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Best HFY Sci-Fi Stories: Watching
22 часа назад
Best HFY Sci-Fi Stories: Above Us All
2 часа назад
Best HFY Sci-Fi Stories: Of Earth
2 часа назад
Best HFY Sci-Fi Stories: Downhill Speed
7 часов назад
Best HFY Sci-Fi Stories: The Shopping Cart
12 часов назад
Best HFY Sci-Fi Stories: Demons
14 часов назад
@illesizs 35 минут назад
Humanity, Feck -Yeah!- Humanity, Feck *You!*
@nathanpatrick2418 37 минут назад
This is what happens to my stellaris empire after I win
@fuzzyboy9757 2 часа назад
@ponocni1 2 часа назад
I would recommend to xenos to hold really fucking big stick and talking calmly.
@chongwillson972 2 часа назад
@ponocni1 by the way its sounds humans will still try to kill them no matter what.
@blikizz9355 3 часа назад
terra firma
@milocebatron5249 3 часа назад
Good work Narrator. NO! BAD WORDSMITH! NO HWTF!
@ireallyreallyhategoogle 4 часа назад
Things are looking up in the capital, but Tom's going to have to be very careful what he drinks from now on.
@juhasznagyjozsef 4 часа назад
Midwit take: "Look how big the galaxy is, don't you feel insignificant?" High IQ take: "We'll either conquer it, or blow it all up."
@sigmar4564 4 часа назад
Remember Humanity First
@FeedMeSalt 4 часа назад
I still wanna know what green dragon's do if blacks spit acid. Wait. Greens spit poison. Nvm not much difference if the poison is strong enough tbh
@ireallyreallyhategoogle 4 часа назад
The inquisition, interesting. That black dragon needs some of Tom's lessons.
@Zsoltosz1 4 часа назад
Sory but no. I hate when it is HWTF. I hate 40K and anything resembling it. The dislike is gona be for what the story represents and not your work.
@naifakasi4597 4 часа назад
This story isn’t inspired by 40k but it is inspired by America’s manifest destiny in the North American continent and its genocide against the native peoples but its in space
@chongwillson972 2 часа назад
@@naifakasi4597 even then its total genocide.
@quirkyturtle6652 2 часа назад
To be fair 40K isn’t purely genocide the xenos but that is what the lecticio preaches. Humanity does what it needs to to survives and if that happens to be allying with the eldar or necrons because why not then fuck it. Plus the eldar and Tau kinda don’t like other races but for different reasons. The Tau prefer to incorporate them peacefully or forcefully and the eldar are like basically looking at makings figuring out tools. This story is nothing like 40K and this story is pure HWTF for the sake of it
@chongwillson972 2 часа назад
@@quirkyturtle6652 too bad the imperium is god awful at protecting the xeno life they promised they would protect. hell, there was that one xeno species that was under complete protection of the imperium but were hunted to extinction due hunting them and turning them into age regressing cream that quickly backfires hard and became useless.
@Zsoltosz1 8 минут назад
@@naifakasi4597 At least some of the natives are stil around. The aliens in this storys Milkyway galxy are not so furtunate. And humanity in 40K also folows a form of manifest destini. So same diference. Edit: errors
@Primearch-GG 4 часа назад
Humanity after "religious" drug overdose.😅😅😅
@baaa838 4 часа назад
Damn, we really are dickheads huh
@NovaGirl8 4 часа назад
a HWTF?! story for sure
@gilbertplays 4 часа назад
First to comment, First to colonize.
@ireallyreallyhategoogle 4 часа назад
Tom's wounded, suffering from blood loss, and he has taken painkillers and alcohol. Surely he's making all the best decisions.
@FeedMeSalt 4 часа назад
"who says I could"... And we just got confirmation about how the blades work... Man I swear if this is heavy foreshadowing for way later I'll be upset. Also I have felt some name of thrones influence with some of this lately
@ireallyreallyhategoogle 5 часов назад
Wow, really, kidnapping? They are completely hopeless. The Flaxen need to be stripped of all titles and have all their assets seized.
@MasterElements 5 часов назад
I got got, and I am a large enjoyer of this meme
@tejcaffe2658 5 часов назад
legoshi evolved into a zacian and that just makes me laugh
@ireallyreallyhategoogle 5 часов назад
WHAT?! The talk with her sister, but don't mention she lost a kid?
@tejcaffe2658 5 часов назад
i was just going to comment on being able to hear the smile on netnarrators face but then he started snickering and before i could type anything it was full on laughter so now my comment changed to this
@ireallyreallyhategoogle 5 часов назад
Tom's lucky he gets to snuggle like that.
@Neo1708. 6 часов назад
Looks like dragon meat is (going to be) back on the menu, boys! >:D ~Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin naal ok zin los vahriin~ Only now, this time in power armor!
@ireallyreallyhategoogle 6 часов назад
Now then, who could the incompetent stalker work for?
@josefhyatt2780 6 часов назад
Never rob a man / or alien of their blessing...
@MaitlandJones 6 часов назад
On a side note, your Info sheet on the reddit story would be useful linked here too. Helped me fill in some blanks with how certain character's looked.
@MaitlandJones 6 часов назад
*When Luvia finds out Jack's in her territory* *Boss music* ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-hcFtjdpDOtA.html
@ireallyreallyhategoogle 6 часов назад
Nope, it has nothing to do with the amount of copper, it is in fact the number of loops that's important.
@drumdust 6 часов назад
Apes together strong.
@terricon4 6 часов назад
Well, just ask for confirmation, in the case of an individual committing an act of harming the library, if they were forced to by a contract, would they be the target of the punishment, or the person who controlled them through the contract? And then clarify if possibly on the severity of the punishment, for each of those members. Possibly if, in exchange for information held on the individual who controlled the contracted, and thus is arguably at fault, or at least possibly able to know the person above them more directly, they would also lessen the "fault" or "punishment" for the individual who was forced by the contract.
@ireallyreallyhategoogle 7 часов назад
Ok, so the Flaxen tried bribery and when that didn't work they tried threats. I think the Flaxen are going to have a very bad few decades, if the family survives.
@Saeryfim 7 часов назад
Look on the bright side, Krench... the nova cascade of your extinction will make a beautiful show.
@marshallgaunt1801 7 часов назад
It’s very amusing the author’s political statements in this chapter after he brings up Shelby Foote.
@ireallyreallyhategoogle 7 часов назад
Tom 4, Dark Knights 0
@ireallyreallyhategoogle 7 часов назад
Tom 3, Dark Knights 0
@anathardayaldar 7 часов назад
I'm all about the cargo pants. I know that's not fashionable. But if cargo pants are wrong, then I don't want to be right.
@AmbroseBoaBowie 7 часов назад
suuch a waist of time
@IaIaCthulhuFtagn 7 часов назад
Sux to be Ilanor. Though I wouldn't be surprised if Emma didn't redirect the libraries ire to the true culprit the headmaster who gave the order.
@ireallyreallyhategoogle 7 часов назад
Not much of a sniper.
@Neo1708. 8 часов назад
All hail our new cuddly overlord: Buddy, the fox! :3
@AmbroseBoaBowie 8 часов назад
I hate this so much
@AmbroseBoaBowie 8 часов назад
I am fully convinced that there is someone else that he let write this book at this point. How old are you go Hathaway into the chapter and still have no action despite the buildup! I swear this is some of the worst rating I’ve seen in a long time, so I am convinced that the person right now is not the person that has been writing before
@AmbroseBoaBowie 8 часов назад
A quantum super computer calculating over 1,000,000 miles of circuits, and using only one 1 1000th of nano fiber, would not come within 1 billion of how much I do not care about ferodious! I already thought it was a boring character that added nothing to the story besides minor side plot, and instead, we’re getting an entire eight chapters of him! I have come to hate this character with every fiber in my body, and my rage is equally directed at the author, for forcing me to so much of my time hearing about him, and so far adding absolutely nothing to the main story. I am literally tempted to put down the story and never come back. However I know I’m not a good mood at the moment, so I’m going to endure this. However. Author, if in the unlikely can read this . Just know, I hate this character. I hate the fact he was conceived, I hate the fact that you had to make so many chapters about the side character. As amazing at the story is, I’m going to have HALF the respect I used to have for it going forward, out of spite for my hatred of Furodious. He’s a bad character and I hate that you had to stop the story just to give us this garbage that you could have easily never put to paper, and lost nothing because of it. Stop using flashbacks as plot points because they do nothing but interrupt the flow of the story, and keep going with the actual good parts!
@sleeping2696 8 часов назад
The voice in your head grew up with you
@ViperBlade42 8 часов назад
Emma's armor is blue? there goes my headcanon
@TheDandyMann 5 часов назад
I thought it was green and gray, now I'm imagining the blueberry astartes 😂
@AmbroseBoaBowie 8 часов назад
@ireallyreallyhategoogle 8 часов назад
Tom has the right idea, but Zarko's right about them trying to get whatever big thing they have with them away.
@AmbroseBoaBowie 8 часов назад
OK, I see the problem. Yes I could care less about these characters asie from them adding to the continued story. But I’m realizing what is pissing me off so much about it. There’s too much pointless details on the actions done by the characters. Literally there is one paragraph that is nothing more than detail on how someone is drinking tea. Knock it the heck off and continue with the story.