@AltaniNerdAuRa 5 дней назад
The funny thing is that it is easy to believe that all the schools are required to show that video and/or it is the one shown at Kuromorimine with the script to be read off by the team captain for that year. Also, if you take note, the woman central in that propaganda film is none other than Shiho Nishizumi herself at a younger age.
That would be incredible if that is indeed a young Shiho in the film. *MIND BLOWN*
@gokbay3057 3 дня назад
@@AZOSSHISTORIAN I mean, they are clearly shown in Kuromorimine uniforms so yeah it might well be that Shiho is in the video.
@AnimeCommander1 3 дня назад
@@AltaniNerdAuRa Highly unlikely since that video seems to be during Senshado's golden years (1960s to 1970s) and Shiho is only 39 years (2012).
@Real_courier_trust 3 дня назад
That young? That would mean she had Miho at 19 no?​@@AnimeCommander1
@gallendugall8913 5 дней назад
I dunno. Anime stuff aside tanker women are hot IRL. A woman who works with giant killer machines? I'd marry one.
@md_vandenberg 5 дней назад
I took it at face value (and never thought of it again) because I was watching a show that deals with high school girls engaging in war games in fucking tanks. You're not supposed to take any of this serious. Anyone "offended" by the propaganda film is an asshat and deserves to be offended.
@generalseal6948 5 дней назад
imagine if the purpose of the sport is actually so japan can have a list of people who are already trained in using tanks that can be conscripted if a war breaks out
@Venator-Class_Star_Destroyer 5 дней назад
I always thought it was an actual video from 1939 that got colourized As for Yuzu I just thought she was reading the video's script This led me to the belief that in WW2. All armed forces were unsegregated for men and women, as the video always struck me as being a German production because of the tanks, uniforms and buildings
@Iron_Soil 5 дней назад
very nice worldbuilding only if df3 ova had the same level of it I HATE DF3 OVA IT MADE THE ENTIRE THING SO MESSY
@charlessapp1835 5 дней назад
I consider that OVA a fun non-canonical story.
@AnimeCommander1 3 дня назад
@@Iron_Soil How so? That OVA didn't really have any conflicting worldbuilding as I recall
@arrick4132 5 дней назад
Any explanation on why all the captains were so stunned except for Nishi Kinuyo who had a smile on her face?
@BaronVonMott 3 дня назад
As I understand it (and I may be wrong here), the video makes an appeal to more conservative, traditionalist values - and Nishi is from the one school that lionises the older Japanese cultural elements. That's my interpretation, anyway.
@fesco4752 5 дней назад
3:13 your know shit is seroius when even darjeeling is shoked
@dc-101 5 дней назад
Mika is prolly shocked as well lol
@AnimeCommander1 5 дней назад
I think the biggest trick Girls und Panzer pulled on everyone was the aircraft carrier reveal. While there was foreshadowing in Episode 1 to suggest they were on a military installation or even a ship (the normal Japanese school bell being replaced with what sounds like a naval ship alarm), we barely had enough time to process the insane idea that they could quite possibly be on a ship. Which even if we did correctly assume was the case, I don't think anyone could have possibly foreseen that they were living on a MASSIVE AIRCRAFT CARRIER WITH AN ENTIRE SCHOOL ON IT.
@juncheok8579 5 дней назад
Not just the school, towns and stuff too
@dantran9962 4 дня назад
@@juncheok8579 I read that in Anakin Skywalker voice for some reason.
@BaronVonMott 3 дня назад
And then, later on, the size comparison to St Gloriana's Ark Royal reveals that the Oorai is one of the SMALLEST school-ships! 😂
@jjimlee7009 3 дня назад
You know, they showed the carrier in the promo art but no one noticed exactly why a carrier was in it about an anime that was about tanks.
@AnimeCommander1 3 дня назад
@@jjimlee7009 It is a small thing that no one would pay any mind to. Also that promo art was released a bit of time before it aired, so people were thinking that maybe the navy will help them transport the tanks to various places around the world. No one expected a whole school and functioning town to be on the carrier itself. It had been done before in anime, often as giant mecha being used as mobile bases (Gundam and SDF Macross being prime examples). But a slice-of-life anime having a beautiful town situated on top of an aircraft carrier was definitely a unique idea Mizushima and his staff came up with.
@rdfox76 5 дней назад
My understanding is that, according to supplemental materials only available in Japan, senshadou being a girls-only sport is related to three issues. First off, it apparently started out when Gottlieb Daimler, Karl Benz, and Ettore Bugatti's wives all bought tankettes in the early 20s and started absolutely terrorizing the roads of Europe by racing all over the continent in them, with doing so becoming popular to the point that the 24 Heures du Mans (24 Hours of Le Mans) ended up adding a tank/tracked vehicle category by the end of the decade, and as soon as people start having tanks, they're going to start having war games in them with paint rounds, too. Secondly, there was apparently a case of letting men participate in one match in the late 1930s, but they took it far too seriously and started fighting for real; while it's never specified, it's somewhat implied that this is actually what set off World War Two in Europe in the GuP universe. Third, and most importantly, senshadou is girls-only in Japan because it's seen as a feminine martial art in much the same way that kyuudou (the way of the bow) and naginatadou (the way of the naginata, a Japanese polearm) are traditionally seen as feminine and teaching feminine virtues. That said, much as the gender divide in real-world martial arts styles has been eroding heavily in Japan in the postwar era, the "feminine" mystique of senshadou has been eroding in the GuPverse for the last few decades--witness one of the freshmen commenting, during the lunchroom scene in episode 1, that her boyfriend left her because he was sick of hearing about tanks, for example. So I'd say that while the Student Council did create the narration for the propaganda film from whole cloth, I'd also say that their extolling its femininity and benefits in learning feminine virtues wasn't a complete ass-pull on their parts; they just brought up the traditional attitude towards it as a way to try and better sell it. ...and now I'm suddenly pondering. Do you think, given the skill she's since showed at video editing, the Student Council might have actually drafted Yukari to put together the B-roll for that narration?
@panagiotisgr8070 5 дней назад
WAIT WHAT. I could guess the third easily, the second to a lesser degree, BUT THE FIRST?! Is this for real?
@arrick4132 5 дней назад
No way this was actually true, where did you find this information
@zenjamibu 5 дней назад
@@arrick4132it’s translation from the history of Senshado found on the booklet included on the Japanese GuP TV anime Blu-rays.
@PzIV-E 5 дней назад
"Why do women live longer than men?" Men:
@panagiotisgr8070 5 дней назад
@@PzIV-E honestly in the GuP universe it's a miracle even women live as long as they do.
@generalspitfire01 5 дней назад
I questioned it. When I first saw it, I was like, "Wouldn't this give the girls PTSD or something like that. Why say it will make a girl a better wife or such when that said girl or girls were being shot at by all different calibers of tank guns"
@synthystation 5 дней назад
Stug life!!!
@fanusobscurus4309 5 дней назад
Im just imagining all of them suddenly realizing that THIS is what managed to motivate the utterly terrifying demons of Oarai to start forming
@Is_This_Really_Necessary 4 дня назад
There's also a massive Su Tsu vibe there, where if the option to flee is forcibly removed then the only other option is to fight. So Orai being forced to fight to ensure their school isn't closed down played a major part in them becoming a major a player. This forced to fight response became even more apparent due to the fact that the tanks they had were leftovers that the other schools didn't want, so not only were they forced to make do with the tanks they had they were also forced to employ tactics and strategies in unconventional warfare in order to survive. Compare that to the other schools that not had the money to buy the tanks they specifically wanted to field, but each had a very distinct approach of conventional warfare that was ill-suited when going up against the unpredictable methods Orai employed throughout the series. In a way, one could say that Girls und Panzer unintentionally (perhaps indirectly) reflects how conventional armies of the Western powers have difficulties fighting against opponents in the Middle East and Asia who rely on unconventional tactics in order to win. (E.g. The Vietnam War, the Aghanistan and Iraq War, etc.)
@landscapedetective4064 5 дней назад
Anzu: "Now for the sanctification ritual." Momo: "Please tell me it's in the name of Jesus." Anzu: "Sort of..."
@rdfox76 5 дней назад
Momo: "Well, the Char B1 is fine. Unfortunately, *corpses* ." Everyone: "Oh, god. ANZU!" Anzu: "I am an artist, and I will *not* be censored!"
@janslavik5284 5 дней назад
Saori: "Anzu ate a guy!" Anzu: "I ATE A GUY!"
@landscapedetective4064 3 дня назад
@@rdfox76 Momo: "Let me put it this way. Do you really have that much faith in your team mates?" Miho: "No. I do, however, have faith in Yukari." Momo: "Yukari? What...Oooooh no!" Prisencolinensinainciusol
@landscapedetective4064 3 дня назад
@@janslavik5284 Hana: "You put a bomb on it, didn't you?" Miho: "What? Of course I didn't. Are you insane?....I just...syphoned the gas a little." *SPLOSH* Hana: "Well, they're dead."
@rdfox76 3 дня назад
@@landscapedetective4064 Yukari (on video): "Ah, shit, I spilled the sauce all over me!" Miho: "Oh, so THAT'S why you look like someone tossed a grenade into a nursery." Yukari (live): "Not *all* problems have to be solved through violence." Anzio student (video): "Ey, she spill-a da sauce! GET HER!" Yukari (live): "This one, however, did."
@sebastianalvaradocolon5983 5 дней назад
Now that I really think about it, it does kinda make sence, with the whole Western idea of Feminism, Traditional values are seen as increasingly "oppressive". How they took irl stuff and put it in an anime about girls driving WW2 tanks is beyond me, im assuming that they are playing the long game.
@randomcenturion7264 5 дней назад
Happy Independence Day 🇺🇸
@user-qw7cl8tw5x 5 дней назад
unrelated silly question but where can i find das finale 4 and its ovas :<
@ascendantfiction7220 5 дней назад
The various unofficial anime streaming sites should have it, as well as nyaa (for downloading).
@user-qw7cl8tw5x 5 дней назад
many thanks
@janslavik5284 5 дней назад
@@user-qw7cl8tw5x do you mean... *many tanks?* i'll see myself out
@user-qw7cl8tw5x 4 дня назад
preferably legally but id like to hear anything you got.. many TANKS
@Delta-2-0 4 дня назад
@@user-qw7cl8tw5x reply got filtered twice check my first reply
@ferrariman195 5 дней назад
Anzu is the master at fooling people
@Lestibournes 5 дней назад
Awaiting the release of new content and merch. Also the opening of your discord so that I can spam you.
@ascendantfiction7220 5 дней назад
I'll get to setting up a Discord eventually
@Lestibournes 5 дней назад
@@ascendantfiction7220 Me waiting for your Discord server: 💀
@dantran9962 5 дней назад
Also make sense for Nishi to be the only one to enjoy the Oorai video. From a school who is deeply rooted in traditional values of course she would be sway by a propaganda video about traditional values.
@KaedeSenou 4 дня назад
There’s also the one from the Viking school.
@inductivegrunt94 5 дней назад
Anzu played 4d chess on us all! I knew she was brilliant and cunning, but not this much. It guess it was a miracle anyone joined the Oarai team, yet we, the fans, all, or at least many, reacted in the opposite fashion. I kinda took the video at face value, but heavily questioned how driving tanks could make a girl more womanly. Anzu really played the longest con in the series, even tricking fans watching the show into believing the fabricated propaganda video. That's how cunning Anzu is, to break the 4th wall to con us fans as well. We really needed to watch out for Oarai's devious dried sweet potato snacking student president.
@HZStudios2023 5 дней назад
They fooled us??!?!?!?!??? *THEY FOOLED US!!!!!!!!!*
@HZStudios2023 5 дней назад
first btw pin pls??? 👉👈
@rfchannel762 6 дней назад
The scene Erika talking to Maho on laptop, which film is it?
@GuPKay 6 дней назад
Best show
@keion_arknights 6 дней назад
Also note her being on the starboard side represents the superstructure island on the real thing, and Hiryuu mirrors this on the port side
@inductivegrunt94 12 дней назад
Erika thought Maho was Commander Nishizumi, but here Maho was Miho's big sister.
@youdontneedtoknow6621 12 дней назад
Glad she got her own arch and found her own style, series never fails to surprise me with how it develops its characters
@TheIncredible2IC 12 дней назад
I like how she's literally the only character in the entire series to have unrealistic anime hair, and how hee teammates assume she wears a wig because of that.
@sihocolus 12 дней назад
i dont get where you all got the information that the Train wouldve been retired, it is still in service with new Liveries. (for example, one of the wagons has the Garupan characters as little children as new livery.)
@ahnafusaid8028 14 дней назад
I always thought that she never hated Miho but rather liked her. Like a tsundere character
@SavingHex 15 дней назад
m24 climbing a roller coaster: this is realistic heck yeah!
@SupiSuki 15 дней назад
can't believe I can visit my wife irl